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Conditions Determining Quality in Higher Education: Factors Affecting Satisfaction Levels of Prospective Teachers

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Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(1): 250-258, 2019 http://www.hrpub.

DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2019.070132

Conditions Determining Quality in Higher

Education: Factors Affecting Satisfaction
Levels of Prospective Teachers
Zeliha Nurdan Baysal, Kamil Ersin Araç*

Department of Primary, Marmara University, İstanbul, Turkey

Copyright©2019 by authors, all rights reserved. Authors agree that this article remains permanently open access under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 International License

Abstract This research aims to examine the qualified as the permanent change of behaviors of an
elementary school teachers’ levels of satisfaction in terms individual. The notion of "education" consists of three
of their main field of study based on some demographic main elements -namely student, teacher and program- that
variables under such sub-dimensions as teaching staff, are continuously in interaction with each other. The
counseling, management, resources, computer facilities, efficiency and productivity of an educational system is
courses and curriculum. Quantitative screening method dependent on these three elements working in harmony
was used in the research. The study group consists of 136 towards a particular goal. Each of these elements is very
senior prospective primary school teachers from a state important. However, the element of “teacher” requires a
university. The data of this study was collected through the careful concern, because faculties of education as
"Faculty of Education - Student Satisfaction Scale" institutions that train teachers do not have any control
developed by Şahin (2009) and the ‘’Personal Information power on students, who are the inputs of the education
Form’’ prepared by the researchers. The collected data was system. The element of "program" is determined by the
analyzed by using the SPSS 18.0 package program, and Ministry of National Education in Turkey. It has the most
percentage, frequency and arithmetic mean were calculated control power on the element of "teacher training"
with descriptive statistical analysis methods. Mann process for ensuring effective functioning of our
Whitney U Test was used for the variable of gender, and education system. Teachers are the most effective on the
Kruskal Wallis H Test was used for the variables of type of two other elements (Karagözoğlu, Arıcı, Bülbül & Çoker
high school of graduation and academic success average. [1]). In the light of this information, while all elements of
As a result, it was concluded that satisfaction levels of the system are important, the effect of the teacher
prospective teachers do not vary significantly by their particularly attracts attention.
genders and type of high school they graduated but vary by The main purpose of the education system is to train
academic grade-point average. It was also found out that qualified human resources of the country and provide
the sub-dimension on which the prospective teachers citizenship education to its citizens. To accomplish this
commented most positively was "consultancy services" purpose, each education system determines the human
while the dimension which they commented most model it will train in the light of its educational philosophy
negatively was "computer facilities." These findings were and human resources policy, and arranges its educational
discussed within the framework of related literature and activities according to this purpose (Karagözoğlu [2]).
similar studies and various suggestions were brought Teachers play the leading role in carrying out these
forward. activities, and the quality of teachers is the most important
factor that directly affects the quality of education (Aydın,
Keywords Education, Primary Education, Teacher Şahin & Topal [3]). As stated by Kaya [4], training
Training, Quality in Higher Education teachers with required qualities will ensure a country's
development, because teachers are one of the most
important elements for the development of a country. It has
been revealed with several studies that teachers are one of
the most important powers to change and develop the
1. Introduction society's structure in the desired direction (Aydın [5]), and
In the simplest manner of expression, education is that teachers have an important role in the development of
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(1): 250-258, 2019 251

