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I. Write Your Name, Roll No, Class& Section On Top of Answerscript. Write Page No.s On All Pages

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DATE : 07, Nov. ‘20 TIME : 1.5hrs.
i. Write your name, Roll No, class& section on top of
answerscript. Write page no.s on all pages.
ii. All questions are compulsory
iii. Write the full answer of MCQs not the indicating figure.
1. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
follow by choosing the most appropriate option. (5*1=5)
Amomon means fragrant spice plant in Arabic and Hebraic and in
Italian, canella means little tube. Theses are a few of the many terms
given to the popular spice known as cinnamon. Dating back as far as
28000 B.C., Chinese writings describe cinnamon as an important part
of the culture, so much so that over the years this spice was traded
right up there with silver. Now-a-days we find it in sweetened cereals,
baked goods and sprinkled on various foods such as yogurt. Yet, many
do not consider its wealth of healing capabilities including the
potential as a weight loss remedy.
Cinnamon is derived from the inner bark of the cinnamon tree grown
and harvested mostly in Sri Lanka but also found in Brazil, Indonesia,
Vietnam, China and Burma. After a cinnamon tree grows for about six
to eight years it is cut down leaving a stump to allow it to grow again
making it a very sustainable practice. It is then stripped from the bark,
dried and packaged as sticks for export.
Several studies have been published regarding the weight loss
properties of cinnamon which include its unique ability to be used for
type 2 diabetes, which is a disease often resulting from obesity. When
eaten, the spice seems to slow down glucose absorption within the
intestines while stimulating insulin production. This normalises blood
glucose levels which in turn can indirectly decrease weight gain.
“ The results of a study demonstrate that intake of 1, 3 or 6 gm of
cinnamon per day reduces serum glucose, LDL cholesterol and total
cholesterol in people with type 2 diabetes and suggest that the
inclusion of cinnamon in the diet of people with type 2 diabetes will
reduce risk factors associated with diabetes and cardiovascular
diseases” A study from the Department of Family and Consumer
Sciences called ‘Effect of ground cinnamon on after meal blood
glucose level in normal weight and obese adults” found that cinnamon
may be effective in moderating post meal glucose in normal weight
and obese adults.
Columbia University nutritionist Tara Ostrowe comments to Reader’s
Digest on the benefits of this spice: “Cinnamon really is the new
skinny food.... scientists already credit cinnamon with helping lower
blood sugar concentration and improving insulin sensitivity. When
less sugar is stored as fat, this translates into more help for your body
when it comes to weight loss”.
Talk to your doctor about adding cinnamon daily into your healthy
diet and exercise program. Add it to your tea, oatmeal, fruit, toast, or
anything else you can think of as a small amount will go a long way
and potentially assist in your weight loss mission.

a. Cinnamon is called in Hebraic __________.

i) little tube, ii)canella, iii)a fragrant spice plant, iv) None of the given.
b. In ‘Yet, many do not consider its wealth of healing capabilities’ the word
‘wealth’ refers to _________
i) the payment in silver ii) the cost if cinnamon
iii) the healing power of cinnamon iv) health of people.
c. Cinnamon leads to weight loss __________
i) because it helps in storing sugar ii)it controls water detention
iii)breaks down fat iv) less sugar stored leads to less fat
d. Cinnamon is a_________
i) herb, ii) medicine iii) spice iv) tea sweetener.
e. The word which means same as ‘Reviving’ is _________
i)ability, ii) slowing down iii) normalising iv) stimulating

2. You are Anil/Anila. You have been invited by your friend Vimal for his
birthday party, however you would not be able to attend the party. Draft a
reply expressing your inability to attend the party. (50 words) 3mks

3. Read the advertisement given below and draft a job application along with a
detailed bio data. You are Shifali Dutt of 173, Asha Apartments, 75 Park
Street, Kolkata. (Word limit 120-150) 5mks.
Situation Vacant
Wanted a Post Graduate Teacher in English to teach at senior secondary
classes in a reputed convent school in Kolkata. Candidates should have a
minimum of 3 years teaching experience as PGT. Apply confidently to Box
No 235, C/o The Telegraph, Kolkata.
4. “But the stranger said no, and no and again no, and the ironmaster saw that
he must give in. ‘It looks as though Captain von Stahle preferred to stay with
you tonight Stjernstrom’ he said to the master blacksmith, and turned on his
heel.” 4mks

a) Who is the stranger?

b) What is the name of the ironmaster?

c) What differences have you noticed in the behaviour of the master

blacksmith and ironmaster towards the tramp?

d) How do you know that the ironmaster left?

5. ........and yet for these

Children, these windows not this map their world

Where all their future is painted with a fog, 4mks.

a) Name the poet.

i) Kamala Das ii) Pablo Spender, iii) Stephen Spender, iv) Stephen

b)Why is the world confined to the windows for the slum children?

i) They are not intelligent enough to look beyond these windows.

ii) They are not educated to explore the world outside.

iii)Their world is limited to what they can see through these windows

iv) They are contented with their lives within the slums.

c) What kind of future do they have?

i) Dull, ii) hopeful, iii) promising iv) challenging
d) What does “these windows” stand for?
i) their classroom window, ii) slum iii) opportunity to outer world,
d) all of these.
6. Answer any six of the following questions briefly. (6*1=6)

a) Why was the crofter friendly with the peddler?

b) Describe the qualities of Rajkumar Shukla.

c) Why has the mother been compared to late winter moon?

d) What is the sadness being referred by the poet in Keeping Quiet?

e) What does Sam do in Galesburg for his livelihood?

f) “That’d do you more harm than any bottle of acid” What is that referred
by the speaker?

g. Why has little moved with time, in Firozabad according to the author?

7. Answer any four of the following in 30 to 40 words. (4*2=8)

a.) What did Derry tell his mother as why he wanted to go to Lamb?

b) Why was Jack defending the mother of Roger?

c) Why was Sadao not so keen to go to Professor Harley’s house?

d) Explain the “conflict of duties’ Gandhi referred in the court?

e) Why was Douglas keen to get rid of his fear of water?

8. For little Franz how was the last lesson different from other classes? Write
your answer in 120 words. 5mks.


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