Navi Planner PDF
Navi Planner PDF
Navi Planner PDF
Version: 2.01.346
User Manual
Date of Issue: March 2015
Copyright: © Transas MIP Ltd 1991–2015. All rights reserved.
The information contained herein is proprietary to Transas MIP Ltd and shall not be duplicated in whole or in
part. The technical details contained in this manual are accurate at the date of issue but are subject to change
without notice.
Transas MIP Ltd pursues a policy of continuous development. This may mean that the product delivered has
additional enhancements not yet covered by the latest version of this manual.
The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective
3 Table of Contents •
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 3
Printing House Conventions 9
List of Documents 9
Preamble 11
Annotation 12
Abbreviations 12
Chapter 1. Navi-Planner Installation and Adjustment 15
Pre-installation 16
Installation of Navi-Planner 4000 17
Navi-Planner 4000 Configuration 21
Chapter 2. Navi-Planner User Interface and Turning On/Off 31
Navi-Planner 4000 Turning On/Off 32
Turning the Navi-Planner 4000 On 32
Turning the Navi-Planner 4000 Off 33
User Interface 34
Navi-Planner 4000 Screen 34
Task Selection 35
Ribbon 35
Chart Panel 35
Task Information Tables 37
Settings Window 37
Previous Settings 38
Setting of Screen Colour Palette 38
Setting of Screen Graphic Presentation 38
Controlling of Individual Chart Instruments 38
Selecting Graphics Cursor Form 39
Using of Quick Distance Tool 40
Obtaining Information on Currently Licence 41
Chapter 3. Handling of Routes and Schedules 43
Creating a Route 45
Plotting Route 45
Entering Additional Data 47
Automatic Route Creation 51
Route Loading and Unloading 54
Handling of Alternative Routes 56
General 56
Alternative Route Segment Planning 56
Linking Another Route as Alternative Segment 59
Deleting Alternative Route Segments 62
Monitoring Alternative Route Segments 62
Button Buttons URL
Table 1. Printing House Conventions
List of Documents
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). ECDIS User Manual.
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). RADAR User Manual.
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). Functional Description.
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). Additional Functions.
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). ECDIS Quick Reference.
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). RADAR Quick Reference.
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). Installation Guide.
Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). Utilities.
Navi-Sailor 4100 ECDIS (v. 2.01.330). Special Functions.
The aim of this book is to provide the user with guidelines in the solution of various tasks, which may arise
during the voyage planning.
The description is divided into 11 parts:
l ADLL – Admiralty Digital List of Lights;
l ADP – Admiralty Digital Publication;
l ADRS – Admiralty Digital Radio Signals;
l ARCS – Admiralty Raster Chart System;
l ATT – Admiralty Total Tide;
l AVCS – Admiralty Vector Chart Service;
l ECDIS – Electronic Chart Display and Information System;
l ENC – Electronic Navigational Chart;
l ERBL – Electronic Range and Bearing Line;
l ETA – Estimated Time of Arrival;
l ETD – Estimated Time of Departure;
l GC – Great Circle;
l GMT – Greenwich Mean Time;
l INFO – Information;
l m – meter;
l min – minute;
l MFD – Multi Functional Display;
l MMSI – Maritime Mobile Service Identities;
l NAVTEX – Navigational Telex;
l NM – nautical mile;
l NS – Navi-Sailor;
l RL – Rhumb Line;
l s – second;
l TADS – Transas Admiralty Digital Service;
l TTG – Time to Go;
l UKC – Under Keel Clearance;
l UKHO – The United Kingdom Hydrographical Office;
l UTC – Universal Time Coordinated;
l WOL – Wheel Over Line;
l WPT – Way Point;
l XTD – Cross Track Distance.
On a disk C: create folder C:\PS4000:
Copy all files from this folder to C:\PS4000 and close this folder.
Press Next> button. A window containing the licensing agreement text will be displayed:
At this installation stage, it is necessary to make sure that the computer parameters and pre-installed
software comply with specified requirements. If any critical non-compliance is identified, the installation will
not be continued:
Press Next > button. A window containing system information will be displayed.
1. Standalone product option is selected. Press Next > button. Specify the path to the product license (A:\ by
default) in displayed window:
Press Next> button. The program will perform the product installation (see below).
In Gateway host/IP input window enter the computer name or IP address of the WS on which MFD is
installed. Press Next > button.
Select Custom.
Select components to be installed by the Setup Wizard (on each WS as per the licensed MFD
configuration). To prohibit the installation of selected component, select option “This feature will not be
Press Next > button.
The program will perform the product installation. In displayed window, press Finish button.
Press OK button.
In Address input box specify the computer name or IP address of the WS on which the Chart Delivery
Server is installed. By default Navi-Planner 4000 shows the latest TADS and TX-97 chart catalogues only.
However, if it is necessary to have access to all installed chart catalogues then check Show all catalogs
Specify databases sources required for work with the Navi-Planner 4000. Total tide source can be chosen if
Total Tide SW product had been pre-installed and the appropriate option is opened by the license.
If there is no Internet connection, copy information (as shown in the figure below) and e-mail it to
If there is an Internet connection, press the Get activation key online button.
After a certain time interval, the key will be generated and received by the user automatically. Upon
receipt of the key by an e-mail letter, it should be copied to a relevant window.
After receiving the key, press Activate button.
From the User interface language drop-down list select the necessary language of the Navi-Planner 4000
From the drop-down list in the AutoDetect window select the PC port, which the monitor is connected to.
If the monitor with the function of display type detection and auto-calibration is connected to Transas
computer equipped with the appropriate video card (RS6 with GeForce 9600M GT or RS6B, RS7 and TPC24
with Intel ® HD Graphics), then the following window will appear:
In case of any different PC type (i.e. the graphics card) or RS6 with Intel 945GME on motherboard is used,
the next window appears:
Note: Transas cannot guarantee the accuracy of colour reproduction, if the PC different from the mentioned
above is used.
