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Fifth Generation (5G) Wireless Technology "Revolution in Telecommunication"

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Fifth Generation (5G) Wireless Technology “Revolution in


Conference Paper · September 2018

DOI: 10.1109/ICICCT.2018.8473011


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4 authors, including:

Amit Kumar Jain Rupesh Acharya

Poornima Group of Colleges Poornima Group of Colleges


Saroj Jakhar
Poornima Group of Colleges


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Amit Kr. Jain, Rupesh Acharya, Saroj Jakhar and Tarun Mishra
Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering
Poornima College of Engineering, Jaipur, India
Email: - &

Abstract:- After the up rise of 4G wireless mobile presumed that fifth generation mobile networks must
technology takes place; researchers, mobile operator resolved six problems that are not successfully resolved
industries representative, academic institutions have by fourth generation mobile communication networks
started to look into the advancement (technological) i.e. higher data rate, massive device connectivity,
towards 5G communication networks due to some higher capacity, less cost & consistent, Quality of
main demands that are meliorated data rates, better Experience (QoE) and lower End-to-End latency [2]-
capacity, minimized latency and better QoS (Quality [3]. The mentioned problems are succinctly shown in
of Service). To established the 5G mobile the figure 1 along with some possible facilitators to
communication technological foundation, various address them. Summary of the problems, facilitators to
research works or projects entailing main mobile address problems, & design fundamentals for fifth
infrastructure manufacturers, academia and generation (5G) mobile technology is shown in the
international mobile network operators have been figure 1 [4]. IEEE standard which are recently
introduced recently. Nevertheless, 5G mobile services introduced i.e. IEEE 80211ac, 802.11ad, & 802.11af
to be made available for use, their architecture, and are very helpful and function as a fundamental units in
their performance have not been evidently explicated. the path towards fifth generation (5G) mobile
In this paper, we represent thorough overview of 5G communication networks [5]-[9].
the next generation mobile technology. We mainly
throws light on 5G network architecture, 5G radio 2. NETWORK ARCHITECTURE OF 5G
spectrum, ultra-dense radio access networks
(UDRAN), traffic offloading of mobile, cognitive Fifth generation mobile communication network is a
radio (CR), software defined radio (SDR), software new revolution in the world of telecommunication and
defined networking (SDN), mixed infrastructure, and by the year 2020, it would be available for use. Fifth
5G network impact on the society. generation (5G) mobile networks model is all internet
protocol (IP) based model. In the 5G mobile network
Index Terms:- 5G, Cognitive Radio (CR), 5G radio conception, it is an exceptional approach that the prime
spectrum, Traffic offloading of mobile, FBMC priorities of fifth generation (5G) mobile system are
user terminals. The terminal has right or opportunity to
1. INTRODUCTION approach unalike wireless technologies concurrently
and it can also able to amalgamate some attributes from
From the last few years, we have noticed prodigious other technologies. Fifth generation (5G) mobile
modification in the telecommunication’s world. Now-a- communication network is completely concentrated on
days and in the coming future, to accomplish the portability of user as a handset or terminal smartly
presuppositions and difficulties of the coming era, reacts to select vigorous plan of wireless to ingress
mobile communication networks of today will have to wireless networks [10]. A general fifth generation (5G)
develop in various manners. The on-going mobile network architecture is shown in figure 2 and
implementation of 4G mobile networks has encouraged we will go through all the open systems interconnection
some telecom industries to contemplate more (OSI) model layers shown in table 1 of fifth generation
advancement toward future fifth generation (5G) mobile communication network.
technologies and facilities. Fifth generation (5G)
wireless technology with an advanced access Table 1:- OSI Protocol Layer Stack of Fifth Generation
technology called BDMA (Beam Division Multiple (5G)
Access) and FBMC (Filter Bank Multi-Carrier Multiple Application Layer Application (services)
Access) will straightforwardly superseded 4G wireless
technology. By contemplating the instance of the BS Presentation Layer
(base station) communicating with the MS (mobile Session Layer
station), beam division multiple access (BDMA) Transport Layer Open Transport Protocol (OTP)
technique conception is explicated. In this transmission, Network Layer Upper Network Layer
an orthogonal ray is distributed to each MS (mobile Lower Network Layer
stations), & beam division multiple access technique Data Link Layer
will split that ray of antenna according to the MS Open Wireless Architecture (OWA)
Physical Layer
(mobile stations), which in an analogous ameliorate the
network’s capacity [1]. A notion to switch towards fifth
generation is based on drifts of current; it is often

Figure 1:- 5G Mobile Network Challenges, Facilitators, & 5G Design Fundamental [4].

