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Ce211301 Interfacing The Psoc Analog Coprocessor With A Pir Motion Sensor

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CE211301 – Interfacing the PSoC® Analog

Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

This code example demonstrates how to implement an analog front end (AFE) for a Pyroelectric Infrared (PIR) motion sensor,
using the PSoC Analog Coprocessor.

This code example demonstrates how to measure the voltage signal from a PIR motion sensor and detect the movement of an
infrared (IR) emitting object. The measured PIR motion sensor signal and the motion detection status are sent over I2C to a
host PC running the Cypress’s Bridge Control Panel (BCP) software. The RGB LED turns ON whenever motion is detected.

Tool: PSoC Creator™ 3.3 CP3 or later versions
Programming Language: C (ARM® GCC 4.9.3)
Associated Parts: All PSoC Analog Coprocessor parts
Related Hardware: CY8CKIT-048 PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit

PIR Motion Sensing – Theory of Operation
The PIR motion sensor is based on the pyroelectric effect, where certain materials generate a voltage when exposed to
infrared radiation. This radiation is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that falls between microwaves and visible light.
Infrared radiation has wavelengths longer than the visible light but shorter than microwaves. Humans at normal body
temperature radiate strongest in the infrared at an approximate wavelength of 10 µm.
The PIR motion sensor uses infrared sensitive materials as the sensing elements. It is packaged with a field effect transistor
(FET) in the source follower mode, as Figure 1 shows. FET is required to buffer the high-impedance output of the sensor
element. When the sensor element is exposed to infrared radiation, a voltage is generated across the element.

Figure 1. PIR Motion Sensor – Single-Element

Most of the common PIR motion sensors have two or four sensing elements. These elements are arranged such that the
voltage generated by one is subtracted by the other. This arrangement cancels the common signal and generates a voltage
only when there is a difference in the incident infrared radiation level on the sensing elements.
Figure 2 shows the dual element PIR motion sensor with the elements connected in series but with an opposite phase,
because of which it has maximum sensitivity along a particular axis. Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 1

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Figure 2. PIR Motion Sensor Dual-Element

The sensor package is designed to have a unique field-of-view for each element. When an IR radiating source moves across
the fields of view, the sensor generates a differential signal (see Figure 3). For a 90° field-of-view or more, a Fresnel lens is
mounted on the PIR motion sensor. It improves the sensitivity and thus the detection distance.

Figure 3. PIR Motion Sensor Output Response Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 2

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Figure 4 shows the PSoC Creator schematic for interfacing a PIR motion sensor with the PSoC Analog Coprocessor.

Figure 4. PIR Motion Sensing Schematic

The PIR motion sensor implementation on the CY8CKIT-048 PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit consists of five stages: a
bias circuit for the PIR motion sensor, a first-stage amplifier, a high-pass filter (HPF), a second-stage amplifier, and an ADC. In
the main stages of the PIR motion sensor implementation, the two amplifiers are implemented in the PSoC Analog
The PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit has a dual-element PIR motion sensor (ZRE200GE). The voltage signal generated
by the sensor is AC-coupled (using C48) and clamped to the internal reference voltage V REF. The typical sensor output voltage
is in the order of several millivolts and varies depending on the strength of the incident infrared radiation. To detect the motion
of a human body at a distance of 10 feet, a gain of >1000 is required. A single-stage amplifier with such a high gain causes the
amplifier output to saturate due to the amplification of the input offset voltage. Thus, a two-stage amplifier is best suited for
amplifying with high gain.
The total gain is split between two stages. The first-stage amplifier uses a non-inverting amplifier configuration using an
internal Opamp and external gain setting resistors – R118 and R119. The second-stage amplifier uses a PGA Component.
The first stage amplifier gain is set to 681 and the PGA gain is set to 1 on startup. However, the second-stage amplifier gain
changes depending on the detection distance required – 3 feet, 10 feet, or 20 feet.
A HPF, made using external passive components C91 and R147, is introduced between the first and the second amplifier
stages to eliminate the offset voltage.
The PIR motion sensor and gain stages use a 1.2-V bandgap voltage as the reference voltage. The bandgap voltage is
independent of supply voltage fluctuations and hence provides a stable voltage reference. This voltage is generated using a
programmable reference component, PVref, and is buffered using an Opamp.
The output of the second-stage PGA is connected to the Scanning SAR ADC Component. The Scanning SAR ADC results are
compared against threshold values to detect the motion of an IR emitting object. When motion is detected, the LED turns ON
for 5 seconds.
In addition to indicating the status on an LED, multiple data such as PIR raw count, detection thresholds, and detection status
are sent to a host PC using I2C. The host PC sets the desired detection distance over I2C.

