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Faculty of Management Sciences

Integrated Marketing Communication

(MKT 305)

Submitted to:

Lecturer Assistant:

Submitted by:

Name ID Lecture Group E-Mail

Spring 2020
Contribution Sheet
Phase 1

Name ID Tasks
 Executive Summary
 Introduction
 SWOT Analysis
 Pest Analysis: Sociocultural
 SWOT Analysis
 Pest Analysis: Technological
 Competitive Analysis
 Marketing Objectives
 SWOT Analysis
 Consumer Analysis
 Target Segment Addressed
 Positioning Strategy
 SWOT Analysis
 Pest Analysis: Legal & Economic
 Competitive Analysis
 Marketing Mix Implication

Phase 2

Name ID Tasks
 Communication Objective:
Brand Trail
 Budgeting
 Creative Brief
 Communication Objective:
Brand liking
 Analysis of Previous
Communication Tools
 Communication Objective:
Brand Awareness
 Gantt Chart
 Communication Objective:
Brand Image
 Recommendations

Table of Contents


1. Executive Summary

1.1 Conduct:

Alia Parachuting is a very promising business that is well known in Egypt

when it comes to the dangerous sports. Actually, it is the first academy that
train publics on the aspects of doing such jumps. Another credit point is that
they have a very good collaboration with the Egyptian Air forces, and this is
how they get the approvals for their candidates within a short time frame. On
the contrary, their branding is quite terrible. Therefore, we conducted a
research to find why their branding is weak in the market. First, Alia as a brand
name was not a very good choice. Moreover, they do have a very weak
presence in social media. They have a huge lack in communicating properly
with their target segment. Thus, Aliaa Parachuting and Sky-Diving needs a new
marketing strategy to have its right place in the Egyptian extreme sports

1.2 Main Findings:

1.2.1 Competitors:

Apparently, the odds are in Alia Parachuting's favor as there are no significant
competitions so far. However, there is Sky-Dive Egypt which is a well-
established center that is known for hosting second to none skydiving events in
Egypt. And such center is sponsored by well-known companies in Egypt like

1.3 Main Objectives:

We are aiming to use innovate aggressive branding in order to tackle their
major area of development. Secondly, the use of different marketing channels
either online or offline should be utilized against their resources in order to
reach more customers. Thirdly, due the recent estimates about how the
Egyptian youth perceive such a sport is a little bit challenging as the safety is
one of the main perspectives they have concern about should be normalized to
such an extent.

2 Introduction

Company brand: It is the very idea of an adrenaline rush. You ever wondered
how the Earth looks from 2700 metres above the sea level? Moreover, what if
you would be able to dive through 7000 years of ancient Egypt architecture.
Not only the sense of adventure will guide you, but also a second to none
experience that you would never forget. Alia Parachuting is the first skydive
center in Egypt that offers such a unique service. The idea has been driven by a
momentous passion for one of a kind sport.

Alia academy was established on 2012 by captain Mahmoud Abdelhamid. And

it’s not only offers entertainment service. But also, it’s a training academy for

Challenges: Unfortunately, this service had been not well promoted in Egypt.
Consequently, a new vision will be introduced in order open the doors for all
limitless market opportunities that will highly affect customers perception
towards this kind of sports. This vision will be changing the consumer
perception regards this kind of sports to make it available for everyone in order
to get an advantage of the bare competition in the market.

3 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

 High Technology equipment  Limited number of trainers

 Experienced trainers  Few promotional activities
 New entertainment experience  Low level of awareness
 Positive word of mouth from the  Low usage of social media
previous consumers “good  Consumer loyalty as its viewed as a
reviews”. one-time experience
 The jumps are supported and
supervised by the air force

Opportunities Threats

 Few competitors in the market  Limited places to skydive due to the

 Hard entry to the market due to the strict permission of where to dive in
monopoly of such market and the  Low demand on the services due to
legal restrictions the high level of inflation
 Need for extreme sports in the  Changing consumer perception
Egyptian market as the young “safety, security” as it’s an extreme
consumers are now interested in sport
these activities.
 Can be used to promote tourism

4 PEST Analysis

 Legal Factor:

The Federal Aviation Administration address (FFA) established rules regarding

the parachute manufacturing standards, parachute technicians, and the packing
of reserve parachutes, and these regulations applied in all countries
(Laurendeau & Van Brunschot,2006). Moreover, the Egyptian parachuting and
air sports federation has regulations regarding the safety such as air conditions,
age (must be over 15 years old) and health status.

 Economic Factor:

Recently Egypt has faced high inflation rate. And according to Bhanumurthy,
& Sarangi(2019), this has a direct impact on the disposable income in Egypt.
As a result, consumer’s purchasing power has changed, especially for the
entertainment products or services.

