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HEALTH AND WELLNESS o Social support network

o Culture
WELLNESS o Genetics
o Personal behavior
• Emotional health, and most is the state of
o Health services
well being
o Gender
• Basic aspects of wellness include
responsibility; an ultimate goal; a dynamic, FACTORS AFFECTING HEALTH
growing process; daily decision making in the
areas of nutrition, stress management, 1. POLITICAL FACTORS
physical fitness, preventive health care, and ➢ This refers to one’s leadership, how he rules,
importantly, the whole being of the individual. manages and how other people concerned
are followed to actively participate in the
decision- making process.
➢ Influence the social climate in which people
1. Physical - ability to carry out daily tasks, ➢ Political jurisdiction has the power and
achieve fitness (e.g. pulmonary, authority to regulate the environment.
cardiovascular, gastrointestinal) maintain ➢ Increase of crimes and lack of safety in
adequate nutrition and proper body fat, avoid streets and even in the home are major
abusing drugs and alcohol or using tobacco concerns of society.
products, and generally practice positive ➢ Oppression in various classes of society
healthy lifestyle habits. affects health.
2. Social - ability to interact successfully with
people and within the environment of which
each person is a part. A. Political will
3. Emotional - ability to manage stress and to - The determination to pursue something that
express emotions appropriately is I the interest of the majority
4. Intellectual - ability to learn and use B. Empowerment
information effectively for personal, family, - The ability of the person to do something; it
and career development involves creating the circumstances where
5. Spiritual - belief in some force (nature, people can use their faculties and abilities at
science, religion, or a higher power) that the maximum level in the pursuit of common
serves to unite human beings and provide goals.
meaning and purpose to life. It includes a C. Safety
person’s own morals, values, and ethics. D. Oppression
6. Occupational - ability to achieve a balance
between work and leisure time. A person’s
belief about education, employment, and
home influence personal satisfaction and
➢ This refers to the production, distribution, and
relationship with others.
consumption of goods and services and how
7. Environmental - ability to promote health
these affect health and development.
measures that improve the standard of living
➢ A study of this factor leads one to look into
and the quality of life in the community.
economic factor influence how, and at what
CONCEPT: HEALTH AS A MULTIFACTORIAL point, the client enters the health care


o Income and social status 3. SOCIO-CULTURAL FACTOR

o Education ➢ Social and cultural variables influence a
o Physical environment client’s health practices, the dynamics of
o Employment

health care, and the client-care provider g

➢ Habits/ practices
➢ Mores – traditional rules and customs of a
group of people or a society
➢ Ethnic customs and traditions.

➢ This refers to the sum total of all the
conditions and elements that make up the
surroundings and influence the health and
health practices of clients.
➢ The environment with which the client lives PRIMARY HEALTH CARE AS AN APPROACH
and works either promote and maintain TO DELIVERY OF HEALTTHCARE SERVICES
health or increase the like hood of illness or
even death. ➢ WHO defines PHC as essential health care
➢ The menace of pollution has been growing made universal accessible to individuals and
over the years and has greatly affected the families in the community by means
health of the people. acceptable to the through their full
participation and at a cost that the community
EXAMPLE OF THESE ARE: and the country can afford at every stage of
A. Communicable diseases due to poor
sanitation, poor garbage collection, smoking, CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK
air pollution and utilization of chemicals such
as pesticides. A. Health is a fundamental human right
B. Cutting of trees has brought about floods and B. Health is both an individual and collective
drought. responsibility
C. Helath should be an equal oppurtunity to all
If the quality of air that we breathe continues to D. Health is an essential element of socio-
deteriorate, life cannot be sustain. economic development

C. Uncontrolled dumping of organic wastes,

detergents, and pesticides including

Partnership with the community

5. HEREDITY Equitable distribution of health resources
➢ Genetic endowment Organized and appropriate health system
➢ Understanding of genetically influenced infrastructure
diseases is increased through knowledge Prevention of disease and promotion of
about the process by which genetic traits are health is focus
transmitted. Linked multisectorally
➢ New opportunities for preventive health care Emphasis on appropriate technology
are also produced
➢ Early knowledge of the genetic risks makes
it possible to anticipate and counteract
• PHC goal (1978): health for all by the year
genetic outcomes.
➢ Which enables the medical team to prepare
• PHC was declared in Alma- ata, USSR
for necessary therapeutic intervention
during the first international conference on

PHC held on sdeptember 6-12, 1927 through 3. Expanded program on immunization

sponsorship of WHO and UNICEF 4. Locally endemic disease treatment
5. Environmental sanitation
LEGAL BASIS 6. Maternal and child health and family
➢ Letter ofninstruction 949 signed by psident planning
fedinand maco on october 19, 1979 and has 7. Essential drug provision
an underlying theme of “health in the hands 8. Nutrition and adequate food and
of the people by 2020”
9. Treatment of emergency cases nd
5A’s OF HEALTH CARE ACCORDING TO provision of medical care