Design Considerations
This design can be adapted for other PIR motion sensors. You may need to change amplifier gains depending on the sensor
This code example is designed for the PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit. The design is easily portable to other kits and
PCBs, typically by just changing the sensor, I2C, or LED pin assignments. Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 3

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Hardware Setup
Set the SW4 switch on the PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit to ‘REG’ position, to select the regulator as the VDD source.
Set the jumper J9 to 1-2 for 3.3-V device operation. If you want to use a different power source or a different VDD value, select
the SW4 and J9 settings based on Table 1.

Table 1. PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit Power Supply Source and VDD Selection

Power Supply Source VDD (volts) SW4 (switch position) J9 (jumper position)

USB 1.8 REG open

3.3 REG 1-2
5.0 USB Any position except 2-3
1.8 - 3.3 REG 4-2
External VIN 1.8 REG open
3.3 REG 1-2
5.0 REG 2-3
Arduino baseboard 1.8 REG open
3.3 REG 1-2
Coin Cell 3.0 BAT NA

Connect the PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit to your computer’s USB port, using the USB cable provided with the kit, as
Figure 5 shows. Ensure that the Fresnel lens is mounted on the sensor.

Figure 5. Hardware Connection

PIR Motion
Sensor Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 4

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Software Setup
This section describes how to set up the Cypress Bridge Control Panel (BCP) software for viewing sensor data sent over I2C.
The BCP is installed automatically as part of the kit software installation. Follow these steps to configure the BCP:
1. Open the BCP from: Start > All Programs > Cypress > Bridge Control Panel <version> > Bridge Control Panel
2. Select KitProg2/<serial number> under Connected I2C/SPI/RX8 Ports (see Figure 6). Note that the PSoC Analog
Coprocessor Pioneer Kit must be connected to the USB port of your computer.

Figure 6. Bridge Control Panel

3. Select menu item Tools > Protocol Configuration, navigate to the I2C tab, and set the I2C speed to ‘100 kHz’. Click
OK. Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 5

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

4. Select menu item Chart > Variable Settings and Load the CE211301_PIR_Motion_Sensing.ini file from the following
path: <Install_Directory>\CY8CKIT-048 PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer
Kit\<version>\Firmware\PSoC Analog Coprocessor\BCP Command\. Click OK. See Figure 7.
This file includes the variable names, their data type, and their signs, to represent the data sent over I2C.

Figure 7. Variable Settings in Bridge Control Panel Software

The BCP is now ready for reading and displaying the sensor data. Refer to the Operation for the testing procedure.

Table 2 lists the PSoC Creator Components used in this example and the hardware resources used by each Component.

Table 2. List of PSoC Creator Components

Component Instance Name Version Hardware Resources

Scanning SAR ADC ADC v1.10 SAR ADC

Opamp RefBuffer v1.20 Continuous Time Block (CTB)
Opamp PIRAmplifierStage1 v1.20 Continuous Time Block (CTB)
PGA PIRAmplifierStage2 v1.0 Continuous Time Block (CTB)
PVref PVref v1.0 Programmable Reference Block (PRB)
Clock Clk_1kHz v2.20 Clock
Timer Counter (TCPWM Timer Counter Pulse Width Modulator (TCPWM)
Timebase5s v2.10
EZI2C Slave (SCB mode) EZI2C v3.20 Serial Communication Block (SCB)
Pin_Vref, v2.20
Analog Pin Pin_AmpOut, I/O
Digital Output Pin_LED v2.20 I/O Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 6

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Parameter Settings
Table 3 lists the non-default settings of all the components used in the design.
Table 3. Component Parameters

Component Instance
Settings (Non-Default)

Free-run scan rate (SPS): 10000

Number of Channels: 1
Mode: Follower
RefBuffer Output: Output to pin
Power/Bandwidth: High
Output: Output to pin
Power/Bandwidth: High
PIRAmplifierStage2 -
PVref -
Clk_1kHz Frequency: 1 kHz
Compare/Capture: Compare
Timebase5s Period: 4999
Compare: 2500
Pin_PIR , Pin_PGAIn,
Pin_AmpOut, Pin_PIRRef, External terminal: Enabled
Digital output > HW connection: Disabled
External terminal: Enabled

Note EZI2C pins are embedded within the Component.