 Sociocultural Factor:

Sociocultural: Against the Egyptians vast majority of beliefs and norms, this
second to none kind of sports cannot find enough support to get a solid ground
in developing countries like Egypt(Greg, 2014). However, generation Z is
curious about all the new staff. Every extreme is quenching their thirst to such
an extent. Therefore, not only generation Z, but also some of the unique
Millennials that have been always fans for Harley rides, Sant Catrine hiking
and desert camping would also love to try such a sport. Moreover, due to
Monia (2017) a lot of middle easterners had run to Dubai just to try skydiving
and paid fortune for it. This means that a very similar culture had already
accepted such a sport and the odds most probably will be in Alia’s favour. Yet,
as the Egyptian parents put so much attention into the the security and safety of
their children; they will not be easily accepting the concept of their children
trying skydiving.

 Technological Factor:

Technology is changing a lot of industries nowadays. Entertainment

industry is a good example for how the technology can change industries
very fast. That noticeable change in entertainment industry makes a lot of
sports available to the public like parachuting or skydiving as they become
more safer and cheaper than before. parachuting considered as a sport in
1952 (Vidovic AND Kugai, 2007), (Haley,2018). In Egypt parachuting
become more popular in between 2012-2014 in this period a lot of
parachuting academes like Alia Parachuting and Skydive Egypt. Alia
parachuting founded in 2012 they cooperate with the Egyptian army to
provide training and parachuting experience with the best technology in
Egypt. “Alia Parachuting” make use of the technology in their marketing as
their marketing strategy based on digital marketing like their Facebook.

5 Competitive Analysis

Direct competitors:
Skydive Dubai, Sky Dive Egypt, Luxor hot air balloon are the 3 direct
competitors for Alia academy.

“Alia Parachuting & Skydiving” is one of the first academies to open in Egypt
and “Skydive Egypt” is considered as the main competitor to Alia Parachuting,
as it’s located in Cairo and it provide the same service.

Benefits & limitations:

Skydive Egypt have higher customer awareness, as they use better marketing
strategy. These strategies include organizing huge events trying to promote
tourism industry in Egypt to attract more customers. In addition of their
positioning strategy, which is based on targeting the professional or certified
skydivers “JUMB LIKE PHARAOH”? However, the limitation is that it
provides the service for only the certified divers not anyone can have the

On the other hand, Alia Parachuting have better prices and have its own
training center as the first Skydiving training center in Egypt. They also
corporate with the Egyptian army and by all of these steady steps they take a
huge advantage above their competitors.

6 Consumer Analysis

According to Kolter (2012), Consumer analysis is used to identify and

understand the company's customers segment.


Alia parachuting is located in Cairo.


Alia parachuting and skydiving targets a particular segment in the Egyptian

market with certain characteristics which are young people. The targeted
client’s income level should be high in order to be able to afford the training
fees and jumps. The education level of these consumers should be moderate,
what is important is that they have knowledge about sky-diving and its
regulations. These consumers' age should be above 15 and no age limit, as
Mahmoud Abdelhamid “the owner of the academy” mentioned that they have a
58 years old customer. The occupation of these consumers is not standard.
They could be students, young professionals, tourists or even young parents
who would love to participate in such activity.


Alia parachuting mainly targets A class due to their high prices, as there is a
training fees in addition of the jump fees. Their personality should be
adventurous and seek to have an extraordinary memory that others might fear
to have as they enjoy extreme sports. Moreover, they should have good
physical health in order to enjoy this thrilling and breathtaking activity.


Most of Alia parachuting customers are seeking for one-time experience. As

there is a perception that skydiving only an entertainment experiences not a
sport. These consumers participate in such experience for its benefits. The
consumers benefit trying new activity that others might not have tried. It also
gives them the feeling as if they are flying which most of people is wondering
how it feels like. They also get to see Egypt from above which makes them
realize its beauty. Based on a study made by Skydive Perris in 2018, after such
experience, the consumers' fears in doing anything decreases and it boost also
their confidence in themselves. Sky-diving and parachuting as a sport is not
affected by any occasions here in Egypt, because it is always the time to sky-
dive and parachute. This is a result of that the weather conditions do not
usually change here in Egypt.

7 Marketing Mix Implication

Product /Service:
Alia parachuting offer different service, they offer parachuting & skydiving
experience. Moreover, they offer training for skydiving as a sport to
practice. They also use high technology equipment that is certified from the
Egyptian Sport Parachuting Aeronautic Federation “ESPAF”, in order to
provide safety for their customers. Our only complain is the brand name, as
it does not reflect the experience that they offer.
They use cost-plus strategy as their prices is not high comparing to the
technology they use and comparing to their competitors. For example, in
skydive Dubai, the jump costs 7,495 LE and the training 5,000 LE, while in
Alia the jump costs 1,500 LE and the training 1,800 LE.
Alia parachuting use exclusive strategy as they are only located in Cairo.
And we suggest that they have to be open in different areas to be more
available for their consumers.
They only promote through their Facebook page by sharing the reviews of
their customers’ experiences.
To have the skydiving experience, customer should first provide a health
status that they don’t have any health problem. Then they should have a 6
weeks training before the jump. And for the safety, they have technicians as
they constantly check the safety standards before every jump.
They have professional certified trainers to assist their customers. And we
suggest that they should train customers who are interested in being trainers
to cover the shortage of the company’s trainers.

