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CL02 FusionCompute Product Introduction

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Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.

 The FusionSphere training consists of two courses, the FusionCompute course and the
FusionManager course. This document is designed for the FusionCompute course, and
mainly describes the FusionCompute architecture and key functions. If the customer's
environment requires only simple cloud services, such as VM creation and use, the
FusionCompute course can cover all required knowledge and skills. If a virtualization
platform runs complicated and advanced services, such as load balancing and floating
IP addresses which are used to support cloud services, trainees further need to learn
the FusionManager course based on the FusionCompute course.

 In summary, the FusionCompute course is the most important and basic course of the
FusionSphere course and requires trainees to be proficient in understanding. Now let
us learn the FusionCompute course part.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 2
 Upon completion of this course, you will be able to:

 Learn the architecture of FusionCompute

 Learn the key functions of FusionCompute

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 3
1. Customer Benefits

2. Critical Concepts and System Overview

3. Essential Functions

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 4
Improving Resource Utilization
Resource Sharing
After virtualization
Before virtualization 3%

3% 10% 5% 60%
VM 1

 Before virtualization
VM n
10%  The server utilization is only 5% to

Server1 Server 2 Server n Server
VM 2  After virtualization
Time-Division Sharing  The consolidation rate of virtual

Before After servers is 1:5 to 1:10.

virtualization virtualization 60% 10%  The server utilization increases to

60% 10% 10% 60% 70% 70% more than 60%.

VM 1 VM 1
10% 60%

Server 1 Server 1 Server Server VM 2

Server 2 Server 2 VM 2

Daytime Night Daytime Night

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 5
Promoting Reliability

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
X Planned
Working domain (CPU: 25%) Working domain (CPU: 25%)
VM HA VM migration
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

Working domain (CPU: 30%) Repair Working domain (CPU: 30%) Maintenance

If a node is faulty, its VM will be started on other During planned maintenance for a node, VMs are
nodes by the HA function. migrated to other nodes without affecting VM services.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 6
1. Customer Benefits

2. Critical Concepts and System Overview

3. Essential Functions

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What is Virtualization?
 Hardware utilization is improved

 Power consumption is reduced

 IT O&M efficiency is enhanced, and therefore fewer system administrators are required

 The OS and hardware are decoupled

Partition Isolation

Multiple VMs can run on a single physical VMs that run on the same server are
server. isolated from one another.

Encapsulation Independent from hardware

All data of a VM is saved in files. A VM can

be moved and replicated by moving and VMs can be migrated between hosts
replicating the files. without any modifications.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 8

Physical server VM
Guest OS:

OS installed on a VM
Host OS Guest OS Guest OS
Guest machine:

Virtual machine (VM)

VM VM Hypervisor:
(guest machine) (guest machine)
Virtualized software layer/virtual
machine monitor (VMM)
VM monitor
Host OS:

OS installed on a physical server

Hardware Hardware
(host machine) (host machine) Host machine:

Physical server

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 9
Mainstream Virtualization Types
Hosted virtualization Bare-metal virtualization Hybrid virtualization
App App
App App App App App
App Operating system
Operating Operating Operating Operating Operating
Virtualization layer Service
system system system system system
Host operating system Virtualization layer Host operating system
Virtual hardware

Hosted virtualization Bare-metal virtualization Hybrid virtualization

•Compared with the hosted

• The VM does not depend on the operating system.
Advantag virtualization architecture, there is no
• Simple、Easy to implement •Supports multiple operating systems and
es redundancy and high performance.
•Supports multiple operating systems.

• The installation and running of

applications depend on the device
• The underlying hardware must
Disadvant supported by the host operating • The virtualization layer kernel is difficult to
support the virtualization extension
ages system. develop.
• High management overhead and
high performance loss

WMware ESXServer
Redhat KVM
Vendor VMware Workstation Citrix XenServer
Huawei FusionSphere KVM
Huawei FusionSphere

Future trend: Bare-metal virtualization and Hybrid virtualization

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FusionCompute CNA computing device
VRM High Level Architecture

Business API Binding


Enterprise Service Bus (Mule)


Data Access

Connectivity Adaptor for CNA



Computing Storage
Virtualization Virtualization

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 11
FusionCompute VRM virtual resource
management layer
Logical architecture of the VRM
Management presentation layer WebUI

Service Business process Dynamic resource

Rest API
management management API framework
Enterprise Service Bus (Mule)

Computing Block Block

Node Performance Package
Functional storage storage Alarm
Resource Log managemen
Module resource resource managem Management management
Management management management ent t module

