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Donald Robert Rickgauer Master's Thesis

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A Thesis


to the faculty of

California State University, Chico

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Arts



Psychological Science Option


Donald Robert Rickgauer

Spring 2010


A Thesis


Donald Robert Rickgauer

Spring 2010



Mark J. Morlock, Ph.D.


Eddie Vela, Ph.D.

Michael Ennis, Ph.D.

The first and foremost of those I’d like to acknowledge is Dr. Eddie Vela,

whose spirited and bountiful encouragement made this thesis and my entire pursuit of the

degree for which this thesis was written possible. From my first pondering of my future

as an undergraduate to the submission of this thesis, he has been a continuing source of

inspiration. Thank you for believing in me, Dr. Vela.

I would also like to thank Dr. Michael Ennis for his support. From the first

incarnations of this thesis, which are now rather distant from the current one, to its final

form, he has shown great patience and eagerness to see me develop as a researcher, even

when the parameters for my study were very ambiguous. This is the mark of a great

educator, and I’m thankful to have had him and his resources at my disposal

I would also like to thank my parents for their financial support through my

undergraduate years, in whatever end of the world I spent them, and their unending

emotional support and encouragement. I would also like to thank my brother, Peter

Rickgauer, for his encouragement of my academic and personal development.

I would also like to extend my gratitude to Dr. David Watson of the

University of Iowa for allowing me use of his PANAS scale, and for streamlining the

whole process of attaining rights to do so.

Finally, I would like to thank my research assistants, Nathaniel, Julia and Joel,

without whom I would surely have been lost in a quagmire of data, as well as not

collected nearly the sample size that we did.



Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................... iii

List of Tables .............................................................................................................. vi

List of Figures ............................................................................................................. vii

Abstract ....................................................................................................................... viii


I. Introduction............................................................................................... 1

II. Literature Review ..................................................................................... 5

The existence of dichotomies in hormones & 2D:4D ratio ............. 5

Abnormalities and disorders correlated with 2D:4D ratio ............... 9
Therapeutic applications and abuses of hormones........................... 11
Trait differences associated with 2D:4D ratio ................................. 12
Hypothesis ....................................................................................... 15

III. Method ...................................................................................................... 17

Participants....................................................................................... 17
Materials .......................................................................................... 18
Procedure ......................................................................................... 19

IV. Results....................................................................................................... 22

Follow-up analyses .......................................................................... 26

V. Discussion ................................................................................................. 30

Limitations ....................................................................................... 34
Suggestions for future research........................................................ 35

References ................................................................................................................... 38


A. Informed Consent............................................................................................ 45
B. Pre-game demographic inventory ................................................................... 47
C. Hand Placement Sheet .................................................................................... 49
D. Post-game inventory ....................................................................................... 51
E. Debriefing ....................................................................................................... 53


1. Means & Standard Deviations of Positive & Negative Affect

Pre- & Post- Test .................................................................................... 27



1. Positive Affect Change Across Right Hand 2D:4D Ratios .................................. 23

2. Positive Affect Change Across Genders ............................................................... 24

3. Positive Affect Change Across Right Hand 2D:4D Ratios and Gender ............... 25





Donald Robert Rickgauer

Master of Arts in Psychology: Psychological Science Option

California State University, Chico

Spring 2010

The ratio of the length of the index finger and the ring finger has been found

to be correlated with numerous behavioral phenotypes associated with prenatal

testosterone exposure. In the present study, we examined the relationship between this

ratio (2D:4D) and emotional arousal, as measured using the Positive and Negative Affect

Scale (PANAS), in a competitive setting. For this study, 125 participants had their finger

lengths measured and participated in a competitive video game, Soul Caliber 2. Their

state affect was recorded by self-report inventory both before and after playing the game.

Results showed a significant change in positive affect after playing the game. The

valence of this change was found to be statistically correlated with the 2D:4D ratio of the

right hand for both males and females. Those with neutral ratios (the middle third of the

data) exhibited the greatest change, while those with masculine- and feminine- typical

ratios (the bottom and top thirds of the data, respectively) exhibited less change in

positive affect. It is proposed that higher levels of prenatal testosterone or estrogen

exposure may act as a balancing factor in mood around competitive settings, while those

whose 2D:4D ratio does not indicate this kind of exposure have higher reactivity to




For years, psychologists have observed human behavior and have sought to

find its roots. Biopsychologists and evolutionary psychologists look for answers on the

chemical and genetic levels, searching for predisposing factors that may lean an

individual towards one type of behavior or another before experience with the outside

world becomes relevant. Developmental and social psychologists look for answers in our

environment and experiences, finding patterns that help predict human behaviors. It is

hardly a topic of discussion whether humans are driven exclusively by nature or nurture.

It is almost unanimously accepted that both play important parts (Dusheck, 2002). Not

only are our genetic and environmental components both important by themselves, but

their interaction throughout life continues to uniquely affect how we develop (Gottlieb,

1997). Therefore, when we consider the development of the human, it is important to

consider both environmental and genetic factors.

With that in mind, this study explored the relationship between the ratio of

length of the index finer (2D) to the ring finger (4D) (known as the 2D:4D ratio), and

change in state affect in a competitive setting. It is hoped that this study will reveal more

about the predispositions that humans are subject to as a result of intrauterine factors.

The effects of these early physiological factors can be seen throughout life, but begin to

develop in the womb, before the human has received a gender identity.


When the developing human fetus is first designated as male, androgens,

produced in the testes, begin to coordinate the growth of typical male physical attributes,

most notably sexual reproductive organs. The development of these organs is dependent

upon these androgens, one of which, prenatal testosterone (Breedlove, Cooke & Jordan,

1999), will be the hormone of greatest focus in the present study. Several months later,

the brain begins to experience changes as a result of the presence or absence of prenatal

testosterone. During this time, the presence of prenatal testosterone forms another

hormone, called estradiol, which causes the brain to grow more in overall size (Harding,

2004). It is believed that this change in brain mass is where much of the individual’s

later gender identity is decided (Swaab & Garcia-Falgueras, 2009). Also, as a result of

the presence of androgens, significantly larger amounts of motoneurons survive during

the development of the prenatal male, which results in an increase in the number of

connections between the male brain and the muscles innervated by these motoneurons

(Breedlove et al., 1999).

