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M-1 Happiness Scale :(English) by Dr.Mustafa Nadeem Kirmani* and Dr. Akbar Husain
Purpose: To measure level of happiness among adults.
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-2 Learning Disability Screening Tool (LDST)By Dr. Rudresh M. Vyas, Dr. Ketan Bharadava and
Virang Bhatt.,
Age Range: 8 to 13 Years, Language: English/Hindi ,Time taken: 20 Minutes
set contains: 25 response booklets and 1 Manual
M-3 Specific Learning Disability: Comprehensive Diagnostic Battery -Dr. Manju Mehta & Dr.
Rajesh Sagar ( Age Range - 6 to 13 years) (A Comprehensive battery that assess
differentareas of Reading, Writing, Spellings & Comprehension& Arithmetic to diagnose
and plan intervention for children having Specific Learning Disability.) Set contg. 1-Test
Form , 25 Record Forms, 50 Scoring Forms and 1 Manual
M-4 Specific Learning Disability- Screening Questionnaire (SLD-SQ)-Dr. Uday Kumar Sinha (Age
range – 5 to 15 Years)(A brief screening instrument that aims to facilitate early
identification of Specific Learning Disability (SLD),which can be administered and scored
easily and can reliably detect the possibility of SLD.)Set contg. Manual & 100 response
M-5 Scale For Assessing Academic Stress ( SAAS) (English)-Dr. Uday Kumar Sinha Age Range:
adolescents, Time taken: 10 to 15 min, Administration: paper & pencil test A scale for
assessing, identifying and estimatingacademic stress among students, planning and
monitoring intervention strategy.) Set contg. 50 Response Booklets and 1Manual
M-6 Autism Spectrum Disorder Questionnaire(ASDQ)-Dr. Udai Kumar Sinha (IBHAS)(It is a 20
Item questionnaire . It can be used by Clinician, Counselor, Psychologists, Teachers and
Parents. Main objective is to detect the possibility of ASD at an early stage for
appropriate timely intervention) Set contg. 50 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-7 Diagnostic Test of Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder (DTADHD)-By.Amool R. Singh,
Masroor Jahan and Babu P., RINPAS, Ranchi (Age Range-6-16)(This is a psycho-
diagnostic tool for assessment and diagnosis of ahYPERKINETIC Disorder based on
ICD-10. It consists of subtests related to in attention hyperactivity, impulsivity and
conduct disorder. Based on score of subtest of conduct disorder, diagnosis of Disturbance
of activity and attention and Hyperkinetic conduct disorder’ may be done)Complete set –
30 Response sheets and 1 Manual
M-8 Attention Enhancement Kit-TEAM PALS: Deepali &Pathak
M-9 RINPAS Family Relations Test: A Projective Test for Children - Dr. AmoolRanjan, Dr. Masroor
Jahan & Dr. Jay Kumar Ranjan(A projective technique based on pictorial The me to
evaluate the emotional & psychological aspect (expression of feeling) of children.It is an
activity based test that can be veryuseful to assess conflicts relating to significant people
in child’s environment.)
Set contg. Manual ,50 Response Form and Cards set
M-10 Asseertiveness Assessment Inventory(AAI)-Dr. MasroorJahan,Dr. Amool and Dolly,
RINPAS, Ranchi- (The assertiveness Inventory is designed for use with individuals of age
18 Years and above. It has 30 items which takes 10-15 minutes to complete, It is on 3 point
rating scale which ranges from 0 to 2. )Setcontg. 50 Question Booklets and 1 Manual
M-11 Pain Questionnaire (PQ)-Dr. Uday Kumar Sinha ,IBHAS,Delhi(It is an Instrument which
has various dimensions of pain experience. It has 40 items which cover 8 important
demensions of pain experience which are clinically relevant. It take 15 minutes to
complete the test) Set contg.50 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-12 Indian Adult Trail Making Test (IATMT)- Masroor Jahan, AmoolR.Singh and Raqueb Ansari
RINPAS, Ranchi( Indian Trail making test consists of 4 sets of trails, namely, numbers,
numbers with blank circles, numbers & letters, and numbers & letters with blank circles.
It assesses efficiency related to attention, visual scanning, psychomotor speed, executive
control, specifically, flexibility of thinking and greater demand for working memory. It is
available both in English and Hindi languages for adult population.Set contg. Manual
and 25 Record Forms
M-13 Vocational Readiness Checklist for Persons with Intellectually Challenged-byAdite Gupta and
DrKrishnaveniAchary Age Range – above 12 Years ( Job, Career, work Opportunity )Set
contg. 25 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-34 Spiritual Health Scale –(SHS) (English/Hindi Version) & Dr. Shabnam Qayoom and Prof.
Akbar Husain (2018) Set contg. 100 Consumable Booklets and Manual
Purpose : To measure Spiritual Health
M-35 Psychological Resilience Scale for Youth (PRSY):English /Hindi
By Rizwan Hassan Bhat and Dr. S.M. Khan (Age Range-19 to 25 years)
Set contg. 100 Consumable Booklets and Manual
M-36 Innovation Scale (IS): (English/Hindi)-by Dr. D. M Pestonjee,Dr. Naresh N. Mehta, Dr. S.M.
Khan (Age Range “ 25 to 62 years) Set contg. 100 Consumable Booklets and Manual
Purpose: This scale is designed to help Researchers and practitioners to assess the current state
of Innovation on account of and with the presence of various Strategic Human Resources
2. Aptitude Tests
M-37 David’s Battery of Differential Abilities (DBDA) - (Indian adaptation)-(English Version
Only).There are eight sub-tests in DBDA, each designed to measure a single primary
ability factor. Each factor contributes a measure of ability important in industrial
settings, career & vocational counseling. The tests in the battery may be used
individually or in a combination.The tests includes: Verbal ability, Numerical ability,
Spatial ability, and Closure (i.e. Perceptual completion ability), Mechanical ability,
a. Psychomotor ability, Reasoning ability,Clerical ability. This test is for 14 years and above,
and takes about 60 minutes to complete.
Complete set:(25 X8 Test Booklets , 100 A/sheets,100 AbilityGraph,Scoring Keys,and
M-38 Distinctive Aptitude Test Battery(DATB) by Dr. Vishal Sood, Bhargava, Dr. Arti Anand,Ms. Suman
Kumari and Dr. Sapna Sen Age Group: 14-35 Years
Measuring Abilities:Verbal, Numerical, Spatial,Psychomotor, Reasoning,
Mechanical, Clerical Speed,Abstract Reasoning and Perceptual
Items: 200 in Nine Aabilities
Standardization : 1790 (Male/Female)
Reliability Method : (1) Test-Retest (2) Cronbach Alpha
Validity : (1) Content (11) i9tem (111) Cross (1V) Concurrent
Norms: Sten Score Norm
Scoring Procedure : 1 Mark for each Correct answer
Time Limit : 55 Minutes
M-39 Duncan’s Sales Aptitude Test - (Indian adaptation) S.Vohra (English Version Only). This test
has been designed to help in appraising sales ability, potential in selecting sales personnel. It
provides an objective measure of one important aspect of sales aptitude, namely knowledge and
understanding of basic principles of selling. This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 20
minutes to complete.
COMPLETE SET- 25 Test booklets,100 Answer sheet, scoring key and manual
M-40 Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II (MAB–11) Hindi/English- Douglas, N. Jackson and N. K.
Chadha (Age Range: 16+ yrs), Time taken: 60 - 70 minutes ,
(Administration: Individual/group)The MAB-II is a world class tool for the assessment of
aptitude and intelligence. It is the best measures of general cognitive ability and is also
best value. It assesses 10 distinct domains of human intelligence functioning, grouped
into two - verbal and performance. It could be used for aptitude assessment for
counseling and employment purposes. It is also a helpful tool for psychological research
on intelligence and its relationship with other variables, such as job performance and
learning.Complete Kit :
M-41 Aptitude Battery for Career Counselling (ABCC)14-18 yearsNarinder SinghEnglish
3. ADHD Tests:
M-51 Attention Enhancement Kit-by TEAM PALS:l Batra & Pathak (PALS, Delhi)
This kit involves activities for children with inattention and hyperactivity problem. These
activities have been found to be very useful for children if done regularly over a period of
time. Kit includes variety of materials that can be used with children to improve their
attention & concentration. This manual explains 10 activities that can be done with
children having inattention problem. The activities can be used with 4 to 12 year old
M-52 Diagnostic Test of Attention Deficit Hyperkinetic Disorder (DTADHD)-Amool R. Singh,
M-63 Child & Adolescent Symptom Inventory-5 (CASI-5)-By Kenneth D. Gadow, Ph.D. and Joyce
Sprafkin, Ph.D(Ages 5 to 18 Years)The CASI-5 Deluxe Kit contains the following:
25 CASI-5 Parent Checklists, 25 CASI-5 Teacher Checklists, 25 CASI-5 Symptom Count
Cutoff Score Sheets for Children, 25 CASI-5 Symptom Count Cutoff Score Sheets for
Adolescents, 50 CASI-5 Symptom Severity Profile score sheets (T scores) for the CASI-5
Parent Checklist (25 for children and 25 for adolescents), 50 CASI-5 Symptom Severity
Profile score sheets (T scores) for the CASI-5 Teacher Checklist (25 for children and 25 for
adolescents), and both the Child Symptom Inventory-4 Screening and Norms
Manual and the Adolescent Symptom Inventory-4 Screening and Norms Manual.
M-64 Child & Adolescent Symptom Inventory-Progress Monitor (CASI-PM)-(Ages 3 to 18 Years) By J.
Sprafkin, Ph.The CASI-PM Kit contains the following: 50 CASI-PM Parent Checklists,
50 CASI-PM Teacher Checklists, 50 CASI-PM Score Sheets and the Child & Adolescent
Symptom Inventory-Progress Monitor Manual.
M-65 Conners Early Childhood—Complete Scoring Software Kit- Ages: 2 to 6 years, Testing Time: 1
Unlimited Use Scoring Software, and 25 Parent/Teacher Response Booklets ©2009
M-66 Conners Comprehensive Behaviour Rating Scales—Software Kit -C. Keith Conners Ages: 6 to
18 years for teacher forms and parent forms; 8 to 18 years for self-report formsTesting
Time: Approx. 20 min.Administration Individual COMPLETE CONNERS CBRS
SOFTWARE KIT LUDES Manual, Unlimited-Use Scoring Program, 25 Item Booklets for
each of Conners CBRS-P, Conners CBRS-T, Conners CBRS-SR ©2008
M-67 Conners 3rd Edition (Conners- 3)
a. Conners 3 Handscored Kit:
Includes Manual, 25 , Parent/Teacher/Self-Report QuikScore Forms, & 25
Parent/Teacher/Self-Report Short
QuikScore Forms. Forms
M-60 Decoding-Encoding Screener for Dyslexia (DESD) -dentifies children at-risk for dyslexia for
immediatereferral to special services.-John R. Griffin, Age Range: 1st through 8th
GradesTime: 5-10 minutes The DESD Kit includes the Stimulus Booklet, Manual and 100
each of the Spelling Response Forms and Record Sheets.
M-61 Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (A Practical Demonstration) (ADHD– BR )
Hindi / English. Rajshree Bhargava
M-77 z
M-78 Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning (ASIEP-3) -By David A. Krug, PhD, Joel R.
Arick, PhD,et al. ASIEP-3 KIT Includes Manual; 25 Autism Behavior Checklist Record Forms; 25
Sample of Vocal Behavior Record Forms; 25 Interaction Assessment Record Forms; 25
Educational Assessment Record Forms; 25 MPrognosis of Learning Rate Record Forms; Audio CD;
1 set of Toys/Manipulatives; all in a sturdy storage box
M-79 Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule™, Second Edition (ADOS™-2)
M-83 Autism Spectrum Rating Scales (ASRS)-By Sam Goldstein, PhD and Jack A. Naglieri, PhD
ASRS Hand-Scored Kit With DSM-5 UpdateIncludes 75 QuikScore Forms for Ages 2 to 5 (25 each
of Parent, Teacher, and Short QuikScore Forms); 75 QuikScore Forms for Ages 6 to 18 (25 each of
Parent, Teacher, and Short QuikScore Forms); Manual. Forms are updated with DSM-5 Scoring.
