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Fauna and Endangered Wildlife of Pakistan

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Fauna and Endangered Wildlife of Pakistan

Markhor - National Animal of Pakistan

The Markhor (Capra Falconeri Falconeri) mainly inhabits the sparsely wooded
mountainous regions in Northern and Western Pakistan, at an elevation of 600-3,600
m / 1,900-11,500 ft. The total world population is mainly found in Pakistan. Today,
Markhor are present in around 20 of Pakistan's protected areas. In the northern
mountainous regions is found the Kashmir and Astor Markhor. The Kashmir Markhor (C.
f. cashmirensis ) is mainly confined to Chitral Gol National Park and presents the
biggest population in Pakistan. Poaching has been successfully controlled and now
there are over 500 Markhor in Chitral Gol National Park. The Kashmir Markhor is also
found in areas of Gilgit and Azad Kashmir. The Astor Markhor (C. f. falconeri) is mainly
confined to the higher hill ranges of Gilgit, Hunza and Nanga Parbat. The only good population is in the
Kargah Nullah and Naltar, near Gilgit. The Kargah Nullah might have a total population of 50 Markhors.
Current population estimates are less than 2,500 to 3,000 for the flared horned markhor in Pakistan.
Read more about Markor at Wikipedia

Although not as rich as the African continent, but many rare and endangered species are
also found in Pakistan. Generally the wild animals in Pakistan include various varieties of
deer, wild boar, bear, crocodile, rare snow leopards (left) and waterfowl. The wetlands and
lakes provide natural habitat for a number of including coated otter, Indus dolphin, fishing
cat, hog deer, and wild boar. During the migration season, at least 1 million waterfowl
representing more than 100 species visit the extensive deltas and wetlands of Pakistan.
Pakistan’s rivers and coastal waters contain many types of freshwater and saltwater fish, including
sharks, mackerel, herring and shellfish.

Of the 4,100 mammal species in the world, Pakistan is home to only 188, including 25 hoofed animals.
While Pakistan abounds in various types of antelopes, deer, jackal and foxes, brown and black bears and
Snow Leopards (left) are disappearing due to expansion of villages and small towns. The "Urial" (below
left) with its rounded horns is an often sight in the hills and mountains of Pothohar Plateau and northern
areas. Frequently hunted, their number is also decreasing gradually. Other mammals include the
Markhor, Himalayan or Siberian Ibex (below 2nd from left), Sind Wild Goat (third from left), Chiltan Wild
Goat (below center), Marco Polo Sheep, Bharal or Blue Sheep, Goral Sheep (below right). The Cholistan
desert in the province of Punjab contains some of the rare wildlife in Pakistan, like the Desert Wolf, Indian
fox, Red fox, Jackal, Small Indian civet, Indian grey mongoose, Indian desert cat, Jungle cat, Caracal cat,
Chinkara gazelle, Blackbuck and Nil-gai antelope.

In view of the decreasing wild life, the government has short listed six parks for their development. These
include Lal Sohanra National Park (Bahawalpur - Punjab), Kirthar National Park (Sindh), Khunjerab
National Park (Northern Areas), Chiltan Hazarganji, National Park (Balochistan), Margalla Hills National
Park (Islamabad) and Chitral Gol National Park (NWFP). In addition, Pakistan has 14 National Parks, 99
Wildlife Sanctuaries, and 96 Game Reserves. Kirthar National Park has the distinction of being the first
park on the UN list of Protected areas. The Lalsuhanra Park in Punjab is listed as a Biosphere Reserve
under UNESCO’s Man and Biosphere Programme. Similarly, 9 wetlands in the country are protected
under the International Convention on Wetlands. The Hazarganji National Park in Balochistan is managed
by the WWF and contains a population of the Chilton markhor, not found anywhere else. The marshy
Runn of Kutch Wildlife Sanctuary also has Wild Ass, Blue bull, Chinkara and Desert wolf. Once the only
population of the Indian Wild Ass or Onager wass found here - but not anymore as they are thought to
have been exterminated. The beautiful "Nil-gai" is also occasionally found here. The Naltar Wildlife
Sanctuary has been able to contain a small population of Astor Markhor. The surrounding hills of Hub
Dam Wildlife Sanctuary is home of Urial, Sind wild goat, Chinkara gazelle, Wolf, Jackal, Common fox,
Pangolin and numerous other birds and reptiles. Read More