Data service Data access

Connectivity Adaptor for CNA

Broker for CNA
for Virtual Node Agent JDBC


Virtual computing Virtual storage Virtual network Database

resources resources resources
VRM : The management center of FusionCompute is responsible for resource allocation and scheduling, and provides unified O&M, resource
monitoring, and resource management functions.
VNA : The virtual node agent is deployed on the Computing Node Agent (CNA) to implement virtualization configuration management of
computing, storage, and network resources.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 12
1. Customer Benefits

2. Critical Concepts and System Overview

3. Essential Functions

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 13
Computing virtualization management

VM life cycle Virtual resource Virtual Resource Configuration

management Management
 Create / restart  Data center、Cluster、  VM resources(online adjustment of
Delete /  Clone Cluster、VM Layered CPU 、VM resources、Disk、
Reclaim Management Network adapter、Peripheral)
 Migration /
 Close / Heterogeneo GPU Straight-through / Virtualization
Start/Power  Logical group 
us CPU hot management of VM / Virtualization
off migration
 Pause /
folders  SRIOV
 Snapshot
Resume  Right and Domain-  VM startup policy\Clock Policy、VNC
 Backup / based VM keyboard management
 Sleep / wake Restoration
up management  VM CD-ROM drive
 Disk
 Restart / migration  Host group  VM USB
 Template  Memory overcommitment \Qos
Management  CPU overcommitment \Qos
 MUMA Scheduling support

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 14
Storage virtualization management

Compatible Storage Type Storage resource capability Storage Configuration Management

 Thin provisioning of disks  Storage resource discovery

 SAN(Storage Area
Network )  Thick preparation\ lazy and management
zeroed disk
 NAS(Network Attached  Data storage creation and
Storage)  Incremental snapshot
 Storage hot and cold management
 FusionStorage Block
Storage pool
migration  Raw device mapping of
 Local hard disk of the host
 Virtual Disk Capacity storage resources
 Local RAM disk of the host  Disk snapshot

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 15
Network virtualization management

Virtual Network Capability Support

Network Resource Object
 Binding between  VXLAN Support
 Virtual switch management IP addresses and  Traffic shaping
 Virtual Network Adapter MAC addresses
Management  ARP broadcast
 Filling TCP suppression
 Port Group Management Checksum
 DHCP isolation
 Uplink Link Management  VLAN TRUNCK
 LACP link
 VLAN Management  QoS Support aggregation
 IPv6 Support
 Subnet management
 Port mirroring
 SRIOV supported

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 16
Key Feature -VM HA
Application Scenario
APP APP APP When the host where the VM is located is faulty, the VM
OS OS OS OS OS OS on the faulty host is quickly started on the other host to
ensure high availability of the VM.

X Key Technologies and Features

 Detects and restores VMs in various fault scenarios,

Ÿ server A Physical
Ÿ server B
such as hosts, virtual platforms, and VMs.
 Multiple cluster HA policies can be configured to ensure
that the VM fault recovery success rate in the cluster is
APP APP APP normal or the VM fault recovery capability of the cluster
OS OS OS is restored.
 Supports HA for shared storage and local storage VMs.
 Greatly improves the fault recovery speed, shortens the
service interruption time, ensures service continuity, and
implements system self-maintenance.

Ÿ server C HA
Ÿ resources (reserved)

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 17
Key Feature -Dynamic Resource Scheduling
App App App App App App App App

FusionCompute FusionCompute FusionCompute FusionCompute

Application Scenario Key Technologies and Features

 This feature is applicable to scenarios where
Automatically balances loads among VMs in a cluster based on scheduling
the service load of a VM has obvious peaks policies.
and troughs and users need to obtain better The scheduling algorithm is proper and the VM load change trend is taken
into consideration. This prevents the VM from flapping on the host.
performance experience.
The unique scheduling baseline setting function prevents unnecessary VM
 By dynamically scheduling VMs, the
resource usage of each host is balanced, The exception scheduling or manual scheduling can be configured for
the computing capability of each host is VMs with special requirements.
Administrators can perform manual scheduling and periodic automatic
fully utilized, and the service system running
scheduling based on policies.
on each VM is more efficient. The scheduling policy can be set accurately by day, week, or month.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 18
Key Feature -Distributed Power
Management (DPM)
App App App App App App

