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Samahan NG Kabataang Boluntaryo NG Pilipinas Constitution and By-Laws

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Samahan ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas

Constitution and By-Laws

● Each revision made should be highlighted yellow.
● Questions about contents shall be highlighted red, with comments.
● Accepted revisions, after thorough deliberations, should be
highlighted green.

Article 1

Section 1. The Samahan Kabataang Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas, also known as SKBP, is a

youth-serving organization that enables, empowers, and nurtures Filipino youth
volunteers and organizations to secure a sustainable, fueled, and purpose-
driven volunteerism for Philippine citizenry. It shall be composed of National
Executive Council, Regional Executive Councils, National Committee, Board of
Trustees, and Board of Advisers.

Section 2. SKBP is empowered:

(1) To define organizational and administrative structure applicable to the
purposes of the organization;
(2) To encourage and promote the organization and to approve and charter
regional, provincial and city/municipal coordinating areas;
(3) To develop a 3-year comprehensive plan and action which shall serve as a
guideline for the general plan of action of regional councils;
(4) To hold national youth convention as provided for in this constitution with
regards to dates, sites, determination of delegations, etc.

Section 3. Limitations
(1) Future resolutions, memorandums, and sanctions must not be in conflict with the SKBP
Constitution and By-laws, existing Resolutions and Policies. (2) The programs and activities of
the SKBP and its conduct thereof shall not be contrary to the principles, aims and purposes of
the organization.

Section I. SKBP aims to be the center for an excellent and dynamic volunteerism: touching
lives, promoting resiliency, and re-igniting patriotism;
Section II. The SKBP aims to strengthen the level of awareness, knowledge and understanding
on volunteerism of the citizenry towards nation building;
Section III. The SKBP aims to enable, promote and ensure the participation, involvement and
engagement of the citizenry in the Philippine youth development plan and sustainable
development plan;
Section IV. The SKBP shall establish cooperative relations with governmental and non-
governmental organizations and various agencies and institutions in the field of public service;
Section V. The SKBP opposes any violent demonstrations or other acts that defy constituted
law and authority, desecrate the symbols of our nation, and threaten the physical and spiritual
welfare of individuals or organizations;
Section VI. SKBP shall make use of every medium of communication to promulgate and
propagate the principles and purposes of the organization, and augment its influence, impact,
and numerical growth.

Section I. Membership of SKBP shall consist of Filipino volunteers between the ages of fifteen
(15) and forty (40).
Section II. Members must be interested in and willing to work, support, and promote for the
aims and purposes of SKBP and must be willing to exert his or her efforts on SKBP.
Section III. Membership in SKBP shall consist of individual and organizational memberships.
Section IV. The types of individual membership in SKBP shall be as follows:
(1) Active youth members shall be those who meet the qualifications listed in the above two (2)
sections; (2) Honorary youth members shall be those registered members who have rendered
outstanding services to SKBP, have promoted volunteerism on various mediums, and qualified
base on the criteria set by the executive council (Exhibit A). Said members must have been
approved by the national executive council and must have received the acceptance of not less
than two-thirds (2/3) of the board of trustees. Past presidents/officers shall be considered
honorary youth members as long as they are active for one fiscal year and meet the set criteria
by the council (Exhibit B). These members shall not run and appoint for any position of SKBP.
(3) Alumni members shall be those active members who have rendered outstanding service to
SKBP and who have been members of SKBP for a consecutive period of not less than four (4)
years before they reach the age of forty (40).
Section V. All individuals wishing to join SKBP as an active member must submit the duly
accomplished online application form supplied by the SKBP Committee on Membership.
Section VI. All youth organizations wishing to join SKBP as an active member must submit the
duly accomplished application form (form no.2) supplied by the SKBP, directory of current
officers and advisers, digital copy of the logo, and brief description and mission and vision of the
Section VII. All members having accepted for the membership must be willing to take the “Oath
of the Youth Volunteer Members” as administered by
the National President.
Section VIII. All members in good standing shall be entitled to the following:
(1) Has the right to avail programs and services offered by the SKBP;
(2) Has the right to cast a vote on any matter;
(3) Has the right to be a candidate of any office, provided he or she meets the requirements of
(4) Has the right to receive membership materials, which includes, but not limited to, IDs,
certificates and lanyard;
(5) Has the right to make appeals/ motion to any constituted authority of SKBP with regards to
any situation involving members or the officers;
(6) Has the right to receive discounts on SKBP conventions and other major activities.
(7) Has the right to be awarded with rewards and distinctions given by SKBP to outstanding
members provided that he/she meets the requirements.
Section IX. The duties and obligations of each member shall be the following:
(1) Participate in all activities and functions sponsored by his or her district and by SKBP.
(2) Observe and abide the constitution and laws set forth by the Republic of the Philippines and
the SKBP.
(3) Support and promote the thrust and objectives of the SKBP.
(4) Exercise his/her rights and perform his/her duties as a member.

