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Knowledge of Common Problems of Newborn Among Prim

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Original Article

Knowledge of Common Problems of Newborn Among

Primi Mothers Admitted in a Selected Hospital for Safe
K. C. Leena, Deepthi A. Koshy1, Denna Thankachen1, Deepa Thomas1,
Deepa R. Varghese1, Delcy S. Fernandes1
Department of Community Health Nursing, 1Basic B.Sc. Nursing, Father Muller College of Nursing,
Mangalore, Karnataka, India

A bstract
Background: Among the almost 3.9 million newborn deaths that occur worldwide, about 30% occur in India. Children are our
future and utmost precious resources. After birth the health of the child depends upon the health care practice adopted by the
family, especially by the mothers. Information about neonatal problems and newborn care practices will help in reducing mortality
and morbidity during the neonatal period. This study was conducted to identify the knowledge of primi mothers with regard to
the common problems of normal neonates. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was carried out among the mothers of
neonates in the Maternity Unit of a Medical College Hospital in Mangalore. A pretested structured knowledge questionnaire was
used to collect information from 60 primi mothers, who were admitted for safe confinement for a one‑month period. Results: The
findings of the study show that the majority, that is, 27 (45%) of the primi mothers had a good knowledge of all the areas such as
vomiting, regurgitation, diaper rash, umbilical cord infection, fever, constipation, and diarrhea. About 20 (33.3%) had very good
knowledge and about 13 (21.67%) had an average level of knowledge on the common problems of newborns. Knowledge about
vomiting was average among 34 (56.67%), poor in 21 (35%), and good in five (8.33%). Knowledge about diaper rash was average
among 36 (60%), good among 21 (35%), and poor among three (5%). Knowledge on umbilical cord infection was average in 29 (48.33%),
good in 27 (45%), and poor in 4 (6.67%). Knowledge on fever was good in 38 (63.33%), average in 19 (31.66%), and poor in three (5%).
Knowledge on constipation and diarrhea were average in 38 (63.34%), good in 11 (18.33%), and poor in 11 (18.33%). No association
was found between the knowledge of primi mothers and selected baseline variables, such as, age, education, religion, occupation,
type of family or area of dwelling. Conclusion: The study concludes that there is a need to provide adequate information to first‑time
mothers about common newborn problems and this will help mothers care for their newborns better.

Keywords: Common neonatal problems, knowledge of primi mothers, newborn care

Introduction Although the global under‑five mortality rate has declined over
the past few decades, neonatal mortality still remains high.
Children are our future and utmost precious resources. Globally four million deaths occur every year in the first month
The physical and mental well‑being of an individual depends of life. Almost all (99%) neonatal deaths occur in the low‑income
on the correct management of events in the perinatal period. and middle‑income countries. In India alone, around one million
After the birth of the child, its health depends upon the health babies die each year before they complete their first month of life,
care practice adopted by the family, especially by mothers. For all contributing to one‑fourth of the global burden. The neonatal
babies the interval between onset of illness and death can be in mortality rate in India was 32 per 1000 live births in the year
a matter of minutes or hours.It is, therefore, very important for 2010, a high rate that has not declined much in the last decade.
us to recognize and plan for the care of a newborn.[1] The report, released recently at the National Conference on Child
Access this article online Survival and Development in New Delhi, claims that of the
Quick Response Code: roughly 26 million children born in India each year, 1.2 million

Address for correspondence: Prof. Leena K.C., Father Muller

DOI: College of Nursing, Kankanady,
10.4103/2249-4863.141609 Mangalore – 575 002, Karnataka, India.

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 204 July 2014 : Volume 3 : Issue 3
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Leena, et al.: Knowledge of common problems of newborn among primi mothers