Before any of this hormonally-influenced neural development begins, another

interesting sexual dimorphism takes place in the hands. R. George (1930) was among the

first to discover that there is not always a clear pattern among humans whether the index

or ring finger is shorter. His results showed, based on 201 males and 109 females, that

males tended to have a shorter index finger than ring finger, while females tended to have

the opposite. According to George (1930), men typically exhibit lower values in 2D:4D

ratio than women. It was suggested that this relationship may owe most, if not all, of its

existence to higher levels of prenatal testosterone, which is typical of developing males


(Manning, Scutt, Wilson & Lewis-Jones, 1998). Further studies into the link between

2D:4D ratio and testosterone investigated men with genetic variations in the androgen

receptor genes making them more sensitive to testosterone (Manning, Bundred, Newton

& Flanagan, 2003). These individuals exhibited lower, more masculine 2D:4D ratios.

Lower 2D:4D ratios have also been exhibited in individuals with congenital adrenal

hyperplasia, which exposes the developing fetus to higher levels of testosterone both

male and female, when compared with control groups (Ökten, Kalyoncu & Yariş, 2002;

Brown, Hines, Fane & Breedlove, 2002).

Higher levels of prenatal testosterone will also lead to higher sensitivity to

circulating testosterone in the body later in life (Hampson & Breedlove, 2001). This has

also been shown to correlate with greater readiness for performance and aggression. For

example, studies in the early half of the 20th century have found that manipulations of

testosterone in hens (Allee, Colias & Lutherman, 1939) and mice (Beeman, 1947a & b)

brought about changes in aggression, with descending levels decreasing aggressive

responses, and vice versa. In humans, a positive correlation has been found between

levels of circulating testosterone and levels of circumstantial aggression, with the

increase being strongest in males (Archer, 2006). Furthermore, physical aggression has

also been shown to be correlated with 2D:4D ratio in men, but not women (Bailey &

Hurd, 2005). The study revealed that men with lower, more masculine 2D:4D ratios

scored significantly higher in trait physical aggression, with the right hand showing much

stronger sexual dimorphism than the left.


This relationship between finger length, testosterone and testosterone-linked

traits has intrigued scientists for years across numerous fields of study, from

biopsychology to evolutionary science to endocrinology. Still, despite the breadth and

variety of interest in this field, the reason as to why this relationship between these two

measures should exist at all remains a mystery, if there is any reason. It is more likely

that this relationship owes its existence to the hox genes that are responsible for the

development of both fingers and the penis (Dickman, 1997; Jorgenson, Ruman, Doherty

& Taylor, 2009), basically citing a genetic coincidence as being responsible.

To sum up, research has found numerous relationships between 2D:4D and

observable personality phenotypes: sexual preferences, with higher ratios correlating with

more feminine-typical preferences (Manning, Churchill & Peters, 2007); sexual practices,

with lower ratios correlating with male-typical practices and presentations (Fink, Seydel,

Manning & Kappeler, 2007; Nottebohm, 1980); aggression, with lower finger ratios

correlating with greater aggression (Bailey & Hurd, 2005); competition, with lower

finger ratios correlating with more competitive individuals (Manning & Taylor, 2001). It

is the objective of this study to add to the growing number of studies in 2D:4D research

and further illuminate the relationship between a measurable finger ratio and differences

in behavior. This study should help develop a stronger understanding of the nature-

nurture relationship in humans.



The Existence of Dichotomies in 2D:4D


The scientific findings on finger length ratio date back to a time when ideas of

evolution in humans were still young. The “Darwinist” ideas were still just beginning to

blossom in the scientific world and to be extrapolated into the various models of specific

selective mechanisms, such as predator/prey evolution and the evolution of the eye.

These models are all centered on the idea that certain traits in organisms contributed to

the continuing survival of a species. The earliest observations of index finger (2D) and

ring finger (4D) asymmetry only noted that men had shorter index fingers than women

(Ecker, 1875). Though it was not yet speculated as to why this difference existed, this

observation would come to be of great interest in the next century. It was not until much

later that finger length differences were finally recorded and classified (George, 1930).

This is when a statistically significant difference between men and women in the length

of their index and ring fingers relative to one another was first noted. George noted for

the first time that men tended to have the lower 2D:4D ratios, with a shorter index finger

and longer ring finger, while women tended to have the higher 2D:4D ratios, with the

longer index finger and the shorter ring finger. Since these findings, 2D:4D ratios have

been measured across races and cultures of the world. Manning and colleagues (2007)

surveyed 255,116 participants worldwide, including those from White, Asian, Middle-


Eastern, Black and Chinese ethnicities. Their data was analyzed for 2D:4D differences

across genders and sexual orientations. The results showed Black and Chinese

participants had significantly lower ratios than White, Asian and Middle-Eastern

participants. Remarkably, differences were also discovered between European

nationalities, surveying people of 11 countries (plus the United States) and finding

relatively small, but significant, differences.

For decades after the first cataloguing of 2D:4D ratios, it was not yet known

that this relationship between digit lengths was due to differences in prenatal testosterone

regulation. Wilson (1983) was among the first researchers to suggest that this

relationship may exist as a result of genetic differences, wherein sex hormones that affect

bodily growth are delegated differently, with higher levels of the hormones causing the

fourth digit to grow more than the index finger, and lower levels causing less growth in

this finger. He was also the first to begin linking this ratio to personality traits, finding

significance in the relationship between the 2D:4D ratios of women and their


Wilson’s (1983) findings revealed a wide, unexplored breadth of potential

research to be uncovered with these findings. The presence of prenatal testosterone not

only accounts for developmental differences between men and women throughout their

bodies, but also for developmental differences in their brains (Harding, 2004; Swaab &

Garcia Falgueras, 2009; Breedlove et al., 1999). Certain structures in the brains of

humans have shown differences in mass between genders. Males have significantly

greater volume in the amygdala, which is instrumental in “fight or flight” mechanisms,


and females have significantly greater volume in the hippocampus, which encodes short-

term memory, and the striatum, which plays a role in reward motivation and executive

function (Caviness, Kennedy, Richelme, Rademacher & Filipek, 1996; Giedd et al. 1997;

Lange, Giedd, Castellanos, Vaituzis & Rapoport, 1997). The male typical difference was

cited to be related significantly to circulating testosterone levels, while the female-typical

development was cited to be significantly related to circulating estrogen levels (Neufang

et al., 2009). Differences in brain structures most likely are related to levels of prenatal

hormones. However, we can also find differentiation in behavior within each gender,

based on if they had a more “masculinized” or “feminized” exposure to hormones in

utero. Given that prenatal hormones (not circulating hormones) are responsible for the

dichotomy in digit ratios, as well as tend to affect our sensitivity to circulating hormones

later in life (Archer, 2006), it has become reasonable to suppose that some correlations

may exist between personality and digit ratio, as Glenn (1983) has found. His findings

have revealed numerous possibilities for many different dependent variables associated

with personality and behavior to be implemented in studying the relationship between

2D:4D ratio and behavioral phenotypes in humans.

