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Material Flow Accounts and Driving Factors of Economic Growth in The Philippines

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Material Flow Accounts and Driving

Factors of Economic Growth
in the Philippines
Marianne Faith G. Martinico-Perez, Tomer Fishman, Keijiro Okuoka, and Hiroki Tanikawa

developing country
domestic material consumption This study looks into material flow trends in the Philippines from 1985 to 2010 by utilizing
(DMC) the methodology of economy-wide material flow analysis. Using domestic data sources, this
industrial ecology study presents disaggregated annual material flow trends in terms of four major material
IPAT categories, namely: biomass; fossil energy carriers; ores and industrial minerals; and construc-
material flow analysis (MFA)
tion minerals. The results describe in detail the growth of material flows in a high-density
socioeconomic metabolism
country at the onset of its development and reveal the shift of material consumption from
dominance of renewable materials in 1985 to nonrenewable materials in 2010. IPAT analysis
shows that the increase in material consumption was driven by population growth from
1985 to 1998 and by growth in affluence from 1999 to 2010. However, high inequalities
amidst the growing economy suggest that a small group of wealthy people have influenced
the acceleration of material consumption in the Philippines. The results of this research are
intended to provide a thorough analysis of the processes occurring in Philippine economic
growth in order to assist in tackling implications for the important issue of sustainable
resource management.

Introduction a nonbinding declaration called the Manila Declaration on

Green Industry in Asia 2009, to improve resource efficiency,
Demographic and economic growth as well as technological
integrate sustainable consumption and production, and de-link
advances from the onset of the twentieth century resulted in
economic growth from environmental degradation—aiming
unprecedented growth in global material extraction. Recogniz-
for the continuous growth of economies while, at the same
ing the finite, limited supply and unequal distribution of natural
time, reducing impacts to the environment (UNIDO 2009).
resources, overexploitation has been identified as a major global
Whether at global, regional, or national scales, the frame-
environmental problem (UNEP 2011b; Giljum et al. 2010).
work of actions and policies toward sustainable consumption
The world’s economic growth is currently centered in the Asia-
and production requires information on trends in material re-
Pacific region and is considered to be unsustainable given that it
source extraction and consumption. In this context, the Philip-
is characterized by rapid population growth, increased resource
pines, as a newly industrialized country and one of the most
utilization, and rapid urbanization (UNEP 2013). The growth
dynamic economies in the East Asia region (IMF 2014; World
patterns in this region affect the global demand and consump-
Bank 2014), is worth investigating. The Philippines represents
tion of materials and subsequently affect not only the regional
a high-density developing country (Krausmann et al. 2008); its
environment, but also the entire global environment. To ad-
population reached 93 million with a compounding annual pop-
dress this alarming trend, 22 Asian countries pledged, through
ulation growth rate of 2% and average population density of 308

Address correspondence to: Marianne Faith G. Martinico-Perez, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601,
Japan. Email:

© 2016 by Yale University

DOI: 10.1111/jiec.12496 Editor managing review: Seiji Hashimoto

Volume 00, Number 0 Journal of Industrial Ecology 1


people per square kilometer in 2010 (PSY 2012). The growing and production in the Philippines. However, these studies
Philippine economy is constantly challenged and slowed down show disparities in the values of material flow indicators. Using
by national political issues, as well as global economic and primarily domestic data sources, our data aim to overcome
financial crises. Being the world’s second-largest archipelagic these discrepancies and provide more-precise long-term
country, it is prone to natural disasters and the effects are aggra- material flow accounts for the Philippines. With a dynamic,
vated by global climate change. Nevertheless, the Philippines yet volatile, economic growth in the Philippines and recent
strives to move toward economic development through the re- developments in the methods of economy-wide material flow
sponsible utilization of natural resources as embodied in the accounts, it is timely to compile a longer period of material flow
Philippine Development Plan for 2011–2016 and its expressed accounts of the Philippines in a disaggregated, per material
commitment toward resource-efficient, low-carbon industries category basis as presented in this study. We also provide
through the Manila Declaration on Green Industry in Asia in comparisons of the trends of material consumption to other
2009 (UNIDO 2009). countries in Asia at various levels of economic development
Understanding the material flows in the economy is a first and determine the driving factors of the resource consumption
step in addressing resource-related environmental issues. The using the IPAT analysis method based on the periods of
physical accounts provide the necessary detailed information implementation of Medium Term Philippine Development
on material consumption and allocation and its relationship to Plans.
economic growth. The methodology of economy-wide material This study is part of a bigger research project in the
flow accounting/analysis (EW-MFA) is a useful framework to Philippines that aims to provide a thorough understanding
determine the metabolic performance of economies (Bringezu of the environmental and economic challenges faced by the
et al. 2003; Fischer-Kowalski et al. 2011). Following pioneer- country through the framework of material flow and stock ac-
ing studies of the material flows of industrialized countries counting. Further, this study adds to the body of knowledge
(Adriaanse et al. 1997; Matthews et al. 2000), EW-MFA has the Philippines, as an archipelagic country, has at an early
been standardized (Eurostat 2001, 2009, 2013) and enables a stage of economic development. Thus, the results, analysis, and
systemized accounting of the material inputs and outputs of lo- accounting factors may be beneficial in the formulation of en-
cal, national, or regional economies (Giljum et al. 2014; Schaf- vironmental and economic policies in countries with similar
fartzik et al. 2014). EW-MFA accounts have been proliferating geographical characteristics and development stages across the
in recent years for both developed countries (e.g., Krausmann world.
et al. 2011; Gierlinger and Krausmann 2012; Schandl and
West 2012) as well as for economies in different stages of
development, such as Latin American countries (Giljum 2004;
West and Schandl 2013; Manrique et al. 2013), countries of the
former Soviet Union (West et al. 2014), and Asia and the Pa- The latest revised methodological guide and standard meth-
cific (Schandl and West 2010). Much attention has been given ods of economy-wide material flow accounting (Eurostat 2013)
to big countries with fast-growing economies, such as China was used for the compilation of data for the material flow ac-
and India (Hubacek et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2012; Giljum et al. counts. However, whereas construction minerals are presented
2010; Singh et al. 2012). However, few studies have focused so under the main material category of nonmetallic minerals in
far on the other newly emerging economies in South and South- the Eurostat guidelines, we followed the practice of several re-
East Asia. Although studies of the Asia-Pacific region (Schandl cent studies (Schandl and West 2010, 2012; West and Schandl
and West 2010; UNEP 2011a) have provided per-country data 2013) and disaggregated the materials based on the follow-
using international data sources, analysis was conducted only at ing top-level material categories: biomass, fossil energy carriers,
the subregional scale and on a selected number of countries, of construction minerals, and metal ores and industrial minerals,
which the Philippines was not one. A recent effort to utilize the as shown in table 1.
EW-MFA framework was done to assess economy-wide material All materials are accounted for in terms of mass flow in
flow accounts and their implications in Myanmar, Bangladesh, tonnes per year. The following material flow indicators (Fischer-
and the Philippines (Maung et al. 2014). Comparing the Kowalski et al. 2011) are calculated in this study: imports and
totals of all material inflows, it revealed that the increasing exports; domestic extraction (DE), which refers to all materials
resource extraction and consumption trends are influenced by taken from the Philippine environment; domestic material con-
the resource management policies and development patterns sumption (DMC), which is DE plus imports less exports; and
of these three countries. That study, however, presented only physical trade balance (PTB), which is equivalent to imports
an approximation of the total aggregated material flows for minus exports. The materials were also classified as renewable
the Philippines. Specifically for the Philippines, Rapera (2005) (biomass) and nonrenewable (minerals and fossil energy car-
examined the relationship between material flows and poverty riers). The per-capita values for aggregated and disaggregated
in the country, showing a slight positive effect of biomass flows DMC were calculated and used as indicators for metabolic rates.
in poverty alleviation from 1981 to 2000, and Chiu (2011) dis- Indirect material flows or unused materials associated with ex-
cussed material flow accounts from 2000 to 2009, considering ports or imports, as well as hidden materials such as overburden
the potential for green economy and sustainable consumption from mining activities, were not accounted for in this study.