FusionCompute FusionCompute FusionCompute FusionCompute

Application Scenario Key Technologies and Features

Based on the preset DPM policy, the system migrates VMs on
 This feature is applicable to the service load of VMs. low-load hosts and powers off the hosts. If the host load exceeds
It has obvious changes in wave peaks and troughs, the threshold, the system intelligently selects a certain number of
and users need to save energy. hosts to power on the hosts to implement load balancing among
 When the service system is running properly, VMs are hosts in the cluster.
migrated to some hosts during off-peak hours, and the You can select one or more hosts to power on or off at the same

idle hosts are intelligently powered off, reducing system time.

power consumption. Power on hosts that are powered The DPM and DRS are considered at the same time to prevent

off during peak hours to ensure VM running efficiency the two functions from affecting each other.
and service experience. The scheduling policy can be set precisely by day, week, or

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 19
Key Feature --VIMS Virtual Cluster
Storage File System
Application Scenario
Client Client Client Client Advanced storage features such as storage
migration, snapshot, and linked clone are

Customer Pain Points and Requirements

FusionCompute Complex management, low efficiency of
administrators, and error-prone
Heterogeneous devices are incompatible.
Key Technologies and Features
A high-performance cluster file system. The data store is

VIMS first formatted into a VIMS format and then mounted to

the CNA for use.
 Compatible with FC SAN, IP SAN, NAS, and local
 Supports fixed space disks, dynamic space disks,
SAN Local disk NAS and differential disks.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 20
Enterprise Application -Cloud-based Big
Data Support
Application Scenario Key Technologies and Features
 The virtualization platform technology is used to
 Parallel computing of large data sets support the Hadoop big data O&M platform (currently,
 Storage and processing of massive Huawei FusionInSight big data platform is used).
 The virtualization platform technology is used to flexibly
support big data service networking and service VM
 The virtualization technology ensures service
performance and maximizes resource utilization.
 Based on user service scenarios, provide specific
technical support and technical optimization to achieve
the optimal effect.

Capability Specifications
 The FusionCompute virtualization technology is used for
optimization. Compared with the physical server, the
read performance is improved by 9%, the write
performance is improved by 3%, and the computing
performance is improved by more than 10%.。

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 21
Enterprise App — SAP HANA
Application Scenario Customer Pain Points
 Device preparation, slow network planning, and
 Soh
low deployment efficiency
 Soh HA  The commissioning of HANA services is complex
and the compatibility is poor.

Key Technologies and Features

 Supports HANA services perfectly.
 Reduce the cost of using HANA.
 More efficient deployment

Capability Specifications
 The supported VM specifications are as
follows: 1024GB memory and 64VCPU
 Outstanding I/O performance: The delay is
300μs. When the size is 1 MB or larger, the
random read/write speed can reach

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O&M --FusionCare health check and log
collection system
Application Scenario
 During FusionSphere routine maintenance, check the
environment periodically to ensure the health of the

Key Technologies and Features

 The health check supports the check of important processes,
configuration files, hardware, and other related contents of each
 Allows users to create routine inspection items and customize in-
depth inspection items.
 You can view the possible causes, troubleshooting roadmap, and
troubleshooting procedure of the unqualified item online.
 Supports information collection and logs of each node, including
operating systems, modules, and scripts.

Technical Specifications
Collects information about all FusionSphere component nodes.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 23
O&M: Wizard-based installation and
upgrade tool
Application Scenario Customer Pain Points
 The system has many installation and configuration items, and the
 System installation and deployment
installation is complex. In addition, the overall installation progress
 System upgrade is not displayed.
 Upgrading the PV Driver on a VM  The efficiency of manually installing system nodes is low.
 The system upgrade check items are executed independently,
resulting in low efficiency.
 The methods for upgrading multiple components are different, and
the operations are complex.
 The upgrade progress and report cannot be viewed.

Key Technologies and Features

 the wizard to guide users to install it, making the progress
display clearer.
 All management nodes and hosts in the FusionSphere solution
are installed and deployed using one tool.
 Batch deployment is supported, which improves installation

Capability Specifications
 50+ can be deployed in batches at the same time.
 Typically, all components are installed in 12 steps and within 3

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 24
O&M --FusionSphere SOI: System
operation insight Overview
Fusion •Collects and displays the performance and

Manager environment indicators of the system, Establish a

model for analysis, Predict future performance

Fusion changes based on historical and current data,

Compute Provides suggestions on system performance

FusionSphere SOI management.
(Monitoring and analysis of system
environment and product process metrics)