societies (Alkan and Kavcar [6]). In addition, the quality of in the related literature, it is seen that studies on the
the teacher is definitely related to the quality of the satisfaction levels of primary school teaching department
individual to be trained. are limited.
Training of primary school teachers have a special This research places emphasis on the importance of
importance among teacher training systems, because the education, as well as emphasizing that the main reason of
first years of primary education constitute the basis of the problems today is the deficiencies in primary education.
child's adult life, and the knowledge and skills acquired in Researchers think that the most important problem in
this period have infrastructural characteristics for higher education is the failure to train qualified primary school
levels of education (Gürkan [7]). Primary school teachers teachers. In this respect, determining the extent of
assume important responsibilities in supporting cognitive sufficiency of classroom teaching program in training
development of children that come from their family teachers is important for increasing the quality of teachers
environment, drawing a frame for and shaping their trained and eliminating the deficiencies of the program.
attitude towards themselves, the society and the outside
world, and developing their communication, study and
1.1. Objective
creative skills. Naturally, primary school teachers should
also be subject to an effective pre-service and in-service The objective of this research is to reveal the satisfaction
training process in order to carry out their duties in the best levels of prospective primary school teachers on the main
way (Senemoğlu [8]). At this point, the importance and field they receive training, according to several variables.
quality of education provided by universities that train the The answers to these questions were sought in line with
teacher are brought to the agenda. this main objective:
Universities that train primary school teachers contribute 1. What are the satisfaction levels of prospective
to educational and scientific life as well as to the primary school teachers on the main field they receive
development of societies in all fields including economic, training?
social and cultural fields. Moreover, universities are 2. Do the satisfaction levels of prospective primary
institutions that aim at student-centered education suitable school teachers on the department they receive
for global development, raise enterprising and creative training change according to teaching staff,
human resources and develop educational programs consultancy services, management, resources,
accordingly (Sakınç and Aybarç Bursalıoğlu [9]). computer facilities, courses and curriculum?
Universities continuously require evaluation and
improvement of quality.
Quality assessment in universities is traditionally 2. Materials and Methods
identified with the evaluation of the teaching process and
research. In evaluations at universities, individuals in the Information on the research model, population and
university (teaching staff, students and other personnel), sample, data collection tools and how the data are
main units (departments, units, centers) and processes analyzed is given below.
within these units (instruction, research, management etc.)
should be taken into consideration (Rebolloso and 2.1. Research Model
Pozo-Mun [10]). Evaluation of teachers in line with the
students' opinions is one of the commonly used methods This research is a descriptive research using
for determining the quality of instruction. In many quantitative screening model. Screening models are
countries, information obtained from these evaluations is research approaches aiming to describe a situation, which
used for constructive reforms. existed in the past or still exists, in the way it is. They try
A great importance is placed on the training of teachers to describe the case, individual or object subject to
in the education policies of countries in general, and research under its own conditions and as it is. They do not
especially in the European Union countries and it is subject make an effort to change or influence it (Karasar [13]). By
to continuous reforms according to changing technological, using a descriptive approach, this study analyzes whether
political, economic and philosophical thought systems, the satisfaction levels of prospective teachers in faculties
trying always to create a better education system. Similar of education on their life quality and on the training they
studies are carried out in Turkey; however, several receive change according to some demographic variables.
problems in teacher training system are still being During the process, a rigorous approach required for
discussed. Both abroad and in our country, teacher training conducting a scientific research was adopted, and an
has many problems, arising from the fact that the process is objective perspective was meticulously maintained.
complex and under the influence of many variables.
Undoubtedly, prospective teachers are directly affected by 2.2. Population and Sample
the teacher training process (Baştürk [11]). Although
various researches with both academicians and prospective The population of the research consists of 145
teachers (e.g. Ceylan and Demirkaya [12]) are encountered prospective teachers in total in their final years, who were
252 Conditions Determining Quality in Higher Education: Factors Affecting Satisfaction Levels of Prospective Teachers