2 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Table 1 Material categories and main items used in material flow accounting

Material categories Subcategories Items

Biomass Wood Round wood, fuel wood

Wild fish catch Commercial and municipal fishing
Crops Cereals, roots, fruits and vegetables,
and others
Grazed biomass Straws, grass
Crop residues Rice and corn straws, sugarcane tops and
trash, coconut husks
Fossil energy carriers Coal and other solid energy carriers Lignite (brown coal), hard coal
Liquid and gaseous energy carriers Crude oil and natural gas
Ores and industrial minerals Precious metals, base metal ores Gold, silver, copper, iron, chromite,
nickel, and others
Nonmetallic minerals except for Marble, granite, fertilizer minerals, salt,
construction and others
Construction minerals Nonmetallic minerals for construction Sand and gravel, limestone for
construction, clay, silica sand,
aggregates, and others

Data Sources 2009). Fuel wood data were estimated based on the study of the
Department of Energy (DOE) (DOE 1996), with average annual
The data for compilation of material flows were taken
fuel wood and charcoal consumption of 0.169 tonnes/capita.
primarily from Philippine Statistical Yearbooks (PSY 1987–
Data on extraction of fossil energy carriers were lifted from
2012) and Philippine Yearbooks (1985–2012) that provide
the Philippine Statistical Yearbooks (PSY 1987–2012). Data
comprehensive annual data on resource extraction and trade of
from the International Energy Agency (IEA) (IEA 1994–2010)
materials. Data from the annual reports of government agencies
were utilized to cross-check the domestic extraction as well as
in the Philippines were also utilized to cross-check and fill some
to fill data gaps for imports and exports of raw and processed
data gaps in the 25-year compilation period. This study utilized
fuel products.
country-based estimation factors for the materials not directly
The data sources for metal ores and industrial minerals are
accounted for in the national statistics. Although estimations
the Philippine Statistical Yearbooks (PSY 1987–2012). Quan-
are provided in the Eurostat (2013) guide, some are not applica-
tities given in concentrates or metal contents were converted
ble to low- or medium-income countries such as the Philippines.
to amounts of extracted gross ores as suggested by Eurostat
For instance, the estimation on the typical roughage intake
guidelines (Eurostat 2013) based on metal ore grades in the
of grazing animals in Eurostat’s values is based on the indus-
Philippines (USGS 2012).
trialized livestock production system, but in the Philippine
Statistics on construction minerals are presented in detail
setting, 90% of cattle are raised on smallholder farms, and
in the Philippine Yearbooks (1985–2012). Estimates of the
only 10% are produced in commercial ranches (Moog 2006).
quantity of limestone utilized for cement production based on
Additionally, residue from coconut, which is not included in
the cement production volume reported by the Cement Man-
Eurostat estimation values (Eurostat 2013), is included in this
ufacturers’ Association of the Philippines (CeMAP) (CeMAP
accounting. Agriculture harvests from tropical crops, such as
2004, 2012) were also calculated for comparison. The higher
fruits and vegetables, were also considered in this accounting.
quantity was then used in this compilation (Eurostat 2013).
Crop harvests, timber and nontimber forest products, and
The sand and gravel data in the Philippine Yearbooks were
fish catch (excluding aquaculture) data were taken from the
counterchecked using the indicator of per-capita consumption
Philippine Statistical Yearbooks (PSY 1987–2012), annual re-
of sand and gravel, which should be above 1 tonne per capita
ports of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (1985–
per year (Eurostat 2013). Thus, the sand and gravel data for this
2010), and Philippine Forest Statistics (DENR 1990, 1995,
compilation were directly lifted from the Philippine Yearbooks.
2000, 2005, 2010). Crop residues were estimated based on
To complete the data gaps and cross-check our data,
research and case studies undertaken in the Philippines (Ba-
international data sources were utilized, including FAOSTAT
conawa 1986; Mendoza and Samson 1999, 2006; Baconguis
(FAO 2010), IEA (1994–2010), and USGS (2000–2010).
2007), resulting in the following factors of combined harvest
Cross-checks showed that some materials, such as metal ores
and recovery rate of rice (1.21), corn (0.96), coconut husk
and industrial minerals, are not uniformly accounted for; in
(0.22) and sugarcane (bagasse, tops, and trash; 0.93). Estimation
this case, national data were used. Socioeconomic data, such
for grazed biomass is based on the consumption of carabao and
as population and gross domestic product (GDP) (in US$ con-
cattle (2.92 tonnes/head/year), goats (0.365 tonnes/head/year),
stant 2005), were taken from World Bank Indicators (World
and hogs (0.411 tonnes/head/year) taken from Kastner (2007,
Bank 2014).