Theories on why 2D:4D ratio should have any correlation with any displayed

traits are rooted in this endocrinology of the developing fetus. It has been shown that

higher levels of prenatal testosterone are also related to higher levels of prenatal estradiol,

which plays a significant role in neural development (Harding, 2004). The increased

presence of estradiol causes the brain to increase in mass, which may be linked to certain

sexually dimorphic traits (Breedlove et al., 1999). There is still no clear understanding of

what happens specifically in the brain during this period of development that may

account for all of the sexual dimorphisms. It is believed that high levels of testosterone

in utero promote development of the right hemisphere of the brain (Geschwind &

Galaburda, 1985). Breedlove et al. (1999) has cited the existence of more motoneuron

connections in the “masculinized” brain. These two factors may have a connection to

greater development of spatial skills in males. Still, while the deeper understanding of

this relationship has yet to be discovered, most results still indicate that exposure to

androgens in utero is largely responsible for this masculinization.

One of numerous working examples of how fetal exposure to androgens

causes structural changes in the brain and, thus, behavioral changes involved exposing

female guinea pigs to androgens during fetal development (Phoenix, Hoy, Gerall &

Young, 1959). The results of this experiment showed that the female guinea pigs did not

display the typical sexually receptive behaviors toward male guinea pigs. This exposure

to androgens in females disrupted the reproductive practices of these creatures.

Inversely, male zebra finches have been shown to have a larger robustus archistriatum

(RA) nucleus than females. This is a crucial structure in the zebra finch mating practice,

as it assists the male in the production of songs that attract the female of the species.

That is, females will recognize this more masculine pattern of singing and will be

attracted to it because it implies a virile male who is ready to copulate.

Manipulation of testosterone levels in female zebra finches to enlarge this

structure induced the females to sing in more masculine patterns (Nottebohm, 1980). The

implications of these studies on animals are interestingly reflected in the sexual practices

and orientations of humans in relation to their finger ratios. 2D:4D research on

heterosexual, homosexual and bisexual males and females has yielded typically

masculine ratios for homosexual women and feminine ratios in homosexual men

(McFadden & Shubel, 2002; Manning et al., 2007), though not always consistently or

significantly across all ethnicities, genders, sexual orientations or hands (McFadden,

Loehlin, Breedlove, Lippa, Manning & Rahman, 2005). Another study showed a

significant negative correlation between male 2D:4D ratio and ratings by women on how

well they thought the men danced (Fink et al., 2007), which was implied to be related to

how women perceived symmetry in a male’s dancing patterns (Brown, Cronk, Grochow,

Jacobson, Liu & Popovic, 2005). This relationship between 2D:4D ratio and perceived

dancing ability is reflective of the studies on the zebra finch’s mating ritual of singing to

attract the female. Higher levels of testosterone promote behaviors which are intended to

convince the female to choose a particular mating partner over other possible mating

partners. These competitive mating rituals are seen across numerous species (Darwin,


Abnormalities and Disorders Correlated with

2D:4D Ratio

Further observations of 2D:4D ratio in individuals with hormonal

abnormalities increased the belief that exposure to prenatal androgens in utero affects not

only the finger length ratio, but also certain hormonally-balanced traits. Individuals, both

male and female, with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), a disorder known to be

associated with abnormally high levels of prenatal and circulating testosterone, exhibited

a much lower 2D:4D ratio than control groups (Ökten, Kalyoncu & Yariş, 2002; Brown

et al. 2002). Further evidence of this relationship’s existence came from 33

amniocentesis samples, measuring the ratio of fetal testosterone to fetal estradiol and

finding a negative correlation between this ratio and 2D:4D ratios at the age of 2 years

(Lutchmaya et al., 2004).

In addition to CAH, other disorders have also been found to have significant

relationships with 2D:4D ratio, vis-à-vis endocrine system and hormone abnormalities.

Perhaps the most prominent of hormone-linked disorders to have been found correlated

with 2D:4D ratio is autism (Manning et al., 2001; Voracek, 2008). While it was already

known that autism is a sex-linked disorder, with a male-to-female ratio of 4 to 1 (Rutter,

1978), Manning and colleagues sought to discover if low 2D:4D ratio could be a potential

marker of autism. Their results showed that children with autism had significantly lower

ratios on both hands than children with Asperger’s Syndrome (AS) and control children,

and that their siblings and parents who were not afflicted with autism or AS also had

lower ratios than control populations. These findings suggested that exposure to high

levels of prenatal androgen may make the fetus more susceptible to autism. Also

associated with low 2D:4D ratio is ADHD in boys (Martel, 2008). The study found

correlations with oppositional-defiant symptoms and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms,

but most strongly with inattentive symptoms.

2D:4D ratio has also been studied for correlations with disorders in

individuals with female-typical ratios. Anxiety, for example, was found to have some

correlation with 2D:4D ratios. Evardone and Alexander (2009) found that males who had

higher digit ratios reported more trait anxiety than men with lower digit ratios, suggesting

that men with less exposure to prenatal androgens may be more susceptible to anxiety.

However, this differentiation in trait anxiety across digit ratios was not found in women

in this particular study. Another disorder to have a correlation with female-typical 2D:4D

ratios is schizophrenia (Arató et al., 2004). Interestingly, schizophrenia is thought to be

related to an imbalance of hormones because of its typical onset during the reproductive

age, and almost never before or after. This also signals a disruption in the lateralization

of the left, language-oriented hemisphere of the brain, which is typically more dominant

in females. Female schizophrenia patients were found to have a significantly higher

2D:4D ratio than control females, though males were found to have a lower 2D:4D ratio.

Literature suggests that men are prone to a different, more degenerative type of

schizophrenia, as compared to women (Castle & Murray, 1991), which may account for

the difference in 2D:4D ratio. In addition, studies correlating 2D:4D ratio and the eating

disorders bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa, two more female-typical disorder,

showed that females with lower, more masculine ratios were less susceptible to these

disorders (Klump et al., 2006).

Therapeutic Applications and Abuses

of Hormones

Due to the fact that this study implies the effects of prenatal exposure to

testosterone as indicated by digit ratio, it would be relevant at this point to briefly

mention one of the more widely known and misunderstood incarnations of a testosterone-

related hormone: anabolic-androgenic steroids. This hormone is produced synthetically

as a variant to testosterone for patients who may suffer from hormone deficiency.