M-101 Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale: 2nd Ed.Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD,
Purpose:Measures the level and nature of anxiety as experienced by children and adolescents
,Age range: 6 years to 19 years
RCMAS-2 Complete Kit
includes RCMAS-2 Manual, 25 AutoScore Forms, and Audio CD
M-102 Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children 2nd Edition-By John S. March, M.D., MPH,
AGES: 8 to 19 years BENEFITS: Measures the range and severity of anxiety
symptomsMAQ Introductory Kit -includes MAQ Professional Manual, 25 Hand-Scorable
Booklets, and 50 Profile Forms
M-103 Multidimensional Anxiety Questionnaire (MAQ-William M. Reynolds, PhD
Purpose: Quickly screens for symptoms of anxiety, Age range:18 years to 89 years
MAQ Introductory Kit-
includes MAQ Professional Manual, 25 Hand-Scorable Booklets, and 50 Profile Forms
M-110 Reynolds Child Depression Scale (RCDS)- Introductory KitManual, 50 H-S/A/s, and key
M-111 Multiscore Depression Inventory for Adolescents and Adults(MDI)Kit –25 hand-scored
test/A/sheets, 25 profile forms, 1 set of hand scoringKeys and 1 Manual
M-112 Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale-2nd EditionWilliam M. Reynolds, PhDPurpose
Identifies depressive symptoms in adolescents Age range:11 years to 20 years
RADS-2 Introductory Kit-includes RADS-2 Professional Manual, 25 Hand-Scorable Test
Booklets, and 25 Summary/Profile Forms
STAXI-2:IR–CD-ROM- includes STAXI-2 software with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide
M-117 State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2™ Child and Adolescent-Thomas M. Brunner, PhD,
and Charles D. Spielberger, PhDPurposeAssesses state and trait anger along with anger
expression and controlAge range: 9 years to 18 years
STAXI-2 C/A Introductory Kit
includes STAXI-2 C/A Professional Manual, 25 Rating Booklets, and 25 Profile Forms
M-118 Sentence Completion Series-Larry H. Brown, PhD, and Michael A. Unger, PhDPurpose
Identifies themes underlying concerns and specific areas of distressAge range:13 years to
79 yearsSCS SCS Introductory Kit-includes SCS Professional User's Guide and 15 of each test
M-119 Presumptive Stressful Life Event Scale (PSLES–SKK) -Gurmeet Singh, Dalbir Kaur and H.
Kaur English.
M-120 Academic Stress Scale for College Students (ASSCS)-English -Dr. Vikas S. Kamble
Academic Stress Questionnaire English( 15-18 yrs)-Md Akram, Md Khan, Sahiba Baby 0
M-122 Scale For Assessing Academic Stress-Dr. Uday Kumar Sinha A scale for assessing,
identifying and estimating academic stress among students, planning andmonitoring
intervention strategy.
M-123 Bist Battery of Stress Scales (BBSS–RA)-Abha Rani. Hindi.(This battery measures four
components of stress-frustration, conflict, pressure and anxiety through13 sub-tests. Age
group 13 to 17 years for IX & X class.)Complete set 25 Booklets, 100 Answer sheets and 1
M-129 Job Observationand Behavior Scale: Opportunity for Self-Determination (JOBS-OSD)Age Range: Students and
Adults in entry-level jobs Time: 20-30 minutesThe complete JOBS:OSD Kit includes the Manual and a package of Record Booklets.
M-129B Quality of Life Scale ( 20-54 yrs) B.L. Dub ey,Padma Dwivedi & S.K.VermaEnglish
M-131 People Mapper- The Workplace Personality Questionnaire -Rob Feltham & Julie Woods – complete set
M-132 Ishihara Color Blindness Test (Indian) Set of 38 Plates EDITION
6. Learning Disabilities
Learning Disablity Screening Tool (LDST): (Hindi/English)
New by Dr. Rudresh M. Vyas, Dr. Ketan Bharadava and Virang Bhatt
M-133 Age Range: – 8 to 13 years) Time Taken: 20 Minutes
Set contg. 25 response booklets and 1 Manual
M-134 Specific Learning Disability: Comprehensive Diagnostic Battery-Dr. Manju Mehta & Dr. Rajesh Sagar -A
Comprehensive battery that assess different areas of Reading, Writing, Spellings & Comprehension& Arithmetic to diagnose and plan
interventionfor children having Specific Learning Disability. Set contg. Test Form -1, 20 Scoring Forms and 1 Manual
M-135 A Remedial Training Manual for Children with Specific Learning Disability for Parents,Teachers and
Counsellors -D r. Ma n j u Me h t a and Dr. Rajesh Sagar
M-136 Specific Learning Disability (SLD- SQ) Screening Questionnaire: (English) by Dr. Uday Kumar Sinha Ages 5-15
years.) (SLD-SQ- A brief screening instrument that aims to facilitate early identification of Specific Learning Disability (SLD),
which can be administered and scored easily and can reliably detect the possibility of SLD. Set contg. Manual & 100 response sheets
M-137 Diagnostic Test of Learning Disability (DTLD)-English.-S m ri t i S w a r up a n d D h a rm i sh t a H . M e h t a sh e e t s ( A g e
r a n g e 8 -1 1 Y r s. )
M-139A EACCID - Educational Assessment Checklist For Children With Intellectual Disability ( 5-15 yrs) Rubina Lal , Aparna
Gupta & Ginella LoboEnglish
M-139 B Behavioural Checklist for Screening the Learning Disabled (BCSLD–SM) - SmritiSwarup and D. H. Mehta. English(
Age range -6-13) Time: 10-15 Minute
M-139E Rapid Automatic Naming (RAN)–Raj . K. G up ta (En gli sh) S e t Con tg . 100 Boo kle ts, & one Man ual
M-140B Life Satisfaction ScaleHindi / English. Promila Singh and George Joseph.
(It consists 35 items divided into five dimensions of life satisfaction — I. taking pleasure in
everyday activities, II. considering life meaningful, III. holding a positive self image, IV. having a
happy and optimistic outlook and V. feeling success in achieving goals. It was standardized on
25 to 55 years).
M-140E School Environment Inventory(SEI–M) Hindi/English. (It is an instrument designed to measure psycho-social climate of
schools as perceived by the
pupils. It contains 70 items related to six dimensions of school environment—I. creative stimulation,
II. cognitive encouragement, III. permissiveness, IV. acceptance, V. rejection and VI.
control. Time 20 minutes. It is meant for High school and Intermediate students.)
M-141 Family Relationship Inventory(FRI) –English -by G. P. Sherry and J. C. SinhaSet contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-142 Family Environment Scale(FES) –English-by Sanjay Vohra
Complete set contg. 25 Booklets,100 A/sheets,Manual and scoring key
M-143 Family Relations Test: Children's Version (FRTC)(Age:3-15years)Complete set with case,SUITABLE FOR: Educational and
Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Health Visitors, Nursery or School Nurses, Family Therapists and Researchers
8. Sampler sets
M-144 Family Environment Scale(FES)by Moos - Sampler set
M-145 Group Environment Scale(GEF)Rudolf H. Moos-- Sampler set
M-146 Classroom Environment Scale- by Moos- Sampler set
M-147 Military Environment Inventoryby Rudolf H. Moos-Sampler set
M-148 Community Oriented Programs Environment Scale (COPES)-Sampler set
M-165 Social Maturity Scale (SMS–RN)-byNalini Rao. Hindi / English. This is a highly reliable and valid instrument to classify
socially mature and immature individuals. For VIII, IX & X.)Set contg. 25 Booklets,Manual, Key and 100 A/sheets
M-166 Social Competence Scale(SCS–SSS) –byV. P. Sharma, Prabha Shukla and Kiran Shukla. Hindi/English. This scale consist 50
items. This scale is meant for school going children from 14+ years. Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-167 Emotional Maturity Scale(EMS–SB) – by.Y. Singh and M. BhargavaHindi/English.(for adolescentsand adults.) Set contg. 100
Booklets and 1 Manual
M-168 Emotional Competence Scale(ECS-BS) –by. Bharadwaj and H. Sharma Hindi/English.Age group 13 to 44 years.) Set contg.
100 Boklets and 1 Manual
M-169 Moral Judgement Test(MJT–SV)-byDurganand Sinha and Meera Varma. Hindi/ English.
M-170 Entrepreneurial Talent Scale (ETS–AD) Hindi. by-D S. Agarwala and Ira Das.Complete set
M-171 Assertiveness Scale- B y . T as n e e m N a q v i (E n gl i s h )
M-174 Socio-Economic Status Scale(SESS–US) by. Sunil Kumar Upadhyay and AlkaSaxena. Hindi/English(This scale consists 31
items in five parts related to — personal information, family, education,income and others [cultural and material possessions] age
range 13-19 years.)
M-177 Self –Confidence Scale (English)-by. Ms. Malkeet Kaur & Dr. Franky Rani Set contg. 100 Response Booklets and 1 Manual
M-178 Self Actualization Inventory(SAl–SK) Hindi-By DrK.No. Sharma (It contains 75 items. It can be used age 17 to 30 tears.)
M-179 Self Concept Rating Scale (SCRS–D)By. PratibhaDeo. Hindi/English. (Age group 13-
26years.) Set contg. 100 Booklets, Manual and Key
M-180 Self Concept Check List Method (SCCLM–D)-by. PratibhaDeo English.( Age group 13-26 years.) Set contg. 100 Booklets,
Manual and Key
M-180A Children’s Self Concept Scale (CSCS–AS) Hindi/English. S. P. Ahluwalia and H. S. Singh. (It contains 80 items and
measures self concept in six areas—I. behaviour, II. intellectual and school status, III. physical appearance and attributes, IV. anxiety,
V. popularity and VI. happiness
and satisfactions. It was standardized on different samples between 12 to 18 +. boys and girls.)
M-180B Self Esteem Scale (SES–DSDU) Hindi/English.
(This scale consists 23 items divided into six areas–I. Positivity, II. Openne, III. Competence, IV.
Humility, V. Self-worth, VI. Learning Orientation. It was administered on 277 adult school
teachers, faculty of Professional Institutions, Students, Executives, Lab Assistant and Service
M-180C Self Perception Adjective Check List(SPACL–SNK) Hindi. K. N. Sharma
(It measures self perception of an individual by presenting 93 Hindi adjective words . Age range
17-30 years).
M-180D Self Disclosure Inventory(SDI-Ad.–S) Hindi/English byVirendra Sinha.
(This inventory consists 80 items. Measures self disclosure in eight dimensions–I. Monry, II.
Personality, III. Study, IV. Body, V. Interest, VI. Feeling Ideas, VII. Vocation, VIII. Sex. For Adolescents
(12 to 19 yrs.)
M-181 Self Confidence Inventory (SCI–GR)By. Rekha Gupta. (Agnihotri) Hindi.(It contains 56 items and has been designed to
assess the level of self confidence among adolescentsand adults.) Set contg.100 Booklets and Manual
M-182 Self Control Scale(SSC–SS)By.A. K. Singh and AlpanaSengupta. Hindi/English.(It contains 30 items classified in three
dimensions—adequacy of self regulation, freedom from impulsivity and freedom from self centredness. It is meant for 10 to 15 years
children. Time 15 minutes.) Set contg. 100 Booklets and Manual
M182A Academic Selfconcept Scale ( 13-19 yrs) Kamble , NaikEnglish
M-183 The Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory -byEdward J. O'Brien, PhD,Purpose: Measures global self-esteem and its
eight componentsAge : 18 years to 65 years
M-186 Culture Free Self-Esteem Inventories, 3rd,Ed.James Battle, PhD Purpose Assesses level of self-esteem in studentsAge
range:6 years to 18 years, 11 monthsCFSEI-3 Introductory Kit includes CFSEI-3 Manual, 50 Primary Examiner/Record Forms, 50
Intermediate Profile/Scoring Forms, 50 Intermediate Student Response Forms, 50 Adolescent Profile/Scoring Forms, and 50
Adolescent Student Response Forms, all in a sturdy box
M-187 Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, 2nd Edition-William H. Fitts, PhD,Purpose Measures self-conceptAge range:7 years to 90
yearsTSCS:2 Introductory Kitincludes TSCS:2 Manual, 25 Adult AutoScore™ Forms, and 25 Child AutoScore™ Forms
M-189 Passi Test of Creativity(PTC–P)-B. K. Passi. Hindi/English- Complet kit(Performance materials) 19 Block of 1", 12 Block of ½”,
1 Wooden Board, 5 Indentical Right Angled triangles for Plastic and 5 Indentical Quadrilaterals for Plastic.(It includes six sub tests
namely—(i) the seeing problems test, (ii) the unusual tests, (iii) theconsequences test, (iv) the test of inquisitiveness, (v) the square
puzzle test, and (vi) the blockstest of creativity.. It is standardized on 600 students of both sexes of urban and rural background of
grades X to XI. Percentile norms were given.)
