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Summative Test 1

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Write true if the sentences is true and false if incorrect. Write your answer on the blank before
the number
______1. Context clues are words that appear ______3. by Synonym where a similar word
in sentences to help understand the meanings is placed in the same sentence to know the
of difficult words. meaning of the unfamiliar word
Context clues are of different types: ______4. by Antonym where an opposite
______2. by Definition where the unfamiliar word is placed in the same sentence
word is defined in a sentence ______5. by Comparison where a similar
word with the same meaning of the unfamiliar
word is placed with an object to be compared

Search for words in the puzzle below. The words may be formed in an (upward), (downward),
(sideward), (backward), or in a (diagonal) position.

Choose the meaning of the underlined words using context clues. Encircle the letter of
your answer.
1. During this time of pandemic, our frontiners B. disease D. plague
are our lead in fighting against the COVID-19 3. The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic can
disease. be seen worldwide.
A. Followers C. leaders A. circumstance C. widespread
B. observers D. participants B. Predicament D. situation
2. The COVID-19, like Spanish influenza is a 4. According to the president, until a vaccine is
virus that strictly requires home quarantine and available, face to face conduct of classes is not
physical distancing. allowed.
A. curse C. disaster A. cure C. immunization
B. medicine D. vitamin pandemic; thus, for the meantime this will be
5. The conventional conduct of classes in substituted with other learning modalities.
schools is suspended due to COVID-19 A. common C. conservative
B. . modern D. seasonal

Each given sentence contains a boldfaced word which is probably new to you. Guess the meaning
of these words.
1. Governments in some parts of the world set their focus on the doldrums of environmental
degradation, instead of the threats of the present pandemic.
A. delight B. despair C. joy D. trust
2. Our family always have a fleeting idea of going to Phuket, Thailand but we know it will take some
time given the present health crisis.
A. constant B. endless C. long D. sudden
3. An oracle is said to have the ability to foresee the future.
A. diviner B. fortune-teller C. priest D. scientist
4. People who are despicable should not be avoided, instead they should be loved.
A. good B. kind C. mean D. nice
5. I grew up learning to assert my rights and not to be cowed by other people’s intimidation.
A. comforted B. helped C. pleased D. scared

Identify the meaning of the underlined words by encircling the letter of your answer.
1. At the end of the 21st century, this A. circumstance C. condition
pandemic will still be remembered because of B. isolation D. situation
its big effect to humanity like the Spanish 7. Sibling rivalry should be discouraged
Influenza in 1918. among brothers and sisters in the family
A. 10 years C. 50 years because it will create unhealthy relationship
B. 100 years D. 1,000 years among them.
2. The epidemic tested the resiliency of the A. competition C. match
Filipino people despite their weakness. B. race D. tournament
A. durability C. elasticity 8. Every individual is unique. Each one has
B. stability D. strength his/her own ability, talent, skill, strength and
3. During these trying times, communication is weakness.
very vital to relay accurate information relative A. common C. creative
to the issue to carry out solutions easily. B. distinct D. single
A. active C. crucial 9. Among the constellations, the ones that I
B. important D. lively usually look up at night are Ursa Major, Aries,
4. I am bedazzled watching sunset at a beach. Leo, Scorpio, and Orion stars.
Likewise, I am overwhelmed looking at the A. collection C. group
bright stars with the moon at night. B. package D. set
A. Blinded C. confused 10. Teenagers’ pertinacity or stubbornness is
B. amazed D. puzzled one of the problems of the parents.
5. One’s self can be his own foe, the greatest A. determination
adversary he has to face. B. hardheadedness
A. attacker C. bandit C. perseverance
B. contestant D. enemy D. reluctance
6. Quarantine is separation, detention, and

Write T if the statement is true and F if false.Write your answers before the number.
1. A bibliography is taken from the Greek word ‘biblion’ which means ‘book’ and ‘graphia’ which
means ‘to write.’
2. A bibliography contains an alphabetical list of sources like books, periodicals, and websites used by
the writer or researcher.
3. A research paper should contain a bibliography written on a separate page and should be located at
the end of the paper.
4. Each entry uses a hanging indention, also known as a second line indention.
5. The American Psychological Association (APA) Style is used in social and behavioral sciences.
6. The Modern Language Association (MLA) Style is used for writing papers on literature and
related subjects like theater or film.
7. Citing sources gives credit to the authors.
8. Citing sources provides you and the reader with more information about the sources.
9. Citing sources shows the writer’s credibility, referring to whether his/her sources are reliable.
10. Citing sources prevents plagiarism, an act of stealing someone else’s ideas and presenting them as
your own.