Research on anabolic steroid users and abusers has shown that psychiatric symptoms of

steroid misuse may include aggression (Pope, Kouri & Hudson, 2000), mood swings with

violent, manic episodes (Pope & Katz, 1988) paranoid jealousy, extreme irritability,

delusions and impaired judgment (NIDA, 2009). While it is assumed that none of the

participants in this study are anabolic steroid abusers, these findings are relevant to the

present study because of its implications for higher levels of circulating testosterone.

Since it is the male hormone testosterone that, when taken in excess levels, can cause

greater negative affect symptoms, it may stand to indicate the direction of the relationship

between levels of prenatal testosterone and competitive situations. However, this

potential relationship is only considered in light of evidence from steroid abusers who

have 10 to 100 times the therapeutic amount of this hormone. The implications of affect

changes in these individuals may be an extrapolation of normal hormone levels, or they

may be completely different. Still, even as an extreme case of testosterone application in

humans, it may indicate the direction of the affect in those with higher exposure to

intrauterine testosterone.

Trait Differences Associated with 2D:4D

Many studies have already shown significant differences between men and

women in many different traits and task performances. Fink and colleagues (2002)

measured the correlation between 2D:4D ratios and personality traits, as determined by

the NEO Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). The NEO-FFI included the “Big Five”

personality traits of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness and

neuroticism. It was found that neuroticism was positively correlated with finger ratio on

the right hand for both genders. Males did not correlate significantly with any of the

personality traits. It was concluded that the association between personality and 2D:4D

ratio was “weak,” but still indicated “gender related behaviour is affected by the amount

of steroid hormones present during critical periods of prenatal development” (pg 1).

Men have also been known to score higher in physical and verbal aggression

than women (Archer, 2006), and individuals with lower 2D:4D ratios have shown similar

results (Bailey & Hurd, 2005). In addition to aggression, males display more sensation-

seeking and risk-taking than women (Zuckerman, Eysenck & Eysenck 1978; Apicella,

Dreber, Campbell, Gray, Hoffman, & Little, 2008), with similar results being reflected in

2D:4D ratios (Austin, Manning, McInroy & Mathews, 2002). One study by Resnick and

colleagues (1993) found that female members of opposite-sex twins displayed higher

scores in sensation-seeking inventories than females of same-sex twins, which is

consistent with the view that sharing a womb with a male exposed them to higher levels

of androgens, subjecting them to a more male-typical exposure to androgens in utero.

Manning and colleagues (2001) performed a series of studies on male athletes

in the United Kingdom. The results of these studies showed that professional male

soccer players had lower, more masculine 2D:4D ratios than a control group of men, and

males with a lower 2D:4D ratio reported higher achievement in sports than males with

more neutral or female-typical 2D:4D ratios. Similar results have been discovered in

other sports, such as rugby, basketball (Tester, 2007), and general sporting ability in

females (Paul, Kato, Hunkin, Vivekanandan & Spector, 2006). These studies are of great

importance in the present research because of their implications for competition.

Competition is recognized in Darwin’s The Origin of the Species (1871) in terms of the

male’s attempt to find a mate and attain the resources necessary to do so before another

male can do this first. This idea about competition is further reflected in a study by

Coates and colleagues (2009) in which 2D:4D ratios were used as a predictor of the level

of success of financial traders in the United Kingdom. The results revealed a negative

correlation between 2D:4D ratios and level of success. These two studies show us that

individuals who are exposed to higher levels of prenatal androgens are more disposed to

put themselves into competitive situations. In addition, these individuals are more likely

to succeed in those situations than individuals who have not been exposed to higher

levels of prenatal androgens. Consider these findings in light of the findings of van Honk

and colleagues (2004), Booth and colleagues (1999) and other studies that correlated

testosterone levels and 2D:4D ratio with sensation-seeking and risk-taking (e.g.,

Zuckerman et al., 1978; Apicella et al., 2008). The implication is that an individual

exposed to higher levels of prenatal testosterone may be predisposed to engage in risky

and competitive behaviors as a means of working towards a reward.

These patterns are certainly not exclusive to humans. Creatures throughout

the animal kingdom are known to compete for a female’s favor and the right to breed

with that female, as well as for contested resources. Birds sing songs and may put on

dances, wolves will fight each other, and humans may do any and all of the above. These

are all practices that have evolved because they help in leaving more genes behind. It is

considered to be in the “best interest” of the genes to beat out others to spread themselves

and continue their existence to another generation in as many instances (partners) as

possible (Dawkins, 1976). Therefore, these competitive practices have evolved through

many species as a way of spreading one’s genes.

In order to further prove this point in humans, consider that 2D:4D ratios in

males has been shown to correlate with a woman’s approval of the respective male’s

dancing patterns, which tend to be more symmetrical with lower ratios (Fink et al., 2007).

In the end, it could be suggested that much of what is competition in modern society is

hardly anything more than an extension of what was once just a primal dance of

seduction. In any case, a correlation has been found between prenatal testosterone

exposure and competitiveness (Manning et al., 2001) Manning found a negative

correlation between 2D:4D ratio and, among other things, competitiveness, particularly in

males. It is inconclusive at this point whether or not the relationship between

competitiveness and 2D:4D ratio is similar for both males and females, or if it is sexually

dichotomous, since Manning et al.’s sample of athletes only included males. Still, it

would be reasonable to search for a correlation between 2D:4D ratio and arousal from

competition in both genders, since it is theoretically higher levels of testosterone that are

helping invoke this competitive spirit.

It is with this in mind that we seek to bring out this competitive spirit in both

male and female participants and determine whether the competition evoked in a video

game will cause differential changes in affect. We believe that a 15-minute session of

playing a competitive video game is an appropriate intervention to cause change in affect,

as video games have been used in numerous laboratory settings to bring about changes in

testosterone and cortisol levels (Mazur, Susman and Edelbrock, 1997; Hébert, Béland,

Dionne, Fournelle, Crête & Lupien, 2004) and feelings of aggression and hostility

(Bartlett, Harris & Baldassaro, 2006).


The research question that motivated the study was the degree to which

2D:4D ratio is correlated with changes in reported state affect as assessed in a pre-test

and post-test paradigm. Based on the current literature, it is hypothesized that the

intervention should produce a negative correlation between 2D:4D ratio and affect

change, with masculine-typical ratios exhibiting the greatest change in affect and

feminine-typical ratios exhibiting the least change in affect.




Participants were gathered from the student body of California State

University, Chico. Sign-up sheets were posted in Modoc Hall, offering extra credit to

students in psychology courses on campus. Modoc Hall is primarily a psychology

building, so it can be assumed that most students who signed up for this study had been

enrolled in at least one course in psychology. No participants were recruited outside of

volunteer sign-up, with the exception of the pilot study. This consisted of four

participants who were recruited from a statistical methods course in psychology. No

participants were required to give any contact information, as their participation was only

needed in one instance. All participants were given the e-mail address of the primary

researcher and the thesis chair if they required any information after they had completed

their participation.