M-190 Non-verbal Test of Creative Thinking(NVTCT–M) -Baqer Mehdi. Hindi/English Set contg. 100 Booklets and Manual
M-197 Indian Adaptation of Binet Simon Scale(1960) by Kulshrestha(Age group 2½ to 18 years.)Complete kit with Manual in
M-197A New Children Performance Test Battery – K.P. Singh (Age Gr. For 5 to 15 yr.)
M-198 Revised Bhatia’s Short Battery of Performance RBSBPTI– VP) Test ofIntelligence for Adults. (Age 20 to 59
years.) -S. K. Verma, D. Pershad
M-200 Alexander Pass-a-Long Test of Intelligence with Cards and Manual & 100 Scoring Sheet. (PLTI–A) (Mental Age
7 years 6 months to 19 years 6 months)
M-201 Koh’s Block Design Test - with Cards, Manual and 100 Scoring Sheet
M-202 Cube Construction Test - with Manual and 100 Scoring Sheet
M-203 Knox Cube
M-204 Children's Pictorial Measure of Social Cognitive Ability(CPMSCA) English. Kiran Kumar, K. Salagama and
Archana Bhat Kallahalla. (This Test measure the social cognitive abilities of the children of 6-12 years age [Primary &Middle school
children] using projective technique [through 11 different picture cards]. This
test studies the specific areas of social cognitive environment like school, family, country,
future, religion and others.)
M-207 A Bicycle Drawing for Measuring Intelligence(BDMI–S) English. T. R. Sharma. (For 11 to 16 years children)
M-208 Draw a Man Test Children (DMTC–P )-English by.. Pramila Pathak.
(It is children from 3½ to 15½ years.)
M-209 Draw A Person Test (DAPT– KKM )-English. By. Adarsh Kohli, (age range 7-12 years.)
M-210 Peer Pressure Scale ( 16-19 yrs)- English –by Sandeep Singh & Sunil Saini
M-211 Culture Fair (Free) Intelligence Scale
(i) Scale I (English) (age 3F½ to 12 years)
(ii) Scale II (Hindi + English) (age 7½ to 14 years)
(iii) Scale III (Hindi + English)—13 to 16)
M-212 Clinical Guide For Progressive Muscular Relaxation
M-213 Developmental Screening Test (DST) -By. J. Bharat Raj. B ) English.
Age range (0-15 years)
M-214 Pediatric Developmental Screening Test (PDST) English -(Upto 3 yrs) Amita Puri and Dwarka Pershad
M-215 Developmental Assessment Scales for Indian Infants (DASII)By.Pramila Pathak (Revision of 1970 Baroda Norms from
Birth to 30 months on BSID-RF-61 with Indigenous Materials.) Developed after 7 years of research. Age Range:From Birth to 2 years.
Testing Time: 40 Minutes. Uses completely indigenous material. Norms developed in Baroda. Performance profiles in Pune.
Integrated development of Mental and Motor factors is scored separately.Abilities Evaluated: Body Control, Locomotion,
Manipulation, Cognition, Memory, Social interaction, language Development & Manual Dexterity, Application: Assessment of
Mental & Motor Development. Diagnosis & location of Delayed Development ,Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Intervention
programme.Complete kit with case
M-217 Indian Child Intelligence Test.(ICIT–K) –by.Usha Khire – Complete kit with case Adaptation of Revised Amsterdamse
Kinder Intelligence Test (Rakit). Age group 6 to 12 years]
M-218 Pandey’s Cognitive Development Test for Pre-schoolers Performance Type) –byHema Pandey (It measures the
cognitive abilities of pre-schoolers (3-5 Years) through six sub tests—I. conceptual skills, II. information, III. comprehension, IV. visual
perception, V. memory, and VI. object vocabulary related to Piagetian Experiment.)
M-219 Mixed Type Group Test of Intelligence (MTGTI–M) Hindi/ English-By.P. N.Mehrotra. (It includes equal number of verbal
50 item and paper pencil type,nonverbal 50 items. It measures I. Q. of 11 to 18 year adolescents. Verbal partof the Test contains analogy, number series,
classification vocabulary andreasoning whereas Nonoverbal test contains analogy, arrangement,classification, digit symbol and part fitting tests.) Total
M-221 Test of General Mental Ability (GTGMA–JS)Hindi-By .S. Jalota(It is standardized on 11 to 16 years.) It consists 100 Items
M-222 General Mental Ability Test for Children (GMATC–SS) Hindi / English.R. P. Srivastava & Kiran Saxena. (It
is both verbal 50 item and non-verbal 50 item and measures five mental abilities—I. analogy, II. classification, III. number series, IV.
reasoning problems, V. absurdities. Age group 7 to 11 years.
M-223 Group Test of Intelligence (PGTI–A)English(For 9 to 15 year pupils.Contains 110 item in seven sub-tests–I. scrambled
words, II. analogies, III.classification, IV. disarranged sentences, V. same opposite, VI. series and VII. ,best answers, standardized on
10,373 students of both sexes & Class V to VIII.)
M-224 Group Test of Intelligence (GGTI–A)-by.G. C. Ahuja. English. (For 12 to 18 year pupils. Contains 135 items in seven sub
tests–I. classification. II. analogies, III. arithmetic, IV. reasoning, vocabulary, V. comprehension, VI. series and VII. best answers, standardized
on 10, 132.students of both sexes & Class VIII to XI.)
M-227 Emotional Intelligence Inventory (EII– MM ) Hindi/English. By.S. K. Mangal. (It consists of 100 items of four area — I.
Inter Personal Awareness (own emotions), II. Inter Personal Awareness (on emotions), III. Intra Personal Management (own
emotions), IV. Inter Personal Management (other then emotions). Age group 16 +. Standardization on 2200 (1050 Male + 1150
M-227C Sports Emotional Intelligence Test(SEIT)Hindi/English Dr.C. D. Agashe&Dr.R. D. Helode. (This test
consists of 15 sports situational statement which measures five dimensions of sport emotional intelligence
namely- Self-awareness, Self-regulations, Motivation, Empathy& Social Skills. It is standardized on (18+)
sport personnel.
M-228 Teacher’s Emotional Intelligence Inventory (TEII– M )Hindi/EnglishShubhra Mangal.This inventory consists 200
items of four factors — I. awareness of self and others, II. professional orientation, III. intrapersonal management, IV. interpersonal
management. It was standardized on 1273 Secondary and Senior Secondary School Teachers.)
M-229 Social Intelligence Scale(SIS–CG)By. N. K. Chadha and Usha Ganesan. Hindi/ English. Set contg. 25 Booklets,100 A/sheets
and 1 Manual
M-229A Spiritual Intelligence Test (SIT–ZA) Hindi / English Roquiya Zainuddin & Anjum Ahmed..
(This scale consists 78 items. Spiritual Intelligence Test has been classified into six dimension
: I. The inner self, II. The interself, III. Biostoria, IV. Life Perspectives, V. Spiritual Actualization,
VI. Value Orientation. It was standardized on Post Graduate Level age range 21 to 45 years.
M-229B Spiritual Intelligence Scale (SIS–MK) Hindi/English. K. S. Misra.
(This scale consists42 items. It was administered on High School to P.G. class students)
M-230 Cognitive Style Inventory (CSI– J )Hindi/English-By.Praveen Kumar Jha (It is conceptualized as an unidimensional
psychological state of an individual. It is a self report tool which gives an estimate of cognitive style of an individuaon a five point
Likert scale. It is a bio-dimensional measure of systematic style and intuitive style consisting of 20 items each. It is for college going
boys and girls / adults.)
M-231 Cognition Inventory (MCI– G )Hindi / English.-byPunitaGovil. Meta (This scale consists of 30 items. It was standardized on
700 college students.)
M-232 Interpersonal Intelligence InventoryStarter set-Manual sofaministration and Inerpretation, 10 Defiitions of team skills
booklets, 1 pad of 10 Team skills profile forms, 1 pad of 20 Team work siklls forms
M-233 Pediatric Developmental Screening Test age range (Children upto 36 Months) (PDST– PP )By.A. Puri & D. Pershad.
English. (This test consists 99 items in four area—I. Gross Motar, II. Fine Motar, III. Language, IV. Personal and Social, age up 36
months.) (It is designed to measure mental development of children from 0 to 15 years.)
Intelligence /Cognitive
M-238 Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales–Fifth Edition (SB5) Complete Test Kitwith Carrying Case Ages: 2 to 85+ years
,Times: Approximately 5 minutes for each of 10 subtests administration: Individual
COMPLETE SB5 (©2003) KIT INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual,Technical Manual Item Book 1 (Routing Subtest) Item Book 2
(Nonverbal Subtest)Item Book 3 (Verbal Subtest)25 Record Forms and Manipulative all in a sturdy
M-239 Early Childhood Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales – Fifth Edition COMPLETE EARLY SB-5 (©2005) KIT (with
MANIPULATIVES KIT & CARRYING CASE) INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual, Item Book 1, Item Book 2, 25 Record Forms, and
M-240 Leiter International Performance Scale–Third Edition (Leiter-3) Indian AdaptationGale H. Roid, PhD, Lucy J.
Miller, PhD, Mark Pomplun, PhD, and Chris Koch, PhDPurpose:Measures intelligence and cognitive abilitiesAge range:3 years to 75
yearsTime:20-45 minutesLeiter-3 Complete Kitincludes Leiter-3 Manual, 20 Response Booklets, 20 Record Booklets, Easel Book,
Stimulus Book, Scoring Keys, Administration Gestures Laminate, all manipulatives [Frame, Blocks, Foam Shapes, Stimulus Cards, and
Attention Divided Bowls], a timer, and a purple marker, all in a convenient rolling backpack
M-242 Draw-A-Person Intellectual Ability Test for Children, Adolescents and Adults–(DAP-IQ)Ages: 4-0 through 89-11
Testing Time: 10-12 minutes COMPLETE DAP:IQ KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, 50 Administration/Scoring Forms, and 50 Drawing Forms, all
in a sturdy storage box.
M-243 Pictorial Test of Intelligence - Second EditionJoseph L. FrenchAges: 3-0 through 8-11 years , Testing Time: 15 to 30
minutesCOMPLETE PTI–2 KIT (©2001) INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, Profile/Examiner Record Booklets, all in a
sturdy storage box.
M-244 Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test–Second Edition™ (UNIT2)™: Complete Kit (with case)Ages: 5-0 to 21-
11 Testing Time: Abbreviated Battery: 10-15 minutes; Standard Batteries: 30 minutes; Full Scale Battery: 45-60 minut UNIT2
COMPLETE KIT INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual; Stimulus Books 1, 2, and 3; Package of 25 Examiner Record Forms, and an Object
Kit (16 Response Chips, Response Grids, 9 Cubes, Response Mat, 10 Symbolic Memory Cards, Administration-at-a-Glance) all in a
sturdy canvas carrying case. (© 2016)
M-245 Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning–Second Edition (WRAML-2) The
COMPLETE WRAML-2 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's Manual, 25 Examiner Booklets, 25 Picture Memory Forms, 25 Picture Recognition
Forms, 25 Design Memory Forms, and 25 Design Recognition Forms, 4 Picture Memory Scenes, 5 Design Memory Cards, Finger
Windows Card, Sound Symbol Booklet, and 2 Symbolic Working Memory Cards, all in a canvas carrying bag.
M-246 Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory (CEFI™) Complete Handscored KitAges: 5 to 18 years COMPLETE
CEFI KIT INCLUDES: Manual, 25 CEFI Self-Report, Parent-Report, and Teacher-Report QuikScore Forms. (2013)
M-247 TONI-4: Test of Nonverbal Intelligence–Fourth Edition (13410)Ages: 6-0 through 89-11 Testing Time: 15 to 20
minutes , Complete TONI-4 Kit Includes: Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, Critical Reviews and Research Findings (1982-2009), 50
Form A Answer Booklets and Record Forms, 50 Form B Answer Booklets and Record Form, all in sturdy storage box. (©2010)
M-248 PTONI: Primary Test of Nonverbal IntelligenceComplete PTONI Kit Includes: Examiner’s Manual, Picture Book with
Easel, and 25 Examiner/Record Forms,
M-249 CTONI-2: Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence – Second Edition Ages: 6-0
through 89-11 Testing Time: 1 hour Complete CTONI-2 Kit Includes: Examiner’s Manual, Analogies Picture Book, Categories Picture
M-253 Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-Primary: Third Edition (DTLA-P:3) COMPLETE DTLA-P:3 KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's
Manual, Picture Book, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, and 25 Response Forms, all in a sturdy storage box. (©2005)
M-254 Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales™, Second Edition (RIAS™-2)Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD, and Randy W.