Martinico-Perez et al., MFA and Driving Factors in the Philippines 3


Figure 1 Material flow in Philippines from 1985 to 2010 disaggregated in terms of four main material categories: (a) domestic extraction;
(b) imports; (c) exports; and (d) domestic material consumption. Note that different scales are used from (a) through (d).

Results construction, resulting in an upswing of construction mineral

extraction, particularly in 1996 (98 Mt) and 1997 (113 Mt).
Trends in Material Flow in the Philippines
For sand and gravel extraction alone, inflows increased from
Figure 1 shows the trends of DE, physical imports and ex- 78 Mt in 1996 to 90 Mt in 1997. However, this rapid increase
ports, and DMC from 1985 to 2010 presented in four main was short-lived and was not sustained because of economic
material categories. fluctuations brought about by the Asian Financial Crisis that
DE (figure 1a) grew from 174 million tonnes (Mt) per year in occurred in 1997 and 1998.
1985 to 373 Mt in 2010. The biggest share of DE was biomass The import of materials (figure 1b) increased from 14 Mt in
at 76% (132 Mt) in 1985, followed by construction miner- 1985 to 50 Mt in 2010. The country is dependent on imported
als (16%), ores and minerals (7%), and fossil energy carriers fossil energy carriers, such as crude oil and coal, to augment
(1%). Biomass remained the highest DE component, with 47% its expanding energy requirements. The import of fossil
(174 Mt) in 2010. Construction activity has intensified with a energy carriers rose from 8 Mt in 1985 to 28 Mt in 2010 and
sixfold increase in construction minerals consumption, reach- comprised around 50% of total imports. In 2009, the primary
ing 44% of DE (165 Mt) in 2010. DE of fossil energy carriers energy mix of the Philippines included 41% from imported
likewise grew sixfold, from 2 Mt in 1985 to 11 Mt in 2010, energy sources (NEDA 2011). Biomass imports also grew
whereas ores and minerals doubled from 12 Mt in 1985 to 24 Mt remarkably, from 2 Mt in 1985 to 11 Mt in 2010. The increase
in 2010. The extreme and extended dry season in the country in biomass imports is centered on semiprocessed and finished
brought about by the El Niño phenomenon in 1998 weakened agriculture and food products to supply the food requirements
agricultural production. This resulted in a sharp 6.6% drop in of the growing population. Imported metal ores and industrial
agricultural production, wherein rice, as well as other cash crops minerals are comprised of processed ores and mineral products,
such as coconut and sugarcane, had double-digit declines in the such as electronic products and equipment, that grew from
fourth quarter of 1998 (Jegillos 2000). 3 Mt in 1985 to 6 Mt in 2010. Imported construction minerals
The country envisioned being a newly industrialized country increased from 3 Mt in 1985 to 6 Mt in 2010.
by the year 2000 as expressed in the Medium Term Philippine Biomass and metal ores and industrial minerals constitute
Development Plan for 1993–1998. It encouraged construction the major export categories of the Philippines (figure 1c), each
activities, such as additional roadways and private building increasing from around 5 Mt in 1985 to around 12 Mt in 2010.

4 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 2 Trade in the Philippines from 1985 to 2010: (a) aggregated trends of import, export, and PTB; (b) PTB by material categories.
Note: Negative values designate exports of materials. PTB = physical trade balance, imports minus exports.