Design-Wide Resources
Table 4 shows the physical pins used.

Table 4. Pin Names and Locations

Pin Name Location

EZI2C: SCL P4[0]
EZI2C: SDA P4[1]
Pin_LED P1[4]
Pin_PIR P2[0]
Pin_PIRRef P2[1]
Pin_AmpOut P2[2]
Pin_PGAIn P1[0]
Pin_Vref P1[3] Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 7

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Follow these steps:
1. Select the CE211301_PIR_Motion_Sensing.cywrk file in the PSoC Creator Start page, under Examples and Kits >
Kits > CY8CKIT-048. Select a location to save the code example.
2. Build the project; select the PSoC Creator menu item Build > Build CE211301_PIR_Motion_Sensing.
3. Connect the PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit to your computer’s USB port, as described in the section Hardware
4. Program the PSoC Analog Coprocessor device; select Debug > Program.
5. Configure the BCP software as described in the section Software Setup.
6. Select File > Open File. Open the CE211301_PIR_Motion_Sensing.iic file, from the following path:
<Install_Directory>\CY8CKIT-048 PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer
Kit\<version>\Firmware\PSoC Analog Coprocessor\BCP Command\
This file contains the read and write commands to be executed by the BCP. The commands appear on the panel, as
Figure 8 shows.
Figure 8. Read and Write Command in the Bridge Control Panel

To set the detection distance, use command #1 - “w 08 00 03”. To execute the command, click on the instruction and then
click the Send button. See the comments in the BCP for more details on the instruction.
7. To read the sensor data, click on command #2 and then click the Repeat button. This reads the data continuously.
Go to the Chart tab and observe the plot of the four values – PIR Motion Sensor raw data, high threshold, low threshold,
and motion detection status – that are read from the PSoC Analog Coprocessor device. See Figure 9.

Figure 9. PIR Motion Sensor Data on the Bridge Control Panel Chart


8. Move across the PIR Motion Sensor within the range specified using Command #1. Observe that the red LED turns ON
for 5 seconds when the motion is detected. Note that because of the higher sensitivity of the 20-feet mode, the LED may
be ON continuously if you are close to the sensor. Make sure the red LED is OFF before making any movement. Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 8

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Related Documents
Table 5 lists all relevant application notes, code examples, knowledge base articles, device datasheets, and Component

Table 5. Related Documents

Application Notes
Getting Started with PSoC
AN211293 Describes the PSoC Analog Coprocessor.
Analog Coprocessor
PSoC Creator Component Datasheets
Scanning SAR ADC Supports multiple channel hardware scan with single ended and differential input modes
PGA Support configurable gain of 2 to 32
PVref Generates configurable voltage references using internal bandgap voltage or supply voltage VDDA
Opamp Supports voltage follower mode and the Opamp mode with configurable power
EZI2C Slave Simplified I2C slave implementation
Pins Supports connection of hardware resources to physical pins
Timer Counter Supports Timer, Counter, PWM functions
Device Documentation
PSoC Analog Coprocessor Datasheets
PSoC Analog Coprocessor Architecture Technical Reference Manual
PSoC Analog Coprocessor Register Technical Reference Manual
Development Kit (DVK) Documentation
CY8CKIT-048 PSoC Analog Coprocessor Pioneer Kit Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 9

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

Document History
Document Title: CE211301 – Interfacing PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor
Document Number: 002-11301

Revision ECN Orig. of Submission Description of Change

Change Date

** 5301267 DIMA 06/08/2016 New code example. Document No. 002-11301 Rev. ** 10

Interfacing the PSoC® Analog Coprocessor with a PIR Motion Sensor

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