Kamphaus, PhDAge range:3 years to 94 years
RIAS-2 Introductory Kit-includes RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual with Fast Guide; 25 RIAS-2 Record Forms; 25 RIAS-2 Response
Forms; and Stimulus Books 1, 2, 3, and 4
M-255 Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test™, Second Edition (RIST™-2)Randy W. Kamphaus, PhD, and Reynolds,
Purpose:Screens for general intelligenceAge range:3 years to 94 years
RIST-2 Introductory Kitincludes RIAS-2/RIST-2 Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 RIST-2 Record Forms, and Stimulus Book 1
M-256 Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test™ (RAIT™)Cecil R. Reynolds, PhDPurpose:Assesses crystallized, fluid, and
quantitative intelligenceAge :10 years to 75 yearsRAIT Introductory Kitincludes RAIT Professional Manual and Fast Guide, 10
Reusable Item Booklets, 25 Answer Sheets, Set of 2 Scoring Keys, and 25 Score Summary Forms
RAIT-NV Complete Kitincludes the RAIT-NV Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 10 RAIT-NV Reusable Item Booklets, 50 RAIT-
NV Answer Sheets, 50 RAIT-NV Score Summary Forms, and a Scoring Key
M-258 Slosson Intelligence Test-4th Edition(SIT-4)Richard L. Slosson;Purpose:Measures cognitive ability, Age range:4 years to 65
M-259A Shipley-2Walter C. Shipley, PhD, Purpose:Quickly measures intellectual functioning and cognitive impairment Age range:7 years to
89 yearsShipley-2 Complete Kit-includes Shipley-2 Manual, 20 Vocabulary AutoScore Forms, 10 Abstraction AutoScore Forms,
and 10 Block Pattern Forms
M-260 Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition(CAS2)Jack A. Naglieri, PhDPurpose:Measures cognitive processing
ability,Age range:4 years to 18 yearsCAS2 Introductory Kit-includes CAS2 Administration and Scoring Manual; Interpretive and
Technical Manual; Stimulus Books 1, 2, and 3; 10 Examiner Record Forms; 5 Student Response Books for Ages 5-7; 5 Student Response
Books for Ages 8-17; 10 Figure Memory Response Books; Scoring Templates; 1 Red Pencil; and a Carrying Case
M-294 RINPAS Family Relations Test: A Projective Test for ChildrenDr. AmoolRanjan, Dr. Masroor Jahan & Dr. Jay Kumar
Ranjan-A projective technique based on pictorial theme to evaluate the emotional & psychological aspect (expression of feeling) of
children. It is an activity based test that can be very useful to assess conflicts relating to significant people in child’s environment.
M-296 Asseertiveness Assessment Inventory(AAI) Dr. MasroorJahan,Dr. Amool and Dolly ,RINPAS, Ranchi- (The assertiveness
Inventory is designed for use with individuals of age 18 Years and above. It has 30 items which takes 10-15 minutes to complete, It is
on 3 point rating scale which ranges from 0 to 2. )Set contg. 50 Question Booklets and 1 Manual
M-297 Pain Questionnaire (PQ)Dr. Uday Kumar Sinha ,IBHAS,Delhi(It is an Instrument which has various dimensions of pain
experience. It has 40 items which cover 8 important demensions of pain experience which are clinically relevant. It take 15 minutes to
complete the test)Set contg.50 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-298 High School Personality Questionnaire (HSPQ)by R.B. Cattell and IPAT Staff (Hindi and English) COMPLETE SET: (Form
A & B) Set of 25 Booklets each,100 A/s Manual and scoring key
M-299 Children’s Personality Questionnaire(CPQ)-(English)S.D.Kapoor (Form A &B)–Complete set
M-300 Clinical Analysis Questionnaire (CAQ)(English Version)b y C a t t e l l , C o m pl e t e S e t c o n t g. 2 5 B , 1 0 0 A / s, P ro fi e l ,
Ma n ua l a n d sc o ri n g k e y
M-301 Multi-dimensional Assessment of Personality Scale (MAP Series)by S. Vohra each set contg. 25Booklets,100A/s,100
Profile, Handbook & Scoring key
a. MAP Series - Form A (Adult) - COMPLETE SET b . MAP Series - Form T (Teenage)-
c. MAP Series - Form C (Children)- COMPLETE SET
d. MAP Series - Form P (Primary) - COMPLETE SET
M-302 Eysenck’s Maudsley Personality Inventory- (Hindi and English)Setcontg. 100 Booklets, Manual and scosring key
M-303 Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaire (Revised) (E.P.Q.R) (English Version)COMPLETE SET contg. 100 Bookets,1Manual and
Scoring Key
M-304 Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ–) HindiB. Dey and R. Thakur.(This questionnaire consists 72 items in Three Dimensions–I.
Psychotisism, II. Extroversion, III. Neurotisism. It was administered on adult.)
M-305 Early School Personality Questionnaire (ESPQ) (English Version)B y C a t t e l l & C o a n C o m pl e t e S e t
M-305B IIP Personality QuestionnaireDr.T.B. SinghEnglish
M-305C Worker’s Personality Scale (WPS) - by Sanjay Vohra (English and Hindi).
Set contg. 25 Reusable booklets, 100 Answer sheets, manual and scoring key
M-305D Performance Appraisal Form (Employee) by PSY-COM (English Version only). This form is designed to aid performance appraisal
and merit review. It has been developed to give objective, cutting down on halo effect, rendering a fair and accurate evaluation of performance.
This test is for 18 years and above, and takes about 15 minutes to complete.
M-306 Sports Specific Personality Test (SSPT–SC) Hindi/English.
(This test consists 100 statement into seven dimension like—I. Sociability, II. Dominance, III.
Extroversion, IV. Conventionality, V. Self concept, VI. Mentasl Toughness, VII. Emotional Stability.
It was standardized on sports persons Individual Games & Team Games, age range 16 to 25
M306A Eight State QuestionnaireHindi / English. (Adult) M. Kapoor and M. Bhargava
M-306B Humor Test of Personality R. B. Cattell and D. L. Tollefson
M-306C Contact Personality Factor —S. S. Shrivastava (Hindi /English)
M-306D Depression ScaleEnglish. (40 Items. Age group for Adult.)
M-320 Aggression Inventory (AI–SMK)M. K. Sultania. Hindi.(This inventory consists 67 items of 8 sub-tests — Assault, Indirect
Aggression, Irritability, Negativism,Resentment, Suspicion, Verbal Aggression, Guilt. It is standardized on 1000 (Adult Male +
M-323 NEO™ Five-Factor Inventory-3 (NEO™-FFI-3) Adult Form: (age Range: 21 years and older)
NEO-FFI-3 Adult Form S Kit-includes NEO Inventories Professional Manual, 25 NEO-FFI-3 Form S Adult Item Booklets, and 25 Your NEO
Summary Feedback Sheets
M-324 NEO-FFI-3 Adolescent Form S Kit(age Range: 12-20 years)
includes NEO Inventories Professional Manual, 25 NEO-FFI-3 Form S Adolescent Item Booklets, and 25 Your NEO Summary
Feedback Sheets
M-324A Five Factor Personality Inventory Children(FFPI-C):Ronnie L. McGhee
Age Range: 9 - 18.11 years- Complete set
M-325 NEO Personality Inventory-3 Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD, Age range:12 years to 9 yearsNEO-PI-3 Adult Comprehensive Kit -includes
NEO Inventories Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Form S and 10 Reusable Form R Item Booklets [5 Male and 5 Female], 25 Hand-Scorable
Answer Sheets, 25 Form S and 25 Form R Adult Profile Forms, 25 Adult Combined-Gender Profile Forms [Form S/Form R], and 25 Your NEO
Summary Feedback Sheets
M-326 NEO-PI-3 Adolescent Comprehensive Kit- Adolescent Form : (age Range: 12-20 years) NEO-PI-3 Adolescent
Comprehensive Kit-includes NEO Inventories Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Form S Item Booklets, 10 Reusable Form R Item Booklets [5
Male and 5 Female], 25 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, 25 Form S Adolescent Profile Forms, 25 Form R Adolescent Profile Forms, 25 Adolescent
Combined-Gender Profile Forms [Form S/Form R], and 25 Your NEO Summary Feedback Sheets
M-327A NEO Software System™ with NEO-PI-3™, NEO PI-R™, NEO-FFI-3™, and NEO PDR™ Modules
Paul T. Costa, Jr., PhD
M-327B NEO Software System–CD-ROM* includes NEO-PI-3, NEO-FFI-3, and NEO PI-R software with On-Screen Help, Quick Start Guide, and 5
BONUS administrations of the NEO-PI-3 and NEO-FFI-3; for new purchasers only
M-338A House-Tree-Person™ Projective Drawing Technique -By John N. Buck AGES 3 and up
BENEFITS: Provides useful clinical information through projective drawing–highly sensitive to psychopathology early in its development, H-T-P
Set- Includes 1 copy of The House-Tree-Person Projective Drawing Technique: Manual and Interpretive Guide; 1 copy of House-Tree-Person
Drawings: An Illustrated Diagnostic Handbook; 1 copy of Catalog for the Qualitative Interpretation of the House-Tree-Person (H-T-P); 25 H-T-P
Interpretation Booklets; 25 H-T-P Drawing Forms.
M-338B Checklist for Child Abuse Evaluation Joseph Petty, PhD
Purpose:Assists you in investigating and evaluating possible abuse or neglectAge range: 10 years to 16 years
CCAE Introductory Kitincludes CCAE Manual and 25 Checklists
M-339 The Kinetic Drawing System For Family And School
M-340 Trauma Symptom Inventory (TSI)(Includes TSI Manual ,10 items Booklets,25 Handscorable answer sheets and 25 each of Male and
female profile forms
M-341 Trauma Symptom Inventory™2John Briere, PhD Age range:18 years to 88 years
TSI-2 Introductory Kit-includes TSI-2 Professional Manual, 10 TSI-2 Reusable Item Booklets, 25 TSI-2 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, and 25
TSI-2 Profile Forms
M-342 Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children™ John Age range:8 years to 16 years
TSCC Introductory Kit- includes TSCC Professional Manual, 25 Test Booklets, and 25 Male and 25 Female Profile
M-343 Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children™ John Briere, PhD Age range: 3 years to 12 years , Purpose:
Evaluates acute and chronic posttraumatic symptomatology in young children
TSCYC Introductory Kit
includes TSCYC Professional Manual, 25 Item Booklets, 25 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, 25 Profile Forms–Male & Female Ages 3-4 Years, 25
Profile Forms–Male & Female Ages 5-9 Years, and 25 Profile Forms–Male & Female Ages 10-12 Years
M-344 Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress John Briere, PhD
PurposeAssesses trauma exposure and symptoms of posttraumatic stressAge range: 18 years to 91 years
A DAPS Introductory Kit- includes DAPS Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Item Booklets, 50 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheets, and 50 Male/Female
Profile Forms
includes DAPS software with On-Screen Help, Quick Start Guide, and 5 BONUS Administrations of the DAPS
M-345 PTSD and Suicide Screener–
John Briere, PhD, PurposeScreens for PTSD and suicide risk quicklyAge range:18 years to 99 years
PSS Introductory Kit-includes PSS Professional Manual and 25 Answer Sheets
M-346 MMPI -2 Adult Interpretive System Version 4Roger L. Greene, PhD,
Purpose:Allows you to obtain MMPI-2 and MMPI-2 RF interpretations for scored protocolsAge range:18 years to 84 yearsMMPI-2 AIS
V4–CD-ROM- includes MMPI-2 AIS V4 software with Quick Start Guide and Professional Manual
(It is not a paper pencil materials , it is only Interpretive System only.)The unlimited-use MCMI II/III
Interpretive System Version 2 provides clinical interpretation based on base rate scores hand-entered from a
scored MCMI II or III administration. It is not a scoring program; rather, the program analyzes the data and
generates a 5- to 6-page interpretive report.