8 Marketing Objectives

a. Marketing objectives:
 Increase the market share by 25% among our target audients from both
genders which their age range between 18-36 within 6 months period.
 Increase sales by 40% among our target audients from both genders
which their age range between 18-36 within 6 months period.

b. Communication objectives:
 Our 1st objective is to create awareness by 65% among our target
audience from both genders which their age ranges between 18-36
within 3 months period.
 Our 2nd objective is to create a strong brand image for Alia parachuting
among 40% of our target audience in A & B classes who their age
range is between 18-36 within 1 month period.
 Our 3rd objective is to increase the intention to try by 50% among both
genders who age between 18-36 classes A & B within 1- month period.
 Our 4th objective is increasing the brand liking by 40% among
Adventure’s games youth players who are between 18 -36 in 1 month.

9 Target Segment Addressed

Aliaa Parachuting chose a particular segment to engage in the activity it offers.

We chose to segment the consumers who their age range is between 18-36,
males and females. These consumers are highly educated and know about
extreme sports. Our target segment is those who are adventurous and interested
in extreme sports. We target mainly millennial who are updated with skydiving
and parachuting. Not only those who are aware, but also the millennial who are
not aware of skydiving and parachuting because they might be potential

10 Positioning

People consider skydiving and parachuting as an extreme and thrilling sport.

They see that only courageous people can practice such activity. Also, people
have that perception of skydiving and parachuting as a one-time activity. And,
that’s why we are doing this whole rebuilding concept and image into the
consumers' minds. Therefore we will be using benefits and attributes
positioning strategy with Aliaa skydiving and parachuting. Since that, we want
to demonstrate for our customers what it's like to practice skydiving and
parachuting in Aliaa skydiving and parachuting center and what is the benefit
from it. This will happen by creating promotional tools that involves a person
skydiving in our center to show their feelings and joy to the consumers while
they are skydiving. Not only to show the emotions, but also to show the
facilities that Aliaa skydiving and parachuting has to make such activity safe to
practice not as what patrons already see. By such thing, we will be positioning
ourselves as offering a new sport that is safe and thrilling at the same time in
the Egyptian market; and also it is an experience for those who want to build
memories because memories change people's perspective and personality.

11 Analysis of Previous Communication Tools:

Aliaa Sky-Diving & Parachuting use 3 promotional tools to display their

offerings only. These tools are interactive/internet marketing, public relations,
and sales promotion on Facebook only. The choice of the tools to use to
promote and achieve their objective is quiet great. Yet, the implementation of
these tools is failing to achieve those objectives.

11.1 Interactive/Internet Marketing:

Aliaa Sky-Diving & Parachuting used interactive/internet marketing to raise

awareness. They only post pictures of the jumps they have done. But
unfortunately, they do not add information about the service they provide or
even how to book the training period. They do not post any type of videos that
show the experience of their clients to encourage other consumers to trust
them. They do not make any competitions to engage the consumers or even
apply the concept of interactive/internet marketing properly. Facebook one of
the platform that has Aliaa's target market but, they do not use it effectively.
Also, there are other platforms to use to increase their chance of getting to their
target market; however, they do not do the effort to reach them.

11.2 Public Relations:

Public relation is an adequate promotional tool to use. Yet, it needs to be paired

with other tools in order to achieve the objective that Aliaa Skydiving &
Parachuting had set. In Aliaa, they rely mainly on public relations as a way of
advertisement, which means that they post only reviews of the consumers that
had experienced skydiving with them to make other potential consumers see
the reviews of others and so they would try out Aliaa's service. Most of their
posts on Facebook are reviews of their clients only. This PR will provide the
consumers with the information that people talk positively about it. However, it
does not provide these potential patrons with any information about what Aliaa
does or why to choose it among the competitors.

11.3 Sales Promotion

Aliaa Sky-Diving & Parachuting used sales promotion to encourage people to

try out skydiving there. This was a good tool to use but, Aliaa's team did not
back this tool with the information the consumers need to know in order to
invest their money in experiencing such activity. To offer promotion, Aliaa
should provide information on their Facebook page to increase the awareness.
Therefore, the consumers might be convinced to book their place in the training
program and the jump.

12 Creative Brief

Creative Brief for Aliaa Parachuting & Skydiving Campaigns

Key Message:
Alia parachuting present for the first-time a thrilling skydiving experience in Egypt
Target Audience:
Extroverts and those who would enjoy extreme actives whose their age is between18-36.
Communication Objective:
To know:
 Be aware of Aliaa Parachuting and Skydiving
 That skydiving sport does exist in Egypt
 Skydiving has highly strict safety procedures
To believe:
 Alia Parachuting skydiving experience is exciting.
Benefits to Promise:
 Unique experience in Egypt
 Extreme safety in all jumps
Support to Promise:
 Real stories form people about how enjoying skydiving is in Aliaa
 Professional trainers and training programs before jumps

 Advertisements
 Interactive/Internet marketing
 Direct Marketing
 Events and concerts
 Sales Promotion
 Public Relations
We will be positioning ourselves as offering a new sport that is safe and thrilling at the same
time in the Egyptian market; and also it is an experience for those who want to build memories
because memories change people's perspective and personality.

