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Human Immunodeficiency Virus: Laboratory Diagnosis of (HIV)

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Laboratory Diagnosis of

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

Dr Mostafa Mahmoud, MD, Ph D,
Consultant Microbiologist
Assist. Prof. of Medical Microbiology &
What is the immune system?

 The immune system is the collection of cells,

tissues and molecules that protects the body from
numerous pathogenic microbes and toxins in our
What are the types of immune system?
2 main types:
1- the Innate, or natural (Non-specific) immune system (fight
microbes at site of entry) include: 1) physical epithelial
barriers, 2) phagocytic leukocytes, 3) dendritic cells, 4) a
special type of lymphocyte called a natural killer (NK) cell,
and 5) circulating plasma proteins.
2- the Acquired or adaptive (Ag-Specific) immune system:
-The second line of defense after innate
-Naturally silent need activation by infection with formation
of memory cells.

 -2subdivisions of the adaptive or acquired the humoral

(Antibodies- by B-lymphocytes) and the cellular (CMI by T-
A. Humoral Immunity
- By antibodies from B-lymphocytes
- B-lymphocytes 10-20% of circulation lymphocytes.
- (WBCS: Neutrophils, lymphocytes, Eosinophil, Monocytes &
- Also in bone marrow, spleen, LNs.
- Different antibody specific to each antigen.
- 5 classes of antibodies (Immunoglobulin; Igs) IgM (acute), IgG
(chronic), IgA (secretions), IgD (receptors) IgE
B-Cell-Mediated Immunity (CMI)

- By T-lymphocyte populations that integrate in function.

- Against viruses, fungi, intracellular bacteria, and tumor cells.
- T-lymphocytes are Thymus-dependent present in spleen and LNs.
60% to 70% of circulating lymphocytes.
- T-lymphocytes include subsets:
 Helper T-cells (CD4+) which help B-lymphocyte function by
several cytokines.
 Cytotoxic T-cells (CD8+) killing infected or tumor cells.
 Suppressor T-cells
 Memory T-cells
• What is AIDS ?= Acquired Immuno- Deficiency-
- It is the a disease syndrome
• What is HIV ? = Human Immunodeficiency
- It is the causative viral agent of ADIS
- Enveloped ?? SS-RNA, Positive-Sense (2 segments)
• HIV is a Retrovirus? .•
• HIV-1, the most common worldwide
• HIV-2, few areas in Africa.
(Viral Antigens)
1- Gag= Group Antigen: ( (Capsid), P17 (Matrix), & P7
2- Pol= polymerase and associated enzymes: P66 (reverse
transcriptase -RT), P32 (integrase) , P9 (protease).

2- Env= Envelope glycoproteins e.g. , .

HIV infects (CD4+) carrying cells!!!
 The effects of HIV are due to it gp 120 Ag.
 The CD4+ are the receptors of the virus.
 HIV affects the immune system & Brain??
 Why?
 They have CD4+Tmainly on T-helper cells
 Other cells having CD4+ include:
- Macrophages - Dendritic cells.
- Monocytes - Microglial cells
- Retinal cells - Colonic Mucosal cells.
(GP 120 &41)


Diagnostic lab test for HIV infection
A- Tests to diagnose HIV infections:
1- Screening 2- Confirmatory
B- Tests for follow up the disease:
1- Viral load by Quantitative PCR 2- Th-cells count (CD4+)
C- Tests for the complication of the disease:
1- TB infection 2- HBV
3- HCV 4- Toxoplasma
5- Liver function tests 6- UTIs
7- Others.
A- Tests to diagnose HIV infections
1- Screening tests
These test are rapid in giving results however, they are
not diagnostic and need confirmation by the confirmatory
The Screening tests include:
i- ELISA tests (combined Ag-Ab Immunoassays) for
detecting HIV-1 & HIV-2 antibodies and P24 Ag of HIV-1.
or chemiluminescent immunoassay testing.
ii- Rapid tests
i- ELISA or chemiluminescent
immunoassay testing

 Were previously for detection of HIV Antibodies

 Now detection of P24 Antigen of HIV is included (Combo
 Even though, need confirmation
 They are the tests approved and done in our hospitals
 Done upon serum sample
 If
initially reactive, repeat in triplicate, if positive send for
WB or PCR.
Screening test performed in
1- Premarital examination
2- Blood Donors.
3- Antenatal Care
4- Pre-employment screening
5- Before Surgical operations (Medico-legal)
6- Follow up for hemodialysis patients.
7- Others
Semi-Automated ELISA (separate washer, Incubator, Reader)
ELISA washers (for semi-automated)

Stat Fax microplate washer Bio-Tek microplate washer

In 50-bed Hospitals of MOH

Manual ELISA readers

An automated reader gives a

After several incubation and wash steps, a measurement of optical density
color reaction occurs if HIV antibody is (presence of color) for each well
Fully Automated ELISA machines (dilution,
pipetting, washing, incubation and reading)

Evolis (Bio-Rad) Eti- Max (Diasorin)

ELISA Testing
Currently Previously
Detection of Antibodies and Detection of Antibodies only
Early results within hours or Results positive only after 4-
days of infection by 8 weeks after infection
detecting Antigens
For HIV-1 & HIV-2 For HIV-1 only
Full automation available Cumbersome

Do not forget ELISA is Screening not Confirmatory•

ii- Rapid tests Advantages
 Easy
to use immediate and fast results (10-20
 Can be used at home or clinic.
 Inexpensive (1-2 $/test)
 Recently approved by MOH
 Some tests are FDA approved
 Done upon whole blood or saliva
 Noequipment, refrigeration, No electricity, No
multiple timing steps required.
Disadvantages of rapid tests.