Figure 2:- General network architecture of fifth generation (5G) mobile technology [11]

2.1. PHYSICAL/MEDIUM ACCESS CONTROL The network stratum is based on internet protocol (IP),
LAYER as now-a-days there is no race on this stratum. The
internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) is spread throughout
The uppermost two open systems interconnection (OSI) the world & it has various issues such as confined
layers i.e. physical & medium access control layers are address space & has not any actual prospect for quality
interpret as locus of network, in this instance of fifth of support (QoS) per flow. These problems are resolved
generation (5G) these two layers elucidate as wireless in internet protocol version 6 (IPv6).
technology and mobile network of 5G is being founded
on open wireless architecture[10].



In the wireless connection transmission control protocol high data efficiency [14]. The main 3GPP (3rd
(TCP) retransmit the missing or impaired segments of generation partnership project) frequency bands of 900
transmission control protocol (TCP). In fifth generation MHz, 1800 MHz, 2100 MHz, & 2600 MHz will be
(5G) mobile technology it is indispensable due to utilized for competence enhancement in Long-Term
higher download speed & installed speed.
Evolution Advanced and HSPA (high speed packet
2.4. APPLICATION LAYER access). Following the World Radio Conference
(WRC) in the year 2015, Long-Term Evolution
Concerning the application, the eventual entreaty from Advanced will also depend on the frequency band of
the fifth generation mobile terminal is to furnish 700 MHz crossways the ITU Region 1 [15]. The vision
intelligent quality of service management over for long-term is the confluence of broadband &
heterogeneity of systems. Parameters of quality of broadcast facilities in joint multi-media networks
service such as losses, delay, reliability, jitter, and covering the UHF (ultra-high frequency) band beneath
bandwidth will be keep in reserved in a database in the 700 megahertz. In high capacity hotspot, deployments
5G handset with the goal to be utilized by intelligent of small cell will play an indispensable role and the
algorithms running as system processes in the mobile spectrum for that could get from the 3500 megahertz
terminal, which ultimately shall give the foremost band, where as much as 400 megahertz of bandwidth is
wireless connection upon obligatory quality of service utilized for fastened satellite and broadband wireless
(QoS) & individual cost limitations. access services. The consequence is that up to 1.5
gigahertz of the spectrum can be made obtainable by
3. RADIO SPECTRUM FOR FIFTH the year 2020, at the minimum 1 GHz will be the
customary not divided spectrum & the remainder can
GENERATION (5G) be not locked through the use of new spectrum-
apportioning techniques such as the misuse of TVWS
Usually, new frequency bands & broader spectral (TV white spaces) through CR (cognitive radio). TV
bandwidth per radio channel has been allocated to each white spaces are big sections of the very high-
generation of mobile communication networks. Fifth frequency/ultrahigh-frequency spectrum that are now
generation (5G) mobile communication networks will obtainable in geographic zones where the change over
need a great extent of aggregative spectrum to make it from the analogue to digital TV has been accomplished.
possible for pliable bandwidth scaling & enlargement. Furthermore, the Long-Term Evolution time-division
In order to accomplish that, supplemental harmonic duplexing (TDD) service in the 3.5 gigahertz band,
frequency bands must be assigned. In order to enhance known as LTE-Hi, is also contemplated for hot-spot
the reprocess of frequency, the spectrum will be zones where coverage is not a requirement, & the
utilized on radio access technology (RAT) impartial maximal feasible output is needed. Additionally,
fundament, preferably by implementing concept of unlicensed bands like 2.4 GHz, 5GHz, & 60 GHz
cognitive radio (CR) to mini & big cells [13]. The proffer affordable spectrum choice for traffic offloading
supplemental spectrum for fifth generation may Frequency-domain possibilities anticipated for CR
incorporate 100MHz of bandwidth under 1 gigahertz to (cognitive radio) that can be utilized for fifth generation
meliorate rustic wireless broadband access & 500 is recapitulates in table 2.
megahertz of the band betwixt 1 & 5 GHz for increased

Table 2:- 5G cognitive radios spectrum possibilities [19]

Purpose CR Function
Utilized beneath the carrier accumulation
54-698 Megahertz TV Bands conception, i.e., using them as components
Bandwidth scaling from 2.7 to 3.4
2.7-2.9 Gigahertz gigahertz for improved pliable Not identify clearly & definitely yet
spectrum usage
3.4-3.6 Gigahertz A smooth misuse of the Band 43 Co-deployment on uppermost of the large
Band 43 from WiMAX to LTE layer of cell
Neighboring carrier accumulation
3.6-3.8 Gigahertz provision with the maximal 100 Carrier aggregation application
megahertz bandwidth
Macro cell & mini cell layers’
3.8-4.2 Gigahertz deployment, i.e., heterogeneous Carrier aggregation within HetNet
networks (HetNet)
60 Gigahertz
Small cell backhaul deployment Not identify clearly & definitely yet
unlicensed band