13 Sales/Communication Objectives:

In Aliaa Skydiving and Parachuting, we would like to increase the sales by

40% within a period of 6 months. The targeted consumers in achieving such
objective are extroverts who are between 18 -26 years old and are highly
educated or want to try adventurous activates. And to achieve such objective,
we planned 4 different communication objectives to support in achieving this
sales objective. These 4 communication objectives are brand awareness, brand
image, brand knowledge, and brand liking.

13.1 Brand Awareness:

13.1.1 Objective:

The objective is to create awareness for Aliaa Parachuting & Sky-Diving

among the extrovert patrons from both genders in the market that their age
range is between 18-36 and are highly educated. These people preferably have
previous background information about skydiving or would enjoy participating
in thrilling and extreme sports. In Aliaa, we want to establish awareness by
65% within a time range of 3 months from Beginning of May 2020 till end of
July 2020.

13.1.2 Message:

Our message in Aliaa Parachuting & Sky-Diving is to create awareness about

us and that extreme sports are safe with us.

13.1.3 IMC Mix:

Awareness is an important objective to Aliaa Parachuting & Sky-Diving as it
will make the consumers aware of the extreme sports market in Egypt. Since
the consumers are knowledgeable that skydiving and parachuting only exists
outside of Egypt, such objective will make them familiar of the entry of such
market in here. There are several tools that we will be applying in the market
in-order to create mass awareness in the market which will lead to people
wanting to try such activity. These tools are advertising, interactive/internet
marketing, public relations, sales promotions, and direct marketing.

These tools will be effective in creating the awareness that Aliaa Parachuting &
Sky-Diving needs to reach the consumers and also it will be efficient due to the
advantages. We will use social media advertisements because its cost affective
and also our target consumers are heavy social media users. So conducting an
ad in the social media platform will reward massively in the awareness of the
consumers. The 2nd tool we will be using is Interactive/Internet marketing, as it
will allow Aliaa Parachuting & Sky-Diving to track the insights of its reach and
it has low cost. The 3rd tool is public relations as it will establish a massive
awareness in the consumers' minds through the sponsoring and talks it will
provide. The 4th tool is sales promotions as it will encourage the patrons to
think about performing such activity and spread it between their friends who
have not heard of Aliaa before. And the last tool we will use is direct marketing
as it gives direct awareness to the consumers from our team about us.
Therefore, this tool is effective as it provides selective reach to the targeted

13.1.4 IMC Program: Integrating Advertisements with Interactive Marketing,
Sales Promotion, & Public Relations:

In Aliaa Parachuting & Sky-Diving we will create an advertisement on the

social media platforms in order to reach our target consumers, since they are
heavy social media users. We will launch the ad on various platforms such as
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and website. In the ad we will feature Sara Sabry
as she is well known between our target segment for traveling and trying
amusing activities. Also, to emphasize that girls are fearless and can do
anything. The ad will start off by low electric guitar music with Sara Sabry
while wearing the skydiving suit and walking towards a plane that has Aliaa's
logo on. And a voice over asking "Have you ever thought about how it feels to
fly in the air just like the birds ". The voice over sound should be like as if she
recorded it in a mic to give the emotional appeal of something recorded yet
thrilling is going to be displayed. Then we will take a shot of her getting on the
plane while the voice over continues saying "wondering how it feels to be free
while feeling the air between your hands" .The 3 rd shot will be her preparing
herself for the jump by wearing the glasses and her parachute bag on her back;
and the voice over continues saying " how breathtaking will it be to glimpse the
whole world beneath you and see all those beautiful places from another
perspective". The 4th shot will be showing taking the position to jump from the
plane while the voice over saying "and because I thought so I decided" and
then she jumps. The 5th shot will be her enjoying the experience in the air with
her woahing and loud electric guitar music plays. And lastly, we will end the ad
by Sara landing safely and Aliaa's logo on a black screen while the music is
still playing. Therefore, such ad will show how Sara Sabry enjoyed skydiving
and landed safely and fearlessly without any harm to emphasize Aliaa's entry in
the market and its high safety standards that it provides.

Also, to integrate the ad with interactive marketing, Sara Sabry will post the
process of her skydiving in our place on her Instagram stories and other social
media accounts while mentioning us in order to reach her followers directly.
She will also post stories talking about her experience with us and emphasizing
our reasonable fees, training period, safety regulations and where the jumps
take place. And by this we can track the insights of the ad, the number of
viewers on Sara's stories and the number of people who contacted us after
seeing any of these tools.