receiving education in the Primary School Teaching Table 2. Internal Consistency Coefficients for Faculty of
Education-Student Satisfaction Scale
Department of a state university in Istanbul because it was
easily accessible for the researchers- in 2016-2017 Dimensions Alpha
academic year, and the sample consists of 136 prospective
1. Teaching Staff 0.91
teachers selected with convenience sampling method. The 2. Consultancy Services 0.93
main objective of convenience sampling method, also 3. Management 0.85
known as accidental/incidental sampling, is to prevent loss 4. Resources 0.83
of time, money and labor. The researcher focuses on a case 5. Computer Facilities 0.89
6. Courses and curriculum 0.68
study which is the most accessible and will achieve
maximum savings (Cohen and Mannion; Ravid, quoted by
Büyüköztürk, Kılıç-Çakmak, Akgün, Karadeniz & 2.4. Analysis of Data
Demirel [14]). Demographics of prospective teachers who
participated in the research are given in Table 1. For the analysis of data obtained from the research,
arithmetic mean and standard deviation, which are
Table 1. Demographics of prospective teachers who participated in the
research descriptive statistics, were used to determine the
participants' satisfaction levels, trying to find out whether
Gender f %
the satisfaction levels of prospective teachers change
Female 105 77.2
Male 31 22.8
according to their genders, types of high school of
Type of High School of Graduation f %
graduation and grade average with variance analysis.
Anatolian Teacher High School 14 10.3 SPSS 18.0 program was used in the analysis of Service
Anatolian High School 71 52.2 Quality in Faculty of Education - Faculty of
General High School 45 33.1 Education-Student Satisfaction Scale (EF-ÖMÖ).
Other 6 4.4 Data from “Service Quality in Faculty of Education -
Academic Success f % Faculty of Education-Student Satisfaction Scale
Grade Average between 1.00-2.00 8 5.9 (EF-ÖMÖ)” applied to determine the satisfaction levels of
Grade Average between 2.00-3.00 75 55.1 prospective primary school teachers in their final years
Grade Average between 3.00-4.00 53 39.0 were found by calculating percentage, frequency and
Total 136 100.0 arithmetic mean, which are descriptive statistics analysis
methods. The purpose of this calculation is to determine
When Table 1 was reviewed, it was seen that 77.2% of
the prospective teachers who participated in the research the satisfaction levels of participants. The mean range was
were female and 22.8% were male. 10.3% of the calculated to translate the mean values into oral
prospective teachers graduated from Anatolian Teacher expression. In this calculation, mean range was found to
High Schools, 52.2% from Anatolian High Schools, 33.1% be 5-1=4, 4/5=0.80. The mean values were translated into
from general high schools and 4.4% from other high oral expression by adding the mean range to each grade in
school types. 5.9% of the prospective teachers have a the grading scale, starting from the smallest grade. The
grade average between 1.00-2.00, 55.1% between expressions were as follows: 1.00-1.80 Not at All
2.00-3.00, and 39.0% between 3.00-4.00. Satisfied, 1.81-2.60 Slightly Satisfied, 2.61-3.40
Moderately Satisfied, 3.41-4.20 Highly Satisfied and
4.21-5.00 Completely Satisfied.
2.3. Data Collection Tools
Non-parametric statistical methods were used to
The “Personal Information Form” prepared by the determine whether the satisfaction levels of
researchers to learn the prospective teachers' genders, prospectiveteachers change according to independent
types of high school of graduation and academic success variables. Within this scope, Mann Whitney U Test was
levels was used for collecting data. “Faculty of used for the variable of gender, and Kruskal Wallis H Test
Education-Student Satisfaction Scale (EF-ÖMÖ)” was used for the variables of type of high school of
developed by Şahin [15] to determine the satisfaction graduation and academic success average.
levels of prospective teachers was also used.
It is seen that the internal consistency coefficients
(Cronbach Alpha) for the six sub-dimensions of the scale 3. Conclusions
used range between 0.68 and 0.91. When evaluated in
general terms, it was seen that all items were placed in the Findings obtained in consequence of the analysis of
original form with factor loads ranging between.35 and.88. research data were presented in two headings; namely,
It was accepted that the items had a sufficient level of load satisfaction levels of prospective primary school teachers
in each dimension, and that each dimension measured regarding the main field they receive education, and status
what it was expected to measure, also with high reliability of change according to variables discussed, in the order of
(Şahin [15]). questions within the scope of the study.
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(1): 250-258, 2019 253

