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AGA9 Report NaturalGas

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Traceable to the

Serial Number:

Job Number: CEESI Data File(s):

Item Calibrated: Ultrasonic Flowmeter Customer:

Report Number: Address:
Model Number:

The calibration identified by the above CEESI DATA FILE(s) was performed in accordance with the
American Gas Association TMC Report Number 9 using calibration standards that
are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology. All natural gas properties were
calculated in compliance with American Gas Association TMC Report Number 8 and TMC Report
Number 10.

Calibration Performed at: CEESI Iowa High Flow Natural Gas Facility
2365 240th St.
Garner, Iowa 50438

Calibration Performed by: Josh Kauffman

Paula Edwards Bill Johansen

Measurement Assurance On Behalf of Colorado Engineering Experiment
Station Inc.

This Certificate and accompanying documentation shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written
consent of Colorado Engineering Experiment Station Inc.

54043 County Road 37 | Nunn, Colorado 80648 | +1 (970) 897-2711 | +1 (970) 897-2710 (fax) |
Calibration Overview

Item Calibrated: Ultrasonic Flowmeter

Job Number:

Data File Number(s):

Order Number:

Serial Number:

Model Number:

Part Number: N/A

Tag Number: N/A

Electronics Serial Number:

Calibration Date:

Inlet Diameter: 9.253 Inches (235.019 mm)

Meter Diameter: 9.253 Inches (235.019 mm)


Standard Density: 0.048448 lbm/cubic foot (0.776068 kg/m³)

Standard Pressure: 14.73 PSIA (101.55977 KPa)

Standard Temperature: 60 °F (15.56 °C)

SPU Revision Number:

Meter Output: Modbus

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Witness List
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

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Uni-directional Calibration Configuration Details
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Figure 1: Piping Configuration

Meter Tube Identification:

Identifier Length Serial Number

B - Upstream Tube 100 Inches (2540.0 mm) Not Present
D - Inlet Tube 100 Inches (2540.0 mm) Not Present

E - Exit Tube 66 Inches (1676.4 mm) Not Present

Meter Flow Conditioner Identification:

Identifier Installed Manufacturer Serial Number Flow Arrow Top Dead Center
C - Upstream Flow Conditioner Yes Verified Verified

Meter Thermowell Identification:

Identifier Distance to Closest Meter Flange Face Quantity

F - Exit Thermowell 20 Inches (508.00 mm) 3

Fitting Identification:

Identifier Type
A - Entrance Fitting Tee
G - Exit Fitting Tee

Meter package and fittings shipped to CEESI as a single unit, and shipped to the customer as a single unit

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Velocity of Sound Verification
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Component Value
Press Temp Calc VOS Meter VOS VOS Error
Methane 84.9404 [psia] [°F] [ft/sec] [ft/sec] [%]
Nitrogen 1.6861 1168.8 70.38 1289.2 1287.8 -0.109
Carbon Dioxide 0.8659
Ethane 11.5356
Press Temp Calc VOS Meter VOS VOS Error
Propane 0.7232 [bara] [°C] [m/sec] [m/sec] [%]
Hydrogen 0.1873 80.586 21.32 392.9 392.5 -0.109
Iso-Butane 0.0157
Normal-Butane 0.0224
Iso-Pentane 0.0010
Normal-Pentane 0.0010
C6+ 0.0002
Helium 0.0212
Heating Value 1087.443
Total UnNormalized (%) 99.7064

Table 1: Used For Speed of Sound Verification

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Calibration Data -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

The calibration results are summarized in the table below. The column labeled 'Calibration Factor' is the value by
which the volume flowrate is multiplied to achieve the corrected value.

CEESI Flowrate Meter Flowrate Velocity Calibration Factor Percent Error

[ACFH] [ACFH] [ft/sec] [%]

198084.0 198003.7 117.8 1.00041 -0.041

158554.0 158416.1 94.2 1.00087 -0.087
119492.4 119345.0 71.0 1.00124 -0.123
80581.95 80514.26 47.9 1.00084 -0.084
40957.16 40862.14 24.3 1.00233 -0.232
21159.63 21115.10 12.6 1.00211 -0.210
11387.80 11364.65 6.76 1.00204 -0.203
5133.940 5122.589 3.05 1.00222 -0.221
Table 2: Calibration Results

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Coefficient Data
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Upon completion of the calibration the coefficients listed below were entered into the meter.