M-348 Rorschach Interpretation Assistance Program: Version 5)
John E. Exner, Jr., PhD, Irving B. Weiner, PhD, and PAR Staff
Purpose:Generates both an Interpretive Report and a Client Report based on an individual's Rorschach results
Age range:5 years to 70 years
RIAP5 Introductory Kit–CD-ROM-includes RIAP5 software with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide, and 50 Response Recording Forms
M-349 RIAP5: Scoring Program John E. Exner, Jr., PhD, Age range:5 years to 70 years
RIAP5:S Introductory Kit–CD-ROM-includes RIAP5:S software with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide, and 50 Response Recording
Irving B. Weiner, PhD, and PAR Staff Age range:5 years to 70 years Purpose:Creates a
specialized forensic report based on an individual's RIAP5 result
M-352 College Adjustment Scales -William D. Anton, PhD, and James R. Reed, PhD,
Age range:17 years to 30 years , CAS Introductory Kit
-includes CAS Professional Manual, 25 Reusable Item Booklets, and 25 Answer Sheets
M-353 Clinical Assessment of Depression(CAD)
Bruce A. Bracken, PhD, Purpose:Assesses depressive symptomatologyAge range: 8 years to 79 years ,CAD Introductory Kit includes
CAD Professional Manual, 25 Rating Forms, and 25 Score Summary/Profile Forms
M-354 Eating Disorder Inventory™–3David M. Garner, PhD,
Purpose Provides a standardized clinical evaluation of symptomatology associated with eating disordersAge range: 13 years to 53
A EDI-3 Introductory Kit includes EDI-3Professional Manual, 25 Item Booklets, 25 Answer Sheets, 25 Percentile/T-Score Profile
Forms, 25 Symptom Checklists, Referral Form Manual, and 25 Referral Forms
B EDI-3 SP–CD-ROMincludes EDI-3 software with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide
M-355 Children's Self-Report and Projective InventoryRobert L. Ziffer, PhD, Purpose:Identifies a child's emotional, behavioural,
and interpersonal issuesAge range:5 years to 12 years,
M-364B Neuro Psychological Functional Assessment Battey for Mental Retard(Adults)S. Venkateshan. English.(An extensive
Battery for idiometric Analysis of Neuro Psychological functions in adult with
Mental Handicapped).
M-364C Knowledge & Opinion Questionnaire on Rights, Immunities &Privileges of Persons with Mental
RetardationEnglish. S. Venkatesan.
(This a 50item tool comprising questions related to government policies, programs, schemes
and rights of the disabled; and also, items on concessions, benifits and privileges of persons
with mental retardation in our country. Each item in the questionnaire is to be responded either
as : "Right", "Wrong" or "Don't Know". A high score on the questionnaire indicates superior or
better knowledge and positive attitude, while a low score meant poor knowledge and negative
attitudes of respondents on rights, immunities & privileges of persons with mental retardation.
This test is developed to use among adult population.)
M-364D Medico-Psychological Questionnaire(MPQ–RJ)
M-367 P. G. I. Battery For Assessment of Mental Eff iciency in the Elderly (PGIBAMEE–KVP)
AdarshKohli, S. K. Verma and D. Pershad Hindi/English. Set contg. 100 Bo0klets and Manual
M-368 Employee’s Mental Health Inventory (EMHI)Hindi/ English.
Jagdish.(It contains 24 items and measures the I. state of mental pleasure, II. overall well-being and III. lacking of psycho-physiological
complaints for employee. It was administered on employees working in different organization.)
M-368A Mental Health Inventory(MHI)-English by Dr. Jadish and A.K. Srivastava
Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-368B Cognition: Children Pictorial Measure of Social Cognitive Abilities by Dr. Kiran Kumar and Archana
M-369 Cognitive Abilities Test(CAT–SVSP) Hindi/English.
(This scale consists 76 items divided into Four Cognitive Abilities—I. Verbal, II. Numerical, III.
Abstract Reasoning, IV. Verbal Reasoning. It was administered on students of class 7th and
8th, age group 12 to 14 years.)
M370 Cognitive Style Inventory(CSI–J) Hindi/English. Praveen Kumar Jha.
(It is conceptualized as an unidimensional psychological state of an individual. It is a self report
tool which gives an estimate of cognitive style of an individuaon a five point Likert scale. It is a
bio-dimensional measure of systematic style and intuitive style consisting of 20 items each. It
is for college going boys and girls / adults.)
M-371 Measures Of Children’s Mental Health And Psychological Wellbeing
M-372 Cornell Medical Index Health Questionnaire: Pershad&Verma.(H/E)
Male Form Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual,
Female Form Set contg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-373 Mental Health Battery(MHB–SS)-K. Singh and AlpanaSengupta Hindi / English.Complete set
M-374 Mental Health Check List (MHCL–K)
Pramod Kumar. Hindi/English ,This check list consists 130 items. It measures Mental Health of adult age range 18-28Years.)
M-375 Learning Style Inventory Hindi/English K. S. Misra.
(This inventory consists 42 items divided into six area–I. Enactive Reproducing, II. Enactive, III,
Figural Reproducing, IV. Figural Constructive, V. Verbal Reproducing, VI. Verbal Constructive. It
was administered on Class IX to P.G. Class Students.)
M-376A Learning Style Inventory by Dr. Surya Rekha
M-376B Time Management Competency ScaleHindi/English. D. N. Sansanwal and Meenakshi Parashar
(This scale consists 36 items in four areas—I. planning, II. organizing, III. leading, IV. evaluating.
It was standardized on 200 student’s age group 16+ year).
M-376 Quality of Work Life Scale English. Santosh Dhar, Upinder Dhar and Rishu Roy
(This scale consists 45 items. It is divided in four dimensions—I. proactivity, II. work life banance,
III. human relations, IV. learning organization and ten factors. It was standardized on on 400
executivesin varied organizations.)
M-377 Comprehensive Battery of Scale of EntrepreneurshipEnglish. V. P. Sharma.
(It is designed to discover enterpreneurship qualities of youth through six sub-tests — (i) self
perception of entrepreneurship traits, (ii) organizaitional abililty and management skills, (iii)
personality maturity, (iv) executive reaction pattern, (v) human relations, and (vi) human engineering.
It contains 180 items.)
M-378 Style of Learning and Thinking (SOLAT)
by D. Venkataraman (English)Setcontg. 100 Booklets and 1 Manual
M-383A The Barister-Winter Neurogenetics Database(BWND)The Baraitser-Winter Neurogenetics Database currently contains
information on over 3250 syndromes involving the central and peripheral nervous system seen in adults and children. Like the
WBDD, it contains information on single gene disorders, sporadic conditions, and those caused by some environmental agents. Many
conditions seen by neurologists have only an occasional genetic contribution - such as motor neurone disease - but these have been
included. In BWND, search facilities are enhanced by the ability to use age at onset of neurological features, neurological and other
clinical features, neuroradiological findings, changes seen on lectrophysiological investigation, abnormal biochemistry, and
neuropathological findings.BWND contains over 38000 fully searchable references, linked to the appropriate syndromes.Baraitser-
Winter Neurogenetics Database (Formerly London ND) 1.0.16 , Single User CDROM,Windows Format Software Product Number
47150 Copyright Year 2005
M-387 Nonverbal stroop card sorting test (NSCST)kit- Kit is the first practical, nationally-standardized nonverbal Stroop test for
cognitive-process and neuropsychological assessment, useful for executive functioning assessment with those with language issuesThe NSCST Kit
includes two sets of Cards, laminate Sorting Sheet, Stopwatch, 25 Record Forms and Manual. The Manual summarizes the theory and research on
Stroop effect, administration and scoring methods, interpretation and case studies, development and standardization, reliability and validity of
the instrument.
M-397 Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test( M-WCST)David J. Schretlen, PhD,Age range:18 years to 90 yearsM-WCST
Introductory Kit -includes M-WCST Professional Manual, 50 Record Forms, and 1 Card Deck
M-398 Wisconsin Card Sorting Test®-64 Card Version (WCST-64™)Susan K. Kongs, Purpose:Quickly assesses perseveration
and abstract reasoningAge range:6 years, 5 months to 89 WCST-64 Introductory Kit -includes WCST-64 Professional Manual, 50 Record
Booklets, and 1 Card Deck
includes WCST-64:CV2 Software with On-Screen Help, Quick Start Guide, and 25 WCST-64:CV Record Forms; does not include on-screen
WCST-64™: Computer Version Scoring Program–Version 2
Age range:7 years to 89 years Robert K. Heaton, PhD, and PAR Staff
WCST-64:SP2–CD-ROM -includes WCST-64:CV2 Software with On-Screen Help, Quick Start Guide, and 25 WCST-64:CV Record Forms; does
not include on-screen administration
M-400 Dementia Rating Scale–2™ (DRS-2)Steven Mattis, PhD; Age range: 56 years to 105 years
Purpose: Measures mental status in adults with cognitive impairment
DRS-2 Introductory Kit- includes DRS-2 Professional Manual, 50 Scoring Booklets, 50 Profile Forms, and 1 Set of Stimulus Cards
M-404 Child and Adolescent Memory Profile™Elisabeth M.S. Sherman, PhD, and Brian L. Brooks, PhD
ChAMP Introductory Kit
includes ChAMP Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 Record Forms, and Stimulus Book
M- Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function , Second Edition (BRIEF 2) Interpretive Guide Peter
® ®
M-409 MMSE®-2™(Mini-Mental State Examination, 2nd Edition™Age range:18 years and olderMarshal F. Folstein, MD, and
Susan E. Folstein, (English)
M-410 MMSE®-2™ ( Mini-Mental State Examination, 2nd Edition™: Hindi)Marshal F. Folstein, MMSE-2 Hindi Kitincludes
MMSE-2 Hindi Administration and Scoring Manual, 25 MMSE-2 Hindi Standard Version Blue Forms, and 25 MMSE-2 Hindi Standard Version
Red Forms
M-411 NAB®(Neuropsychological Assessment BatteryNAB Complete Kit33 tests; includes NAB Administration, Scoring, and
Interpretation Manual; NAB Psychometric and Technical Manual; NAB Demographically Corrected Norms Manual; NAB U.S. Census-Matched
Norms Manual; 50 Score Summary/Profile Forms; 2 Sets of Manipulatives, NAB-SP–CD-ROM; Video Training Program–DVD;
Form 1 Materials [6 Stimulus Books–Screening, Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, Executive Functions; 6 Packages of 25 Record Forms–
Screening, Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, Executive Functions; 4 Packages of 25 Response Booklets–Screening, Attention, Language,
Executive Functions; Spatial Module Map; and 5 Scoring Templates–2 Screening Module and 3 Attention Module]; and
Form 2 Materials [6 Stimulus Books–Screening, Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, Executive Functions; 6 Packages of 25 Record Forms–
Screening, Attention, Language, Memory, Spatial, Executive Functions; 4 Packages of 25 Response Booklets–Screening, Attention, Language,
Executive Functions; Spatial Module Map; and 5 Scoring Templates–2 Screening Module and 3 Attention Module]
M-412 NAB Screening Module Kit12 tests; includes NAB Administration, Scoring, and Interpretation Manual; NAB Psychometric and
Technical Manual; NAB Demographically Corrected Norms Manual; NAB U.S. Census-Matched Norms Manual; 2 Sets of
Manipulatives; NAB-SP–CD-ROM; Screening Video Training Program–DVD;
Screening Module Form 1 Materials [Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets, 2 Scoring Templates]; and Screening
Module Form 2 Materials [Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets, 2 Scoring Templates]
Separate Set
M-413 NAB Attention Module Kit
includes Attention Module Form 1 [Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets, 3 Scoring Templates], Attention Module
Form 2 [Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets, 3 Scoring Templates], NAB-SP–CD-ROM, and Video Training
M-414 NAB Language Module Kiti
ncludes Language Module Form 1 [Stimulus Book, 25 Record Forms, 25 Response Booklets], Language Module Form 2 [Stimulus
M-422 Calibrated Ideational Fluency Assessment (CIFA)David J. Schretlen, PhD, Purpose Assesses ideational fluencyAge
range:18 years to 90 years
CIFA Introductory Kit- includes CIFA Professional Manual and 50 Record Booklets
M-423 Ruff Figural Fluency Test(RFFT)