Note: The monitor detection procedure must be performed at the workstation which is physically connected to
this monitor. Auto-detection of display type for remote stations is impossible (see picture below).
For the monitor with the function of display type detection only (auto-calibration is not supported), after
pressing the Start detection button, the following window appears:
For the monitor without function of display type detection, it is necessary to specify the monitor model
manually. In this case, after pressing the Start detection button, the following window will appear:
Press OK button.
In the Select Monitor group, select the monitor size from the Size Filter drop-down list:
From the filtered Model drop-down list, select the appropriate monitor model:
Press OK button
To add a new monitor manually in the Monitor Type groupof the Display page press the Add new model
button .
In the open window, select the display type (by default, LCD) and
Press OK button:
If LCD type is chosen, the following window appears:
In the Settings file input box, specify the path to the configuration file.
In the Colors file for each palette field, specify the path to the colour calibration files for Day, Dusk and
Night palettes respectively.
Press OK button. The new monitor will be available in the Model list.
If necessary, in the Monitor Size input window of the Size group in the Display page, enter the display
diagonal size in mm.
In the Shore IP address and Port input boxes specify the IP address and Port of the shore-based computer
which will be used for communication with Navi-Planner 4000. Specified by default is the Fleet View Online
address, the web based tracking service.
Use the Ship IMO input box to specify the ownship IMO number.
After completion of settings press the Apply button to save all changes done without exiting the NPL Config
utility; or press the Exit button to save all settings and exit the NPL Config utility.
After the program loading, the Navi-Planner 4000 screen will be displayed.
If Navi-Planner 4000 is installed together with Navi-Sailor 4100 ECDIS, and Navi-Planner 4000 start is protected
by the Security Access System, the Logon window will open up:
In the Logon window, in the User line select the access level which permits Navi-Planner 4000 start and enter
its respective password (for more details see document Navi-Sailor 4100 ECDIS (v. 2.01.330). Special Functions,
chapter NS 4100 Security Access System).
Press the OK button. Navi-Planner 4000 will be started.
Press Exit Program button in the bottom right-hand part of the menu window, the confirmation window will
User Interface
Navi-Planner 4000 Screen
The main purpose of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen is to display the ship location and routes, as well as the
navigational and reference data on the electronic chart. Also information on additional data and control tools
are displayed on the screen.
The Navi-Planner 4000 screen can be arbitrarily divided into the following areas:
l Task Selection;
l Ribbon;
l Chart Panel;
Task Selection
Navi-Planner 4000 has 5 main tasks: Route, Charts, Weather and Overlays. They are selected by
using the relevant button in the Task Selection Area in the top left part of the Navi-Planner 4000
Selection of a task determines contents of the rest of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen areas.
This area also incorporates the Transas button . Activation of this button allows work with
files used in the selected task, and selection of the screen colour palette to suit the outside
The Ribbon is intended for work with the main functions within the framework of the selected task. This
functionality is organised in the form of a set of tabs.
Each tab is split into groups which combine functional buttons used for accomplishment of a certain subtask.
Chart Panel
The Chart Panel is designed for the following purposes:
l To display electronic charts showing classes of chart information (determined on Charts task);
Displayed in the top left corner of the Chart Panel is the panel orientation symbol: an arrow showing
direction to the north.
- to turn on/off the display of tides, tidal currents and surface currents on the Chart Panel;
- to turn on/off Quick Distance Tool and select the mode of distance measurement;
- to turn on/off the fuel consumption cursor and display of the fuel consumption graphs;
- to turn on/off display the Admiralty Digital Publications on the Chart Panel;
Settings Window
The Settings window is intended for the adjustment Navi-Planner 4000 configuration.
Settings window consists of the pages that are having settings for appropriate tasks.
Previous Settings
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up
l Scale bar – to turn on the display of chart scale graphic presentation (in the left-hand part of the screen);
l Paper chart boundaries – to turn on the display of ship folio paper chart boundaries;
l Rises & Sets – to turn on the display of rises and sets symbols.
l Long cursor – the cursor is shown in the form of an intersection of two lines across the entire
Chart Panel.
By default, the Standard cursor mode is set. To turn on additional graphic cursor tools, press the appropriate
buttons of the Advanced Cursors group:
l To display the line (Heading Mark) ahead of the cursor position in the direction of the plotted
route leg;
l To display two additional lines setting their angles relative to Heading Mark line;
l To plot waypoints taking into account the lighthouse visibility range, which is
set in the box to the right.
The advanced capabilities of the graphic cursor prove to be useful in, e.g. planning a route along the lead lines.
Position the graphics cursor on the next point on the Chart Panel and press the left trackball button. The
distance measured from the initial point and bearing from the initial to the set point will be shown on the
Chart Panel.
Set the necessary number of points for the distance measurements.
The information window in the bottom part of the Control panel displays the following data:
To exit from the graphics cursor mode, press the right trackball button.
The right-hand part of the drop-down menu will display data on the MFD or Navi-Planner 4000 (for
standalone version) software product license and the functions allowed to be used (licensed). This page also
specifies the installed MFD (Navi-Planner 4000) version.
Creating a Route
Plotting Route
Press Route button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
Press the Transas button and select Route item from the drop-down menu.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Route Editor tab and press New button in
Create Route group.
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display Place
First Point information window.
Set the cursor in the start point coordinates by moving the trackball, using the data in Place First Point
window, and press the left trackball button.
The symbol of the start point with its number (“0”) will appear on the Chart Panel. Position the cursor in the
coordinates of the next point. At this stage, a route leg line will be drawn between the cursor and the start
point. Press the left trackball button: the Chart Panel will display the next point symbol with “1” for number
and the plotted route leg. By default, XTD lines are also shown. To turn off their display, use Waypoints
Options group in Option tab (see below).
