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Goodenough Draw A Person

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GOODENOUGH DRAW A PERSON TEST DIRECTIONS: I want you to make a picture of a person.

n. Make the very best picture that you can. Take your time and work very carefully. Try very hard and see what a good picture you can make. TIME: No time limit. Usually 10 minutes will suffice with young children. This test is to be used primarily as a screening device. The drawings of bright children more than 10 years old or those who have had drawing lessons will result in an invalid evaluation of the childs intellectual potential. SCORING Preliminary Stage in which the drawing cannot be recognized as a human figure: 1. Aimless uncontrolled scribbling score 0. 2. Lines somewhat controlled approaches crude geometrical form score 1. All drawings that can be recognized as attempts to represent the human figure. Each point is scored plus or minus. One credit for each point scored plus and no half credits given. 1. Head present 2. Legs present. 3. Arms present 4. Trunk present 5. Length of trunk greater than breadth. 6. Shoulders are indicated (abrupt broadening of trunk below neck) 1. Both arms and legs attached to trunk. 2. Arms and legs attached to trunk at correct points. 3. Neck present. 4. Outline of neck continuous with that of head, trunk, or both. 1. Eyes present (one or two) 2. Nose present 3. Mouth present 4. Nose and mouth in two dimensions, two lips shown. 5. Nostril shown 6. Hair shown 7. Hair on more than circumference of head and non-transparent better than a scribble. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HAND DETAIL 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Clothing present (any clear representation of clothing) Two articles of clothing non transparent (ex. Hat, trousers) Entire drawing free from transparencies sleeves and trousers must be shown. Four articles of clothing definitely indicated. *should include 4 hat, shoes, coat, shirt, necktie, belt, trousers* Costume complete with incongruities *business suit, soldiers costume and hat, sleeves trousers and shoes must be shown* Fingers present (any indication) Correct number of fingers shown Fingers in two dimensions length greater than breadth, angle subtended not greater than 180 degrees Opposition of thumb clearly defined Hand shown distinct from fingers and arm








1. Arm joint shown elbow, shoulder, or both 2. leg joint shown knee, hip, or both 1. Head not more than or less than 1/10 of trunk 2. Arms equal to trunk but not reaching knee 3. Legs not less than trunk not more than twice trunk size 4. Feet in 2 dimensions not more than 1/3 or less than 1/10 of leg 5. Both arms and lens in two dimensions



Lines firm without marked tendency to cross, gap, or overlap. All lines firm with correct joining. Outline of head without obvious irregularities. Develop beyond first crude circle. Conscious control apparent. Trunk outline. Score same as #3. Arms and legs without irregularities. 2 dimensions and no tendency to narrow at point of junction with trunk. Features symmetrical (more likely to credit in profile drawings)

1. Ears present (2 in full face, 1 in profile) 2. Ears present in correct position and proportion. 3. Eye details brow or lashes shown. 4. Eye detail pupil shown. 5. Eye detail proportion. Length greater than width. 6. Eye detail glance only plus in profile. 7. Chin and forehead shown. 1. Projection of chin shown usually + in profile. 2. heel clearly shown 3. Body profile head, trunk, and feet without error. 4. Figure shown in true profile without error or transparency.


TABLE OF MENTAL AGE EQUIVALENTS OF SCORES SCORE MA SCORE MA SCORE MA SCORE MA 1 3-3 14 6-6 27 9-9 40 13-0 2 3-6 15 6-9 28 10-0 41 13-3 3 3-9 16 7-0 29 10-3 42 13-6 4 4-0 17 7-3 30 10-6 43 13-9 5 4-3 18 7-6 31 10-9 44 14-0 6 4-6 19 7-9 32 11-0 45 14-3 7 4-9 20 8-0 33 11-3 46 14-6 8 521 8-3 34 11-6 47 14-9 9 5-3 22 8-6 35 11-9 48 15-0 10 5-6 23 8-9 36 12-0 49 15-3 11 5-9 24 9-0 37 12-3 50 15-6 12 6-0 25 9-3 38 12-6 51 15-9 13 6-3 26 9-6 39 12-9 IN FINDING THE IQ OF RETARDED CHILDREN WHO ARE MORE THAN 13 YEARS OLF, THE CHRONOLOGICAL AGE SHOULD BE TREATED AS 13 ONLY, AND THE IQ RECORDED AS OR BELOW. IT IS NOT WISE TO ATTEMPT TO USE THIS TEST WITH BRIGHT CHILDREN OF MORE THAN 12 YEARS OF AGE.

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