Section I. National Executive Council

(1) The National Executive Council shall be the governing executive body of the SKBP and shall
manage, supervise, and control the business, property, funds and resources of the SKBP within
the defined limits of this constitution. (2) National Executive Council shall be consisted of the
following: (2.1) The National President; (2.2. The National Vice-President for Internal Affairs;
(2.2) The National Vice-President for External Affairs; (2.3) The National Secretary-General;
(2.4) The Deputy Secretary-General; (2.5) The Executive Secretary; (2.6) The National
Treasurer; (2.7) The Deputy Treasurer; (2.8) The National Auditor (2.9) The National
Spokesperson (2.10) The Deputy Spokesperson; (2.11) The National Director for Luzon; (2.12)
The National Director for Visayas; (2.13) The National Director for Mindanao (3) Powers – The
National Executive Council shall be vested with the following powers: (3.1) To adopt
amendments to this constitution in the manner prescribed in this constitution; (3.2) To adopt any
resolution presented to it in the manner prescribed in this constitution; (3.3) To set the policies
to be followed by the SKBP members; (3.4) To enact legislation, other than amendments or
resolutions, for the organizational well-being of the SKBP, provided such legislation does not
conflict with this constitution; (3.5) To listen and pass judgment on any and all appeals
presented to it; (3.6) To adopt any and all reports presented to it given that it is found inherently
beneficial to the SKBP cause; (3.7) To make any and all laws, which shall be necessary
for executing any of the above powers, granted to it or to any part of it. (4) Meetings: (4.1) The
National Executive Council shall hold regularly scheduled meetings quarterly. (4.2) In situations
of emergency involving the welfare of SKBP, the National President may call a special meeting
of the National Executive Council; (4.3) For all regularly scheduled meetings, the National
Secretary-General shall be instructed by the National President to send out notices and an
agenda of the meeting to all members of the executive council fifteen (15) days prior to their
start. In the case of emergency meetings, the nature of the business shall determine the
quickest form of advance notice; (4.4) National Executive Council meetings should carry out the
order of business in the briefest time possible without delays. These meetings shall be limited to
a day, preferably over a weekend. (4.5) A quorum for the official transaction of business shall
constitute at least one-third (1/3) of the voting members. The voting members of the National
Executive Council shall be the following: (a) The National President; (b) The National Vice-
President for Internal Affairs; (c) The National Vice-President for External Affairs; (d) The
National Secretary-General; (e) The National Deputy Secretary-General; (f) The Executive
Secretary (g) The National Treasurer; (h) The National Deputy Treasurer; (i) The National
Auditor (j) The National Spokesperson (k) The Deputy Spokesperson; (l) The National Director
for Luzon; (m)The National Director for Visayas; (n) The National Director for Mindanao (4.6) In
cases wherein the total number of offices in the National Executive Council is indivisible, it shall
be rounded of to its greater value.

Section II. Regional councils shall be established based on their respective Philippine Regions
and shall be the highest authority within their
respective districts.
(1) Regional Councils shall be consisted of the following: (1.1) The Regional Director; (1.2) The
Regional Deputy Director; (1.3) The Regional Secretary; (1.4) The Regional Treasurer; (1.5)
The Provincial/City/Municipal Coordinators.

(2) The creation of Regional, Provincial and City/Municipal Coordinating Areas shall be under
the responsibility of Regional Director and Regional Deputy Representative Abiding Exhibit D
also known as Implementing Rules and Regulations of creating Regional, Provincial and
City/Municipal Coordinating Areas.

(3) The Regional councils shall be vested the executive powers granted under its Regional
Constitution and Bylaws, and all duly adopted resolutions and policies which shall be
subordinate to and not in conflict with the SKBP’s National Constitutions and Bylaws,
resolutions, policies or customs.

(4) Meetings:

(4.1) The Regional councils shall submit a planned annual meeting schedule; (4.2) In situations
of emergency involving the welfare of their district, the Regional Director may call a special
meeting; (4.3) For all regularly scheduled meetings, the Regional Secretary shall be instructed
by the Regional Director to send out notices and an agenda of the meeting to all members of
the district council fifteen (15) days prior to their start. In the case of emergency meetings, the
nature of the business shall determine the quickest form of advance notice; (4.4) Regional
Council meetings should carry out the order of business in the briefest time possible without
delays. These meetings shall be limited to a day, preferably over a weekend.

(5) Quorum – A quorum for the official transaction of business shall constitute at least one-third
(1/3) of the voting members.
The voting members of the Regional Councils shall be the following: (5.1) The Regional
Director; (5.2) The Regional Deputy Director; (5.3) The Regional Secretary; (5.4) The Regional
Treasurer; (5.5) The Provincial, City/Municipal Coordinators.

Section III. The National Committee are the ------- It shall be established in national and district
(1) The National Committee shall be consisted of the following:
(2.1.) Committee on Training and Development
(2.2.) Committee on Financial Management
(2.4.) Committee on Research and Community Partnership
(2.5.) Committee on Membership
(2.7.) Committee on Marketing and Public Relations
(1.1)1. Creative Design Division (1.1)2. Documentation Division (1.1)3. Sponsorship Division
(2.8.) Committee on Events Management
(2.9.) Committee on Logistics
(2.9.) Secretariat
(2) The Committees listed above, with the exception of the Secretariat, shall each be headed by
a National Director and a Deputy Director; (3) The Secretariat shall be headed by the National
SecretaryGeneral and the Deputy Secretary-General;

Section IV. Board of Trustees shall set the policies of the organization and has the overall
responsibility for the management of the organization.

(1) Board of Trustees shall be composed of the following: (1.1) The National President; (1.2)
The National Vice-President for Internals; (1.3) The National Vice-President for Externals; (1.4)
The National Secretary-General;
(1.5) The Executive Secretary; (1.6) The National Treasurer; (1.7) The National Auditor; (1.8)
The National Spokesperson; (1.9) The Deputy Spokesperson; (1.10) The National Committee
Directors (8); (1.11) The Immediate Past National President, as the chair of the board of
trustees. (2) The Board of Trustees shall be vested with the following powers: (2.1) To approve
all appointments made by the National President to the SKBP Office and to other bodies
stipulated in this constitution; (2.2) To establish a budget, and to amend it whenever necessary
and proper, from anticipated income and expenses; (2.3) To establish programs that may be
beneficial to SKBP; (2.4) To make appropriations for establishing a uniform system of forms to
be used by the National and Regional Executive Councils. (2.5) To suspend, recall, or revoke,
the cluster or regional coordinating area of any district whose actions have proved to be
detrimental to the SKBP or whose dues are overdue upon endorsement of legal and financial
management committee; (2.6) To overrule any directives issued by the National President prior
to the National and Regional Executive Council meeting with justifiable cause. (2.7) To listen to
the appeals from members or councils and to rule according to the facts of the testimony
brought forth; (2.8) To bestow “Honorary Membership” on any registered member who has
rendered outstanding service to SKBP or promote volunteerism. (3) The Board of Trustees is
not empowered: (3.1) To amend or waive any provisions of this constitution or any resolution,
policy or custom adopted or established by the National and District Councils; (3.2) To permit
any of its members to speak for SKBP on any matter involving SKBP policy, unless authorized
to do so by this constitution. (4) The Board of Trustees shall hold regularly scheduled
meetings quarterly. (4.1) In situations of emergency involving the welfare of SKBP, the
Chairman may call a special meeting of the Board of Trustees; (4.2) For all regularly scheduled
meetings, the National Secretary-General shall be instructed by the Chairman to send out
notices and an agenda of the meeting to all members of the board of trustees thirty days prior to
their start. In the case of emergency meetings, the nature of the business shall determine the
quickest form of advance notice; (4.3) Board of Trustees meetings should carry out the order of
business in the briefest time possible without delays. These meetings shall be limited to a day,
preferably over a weekend.