We can also integrate this with sales promotion as we will offer Sara Sabry a
discount code to share with her followers on her stories in all the social media
platforms. The advantage that we will gain from using this too is that it will
encourage the consumers to try out our service even more. Integrating Advertisement with Public Relations & Direct


Aliaa Parachuting & Skydiving will also integrate the advertisement with
public relations in 2 ways. The first method we will use is that we will be
sponsoring events such as sound clash and also concerts that take place in
North Coast and Gouna as our target segment will be in such events. We will
have our booth over there so our sales team could provide these consumers
with awareness about our service, fees, training period, safety regulations and
much more. In this booth we will have a huge screen that displays our ad to
attract the patrons' sight and provide awareness. The 2 nd method we will use is
that we will participate in talks that is provided by student activities in
universities or other organization that includes those who are extroverts and
adventurous. So we will be engaged with Tedx, Enactuas and much more. The
talk will provide awareness including what is skydiving and parachuting, what
are the benefits of it, its healthy mental impact, the psychological difference
that happen after such experience, how to stay safe, and why to choose Aliaa
Sky-Diving and parachuting among others in the market. Here we will also use
direct marketing, by giving out the consumers that stop by in our booth a flyer
that has all the details about Aliaa, training fees, places to jump in, and our
safety regulations in it. In this flyer we will add our number in it and the
Facebook page name. Using public relations is effective as it cost saving, and it
helps in selecting who to talk to. And using direct marketing will ease the
process of reaching the target market effectively.

13.1.5 Measurements:

Each one of the promotional tools used has its effective impact on providing
awareness to the consumers about who Aliaa Sky-Diving & Parachuting is.
Conducting the advertisement along with the Interactive marketing will be the
most effective and efficient way to simulate for the consumers what is
skydiving and who we are. We will measure the effectiveness of both factors
by tracking the insights on our page (likes, comments, number of viewers, &
shares). Sales promotion will be measured by how many consumers will use
the given code to get the discount from Sara Sabry's stories or any other

influencer that we will have contact with later. As for the public relation, it will
have a massive role in changing the consumers' perspective about skydiving
and its safety with Aliaa. Direct marketing will be measured based on how
many calls that got on our line. Also, it will provide the consumers with
awareness about the impact of skydiving. The usage of this tool will be
rewarding efficiently and effectively.

13.1.6 Expected Results:

In Aliaa Parachuting & Sky-Diving, we anticipate that the consumers will be

aware of us by 65% in the given time range.

13.2 Brand Image

13.2.1 Objective:
This objective is to create a strong brand image for Alia parachuting among
40% of our target market in A & B classes that their age is between 18 -36,
within 1 month period (August 2020), by convincing people that trying such

experience will have a positive impact on different personalities & creates a
unique lifestyle.

13.2.2 Message:

Our message is that skydiving is for different personalities & they have to try it
for the sake of its psychological rational & emotional benefits such as,
changing in perspective, empowering, building better relationships & other

13.2.3 IMC Mix:

It's important to use different IMC tools in order to deliver our message
effectively, which will help in building a strong brand image for Alia
parachuting. So, the tools that will be used in this program are; Advertisement,
Public Relations, Sales Promotion, Interactive Media, & Direct Marketing.

We will use social media Advertisement as it’s much easier to reach our
consumers on social media, since most of our customers’ age range are from 20
to 35 who are keen in following social media more than TV. At the same time
its lower in cost comparing to the TV ads, so we will publish our video ad on
different social media platforms such as; Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube. At
the same time, Interactive Media which is the comments, likes, & mentions as
it creates interactive relationship with our customers. Moreover, Direct
Marketing will be used as we will put a contact number for inquiries, which
will provide a direct feedback & will help us to measure the effectiveness of
our campaign easily. And due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was important to
use Public Relations tool, since companies compete to participate in this social
responsibility in order to spread a positive word of mouth, which will lead to
create a strong brand image. We can also press releases by sharing our
customers’ experiences on Facebook groups. Moreover, it’s a good chance for
Alia parachuting to create a buzz, as supporting the mental health is not
recognized in the Egyptian market. And to support the PR with Sales

Promotion, we will offer 70% for doctors, and this will increase Alia’s brand
image which will support the strong brand equity.

13.2.4 IMC Program: Integrating Advertisements with Interactive Marketing,
& Direct Marketing:

In order to create a strong brand image for Alia’s service among its target
audience, we need to convince people that regardless your personality; this
experience will have a positive psychological impact on your personality. So,
we will create a video ad and publish it on different social media platforms
such as Facebook, Instagram, & YouTube. We want anyone who will watch
the video would feel if this video identify his/her personality and he is in need
to try this experience, for the sake of its positive psychological benefit by using
emotional appeal. In this video we will interview different personalities who
tried this experience. (if we can afford higher budget, we can use social media
influencers on the ad).

The ad will begin with a father and his 2 daughters and asking him “Aren’t you
afraid for letting your daughters trying such a dangerous experience?”, the
father will reply “Definitely I was afraid and I checked the safety standards that
the place provide, so I got excited since this was a goal for them, and I’m
always trying to capture memorable moments with my daughters!”

The 2nd shot will show a couple and asking them “why did you decide to
experience this together?” , they will reply “This experience is full of courage,
boldness, & persistence so we just felt that such experience will provide for us
a kind of contentment that we will overcome any problem that we will face.”

The 3rd shot will be a guy in his 30s asking him “what have changed after the
jump?” so he will reply “I decided to shift my career after a long time of
hesitation for taking this step, as after the jump I learnt to stop hesitating, this

experience taught me to get out of my comfort zone, I just discovered that I
was in need for something to break my fear. Imagine if you can stand into an
open plane doorway, a hundred miles above the sky, and you decide to jump
into the air, you will just feel that you can do anything in life!”