1 5123 1 -0.2200
2 11365 2 -0.2000
3 21115 3 -0.2100
4 40862.01 4 -0.2300
5 80514.01 5 -0.0800
6 119345 6 -0.1200
7 158416 7 -0.0900
8 198004 8 -0.0400
9 0 9 0.0000
10 0 10 0.0000
11 0 11 0.0000
12 0 12 0.0000
Table 3: Coefficient Inputs

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Calibration Results -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Figure 2: Calibration Results

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Calibration Data Table -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Press Temp Density Lab Flowrate Lab Flowrate Meter Flowrate Percent Error
[psia] [°F] [lbm/ft³] [ACFH] Uncertainty [ACFH] [%]
1168.8 70.38 4.5770 198233 0.18 198221 -0.005

1169.0 70.41 4.5774 198274 0.18 198150 -0.062

1170.6 70.50 4.5944 197745 0.18 197638 -0.054

1182.6 71.13 4.6363 158648 0.18 158454 -0.122

1183.2 71.15 4.6385 158167 0.18 158083 -0.053

1183.4 71.15 4.6393 158848 0.18 158710 -0.086

1193.9 71.65 4.6690 119441 0.18 119323 -0.098

1194.3 71.65 4.6704 119399 0.18 119230 -0.141

1194.8 71.66 4.6728 119638 0.18 119480 -0.131

1199.4 71.91 4.6857 80895.0 0.18 80817.9 -0.095

1199.8 71.92 4.6874 80313.0 0.18 80233.9 -0.099

1200.0 71.91 4.6858 80537.8 0.18 80491.0 -0.058

1206.2 72.20 4.7097 40907.5 0.23 40816.0 -0.224

1206.4 72.15 4.7105 40981.5 0.23 40907.1 -0.181

1206.5 72.11 4.7116 40982.5 0.23 40863.2 -0.291

1211.8 72.24 4.7282 21257.5 0.23 21202.0 -0.261

1212.7 72.22 4.7328 21186.3 0.23 21149.6 -0.173

1213.6 72.19 4.7373 21035.1 0.23 20993.7 -0.197

Table 4: Calibration Results

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Calibration Data Table -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Press Temp Density Lab Flowrate Lab Flowrate Meter Flowrate Percent Error
[psia] [°F] [lbm/ft³] [ACFH] Uncertainty [ACFH] [%]
1215.1 72.16 4.7425 11404.3 0.23 11380.0 -0.214

1215.5 72.15 4.7438 11393.3 0.23 11379.0 -0.125

1216.0 72.14 4.7463 11424.4 0.23 11387.3 -0.325

1216.3 72.13 4.7479 11329.2 0.23 11312.3 -0.149

1218.0 72.06 4.7570 5131.64 0.23 5120.47 -0.218

1218.2 72.05 4.7582 5133.70 0.23 5119.69 -0.273

1218.5 72.04 4.7583 5136.48 0.23 5127.60 -0.173

Table 4: Calibration Results

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Verification Data -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

The verification results are summarized in the table below.

CEESI Flowrate Meter Flowrate Velocity Percent Error

[ACFH] [ACFH] [ft/sec] [%]

158403.9 158452.0 94.3 0.030

79967.22 79988.96 47.6 0.027
20805.35 20803.89 12.4 -0.007
Table 5: Verification Results

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Verification Results -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Figure 3: Verification Results

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Verification Data Table -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Press Temp Density Lab Flowrate Lab Flowrate Meter Flowrate Percent Error
[psia] [°F] [lbm/ft³] [ACFH] Uncertainty [ACFH] [%]
1222.6 72.04 4.7871 20805.4 0.23 20803.9 -0.007

1204.6 71.36 4.7156 158404 0.18 158452 0.030

1218.6 72.16 4.7641 79967.2 0.18 79989.0 0.027

Table 6: Verification Results

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Metric Calibration Data -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

The calibration results are summarized in the table below. The column labeled 'Calibration Factor' is the value by
which the volume flowrate is multiplied to achieve the corrected value.

CEESI Flowrate Meter Flowrate Velocity Calibration Factor Percent Error

[ACMH] [ACMH] [m/sec] [%]

5609.114 5606.840 35.9 1.00041 -0.041

4489.749 4485.845 28.7 1.00087 -0.087
3383.649 3379.475 21.6 1.00124 -0.123
2281.827 2279.910 14.6 1.00084 -0.084
1159.778 1157.087 7.41 1.00233 -0.232
599.1741 597.9131 3.83 1.00211 -0.210
322.4665 321.8111 2.06 1.00204 -0.203
145.3770 145.0556 0.929 1.00222 -0.221
Table 7: Calibration Results

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Coefficient Data
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Upon completion of the calibration the coefficients listed below were entered into the meter.