Ronald M. Ruff, PhDAge range:16 years to 70 years
RFFT Introductory Kit
includes RFFT Professional Manual and 25 Test Booklets
M-424 Booklet Category Test, Second Edition(BCT)
Nick A. DeFilippis, PhD, and Elizabeth McCampbell, PhDAge range:15 years to 80 years
BCT Introductory Kitincludes BCT Professional Manual, 50 Response Forms, Stimulus Book Vol. I, and Stimulus Book Vol. II
Software:*CAT:CV Research Edition–CD-ROMincludes CAT:CV Research Edition software with On-Screen Help and
Quick Start Guide
M-425 FrontalSystems Behavior Scale™Janet Grace, PhD, and Paul PurposeAssesses behavior related to frontal systems damageAge
range:18 years to 95 years
FrSBe Introductory Kit--includes FrSBe Professional Manual; 25 Self-Rating and 25 Family Rating Hand-Scorable Test Booklets, 25 Self-Rating
Profile and 25 Family Rating Profile Forms
M-426 Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status™Jason Brandt, PhD, and Marshal F. Folstein, MDPurpose Assesses cognitive
status by telephone Age range:60 years to 98 yearsTICS Introductory Kit-includes TICS Professional Manual and 50 Record Forms
M-427 Hopkins Verbal Learning Test–Revised™
Jason Brandt, PhD, and Ralph Purpose Assesses verbal learning and memoryAge range:16 years and older
HVLT-R Introductory Kit
includes HVLT-R Professional Manual, HVLT-R/BVMT-R Professional Manual Supplement, and 25 each of Forms 1-6 Test Booklets
M-428 Ruff Neurobehavioral Inventory (RNBI)
Ronald M. Ruff, PhD, Purpose Assesses cognitive, emotional, physical, and psychosocial functioning, and general quality of lifeAge
range:18 years to 75 years, RNBI Combination
RNBI Combination Kit–CD-ROM
includes 1 MCCB Manual, 25 MCCB Administrator's Forms, 25 MCCB Respondent's Booklets, 1 Software Disk [containing the CPT-IP, the
MSCEIT Scoring Program, and the MCCB Scoring Program], 1 Scoring Template for the BACS Symbol Coding Task, 1 WMS-III Spatial Span
Board, 25 HVLT-R Test Booklets–Form 1, 1 BVMT-R Recall Stimulus Booklet, 25 Executive Functions Module Response Booklets–Form 1, and
25 NAB Mazes Test Record Forms–Form 1, in an MCCB box
M-430A Listening Comprehension Test 2™ Linda Bowers, Purpose:Assesses listening through natural classroom situations, Age
range: 6 years to 11 years, 11 months
Listening Comprehension Test 2 Kit
includes Listening Comprehension Test 2 Manual and 20 Test Forms
M-431 Calibrated Neuropsychological Normative System™David J. Schretlen, PhD, Purpose: Enables you to interpret various
test scoresPaper and pencil, Software Age range: 18 years to 90Introductory Kitincludes CNNS Professional Manual and 50 Record Forms
includes the QNST-3R Manual, 25 Record Forms, and 25 Remedial Guidelines Forms
M-436 Recognition Memory Test (RMT):KIT
1 Reusable Test Booklet and Word Card; 25 Record Forms; 1 Manual
NEW SCCAN: Scales of Cognitive and Communicative Ability for Neurorehabilitation, Complete Kit Lisa
M-437 Milman Ages: 18 to 95 years Testing Time: 30 to 45 minutesCOMPLETE SCCAN KIT INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual, Stimulus Book,
25 Examiner Record Booklets, 25 Written Response Booklets, and 25 Report Summary Forms, all in a sturdy storage box. (©2012)
M-438 Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic Brain Injury (SCATBI) Age range: Adolescent and Adult, Time: 30-120
minutes S C A T B I K i t : I n c l ud e s a n E x a m i n e r’ s Ma n ua l , a st i m ul u s Ma n ua l , 2 5 re c o rd Fo r m s , a S t i m ul u s
A ud i o c a s se t t e a n d a s t i m ulu s c a r d se t
M-442 Brainwave–R: Cognitive Strategies and Techniques for Brain Injury Rehabilitation (10420) BKit B. Malia
HYPERLINK- COMPLETE BRAINWAVE–R PROGRAM INCLUDES: User's Guide and Introduction to Brain Injury
Attention Module (Therapist and Client Workbooks) Visual Processing Module (Therapist and Client
Workbooks) Information Processing Module (Therapist and Client Workbooks)
Memory Module (Therapist and Client Workbooks) Executive Functions Module (Therapist and Client
MAE Introductory Kit, 3rd Ed. includes MAE Manual, Reading Stimulus Cards, Visual Stimulus Cards, Set of Tokens and Letters, and 100 each
of all Record Forms
NEW Trails-X™ byDavid E. Hartman, PhD, and Cecil R. Reynolds, PhD Purpose:Assesses
M-451 adaptive planning and executive function through an innovative trail-making tasA ge range:8 years to 79 years, Time:5-10 minutesTrails-
X Introductory Kit- includes Trails-X Professional Manual and Fast Guide, 25 Response Forms, and 25 Record Form
M-451B Boston Qualitative Scoring System™ for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure
Robert A. Stern, PhD, Purpose: Provides qualitative scoring of ROCF productions
Age range: 18 years to 94 years
M-459 Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule — Third Edition (OASIS-3:IS )Randall M. Parker Complete
OASIS-3 Interest Schedule Kit Includes: Examiner's Manual, 25 Student Test Booklets, 50 hand-scorable Answer Sheets, 50 Profile
Sheets, Sample Interpretation Workbook, 50 Scoring Forms, and Interpretation Workbook, all in a sturdy storage box.
M-460 Vocational Preference Inventory (VPI)John L. Holland, PhD Age Range: 14 years to 65 years Purpose: Assesses career
interests VPI Introductory Kit- includes VPI Manual and 50 Test Booklet/Answer Sheet/Profile Combinations
M-465 Dictionary of Holland Occupational Codes, 3rd EditionGary D. Gottfre dson, PhD, and John L. Holland, PhD, Purpose
Allows you to locate Holland occupational codes for all current DOT titles
M-466 Making Vocational Choices, 3rd Ed. John L. Holland, PhDPurpose Provides proven, practical ideas to help you help
your clients select jobs, change jobs, and attain vocational satisfaction Age range:16 years to 92 years
M-467 Dealing With Conflict 2nd Edition – Self Assessment (Print Version) Alexander HiamThe Dealing With Conflict
2nd Edition paper/pencil assessment. Booklet. ,Dealing with Conflict is an ideal classroom style, self scoring assessment booklet for
teachingprofessionals, managers, supervisors or employees how to work toward effective conflictsolutions. This instrument presents
five conflict-handling styles that are effective ways of dealingwith conflict: accommodate, avoid, compromise, compete, and
collaborate. Participants willlearn the positive uses of each style and when to deploy themBooklets Pack of 10
Facilitator Guide
Team Conflict Strategies Inventory - Starter Kit Includes facilitator guide and six print self assessments,
Facilitator Guide contents: Administrative guidelines Background information, Sample training design, Blank training outline,
B Sample copy of re-formatted self assessment, CD-ROM containing reproducible content Microsoft PowerPoint presentation,
Certificate of achievement template, Training evaluation template, Overhead transparency masters: tear-out pages from the
back of the facilitator set that you can copy to create your own overhead materials, Convenient 3-ring binder format Self
Assessment contents: Assessment Pressure-sensitive response form Interpretive information Action planning
M-469 Learning Style Questionnaire (HRD Press) Self Assessment - Print Version
Description : Learning Style Questionnaire provides the concepts and insight into adult learning that every trainer needs. Identify
strengths and weaknesses in the ways in which you learn. Capitalize on learning strengths and improve in your areas of weakness.
The Learning Style Questionnaire measures a participant's preferred method of learning in four different learning styles:
Each of the 20 questions asked in the questionnaire has four possible answers. Each of the answers represents one of four possible
learning styles. By ranking the four possible answers according to his or her degree of preference, participants identify their
preferred learning style. This also represents the particular stage (or stages) of the experiential learning cycle in which they prefer to
Pack of 10 Booklets and Leaders Guide
M-470 Work Values Inventory
Melissa A. Messer, MHS, Purpose: Assesses workplace values ,Age: 18 years to 70 years ,WVI Introductory Kit- includes the WVI
Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 Assessment Booklets, 25 Score Summary Sheets, and 25 Occupations Indexes
M-471 Working Styles Assessment(WSA)
Melissa A. Messer, MHS, Purpose: Assesses workplace personality traits in adults ,Age: 17 years to 70 years
WSA Introductory Kit- includes WSA Professional Manual and Fast Guide, 25 Assessment Booklets, 25 User’s Workbooks, and 25
Score Summary Sheets Plus, this kit includes a certificate for 5 FREE WSA Interpretive Reports on PAR IConnect!
M-472 Wiesen Test of Mechanical AptitudePAR EditionJoel P. Wiesen, PhD,
Purpose: Assesses mechanical aptitude Age range: 18 years to 65 years Introductory Kit- includes WTMA Professional Manual, 10
Reusable Item Booklets, 25 Answer Sheets, and 1 Scoring Key
M-494 Teacher Attitude Inventory by S. P. Ahluwalia Hindi/English.-Complete set ,This Likert type scale covers six sub areas —
attitude towards teaching profession, class-room teaching, child-centred practice, educational process, pupils, and teachers.
Standardized on 2169 pupil teachers.)
M-511A Chemistry Laboratory Competence Test. Meena Bhuddisagar Rathod and Renu Moyade Kotwale(This Test consists 27
items into six section. It was standardized on Secondary & Higher
Secondary School Students.)
M-512 Youth Problem Inventory(YPI)Hindi/English
b y M. Ve rm a S e t c o n t g . 1 0 0 b o o k l e t s, 1 Ma n ua l ,
M-513 Problem Check List (PCL)Joshi and Pandey. Hindi/ English.(It is based on Mooney Problem Checklist. High School form and it
contains 30 problems in each of eleven areas of adolescent’s problems. Set contg. 25 Booklets,100A/S,Manual& Key
M-514 Problem Behaviour Check-List (PBCL–VD)
V. Veeraraghavan and A. Dogra. English.(It contains 58 items which are indicative of behavioural problems in children. It is
satisfactorily reliable and valid check-list. For married couples.)-Set contg. 100 Booklets and Manual
M-515 Problem Solving Concept Formation (PSCF–HK)
English Haffman and Kaisenien, Performance Material (22 Block in 4 category), (100 Scoring Sheet & Manual)
M-516 Problem Solving Ability Test(PSAT–D)
L. N. Dubey. Hindi/English, (For 12 to 17 yrs. Students of either sex, standardized on 1640 students.)
M-516A Problem Solving Ability Test—Roop Rekha Garg (H/E) For Age Group 12 to 19 Yr
M-516B Problem Solving and Decision Making in Real Life Situation (PSDM)Dr. Arvinder Singh & Dr. Ajay Kumar
M-517 Passi-Usha Test of Creative Problem Solving(PUTCPS)-By.B. K. Passi and Usha Kumar. Hindi/English. (CPS can be
used with children and adult for measuring their creative problem solving ability.
M-517A Problem Behaviour Survey Schedule(PBSS) English. S. Venkatesan.
M-518 Standardized Assessment of Miranda Abilities - Richard Rogers, PhD, Purpose: Evaluates an individual’s Miranda
abilities through a systematic framework Age Range”18 years to 99 years ,SAMA Introductory Kit -includes SAMA Professional
Manual, 10 MVS Record Forms, 10 MQ Test Forms, MQ Evaluator Template, 10 MRM Interview Forms, 10 MAQ Test Forms, 10 MAQ
Scoring Forms, MAQ Evaluator Template, 10 MCT Record Forms, and 10 MCT Scoring Forms
M-524 Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment ScalesRichard Rogers, PhD, ABPP,Purpose: Systematically evaluates
criminal responsibility ,Age: 18 years to 79 yearsR-CRAS Introductory Kitincludes R-CRAS Manual and 50 Examination Booklets
M-531A PAI Interpretive Report for Correctional Settings™ Module for the PAI -SP
® ®
M-537 Curriculum Guide for Deaf-Blind and Severely Multi-Handicapped Students -provides informal
assessment, extensive
developmental activities and supplemental resources in 4 areasCurriculum Guide for Deaf-Bliend and Severely Multi-Handicapped
students, complete (all four Components)
M-538 Visual Functioning Assessment Tool (VFAT)-A Comprehensive Appraisal of Student’s Visual Skills, Age
range: All Ages, Time: Untimed, Kit contains both the testing Manual/Instrument and the Reproducible Recording
M-539 Hill Performance Test of Selected Positional Concepts
Age Range: 6-10 years, Measures the development of spatial concepts in visually-impaired children. Everett Hill, Ed. D.The Hill
Performance Test Kit includes the Manual and a package of Record Forms.