(5) Quorum – A quorum for the official transaction of business shall constitute at least one-third
(1/3) of the voting members. The voting members of the Board of Trustees shall be the
following: (5.1) The National President; (5.2) The National Vice-President for Internal Affairs;
(5.3) The National Vice-President for External Affairs; (5.4) The National Secretary-General;
(5.5) The Executive Secretary; (5.6) The National Treasurer; (5.7) The National Auditor; (5.8)
The National Spokesperson (5.9) Executive Committee National Directors (8); (5.10) The
Immediate Past National President, as the chair of the board of trustees.

(6) The Immediate Past National President shall serve as advisor to the National President,
attend Board of Trustees meetings and SKBP Conventions, have supervisory control over
committees assigned him or her by the National President and carry out those functions
requested by the National President and the Board of Trustees. The term of office for the
Immediate Past President shall be for three (3) year terminating at the close of the SKBP
Section V. Board of Advisers shall be established in national level.
(1) Board of Advisers shall be composed of the following:
(1.1) 3 Advisory Member-at-large (1.2) Advisory Member representing Luzon (1.3) Advisory
Member representing Visayas (1.4) Advisory Member representing Mindanao (1.5) Immediate
Past President


Section I. The following positions will be filled by majority vote of the SKBP Members:
(1) The National President; (2) The National Vice-President for Internal Affairs; (3) The National
Vice-President for External Affairs; (4) The National Secretary-General; (5) The Deputy
Secretary-General; (6) The Executive Secretary (7) The National Treasurer; (8) The Deputy
Treasurer; (9) The National Auditor; (10) The National Spokesperson (11) The Deputy
Spokesperson (12) The National Director for Luzon; (13) The National Director for Visayas; (14)
The National Director for Mindanao
Section II. The outgoing National President shall be conferred upon the title of “Immediate Past
National President” by the incoming National President.
Section III. All SKBP Executive Council Officers, whether elected or appointed, must:
(1) Be willing to dedicate the time and effort necessary to efficiently carry out the demands of his
or her office; (2) Possess personal and technical abilities necessary to efficiently carry out the
duties of his or her office; (3) Be well-versed in the duties of his or her office, and in particular, in
the Youth Constitution; (does this pertain to this SKBP Constitution?) (4) Have been an active
member of SKBP for a period of not less than one year, effective only after one year SKBP has
been founded. (5) Not have attained the age of thirty-six (36) at the time of his or her election or
appointment. (6) Be of good moral character and possess some demonstrated administrative
ability necessary for the discharge of the duties pertaining to the office.
Section IV. Election of Officers of National Executive Council:
(1) Any regular member in good standing may nominate any qualified individual as a candidate
for election to the executive council once the floor nominations has been open. Member cannot
self-nominate himself or herself. (2) At least three (3) candidates shall be nominated to close
the floor nomination of certain position. Secondment is required to close the nomination.
Nominees must present a short election speech. (3) Candidate has not been elected on the
higher position may still be nominated for the next position. (4) Regional Director and Deputy
Regional Director shall be elected by a majority vote of their respective district members. (5) For
those unusual but possible instances where the election vote does not give a clear-cut majority
vote to any candidate, the following procedures shall prevail: (5.1) In those cases in which the
election fails to give anyone of three or more candidates the necessary majority to be elected, a
second election will be held for the two receiving the largest number of votes in the first election;
(5.2) In those cases in which only two candidates are running and the voting ends in a tie, the
outgoing National President shall cast the deciding vote.
Section V. The following shall be the conditions set forth for the tenure of elected officers:
(1) The term of office for each elected officer shall be for three (3) year terminating at the close
of the SKBP Assembly. (2) In case of failure of the SKBP Assembly to convene, or in case of
failure of the SKBP Assembly to have the established quorum to transact business, the duly
elected and appointed SKBP Officers shall continue in office until such time as the SKBP
Assembly convenes or is qualified to elect new officers. (3) An officer may only serve in the
same office for two (2) terms, consecutively or intermittently. (4) The Outgoing National
President is prohibited from being elected or nominated in any position in National Executive
Council, District Executive Council and Executive Committee. (5) Any vacancy which may
occur in the National Executive Council by reason of death, resignation or impeachment shall be
filled subject to the recommendations of Board of Trustees.
(6) Any vacancy which may occur in any of the Regional Councils by reason of death,
resignation or impeachment shall be filled subject to the recommendations of National Executive
Council. (7) Any vacancy which may occur in any of the Municipal or City Councils by reason of
death, resignation or impeachment shall be filled subject to the recommendations of its
respective Regional Council. (8) All vacant offices, with the exception of National President,
National Secretary-General and National Treasurer, shall be filled with persons appointed by the
National President and approved by the two-thirds (2/3) of vote of Board of Trustees. (9) Should
the office of National President become vacant at any time for whatever reason, the National
Vice-President for Internal Affairs, or the National Vice-President for External Affairs, shall
assume the office upon approval by the two-thirds (2/3) of vote of Board of Trustees. (10)
Should the office of National President, National SecretaryGeneral and National Treasurer
become vacant at any time for whatever reason, the National Vice-President, National Deputy
Secretary-General, and National Deputy Treasurer shall assume the office. (11) The term of
office of any officer appointed to fill an unexpired elective term shall be for the balance of the
unexpired term and shall not be counted towards the three-year tenure limitation.
Section VI. Any elected or appointed officer of SKBP may be impeached and/or removed from
office for any of the following reasons:
(1) Betrayal to the government of the Republic of the Philippines; (2) Culpable violation of the
Constitution and Bylaws, Aims and Purposes, Code, Resolutions, Policies or Customs of the
League; Dereliction of duty; (3) Incompetence in office; (4) Misappropriation of funds; (5)
Misconduct in power and authority; (6) Improper or immoral conduct, violation to person in
authority, negligence to the cause of SKBP; (7) Oral or printed denunciations of the SKBP, its
role or procedures intended to discredit the organization or embarrass its membership and/or
youth officers. (8) Breach of the organization’s trust; espionage; unauthorized dissemination of
sensitive and/or confidential information.
Section VII. Charges against any officer may be brought by a SKBP member, board of trustees’
member, or another officer, following the
guidelines below:
(1) Charges must be in writing, sworn to by the individual or council and indicate the name of
the accused and the details of causes and may forward their charges directly to the National
President or the National Vice-President for Internal Affairs; (2) The National President or the
National Vice-President for Internal Affairs, upon the receipt of the charges, shall inform the
accused and schedule a hearing for the next meeting of the National Executive Council; (3) If
the National Executive Council determines that there is no reasonable cause to support the
charges, the case will be dismissed and all references to the charges will be stricken from the
record; (4) If the National Executive Council determines that there is reasonable cause to
support the charges, the officer shall be removed from office, whereby decision shall be final; (5)
If the National Executive Council determines that the accused should also be expelled from the
council or committee, the accused shall have the right to appeal to this decision. (6) The
decision of the Board of Trustees rendered by a twothirds (2/3) of vote shall be final; (7) The
accused shall have right to legal counsel before his/her hearing. (8) Resignation shall be in
writing and subject to the approval of the National Executive Council.
Section VIII. The following shall be the duties and responsibilities of National Executive Council:
(1) The following shall be the duties of the National President: (1.1) The National President shall
be the chief administrative and executive officer of SKBP and shall have the following duties
and responsibilities: (1.2) The National President shall supervise the affairs of the organization;
(1.3) The National President shall preside at all meetings of the executive board and shall
perform all such duties as are incidental to the office of the national president and preserve
order therein; (1.4) The National President shall confer the title of the Immediate Past National
President upon the outgoing National President;
(1.5) The National President shall decide all questions of order subject to an appeal by the
membership. (1.6) The National President shall sign all official minutes, resolutions,
correspondence and other official papers of the organization. (1.7) The National President shall
be the one of the check signatories for matters that concern SKBP on a national scope; (1.8)
The National President shall represent the SKBP or designate his/her representative to any
external or internal affairs or functions involving the best interest, growth, and development of
the organization; (1.9) The National President shall uphold and execute the SKBP CBL, all
SKBP policy, and all resolutions and laws duly passed; (1.10) The National President shall
make all appointments on the vacant positions of executive committees with the approval of the
Board of Trustees; (1.11) The National President shall be an ex-officio member of all executive
committees. (1.12) The National President shall be an ex-officio member of all Regional
Committees. (1.13) The National President shall appoint any vacancies with approval of the
executive board. (check #9) (1.14) The National President shall perform such other functions
inherent or incidental to his/her office.