 Only detects Antibodies to HIV 1/2

 Not detecting Antigens
 Positive
late after infection; after
 Need confirmation for reactive tests.
 Subjective variability in result reading.
Rapid tests for HIV diagnosis
Home Rapid tests.
How Immunochromatography Works

Add Sample
Test Control
Conjugate line

IgG Antibodies Colloidal gold HIV antigen Anti-IgG/gold

HIV antibodies conjugated to antibodies
HIV antigen

Lab workers Health workers

Clinic Rapid Tests.
2- HIV Diagnostic Confirmatory tests

1- Differential Antibody tests (Western Blotting, WB).

2- Indirect Immunofluorescene Assay (IFA). Not available in
3- Nucleic acid Amplification tests (NAT, PCR) done in most
hospitals for screening blood donors and in RRL for
confirmation of screening tests.
4- Virus Isolation (not done for clinical diagnosis only in
research purposes).
1- Differential Antibody tests (Western

 Differentiateantibodies to HIV-1 from HIV-2 and

antibodies to specific antigens.
 Time consuming
 May give indeterminate results
 Performed in Riyadh Regional Lab.
Western Blot for detection of various
antibodies to various parts of the virus
When to ask for HIV infections?
when they present with a febrile, “flu”-, or “mono”-like illness that is
not otherwise explained:-
 • Those who present for HIV testing (AII)
 • Those who report a recent sexual or parenteral exposure with a
known HIV-infected partner or a partner of unknown HIV serostatus
in the past 2 to 6 weeks (AII)
 • Men who report having unsafe sexual practices with other men (AII)
 • Those who report needle-sharing (AII)
 • Those who present with a newly diagnosed sexually transmitted
infection (AII)
 • Those who present with aseptic meningitis (AII)
 • Pregnant or breastfeeding patients (AII)
 When acute HIV infection is suspected:
• An HIV serologic screening test should be used in
conjunction with a plasma HIV RNA assay (AII);
•Detection of HIV RNA or antigen in the absence of HIV
antibody is a preliminary positive result; HIV RNA testing to
be repeated for confirmation of HIV RNA
•Both serologic and RNA testing should be repeated to
exclude a false-positive result with <5,000 copies/mL HIV
RNA detected in serological negative patient (AII).
CDC Recommended Laboratory HIV Testing Algorithm for
Serum or Plasma Specimens


Reasons for False- • Increased sensitivity of assays, leading to
Positive HIV reduced specificity
Screening Test • Technical errors
Results • Presence of HIV antibodies in recipients of HIV-1
trial vaccines.
Other rare possibilities:
• Hypergammaglobulinemia/antibodies reactive to
cellular components
• Influenza vaccination may cause cross-reactivity
with HIV antibody assays. The time course for such
cross-reactivity remains uncertain.
Reasons for False- • Testing individuals during the window period (the
Negative HIV incubation period between exposure and seroconversion)
• Technical errors
Screening Test
• HIV-2 (for tests designed to detect only HIV-1).
 Other rare possibilities:
• Delayed antibody synthesis in infants and persons
receiving post-exposure prophylaxis or with concurrent
acute hepatitis C infection
• Diminished immune response in individuals receiving
intensive or long-term immunosuppressive therapy
• Congenital or drug-induced hypogammaglobulinemia or
• Insufficient host antibody response (i.e., advanced HIV
• Unavailability of antibodies due to the formation of
antigen-antibody complexes
• Reduced sensitivity assays
Reasons for  Probable True Positive (HIV Infection)
Indeterminate • Seroconverting
• HIV-2 infection
* Western Blot
• Technical errors
Results  Probable True Negative (No HIV Infection)
• Recipients of HIV-1 trial vaccine
(positive • Antibodies reactive to cellular components, as in
screening and o Multiparous women
negative WB) o Polytransfused patients
o Patients receiving chronic hemodialysis
o Patients with autoimmune disease
• Recipients of influenza and hepatitis B virus vaccines
• Persons with non-HIV acute viral infections
• Congenital bleeding disorders
• Alcoholic hepatitis and other chronic liver diseases
• Hematologic malignancies, lymphomas
• Positive rapid plasma reagin test
• Technical errors
Other lab tests for HIV patients
 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Association of Public Health Laboratories. Laboratory Testing
for the Diagnosis of HIV Infection: Updated Recommendations. Available at Published June 27, 2014. Accessed [30/11/2015].
 Diagnosis of HIV-1 Infection. Estelle Piwowar-Manning, HPTN Central Laboratory. The Johns Hopkins

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