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Team Telegraph November 2012 | Issue No.


H.O.S.T. Exceeds Manila – Precious Front Hakata Dry Safety Officer Course A Journey Life 2.0
Expectations! Heritage Orphanage Docking at Chennai Training Accomplished
and School Centre Successfully

Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6-7 Page 8

M/T Front Signe as the M/T

Pegasus approaches for STS
operations off Southwold, UK.
SeaTeam Management

H.O.S.T Exceeds

The staff support of HOST has exceeded all Chennai – Gnanodaya School &
expectations and we have been overwhelmed by the
generosity. Since the initial start we have received Hostel
another $3,000 that has been donated despite no HOST has funded renovations to the kitchen of the
requests for further funding. hostel with the “New” kitchen being opened 11th of
October 2012. The accompanying photographs and the
Now that we have committed to Gnanodaya School and smiles on the children’s faces illustrate the tremendous
Precious Heritage Orphanage, we have introduced a improvement that this has made.
monthly payroll deduction which would allow a steady
cash flow. This is not finalized yet but indications are We have also agreed to fund them up to $1,500 per
that total donations will total around $6,000 per month. month for a minimum period of six months. This will
enable them to cover teacher’s salaries, utilities,
It was particularly heart warming to receive an e-mail medical care and so forth. Gnanodaya gives us a
from one of the ships stating; “Thank you for this brief statement of expenditure every month that we
brilliant idea, this is a step to reach and help the needy distribute.
even though we’re far at sea.”

Team Telegraph 2
SeaTeam Management
Manila – Precious Heritage
Orphanage and School
Joel Santos, the President of Precious Heritage
Ministries Foundation attended the Manila
Officers seminar in September to introduce
the good work they do. After his presentation,
HOST presented them with a cheque for
137,000 peso (US$3,250) to replace the
orphanage roof, provide the children with their
own lockers, and fund operators for a month.

New Lockers for Precious Heritage

Children’s Home

We have also agreed to fund the

orphanage up to $1,500 per month
for a minimum period of six months.
This will completely fund the costs
of food, medical supplies, utilities
and school books for the children.
Precious Heritage provides us with
a statement of expenditure every
month and this is sent to all offices
and vessels for display on the notice

8-Year-old Noraldin Diaz’s Story

Noraldin or “Dindin” was an unwanted child. His mother had several casual
relationships before and after he was born. His mother’s latest live-in partner,
a drug addict, abused Dindin several times to the extent of hammering his
head. Finally Dindin was taken to a place far from home and abandoned. He
was left to beg for food and sleeping on the streets.

The Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) Nasugbu,

Batangas took Dindin off the street and brought him to Precious Heritage
Children’s Home where he is now being provided with long term care thanks
to HOST support.

Noraldin Diaz at Precious Heritage

Team Telegraph 3
Children’s Home
SeaTeam Management

Front Hakata Dry Docking

The M/T Front Hakata was recently directed to China
for dry docking at Yiu-Lian Dockyard, on Mazhou
Island. After de-slopping and de-mucking from the 6th
Sept to the 10th Sept 2012 at Dayushan anchorage, the
vessel was certified gas free for yard entry. The vessel
entered Yiu-Lian Dockyard on the 11th Sept 2012 for
2nd special survey and associated docking, boiler and
renewal surveys.

The vessel was kept in the yard for almost 18 days. In

addition to almost 100% blasting which was carried out
to the boot top and vertical bottom, the vessel had a
change of colours to her hull and accommodation block.
The slightly aged lady was happy with her new exterior
makeup plus lipstick and sailed out with improved
Front Hakata entering the dock

All ship staff worked hard, while at the same time

getting a chance to go ashore and relax at Sea World,
a popular tourist spot with a few good places to let
one’s hair down.

After all repairs were finished, the vessel set sail for
Singapore upon completion of sea trials on the 29th
Sept 2012.

Four bladed propeller after polishing

Capt. Pushkar Jha

standing near
propeller pior to

Front Hakata sailing after completion

Team Telegraph 4
SeaTeam Management
Safety Officer Course at Chennai
Training Center
On 17th to 18th October 2012, SeaTeam Training Center Chief Engineers, two Second Engineers, a Second Officer,
in Chennai held it’s 3rd Safety Officers Training Course and a Third Engineer. Feedback from the participants
for senior officers. The course highlighted the duties of indicated most found the course to be good and the
the Safety Officer, Accident Investigation, Risk content extremely useful. It is intended that the course
Assessment and Job Safety Analysis, safe working will be conducted in both Manila and Chennai Training
practices and company specific expectations. The course Centers at least three times a year so that all officers
was attended by four Masters, four Chief Officers, two can be slated for attendance during vacation periods.