The main agricultural exports of the Philippines are comprised ternational crises. The effects of the Asian Financial Crisis and
of food and live animals; tobacco and tobacco manufactures; changes in natural phenomena brought about by El Niño from
and animal and vegetable oils. Extracted metal ores and indus- 1997 to 1998 on material consumption are evident in the de-
trial minerals are shipped out of the country as raw materials for cline of DMC of construction minerals and biomass, as seen in
further processing to semifinished and finished products. The the DE account. GDP contracted in 1998, accompanied by the
country’s mining industry has slowed down because of the effects 6.6% drop in agricultural production and the 9.5% decline in
of natural disasters, political instability, low international metal construction and construction-related manufacturing in 1998
prices, high operating costs, and low foreign investment. This (Jegillos 2000).
prompted the revitalization of mining industry through the en- Calculated as imports minus exports, PTB expresses the
actment of the Philippine Mining Act of 1995 that aims to lib- physical trade surplus or deficit of an economy. Figure 2a
eralize foreign investments in this sector. It was contested, how- shows the aggregated trends of imports, exports, and PTB
ever, to be unconstitutional as it allows foreigners to be engage from 1985 to 2010. The magnitude of both imported and
in mining through Financial and Technical Assistance Agree- exported materials in the Philippines increased over the
ment (FTAA), a condition that contradicts the 1987 Philippine 25 years, and the quantity of imports remained greater than
Constitution. The decision in favor of its constitutionality was the exports. PTB grew fourfold, from 6 Mt in 1985 to 21 Mt
made on December 2004. As a result, exported base metals, such in 2010. The positive values indicate the country’s ongo-
as nickel ores, chromite, and copper, dramatically rose from 1.1 ing dependence on other countries to satisfy its material
Mt in 2005 to 5.1 Mt in 2007. However, low and unstable global requirements.
market prices resulted in a decline in metal ore exports in 2008 However, these dependencies are centered on specific mate-
and 2009. rial categories. Figure 2b shows the PTB by material categories.
Integrating the three previously described flow indicators, The Philippines is a net importer of fossil energy carriers, par-
the DMC indicator reveals the actual usage of materials within ticularly coal and crude oil, with PTB growth from 8 Mt in 1985
the Philippine economy. It more than doubled, from 188 Mt in to 24 Mt in 2010. In 2009, the primary energy mix comprised
1985 to 396 Mt in 2010, as shown in figure 1d. In 1985, biomass 31.61% imported oil, 9.06% imported coal, 0.10% imported
comprised 72% (129 Mt) of DMC followed by construction biofuels, and 59.23% indigenous energy (NEDA 2011). The
minerals, with 18% (32 Mt) of DMC. Whereas biomass re- country is also a net importer of construction minerals. The
mained the major material category consumed in the country, PTB of metal ores and industrial minerals is a negative value,
with 44% (174 Mt) in 2010, the share of construction rose from signifying net exports of 2 Mt in 1985 to 7 Mt in 2010. Export
5 Mt in 1985 to 9 Mt in 2010, and metal ores and industrial of metal ores and industrial minerals peaked in the 2006–2007
minerals remained at 5 Mt from 1985 to 2010. The increasing period, at more than 10 Mt, which can be attributed to poli-
trend in DMC has been agitated by various domestic and in- cies and actions to revitalize the mining industry to hasten

Martinico-Perez et al., MFA and Driving Factors in the Philippines 5


Table 2 Comparison of DMC/capita with other Asian economies

Selected GDP/capita
countries DMC 1990 Population
in Asia Year tonnes/capita Int. GK$ density

Philippinesa 1985 3.34 1,967 182

2010 4.24 3,024 308
Chinab 1978 3.23 1,039 109
1985 4.34 1,519 112
2008 17.05 6,725 142
Indiac 1994 3.3 1,464 350
2008 4.3 2,952 395
Japand 1960 5.5 3,289 254
2005 13.1 21,575 337

Sources: a This study.

b Schandl and West (2012).
c Singh and colleagues (2012).
d Krausmann et al. (2011); GDP/capita (1990 Int. GK$) from The Maddison