(2) The following shall be the duties of the National VicePresident for Internal Affairs: (2.1) The
National Vice-President for Internal Affairs shall assist the National President in all matters
where his/her assistance is necessary; (2.2) The National Vice-President for Internal Affairs
shall assume the duties of the National President if the office becomes vacant, given that he or
she have procured twothirds (2/3) of votes of the Board of Trustees. (2.3) The National Vice-
President for Internal Affairs shall assume the duties of the National President in the absence of
the National President; (2.4) The national vice-president shall keep and have available current
copies of the constitution and bylaws;
(2.5) The national vice-president shall supervise members in planning and arranging meetings
or programs of activities; (2.6) The national vice-president shall perform other duties as directed
by the national president. (2.7) The National Vice-President for Internal Affairs shall hold under
his office and be an ex-officio member of the following committees:
(2.7.1) Committee on Financial Management
(2.7.2.) Committee on Research and Development
(2.7.2) Committee on Membership
(2.7.3) Committee on Events

(3) The following shall be the duties of the National VicePresident for External Affairs (3.1) The
National Vice-President for Internal Affairs shall assist the National President in all matters
where his/her assistance is necessary; (3.2) The National Vice-President for External Affairs
shall assume the duties of the National President if the office becomes vacant, given that he or
she have procured two-thirds (2/3) of votes of the Board of Trustees. (3.3) The National Vice-
President for External Affairs shall assume the duties of the National President in the absence
of the National President; (3.4) The National Vice-President shall keep and have available
current copies of the constitution and bylaws; (3.5) The National Vice-President shall supervise
members in planning and arranging meetings or programs of activities; (3.6) The National Vice-
President shall perform other duties as directed by the national president. (3.7) The National
Vice-President for Internal Affairs shall hold under his office and be an ex-officio member of the
following committees: (3.7.1) Committee on Logistics (3.7.2) Committee on Research and
Community Partnerships a. Committee on Public Relations b. Committee on Creative Design
c. Committee on Documentation (3.7.3) Committee on Marketing and Publication

(4) The following shall be the duties of the National SecretaryGeneral (4.1) The National
Secretary-General shall be responsible for keeping the true record of the minutes of all
meetings of the executive board; (4.2) The National Secretary-General shall provide a copy of
the minutes for each member of the executive board and keep a master file; (4.3) The National
Secretary-General shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance and
membership status; (4.4) The National Secretary-General shall give and serve all notices to
members of this organization. These include, but are not limited to, meeting announcements,
meeting agendas, and proposals requiring the attention of the members; (4.5) The National
Secretary-general shall be the official custodian of the records of this organization; (4.6) The
National Secretary-General shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee on Membership;
(4.7) The National Secretary-General shall perform other duties as directed by the national
president. (4.8) The National Secretary-General shall be the head of the Secretariat.