3.1. Findings on Satisfaction Levels of Prospective prospective teachers express the most negative opinions
Primary School Teachers Regarding the Main was “computer facilities” ( x =2.14), followed by
Field They Receive Education “management” ( x =2.16) and “resources” ( x =2.24).
Considering the average of prospective teachers' answers
The mean and standard deviation values for the scale as
to the satisfaction survey as a whole ( x =2.68), it is seen
a whole and for each sub-dimension (consultancy services,
that they are “moderately satisfied”.
teaching staff, courses and curriculum, computer facilities,
resources and management) are shown below. Then,
3.2. Findings on Whether Satisfaction Scale Points of
distributions of scale items constituting each
Prospective Teachers within the Scope of the
subdimension of the scale were presented in Table 3.
Research Change According to Independent
Table 3. Number of Samples, Arithmetic Mean, Standard Deviation Variables
and Standard Error Values for the Satisfaction Scale as A Whole and for
Each Sub-dimension
This section of the research covers statistical analysis
Sub-dimensions of
N X SS Shx findings to determine whether the satisfaction scale point
Satisfaction Scale averages of prospective teachers within the scope of the
Consultancy Services 136 3.65 1.07 0.09 research as a whole or for each sub-dimension (consultancy
Teaching Staff 136 2.98 0.66 0.05
services, training staff, courses and curriculum, computer
facilities, resources and management) change according to
Courses and Curriculum 136 2.84 0.81 0.07 independent variables (gender, academic success and type
Computer Facilities 136 2.14 0.82 0.07 of high school of graduation).
When Table 4 is analyzed, looking at the results of
Resources 136 2.24 0.71 0.06
Mann Whitney “U” (corrected with Bonferroni)
Management 136 2.16 0.81 0.06 performed to see whether the satisfaction scale point
averages of prospective teachers change (with all
Total 136 2.68 0.58 0.05
sub-dimensions). It was found that satisfaction levels of
When Table 3 is analyzed according to arithmetic means prospective teachers do not show a statistically significant
for the sub-dimensions, the sub-dimension that the difference according to their gender (as a whole and for
prospective teachers express the most positive opinions any of the sub-dimensions) (P>,05). In line with this
was “consultancy services” ( x =3.65), followed by finding, satisfaction levels of prospective teachers that
“teaching staff” ( x =2.98) and “courses and curriculum” participated in the research do not change according to
( x =2.84). It was seen that the sub-dimension that their gender.

Table 4. Results of Mann Whitney “U” Performed to Determine Whether the Satisfaction Scale Points of the Sample Group (as a Whole and with
All Sub-dimensions) Change According to "Gender" Variable

Gender N ∑ sira x sira U z p

Female 105 71.06 7461.00
Consultancy Services Male 31 59.84 1855.00 1359.000 -1.400 .161
Total 136
Female 105 68.95 7240.00
Teaching Staff Male 31 66.97 2076.00 1580.000 -.247 .805
Total 136
Female 105 71.29 7485.50
Courses and Curriculum Male 31 59.05 1830.50 1334.500 -1.526 .127
Total 136
Female 105 68.93 7238.00
Computer Facilities Male 31 67.03 2078.00 1582.000 -.237 .813
Total 136
Female 105 69.13 7258.50
Resources Male 31 66.37 2057.50 1561.500 -.342 .732
Total 136
Female 105 69.31 7277.50
Management Male 31 65.76 2038.50 1542.500 -.441 .659
Total 136
Female 105 70.90 7444.00
Total Male 31 60.39 1872.00 1376.000 -1.305 .192
Total 136
254 Conditions Determining Quality in Higher Education: Factors Affecting Satisfaction Levels of Prospective Teachers

According to the results of Kruskal Wallis-H Test satisfaction scale points of the prospective teachers that
performed to determine whether the satisfaction scale participated in the research (as a whole and with all
points of the prospective teachers that participated in the sub-dimensions) change according to "academic grade
research (as a whole and with all subdimensions) change average" variable, the differences between groups' ranking
according to "type of high school of graduation" variable, average was not found statistically significant (P>,05).
the differences between groups' ranking average was not However, point averages for training staff sub-dimension
found statistically significant (P>,05). In line with this of the prospective teachers satisfaction scale was seen to
finding, satisfaction levels of prospective teachers that change significantly according to academic grade
participated in the research do not change according to the averages (P<,05). Accordingly, when the points for
type of high school they graduated. teaching staff sub-dimension were analyzed, it was found
As per Table 6, according to the results of Kruskal out that the satisfaction from teaching staff increases
Wallis-H Test performed to determine whether the together with the increase in grade average.