Attentive officers reflect concern Behaviour Based Safety presentation

Safety Winner Adds Focus on Safety

By Engine Cadet Lugsnay M/V Golden Zhejiang

It helps us to start focus during daily job to avoid That’s all I can share on how to help the crew on
accident. For me, the purpose of the scratch card is not board to stay focus for a quality safety and healthy
only to win but to encourage us to work safely: environment.

• To keep an eye to our fellow crew during unsafe act. I am very grateful to all the personnel and staff of this
• Be aware of our environment on board and observe company who organize/implement this safety incentive
any unsafe condition at all time. scratch card program.
• Report immediately some near miss in order to
prevent further occurance of such particular accident. Team Zhejiang winners

• Do not hesitate to call the attention of any personnel

who is in unsafe situation while performing his
assign task, whatever his position in a polite manner,
regarding with his personal protective equipment.
• We must not ignore safety on board.

Cadet Lugsnay with

Capt. Gavilla

Team Telegraph 5
SeaTeam Management

A Journey Accomplished
by Capt. S.Z. Peter

Our M/T Pioneer sailed for forty five days from Ceyhan, in the survey list. The survey and inspection lasted for
Turkey to Pasir Gudang, Malaysia and completed the three full days.
voyage without any undue incidence. All through
the voyage there was different weather at each leg
of the journey. It was quite hot with calm seas all
through the Mediterranean, but once in the Atlantic
Ocean, variable weather was encountered. The North
being quite calm and moderate, as per the seamen’s
expectation, however reaching South and rounding off
the Cape of Africa, the ship’s speed dropped drastically
as it encountered the adverse current of Bengula and
Aghulas. The South Indian Ocean was terrible, and
worse than our expectations, with wind force going up Red sky at night, sailors delight
to Beaufort scale of eight. High seas and sprays on
deck did not allow much work to be carried on deck,
so jobs were carried in the pump room and within the
accommodation spaces.

Come Sumatera, anti-piracy precautions and watches

were initiated. Speed was planned and adjusted in
such a manner that the vessel did not have to wait
to catch the High Tide at One Fathom Bank, while still
fulfilling the Charter Party speed criteria. The critical
location in the stretch of Malacca came during the night
where watches were doubled and the Bridge Team had
to remain vigilant to carry out the transit safely. The
Moving forward on all horizons
tricky leg between Racon D in the Philips Channel and
Batu Berhanti required the most diligent watchkeeping. A day or two at the anchorage was very much needed
for reviewing and preparing the vessel for discharge.
Enroute in Singapore Straits, the ship slowed down to But the list of jobs pending never ends, as jobs are
pick up fresh provisions and our Tech Suptd., Petter ticked off, new ones are added:
Lalic, as well as a Lloyd’s Class Surveyor and three
UTM technicians. The team boarded the vessel for • One of the main engine units due for overhaul, had
conducting the first stage of the intermediate survey. to be planned for maintenance and inspection.
Past midnight, the vessel anchored at a safe location
• The accommodation front needed maintenance
NE off Horsburg Lighthouse.
with spot chipping and painting, and the manifold
Come morning, the full team got busy with ballast tank connections had to be made ready for the discharge.
inspections and thickness measurement which went in
• The lifeboats and rescue boats normally lowered to
full swing for the next three days. During this period
embarkation deck during drills, had to be maneuvered
most of the engine items were inspected and credited
in the water as part of the three monthly routine.
The sea has to be pretty calm when doing this as
the seamen always find it difficult to bring back the
boats in position and hook them on.

Fresh provisions

Team Telegraph 6
SeaTeam Management
During this hectic period, the galley staff was really each other’s company during the non-working hours
appreciated for the wonderful cuisine they prepared and our teamwork never suffered. Another journey lies
to keep our seafarers happy. Even with heavy load of ahead, but the Pioneer team stands ready to meet each
work, and during these periods of stress, the spirits of new challenge and more.
the Pioneer crew were not deterred. We all appreciated

Team lowering the Rescue Boat Galley staff preparing another nice meal

And She’s Young Again…!

A poem penned by C/O Sajan & Cadet Kannan, M/T Front Cecilie

This is the story about ME, Yeah... I’m Front Cecilie.