(5) The following shall be the duties of the National Deputy Secretary-General: (5.1) The
National Deputy Secretary-General shall assist the secretary-general in meetings, attendance
and any form of information; (5.2) The National Deputy Secretary-General shall assume the
duties of the national secretary-general if the office becomes vacant, or in the absence of the
national secretary-general; (5.3) The National Deputy Secretary-General shall be an ex-officio
member of the Committee on Membership; (5.4) The National Deputy Secretary-General shall
perform other duties as directed by the national president.

(6) The following shall be the duties of the National Treasurer:

(6.7) The National Treasurer shall receive all fees, dues, monetary donations, contributions,
other income and provide a receipt thereof; (6.8) The National Treasurer shall be responsible for
reviewing and checking the accuracy of all bills and invoices and paying them correctly and on
time; (6.9) The National Treasurer shall deposit all receipts in excess of (how much?) of such
income into the organization’s financial accounts on the day of receipt or no later than the
following day because of mitigating circumstances; (6.10) The National Treasurer shall keep a
true record of transactions and deposit of all such income into the organization’s financial
accounts. None of these receipts may be destroyed without the written consent of the National
Executive Council; (6.11) The National Treasurer shall submit a report of all receipts of income
and the deposit of such receipts at every regular meeting. He/she shall prepare quarterly and
annual reports of all financial transactions for audit purposes; (6.12) The National Treasurer
shall notify the Committee on Membership of all members who are delinquent in dues, and/or
indebted to the organization; (6.13) The National Treasurer shall be the head of the Committee
on Financial Management; (6.14) The National Treasurer shall perform other duties as directed
by the National President.

(7) The following shall be the duties of the National Deputy Treasurer: (7.1) The National Deputy
Treasurer shall assist the National Treasurer in keeping current record of all financial
transactions; develop quarterly financial report and checking the accuracy of income and
receipts; (7.2) The National Deputy Treasurer shall assume the duties of the National Treasurer
if the office becomes vacant, or in the absence of the National Treasurer; (7.3) The national
deputy treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of the purchasing committee;
(7.4) The National Deputy Treasurer shall perform other duties as directed by the national

(8) The following shall be the duties of the National Auditor: (8.1) The National Auditor shall
certify the legitimacy and correctness of the disbursement funds; (8.2) The National Auditor
shall audit all expenditures of the SKBP funds; (8.3) The National Auditor shall be an ex-officio
member of the Committee on Logistics; (8.4) The National Auditor shall perform other duties as
directed by the National President.

(9) The following shall be the duties of the Regional Director: (9.1) The Regional Director shall
supervise the affairs of the Region Councils; (9.2) The Regional Director shall preside at all
meetings of their respective Region Councils; (9.3) The Regional Director shall address all
suggestions, expressions, and voices of the Region members to the National President; (9.4)
The Regional Director may appoint Region Secretaries, Region Treasurers, Region Committee
Heads and Region Committee Members, and District Representatives with the approval of the
National Executive Council; (9.5) The Regional Director shall be an ex-officio member of all
Region Committees; (9.6) The Regional Director shall perform other duties as directed by the
National President.

(10) The following shall be the duties of the Deputy Regional Director: (10.1) The Deputy
Regional Director shall assist the Regional Director on his/her duties; (10.2) The Deputy
Regional Director shall assume the duties of the Regional Director if the office becomes vacant,
or in the absence of the Regional Director; (10.3) The Deputy Regional Director shall assume
the duties of the district representatives if the office becomes
vacant, or in the absence of the district representatives; (10.4) The Deputy Regional Director
shall be an ex-officio member of all region committees; (10.5) The Deputy Regional Director
shall perform other duties as directed by the National President.


Section I. The elective regional council officers shall be the Regional Director and the Deputy
Regional Director.
Section II. The Regional Director shall appoint a Regional Secretary, Regional Treasurer, and
Provincial, City/Municipal Representatives.
Section III. Regional council shall be composed of:
(1) Regional Director; (2) Deputy Regional Director; (3) Regional Secretary; (4) Regional
Treasurer; (5) Regional and cluster coordinators;
Section IV. All Regional Council Officers, whether elected or appointed, must possess those
qualifications as stipulated under Article V, Section III.
Section V. The Regional Secretary and Regional Treasurer shall be appointed by the Regional
Director with the approval of the two-thirds (2/3) of votes of Board of Trustees. Cluster or
Regional Coordinators shall be elected by the majority votes of their cluster or regional
coordinating areas. The procedures and requisites set forth in Article V, Section IV, shall apply
in the case for the coordinators.
Section VI. All provisions in Article V, Section V shall be applicable to the Regional Council
Officers, substituting the Regional nomenclature for that of National.
Section VII. All provisions in Article V, Section VI of this Constitution shall be applicable for the
impeachments, removal, and appeals of the Regional Council Officers.
Section VIII. The duties and responsibilities of regional secretary, regional treasurer and cluster
or regional coordinators are the following:
(1) The following shall be the duties of the Regional Secretary: (1.1) The Regional Secretary
shall be keep the true record of the minutes of all meetings of the regional council; (1.2) The
Regional Secretary shall provide a copy of the minutes to National Secretary-General and keep
a master file;
(1.3) The Regional Secretary shall maintain a complete and accurate account of attendance and
membership status within his/her district; (1.4) The Regional Secretary shall be the official
custodian of the records of their respective regional councils; (1.5) The Regional Secretary shall
perform other duties as directed by the National President and respective Regional Director.
(2) The following shall be the duties of the Regional Treasurer: (2.1) The Regional Treasurer
shall be responsible for the keeping current record of all financial transactions; (2.2) The
Regional Treasurer shall develop quarterly financial report and checking the accuracy of income
and receipts of the district council. (2.3) The Regional Treasurer shall submit a report of all
receipts of income and the deposit of such receipts of their respective district to the National
Treasurer. (2.4) The Regional Treasurer shall not destroy any of these receipts without the
written consent of the executive board. (2.5) The Regional Treasurer shall open the audit
records for the National Auditor at any time deemed necessary and reasonable. (2.6) The
regional treasurer shall perform other duties as directed by the National President and
respective Regional Director.