Collection, analysis, and Storage
Server Switch
web display device
• Quick understanding of the current running
User Collect, merge, parse,
Web and calculate data.
status of the system and efficient O&M
• Provide system analysis conclusions and
Table division, suggestions to reduce O&M pressure.
DB and backup Collects and transmits Product
Summarize system environment •
d capacity specifications and product Environment Capacity management and planning are
data running
implemented through performance trend, forward-

looking prediction, and expansion prediction.
Data sources management
Post- of other • Root cause analysis and capacity report
performance tools

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 25
Security Assurance - Full-series security
Client software User verification
Network application information User A
Desktop application Personal data
Enterprise office data
User B
Access Control / Transmission Security Data security O&M management security 4、Infrastructure
 Multiple user access authentication  File encryption and permission control
1、Service (password /Ukey)  Data DR and backup  Unified account
continuity  National UBKey identity gateway  Encrypted storage of sensitive data management and
integration, single sign-on  The remaining data is completely deleted
 Transmission channel TLS encryption (disk / memory). authentication 5、Security
 Public key authentication of the  Log audit O&M
management channel  Rights-based management
2、Tenant Network security Cloud platform security
 Separation of roles
 Physical / virtual firewall  Cloud platform security 6、Resource
 VM security group SLA
 Trusted computing provides
 Plane isolation integrity protection.
3、Data  Non-proxy virtualization antivirus
security  Security patch 7、Security
 Virtualization isolation
 VM HA/QoS service
Access and network Platform and data Management

The in-depth defense of access, network, platform, data, and management

meets the security requirements of different customers.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 26
User Security -Virtualization Antivirus
Secure User User User Main Principles
√ √ The FusionSphere layer provides open
virtualization antivirus APIs. Antivirus
Shared memory
interface vendors provide antivirus solutions based on
Antivirus FusionSphere the APIs.
server Host Technical Features and Values
Antivirus application
deployment 1 World-leading non-agent mode
Centralized policy Secure User User User Gene + decision engine
configuration VM VM VM VM Displays security information in a
Initiate scanning √ √ √
comprehensive and intuitive manner.
Shared memory High reliability
Various virus log statistics and analysis
Host and efficient file monitoring

Internal Interfaces Internal interfaces Huawei provides
Between Functional between Huawei open APIs for the
description: Modules of virtualization virtualization
Antivirus Vendors software modules platform.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 27
User security --DPI Depth Package
Application Scenario
User User User The FusionSphere layer provides open in-
Secure VM VM VM VM
√ √ √ depth package detection APIs. The security
vendor provides an intrusion detection
solution based on this API.
Key Technologies and Features
DPI management
server Host Network traffic monitoring at the virtualization
1 layer
DPI application
World-leading non-agent mode
Secure VM Real-time intrusion detection and vulnerability
Centralized policy User User User
configuration VM VM VM scanning
Intrusion and √ √ √ High reliability
Various virus log statistics and analysis functions
FusionSphere Differentiated competitiveness
WITH FusionSphere VMware H3C
Huawei provides open TITORS
APIs for the Support
virtualization platform. DPI Supported

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 28
Reliability -System Reliability
Application Scenario
Ensure high availability and disaster recovery capabilities
of the management system.
synchronization FTP Server
Mana Mana Daily backup
geme of the active geme Key Technologies and Features
nt nt
node and standby node Network paths are fully redundant. Multiple network
(stand HA systems (active)
by) adapters are bound at the virtual network layer to prevent

FusionCompute FusionCompute service interruption caused by a single network adapter

All management nodes are deployed in active/standby
mode and mutually exclusive with two physical machines.
Multiple backup mechanisms are provided for basic data
to ensure that basic data can be completely restored in
case of accidents.
The management node provides a complete flow control
mechanism for key system processes to suppress system
overload from the front end and ensure system stability.
NTP Provides the clock synchronization function to ensure
Service that all NEs can be connected to an external NTP clock
source device. This ensures that the global time is unified
and accurate.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 29
eBackup VM Backup Solution

VRM cluster 1 VRM cluster 2

Logical cluster
Logical cluster Logical cluster Logical cluster
Computing VMVM VM VM ….
eBackup Backup server eBackup Backup
Storage resources SAN/iSCSI/NAS
Storage Storage

SAN/IP-SAN/IP Connection

LAN-Free Backing Up and Restoring Data Flows

Technical Features and Values Technical Features and Values

 Permanent incremental backup, reducing backup storage space
The VM data backup solution is implemented by using Huawei eBackup software,
 Flexible data restoration: The backup data can be restored to the original
location or specified location. FusionCompute snapshot, and Changed Block Tracking (CBT).
 A backup system can protect a maximum of 10 000 VMs.
Technical Features and Values Technical Features and Values
 A backup system supports a maximum of 64 servers.
 Implement flexible data backup requirements
 Backing up data of multiple sites When important data is lost, data can be quickly
 Greatly improves the management efficiency of
 SAN (or LAN-free) transmission mode (new) restored to reduce the loss caused by data loss.
the data backup system.
 The file recovery function is supported (new).

