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Mostly Design Thinking Involves Writing All The Ideas On The Board and Checking Their Applicability

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Design Thinking Assignment

Name – Srishti Bhateja

PRN -19021141116
Based on the video the example of walker is taken and how design thinking is applied in an
organization. Various steps followed by them and how design thinking is involved in empathizing and
creating products with the help of user’s feedback
What is design thinking?
Design thinking is a human centric approach which focuses on an empathy. It deals with connecting
with customers, understanding their emotional level and finding the reason of need for a particular
product or service. It aims at creating a desirable, feasible, viable and a sustainable product. design
thinking involves integration of design with engineering and business. The key elements of design
thinking are innovation and empathy. Relating with people and based on the market demand
creating suitable products or service that people love. Doing market research and exploring the
problems with the objective of developing solutions. it involves making assumptions and digging
them till you get a clear idea about the problem. The pre requisites involve deeper understanding of
people, satisfying people based on the assumptions and their needs and creating meaningful value
for them. Mostly design thinking involves writing all the ideas on the board and checking
their applicability.
What is the usefulness of design thinking?
Design thinking proves to be an advantage for the business to create a unique value proposition for
them. businesses can earn money by satisfying people and with customer and manufacturer
interaction a product is developed that satisfies both the parties. Design thinking makes people
customers happy by achieving their satisfaction level and encourages creativity among people.
Creating a passion to create something different and infusing new energy in the market is essential
when the market reaches a saturation. it helps in setting up new trends and achieving the desired
targets. It builds up innovation and creativity and inculcates sketch modelling skill in the employees.
What are the stages of design thinking?
Design thinking is a systematic process and aims at creating value for the customer. These are the
following steps that needs to be taken care of
1. Reviewing existing products from user point of view – in order to create something unique
and value adding it is necessary to take a look on the existing products that are available to
satisfy that particular need and using research observation.
2. Research review results in patterns – Based on the research the persona of the customers is
identified and the patterns from individual observations are grouped together in order to get
to a conclusion.
3. Need identification – After the pattern identification, the needs are identified and need list is
prepared and it is decided on which need to develop the product and satisfy the customer.
Based on the need product is generated on the basis of concepts identified.
4. Concept review – In order to reach efficient decision, the concept of the product is reviewed
and the product design is selected out of the various options.
5. User feedback – Once the concept is identified, the user is asked about the design and
feedback is taken regarding what satisfy their need. Resonance testing takes place and all
the employees share their individual insights about the product. This involves learning form
the users and seeking solutions from user’s point of view.
6. Design refinement – Based on the user feedback the design of the product is refined and
changes are made according to their preferences.
7. Concepts verification – It is checked whether the idea is completely verified or not and
confidence in concepts is checked.
8. Prototyping – the design is then converted into a prototype based on all the above steps the
prototype is developed which is feasible, viable and desirable
9. Final review – the protype is then given to the user for the check and their satisfaction level
is checked. if satisfied the product is then put in customers hands and is sent to market for
the sale.

What tools and techniques are used in the different stages of design thinking?
1. For reviewing - This technique revolves around three steps – interview, observe and
empathize. it is a process of stakeholder research industry and stakeholder research retail.
2. Brainstorming – Each and every individual is required to give their opinions and brainstorm
ideas regarding the design of the product and wrote on the board. These individual ideas are
then grouped into a common theme.
3. Feasibility check – it is checked whether the product or service can be conveniently done or
not. A feasibility study is an analysis that takes all of a project's relevant factors into account
—including economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations—to ascertain the
likelihood of completing the project successfully.
4. Viability – The financial position of the business and the per unit cost of the product is
checked. it is checked whether the business will be able to gain profits or not through it. This
is done through the pain gain analysis done on the users
5. Resonance testing – Resonance inspection operates by analyzing the natural whole-body
resonances of a component. This means that an entire component can be inspected in one
test for defects, material properties, dimensions, shape and coatings. The dimensions and
stiffness of a component determine its natural resonant frequencies.
6. Empathy mapping – what does the user feel is checked by empathy mapping. what do the y
say, think, feel and do with the product. whether they need a basic style or something with
advanced technology.
7. Buyer personas – The User’s photo is then mapped along with their likes, their reaction
towards the product, what is their emotional connect with the product and the current
satisfaction level with the existing product.
8. Opportunity Framing – Based on the possibility of multiple solutions and the constraints and
what will create an ultimate impact on the users the opportunities are framed.
9. Sketch modelling – In order to make the task interesting graphics are drawn that are easily
understandable and are combined to make it more innovative and creative.
10. Day in life scenario – The user’s day and their routine is recorded and it is noted how often
customer uses the product and how dependent they are on the product.
How is design thinking a resource for management?
Design thinking is the resource to the management as
1. Reduces cost – it reduces the cost by making the employees more and more efficient. it
urges them to increase their creativity and innovative thinking. This helps in developing
successful products for the market. At one side it helps in career growth of employees and
developing best products.
2. Reduces risk – design thinking is a systematic process which build up products on the basis
of user’s feedback and empathizing with them which reduces the risk of acceptance in the
3. Solves complexity – design thinking results in finding the root cause of the problem with the
help of brain storming and using sketch modelling making the task easier and helping in
making the suitable product.
4. Helps in developing strategy – design thinking helps the organization to develop products
based on the customer centric approach and shows direction how the strategy can help
achieve goals and objectives.
5. Reduced conflict – Design thinking results in collaborative approach. there is no hierarchical
communication. Each individuals’ ideas are clustered to develop the solution. Hence,
increasing the group efforts and reducing the chance of conflict. Therefore, increasing
retention of employees.
6. Creating culture – it helps in creating a friendly culture and establishing creative culture
accepted by all. it makes work fun and employees do not feel imposed to work. they work at
their own pace and create a productive culture.
The video specifies these steps clearly and encouraging design thinking proves to be a benefit to the
organization. A life long learning through experience and helping each other. The walker as created
by the employees by applying various techniques make customer happy and satisfied. customers felt
more satisfied as they got to know how empathetic employees were. It is using head and heart for
the same thing. Design thinking aims at creating products that they feel proud of .It focuses on
finding key attributes and giving the best to the market .

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