(3) Provincial or cluster coordinators shall address all suggestions, expressions, and voices of
the SKBP-registered organizations to the national president. The regional council shall
supervise the affairs of the region. The regional director shall preside at all meetings of their
respective regional councils. The regional director shall address all suggestions, expressions,
and voices of the members to the national president. The regional director may appoint regional
secretaries, regional treasurers, regional committee chairs and regional committee members
with the approval of the executive board. The district representatives shall perform other duties
as directed by the national president.


Section I. The National Executive Council and Regional Council shall establish a National
Committee which is deemed necessary to carry out the work of the organization.
Section II. The National Committee shall consist of:
(2.1.) Committee on Training and Development
(2.2.) Committee on Financial Management
(2.4.) Committee on Research and Community Partnership
(2.5.) Committee on Membership
(2.7.) Committee on Marketing and Public Relations
(1.1)4. Creative Design Division (1.1)5. Documentation Division
(2.8.) Committee on Events
(2.9.) Committee on Logistics
(2.9.) Secretariat
Section III. Each executive committee shall be composed of committee chair, coordinators (if
sub-committee), 4 committee members and exofficio member/s, if necessary.
Section IV. All executive committee appointments of the National President must be approved
by two-thirds (2/3) of the executive council.
Section V. All terms of office of executive committees and any limitation thereto shall be in
keeping with the provisions set in Article V, Section V.
Section VI. Procedures for the Impeachment, Removal and Appeals of Executive Committee
Officers, shall follow those set forth in Article V, Section VI, of this Constitution.
Section VII. The duties of each executive committee officer shall be the following:
a. The Committee on Financial Management shall develop an annual operating budget; monitor
adherence to the budget; develop multi-annual operating budgets that integrate strategic plan
objectives and initiatives; present all financial goals and
proposals to the executive board for approval; and submit postevent liquidation report,
semestral report, and annual report. Financial management committee shall be divided into 2
subcommittees namely: purchasing committee and property and supply committee.

1. Purchasing committee shall analyze quotations provided by the suppliers; ensure all
documentation is accurately completed; seek clarification from suppliers/service providers
where necessary; ensuring proportionality, transparency, accountability and fairness in the
procurement process; involvement in the evaluation discussion; and ensuring all necessary
procurement procedures are properly followed including any relevant donor procedures. 2.
Property and Supply committee shall keep and update inventory of all property of the
organization; disburses supplies and equipment to the respective personnel as required; record
the issuance of supplies, materials, and/or equipment to the respective personnel; submit order
supplies and equipment to purchasing committee needed by the NYVC; and receive and
reviews requests for supplies.

b. Research and Development Committee shall develop strategic plans and policies of SKBP
and formulate programs and services to be catered by the organization. c. Membership
Committee shall develop a strategic plan for the recruitment of members; recommend
prospective members to the executive board for approval; collaborates with other committees
on key strategies, challenges, and needs in order to provide insight on membership recruitment,
engagement and retention; provide an orientation to the programs and services catered by the
organization; assess and recommend products, services, and programs that will add value to
the membership; be in-charge of renewal and new applications of individual members and
organizations; review procedures for members who commit violations and recommend
necessary sanctions; attest the certification of individual members and organizations; and be in-
charge of alumni relations.

d. Marketing and communications committee shall disseminate information through promotions,

bulletin boards, social media, and other platforms; shall be responsible for supervising the
creation of publicity materials, shall maintain the image of the organization through proper public
relations; shall develop marketing schemes and strategies intended for the advertisement of the
organization’s services and programs, support all publicity materials of the organization;
proactively maintain and nurture existing partnership with external organizations or companies;
and actively communicate relevant opportunities to the executive council for external
collaborations. Marketing and communications committee shall be divided into 4 sub-
committees namely: marketing and sponsorship, public relations, creative design, and
documentation committee.
1. The marketing and sponsorship committee shall develop marketing plans to ensure progress
toward annual and longrange goals; submit prospect activity, evaluate plans and strategies and
forecast reports to the executive council; develop and implement a sponsorship plan; plan
fundraising projects; and maintain current contacts for past, current and potential sponsors. 2.
The public relations committee shall develop and implement public relations strategies and
campaigns to popularize the thrusts and objectives of SKBP; develop social media contents;
publish, or assist in publishing, all materials (such as announcements) related to the various
activities of the organization; act as custodians of the organization’s’ social media accounts;
create, update and ensure compliance with organizations’ communication and social media
policy; monitor public postings to SKBP social media outlets for appropriateness and
compliance with the social media posting guidelines; manage and facilitate promotion of SKBP
news and events on social media by coordinating with other committees; and utilize and update
relevant hash tags. 3. The creative design committee shall create and design the official logo,
social media cards and templates, layouts, and merchandises of the organization; determine the
message the design should portray; create images that identify a product or convey a message;
develop graphics for product illustrations, logos, and websites; select colors, images, text style,
and layout; incorporate changes recommended by the council into the final design; and review
designs for errors before printing or publishing them.
4. The documentation committee shall collect all forms of documentation such as photos,
videos, clipping and narratives before during and after events; safe keep of all important
archives; and arrange the policy on distributing and using the physical and digital