If it is necessary to set several waypoints, repeat the trackball moving and left button pressing operation as
many times as there are WPT’s required to be set.
If the cursor is positioned beyond the Chart Panel boundaries, it will be re-drawn automatically so that there
is always a chart from the chart folio under the cursor.
After the setting of the last point of the planned route, double click the right trackball button: the cursor will
exit from the route planning and editing mode and will assume the form of the free cursor.
l Leg type – route leg type (RL or GC) from the previous to the current WPT, set by the operator; all route
leg calculations are referred to the WGS-84 reference datum;
l Leg – course and distance from the previous to the current WPT;
l Total distance – summary distance between the initial (0) and current WPT by the route legs;
l XTD Port/Stbd – safe zone to the left and to the right of the route leg;
l Turn radius – operator-set radius of the arc for the display of an approximate ship track on the turn;
l Masthead – distance from the lowest point on the keel to highest point on the mast;
l Overhead clearance – distance from the highest point on the mast to the height of lowest obstruction.
There are the following results might be obtained in the column:
o 32.1 – calculated overhead clearance value in metres (for the calculation formula see Chapter 4, section
Voyage Plan Creation, paragraph Input of General Voyage Data);
o 14.2 m manual – overhead clearance value entered manually. Shown in black italic;
o Not passed – value is negative. Shown in red bold;
o Obstacle – appears when an obstruction is found, but its height is unknown.
l Ref. point – reference point name taken from the chart object after the data collection (if the object has no
name, the cell is empty);
l BRG/Dist – bearing and distance to the reference point;
l Safety contour – safety contour value to the current route leg;
l Safety depth – safety depth value to the current route leg;.
For input of the additional data, perform the procedures detailed below:
l position the cursor on Leg type element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l press the button in the right-hand part of the cell and select the sailing type from the list
which will open up;
l press the left trackball button to confirm the changes you have made;
l position the cursor on XTD port/stbd element cell; double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell;
l edit XTD value to the left of the route leg; press the left trackball button;
l edit XTD value to the right of the route leg; press the left trackball button;
l position the cursor on Turn radius element cell; double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell;
l enter the radius for the arc of the suitable ship track on the turning circle; press
the left trackball button.
l position the cursor on Remarks element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l position the cursor on Safety contour element cell; double click the left trackball button
to activate the cell;
l edit safety contour value to the current route leg; press the left trackball button (by
default, and also for all the routes created in the earlier versions, the 30 m value is set);
l position the cursor on Safety depth element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l edit safety depth value to the current route leg; press the left trackball button (by
default, and also for all the routes created in the earlier versions, the 30 m value is set).
l Check the checkbox in the Flow WPT element cell to pass this WPT data to the ECDIS task.
This data is subsequently used in the ECDIS task on the Voyage and Static Data page of the
AIS panel for the automatic transmission to the AIS. (see document Multi-Functional Display
(v. 2.01.330). ECDIS User Manual, Chapter 10, section AIS, paragraph Setting of Voyage Data).
Note: For this cell to be available in the table the “Ship Traffic Management" option is required to be open.
When filling in the table you can use the context menu called by the right trackball button:
l Fill cells down – to fill in all the cells below with a value entered in the selected cell;
l Fill cells up – to fill in all the cells above with a value entered in the selected cell.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up. Switch to Route page.
The following checkboxes in Waypoints Options group for turning on the display of Waypoint options on the
Navi-Planner 4000 screen are checked by default:
l XTD – to display on the electronic chart safety lines for the active route;
l Turns – to display on the electronic chart the turn radius arc for the active route;
If necessary, check Arrival circle checkbox to turn on display on the electronic chart change-of-WPT circle for
the active route (for old routes only).
To save the route, press the Transas button and select Save item from drop-down menu.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Route Editor tab and press Save button in
Create Route group.
Enter its name in the name input field and press Save button.
Press the Transas button and select Auto route item from the drop-down menu.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Route Editor tab and press Auto route button
in Create Route group.
In the window, which will open up, press From Port button and from the drop-down list select the port of
Press To Port button and from the drop-down list select the port of destination.
In the Via drop-down list, select geographic points (ports, straits, channels, etc.) which the route should pass
through. These points are set in the Routing Options group.
Note: The route is plotted with regard to the recommended traffic schemes.
Save the route under the necessary name (see the previous paragraph).
Press the Transas button and select Load route item from the drop-down menu.
The right-hand part of the drop-down menu will display a list of all the routes available for loading.
In the list, select the route required to be loaded in edition mode, and press the left trackball button.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Route Editor tab and press Load button in
Create Route group.
Several routes can be loaded simultaneously in the editing mode. As a button with route name is pressed,
the route becomes active and can be edited on the screen by using the graphic editor. The loaded route can
be selected in the Loaded routes group, which is above the Ribbon:
For switching between the routes use the buttons placed along the route name edges.
To unload the route, press the Transas button and select Unload route item from the drop-down menu.
The right-hand part of the drop-down menu will display the list of all the loaded routes.
In the list, select the route required to be unloaded, and press the left trackball button.
A similar result can be obtained by pressing button placed to the right of the route name in the Loaded
routes group, which is above the Ribbon:
Warning! The Alternative Routes cannot be created and used unless this option is additionally licensed.
Implemented in Navi-Planner 4000 is the alternative route plotting function. If on a certain segment of the
plotted route it should follow a different track, alternative segments are plotted. E.g., if it is necessary to take
into account weather conditions or VTS recommendations.
Alternative segments are linked to the main route at the route planning stage in Navi-Planner 4000. It is also
possible to check alternative route segments for the availability of dangers to navigation and to generate
schedules for them.