1 5123 1 -0.2200
2 11365 2 -0.2000
3 21115 3 -0.2100
4 40862.01 4 -0.2300
5 80514.01 5 -0.0800
6 119345 6 -0.1200
7 158416 7 -0.0900
8 198004 8 -0.0400
9 0 9 0.0000
10 0 10 0.0000
11 0 11 0.0000
12 0 12 0.0000
Table 8: Coefficient Inputs

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Metric Calibration Results -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Figure 4: Calibration Results

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Metric Calibration Data Table -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Press Temp Density Lab Flowrate Lab Flowrate Meter Flowrate Percent Error
[bara] [°C] [kg/m³] [ACMH] Uncertainty [ACMH] [%]
80.586 21.32 73.316 5613.33 0.18 5613.02 -0.005

80.599 21.34 73.323 5614.48 0.18 5611.00 -0.062

80.713 21.39 73.595 5599.53 0.18 5596.50 -0.054

81.540 21.74 74.266 4492.40 0.18 4486.93 -0.122

81.579 21.75 74.302 4478.79 0.18 4476.43 -0.053

81.591 21.75 74.314 4498.06 0.18 4494.18 -0.086

82.318 22.03 74.790 3382.18 0.18 3378.87 -0.098

82.340 22.03 74.813 3381.00 0.18 3376.24 -0.141

82.377 22.03 74.851 3387.77 0.18 3383.32 -0.131

82.693 22.17 75.058 2290.69 0.18 2288.51 -0.095

82.722 22.18 75.085 2274.21 0.18 2271.97 -0.098

82.734 22.17 75.059 2280.58 0.18 2279.25 -0.058

83.163 22.33 75.443 1158.37 0.23 1155.78 -0.224

83.177 22.30 75.456 1160.47 0.23 1158.36 -0.182

83.185 22.29 75.473 1160.49 0.23 1157.12 -0.291

83.551 22.35 75.739 601.945 0.23 600.373 -0.261

83.616 22.35 75.812 599.930 0.23 598.891 -0.173

83.676 22.33 75.884 595.646 0.23 594.476 -0.196

Table 9: Calibration Results

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Metric Calibration Data Table -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Press Temp Density Lab Flowrate Lab Flowrate Meter Flowrate Percent Error
[bara] [°C] [kg/m³] [ACMH] Uncertainty [ACMH] [%]
83.780 22.31 75.968 322.935 0.23 322.245 -0.214

83.808 22.31 75.989 322.622 0.23 322.219 -0.125

83.840 22.30 76.028 323.502 0.23 322.452 -0.325

83.864 22.30 76.054 320.807 0.23 320.329 -0.149

83.977 22.25 76.199 145.312 0.23 144.996 -0.218

83.994 22.25 76.219 145.370 0.23 144.974 -0.273

84.010 22.24 76.220 145.449 0.23 145.198 -0.173

Table 9: Calibration Results

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Metric Verification Data -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

The verification results are summarized in the table below.

CEESI Flowrate Meter Flowrate Velocity Percent Error

[ACMH] [ACMH] [m/sec] [%]

4485.499 4486.861 28.7 0.030

2264.419 2265.035 14.5 0.027
589.1420 589.1006 3.77 -0.007
Table 10: Verification Results

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Metric Verification Results -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Figure 5: Verification Results

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Metric Verification Data Table -
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Press Temp Density Lab Flowrate Lab Flowrate Meter Flowrate Percent Error
[bara] [°C] [kg/m³] [ACMH] Uncertainty [ACMH] [%]
84.296 22.24 76.682 589.142 0.23 589.101 -0.007

83.056 21.87 75.537 4485.50 0.18 4486.86 0.030

84.019 22.31 76.313 2264.42 0.18 2265.04 0.027

Table 11: Verification Results

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Uncertainty Analysis and Traceability
Serial Number:

Job Number: Data File Number:

Uncertainty Analysis:

The uncertainty analysis for the Iowa facility is performed using methods documented in the ISO GUM and NIST
Tech. Note 1297. Each component of uncertainty is classified as Type A or Type B and assigned a statistical
distribution (normal or rectangular). Numerical values for standard uncertainty, degrees of freedom, and
correlation coefficients are estimated. Standard uncertainty values are propagated by addition in quadrature as
described in the ISO GUM. The effective degrees of freedom are estimated using the Welch-Satterthwaite

The uncertainty values in the current report are stated with a coverage factor of k=2 which represents a
confidence interval of approximately 95%.


Traceability of pressure, temperature, and gas composition measurements is maintained based on traditional
instrument calibration. Traceability of flowrate measurement is based on periodic engineering analysis of data
from three sources:
1) Control Charts
2) Turbine Substitution Test
3) Direct Turbine Meter Calibrations

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