For this study, 125 participants were used, with 87 females (69.6%) and 38

males (30.4%). Participant ages ranged from 17 to 66 years (M = 22.56, SD = 6.17).

Participants were also asked about their video game playing habits. A total of 81.6% of

males and 32.2% of females said that they sometimes play video games. Of those

participants, males reported playing an average of 5.97 hours per week (SD = 5.35) and

females reported playing an average of 2.85 hours per week (SD = 3.23). When asked if


they had played a fighting game before, 88.8% of all participants said that they had,

implying some level of general familiarity with the genre of game used for this study.


It was important to find a video game that would place two players against

each other in one-on-one competition. Toward this end, Soul Caliber 2 for the Microsoft

Xbox was determined to be the most appropriate choice. This game allows players to

choose their own characters, who then engage each other in a three-dimensional

battleground. Each battle is a best-of-three competition, typically with up to three

rounds, usually finishing within 15-20 seconds each. It was determined that the fast

learning curve (participants were observed to have little difficulty engaging in

competition with each other in this game) and rapid progression of game-play (latency

between moments of player action, such as loading screens, was minimal) would help

control for any confounding factors related to frustration in adapting to the game or loss

of stimulation between matches. Participants used the Xbox controllers that came with

the system to play this game.

To obtain 2D:4D measurements, a Samsung L200 camera and a Canon 50D

camera were used to photograph the hands of the participants. The second and fourth

digits from each hand in each photo were measured, starting from the basal crease of each

finger and ending at the tip of the respective finger, on a computer using the freeware

version of Iconico Screen Calipers. When this measuring tool was not available,

Mathworks MatLabs, programmed with an algorithm to measure the pixels between two

points on the jpeg of the hands, was used in its place.


State affect was evaluated using the Positive Affect Negative Affect Scale

(PANAS), developed by Watson, Clark & Tellegen. (1988). This measure, used to

quantify both state and trait affect, consists of 10 positive affect items (attentive,

interested, alert, excited, enthusiastic, inspired, proud, determined, strong and active) and

10 negative affect items (distressed, upset, hostile, irritable, angry, scared, afraid, fearful,

ashamed, guilty, nervous and jittery) compiled by factor analysis, and is considered to

cover a broad range of the affective lexicon. A normative study on the PANAS has

assured the validity of this study across multiple demographics (Crawford & Henry,

2004). Permission was obtained from both co-author David Watson of the University of

Iowa and the American Psychological Association. (Appendix E)

In addition to the PANAS, participants were given a demographic

questionnaire, as well as a post-game evaluative questionnaire. Both of these

questionnaires can be found in appendices C & F, respectively.


Participants were told to be prepared to devote 25-30 minutes to this study

when they signed up. Participants were scheduled two at a time for each 30-minute slot.

This was to ensure that the participant has someone with which to compete. If only one

participant was available for the 30-minute slot, the researcher present filled in the open

spot and competed against the participant. Researchers were instructed to keep their

performance at a level comparable to the participant, neither exceeding the participant’s

strategic capacity nor surrendering to the participant.


Upon arriving at the laboratory, students were given an informed consent form

(Appendix B) to inform them of their rights as a participant in this study. When both

participants had arrived, or when it was determined that only one participant would be in

this session, they were given the pre-game demographic inventory (Appendix C). Upon

completion, the participant was then brought to a station in the lab set up for hand photos.

They were instructed to place their hands flat and palms up on a sheet of paper with two

designated spaces, one for each hand (Appendix D). A photo was then taken with the

camera set on a tripod and positioned directly above and facing the paper. The exact

position of the camera was maintained throughout the study. These photos were saved on

the camera for later measurement.

Participants were then given the PANAS to complete (Appendix E). The

researcher instructed the participants to rate how each question on the PANAS with

respect to how they feel at that specific moment, so as to gather data on state affect. In

addition, participants were asked to take their time in responding honestly to the items.

After both participants completed the PANAS, they were set up to play Soul Caliber 2 for

15 minutes. The game was ready and waiting at the character select screen before

participants arrived with the volume on mute, to decrease distractions. When both

participants were ready, the mute was taken off and the volume was kept at an audible,

yet reasonable, level. Participants were allowed to choose any character they wished and

could change characters after each match if they chose to do so. Brief instructions on

specific controls for this game were given at the outset of the game-playing. After fifteen

minutes of playing, participants were instructed to put down their controllers and

complete the post-game inventory (Appendix F). The game was again muted to avoid

distractions. After this, they completed the PANAS a second time, again being instructed

to rate each item as it pertains to how they felt at that particular moment. Upon

completing the PANAS for the second time, participants were debriefed (Appendix G).


The 2D:4D ratios for each participant were determined by having three

separate researchers independently measure the finger lengths for each participant hand

photo. Left and right hand 2D:4D ratios were computed for each of the three research

assistants. Cronbach alphas were then computed to determine consistency among the

three raters. A high inter-rater reliability was found for this method for both the left

hand, α = 95.2%, and the right hand, α = 95.2%. These three ratios for each hand, as

determined by the three raters, were then averaged into a new variable, representing one

ratio for each hand for each participant. Collapsing across all participants the ratio for the

right hand (M = .953, SD = .031) and the left hand (M = .961, SD = .031) showed that on

average the second finger (2D) was shorter than the fourth finger (4D).

A new variable was then created for the average of each hand, separating the

measured values by thirds into three categories: masculine-typical hand ratio (Left hand

N = 42, right hand N = 45), neutral hand ratio (Left hand N = 39, right hand N = 46) and

feminine-typical hand ratio (Left hand N = 44, right hand N = 34). This variable was

defined for each hand by finding the lower, middle and upper thirds of the 2D:4D ratios

for the left and right hands separately.

One-way analyses of variance (ANOVA) were conducted to examine the

relationship between 2D:4D ratio for each hand and changes in affect from before to after

playing the competitive video game. The grouping variable for each ANOVA was ratio

category, determined separately for each hand (masculine-typical lower third ratio,

feminine-typical upper third ratio, and gender-neutral middle third ratio) and the

dependent variable was the difference in the pre- and post-test PANAS scores calculated

separately for positive and negative affect changes. Hence, a total of four separate

ANOVAs were computed; for the left hand two ANOVAs were computed, with one

using the difference score for positive affect and the other using the difference score for

negative affect as the dependent variable. Two more ANOVAs using the same grouping

variable and dependent variables were computed for the right hand. A significant main

effect was found for 2D:4D ratio on the right hand with change in positive affect, F (2,

121) = 7.735, p = .001 (See Figure 1).