During the ship motion along such route in the monitoring mode (ECDIS task), as it approaches the waypoint
in which it ramifies, an appropriate warning is generated. With consideration for the current sailing
conditions, the navigator chooses the route segment, the main or alternative one, which should be further
An acquisition marker will appear in the Chart Panel whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display
the Alt.Segm information window.
Position the acquisition marker on the WPT which will serve as the alternative route segment origin.
Press the left trackball button: the marker will acquire the WPT and change own form.
Position the cursor in the coordinates of the next point of the alternative segment.
Plot the alternative route segment as described in section Creating a Route , paragraph Plotting Route . The
created alternative route legs are shown in the ginger colour.
Set the last WPT of the alternative route in the coordinates of the main route WPT where they connect and
press the left trackball button.
Note: If the last waypoint of the alternative segment is not connected to some point of the main route, the
plotted alternative segment is not created.
After the setting of the last point of the planned route, press the right trackball button to exit from the
alternative route segment plotting mode.
The alternative route segment legs are shown in dots to differentiate it from the main route legs which are
shown in dashes.
For the further editing of different alternative route segment parameters, use the tabular method.
In the left hand part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, position the cursor on the Waypoints button
and press the left trackball button to display the corresponding table.
Press the right trackball button to display all the alternative route segments. Select
the necessary alternative segment and press the left trackball button.
In this case, the route name in the Routes group which is above the Ribbon, contains an indication that
loaded for editing is a route including an alternative segment.
The table will display the route inclusive of the alternative segment. Edit the alternative segment parameters
(see section Route Editor, paragraph Tabular Route Editing Method). You can also use the graphic editor for
changing the alternative route segment geometry (see section Route Editor, paragraph Graphic Route Editing
To generate the route passage schedule taking into account the alternative
segment (see section Drawing a Schedule ) and the display of weather conditions
during the progress along the alternative route segment (see Chapter 4, section
Voyage Plan Creation, paragraph Obtaining Information on Voyage Weather) use
similar procedures in the Schedule and Weather tables.
An acquisition marker will appear in the Chart Panel whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display
the Change Alt WPT/Stick Alt. Segm to the main route information window.
Position the acquisition marker on the start WPT of the route which should be linked as an alternative
Note: The alternative route’s start point should be linked to a point of the main route, the ship progress direction
on the route taken into account.
Press the left trackball button: the marker will acquire the WPT and change own form.
Position the cursor in the main route WPT which will serve as the main route and alternative segment
branching point.
Press the left trackball button: a leg from the main route to the alternative segment’s start point will be
Note: It is also possible to plot additional points before the linking to the main route if, e.g., there are some
dangers to navigation on the path of the leg which is being created.
Use a similar procedure to link the last WPT of the route which is required to be linked as an alternative
segment, to the necessary WPT of the main route.
Then press the button with the name of the main route to make it active.
Save this route (see section Route Editor, paragraph Tabular Route Editing Method). You can also save
separately the route which was used as an alternative segment, new points taken into account, or leave it as
it was by unloading it without saving.
From the drop-down list, select the route segment which should be deleted:
Press the left trackball button, the selected alternative segment will be deleted.
Use the tab in the top part of the Monitoring panel which will open up, to switch to the Route Monitoring page.
Load the necessary route (see document Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). ECDIS User Manual, Chapter 4,
section Loading of Route and Schedule in the Navigation Mode , paragraph Loading Route ).
Use the Approach to segment input box in the Alternative route segments group to set the time interval in
minutes. As the route ramification WPT is approached, a warning will be provided the set time interval in
To continue monitoring of the main route, press the Keep main button.
To monitor the route inclusive of the alternative segment, press the Change button.
Select an alternative route segment and press the left trackball button.
The Chart Panel will display the entire route on the suitable scale chart.
Route Editor
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
An acquisition marker will appear in the Chart Panel whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display
Edit route information window.
Press the left trackball button: the marker will acquire the WPT and change own form.
Move the acquired WPT to the required place. As the WPT coordinates change, the adjacent route legs will
change, too. Press the left trackball button.
Press the left trackball button: a new WPT will be set. The marker will acquire the new WPT and change own
As the WPT coordinates change, the adjacent route legs will change, too. Press the left trackball button. The
new WPT will be set in the specified coordinates.
Deleting a WPT
Position the acquisition marker on the WPT to be deleted.
Press the left trackball button: the marker will acquire the WPT and change own form.
Press the right trackball button. The point will be deleted, and the adjacent route legs will be combined to
form one.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode. The marker will assume the shape of the free
Save the route as required (see Creating a Route section).
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Waypoints button to display the
corresponding table.
l position the cursor on Name element cell; double click the left
trackball button to activate the cell;
l position the cursor on Position element cell. Double click the left
trackball button to activate the cell;
l position the cursor on Leg type element cell; double click the
left trackball button to activate the cell;
l press the button in the right-hand part of the cell and select
the sailing type from the list which will open up;
l press the left trackball button to confirm the changes you have made;
l position the cursor on Leg element cell; double click the left trackball button to activate
the cell;
l edit the leg course and press the left trackball button;
l edit the leg distance and press the left trackball button;
l position the cursor on XTD port/stbd element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l edit XTD value to the left of the route leg; press the left trackball button;
l edit XTD value to the right of the route leg; press the left trackball button;
l position the cursor on Turn radius element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l enter the radius for the arc of the suitable ship track on the turning circle; press the left
trackball button.
l position the cursor on Remarks element cell; double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell;
l position the cursor on Safety contour element cell; double click the left
trackball button to activate the cell;
l edit safety contour value to the current route leg; press the left trackball
button (by default, and also for all the routes created in the earlier
versions, the 30 m value is set);
l position the cursor on Safety depth element cell; double click the left
trackball button to activate the cell;
l edit safety depth value to the current route leg; press the left trackball
button (by default, and also for all the routes created in the earlier
versions, the 30 m value is set).
