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LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Fatima Obaid Topic or Theme: Decimals

Class:4 Date & Duration: 8-10-2020 (45 Min)

Trainee Personal Goals:

In this lesson plan I am working on my Assessment Strategies.

Lesson Focus:

Students will focus how to use place vale to subtract Decimals.

Lesson Outcomes:

Students will be able to subtract Decimals.

Links to Prior Learning:

Review how to add fractions and how to add mixd fractions.

21st Century Skill

Collaboration: students will collaborate to complete the activates.

Critical Thinking: Students try to add the Decimals.
Key vocabulary

 Decimals
 Tens
 Ones
 Tenths
 subtract

Possible problems for learners: Solutions to possible problems;

 Difficulties on understanding the  Modelling the activity in a student friendly

activities. language and do one example for them
 the language I’m using.
 behaviour issues.  Grouping the students and do competition,
 How to use place to subtract give points for group who listing and
Decimals Participates with me.

 Show them example

Resources/equipment neede

& Time
In the introduction teacher will review the place value chart with students.
5-10min In the modeling, teacher will say today we going to learn very easy lesson is about
how to add 3 steps

67 .5
Step 1: Line up decimal points. 79 .1

Step 2 : subtracts the digits in the same Place-value positions.

Step3: Bring the decimal point straight down in the sum.

Teacher will model one example for them.

After that teacher will ask the students to check their basket, and take out the bag,
in the bag has a challenge questions they have to answer it in the pairs.

Than teacher will call one student to do it in the board, students have to check if
they answer right Then begin the actives.

Main activities
& Time

Teacher will write same adding decimals equation and ask the students to solve it.
Teacher will explain that ,first you have to look for the first number which is once
place and add it with once than move to hundreds place and add the numbers together
. online white board

Differentiation activities (Stretch)

All activities are differentiated.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion

Teacher will recap the outcome with the students and check for understanding. Each
student must complete the self-assessment.

Assessment Formative assessment. self-assessment.


√ Observation Student self-assessment √ Oral questioning ☐ Peer assessment

☐ Quiz ☐ Student presentation √ Written work and √ Verbal feedback


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