A new conception anticipated in the state of affairs of

fifth generation (5G) is UDRANETs (Ultra-Dense
4. ULTRA-DENSE RAN Radio Access Networks) [20]. Ultra-Dense Radio

Access Networks are envisioned as less power access betwixt mobile users & internet service providers
nodes a few meters apart for within door regions. The (ISPs) require to be settled. Nonetheless, the Wi-Fi
prime aim of UDRANETs will be to offer an MAC (medium access control) protocol is not well-
immensely high traffic capability over highly befitted for a dense traffic load and doesn’t render
dependable low-range knots. Ultra-Dense Radio Access quality of service (QoS) distinction. Therefore, this
Networks will probably function in the frequency range panacea is presently executed for best-attempt traffic
of 10-100 GHz, which has continued virtually exclusively, whereas voice facilities are still conveyed
unutilized for mercantile cell-phone networks through core network of mobile. One vital problem is to
notwithstanding its prospective to give bandwidths of enhance the network spectral performance by
hundreds of megahertz. Modern communication & permitting more contemporaneous customers on Wi-Fi
access technologies have to be flourished & systemized networks, preferably for both best-attempt & voice
for this sort of systems, needing spectrum traffic. A feasible method of accomplishing this is to
apportionment studies in millimeter waves [21]. execute Wi-Fi frequency reprocess schemes with
marginally overlapping channels (figure 3).
Tablets, smartphone, & mobile broadband gadgets
produce exceptionally enormous amounts of traffic.
With the present cellular infrastructure, mobile
operators companies are encountering great problems to
work for such a massive growth of mobile traffic.
Traffic offloading consists in utilizing complemented
RAN (radio access networks) to convey information
initially meant for mobile cellular networks, by that
means reducing the blockage on each single radio link Figure 3:- Indoor multi cell Wi-Fi layout in which a
and respective backbone connection. Traffic offloading BSS transmits Voice over Internet Protocol traffic in
includes comprehensively various panaceas, which can the key cell with a radius equivalent to 30 m. [a]
be categorized as overlay and non-overlay panaceas; Configuration with 3 non-overlapping channels (13
some of them are discussed in this paper. overlapping channels are assigned in Europe on the 2.4
gigahertz band), & [b] Configuration with 4 marginally
5.1. COGNITIVE FEMTOCELLS overlapped channels [19]
Traffic offloading of femtocell is being founded on the
placement of mini, low-capacity mobile BS (base
stations) at site or in other within doors regions,
backhauled to the interior network of cellular system by World-wide Interoperability for Microwave Access can
a traditional cabled network. Among various be contemplated as other offloading, but it is more
advantages of this panacea is the actuality that appropriate for backhaul for massive Wi-Fi systems.
femtocells are able to control both data & voice traffic Moreover, 3rd generation partnership project objection
with quality of service guarantee. Nevertheless, the mobile networks have not contemplated interoperation
utilization of similar spectrum as overlaying macro- with world-wide interoperability for microwave access
cells entangles the search for obtainable mediums for until now; hence, supplemental standardization would
femtocells in eminently crowed regions. Thus, be needed. In an authorized band of frequency, device-
intelligent intervention management utilizing CR to-device communication is an underlay to mobile
(cognitive radio) and RRA (reservation random access) networks comparing with mobile ad-hoc networks
arrangement must be applied, basically in deployment (MANETs), which function in a similar way but in the
schemata where the position of the femtocells is unauthorized gamut. The future generation of mobile
decided by the end users, example uncoordinated home communication systems could influence offloading
evolved nodeB. The highly-unforeseeable intervention chances generated by the amalgamation of the aforesaid
with macrocells needs strategic spectrum ingress within solutions & further that may be evolved in the future.
a hierarchical overlay system as follows: first, the Cognitive mobile-traffic offloading is an approach in
information anent gamut scopes, which are afterwards which these solutions can be further prolonged through
exploited by the femtocells is given by a sensing the utilization of CR. For example, an outdoor mesh
method at the macrocell stratum [14]. . network of white-Fi hotspots & Wi-Fi backhauled to
the mobile network via world-wide interoperability for
5.2. Wi-Fi and White-Fi microwave access links or cabled broadband access can
treat as an alternative of traffic offloading in fusing
By some mobile operators, non-overlay offloading of with device-to-device links & femtocells (figure 5).
traffic by means of Wi-Fi networks has been
beforehand carried out. Fundamentally, when a cell-
phone terminal is in the locality of Wi-Fi hotspot, 6. COGNITIVE RADIO
routing of data traffic is changed to utilize its radio
interface. This panacea is pleasing as it permits ingress Cognitive Radio pattern propounds an opportunistic use
to a free, prohibited spectrum, as a result of that of the underutilized parts of authorized bands of
minimizing the inessential congestion in valuable, frequency, i.e., spectrum holes, by unauthorized
authorized frequency bands. Strategic associations (secondary) operators & or the effectual allocation of