A marginally significant main effect was found for 2D:4D ratio on the left hand on

overall change in positive affect, F (2, 121) = 3.022, p = .052. No significant main effect

was found at the .05 level for the right hand, F (2, 122) = .316, or the left hand, F (2, 122)

= .432, on overall change in negative affect, however.

Two separate independent-samples t-tests were performed using gender as a

grouping variable and either change in positive affect or change in negative affect as the

dependent variables. Results showed a significant main effect of gender on overall

change in positive affect, t (122) = -2.89, p < .01, but not on overall change in negative

affect, t (123) = 1.41 (See Figure 2).


A 3 x 2 factorial ANOVA was subsequently performed after determining the

significant relationships of right and left hand 2D:4D ratios and gender with overall

change in positive affect. This ANOVA was performed to examine the relationship of

overall change of positive affect with 2D:4D ratio for the right hand and gender, as well

as with the 2D:4D ratio for the left hand and gender. The main effect for the right hand

on overall change in positive affect remained significant, F (2, 118) = 6.46, p < .05, and

was also significant for gender, F (1, 118) = 7.455, p < .05, with no significant interaction

between right hand 2D:4D ratio and gender (See Figure 3).

Post-hoc Tukey tests showed a significant difference for the change in

positive affect between masculine and neutral hand ratios, but not between masculine and

feminine hand ratios. The main effect for the left hand on overall change in positive

affect was found to no longer be significant at the .05 level when including gender in the

factorial design, F (2, 118) = 1.923. These findings are in accordance with the relevant

research in that the strongest differences were found in the right hand (Fink et al., 2004;

Bailey & Hurd, 2005). Table 1 shows the means for all these conditions.

The hypothesis that changes in affect were linearly related to changes in digit

ratio, however, was not confirmed. Those with neutral ratios (between male-typical and

female-typical ratios) exhibited the strongest change in positive affect for both males (M

= 3.83, SD = 3.51) and females (M = 6.72, SD = 6.35), while those with masculine-

typical hand ratios, both male (M = -1.40, SD = 5.47) and female (M = 2.17, SD = 6.21),

and feminine-typical hand ratios, both male (M = 1.18, SD = 5.94) and female (M = 4.21,

SD = 5.96) had weaker changes, significantly so for masculine ratios compared to neutral.

Follow-up Analyses

A number of other variables were included for analysis as control variables.

These were found to be non-significant and did not affect the results mentioned in the

previous subsection. Their corresponding analyses are included here in this subsection.

As mentioned in the methods section, participants were subjected to a

demographic questionnaire to analyze any possible confounding factors in change in

affect. In this questionnaire (available in the appendices), the participants were asked, in

addition to the factor of gender, their age, if they play video games (yes/no), how many
Table 1

Means & Standard Deviations of Positive & Negative Affect, Pre- & Post-Test

Total Positive Total Positive Total Negative Total Negative

Affect, Pre-test Affect, Post-test Affect, Pre-test Affect, Post-test
Right hand 2D:4D ratio, Masculine Gender of participant Male 32.87 7.61 31.47 7.47 14.00 3.18 13.87 3.23
categorized by thirds Female 28.33 5.74 30.50 6.41 14.07 3.73 13.27 2.55
Average 29.84 6.69 30.82 6.71 14.04 3.52 13.47 2.77
Neutral Gender of participant Male 30.08 6.61 33.92 8.39 12.33 2.23 12.50 2.47
Female 25.74 6.72 32.70 7.75 14.65 4.79 13.35 2.74
Average 26.87 6.89 33.02 7.86 14.04 4.37 13.13 2.67
Feminine Gender of participant Male 33.27 5.22 34.45 8.96 13.64 2.94 14.27 4.05
Female 26.65 6.81 30.87 7.44 14.39 2.92 13.83 4.55
Average 28.79 7.01 32.03 8.01 14.15 2.90 13.97 4.34
Left hand 2D:4D ratio, Masculine Gender of participant Male 31.48 7.39 32.71 8.05 13.48 2.89 13.90 3.11
categorized by thirds Female 27.81 6.55 30.24 7.07 14.10 3.96 13.38 2.67
Average 29.64 7.15 31.48 7.59 13.79 3.44 13.64 2.88
Neutral Gender of participant Male 31.25 5.78 29.50 9.41 13.88 3.09 14.38 3.58
Female 25.45 6.69 30.17 7.78 13.77 3.28 12.81 2.71
Average 26.64 6.87 30.03 8.02 13.79 3.21 13.13 2.93
Feminine Gender of participant Male 34.33 5.59 37.22 5.61 12.67 2.78 12.00 3.24
Female 27.57 6.12 33.26 6.58 15.09 4.49 14.06 3.86
Average 28.95 6.56 34.07 6.54 14.59 4.28 13.64 3.80

Note: Digit ratio categories were created by dividing participants according to upper, middle and lower digit ratio cut-off points.

hours per week they play video games (continuous), if they have ever played fighting

games before (yes/no), and how much of their game-playing time was spent playing

fighting games (1-7 Likert scale). Researchers were also instructed on this questionnaire

to privately mark if the participant’s opponent was male or female. In coding this, males

were entered as ‘1’ and females as ‘2.’ This was paired with the participant’s gender

(coded similarly) to create a variable stating whether the match was male/male (2),

male/female (3), or female/female (4). A Pearson’s r correlation test was conducted

between all of these variables, (except for gender pairing, for which one-way ANOVA

was conducted) and overall change in positive affect (overall change in negative affect is

being omitted at this point because it never approached significance with either hand),

and no significant correlation (or main effect) was found with any of these variables.

However, the gender-pairing variable approached significance, F (1, 116) = 2.683, p =


In addition to these demographic variables, the post-game inventory that

participants filled out asked them how well they enjoyed their game (1-7 Likert scale),

how well they enjoyed playing with the other participant / present researcher (1-7 Likert

scale), if they would play the game again with this partner (yes/no), and then a 1-7 Likert

scale of their perceived in-game performance in the first five minutes, followed by their

perceived in-game performance towards the end of the session. These last two variables

were combined, with the early-game performance being subtracted from the end-game

performance, in order to indicate the magnitude and direction of their perceived


performance. Significant correlations were found in a Pearson’s r test for the

participant’s enjoyment of the game, r = .459, p < .001, and enjoyment of playing with

this particular partner, r = .379, p < .001. All other variables showed no significant main


A one-way ANCOVA was performed on the relationship that gender and right

hand 2D:4D ratio have with change in positive affect, with gender pairing of participants,

enjoyment of the game and enjoyment of the partner as covariates. These three were

selected using the aforementioned Pearson’s correlation, so as to minimize the effect of

decreasing degrees of freedom by including all potential covariates. Significant main

effects were found for enjoyment of the game, F (1, 110) = 10.85, p = .001, as a

covariate. Right hand ratio was discovered to still have a significant main effect with all

covariates accounted for, F (2, 110) = 4.85, p < .05, and a marginally significant main

effect was found for gender, F (1, 110) = 3.86, p = .052. This further confirms the

hypothesis that there would be a significant main effect for the right hand. While the

main effect for gender was not significant at the .05 level, its proximity to significance

helps support the hypothesis that there would be a significant difference between males

and females in terms of affect change.