Birds Reptiles

There are forty-nine The Green Turtle is the

species of pheasants second largest species of
found all over the world, of marine turtle family after
which six are found in the Leatherback turtle. It
Pakistan. These include Blue Peafowl, Kalij, can grow up to 3.5 feet in carapace size, and could
Koklass, Cheer, and Western Tragopan. The be as heavy as 180 kilogram. In Pakistan, Green
Dhodial Pheasantry near Abbottabad is one of the Turtle nests for eggs on Sandspit and Hawksbay
the largest pheasantry in Asia. The Pheasantry beaches (Karachi) throughout the year with a
has been proudly able to breed "Cheer" in remarkable apex from September to January.
captivity, a bird otherwise extinct in the country. In Every year, an average of 800 nests has been
1997 a parent flock of 40 pairs was raised, which observed at beaches of Karachi, besides some
has doubled now. The release of Cheer, for re- coastal areas of of the Balochistan province.
introduction, has also been started. This success, However, the Green Turtles are facing extinction
has given international fame to the pheasantry. all over the world due to low growth rate and
In Pakistan, an estimated environmental constraints.
population of one million
birds migrates during The Marine Turtle Project in
winter. Most of them land Pakistan is the last hope for
on the wetlands along the the survival of Green Turtles in
Indus River in the Sind our region. Though, the
Province. These population of turtles has not
freshwater wetlands been increased so far,
provide suitable habitats and feeding opportunities however it has been sustained
to a wide variety of water-birds passing through to an extent that the Green
Indus flyway. Nara canal with associated Turtle can still be seen nesting at the beaches of
marshlands in Khairpur, Drig Lake in Larkana, Karachi. If the project was not there, our next
Haleji and Keenjhar Lakes in Thatta, are some of generation would have never known how the
the favourite wintering abodes of migratory water- Green Turtle looked like.
birds. These include many species of duck family
like Mallards, Pintails, Shovelers, Teals, Wigeon, Other Reptiles
Garganeys and Shelducks etc, beside Coots,
Moorhens, Gallinules, Waterhen and Grebes etc. A
large population of Shorebirds also reaches in The "Gharial" or the crocodiles
coastal area of Sindh like the Curlews, Whimbrels, are found in lakes and
Godwits, Shanks, Sandpipers, Stints and Dunlin marshes around Karachi.
etc. Other wading birds like Flamingoes, Pelicans, Manghoo Pir, shrine of a saint
Spoonbills and Ibises can also be sighted on both omce had many crocodiles in
upcountry wetlands and on tidal estuaries along the pond inside the shrine, but
the seashores. now only a few are left. The
The 'Rasul Barrage Wildlife Nara Desert Wildlife
Sanctuary'. After monsoon, Sanctuary has the largest population of the
environs are green and this endangered Mugger Crocodile in Pakistan,
wetland is full lotus. Flocks besides Jackal, Fox, Pangolin, Honey Badger and
of Siberians Cranes and Wolf.
Strokes and local black There are around 55 species of sea snakes which
winged Stilts are the are found in the seas of the world but in the coastal
common winter sights in waters of Pakistan, only 14 species have so far
the area. Though at the dawn of a hot August day, been recorded. Sea snakes include the group of
I was able to see only few Tobas perching over poisonous snakes which have fangs that are fixed
their morning catch or a few flocks of Murghabis in front of the upper jaw. This type of fang is called
(wild ducks). The marshy Runn of Kutch and its Proteroglyphous. On land, poisonous snakes.
surrounding desert area in Sindh is known to be a Cobra and Krait, have such fangs. Another type of
breeding ground for Flamingoes and staging fang called Solenoglyphous does not exist in sea
ground for Pelicans, Cranes, Storks and many snakes as it is characteristic of Vipers. Some
species of waterfowl. species include Beaked Sea Snake, Short Sea
People in the villages are fond of Snake, Cantor small-headed sea snake, Yellow
having pet birds, specially the Sea Snake etc.
speaking parrots, black partridges
and quails etc. The much famous phrase "Mian
Mitho Choori Khani Hai" (asking parrot if he wants
to eat a home made sweet made from local bread,
sugar and butter/desi ghee) is echoed almost
everywhere when someone comes across a red
beaked parrot that has a red ring around its neck.