the licensed-free gamut. For this purpose, cognitive intermodulation results. Encouraging software-defined
cellular terminals must procure exact real-time radio advancement enterprises incorporate the GNU
information on transmittal opportunities through radio- Radio, which is an open-source software advancement
frequency gamut examining to recognize the vacant toolkit for the execution of software-defined radio on
radio bands or channels within the time-frequency numerous programmable platforms such as USRP
resources table. IEEE standards such as IEEE 802.22, (Universal Software Radio Peripheral) boards, & the
IEEE 802.11af, & IEEE 802.16h are focused at open BTS, which was not long ago utilized to
utilizing cognitive radio approaches to enable exemplify the execution of a software-based GSM BS
apportioning of the TV White Space gamut on a non- (base station) on the Raspberry Pi hardware platform
intervening fundament with ameliorated coincidence [19].
mechanisms. The 3rd generation partnership project
long-term evolution quality has taken proviso to ease 8.SOFTWARE DEFINED NETWORKING
intervention palliation in over-layer systems. To cope
or deal with interference problems in heterogeneous (SDN)
networks, EICIC (Enhanced Inter-cell Interference
Coordination was developed in 3rd generation The prime conceptions of software-defined networking
partnership project. incorporate the segregation of the control data plane &
a programmable network. Both cognitive radio &
software-defined radio technologies do not entail the
control of the cellular core network of mobile, at the
present phase of advancement. Up to now, no
coordination of flows of traffic is feasible at the core
network, that is, a handset cannot get numerous
dissimilar flows of traffic from different enodeBs
concurrently to enhance the rate of data. SDN is a
revolutionary conception, aims at offering a
coordination that has an international perspective of
infrastructure of network, as a result of that easing a
number of functionalities of networking. Packets of
data passing via link devices (routers, switches, etc) are
categorized into flows to make pre-flow transmitting
decisions. A flow is illuminated by a set of
corresponding regulations in twelve idiosyncratic fields
of quintessential IP/Ethernet/User Datagram Protocol
Figure 5 :-Traffic offloading approaches for fifth header (Layer 2 & Layer 3 addresses, ports, Virtual
generation networks [19] Local Area Network information etcetera). Every time
a packet of data amalgamated to a particular flow gain
7. SOFTWARE DEFINED RADIO (SDR) access to a device, a counter is upgraded at the
controller. This makes it feasible for the controller to
have an international perspective of the status of each
Infrastructure of future generation network must have
component of network. Thence, the controller can make
an enough immense pliability in order to extend over
the conclusion to transmit the traffic via a reduced
dissimilar parameter of radio frequency settings in a crowded path, or utilize a radio channel that fleetingly
vigorous & flexible approach to permit systematic
undergoes a pleasant state to transmit the packet of data
management of spectrum. Platforms which are
to the end user. Software-defined networking intends to
reconfigurable based on SDR will ease the vigorous air
hold up a much more desirable amalgamation of all
interface reconfiguration of the nodes of system by
prevailing wireless networks (2G to 4G, Wi-Fi, and
customizations of software, reflecting contemporary
etcetera) .It would be feasible to carry out a coherent
exigencies of traffic. The pliability of the radio handover, not merely within similar technology as
frequency concatenations must be farther reflected in
already prevails, yet also athwart H-RATs.
the baseband processing competencies, where the
Furthermore, software-defined networking will
down-transmuted radio frequency signals are to be
considerably ease the management of disorganized
processed. As fifth generation networks will require to
deployments of huge amounts of mini cells in long-
exploit underused bands of frequency to circumvent the
term evolution networks.
anticipated crunch of spectrum, execution of cognitive
radio on software-defined radio platforms should
contemplate coaction & interoperation of multitudinous 9. 5G IMPACT ON SOCIETY
radio technologies, that is, through CRRM (Common
Radio Resource Management). This signifies that a From the social view, fifth generation networks have
platforms which is reconfigurable ought to be the capability to ameliorate the cell-phone broadband
competent to function at dissimilar power stratums, connections in rustic regions. The expenditure of
frequencies & channel bandwidths, coding stratagems wealth for installing a huge number of BS & the less
& modulation, amending parameters of transference & ARPU (average revenue per user) [38] has deferred the
features according to the specific restraints of the radio wide-ranging coverage of rustic environments. By
technology standards in utilization; these restraints utilizing TV White Space & offloading of traffic
incorporate undesired emanation in the functioning elucidations, the placement of 5G networks in rustic
band, adjacent frequency leakage ratios, or regions will be feasible at a lesser budget thanks to

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