Table 5. Results of Kruskal Wallis-H Test Performed to Determine Whether the Satisfaction Scale Points of the Sample Group (as a Whole and with
All Sub-dimensions) Change According to "Type of High School of Graduation" Variable

Type of High School N x sira x2 sd p

Anatolian Teacher High School 14 64.86
Anatolian High School 71 64.57
General High School 45 76.53 2.833 3 .418
Other 6 63.25
Total 136
Anatolian Teacher High School 14 74.75
Anatolian High School 71 60.23
Teaching Staff General High School 45 80.08 7.433 3 .059
Other 6 65.00
Total 136
Anatolian Teacher High School 14 56.61
Anatolian High School 71 65.96
Courses and
General High School 45 78.11 5.075 3 .166
Other 6 54.25
Total 136
Anatolian Teacher High School 14 78.18
Anatolian High School 71 63.58
General High School 45 71.26 3.047 3 .384
Other 6 83.42
Total 136
Anatolian Teacher High School 14 62.61
Anatolian High School 71 63.90
Resources General High School 45 78.44 4.307 3 .230
Other 6 62.08
Total 136
Anatolian Teacher High School 14 59.89
Anatolian High School 71 64.06
Management General High School 45 78.30 4.362 3 .225
Other 6 67.67
Total 136
Anatolian Teacher High School 14 66.21
Anatolian High School 71 61.14
Total General High School 45 81.27 7.290 3 .063
Other 6 65.17
Total 136
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(1): 250-258, 2019 255

Table 6. Results of Kruskal Wallis-H Test Performed to Determine Whether the Satisfaction Scale Points of the Sample Group (as a Whole and with
All Sub-dimensions) Change According to "Academic Grade Average" Variable

Point Grade Average N x sira x2 sd p

Between 1.00-2.00 8 49.25
Between 2.00-3.00 75 68.91
Consultancy Services 2.124 2 .346
Between 3.00-4.00 53 70.82
Total 136
Between 1.00-2.00 8 35.31
Between 2.00-3.00 75 64.77
Teaching Staff 8.099 2 .017*
Between 3.00-4.00 53 74.64
Total 136
Between 1.00-2.00 8 67.81

Courses and Between 2.00-3.00 75 64.99

1.485 2 .476
Curriculum Between 3.00-4.00 53 73.57
Total 136
Between 1.00-2.00 8 68.19
Between 2.00-3.00 75 70.92
Computer Facilities .677 2 .713
Between 3.00-4.00 53 65.12
Total 136
Between 1.00-2.00 8 67.13
Between 2.00-3.00 75 70.73
Resources .545 2 .761
Between 3.00-4.00 53 65.56
Total 136
Between 1.00-2.00 8 83.19
Between 2.00-3.00 75 71.41
Management 2.897 2 .235
Between 3.00-4.00 53 62.16
Total 136
Between 1.00-2.00 8 66.88
Between 2.00-3.00 75 69.49
Total .107 2 .978
Between 3.00-4.00 53 67.34
Total 136

4. Result, Discussion and courses-curriculum, resources, management and

computer facilities respectively.
Moreover, this result can also be interpreted that the
According to the findings obtained, the results of this
expectations of prospective teachers towards the faculty
research are presented in two headings.
life are not exactly met. When the literature is reviewed,
student satisfaction differs in various studies on the issue.
4.1. Results on Satisfaction Levels of Prospective Şahin [15] concluded that student satisfaction was
Primary School Teachers Regarding the Main ensured at “moderate” level in the sub-dimensions of
Field They Receive Education training staff, consultancy services and curriculum; while
 The satisfaction of prospective primary school it was at “very low” level in the subdimensions of
teachers regarding the main field they receive management, resources and computer facilities. In this
education is “moderate”. It was concluded that the sense, the satisfaction levels for the two studies in
sub-dimension that prospective teachers are the most sub-dimensions show similarities. Donat-Bacıoğlu and
satisfied is “consultancy services”, while the Vural [16] concluded that the satisfaction levels of
sub-dimension that they are the least satisfied is prospective teachers receiving training in Trakya
“computer facilities”. Satisfaction levels are; University Faculty of Education regarding the university
consultancy services, training staff, and faculty was “moderate”, while Akdoğdu and Uşun
256 Conditions Determining Quality in Higher Education: Factors Affecting Satisfaction Levels of Prospective Teachers