Section I. Qualifications
a. Be willing to dedicate the time and effort necessary to efficiently carry out the demands of the
organization; b. Have attained the age of thirty-six (36) at the time of his or her appointment. c.
Be of good moral character and possess some demonstrated administrative ability necessary
for the discharge of the duties pertaining to the office;
Section II. Any member of the National Executive Committee may nominate any qualified
individual as the member of board of advisers. Board of Trustees shall approve the nominees
with two-thirds (2/3) of votes.
Section III. Tenure of Elected Advisers and Vacancy of Office
a. The term of office for each elected officer shall be for three (3) year terminating at the close of
the SKBP Assembly. b. Any vacancy which may occur in national executive council and district
council by reason of death, resignation or impeachment shall be filled subject to the
recommendations of Board of Trustees. c. The term of office of any member of the board of
advisers appointed to fill an unexpired elective term shall be for the balance of the unexpired
term and shall not be counted towards the three-year tenure limitation.
Section IV. Impeachments, Removal and Appeals Advisers
a. All provisions in Article V, Section VI of this constitution shall be applicable to the Board of
Section V. Duties and Responsibilities of Board of Advisers
a. Maintain an awareness of the activities and programs conducted by the SKBP. b. Meet on a
regular basis with the National President or the National Executive Council to discuss upcoming
meetings, long range plans, goals, and problems of the organizations. c. Attend meetings as
often as schedule allows. d. Assist in the orientation of new officers.
e. Provide direction in the area of parliamentary procedure, meeting facilitation, group-building,
goal setting, and program planning. f. Inform members of those factors that constitute
unacceptable behavior on the part of the members, and the possible consequence of said


Section I. The SKBP shall meet quarterly. A notice of time, place and agenda shall be provided
to all officers at least fifteen days prior to the meeting. These executive meetings shall consist
of a business meeting followed by a social or recreational function. The meeting shall include
reports from officers and/or special committees. Planning and duties for future business and
social functions shall be delegated during the meetings.
Section II. The presence of a total of eight (8) members of National Executive Council and
National Committees shall be required to constitute a quorum necessary to conduct the youth
society’s executive meeting.
Section III. The SKBP general assembly shall be every 2nd Monday of January. A notice of
time, place and agenda shall be provided to all members at least fifteen days prior to the
meeting. These meeting shall consist of a business meeting followed by a social or recreational
function. The meeting shall include reports from the board.
Section IV. Special meetings may be called at any time by the President. Upon written
application of at least five (5) members of the board, a special meeting shall be called by the
President, and in the event of his or her absence, inability or failure to act, by any other officer of
the society.
Section V. The following shall be the duties of the National President during the meetings:
5.1. To preside at all meetings; 5.2. Keep calm at all times; 5.3. Have agenda for meeting before
him and proceed in a business-like manner; 5.4. Have a working knowledge of parliamentary
law and a thorough understanding of the constitution and bylaws of the organization; 5.5. Keep
a list of committees on table while presiding; 5.6. Extend every courtesy to the opponents of a
motion, even though the motion is one that the presiding officer favors; 5.7. Always appear at
the rostrum a few minutes before the time the meeting is to be called to order. When the time
note whether a quorum is present; if so, call the meeting to order, and declare, “quorum is
Section VI. The following shall be the duties of the National Vice-President for Internal Affairs
during the meetings.
6.2. In official meetings, the Vice President for Internal Affairs shall preside in the absence of
the president or whenever the president temporarily vacates the chair.
Section VII. The following shall be the duties of the National Vice-President for External Affairs
during the meetings:
7.1. In official meetings, the Vice President for External Affairs shall preside in the absence of
the Vice President for Internal Affairs and the President or whenever the president temporarily
vacates the chair.
Section VIII. The following shall be the duties of the Secretary-General during the meetings:
8.1. The secretary-general should issue all calls or notices of meetings and should write such
letters as the board of directors or national executive council may designate.
8.2. The secretary-general should keep a neat and careful record of all business done in the
meetings, with the exact wording of every motion and whether it was lost or carried.
8.3. Brief extracts from speeches, if important, may be recorded but no comment of any kind,
favorable or unfavorable, appointed to committees and it is the duty of the secretary to notify all
persons nominated or elected on any committee.
8.4. The secretary should be on hand a few minutes before a meeting is called to order. He or
she should have the minute book of the organization on hand so that reference can be made to
minutes of past meetings.
8.5. The secretary should always have a copy of the bylaws; standing rules; list of members;
and a list of unfinished business, a copy of which should be given to the presiding officer.
8.6. The minutes of an organization should contain a record of what is done and not what is
said. Official minutes must be approved and signed by the attendees. It should contain:
8.6.1. Date, place and time of meeting.
8.6.2. Whether it is a regular or special meeting. 8.6.3. Name of person presiding. 8.6.4. Name
of secretary. (In small boards, the names of those present should be recorded.) 8.6.5. All main
motions, whether adopted or rejected. 8.6.6. The names of persons making the motions; the
name of the seconder need not be recorded. 8.6.7. Points of order and appeals, whether
sustained or lost. 8.6.8. A motion, which was withdrawn, should not be recorded.
Section IX. All regular and special meetings of the youth society shall be conducted in
accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section X. When a motion has been made, seconded and stated by the chair, the assembly is
not at liberty to consider any other business until this motion has been disposed of.
Section XI. If the motion is long and involved the chairman asks the mover to hand it in writing
to the secretary. The mover cannot withdraw his motion after the chair has stated it.
Section XII. All important motions should be seconded, which may be done without rising or
addressing the chair.
Section XIII. To Amend: This motion is “to change, add, or omit words” in the original main
motion, and is debatable: majority votes.
Section XIV. To Amend the Amendment: This is a motion to change, add, or omit words in the
first amendment; debatable: majority votes.
Section XV. Method: The first vote is on changing words of second amendment, the second
vote (if first vote adopts change) on first amendment as changed; the third vote is on adopting
main motion as changed.
Section XVI. To Commit: When a motion becomes involved through amendments or when it is
wise to investigate a question more carefully, it may be moved to commit the motion to a
committee for further consideration. Debatable— Amendable— Committee must make report on
such question.
Section XVII. To Lay on the Table: The object of this motion is to postpone the subject under
discussion in such a way that it can be taken up at sometime in the near future when a motion
“to take from the table” would be in order. These motions are not debatable or amendable:
majority vote.
Section XVIII. To Postpone: A motion to postpone the question before the assembly to some
future time is in order, except when a speaker has the floor.
Debatable: majority vote.
Section XIX. To Adjourn: This motion is always in order except:
9.1. When a speaker has the floor.
9.2. When a vote is being taken.
9.3. After it has just been voted down.
9.4. When the assembly is in the midst of some business, which cannot be abruptly stopped.
9.5.Under all the above circumstances, the motion is not debatable.
9.6. When the motion is made to adjourn to a definite place and time, it is debatable.
Section XX. To Reconsider: The motion to reconsider a motion that was carried or lost is in
order if made on the same day or the next calendar day, but must be made by one who voted
with the prevailing side. No question can be twice reconsidered. Debatable: majority vote.
Requires 2 votes: First on whether it should be reconsidered. Second on original motion after
Section XXI. The Previous Question: Is to close debate on the pending question. This motion
may be made when debate becomes long and drawn out. It is not debatable. The form is “Mr.
(Madam) Chairman, I move the previous question.” The chairman then asks, “Shall debate be
closed and the question now be put?” If this be adopted by a twothirds (2/3) vote, the question
before the assembly is immediately voted upon.
Section XXII. Point of Order: This motion is always in order, but can be used only to present an
objection to a ruling of the chair or some method of parliamentary procedure. The form is “Mr.
(Madam) Chairman, I rise to a point of order.” The Chairman: ‘‘Please state your point of order.”
The chair may deny or acknowledge the point of order.
Section XXIII. If any member is not satisfied he/she may appeal from the decision of the chair.
The chairman then addresses the assembly, “Shall the decisions of the chair be sustained?”
This is debatable and the presiding officer may discuss it without leaving the chair. Voted on like
any other motion: majority or tie vote sustains the decision of chair. Requires a majority of “no”
votes to reverse decision of the chair.