Then this statement will be at the end of the ad: “This experience is not only for
adventure seekers but also for achievers & for those who want to build
memorable experience in their life.” Integrating Public Relations with Sales Promotions:

And on the post we will write this: “Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we
announce that we support our doctors by offering them 70% discount as we
believe in the importance of their mental health after this pandemic, and we all
know the positive psychological effect after trying the skydiving experience.

Contact us for more inquiries! And to read more about the psychological
impact after the jump, check the link below:

We can also use this program to create a buzz, as its already a trendy to
discover the hidden activities, places, or even sports that is available in Egypt
then share it on groups such as “traveller experience” with the hashtag # ‫اتصور‬
‫ا‬VV‫ك في اوروب‬VV‫ كأن‬which is consistent with the service we provide. So we can
collaborate with these groups to promote our brand image, & if the budget is
limited, we can just let our customers write posts on such groups to share the
psychological benefit after trying skydiving, which will create a strong brand

13.2.5 Measurements:

To measure the effectiveness of this video ad, we will notice if the people
interact with the post or not by monitoring the number of views, shares,
comments, likes, & mentions.

It's much easier to measure the effectiveness of the direct marketing, as we can
check how many people have checked the link or contact us to ask for more

And for the sales promotion we find if the customers attracted by this
promotion and they really ask for this promotion or not.

Finally, we will see if the people spread a positive word of mouth or not to
measure the effectiveness of the public relations.

13.2.6 Expected Results

We expect that this program will create a strong brand image for Alia’s
academy among 40% of our target audience, which will lead to an increase in
the sales of our services. Moreover, people’s perception about skydiving will
change, as they will discover that they can try extreme sport with high safety
standards in Egypt. Furthermore, with highlighting the idea of psychological
impact that the people will perceive from trying such experience will build a
strong brand image.

13.3 Brand Trail

13.3.1 Objective:

This objective aims to persuade the targeted segment taking the risk and
starting to experience skydiving with Alia parachuting. Thus, the main concern
will be getting at least 50% of our targeted segment that have shown interest in
skydiving to try our skydiving experiences among both genders from
millennials who age between 18 and 36, class B and A within 1-month
period(September 2020).

13.3.2 Message:

Our main concern is to get our customers experience skydiving for the first
time in Egypt with taking in considerations showing them that it is a
completely safe experience as we are following the international standards.

13.3.3 IMC Mix:

In order to attain the expected results of such a campaign; a well-developed

plan of integrating the IMC tools together should be introduced. Firstly, the
tools to be used are the online advertising, outdoor advertising, direct
marketing, sales promotions and public relations. As everything is going digital
now; marketing is going digital too. Integrating the digital channels will be
highly beneficial for the brand in addition to digitalizing the IMC tools. To
illustrate, the consumer funnel will start through the first tool when the user
sees our ad on any social media plat form or search engine like google for
example and decides to take a step forward and register for a free trial. One of
the greatest advantages of this tool that it is relatively ridiculously cheap with
the other advertising tools. The 2nd tool’s funnel will be created through a
billboard on a potential area where the consumer will be exposed to a 3D
parachute with our free trial registration Qr code. This tool will be quite
beneficial due the potentiality of consumer exposure especially at rush hours.
The 3rd tool’s funnel will be started by capturing the consumer attention
through a flyer or large sized screen to our booth in a well-known mall with
high potentiality to encourage consumers to register for a free jump. This tool
will not be only helpful for getting our customers to try our services, but also
for building our own customer database so we can create more engaging
activities to get these specific customers to experience our services. The 4 th

tool’s funnel will start when the consumer gets exposed to one of our online or
offline ads that will encourage consumers to go for annual memberships in Alia
Parachuting Academy or going for a group jump discount with their friends.
This tool will help spreading the experiences trials among closed groups. The
5th tool’s funnel will start when our PR team approach celebrities or public
figures to try our service in a filmed experience totally free of charge and
getting benefit from their appearance with us so we can use it in advertising to
get more of their followers or fans to try our service.

13.3.4 IMC Program Integrating outdoor advertising with sales promotions:

3D billboards for a skydiver to be rented scattered on potential highways i.e.
Ringroad & Mehwar with Qr codes for a free jump trials, group promo codes
and annual membership discounts Integrating online advertising with sales promotions:

Using social media platforms: Facebook/Instagram/Twitter for aggressive
campaigns that highlight the consumer’s experience and how users can register
for free trials competition for getting the most likes or shares. In addition, it can
be a good start for getting customers annual membership 1-month free trials or,
group jump promo codes. Integrating sales promotions, online advertising and public

Our public relations will have the leading role in this part as they will be busy
working on approaching celebrities, public figures and influencers to get a free
filmed trials with our company so we can use it in our online advertising
campaigns to get more users to register for free trials. On the top of the
promocodes will be given for these influencers so they can distribute it to their
fans/followers and thus we will be getting more users registering for trials.

