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Theology: Dogmatic Constitution On The Word of God or Dei Verbum 4 Important Facts

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 Dogmatic Constitution on the Word of God or Dei Verbum - the official document of the
Church. 78regarding the SacredScripture.
 There are 4 important facts we should consider when it comes to the Bible
a. God is its author and it is a tenet of faith
b. The Holy Spirit is the sole interpreter of the Bible
c. The Bible is sacred, we must read it reverently and prayerfully
d. We must diligently search the meaning of what God wants to communicate with
 Bible - inspired by the Holy Spirit, together with the sacred writers
- teaches the truth with certainty.
- came from the Greek Word “Ta Biblia” which means books
 Hagiographers - from the Greek words Hagia = Highest, revered; and Graphein = to
. - the inspired writers
. - instrumental authors
 Hermeneutics - helps us understand the message of the Bible in full context
 Holy Spirit - always present in all the processes the Bible went through, from the writing
up to the printing of the Bible that we have now
 God - the principal author of the Bible
 God did not dictate the words for the hagiographers to write., from their
consciousness, they only wrote what God wanted them to write under the guidance of
the Holy Spirit.
 All Scripture is divinely inspired and has its use for teaching the truth and refuting
error, for reformation of manners and discipline to right living.
 There were no revisions made in the stories in the Bible.
 3 things must be remembered in reading the Bible:
a. A Human Book - hence we should know the background of the writers including
their cultural context.
b. A Divine Book - written by God for humankind. Thus, to interpret it, we need the
guidance of God.
c. Book of the Church - all interpretations must be subjected to Her teaching
authority who are the Pope
and the Bishops in communion with him.
 Canon of the Scripture - the official list of the books of the Bible
 Canon - came from the Greek word “Kanon” which means reed or rod, or ruler.
 The books in the Bible are not of personal choice
 There is a divine predilection whose reason is only known by God.
 There are 72 books in the Bible, 73 if Jeremiah and Lamentations are counted as
 45/46 in the Old Testament and 27 in the New Testament.
 Deuterocanonical books - the 7 books which were later added into the canon
- Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1 Maccabees and 2
 Apocryphal Books - what the protestant church calls the 7 books
 The earliest complete list of the books in the Bible was promulgated in the Provincial
Council of Hippo (393) and in the 3rd and 4th Councils of Carthage (397 and 419).
 The first infallible pronouncement was solemnly declared in the Council of Trent
(1546) and later affirmed by Vatican I (1870).
 The canonicity of the Bible was based on 3 aspects:
a. Inspiration of the Holy Spirit
b. Apostolic Origin
c. Use in Liturgy
 There are 3 ideologies/systems that negate the canonicity of the Bible:
a. Dualism – They believe that the Old Testament is not inspired by the Holy Spirit
b. Protestantism – They believe that the 7 books added by the Catholic Church were
not inspired by the
Holy Spirit.
c. Modernism – They taught that God is not the author of the Bible.
 The Church did not create the Canon, they discerned on it.
 Bible - truthful and free from any error, thus holding its veracity and inerrancy from the
Author, God.
 divine authorship - the basis of the veracity and inerrancy of the Bible.
 Veracity - from the Latin Verum
- a truth
- the Sacred Scripture teaches the truth firmly and faithfully
 Inerrancy - from the word err
- thus, free from any error
- points out that the Sacred Scriptures teaches the truth without error.
 When the prophets spoke and says, “thus says the Lord”, they speak and show authority.
 Since God is the author of the Bible, any error is precluded
 The Bible is authoritative and trustworthy because God cannot err.
 Everything that the human authors presented as religious truths are FINAL and
 Five Books of the Bible: (Torah)

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