M-540 McDowell Vision Screening Kit™By P. Marlene McDowell, PN, BSN, MA and Richard L. McDowell, EdD, McDowell Vision
Screening Kit-Includes all Test Materials; 100 Recording Forms; Manual
22. Behaviour/Health
Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL):
Preschool (Ages 1½-5) Assessments609 a. Ages 1½-5 Hand-Scoring Starter Kit- (50 CBCL/1½-5-LDS, C-
TRF,Profiles, Templates, and Manual)
621b.Computer-Scoring Starter Kit- for Ages 1½-5 w/ Multicultural Options (Module, 50 CBCL/1½-5 and C-TRF, Manual,
and Multicultural Supplement)
031a.School Ages 6-18 (Hand scoring Kit) 201
Child Behavior Checklist/6-18 (50/pkg) 202 CBCL/6-18 Hand-Scoring
Syndromes and Competence Profiles for Boys (50/pkg)
203 CBCL/6-18 Hand-Scoring Syndromes and Competence Profiles for Girls (50/pkg)
204 CBCL/6-18 Reusable Hand-Scoring Templates 208 CBCL DSM-oriented Profiles
for Boys and Girls (same for both genders) (50/pkg 505 School-Age Manual 238 pp.
M—548 301. Teacher’s Rating Form(TRF) Set contg.Teacher’s Report Form/6-18 (50/pkg)302 TRF/6-18 Hand-Scoring Syndrome
and Adaptive Profiles for Boys (50/pkg)303 TRF/6-18 Hand-Scoring Syndrome and Adaptive Profiles for Girls (50/pkg)304 TRF/6-
18 Reusable Hand-Scoring Templates308 TRF DSM-oriented Profiles for Boys and Girls (same for both genders) (50/pkg)505
M-549 Youth Self-Report (YSR) Set contg. Achenbach501 Youth Self-Report/11-18 (50/pkg)502 YSR/11-18 Hand-Scoring
Syndrome and Competence Profiles (same for both genders)504 YSR/11-18 Reusable Hand-Scoring Templates508 YSR DSM-
oriented Profiles for Boys and Girls (same for both genders)505 Manual
M-559 Scales for Assessing Emotional Disturbance–Second EditionMichael H. Epstein, EdD, Purpose: Identifies individuals
with emotional disturbance, 5 years to 18 years
SAED-2 Complete Kit-includes Examiner's Manual, 25 Rating Scales, 25 Developmental/Educational Questionnaires, and 25
Observation Forms
M-561 Stress Index for Parents of AdolescentsPeter L. Sheras, PhD, Purpose: Identifies stressful areas in parent–adolescent
interactions in parents of adolescents ages 11-19 years, SIPA Introductory Kit- includes SIPA
Professional Manual, 25 Reusable Item Booklets, and 25 Hand-Scorable Answer Sheet/Profile Forms
M-562 Parenting Alliance MeasureRichard R. Abidin, EdD, Purpose: Measures the strength of the child-rearing alliance between
parents18 years to 99 years
PAM Introductory Kit-includes PAM Professional Manual and 50 Hand-Scorable Test Forms
M-562A Early Childhood Parenting Skills Richard R. Abidin, EdD
Purpose:Teaches parenting skillsAge range: 18 years to 50 years
ECPS Introductory Kit- includes ECPS Program Manual and 2 Workbooks
M-565 Marital Satisfaction InventoryRevisedDouglas K. Snyder, PhD, Purpose: Assesses conflict within a relationship,16 years to 92
MSI-R Introductory Kit, includes MSI-R Professional Manual and 20 AutoScore Answer Forms
M-566 Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory™ and Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory–Revised
Sheila Eyberg, PhD
ECBI/SESBI-R Introductory Kit-includes ECBI/SESBI-R Professional Manual, 50 ECBI Test Sheets, and 50 SESBI-R Test
M-567 Adaptive Behavior Diagnostic Scale ABDS
nils a. pearson ages: 2 through 21 years , testing time: 30 minutes administration: individual complete ABDS kit includes: examiner’s manual, rating scale
reference card, and 25 examiner record booklets, all in a sturdy storage box.
M-568 Adaptive Behavior Assessment System™, Third EditionPatti L. Harrison, PhD,Purpose: Assesses adaptive skills across
the life span Birth to 89 years,
ABAS-3 Adult Kit-includes ABAS-3 Manual, 25 Adult Forms, and Intervention Planner (Book)
ABAS-3 School Kit-includes ABAS-3 Manual, 25 School: Parent Forms, 25 School: Teacher Forms, and Intervention Planner (Book)
ABAS-3 Infant and Preschool Kit-includes ABAS-3 Manual, 25 Infant and Preschool: Parent/Primary Caregiver Forms, 25
Infant and Preschool: Teacher/Daycare Provider Forms, and Intervention Planner (Book
M-569 Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale2nd Edition Michael H. Epstein, PHD,
Purpose: Measures a child's strengths and competencies 5 years to 18 years, 11 months ,BERS-2 Introductory Kit-includes BERS-2
Examiner's Manual, 25 Teacher Rating Scales, 25 Parent Rating Scales, 25 Youth Rating Scales, and 50 Summary Forms
M-575 Adolescent Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory©1990-2013 Miller Woods, LLC
Purpose: Identifies an adolescent's probability of having a substance abuse disorder 12 years to 18 years
SASSI-A2 Introductory Kit-includes SASSI-A2 Manual, SASSI-A2 User's Guide, 25 Questionnaires and Profiles, and a Scoring Key
M-576 Firestone Assessment of Self-Destructive Thoughts™ and Firestone Assessment of Suicide Intent™-Robert
W. Firestone, PhD,
Purpose: Measures self-destructive behavior patterns and screens for suicide intent16 years to 70 years
M-580A Conflict Tactics Scales (CTS™) By Murray A. Straus, PhD, Sherry L. Hamby, PhD, et al.
BENEFITS: A quick, practical, targeted, and widely accepted assessment of domestic violence
AGES : Adults
CTS Kit-Includes Handbook; 10 CTS 2 AutoScore Forms; 10 CTS PC AutoScore Forms
COVR Introductory Kit–CD-ROM-includes COVR Professional Manual, COVR Software Program* with Quick Start Guide,
and 10 BONUS Administrations of the COVR
M-581 Psychosocial Evaluation & Threat Risk Assessment -ay Schneller, PhD
Purpose: Assesses psychosocial symptomatology and risk of violence threat among adolescents 11 years to 18 years
PETRA Introductory Kit-includes PETRA Professional Manual, 25 Rating Forms, and 25 Score Summary/Profile Forms
SEARS Long Form/Short Form Introductory Kit, includes SEARS Professional Manual, 25 SEARS-C Rating Booklets, 25
SEARS-A Rating Booklets, 25 SEARS-P Rating Booklets, 25 SEARS-T Rating Booklets, 25 SEARS-C Summary/Profile Forms, 25
SEARS-A Summary/Profile Forms, 25 SEARS-P Summary/Profile Forms–English & Spanish, 25 SEARS-T Summary/Profile Forms,
25 SEARS-C Short Forms, 25 SEARS-A Short Forms, 25 SEARS-P Short Forms, and 25 SEARS-T Short Forms; Spanish Parent Rating
Booklets sold separately
M-584 Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory -Rudolf H. Moos, PhD
Purpose: Monitors ongoing life stressors and social resources in youths ages 12-18 years (LISRES-Y) and adults ages 18 years and older
A LISRES-ADULT Introductory Kit - includes LISRES-A Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Item Booklets, and 50 Hand-Scorable
Answer/Profile Forms
B LISRES-Y Introductory Kit- includes LISRES-Y Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Item Booklets, and 50 Hand-Scorable
Answer/Profile Forms
CRI–Youth Introductory Kit-includes CRI–Youth Professional Manual, 10 Reusable Item Booklets—Actual Form, 50 Answer
B Sheets, and Coping Responses Inventory: An Update on Research Applications and Validity(Manual Supplement)
CAT-Adult Introductory Kit includes CAT-A/CAT-C Professional Manual, 25 CAT-A Rating Forms, and 25 CAT-A Score
Summary/Profile Forms
B CAT-Children Introductory Kit- includes CAT-A/CAT-C Professional Manual, 25 CAT-C Self-Rating Forms, 25 CAT-C Parent
Rating Forms, 25 CAT-C Teacher Rating Forms, 25 CAT-C Self-Rating Score Summary/Profile Forms, 25 CAT-C Parent Score
Summary/Profile Forms, and 25 Teacher Score Summary/Profile Forms
M-587 Survey of Pain Attitudes-Mark P. Jensen, PhD
Purpose: Assesses patients' attitudes and beliefs about pain21 years to 80 years,SOPA Introductory Kit-includes SOPA Professional
Manual, 25 Rating Forms, 25 Score Summary/Profile Sheets, and 25 Pain Worksheets
M-588 Chronic Pain Coping InventoryMark P. Jensen, PhD,
Purpose: Assesses patients' pain coping strategies 20 years to 80 year,
A CPCI Introductory Kit-includes CPCI Professional Manual, 25 Rating Forms, 25 Score Summary/Profile Sheets, and 25 Pain
includes CPCI/SOPA software with On-Screen Help and Quick Start Guide
M-589 Meadow-Kendall Socio Emotional Assessment
M-590 Ann Arbor Learning Inventory
M-596A Work Motivation Scale—Poorva- Jain & Satish Surawanshi (For Graduate & post Graduate Students) (H/E)
M-600 Woodcock Johnson III Normative Update (NU) Tests of Achievement, Form AIncludes Achievement Form A
Standard and Extended Test Books, Examiner's Manual, Examiner's Training Workbook, Audio Recording, 25 Test Records and
Response Booklets, WJ III NU Compuscore and Profiles Program for Windows and Macintosh, NU Technical Manual, and Scoring
M-602 Woodcock Johnson III Normative Update (NU) Tests of Achievement, Form BIncludes Achievement Form B
Standard and Extended Test Books, Examiner's Manual, Examiner's Training Workbook, Audio Recording, 25 Test Records and
Response Booklets, WJ III NU Compuscore and Profiles Program for Windows and Macintosh, NU Technical Manual, and Scoring
Woodcock-Johnson IV
M-605 Woodcock-Johnson IV Complete Achievement (Form A, B, C)WJ IV Ach Examiner's Manual, Technical Manual CD,
Ach Examiner's Training Workbook, Ach Extended Test Book, Ach Extended Audio CD, Standard Test Book Form A, Form B, Form
C, Standard and Extended Test Record & Subject Response Booklet w/Individual Score Report Pkg 25 Form A, Form B & Form C,
Standard & Extended Scoring Guide Form A, Form B & Form C, Rolling Bag, and Luggage Grip
This kit comes with a single Examiner's Manual, Extended Test Book, and Extended Audio CD.Complete set without
BagComplete set with bag
M-606 Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement Form A with CaseWJ IV Technical Manual CD, Ach Examiner's Manual, Ach
Examiner's Training Workbook, Ach Standard and Extended Test Book (Form A), Ach Standard and Extended Test Record and
Student Response Booklets with Individual Score Reports Pkg 25, Ach Standard & Extended Scoring Guide (Form A), Ach Extended
Audio CD, Rolling Bag, and Luggage GripForm A Kit without roller bagForm A Kit with roller bag
M-607 Woodcock-Johnson IV Achievement Form B WJ IV Technical Manual CD, Ach Examiner's Manual, Ach Examiner's
Training Workbook, Ach Standard and Extended Test Book (Form B), Ach Standard and Extended Test Record and Student Response
Booklets with Individual Score Reports Pkg 25, Ach Standard & Extended Scoring Guide (Form B), Ach Extended Audio CD, Rolling
Bag, and Luggage GripForm B Kit without roller bagForm B Kit with roller bag
M-613 Academic Achievement Battery - Melissa A. Messer, MHSPurpose Assesses basic academic skills of reading, spelling,
and math 4 years to 85 years,
M-614 Academic Achievement Battery™-Comprehensive FormMelissa A. Messer, MHS AAB Comprehensive Form Print Kit-
includes AAB Comprehensive Form Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 Comprehensive Form Item Booklets, 25 Comprehensive Form
Response Booklets, Stimulus Book 1, Stimulus Book 2, a Stimulus Card, 5 FREE Screening Form Item Booklets, and 5 FREE Screening Form
Response Booklets
M-615 Academic Achievement Battery™-Screening Form Melissa A. Messer, MHSPurpose Assesses four areas of
achievement including a measure of writing4 years to 85 years,
M-618 Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory-Adele E. Gottfried, PhDPurpose: Measures motivation for learning in
general and across specific learning areas4 to 8CAIMI Introductory Kit-includes CAIMI Manual, 50 Test Booklets, and 50 Profile
B VAS-E Form A Print Kit-includes VAS Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 VAS-E Form A Record Forms, and VAS-E Form
A Stimulus Book Plus, this kit includes a certificate for 5 FREE VAS-E Score Reports on PARiConnect!