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 30
DR Solution Based on Storage Remote
Replication Application Scenario
DR management
Control DR management
software channel software VM DR for application systems with low write
pressure and low requirements on storage
Site A Site B bandwidth, IOPS, and latency

Client Client Client Technical Features & Values

 Supports DR and recovery of VMs (including
system volumes and data volumes).
 The agent software does not need to be installed
on the VM.

FusionCompute FusionCompute
 administrators can perform automatic operations
and maintenance, such as one-click DR switchover,
DR drill, and planned migration, to reduce manual
 Synchronous replication and asynchronous
Array remote
replication replication are supported.
 Multiple DR modes: Active/standby DR, active-
active or mutual backup DR, and shared DR
(many-to-one DR)

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 31
Service Planning --Rainbow Migration
Service Migration tool running

Cloud data center based on

Huawei virtual platform
Traditional physical data center or third-party
virtual data center LAN interconnection
on AgentAgent FusionSphere
Migration source server VM

Source Data replication Destination

disk Guidance and
The source server is connected to the Partition
formatting establishmentAdaptation and
Snapshot destination VM and is migrated online.
modification of platforms such
as drivers and registries

Application Scenario Customer Pain Points

 Mainstream physical servers and virtual server service systems such as VMware,  Complex platform migration and low success rate
hyper-V, and redhat KVM are migrated to the FusionSphere virtualization platform.  The mainstream operating systems are not compatible with each other.

Key Technologies and Features Capability Specifications

 Windows and Linux belong to seven types of 100+GuestOS mainstream
 Integrates interface capabilities such as VM creation and IP configuration on system boot drivers and other reconstruction technologies
the FusionSphere cloud platform to simplify migration operations.  Adapt to the FusionSphere platform and ensure that the migration success
 TLS and SSH encryption are used to ensure data transmission security. rate reaches 90%, which is the benchmark in the industry.
 Dynamic disk identification and reconstruction in Windows and dynamic disk
 Supports manual configuration and disk capacity expansion or reduction after

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 32
Template Service

ISO image file
Application template
(VM template + software package + network connection + elastic scaling group)

Software package
VM logical VM template
Various template services make VMs and applications easy to create.

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Multi-tenant VDC resource pool
Application Email ERP WEB
Organization1 Organization 2
VPCa Organization 3

Organization VDC1 VDC2 VDC5 VDC8

Resource partition Resource

Resource Resource
Physical cluster 2
resource Resource Resource
cluster 1 A
pool partition B cluster 3 cluster 6
Computing resource
pool PM

VM VM Computing
resource pool
Network Network
resource pool VM VM VM resource
Resource pool
Storage Storage
resource pool resource pool

Huawei FusionCompute VMware vSphere

Device Room, cabinet, subrack, slot Room, cabinet, subrack, slot Room, cabinet, subrack, slot

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 34
VPC Overview
Department A

VDC virtual V
data center
M M M Employees on

V VPC2 business trips


VPC1 Department B

 Technical Features
• Isolation environment:The Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) provides isolated VMs and network environments to meet
network isolation requirements of different departments.
• Rich services:Each VPC provides independent virtual firewall, elastic IP address, VLB, security group, SuplerVLAN,
IPSec VPN, and NAT gateway services (some functions can be provided by VSA).
• Flexible networking::The direct network, routed network, and internal network support multiple networking modes.
• Provides metering or traffic statistics of various resources, which can be used as the input of the charging system.

Copyright © 2018 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. All rights reserved. Page 35
Compatible with mainstream hardware and
operating systems
X86 Server VM operating system

250+ operating systems including domestic software

Network 38 network
A total of 149 types of servers are provided by 10 mainstream



108 types of storage devices from 13 mainstream vendors

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Section Summary
 In this chapter, we learn:

 Basic concepts of Virtualization Technology

 FusionCompute Architecture

 FusionCompute Essential functions

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1. Which components are included in FusionCompute? ()




2. True or false: A CNA node consists of the UVP and VNAs and connects
to the VRM node through a VNA node.

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More Information
 For more cases, see Unified Communications-Huawei Enterprise Technical

Huawei E-Learning Huawei Official

WeChat Account Weibo Account

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 Huawei E-Learning website:

 Huawei support case library:


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Thank You

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