Project (2013) and population density from World Bank Indicators (World
Bank 2014).
DMC = domestic material consumption; GDP = gross domestic product;
Int. GK$ = international Geary–Khamis dollars.

these materials grows in unison with population. Metal ores and

Figure 3 Domestic material consumption per capita in the industrial minerals in the Philippines mostly end up as exports
Philippines disaggregated to four material categories: (a) in tonnes and compose a small fraction of DMC, yet it is interesting to
per year/capita and (b) in percent of total. note that the use of fossil energy carriers is remarkably stable,
a very unusual trend for a dynamic and growing economy
at this stage of development. Despite the increasing demand
economic growth in the country. Even in the most sluggish for energy, the trend of fossil energy carrier consumption
years of this industry, the Philippines has been a net exporter remained low, only reaching 0.37 tonnes per capita in 2010.
of metal ores and industrial minerals, as well as semiproduced This is attributed to the substantial contribution of renewable
materials such as wiring and sections of cathodes of refined energy sources in the primary energy mix of the country. The
copper. Philippines is the second-largest producer of geothermal energy
(in absolute total quantity) for electricity production in the
world, next to the United States (Fridleifsson and Omarsdottir
Discussion 2013). In 2009, non-fossil-fuel sources of primary energy
mix amounted to 42%, composed of geothermal (22.4%),
Per-Capita Metabolic Rates
hydro (6.15%), biomass (13.59%), wind/solar (0.01%), and
Metabolic rates grew modestly in the Philippines, as shown biofuels (0.3%) (NEDA 2011). Fossil fuel production has been
by the overall increase of DMC per capita, from 3.34 tonnes in increasing with recent developments in the oil and gas industry
1985 to 4.24 tonnes in 2010 (figure 3). in the country, but extraction is generally in proportion to
Per-capita biomass consumption has been decreasing total demand. However, a tendency toward increasing fossil
throughout the time period examined, implying an ongoing energy consumption in the country is not impossible given
trend of lower reliance on renewable materials as the country that the country is now focusing on developing more natural
advances. In contrast, per-capita consumption of construction gas and oil fields, as well as growing coal production and
minerals has been increasing year on year, both in share and consumption.
absolute numbers, indicating that construction material con- Overall, the per-capita DMC trends recall Japan at the on-
sumption rates are increasing faster than population growth set of its rapid economic growth before 1960 (Krausmann et al.
and showing the growing role of the construction industry 2011) and China before 1985 (Schandl and West 2012), and
in expanding the country’s material stocks of buildings and are similar to India’s per-capita DMC until a recent accelera-
infrastructure. tion (Singh et al. 2012), indicating that the Philippines may
The per-capita consumption of fossil energy carriers and be on the verge of rapid growth in material consumption as
ores and minerals remained mostly stable, together accounting those countries have undergone, despite differences in other
for around 10% of DMC, signifying that total consumption of socioeconomic indicators as shown in table 2.

6 Journal of Industrial Ecology


Figure 4 Trends of (a) growth indices of economic activity, population, and material consumption and (b) comparison of material
consumption and material intensity in the Philippines.