1. Available
3. Affordable 1. Reorientation and reorganization of the
4. Acceptable national health care system in support of the
5. Attainable mandate of devolution under the local
government code of 1991
2. Effective preparation and enabling process
HISTORY OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE for health actions ata ll levels.
3. Mobilization of the people
➢ MAY 1997 - the 30th world health assembly 4. Development and utilization of appropriate
adopted resolution decided that the main technology
social target of governments and of WHO 5. Organization of communities from expressed
shoul be the attainmet of all the people of the needs
world by the year 2000 a level of health that 6. Increase oppurtunities for community
will permit them to lead a socially and participation
economically productive life. 7. Development of intra-sectoral linkages
➢ SEPTEMBER 12, 1978 - International 8. Emphasize partnership between health
conference of primary health care was held workers and community leaders/members
in this year at alma ata. USSR. The
econference came up with what is known
popularly as the alam ata declaration, which
represents a global ideal, a new vision about FOUR CORNERSTONES/ PILLARS IN PHC
how to achieve world health. The declaration 1. Active community participation
stated the primary health card is the key to 2. Intra and inter- sectoral linkages
attaining the health for all goal. 3. Use of apropriate technologies
➢ 1979 - The world health assembly launched 4. Support mechanism made available
the global strategy for health for all
➢ OCTOBER 19, 1979 - the president of the
philippines issued a letter of instruction 949
which mandated the then ministry of health 2 LEVELS OF PRIMARY HEALTH CARE
to adoptprmary health care as an appoach WORKERS
towards design, development, and 1. Village or barangay health workers
omplementation of programs, which focus 2. Intermediate level health workers
health development at the community level


1. Primary level of care - is devoted to the
1. Control of communicable disease cities and municipalities (town or
2. Health education poblacion).

• Health care are provided by center

physicians, public health nurses, rural
health stations and rural health units. LEVELS OF HEALTH CARE
• The primary health facility is usually the 1. Promotive- behavior motivated by the desire
first contact between the community to increase well being and actualize human
members and the other levels of health health potential
care facility. 2. Preventive- avoiding the development of
2. Secondary level of care - is given by disease in the future
physician with basic health training. 3. Creative
• This usually given in health facilities ➢ A course of treatment, use of drug or another
either privately owned or government method used to treat a medical problem
operated such as the infirmaries, 4. Rehabilitative
municipal and district hopitals and out ➢ Health restoration of ill or injured person to
patient departments of provincial optimum and functional levels of wellness.
• This serves as a referral center for the
primary health facilities
• They are capable of performing minor
surgeries and perform some simple 1. PRIMARY PREVENTION
laboratory examinations.
3. Tertiary level of care - is rendered by Goal: to promote positive general health through:
specialists in health facilities invcluding
A. Development of good health habits &
medical as well as regional and provincial
hospitals, and specialized hospitals such
B. Proper attitude towards sickness
as the Philippine Heart Center.
C. Proper & prompt utilization of available
• The tertiary health facility is the referral
health and medical facilities
center for the secondary care facillities
• Complicated cases and intensive care EXAMPLES ARE:
requires tertiary care and all these can be
provided by the tertiary care facility o Quit smoking
o Avoid/limit alcohol intake
o Exrcise regularly
o Eat a well-balanced diet
o Reduce fat and increase fiber in diet
DESCRIBED natinal health
services o Take adequate fluids
medical centers
teaching an
training hospitals
o Avoid over exposure to sunlight
regional health services o Maintain ideal body weight (IBW)
regional medical
centers o Complete immunization program wear
and training hospitals
hazard devices in work site
provincial/ city health services
provincial/ city hospitals
emergency/ district hospitals
➢ Use of measure against specific disease
agents like protection of the individual, or the
rural health unit
community hospitals and health centers
establishment of barriers against in the
private practitioners/ puericulture centers

barangay health sectos IT MAY INCLUDE:

A. Control of means of spread of vector control,
ORANGE & YELLOW - SECONDARY sanitation of food, milk, water and air, proper
sewage disposal, proper disposal and/or

disinfections of soiled articles or clothing, ➢ Begins early in the period of recovery from
eradication of animal resevoir. illness

HANDWASHING - WHEN? Goal: minimized residual disability; help client to

be productive even with given limitations
- After removing gloves
- Before and after patient contact ➢ Appropriate administration of medication to
- After contact with blood or body fluids from optimize therapeutic effects
any patient ➢ Moving and positioning to prevent
- After taking blood pressure or vital signs from complications of immobility
any patient ➢ Active and passive range of motion (ROM)
exrcises to prevent disability
OTHER TIMES: ➢ Intensive & periodic follow up and treatment
• This is done to prevent relapses in certain
- After using bathroom
diseases: to efect complete cure in disease
- After blowing or wiping nose
which have relapse tendency
- Before eating


Goal: early diagnosis and prompt treatment of

disease to arrest disease or prevent the spread
disease to other people.


✓ Public education to promote breast self-

examination, use of home kits for detection
of occult blood in the stool specimens and
familiarity with the seven(7) cancer signs.
✓ Screening programs for hypertension,
diabetes, uterine cancer ( pap smear), breast
cancer, glaucoma, and STD

C - Change in bowel or bladder habits

A - a sore that does not heal

U - unsual bleeding or discharge

T - thickening or lumo in breast or elsewhere

I - indigestion or difficulty swallowing

O -obvious change in wart or mole

N - nagging cough or hoarseness

U - unexplaned anemia

S - sudden unexplained weight loss


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