When filling in the table you can use the context menu called by the right
trackball button:
l Fill cells down – to fill in all the cells below with a value entered in the
selected cell;
l Fill cells up – to fill in all the cells above with a value entered in the selected
A route will be created with the WPT order inverse to that in the active route.
All the changes in the table will be shown accordingly on the Chart Panel.
Save the route as required (see Creating a Route section).
Merging Routes
Load the necessary route (see Route Loading and Unloading section).
In the Ribbon switch to Route Editor tab. Press Link button in Edit group.
In the list, which will open up, select the route, which will be connected to the last point of the loaded route.
Deleting a Route
To delete the route, press the Transas button and select Delete route item from the drop-down menu.
The right-hand part of the drop-down menu will display the list of all the loaded routes.
In the list select the route required to be deleted, and press the left trackball button. In the window, which
will appear, confirm the deleting.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Route Editor tab and press Delete button in
Delete group.
Anchorage Planning
Plot the route by using one of the procedures described above, or load the plotted route (see section Route
Loading and Unloading).
In the Ribbon switch to Anchor tab.
During the route planning it is possible to set safe anchorage parameters in a selected WPT. To this end, the
own ship length (Ship Length) specified in the System Configuration utility of the MFD software is used (see
document Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). Installation Guide Part I , Chapter 2, section MFD Configuration,
paragraph MFD Settings) along with the following parameters:
l Drop Radius – the “inner” circle radius within which the anchor may turn up during the dropping. The
zero settings assumes that the anchor will get exactly in the WP position;
l Cable Length - anchoring cable length, cannot be lower than the Depth value;
l Safety Margin – additional range to ensure safe anchorage, can be set to zero;
l Depth – estimated depth value in the anchoring position;
l Swing Radius – radius of the “outer” circle calculated from the following formula:
Use the Anchortab to set the necessary values for the parameters listed above. For the Cable Length you can
use both, metres and shackles (the length of one shackle is equal to 27.5 m).
Press the Select waypoint button.
An acquisition marker will appear in the Chart Panel whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display
the Select waypoint information window.
The Chart Panel will display the Drop Circle (a solid circle if set) and the Swing Circle (dashed circle).
The settings made for the WPT in question will be entered in the route, its status will be changed to edited,
and the “*” symbol will be added to its name.
Note: If some parameters have already been set for the selected WPT, they will be automatically restored in the
Anchor tab. After changing, save them by pressing the Save button which will be enabled.
At the same time, the information will open up in the Chart panel:
The window shows all the dangers which happen to be within the anchorage zone (Swing Circle).
The following chart objects should be considered as dangerous during the anchorage:
l All objects with the “Anchorage Restricted” and “Anchorage Prohibited” attributes;
Click on the dangerous object name: it will be highlighted in orange on the Chart Panel:
For the user convenience sake, the graphic route plotting mode implements the display of a Drop Circle and
Swing Circle on the Chart panel. To this end, check the Show anchor rings checkbox in the Anchor group:
Enter the route graphic editor mode (see section Creating Route , paragraph Plotting Route ).
During the route plotting, the Drop Circle and Swing Circle will be shown on the Chart Panel in the form of
solid circles.
Load the route, which should be checked for the availability of dangers to navigation (see Route Loading and
Unloading section).
In the Ribbon switch to Check route tab.
The list of main safety parameters, which are used in the route check, displayed in the Safety Options group.
For safety parameters editing press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings
window will open up. Switch to Route page.
In the Safety options group select which charts should be used for the check under the checked route. If All scales
is selected, all the charts under the route will be checked for dangers. If Best scales is selected, selected for each
route leg are the maximum scale charts which this leg passes through, and the check is made on these charts as.
The chart format is also considered in here, if there are charts of the same scales found, then at first the ENC
charts will be used for checking because of priority – the ENC charts are having the highest priority. In the figure
below there is example of route leg WPT18-WPT-19, which goes through the different charts.
The table shows available charts in different points of the route and also the charts that were used for the
route checking in the points.
1 01 1:90.000 TRS 01
01 1:90.000 TRS
2 04
04 1:90.000 ENC
01 1:90.000 TRS
3 03 1:45.000 TRS 03
04 1:90.000 ENC
01 1:90.000 TRS
4 02 1:45.000 TRS 02
04 1:90.000 ENC
01 1:90.000 TRS
5 04
04 1:90.000 ENC
6 01 1:90.000 TRS 01
In Safety options group use the following input lines to enter the necessary values:
l Shallow contour – the deep water contour delineating the colour highlighting of the shallow area for ENC
format charts;
l Safety contour – the mariner-defined contour to distinguish on the display between the safe and unsafe
l Safety depth – the mariner-defined depth to emphasize soundings on the display to less than this value;
l Deep contour – the shallow water contour delimiting the colour highlighting of the deep water area for ENC
format charts.
Press button if necessary to interrupt manually the check of the entire active route for the availability of
dangers to navigation.
The check process is shown in the display window.
After the end of check, Check Route group will display a message about detected dangers or about no dangers
having been found.
To view the detected dangers to navigation, use and buttons to select the danger you are
interested in. Press button.
The danger to navigation will be displayed in the centre of the Chart Panel, shown within a flashing circle.
To edit route to take into account the detected dangers to navigation, use and buttons to select
the required danger and press button. An acquisition marker will appear on the Chart Panel in the point
with coordinates of the detected danger to navigation.
Edit the route leg according to the editing rules so that the route leg does not pass through the dangerous
place. E.g., change the WPT position.
After the route leg editing is completed, press the left trackball button. The edited route legs will be checked,
and the next danger to navigation will be back lighted on the Chart Panel.