Born in China, N Now World is my Arena
Delivered in month of June, here I depart from land of Sand Dune.
Fully Laden here I GO, Yet not ready for Show.
Sad I was a lil Bit, but I just didn’t wanna QUIT.
My deck had all turned Brown, was like a princess losing Crown.
I was desperate for a Makeover, that’s when “Men in Blue” Took Over
Make a wish they Said, I requested “Paint me RED”
Men worked hard from Dawn to Dusk, Valiant as Spartans with Mask
Striding through Blue Ocean, I have men working with Passion
SUN Rose from East N Dipped n West, Guys doing what they do Best
As I started gainin My COLOR, was sure like Me there’s NO Other
Within days they were Done, N my new skin beaming under SUN
Overwhelmed with JOY, here comes the Queen of TROY
Filled with Euphoria, I reached KOREA
Lost in My Looks they were silent for a While,
Then all I heard was “Oppa Gangnam Style….!”

Contact Us
Singapore Chennai Manila


10 Hoe Chiang Road, Amble Side, V Floor, 2/F, Ma. Daniel Building,
#19-03/04/05 Keppel Towers, No. 8 Khader Nawaz Khan Road, 470 San Andres St., cor MH Del Pilar Sts.,
Singapore 089315 Nungambakkam, Chennai-600 006, India Malate, Manila, Philippines 1004
Tel: +65-6631-9850 Tel: +91-44-2833-3100 Tel: + 63-2353 -9807
Fax: +65-6631-9851 Fax: +91-44-2833-3102 Fax: +63-2353 -9813

Web Site

Team Telegraph 7
SeaTeam Management

Life 2.0
By Shardul Pathak
Junior Engineer, M/T Front Njord

21st September 2012, a date which is a milestone in my life. The day, my

life’s second innings started, the kid had finally grown up and was out to
face the seas of the world. A dream I had for quite a long while was going to
be a reality! After the knowledge that I would leave early morning the next
day, everything became blur. To this day I have people complaining that
I did not tell them of my departure. I would have, if I had known myself!
Such are the mystic treasures of this industry. One has to be prepared for
whatever is thrown in their way.

After a long flight that got me half way around the world (literally), a 3-hour
car drive and a 4-hour boat ride, I finally saw my home for the next 7
months, M/T Front Njord. The feeling was nothing less than the emotions of
a 5-year-old, when he is given the remote to his first ever remote control Junior Engineer Shardul Pathak
car. Here I must clarify, it was not all elation, minimal amount of anxiety did taking soundings
managed to creep its way through, also. However, all the anxiety and the
little amounts of fear were driven right away by the warmth by which I was welcomed, shown to the conference
hall and then asked to help people with shifting the stores which were being delivered to the ship. When the chief
engineer or “bada saab”, as he is called onboard, learnt that we had had a long journey he did ask me to take
the day off and rest.

I do feel blessed to have a stupendous company onboard, the crew, who never forget to ask how am I adjusting
to the sea life, and the seniors who make sure that I am right on my learning path. The captain very rightly put
it in words when he said, “The crew is always nice.” I must take an opportunity to say that the 2nd engineer is
exactly as he was described to be in the office, helpful and understanding, the 3rd with his every smiling face is
always there to help me out, and 4th engineer understands what it is like being a junior hence makes my life as
easy as possible. There are many things I realized only once I came onboard, among which were my ability to
use a treadmill in a rolling ship and my sudden love for food! The latter majorly because of all the delicacies our
chief cook stirs up for us.

It was also quite an experience to see things, which were till now on a page, in a book, one could fit in a bag, to
stand out in front of you. Big enough for me to have reality checks on a regular basis to fathom the size and scale
of the enormity of everything onboard, right from the engine to the generators, the boilers or the sea water pumps.

After two weeks, and regular updates on my social

networking page about the life I have onboard and
details of the Saturday evening and the swimming
pool, a friend of mine came with a rather rhetorical
question. She asked me, since I am living a childhood
dream and having fun, do I miss home? The only
reason I called it rhetorical was because no one needs
to answer it.

I did indeed find a home away from home, the people

are warm, the food is good, internet makes sure I
am in touch with everyone. I couldn’t have asked for
anything better. SeaTeam is indeed the right choice
for me!
M/T Front Njord engaged in Ship to Ship Transfer at the
Southwest Pass STS Area Off New Orleans, Louisiana USA

Team Telegraph 8

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