Pakistan has recently 3 wild life wildlife sanctuaries in Sindh Province spread over 1 million hectares.
These include Deh Akro-II Desert Wetland Complex,  Indus Delta and Runn of Kutch.  Read More

Fish and Marine Life: Pakistan has approximately 200 freshwater fish species. The South Asian
species dominate the fish fauna in Pakistan, while some West Asian species are also found. About 8-10
species of Snow Trout are found in the rivers of the northern mountains and provide a spectacular view
during their against the current journey in ice cold water. The major source of fish in Pakistan is the Indus
River plains, Kirthar range and the Himalayan foothills. The famous fish species include "Rahoo,
Singhara, Malli" and others. More than a 1000 species inhabit Pakistani coastal waters. The fish fauna
can be divided into two groups, the cartilaginous and bony fishes. Cartilaginous fish include sharks,
skates and rays and their skeleton is made of cartilage. Bony fish have hard bony skeletons.
In addition to fish, some 700 marine species of invertebrates include crab, shrimp and prawn and another
300 species of shellfish. Both categories of species are of significant economic importance to Pakistan. 

Endangered Species: Some of the threatened or endangered species in Pakistan include the
snow leopard, Marco Polo sheep, blue sheep, ibex (a type of wild goat), the Houbura Bustard and the
Indus Dolphin. These animals can still be found in remote and protected areas of the Himalayas.
Similarly, Indus Dolphin is also declared as endangered species and some 400-500 number are left
between the Kotri and Guddu Barrages in river Indus. The woolly flying squirrel, an endangered mammal
has also been sighted once, in Gich, District Ghizer of Gilgit. The mammal is also listed in the threatened
animals category.
The the total Marcopolo Sheep is recognized
remaining by the very long outward curving
population of horns, developed in the mature
Snow males. An aged ram is is very
Leopard is impressive and majestic, mainly
estimated because of massive spiraling horns
around 7,000- which can span a man's
10,000 worldwide, of which around 300 outstretched arms and almost twice the height and size of
are found in Pakistan. Anyone who can most other wild or domestic sheep. The Marco Polo sheep is
venture up to Nagar Valley, 65 kilometres an inhabitant of very high mountains subject to severely cold
north of Gilgit, one has a fair chance of winds and climatic conditions throughout the year. Currently,
siting the big cat, preferably at dawn or its population is confined to northwestern part of Hunza
dusk. The Baltistan Wildlife Sanctuary district along the Chinese border. Here, between spring and
covering 415 square kilometres in autumn, it occupies two sperate valleys in the northwest
Baltistan, contiguous with the Astor section of Khunjerab National Park, and also inhabits the
Wildlife Sanctuary to its south and east Kilik-Mintaka border area, just west of the National Park.
and south of the Indus River, is basically Marco Polo sheep is probably the most endangered of
established to protect the Snow Leopard Pakistan's wild sheep and goats, and unless action is taken
besides Brown Bear, Lynx, Tibetan wolf, immediately they will probably become extinct.
Kilik/Mintaka Game Reserve along the border with China,
Tibetan fox, Markhor, Blue sheep and east of the KKH and the Khunjerab National Park has been
Asiatic ibex. Recently, an animal specially created to provide 65,000 hectares for preservation
husbandry program in Chitral has been of Marco Polo sheep habitat.
established which combines science to
provide a new approach to save snow
The Houbara An endangered species of bear,
Bustard has found only in the northern areas of
Pakistan, could face extinction of its
been over
already small population in a
hunted as a
specially designated national park.
game bird in
Pakistan and is The population of the Himalayan
officially protected. But despite all Brown Bear is a mere 30 animals,
restrictions, some royalties of the Gulf up from the 19 reported in 1993, while the official wildlife
states find it convenient to come on department figures are 62. The Deosai Plains are one of the
official trips and hunt this poor bird with habitat of this almost extinct species. The Baltistan Wildlife
falcons. In the evenings, the hunted Sanctuary is struggling hard to conserve the Brown Bear
bustards are skewered and eaten - as besides Snow Leopard, Lynx, Tibetan wolf and fox, Markhor,
simple as that. Blue sheep and Asiatic ibex.  
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Related Links: |  Wild Life Sanctuaries in Pakistan |  National Animal of Pakistan (excellent
video of Markor and Snow Leopards)

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