VAS-R Form A Print Kit-includes VAS Professional Manual with Fast Guide, 25 VAS-R Form A Record Forms, and VAS-R Form
A Stimulus Book Plus, this kit includes a certificate for 5 FREE VAS-R Score Reports on PARiConnect!
M-625 TOAL-4: Test of Adolescent and Adult Language–Fourth Edition Ages: 12-0 through 24-11 Complete TOAL-4 Kit
includes: Examiner’s Manual, 25 Examiner Record Booklets, and 25 Written Language Forms, all in a sturdy storage box.
M-626 TOLD-P:4 Test of Language Development–Primary, 4th Edition- Phyllis L. Newcomer, PhD Purpose: Evaluates
spoken language in young children 4 years to 8 years, TOLD-P:4 Kit includes TOLD-P:4 Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, 25
Examiner/Record Forms, and Critical Reviews and Research Finds Monograph
M-629 TORC-4: Test of Reading Comprehension–Fourth EditionAge Range: 7-0 to 17-11 yearsCOMPLETE TORC-4 KIT
INCLUDES: Examiner’s Manual, 50 Examiner/Record Forms, 25 Student Question Booklets (28-Pages), and 50 Student Answer
Booklets (8-Pages), all in a sturdy storage box
M-630 GORT-5: Gray Oral Reading Tests :Fifth Edition Complete KitAges: 6-0 through 23-11The complete GORT-5 Kit
Includes: Examiner’s Manual, Student Book, and 25 Examiner Record Booklets each for Forms A and B, all in a sturdy storage box.
M-631 TORC-4: Test of Reading Comprehension–Fourth EditionAge Range: 7-0 to 17-11 yearsCOMPLETE TORC-4 KIT
M-632 Developmental Profile 3- Gerald D. Alpern, PhD Purpose Screens for developmental delays in five key areasBirth to 12 years,
11 months
A DP-3 Complete Kit-includes DP-3 Manual, 25 Interview Forms, and 25 Parent/Caregiver Checklists
DP-3 Software Kit-Includes 25 Interview Forms; 25 Parent/Caregiver Checklists; Manual; DP-3 CD
M-634 Developmental Assessment of Young Children–Second Edition-Judith K. Voress, PhD,
Purpose: Identifies children with possible delaysBirth to 5 years,BDAYC-2 Complete Kit-includes DAYC-2 Examiner's Manual; 25
Adaptive Behavior, 25 Cognitive, 25 Social-Emotional Development, 25 Physical Development, and 25 Communication Domain
Scoring Forms; 25 Early Child Development Chart, 3rd Ed., Mini-Posters; and 25 Examiner Summary Sheets
ASQ-3 Starter Kit- Includes 21 photocopiable print masters of the Questionnaires and Scoring Sheets; CD-ROM with
printable PDF Questionnaires; User's Guide; Quick Start Guide
M-638 Ages & Stages Questionnaires Social Emotional, 2ndEdition(ASQ:SE-2) Jane Squires Ph d.Complete set
M-639 Aston Index-A Classroom Test for Screening and Diagnosis of Language Difficulties: Complete set
M-642 Well Comm: A Speech and Language Toolkit Identify potential language difficulties in childrenages 6
months-6 years. Revised Edition Well Comm Tool kit,Well Comm Toolkit contains: Handbook, ittle Book of Score Sheets and Rules,
The Big Book of Ideas, The Picture Book, Supporting Language at Home CD and Carry Bag.
M-643 Social Use Of Language Programme: Revised Edition-(Age Range: 12 Years – Adult)
M-644 The Paediatric Index Of Emotional Distress (PI-ED) AGE RANGE: 8–16 years
Complete SetComplete Set contains: Manual and Record Forms (100)
SUITABLE FOR: SENCos, Educational Psychologists, Speech and Language Therapists, Specialist Literacy Teachers, and
ResearchersComplete Set
M-647 Measures Of Children’s Mental Health & Psychological Wellbeing -Norah Fredrickson And Sandra Dunsmuir
Measure The Development Of A Child’s Social And Emotional Skills AGE RANGE: 2–20 years SUITABLE FOR: SENCos,
Teachers, Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers, Behaviour Support Teams, GPs and Researchers
M-648 Dyslexia Portfolio Martin Turner This is an in-depth, one-to-one assessment for students with dyslexic
tendencies. AGE RANGE: 6–16 years SUITABLE FOR: SENCos, Specialist Teachers/Assessors and Educational
Psychologist*Complete Set contains: Manual, all stimulus material, Pupil Booklets and Record Forms, 5 of each.
M-649 Dyslexia Guidance (Book) Brian Butterworth And D. YeoDyscalculia Guidance Book) Brian Butterworth
And D. Yeo
M-650 Resilience -Assessing hopefulness, self-control and coping strategies in pupils vulnerable to mental
health difficulties,
for ages 2–20 yearsResilience Booklet
M-651 Resilience Scale- Dr. Vijay Laxmi, Dr. Shruti Narayan
M-652 Schedule Of Growing Skills: II (SGS II) A reliable ‘snapshot’ of a child’s development.AGE RANGE: 0–5 years
SUITABLE FOR: Educational Psychologists, Specialist Teachers, Paediatricians, Health Visitors, Early Years Professionals, Nursery or
School Nurses, GPs and Researchers
M-656 Development Test of Visual Perception–Third Edition Donald D. Hammill, EdD Purpose: Allows you to
document the presence and degree of visual perception and visual–motor difficulties 4 years to 12 years, 11
months,DTVP-3 Complete Kit- includes DTVP-3 Examiner's Manual, Picture Book, 25 Response Booklets, 25 Examiner Record
Booklets, and a Copying Scoring Template
M-659 Motor-Free Visual Perception Test-4 Edition- Ronald P. Colarusso, EdD, and Donald D. Hammill, EdD PurposeMeasures
overall visual perceptual ability in children and adultsAge range: 4 years to 80 years MVPT-4 Introductory Kit, includes MVPT-4
Manual, Test Plates, and 25 Recording Forms
M-660 Full Range Test of Visual - Motor Integration (FRTVMI)COMPLETE FRTVMI KIT INCLUDES: Examiner's manual, 25
Profile/Examiner Record Forms for 5-10, 25 Profile/Examiner Record Forms for 11-74, and a Scoring Transparency, all in a sturdy
storage box
M-661 Indian adaptation of Merrill-Palmer–R Scales of Development- Gale H. Roid, PhD, and Jackie L. Sampers, PhD
Purpose Assesses visual motor, learning, and problem-solving issues Birth to 6 years months. Merrill-Palmer-R Complete Kit-
includes the M-P-R Administration/Scoring Manual; Infant Stimuli, Easel, and Fido Books; Choke-Safe Toys and Manipulatives; and
20 each of all Forms (English only) in a Rolling Bag
M-662 PDD Behavior Inventory-Ira L. Cohen, PhD, and Vicki Sudhalter, PhD
Purpose: Assesses responsiveness to intervention in children with ASD 1 year to 18 years, 5 months ,PDDBI Comprehensive Kit,
includes PDDBI Professional Manual, PDDBI ASD-DT and Adolescent Normative Data Professional Manual supplements, 25 Parent
Rating Forms, 25 Teacher Rating Forms, 25 Parent Score Summary Sheets, 25 Teacher Score Summary Sheets, 50 Profile Forms, 25
ASD-DT Record Forms, and a canvas carrying case PLUS, this kit includes a certificate for 5 FREE reports on PARiConnect!
M-680a Understanding Organizational Behaviour 4E Paperback – 2016by UDAI PAREEK AND SUSHAMA KHANNA (Author
M-754 A Handbook of Resource Centre for Teacher Training Purpose–V. Bhargava (Set of 10)
M-754a Handbook of Psychological Experiments & Testing — V.Bhargava (Set of 10)
M-754b Note Book of Psychology Experiments and Testing — (Set of 10)
M-754C Prestige Suggestion Test with Manual (P.S.T.) Hindi / English
M-755 Tachistoscope—Falling Door Type
Tachistoscope— Electric (With slids of meaningful and Non-meaningful words)
Tachistoscope- Electronics
Tachistoscope meaningful & non-meaningful word OR Doted card set
M-756 MC Dougall Disc
M-757 Distraction of Attention
M-758 Attention Board—Electric in Box
Attention Board—With Auto-reset 6 digit counter in Box
M-759 Ergograph(Measuring Physical Fatigue, Hand operated model) (Mechanical Ergograph)
M-760 Mental Fatigue Test(Numerical)
M-762 Finger Dexterity Boards with Pin
Tweezers Dexterity Boards with Pin &Chimti
M-763 Steadiness Tester— Elect./Battery Both System
Steadiness Tester— With Auto-reset 6 digit impulse counter
M-765 Vernier Chronoscope for Simple R.T. (Elect./Battery)
M-767a Vernier Chronoscope for Simple, Choice and Discriminative R.T.(Both Auditory & Visual) Electric Dx Model
Electronic Chronoscope (for measuring Auditory & Visual R.T.)
M-768 Stop Watch (Electronics)
Stop Watch (Mechanical)
Stop Clock
Metronome (Electronics) (Indian Made )
Metronome (Mechanical) (Imported)
M-769 Two Hand Coordination with 6 digit Impulse Counter
M-770 Blind Goggles
M-771 Conditioning Reflex Apparatus
M-772 Wooden Screen—(12”x15”) Both side Metal
Wooden Screen—(15”x24”) Both side Metal
Wooden Screen—(18”x24”) Both side Metal
M-773 Bennet Tool Dexterity Board
M-774 Pyramid Puzze
M-775 Normal Probability Curve Demonstration App.
M-776 Free Association Test (4 Pages) With One Manual (H/E)
M-777 Controlled or Constrained Association Test (H/E)
M-782 Photographs of Eminent Foreign (Size 11” x 17” ) Rs. 500 each of (Psychologists/Educationist) any one
Coloured (51)David Wechsler, (2) H. J. Eysenck, (3) Kurt Lewin, (4) Alfred Binet, (5) WilhelmWundt, (6) Gordon
Allport, (7) B. F. Skinner, (8) Sigmund Freud, (9) Edward L.Throndike, (10) Ivan P. Pavlov, (11) Jean Piaget, (12)
Wolfiang Kohler, (13) EdwinGuthrie, (14) Carl Gustav Jung, (15) Raymond Bernard Cattell, (16) John B.
Watson,(17) Herman Rorschach, (18) Carl Rogers, (19) Hermann Ebbinghaus, (20) AbrahamMaslow, (21)
Aristotle, (22) Erik H. Erikson, (23) Rollo May, (24) Albert Bandura,(25) Lewis Terman, (26) Henry Murray, (27)
Robert Plutchik, (28) Alfred Adler, (29) Hermann Von Helmholtze, (30) William James, (31) John Dewey, (32)
Herbert Spencer,(33) John Friedrich Herbart, (34) Jean Jacques Rousseau, (35) Johann Heinrich Pestolozzi,(36)
Friedrich Frobel, (37) Max Wertheimer, (38) Rene Descartes, (39) Plato, (40)Socrates, (41) Maria Montessori,
(42) B. Russell. (43) Francis Galton, (44) William Mcdougall, (45) Edward C. Tolman, (46) Louis Leon Thurstone,
(47) William Heard Kilpatrick, (48) Gastav Theodor Fechner, (49) Ernst H. Weber, (50) Charles RobertDarwin,
(51) Jerome Seymour Bruner
M-783 HUMAN PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARTS Rico’s Italy made 3 Dimensional Raised Plastic Charts—(Size 25 x35 cm) (a)
The Human Anatomy/Physiology charts Set of Eight charts—(i) Skeleton, (ii) Muscles,(iii) Circulation of Blood,
(iv) Brain & Nervous system, (v) Digestive system, (vi)Respiratory system, (vii) Eye, Ear & Skin, (viii) Organs of
Taste. (Supplied in Set only)(Imported) Rs.3,500.00 per set
M-784 Human Physiology Chart(Size 75 x100cm)
(A Set of 21 Charts Printed on PalyartPlastic Sheet, Washable and markable
Surfacehitted with Plastic Rollers) Set of 21 Charts
I. Skeleton System II. Muscular System III. Circulatory System IV. Nervous System V. Digestive System VI. Teeth
& Skin VII. Human, Eye, Ear, Hand
VIII. Lymphatic System IX. Respiratory System X. Endocrine System XI. Nutrition
XII. Immune System XIII. Human Nose XIV. Human Heart XV. Excretory System XVI. The Eye XVII. The Ear XVIII.
The Kidney XVIV. Human Lungs XX. Human LiverXXI. Human Brain.(These charts may only be supplied in one set
from only)
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