Section I. The SKBP Mission shall be as follows:

(1) As a non-profit organization geared towards promoting the spirit of youth volunteerism, the
Samahan ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas aims to be the center for an excellent and
dynamic volunteerism: touching lives, promoting resiliency, and re-igniting patriotism; to
strengthen the level of awareness, knowledge and understanding on volunteerism of the
citizenry towards nation building; and to enable, promote and ensure the participation,
involvement, and engagement of the citizenry in the Philippine youth development plan and
sustainable development plan.
Section II. The SKBP Vision shall be as follows:
(1) Anchored in the spirit of youth volunteerism, the Samahan ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng
Pilipinas envisions a nation with active youth citizens fueled with the ideals of volunteerism,
contributing to nation-building, character-building, and unifying ideals embodied in every Filipino
Section III. The Official Emblem of the Samahan ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas shall be:
(1) Discoid of a sun rayonnant with eight minor and lesser rays; in point of honor, three (3)
pieces of rudimentary human figures, facing dexter, center, and sinister, each colored azure,
argent, and gules respectively; field shall be white with the capitalized words “Kabataang
Boluntaryo” written above the main insignia, and the word “Pilipinas,” written below in both
English alphabet and Baybayin script.
Section IV. The Official Seal of the Samahan ng Kabataan Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas shall be that
of what is stipulated under Article 9, Section 4 of this Constitution.
Section V. The Official Ornamental Pin of the Samahan ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas
shall be fashioned upon the likeness of its official emblem stipulated in Article 9, Section 3 of
this Constitution, imprinted on a golden metallic base.
Section VI. The Official Colors of the Samahan ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas shall be
patterned after that of the Republic of the Philippines, namely the colors blue, red, yellow, and


Section I. Method of Amending the Constitution – This Constitution shall be subject to

amendment by the SKBP Council Assembly, and only by the SKBP Council Assembly, in the
manner set forth in this Article:
a. All proposed amendments to the Constitution must be typewritten and submitted to the Board
of Trustees not less than sixty (60) days prior to assembly; b. At the SKBP Council Assembly,
the National President shall appoint an Amendments Committee, which shall consider all
proposed amendments and which shall recommend to the SKBP Council Assembly the proper
course of action on each amendment. Amendments shall be presented to the SKBP Council
Assembly one at a time; c. No amendment shall be presented from the floor; however, an
amendment to an amendment shall be in order; d. Amendments approved by the SKBP Council
Assembly shall be submitted to Board of Trustees for their approval not less than thirty (30)
days after the SKBP Council Assembly. Board of Trustees should then notify the National
Executive Council not less than thirty (30) days after the receipt of the approved amendments
whether it approves any or all have said amendments. Failure of Board of Trustees to notify the
National Executive Council in the allowed time shall cause the National Executive Council to
assume that all amendments approved by the SKBP Council Assembly were approved by said
council; e. In order to be fully adopted, an amendment must be ratified by at least two-thirds
(2/3) of the SKBP Council Assembly and by at least one-half (1/2) of the assembly members in
good standing; f. By first quarter of each year, the National President shall proclaim in a letter to
all members and officers, those amendments fully adopted and shall cause them to be added to
the Constitution; g. In like manner, a new constitution may be offered and adopted.
Section II. Revisions of the Constitution: A general revision of the constitution shall follow the
same procedures set fourth in Section I, above.


I, (state your name), by virtue of all those who may witness, do hereby solemnly swear, to
perform all my duties as (state your position), conferred upon me by the respectable Samahan
ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng Pilipinas members, officers, and Constitution and By-Laws.
I also swear to uphold the Spirit of Youth Volunteerism, and carry the organization’s good name
with pride, with honor, and with service, for God, the People, the Environment, and the Nation.
So help me God.

I, (state your name), now a bona fide member of Samahan ng Kabataang Boluntaryo ng
Pilipinas, by virtue of all those who may witness, do hereby solemnly swear loyalty and diligence
to my duties as a member.
I also swear to uphold the Spirit of Youth Volunteerism, and carry the organization’s good name
with pride, with honor, and with service, for God, the People, the Environment, and the Nation.
So help me God.

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