Arrange the proper citing of sources. Use another sheet of paper.

1. Cruz, Lourdes. Language and Literature: Grade 8 Learners’ Textbook.
Quezon City: Cruz Publishing House, Inc., 2015.
2. Cruz, Lourdes, Dy, Armando, Perez, Jose and Rubio, Nancy. Language and Literature: Grade 8
Learners’ Textbook. Quezon City: Cruz Publishing House, Inc., 2015.
3. Cruz, Lourdes. “South-East Asian Literature.” In Language and Literature: Grade 8 Learners’
Textbook, 30-47. Quezon City: Cruz Publishing House, Inc., 2015.
4. Martinez, Juana. “Distance Learning Amidst COVID-19.” Journal of
Studies in Philippine Education 10, no. 2 (2019): 23-35.
5. Alisbo, Thea. “Finding New Hobbies in Time of Quarantine.” Young
Mind Creatives, June 2020.
6. Paran, Leonardo. “Filipino student bags trophy in International
Quiz Bee.” Caraga Sinag Press, July 17, 2018.
7. Orcullo, Ramon Jr. “Solid Faith.” Department of Education Caraga
Region, June 2, 2020.
Solis, Anna May, Dela Cruz, Christopher, and Dizon, Jane. How to
Improve Your Reading Skills. Manila: TIM’s Publishing Company, 2018. epub.
8. Soriano, Pamela, Villame, Rovi Gem, Calumba, Kriza Faye, Alviola,
Juma Novie , Delima, Aileen Grace, Alviola,Pedro IV, and Bayoga, Emma Ruth. "Utilization Of
‘Alugbati’ (Basella Alba L.) Leaves Powder to Increase Vitamin A Content of Fresh Egg Noodles."
Philippine Journal of Science 149, no. 2 (2020): 273-281.
9. Bautista, John Michael. “Homeschooling: How to be the best tutor to
your kids.” Filipino Magazine, May 19, 2020.
10. Orcullo, Ramon. "MisOr remains COVID-19 free, DOH." Sinag Press,
June 14, 2020. https://sinagpress/ news /2020/6/14/misor-remains-covid-19- free-doh.html

Read the questions carefully and write the letter of the correct answer.
_____1. The word "bibliography" originated from the Greek words ‘biblion’ meaning a book and
‘graphia’ meaning to _______.
A. copy B. listen C. read D. write
_____2. What does the Latin phrase et al. mean?
A. among others B. and others C. for example D. with others
_____3. What punctuation is used to separate the information in a bibliography entry?
A. comma B. exclamation point C. period D. quotation mark
_____4. Which of the following print materials refers to a scholarly published periodical containing
articles written by researchers, professors, and other experts?
A. books B. journals C. magazines D. newspapers
_____5. Which of the following refers to any materials or information taken from the internet?
A. Instagram B. Online C. social media D. YouTube
_____6. Why is it important to cite the sources of information that you used in your research? It is
important because it ___________.
A. gives credit to the author C. is generally a part of an essay
B. is required by the teacher D. shows you made an effort in doing your assignment
_____7. Which part of a report can bibliography be found? It can be found in the _______.
A. middle of a research C. beginning of a research
B. last page of a research D. introduction part of a research
_____8. When a learner is required to do research on his/her assignment, which of the following should
be the most appropriate action? A learner __________.
A. posts his/her question on and waits for someone to answer it.
B. does the research on the internet and directly copies what is immediately posted on Google.
C. gets information from various websites and acknowledges the author by writing the sources found.
D. waits for his/her classmates to do their assignment first so he/she could copy it
_____9. Which should NOT be a purpose for creating an annotated bibliography? It should not be
created to ________.
A. avoid plagiarism
B. help other researchers
C. burden writers in doing their research
D. show respect to the author of the source used
_____10. Maria is annotating or marking a book source which she used for her report in Human Body
Parts. In which part of the book can she find the year of publication?
A. back cover C. copyright page
B. cover page D. table of contents

Give the parts or details of a source. Use the picture below.

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Teacher II

Checked by:

Head teacher III


School Principal III

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