Perform the editing until the end of the route (see also section Route Editor, paragraph Graphic Route Editing
If there are no dangers to navigation on the route, Check route group will display an appropriate message.
If the route has not been saved, the following warning will be displayed after a press on the Protect button:
Route Approval
Plot the route by using one of the procedures described above, or load the plotted route (see section Route
Loading and Unloading).
In the Ribbon switch to Protection control tab.
Attention! For the route to be approved, it should be checked for dangers to navigation on the Check Route
If the route has not been checked for dangers, the following warning will be displayed after a press on the
Approve button:
Drawing a Schedule
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
Load the route for which the schedule will be drawn for (see Route Loading and Unloading section).
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Schedule button to display the
corresponding table.
Enter the schedule elements for the WPT’s to Schedule table. To do this, perform the procedures detailed
l position the cursor on ETA element cell (not set for the route start point). Double
click the left trackball button to activate the cell;
l enter ETA for this WPT and press the right trackball button;
l position the cursor on Stay element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l enter the time of stay at this WPT and press the right trackball button;
l position the cursor on Time zone element cell; double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell;
l enter the time zone at this WPT and press the right trackball button;
l position the cursor on ETD element cell (not set for the route end point); double
click the left trackball button to activate the cell;
l enter ETD for the WPT and press the right trackball button;
l position the cursor on Speed element cell; double click the left trackball button
to activate the cell;
l enter the speed value on the route leg; press the left trackball button.
When filling in the table you can use the context menu called by the right trackball
l Insert waypoint – to insert a new waypoint (see section Route Editor, paragraph
Tabular Route Editing Method, item Setting a New WPT );
l Fill cells down – to fill in all the cells below with a value entered in the selected cell;
l Fill cells up – to fill in all the cells above with a value entered in the selected cell.
Attention! For the route start point, ETD value should always be specified. For the end point, it is necessary to
specify ETA or speed of proceeding along the route legs.
In Schedule Calculation group on VP Calculation tab of the Ribbon if necessary the current conditions to be
taken into account in the schedule calculations, check Tidal currents and Surface currents checkboxes. If
necessary the weather conditions to be taken into account in the schedule calculations, check Weather
The schedule calculation process is reflected in the display window. In the table, empty cells will be filled in
with the calculated schedule elements.
A schedule has been created. To save the schedule, enter its name in the name input field of Schedule
Management group in the VP Calculations tab.
For switching between the schedules use the buttons placed along the schedule name edges.
To unload the schedule press button placed to the right of the schedule name in the Loaded schedule
Editing a Schedule
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
Load the route for which the schedule will be drawn for (see Route Loading and Unloading section).
In the Loaded schedules group which is above the Ribbon, by using buttons select schedule which
should be edited and press the button with its name.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Schedule button to display the
corresponding table.
Attention! For the route start point, ETD value should always be specified. For the end point, it is necessary to
specify ETA or speed of proceeding along the route legs.
In Schedule Calculation group on VP Calculation tab of the Ribbon if necessary the current conditions to be
taken into account in the schedule calculations, check/uncheck Tidal currents and Surface currents
Create the schedule anew and save it as detailed in the previous section.
Deleting a Schedule
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
Load the route for which the schedule will be deleted (see Route Loading and Unloading section).
In the Ribbon switch to Voyage Plan tab.
Select the schedule which should be deleted from the list, and press the left trackball button. In the window,
which will appear, confirm the deleting.
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to the Route task.
The No-go Areas collection is a set of No-go Areas, which can be created, their shape altered, they can also be
deleted. After the exit from the No-go Areas creation mode, they are saved automatically, and their collection
is assigned with a number (e.g.,NoGoAreas1, etc.). In the case of the route weather optimizing, the route will
be plotted so that it does not pass through the No-go Areas out of the loaded No-go Areas collection. Only
one No-go Areas collection can be loaded at a time.
Unloaded No-go Areas collections can be deleted by the user.
To create a No-go Area, press the press New button in No-Go Area group.
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display Add
Line information window with cursor coordinates.
Press left trackball button to set initial point of the No-go Area.
After the plotting of the initial point, move the cursor to the next point and press the left button again.
Repeat the procedure until you set the required number of point.
After the input of the last point of the No-go Area, press the right trackball button: the cursor will change its
form, and the No-go Area will be set in the specified coordinates: area by the points, the first and the last of
them connected.
After the creation of a No-go Area it will be automatically saved in the No-go Areas collection, this collection
will be assigned with a number, and it will be automatically loaded (see the next item).
Create the necessary number of No-go Areas for this No-go Areas collection by using again the New button in
the No-Go Area group.
To load a No-go Area collection, press the Load button in the No-Go Area group.
In the list, select the No-go Area collection required to be loaded for use and press the left trackball
Only one No-go Area collection can be loaded at a time. The loaded No-go Area collection can be used for
editing and deleting the No-go Areas it includes, as well as during the weather routing optimization.
To unload the No-go Area collection, presspress Load button in No-Go Area group
Uncheck the checkbox to the left of the name of the loaded No-go Area collection.
To change the No-go Area dimensions, from the drop-down list select the Edit item.
Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the line (object boundary) and press the left trackball
Note: If it is necessary to change position of the No-go Area vertex, acquire it with the acquisition marker. If a
new vertex is required to be created, use the acquisition marker to acquire a point on the necessary object
Move the cursor to the required coordinates. Press the left trackball button and repeat this operation until
the necessary configuration is set.
Press right trackball button: the cursor will exit from editing mode and assume the form of the acquisition
Position the acquisition marker on the next map object and edit it. Edit all necessary map objects. To exit
from the editing mode press the right trackball button.
To delete a No-go Area, from the drop-down list select the Erase item.