A multiple analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was performed on right hand

2D:4D ratio and gender, with all ten of the dimensions of positive affect as dependent

variables, and enjoyment of the game as a covariate. No significant main effect was

found for gender or right hand 2D:4D ratio.



The hypothesis for the present study was not confirmed. It was expected that

2D:4D ratio and affect change would be negatively correlated. This was not found to be

true for positive affect or negative affect. However, the research question posed is

justified by the findings in the present study. It was asked to what degree 2D:4D ratio

mediates changes in reported state affect. While the hypothesis did not predict the

correct relationship, several significant main effects were still found that should be

considered for future research.

First, a significant main effect was found for 2D:4D ratio on positive affect

change, but not negative affect change. The relationship found was different from the

hypothesis, not only in direction, but also in the shape. Whereas it was hypothesized that

low 2D:4D ratios would exhibit greater change in affect than high 2D:4D ratios, the

results indicated that both high 2D:4D ratios (e.g., feminine-typical) and low 2D:4D

ratios (e.g. masculine-typical) exhibited relatively little change in positive affect from

pre-test to post-test. Interestingly, it was the neutral hand ratios that exhibited the

greatest change from pre-test to post-test. For all groups except for one (male-typical

2D:4D ratio in males), positive affect increased. For male-typical 2D:4D ratio in males,

the change in positive affect was negative (see Figure 1). Furthermore, the relationship


between right hand 2D:4D ratio and change in positive affect was found to be virtually

identical across genders. However, females showed greater overall change in positive

affect than males in all three 2D:4D categories (see Figure 3). Therefore, we can

conclude that both high and low levels of exposure to intrauterine testosterone are

correlated with less change in positive affect in competitive situations in adulthood, while

the neutral exposure to intrauterine testosterone is correlated with the greatest change in

positive affect in adulthood.

It was expected that the mediating effect of 2D:4D ratio on state affect would

reveal a linear, negative and unidirectional relationship between prenatal testosterone and

state affect. However, the curvilinear nature of the findings suggests that relatively high

or relatively low levels of fetal exposure to intrauterine testosterone is associated with

stable state positive affect responses during adulthood. While only speculative, it may be

the case that there is some intermediate range of testosterone exposure that creates a

tendency for adult affect lability. In any event, the results of the current study show that

changes in state affect during adulthood appear to be influenced by fetal exposure to


It was mentioned earlier that the results indicated a negative change in overall

positive affect for males with masculine 2D:4D ratios, though only minimally. This

subgroup was the only group to experience a negative change in overall positive affect of

the six subgroups. While the research in question only looked for change, the direction

should be considered. However, it is not known at this point what the implications are of

these findings. It is possible that, since this subgroup was theoretically exposed to the

most prenatal testosterone in utero, their response to the competitive situation may have

been one of aggression, which is not associated with positive affect, and would make the

change in positive affect a negative one.

As has been noted in the literature (Manning et al., 2003; Lutchmaya et al.,

2001), 2D:4D ratio is negatively correlated with prenatal testosterone, which appears in

much higher levels than estrogen in the developing fetus when a ‘Y’ chromosome is

present. Conversely, 2D:4D ratio is positively correlated with prenatal estrogen

(Manning et al., 1998), which appears in much higher levels than testosterone in the

developing fetus when that ‘Y’ chromosome is not present. This is why those

participants with 2D:4D ratios in the bottom third of the data were designated as

“masculine” and those participants in the top third of the data were designated as

“feminine.” It was because testosterone has often been linked to aggressive behaviors

and unstable behavioral patterns, especially in males (Lee & Coccaro, 2001; Giammanco

et al., 2001; Melloni et al., 1997) that the current study hypothesized a negative linear

relationship between affect change and 2D:4D ratio.

Seeing the often tumultuous result of the use of exogenous androgenic

anabolic steroids is consistent with the theoretical prediction that fetal exposure to

relatively high levels of testosterone might be related to later emotional volatility.

However, the patterns exhibited in studies (Pope & Katz, 1988) were exhibiting trait

aggression, and this study was designed to study state affect. Therefore, it may be that

exposure to prenatal testosterone can affect one’s lifetime tendencies to behave more or

less aggressively, as well as have less variability in state fluctuations. It should be noted

that the term “stability,” refers to relatively low levels of state affect fluctuation. So

whether or not the individual is more or less aggressive, their state affect may actually be

stabilized by greater exposure to either testosterone or estrogen. However, a more

hormonally “neutral” exposure to intrauterine testosterone characterizes the individual

not being exposed to relatively higher amounts of either testosterone & estrogen, and thus

the proposed stabilizing factor is not present.

It is important to note that the literature on the correlation between intrauterine

estrogen and 2D:4D ratio is not sufficient to draw a conclusion about the effect of

intrauterine estrogen as a mediating factor in positive affect change. 2D:4D research has

largely concerned itself up to this point with the relationship between intrauterine

testosterone and various phenotypes, but not intrauterine estrogen. At this point, it can

only be speculated upon that, based on the data in the present study, estrogen has a

similar mediating effect on positive affect to testosterone.

It should also be considered that hormones may act differently during

competition. Prenatal testosterone has often been an encouraging factor for competitive

individuals (Manning et al., 2001; Coates et al., 2009) and sensation-seekers (Zuckerman

et al., 1978; Apicella et al., 2008; van Honk et al., 2004). While circulating testosterone

has been shown to increase during competition, it is still unclear how this circulating

testosterone changes state affect. The present research suggests that exposure to

intrauterine testosterone appears to be associated with later emotional lability.

The last item to speculate on is why the change was only found to be

significant for positive affect and not negative affect. Pertinent to the study, competition

may actually be very enjoyable, especially given the neutral atmosphere of the research

and the typical lack of acquaintanceship between two subjects, who were often strangers

to one another. There was little need to prove one’s superiority to a stranger, and no

emphasis was placed on performance for the subjects. Therefore, the potentially

humiliating effects of defeat were not implicated and may have made the competition of

the present study seem less costly in the event of a loss. In addition, video games have

been designed to be enjoyable by those who play them, and this may be reflected in the

resulting uncertainty in the results for overall change in negative affect.