Growth Rates, Material Intensity, and Material These trends were highly affected by periods of recession that
Consumption occurred in regional and global economies, political instability,
as well as natural calamities that are frequent in the country.
Economic activity grew threefold from 1985 to 2010, faster
The Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 was the single most influen-
than material consumption (twofold) and population, as shown
tial factor, manifesting its effects in decreased economic growth
in figure 4a. Until the early 2000s, GDP and DMC grew more
and material consumption in 1998. The economic recovery
or less in unison, but since then, GDP growth has substantially
has been sluggish given that it was continuously challenged by
taken off. This shows that despite changes in the structure and
national and international crises, such as political instability
scale of activities in the Philippine economy, its aggregated
in 2001 and the global financial crisis in 2008. Nevertheless,
yearly demand for new materials has been mostly growing in
economic growth managed to bounce back with a 7.6% GDP
parallel to GDP over the 25-year period, implying that no abso-
growth rate in 2010.
lute decoupling of economic growth from material consumption
has occurred, which is unfortunately unsurprising in a country
Driving Forces of Material Consumption
at this development phase (UNEP 2013; Giljum et al. 2010).
in the Philippines
Further details emerge when observing that the values
of material intensity (material consumption per unit of eco- With the use of an IPAT analysis, the drivers of resource
nomic activity) and per-capita material consumption (tonnes consumption, or impact (I), in the Philippines are determined
per capita) were 3.65 kilograms per U.S. dollar (kg/US$) and based on three factors: population (P), affluence (A), and
3.24 tonnes/capita in 1985, respectively (figure 4b). Material technology (T). Affluence is defined as GDP/capita whereas
consumption has undergone an overall growth and rose to technology is expressed as material intensity (DMC/GDP).
4.24 tonnes/capita in 2010. In comparison, material intensity These factors provide the IPAT identity (Commoner 1972;
showed an earlier period of increasing values until 1996, in- Ehrlich and Holdren 1972). We look at the percent changes of
dicating losses of efficiency—more material consumption was these factors at the beginning of a period compared to its end,
required for each unit of economic activity—but from 1997, which are approximated by log transformations to the equation.
there were continuous decreases to almost 3 kg/US$ in 2010, By definition of this transformation, the values of the changes
meaning that the current economy is becoming less resource in P, A, and T sum to the change in I in that period, making
intensive than in the previous period, which, if maintained, it straightforward to distinguish the relative influence of each
would signify a beginning to relative decoupling. driver on the total change in DMC.

Martinico-Perez et al., MFA and Driving Factors in the Philippines 7


Figure 5 Changes in DMC (I) and contributions of driving factors in the Philippines from 1985 to 2010. Impact (DMC); driving factors are
population, affluence (GDP/capita), and technology (material intensity, DMC/GDP). DMC = domestic material consumption; GDP = gross
domestic product; I = impact.

The 25-year period was divided into four, as shown in required to produce a single unit of GDP. This factor has been
figure 5, based on the four transitions or changes in the country’s negative in all periods except the first, acting as a moderating
political leadership. These different political administrations factor that counters the effects of P and A on the growth of
embodied various priorities implemented through the Medium consumption. Only in the 1999–2004 period did it manage to
Term Philippine Development Plan. Because the Philippines counteract growth in population and affluence, leading to a
endured political transition attributed to martial law up to early smaller growth rate of DMC compared to these two drivers.
1986, the first 2 years of this compilation were included in the In the most recent period, many of these efficiency gains have
first period of IPAT analysis; thus, the periods are 1985–1992, been lost, given that, again, DMC has been growing faster than
1993–1998, 1999–2004, and 2005–2010. population and affluence.
From one period to the next, the influence of population
has decreased whereas that of affluence has increased. In the
Policy Implications
first two periods from 1985 to 1998, population growth was
the main driver of material consumption in the Philippines, The pattern of material consumption in the Philippines
with an annual population growth rate of 2.3%. It decreased shows interesting aspects for a high-population-density country
slightly to 2% per year from 2000 to 2007, thus the decline at an early stage of economic development. The moderate
of its effect on the material consumption in the country. increase in material consumption in the second half of the
Affluence became the major driver of material consumption monitored period, lower than GDP growth, is attributed to the
in the latter decade of this study. Affluence grew at a steady active services sector in the country—a good starting point
yet slow rate throughout the 25-year period attributed to the for the Philippines to enable economic growth with relatively
effects of natural disasters, energy and political crises, as well low physical requirements. The share of manufacturing and
as international global and financial crises. Despite an average other material-intensive industries in GDP declined in the
growth factor of 1.35 during this period, economic growth Philippines from 35% in 1985 to 32% in 2010, whereas the
was hampered by the Asian Financial Crisis in 1997 and service sector is the key contributor to GDP, increasing from
worsened by the effects of El Niño that resulted in a drop in 40% in 1985 to 55% in 2010 (World Bank 2014). In particular,
GDP growth rates from 5.4% in 1997 to –0.3% in 1998 (PSY tourism already plays a major role in the services sector, and
2000); political crises in 2001 led to a growth rate of 1.76% and in the Philippines, it is centered on its pristine and diverse
the Global Financial Crisis in 2008 decreased growth to only natural environment. A community-based, tourism-focused
0.92% in 2009. Nevertheless, the overall increase in material development strategy can thus provide economic growth
consumption driven by economic growth seems to indicate with low inequality and also encourage protection of the
that the population is changing its lifestyle and consumption environment. At the same time, although resource-extractive
patterns. industries, such as mining and oil and gas industries, are ex-
Decreasing resource intensity (DMC/GDP) denotes in- panding in the Philippines, it is imperative to focus economic
creasing efficiency in material usage, that is, less material is development into less material-intensive industries. Tapping