Position the acquisition marker which will appear on the boundary of the No-go Area to be deleted.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the map object deleting mode.
Select the No-go Areas collection from the drop-down list, which will open up.
In the window, which will appear, press Yes button to confirm the deleting of the No-go Areas Collection. The
collection will be deleted.
Warning! The NoGo area is created by using the Maps functionality (see chapter Handling of Maps). Please
note that when you delete the area it is still visible unless you toggle off the display of deleted objects on the Maps
page of Settings window (see also chapter Handling of Maps, section Creating and Saving Maps, paragraph
Turning On/Off the Display of Map Objects and Their Attributes).
The Speed Losses Table window is intended for setting the ship speed loss values depending on the wind and
sea direction. It is assumed that tables are drawn for a particular ship with different loading conditions (and
windage accordingly) on the basis of available operational documentation.
Edit all the table fields remembering that the cells specify percentage of the speed in the absence of
environmental effects.
To do this, position the cursor on the necessary cell and click the left trackball button.
Edit the value in the cell and click the left trackball button again.
Edit all the necessary cells.
Press the Rename button.
In the Weather Restriction group, make the following settings which will be used for the weather routing
l Minimum distance to hurricanes – to set the minimum distance to the hurricanes track;
l Significant wave height – to set the maximum significant wave height which should be avoided for all the
l Swell height – to set the maximum swell height which should be avoided (by directions – bow, stern,
l Wind speed – to set maximum wind velocity which should be avoided (by directions – bow, stern, sides).
Weather Routing
Attention! The weather forecast should first be ordered and received (see Chapter 8, section Ordering the
Weather Forecast). In this case, the schedule of the time-optimised route is required to be within the received
forecast limits.
Load the route for which the optimization will be done (see section Route Loading and Unloading).
In the Ribbon switch to the Weather Routing tab.
Load the necessary No-go Areas collection (see previous paragraph Work with No-go Areas).
In the Set Input Data group make the following settings used for the weather routing optimization:
l Calm sea speed – to set the ship speed in the calm water;
l Time between waypoints – to set the time interval over which WPT’s will be set during the route
optimizing, i.e., what legs the route will be broken into (with regard to the set speed) during the
l Start time – the ETD of the first waypoint (WPT0) of the route which will be optimized.
In Define Route leg/legs group use drop-down lists or the cursor to select the start and end point of the route
segment which should be optimized to take into account weather parameters.
In the window which will open up specify (if necessary) values of the ETD from the selected start point and
calm sea speed, and also select one or several optimization types:
After the optimization, the program will generate a report specifying optimized route parameters for each
optimization type, or the reason why the route optimization failed.
If on the Weather Routing page the Warn mode was selected in the Settings window, the report will display
warnings about the set restrictions being exceeded specifying coordinates of the points where this occurred.
Attention! Reports are not saved when the window containing them is closed. This is why if necessary, print
out the report by pressing the Print button.
After the optimizing, the program will create routes under the same name with an addition of the selected
optimization type and optimization number, e.g.,:
Load the necessary route (see Chapter 3, Route Loading and Unloading section).
Load the necessary schedule (see Chapter 3, Drawing Schedules section).
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the General Info button to display the
corresponding table.
The General Info table consists of several groups where the general voyage data is specified.
The Ship info group is intended for the display of the general ship information entered automatically from the
System Configuration utility:
The Voyage group is intended for entering the general voyage information. Use the keyboard to enter
information in the relevant input boxes:
l To – port of destination;
The Schedule group is intended for the display of the general schedule information which is taken from the
loaded schedule:
l Total time – summary route time the average speed taken into account;
The Distance group is intended for the display of general information on the distance to be covered which is
taken from the loaded route:
The Departure group is intended for the display of general information on the port of departure. From the
loaded route WPT listboxes, select:
The following values are entered automatically from the loaded route and schedule:
l Distance – distance between two selected From berth and To pilotstation WPT’s;
l Sailing time – time en route between two selected From berth and To pilotstation WPT’s.
In the Draft on departure field, enter the ship draft at the time of departure.
The Arrival group is intended for the display of general information on the arrival at the port of destination.
From the loaded route WPT listboxes, select:
The following values are entered automatically from the loaded route and schedule:
l Distance – distance between two selected From pilotstation and To berth WPT’s;
l Sailing time – time en route between two selected From pilotstation and To berth WPT’s.
Use the Draft on arrival input box to enter the ship draft at the time of arrival.
The Sailing group is intended for the display of information on the sailing between points selected from the
From pilotstation and To pilotstation listboxes in the Departure and Arrival groups, which is taken from the
loaded route and schedule:
l Sailing time – time en route between the From pilotstation and To pilotstation WPT’s.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Waypoints button to display
the corresponding table.
For input of the additional data, perform the procedures detailed below:
l position the cursor on Draught element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l enter the draught value on the route leg; press the left trackball button.
l position the cursor on Squat element cell; double click the left trackball button to
activate the cell;
l enter the squat value for the vessel on the route leg; press the left trackball
l position the cursor on Masthead element cell; double click the left
trackball button to activate the cell;
l Use the Masthead Height input box to enter the mast height from the keel to the masthead.
By default, these values will be used for all the table cells. If the mast height is a variable
value, check the Only for selected waypoint checkbox. In this case you will have to fill in the
cells for each route leg. Press the OK button.
The following formula will be used for calculating the Overhead Clearance:
Overhead Clearance = H – (Masthead Height – Draught),
H – chart object’s vertical clearance.
The Overhead Clearance will be calculated for the following chart objects:
l bridges;
l cables;
l conveyors;
l pipeline.
Data Collection
There is the possibility of automatic voyage creation using the chart extractions, UKC calculation, tides,
currents, weather data, overhead clearance and charts (crossed by the route) collection.
To perform the automatic data collection, in the Ribbon switch to Voyage Plan tab.