28 Integrating public relations, direct marketing and outdoor
Our public relations team will be working on securing ourselves a booth in
extreme sports events like Redbull car drifting events, or redbull events in
general as they are known for their sponsoring of extreme sports. We will be
using large screens displaying skydiving experiences for our customers who
already tried our services surrounding our booth in addition too a skydiving
simulators and consumers can register to try how the real experience will feel
like while they are only 4 or 5 meters away from the ground

13.3.5 Measurements

The ROI will be generally measured through the number of conversions of the
customers who has tried the free jump or discounted group jump and they
already signed up to Alia parachuting annual membership. To illustrate, on
digital channels the KPI will be the number of filled forms for jumps trials
registration or number of promo codes used. On the other hand, on the offline
channels the KPI will be the number of applications filled.

13.3.6 Expected Results

By the end of the 3- months period at least 50% of our targeted segment that
have shown interest in skydiving should have successfully tried our service as
well as running along with the annual forecast and achieving the second
semester sales in advance through the new annual memberships

13.4 Brand Liking

13.4.1 Objective

Increasing the brand liking by 40% among Adventure’s games youth players,
who are between 18-36 in higher B and A class from both genders in 1 month
(October 2020).

After making a research on most played and downloaded games from January
2017 to march 2020 we found that in top 10 games on mobile phones, personal
computer, Playstation and Xbox are the adventure’s games, specifically games
like Fortnite, Freefire, PUBG and call of duty warzone which is booming as the
most played and downloaded games on 2020 on pc and consoles; one of the
conmen features on all this games that it is always starts with an parachuting
animation to enter the game (SensorTower,2019), (the tool,2020),
(Googleplay,2020),( wealthygorilla,2020).

According to this data as well as the popularity, availability and social

acceptance of those games among youth in Egypt in addition to the ability to
relate between them and our services, we chose to target adventure’s games
youth players between 18-30 in higher B and A class from both genders.

13.4.2 Message

The massage is to make the adventures’ games youth players know that they
can try the parachuting experience in a “REAL” experience, (as it is emotional
massage more than rational).

13.4.3 IMC Mix

Brand liking is so important for alia parachuting because if Brand liking increased
loyalty will be increased, more people will try alia parachuting services and brand
increases the positive word of mouth that can lead to more awareness and sales
increase. In order to increase the brand liking we must use IMC tolls like Advertising,
Social Media Marketing, Public Relations, Sponsorships, Direct marketing.

Advertising: advertising is one of the important tools to use as it is a paid way

of communication that can reach a big number of audiences and it can be

customized and can be used in different media channels like television, radio,
magazines and the Internet.

Social Media Marketing: the advantage social media marketing it is easily to

customized and to reach a specific targeted segment and it is not costing a lot
of money

Public Relations: using public relationship it attracted customers, enhance

brand image and increases the reachability of the massage

Sponsorships: using Sponsorships can attract and reach a specific segment

coupled with increase the brand love

Direct marketing: using direct marketing make a direct communication with

customers and it easy to target a specific audience like in emails and text

13.4.4 IMC Program Integrating advertising with Social Media Marketing

The idea is to: Making video advertisement using Slice of life Technique, as
the add starts with an ordinary youth have a stressed and boring day in
university or in work then he/she opens the video game and when the plane
opining animation starts the papers in his/her desk flies away and he/she
imagen himself trying and enjoying parachuting and take him out of the
stressed mode then a slogan appears “TRY IT FOR REAL” and these add can
take a place in video games adds section, google play store, on streamer’s
videos like Omer dizer, twitch and on social media pages. Integrating Advertisement with Public Relations

The idea is to: using Testimonials and Personality symbol techniques by
making influencers and game streamers or celebrities try our services and
talking about their experience and we can chose Omer Dizer as he has a big
number of Egyptian subscribers and he started streaming and it gets a high
level of engagement and we can uses Dora and Menna Arafa to encourage
elegant females to try our services as they are a big segment in higher B and A
class. Integrating Social Media Marketing with PR and direct


The idea is to: using Imagery technique using Facebook and Instagram, the
two most popular social media platform according to Greenwood, Perrin, &
Duggan, (2016). These ads can be also used in email wave campaign by Using
a photo from a real parachuting jump on PUBG map or alia parachuting logo
on the game starting menu and use “TRY IT FOR REAL” slogan and can have
a celebrity that support the massage as Dora to encourage girls to try our
services like those examples. Integrating advertising with sponsorship, PR, Social

Media Marketing and Direct marketing

The idea is to: sponsor a game related event like call of duty world
championship and Fortnite tournaments that take a place in Egypt. We can post
photos and stream videos of those events throw our social media pages and
making a printed brochure given to event’s participants and to come with one

of the celebrities or influencers that tries our services like Omer Dizer, Dora
and Menna Arafa to talk about it on the event using Testimonials and
Personality symbol techniques

13.4.5 Measurements

The KPIs that can help in measuring are customers feedback, positive social
media engagements, customers surveys and increase on sales and new
subscriptions from the target segment.

13.4.6 Expected Results

The brand liking is expected to increase by 40% among the Adventure’s games
youth players between 18-30 in higher B and A class from both genders in 3
months which are from Beginning of August 2020 till end of October 2020.