8 Journal of Industrial Ecology


into power generation from renewable and sustainable sources, The Philippines, as a high-density developing country, shows
specifically geothermal power, is already remarkable and has a metabolic pattern that is distinctive to developing countries
been strengthened by the implementation of the Renewable that mostly consume biomass and nonmetallic minerals (Giljum
Energy Act of 2008, but this momentum must be kept. et al. 2010). With increasing demand for construction miner-
The material flow accounts presented in this study provide als, the Philippines is inclined toward a nonrenewable material-
quantification of the physical growth of the economy and signal based economy, ending the historical dominance of renewable
future waste volumes in the Philippines. The country needs to materials. Growth in the consumption of fossil energy carri-
prepare for increases of end-of-life materials in upcoming years, ers has been remarkably modest because of the Philippines’
and recycling of these materials should be strengthened and geothermal energy production. The per-capita metabolic
intensified to reduce the volume of disposal wastes as well as to rate in the Philippines showed only modest growth, from
reduce future extraction of raw materials. 3.34 tonnes per capita in 1985 to 4.24 tonnes per capita in
Resource consumption is expected to continue being driven 2010, whereas per-capita consumption of construction miner-
less by population and more by economic growth, and these als increased threefold, showing the growing importance of con-
trends should be acknowledged in policy by focusing on the ef- struction in the Philippine economy. Our analysis shows that
fects of increased affluence on material consumption. However, growing affluence has overtaken population growth as the major
some trends are hidden by the aggregated nature of per-capita driver of resource consumption, calling for increased focus on
socioeconomic and material consumption indicators and thus sustainable economic growth in policy. Specifically, the improv-
cannot be directly seen through our approach. Particularly, ing average affluence in the country does not necessarily mani-
income inequality remains high in the Philippines despite the fest itself in equal distribution of the consumption of these mate-
growing economy. From 0.4822 in 2000, the country’s Gini rials, which must be addressed, and sectors that are not resource
coefficient declined only slightly to a value of 0.4641 in 2009 intensive, such as tourism, should be strengthened. At this point
(PIF 2014). This, together with our findings, suggests that in time, the country’s per-capita DMC levels are similar to those
perhaps affluence-driven growth is caused only by a relatively that other East Asian and South Asian countries—namely,
small subset of the population, which enjoys the material Japan, China, and India—had on the verge of their growth-
benefits of increased affluence, no longer buying only basic surge phases. The Philippines might already be on a course to
daily needs, demanding higher-quality services, and consuming follow these countries’ trends in upcoming years, and the current
a greater quantity of resources. For sustainable material usage, period may be the calm before the storm, so to speak—a window
the demographic aspects of economic and material distribution of opportunity to plan a more resource-efficient growth strategy.
must be acknowledged in policy.
Given that renewable resources decrease their share in
overall material consumption, resource management should be
geared toward resource efficiency to maximize the productivity This research was financially supported by the Environment
of nonrenewable resources while, at the same time, boosting Research and Technology Development Funds (1-1402, 2-
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possible rebound effects, that is, the increase in consumption (B) 26281056. The authors are also grateful to Heinz Schandl
because of lowered prices of commodities attributed to fewer and Karin Hosking of CSIRO for technical help and four
inputs of production (OECD 2014). It is therefore important anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
to encourage industries to produce value-added products and
strengthen resource-independent industries, such as the ser-
vices sector and tourism activities. The indicators supplied by
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Martinico-Perez et al., MFA and Driving Factors in the Philippines 11

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