Data was not collected on ethnicity for this study. Manning and colleagues

(2001) found statistically significant differences in 2D:4D ratios between ethnicities in

their study. However, we did not believe that we would recruit enough participants of the

ethnicities listed as significantly different in the previous study (African, Asian, Middle

Eastern) to use it as a factor for analysis.


The current study did not utilize a control group or a sham group who

completed a noncompetitive orienting task. As such a control group would better ensure

the change in affect was not a result of maturation effects, and perhaps differentially so

for those who varied according the upper, lower, and middle digit ratio categories. While

it is possible that there may have been a change in affect in the 20 minutes between the

completion of the pre-game PANAS and the starting of the post-game PANAS that was

irrelevant to the intervention condition, there is no obvious reason why any such change

should differentially occur for the three digit ratio groups. Still it would be advisable for

any future research on this subject to also include a control condition.

Another possible limitation stems from the deviation of our mean 2D:4D

ratios from those of other studies, especially Manning and colleagues (2001). Manning’s

study gathered ratios from an immense sample size (255,116 participants), and the mean

2D:4D ratios for men and women were .984 (SD = .049) on the right hand and .985

(.047) on the left hand. The mean ratios in the present study were .953 (SD = .031) for

the right hand and .961 (SD = .031) for the left hand. However, there is no reason to

believe that the participants demographics of CSU, Chico are notably different from the

cross-section of participants for Manning’s study. Also, the interrater reliability was high

between three separate researchers (α = .95), so this difference is unlikely to have

occurred due to human error.

One very important limitation of the study is that all participants were exposed

to the same condition. More specifically, every participant played Soul Caliber 2, and no

other video games were used in this study. It would be advisable in future research of

similar goals to use video games of different genres and functioning. Soul Caliber 2 was

assumed to bring out competitive feelings in the individuals present. However, it may be

that the video game itself caused a physiological change due to characteristics specific to

that game. Therefore, more prosocial games wherein the participants are not in direct

competition or are forced to cooperate to achieve a common goal would serve as good

alternate conditions to compare with the first game. Given the relatively small number of

male participants, however, it would be advised to gather more than 125 participants to

ensure more reliable results.

Further Suggestions for Future Research

These findings remain difficult to interpret in light of the relevant literature.

Those with lower 2D:4D ratios have been prone to greater aggression (Bailey & Hurd,

2005) and higher neuroticism (Manning et al., 2004), which might be expected to

increase emotional lability. Still, the results go against the hypothesized direction and

shape of the relationship. Given the significance of these findings, it is suggested that

further research be done on the relationship between state affect and exposure to prenatal

hormones, as marked by 2D:4D ratio.

Given the ambiguity of the relationship between prenatal testosterone and

state affect, it may be of interest to conduct a study using changes in salivary testosterone

as another fixed factor in the experimental design. This would help in establishing how

prenatal testosterone’s relationship to circulating testosterone is related to response to


Finally, future research in affect change and 2D:4D ratios in competitive

settings may do well to use a more naturalistic competitive setting for the subjects. For

example, participants in a track meet are being exposed to real competition that may

affect their status on their respective track teams or in the overall rankings for their

league. Another example is the financial traders, as utilized by Coates et al. (2009).

These individuals were in a real-life competitive setting that determined how much

money they would be taking home. The potential cost of their performance was much

more relevant to the subjects than was the potential cost from video game players. In any

case, the use of a realistic reward or punishment system may result in a significant change

in negative affect as well, which was absent from the present study.

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This study investigates the relationship between finger length, reaction to stress, and
emotional arousal. Your hands will be photographed so that we can accurately measure
the length of your second and fourth finger. You will also be asked to complete a series
of questionnaires that include your gender, age, video game habits and your current
emotional state.

Your answers are strictly confidential. No one will be able to associate your data with
you personally. You will be identified only by an ID code, and that code will not be
linked to your name. However, if at any time you choose to not complete the study you
are free to do so without penalty. We have taken steps to ensure your confidentiality so
we appreciate your honest responses.

The total time necessary to complete the study will vary from 30 to 45 minutes.

The study is supervised by Dr. Edward Vela and will be conducted by students with
specific training in this area.

I certify that I have read the foregoing and understand that I am free to discontinue
participation in the project at any time. I hereby give my consent to participate in this

Name (please print)

___________________________ __________________________
Signature Date

NOTE: This informed consent form will not be linked with the ID code that
is associated with the data we collect from you.

Pregame Inventory ID#:_______________

Sex (Circle one): M F

Age: ________

Do you play video games? (Circle one) YES / NO

If yes, how many hours per week do you play? _______________

Have you played fighting games before? (This includes such games as Street Fighter, Mortal
Kombat, Smash Bros., Virtua Fighter) (Circle one): YES / NO

How much of your video game playing is spent on fighting games?

None Most or all

How would you rate your stress level right now? (Circle one):

Very Low Very High

Post-game inventory ID#:_______________

How much did you enjoy playing this game today? 1------2-------3-------4-------5-------6-------7
(Circle one): Not at all Very much

How much did you enjoy playing with your partner? 1------2-------3-------4-------5-------6-------7
(Circle one): Not at all Very much

Would you play this game, or any game, with them again? (Circle one) YES / NO

Rate your performance in the first five minutes: 1------2-------3-------4-------5-------6-------7

(Circle one): Very poor Very good

Rate your performance at the end of the session: 1------2-------3-------4-------5-------6-------7

(Circle one): Very poor Very good


Thank you for participating in my study, which focuses on the

relationship between competition, emotional arousal, and
finger length.

Recent research has shown that the length of your index and
ring fingers is related to the amount of testosterone a fetus is
exposed to in the womb. This also correlates with testosterone
levels later in life, which have been found to have an influence
on such traits as aggression and sexual preferences.

The ratio between your index and ring fingers may also be an
indicator of how one responds to stress, competition, and
threat. We hope to determine whether there exists a correlation
between your finger length ratio and emotional arousal in
competitive settings, as measured by your responses on the

The video game you just played stood as an intervention to

increase emotional arousal. We hypothesize that the bigger the
difference between your index and ring finger, the greater the
change in your emotions

The results of this study will be available towards the end of

next semester (Spring ’10). If you are interested in the results
of this study and would like more information on the research
that you just participated in, please feel free to contact Robbie
Rickgauer ( or Dr. Eddie Vela


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