14 Gantt chart

Tools Objectives May June July August September October Budgeting

Social Media Ad 1, 2, 3, & 4 ♞ ♞ ♞ ♛ ♜ ♟ 120,000

Offline 3 ♜ 200,000
Booths 1&3 ♞ ♞ ♞ ♜ 100,000

Blogs 2 ♛ 5,000

Flyers 1,3,&4 ♞ ♞ ♞ ♜ ♟ 10,000

E-Mail Campaign 4 ♟ 2,700

Press Releases 2 ♛ 20,000

Online Events 4 ♟ 20,000

Offline Events 1,3,&4 ♞ ♞ ♞ ♜ ♟ 150,000

Sponsorship 1,&4 ♞ ♞ ♞ ♟ 50,000

Discounts 1,2,&3 ♞ ♞ ♞ ♛ ♜ 30,000

Testimonials 4 ♟ 20,000
Interactive Media 1,2,&3 ♞ ♞ ♞ ♛ ♜ 50,000

Symbol Objective Number Objective Name

♞ 1 Brand Awareness
♛ 2 Brand Image

♜ 3 Brand Trail
♟ 4 Brand Liking

We made the awareness objective within 3 months period as it requires more

time because most of our target audience are not aware that such activity exists
in Egypt.

15 Budgeting

15.1 Social Media Advertisements:

Social media advertising has the leading role in creating a well-established

digital identity in our consumers' mindsets. Thus, 15% of the total budget will
be allocated to the digital advertising. It will be distributed among, social media
and google ads, search engine optimization tools, and website creation and
monitoring fees

15.2 Offline Ad Billboard:

26 % of the budget will be allocated to the offline ads share which will be
distributed among billboards rental, filmmaking for the video ads and the
printing fees for posters.

15.3 Booths:

13% of the share will be taken for booths setup and space rental all over four
malls for couple of months

15.4 Blogs:

0.7% of the total budget will be directed to hiring a promising content writer to
be able to upload articles on our blog (website) weekly about how exciting the
skydiving experience with us is.

15.5 Flyers:

1% of the budget will be allocated to printing 10000 copy of our flyer will
distributed among the booths and any other offline activity
15.6 Email Campaign:

0.1% will be directed to the subscription of the CRM tool that we are going to
use in order to send these emails

15.7 Press releases:

2.5% of the budget will be allocated for approaching digital entities like “El
fasla” and “Cairo Scene” to write about the experience with us

15.8 Online Events:

2.6% of the budget will be allocated to the setup of displaying the events live
on the social media platforms

15.9 Offline events:

19% of the budget will be allocated in making trial events for the simulators in
high potentiality malls.

15.10 Sponsorship:

6.5% Partnering with Redbull and other lookalike companies who’s known for
the same brand image for the enthusiasm of extreme sports to create events like

15.11 Discounts:

3.8% will be taken for the sales promotions distributed for 100 vouchers with
50% discount, 20 50% promo codes for Sarah Sabry’s followers, 70%
discounts for doctors and the rest goes to the usher’s fees.

15.12 Testimonials:
2.6% will be taken for creating video bases experience short movies for
public figures, celebrities and social media influencers who will be getting
free jumps.

15.13 Interactive media:
6.5% will be taken for filmmaking directors, graphic designers who will be
working on creating interactive materials.

Budget Allocation

19% 26%

3% 13%
3% 0% 1% 1%

Social Media Ad Offline Ad/Billboard Booths Blogs

Flyers E-Mail Campaign Press Releases Online Events
Offline Events Sponsorship Discounts Testimonials
Interactive Media

16 Recommendations

Aliaa parachuting and skydiving has now many obstacles in their way to
overcome in order to be successful in the Egyptian extreme sports market.
These challenges arise from the lacking of the important factors that must exist
in their marketing and communication plan. Therefore, the lacking of such
appropriate plan makes it not that competitive or known popularly in Egypt.
So, as we conducted researchers and presented marketing and communication
plans; we recommend that Aliaa Parachuting and Skydiving takes into
consideration these plans. We recommend that Aliaa should focus on who are
their target audience and how to reach them, build a brand image in the
Egyptian market along with strong positioning. Aliaa should also communicate
with the consumers in the market in order to make their safety regulations
visible to increase the intention to try such activity. Also, Aliaa should stress on
all of the 4 campaigns that was included in the plan (awareness, image,
knowledge, and liking) as it will make the patrons put their trust in the brand
and also be more opened to the concept of skydiving.

Aliaa should also prepare more campaigns in the future in order to stay in
constant contact with the Egyptian consumers to make them love Aliaa and
participate in parachuting or skydiving regularly. In the future they could future
more popular celebrities and influencers to represent them in the future.

We also suggest that Aliaa broaden the places to jump here in Egypt to give the
clients the freedom of choosing where to jump. Such thing will also make
tourists as a target market for them and come to Aliaa to skydive in Egypt like
other countries.

Overall, we recommend that Aliaa use the prepared plan as a start off to the
road of being successful and known in the Egyptian market. Thus, these plans
are effective and efficient to reach the target market here in Egypt.


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