[17] also concluded that prospective primary school there is no significant difference between the satisfaction
teachers evaluated the program as moderately sufficient. levels of students receiving undergraduate education on
Similarly, Ceylan and Demirkaya [12] noted that tourism and the type of high school they graduated from.
prospective primary school teachers in their fourth year  Satisfaction levels of prospective primary school
were moderately satisfied for each dimension of services teachers regarding the main field they receive
provided by their universities and faculties. The present education do not show a statistically significant
study is shows similarities with these studies. Özdemir, change according to the variable of academic grade
Kılınç, Öğdem & Er [18] concluded that the satisfaction average in any of the sub-dimensions. However,
of students in the faculty of education on the quality of point averages for training staff sub-dimension of the
faculty life was at moderate level. prospective teachers satisfaction scale was seen to
Aksu [19] noted that students receiving training in change significantly according to academic grade
Giresun University were generally satisfied from their averages. Accordingly, when the points for teaching
university/department. However, Özçakır-Sümen and staff sub-dimension were analyzed, it was found out
Çağlayan [20] concluded in their studies that prospective that the satisfaction from teaching staff increases
teachers were generally “slightly” satisfied from the together with the increase in grade average.
faculty of education. Erdoğan, Şanlı & Şimşek-Bekir [21] It was found out in the present study that academic
also concluded that students in Gazi University Faculty of success is not related to being satisfied with the education
Education found the university/faculty below their program. Similar to the present study, it was found in the
expectations and were not satisfied at all. study by Donat-Bacıoğlu and Vural [16] that the opinions
of students in faculty of education on academic services
4.2. Results on the Change of Satisfaction Levels of do not differ significantly according to academic grade
Prospective Primary School Teachers Regarding average. Sert [28] also obtained similar results, although
the Main Field They Receive Education According Ada, Baysal and Şahenk-Erkan [24] found out significant
to Gender, Type of High School of Graduation and differences in the prospective teachers' perception of
Academic Grade Average service quality in higher education according to their
success levels in all subfactors. Similarly Yıldırım,
 Satisfaction levels of prospective primary school
teachers regarding the main field they receive Demirtaş-Zorbaz, Ulaş, Kızıldağ & Dinçel [29] found out
education do not show a statistically significant that students with high academic success were satisfied
change according to gender in any of the with the program they received education. Within the
subdimensions. scope of international studies by Farahmandian, Minavand
& Afshardost [30] and Beaumont [25], the perception of
It can be thought that the lack of significant changes in service quality in higher education showed significant
the satisfaction levels of prospective teachers on the differences according to the student's success levels in
quality of faculty life according to the variable of gender many sub-factors. In their study; Yelkikalan, Sümer &
is related to the fact that they share a similar environment Temel [31] also found significant differences between the
and encounter with the same practices. Studies that reach success levels of students and their perception of
both similar and different conclusions can be seen in servicequality in higher education in some sub-factors of
literature. It is found that there are similar (Bacıoğlu and higher education institutions. The findings of Yaşar and
Vural, 2018; Akdoğdu and Uşun, 2017; Yavuz and Gülmez,
Balkıs [32] also do not correspond to the findings of the
2016; Özdemir, Kılınç, Öğdem and Er, 2013; Bilgiç and
present study.
Sarı, 2010) and different result of some studies (Ada,
Based on these results, the following recommendations
Baysal and Şahenk-Erkan, 2017; Beaumont, 2012;
can be given:
Özdemir, 2012; Çokluk-Bökeoğlu and Yılmaz, 2007) in
 One of the most important objectives of universities'
the field of literature.
undergraduate programs should be improving
 Satisfaction levels of prospective primary school
perception of service quality in higher education.
teachers regarding the main field they receive
 Developments of maximum level may be
education do not show a statistically significant
recommended to improve the current conditions in
change according to the type of high school of
universities. The precautions may be increased
graduation in any of the sub-dimensions.
according to the satisfaction areas of male students,
Considering that all prospective teachers may be especially in terms of academic direction and
affected by the lack of opportunities or some facilities educational image.
offered in their main field, regardless of the type of high  Based on the satisfaction level results of studies in
school they graduated, this finding obtained from the Turkish literature and of the present study, it is
research is in line with the expectations. Similar to the synthesized that results on gender, type of high
present study, it was seen in the findings of Sert [28] that school of graduation and academic success show
Universal Journal of Educational Research 7(1): 250-258, 2019 257

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