die during the first four weeks, that is, 30% of the 3.9 million group, and seven (11.67%) were in the age group of 16-20 years.
global neonatal deaths.[2] The highest, 20  (33.3%) primi mothers, had completed high
school, 19  (31.67%) secondary education, and nine  (15%)
To reduce the neonatal mortality rate, home‑based neonatal care primary level education. The majority, 36 (60%), were Muslims,
should be actively initiated through the National Rural Health 20 (33.33%) Hindus, and four (6.67%) Christians. The highest,
(NRHM) and integrated management of neonatal and childhood 35 (58.33%), were from a joint family, 16 (31.6%) from a nuclear
illness (IMNCI). An added capacity of Auxiliary Nurse Midwives family, and six  (10%) from an extended family. The majority,
(ANMs) and accredited social health activists (ASHAs), for careful 36 (56.67%) of the primi mothers, were from rural areas. The
tailoring of behavior change according to the local context, will majority, 46 (76.67%) primi mothers, were unemployed.
bring about positive change and significant improvements in
newborn care at home and neonatal mortality [Tables 1 and 2].[3] Association between knowledge of primi mothers on common
neonatal problems with selected baseline variables: Chi square
Care practices immediately after delivery play a major role in values computed between knowledge of primi mothers and
causing neonatal morbidities and mortalities. The essential selected baseline variables, average (x2 = 0.217), education
newborn care practices outlined to decrease neonatal morbidity (x2 = 0.006), occupation (x2 = 0.184), religion (x2 = 0.360), Type
and mortality include clean cord care, thermal care, and initiating of family (x2 = 0.477), and area of dwelling (x2 = 0.188), are less
breast feeding immediately after birth. The purpose of this study than 3.18. Therefore, the null hypothesis is accepted and research
is to assess the knowledge of primi mothers with regard to hypothesis is rejected.
neonatal ailments, their prevention, and management.
Materials and Methods
In the present study the knowledge level on constipation
This descriptive study was carried out among mothers of neonates and diarrhea shows that 38  (63.34%) had an average level of
in the Maternity Unit of a Medical College Hospital in Mangalore. knowledge, about 11 (18.33%) had a good level of knowledge, and
A pretested structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect 11 (18.33%) had a poor level of knowledge. A descriptive study
information from 60 primi mothers, who were admitted for safe was conducted to assess the knowledge attitude and practice of
confinement, for a one‑month period. Permission was obtained neonatal care among postnatal mothers in a tertiary care hospital,
from the concerned authorities of the hospital and ethical clearance South India among 100 postnatal mothers. Knowledge of mothers
was obtained from the Institutional Ethical Committee and written was inadequate in areas of umbilical cord care (35%), thermal
consent was obtained from the participants. care (76%) and vaccine preventable diseases. Nineteen percentage
of them still practice oil instillation into nostrils of newborns and
Results 61% of them administer gripe water to their babies.[4] Another
study to assess the risk factors for umbilical cord infection among
Sample characteristics: The majority, 43 (71.67%), were in the newborns of Southern Nepal, among 17,198 newborns, identified
age group of 21-25 years, 10 (16.6%) were in the 26-30‑year‑old 954  (5.5%) with omphalitis. Infection risk was 29 and 62%
higher in infants receiving topical cord application of mustard
Table 1: Knowledge scores of mothers on various oil and other unclean substances. It was also found that low‑cost
newborn problems (n=60) interventions like hand washing, skin‑to‑skin contact, and avoiding
Areas Grading of knowledge scores (%) unclean cord applications should be promoted, as they reduced
Good Average Poor neonatal mortality and morbidity.[5] Another study on knowledge
Vomiting/regurgitation 8.33 56.66 35 of mothers on diarrhea in children ‘dirty’ feeding bottle (23%),
Diaper rash 35 60 5 excessive ‘heat’ (75%) and ‘cold’(14.5%), over feeding (22.9%),
Umbilical cord infection 45 48.33 6.66 top milk (4.2%) as the causes. Only 10.4% were aware of the
Fever 31.66 63.33 5 specific measures for prevention of diarrhea.[6]
Constipation/diarrhea 18.33 63.33 18.33
Overall 33.33 45 21.66
Table 2: Knowledge scores of primi mothers on We acknowledge the help rendered by Delon A Veigas, Desiree M
common problems of newborns (n=60) D’Rozario, and Dona Daniel toward this study.
Content Maximum Mean Mean % Standard
score deviation References
Vomiting/regurgitation 9 4.27 47.44 1.88
1. Common problems in newborns; Available from: http: ///
Diaper rash 11 7.3 66.36 2.26 / reproductive-health / publications / msm-
Umbilical cord infection 10 6.73 67.33 2.23
96-13 / introduction.en.html [Last accessed on 2013 Apr 5].
Fever 6 3.8 63.33 1.45
2. Available from: http; /// / India / FBC-
Constipation/diarrhea 9 5.17 57.44 1.8
facilitators-guide. [Last accessed on 2013 Apr 27].

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 205 July 2014 : Volume 3 : Issue 3
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Leena, et al.: Knowledge of common problems of newborn among primi mothers

3. Available from: http: /// / their policy implications in childhood diarrhea. J Diarrhoeal
latest-about-mortality-rate-in-India. [Last accessed on 2013 Dis Res 1992; 10:25-30.
Apr 23].
How to cite this article: Leena KC, Koshy DA, Thankachen D,
4. Kaur AS. Mothers beliefs and practices regarding
Thomas D, Varghese DR, Fernandes DS. Knowledge of common
prevention and management of diarrhoeal diseases. Indian problems of newborn among primi mothers admitted in a selected hospital
Paediatrics,1994;Vol 1,55-7. for safe confinement. J Fam Med Primary Care 2014;3:204-6.
5. Available from: http: /// / pmc /
articles / PMC3446059 / [Last accessed on 2013 Apr 28].
6. Konde JK, Elasu L. Knowledge, attitude and practices and Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.

Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care 206 July 2014 : Volume 3 : Issue 3

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