In the Data Collection group, check checkboxes of those data categories which should be included in the
Voyage Plan.
Press button in Data Collection group: the selected data will be collected.
For this functionality to operate it is necessary that a schedule be drawn for the route and that during the
voyage plan creating the Rises&Sets checkbox be checked (see the previous paragraph).
After the voyage plan has been created, the chart panel will show the route with symbols of the
sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset.
Position the free View cursor on the necessary symbol; the cursor will change its form. Press the left trackball
button: the data card will display the calculated data: sunrise/sunset and moonrise/moonset, coordinates,
date of passing this point on the route.
l Navi-Planner 4000 is required to be installed together with Navi-Sailor 4000 software which the Wave
application is licensed for;
l The route with a calculated schedule is required to be loaded;
l The current weather forecast is required to be loaded.
The fuel consumption is calculated during the voyage plan creation (see paragraph Data Collection) if the Fuel
Cons checkbox is checked in the Data Collection group.
After the voyage plan creation, fuel consumption data for each leg will appear in the Waypoints table.
The Fuel Cons. column displays data on the average fuel consumption for each route leg. On long route legs,
the environmental factors effect on the fuel consumption may vary considerably in different leg points. This
is why, in the fuel consumption calculation long route legs are split into segments which individual
consumption is calculated for.
Position the cursor on the end WPT of the necessary route leg in the Waypoints table and press the left
trackball button.
In the left hand part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the WPT Info button to display the corresponding
table .
The Fuel Consumption table is intended for displaying fuel consumption for each segment of a long route leg.
The table is filled automatically.
Total fuel consumption for the voyage will be specified on the title page of the voyage plan during the
printout (see paragraph Voyage Plan Print Preview and Printing):
Warning! The button is not available unless the route with a schedule is loaded and fuel consumption is
calculated for it.
Position the acquisition marker which will appear, on the route point which you would like to learn the fuel
consumption on, and press the left trackball button.
The pop-up window will display the following information for the route point under the acquisition marker:
Note: If no fuel consumption calculations were made for the route leg in question (data is not available in the
Waypoints table), the pop-up window will not appear.At the same time, the right bottom corner o of the Navi-
Planner 4000 screen will display the Fuel Consumption information window:
The window duplicates the specific fuel consumption on the given route leg (leg segment on long route legs),
and also displays coordinates of the acquisition marker position point.
The graphs will be displayed in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen.
The graph permits clear assessment of the fuel consumption. It is also possible to estimate various
environmental factors effect on the fuel consumption.
Press the Parameters button to the right and above the graph.
Check checkboxes of environmental parameters which should be shown on the graph (e.g., Wind).
The graph will show temporal wind force variations. By analysing the graph you can identify the route leg with
reduced fuel consumption (yellow graph) owing to the following wind (red graph) and the other way round.
l Tide place – name of the tidal reference point (see also document Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330).
Functional Description, Chapter 8, section Tides and Tidal Currents, paragraph Information on Tides);
l Tide height;
l Current direction;
l Current speed;
l Wind direction;
l Wind speed;
l Wave height.
Note: Data on tides and currents is taken from the NS 4000 database (see also document Multi-Functional Display
(v. 2.01.330). Functional Description, Chapter 8, section Tides and Tidal Currents). Data on the wind and wave
height is only available in the case of weather having been loaded in Navi-Planner 4000 (see Chapter 8, section
Ordering the Weather Forecast) or of joint use with the SPOS software (for operations with the SPOS utility see
document Multi-Functional Display (v. 2.01.330). Utilities, Chapter 8).
Data is entered in the table columns, except for the WPT No. and Name, after the data collection.
If you want to insert or delete WPT in the table see section Route Editor, paragraph Tabular Route Editing
Method, items Setting a New WPT and Deleting a WPT .
The Waypoints table contains the following data (columns) on reference points:
l Ref. point – reference point name taken from the chart object (if the object has no name, the cell is
Reference points are set automatically during the data collection, if Ref. points checkbox is checked in Data
Collection group of Voyage Plan tab (see Data Collection paragraph).
To turn on/off the display of reference points on the Chart Panel use Waypoint Options group of Route page in
Settings window (see Chapter 2, section Creating a Route , paragraph Entering Additional Data).
Enter the necessary value. Press the right or left trackball button, the data field is left and the value will not be
taken over, this happens due to the fact that the UKC value can be entered manually when the value is
already calculated, else it is impossible.
When the value is changed manually it turns bold italic + "manual" word underneath the value.
Attention! Reference points are not displayed on the chart unless the scale permits this.
To set or change a reference point, position the cursor on the necessary WPT in the Waypoints table and click
the left trackball button on the required point.
In the Ribbon switch to Route Editor tab. Press Ref. points button in Edit group.
An acquisition marker will appear on the Chart Panel at the selected WPT.
The right-hand part of the screen will display the Select waypoint information window showing the acquisition
marker coordinates and bearing/distance relative to the WPT.
Press the left trackball button: the marker will acquire the WPT and change own form. Position the marker in
the new reference point within the displayed Chart Panel.
The Select waypoint information window showing the acquisition marker coordinates and bearing/distance
relative to the WPT.
The reference point will be shown on the Chart Panel in the form or two blue circles. The blue dashed line
connects the WPT WOL and its corresponding reference point. The values of bearing/distance to the
reference point from the WPT WOL are shown over the line.
The same values are displayed in the table’s BRG/Dist column.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode. The marker will assume the form of the free
It is possible to enter the Reference point name manually from the keyboard. Double press on an
appropriate cell and enter the name that is needed.
In the Ribbon switch to Route Editor tab. Press Ref. points button in Edit group.
An acquisition marker will appear on the Chart Panel at the selected WPT.
Press the left trackball button: the marker will acquire the WPT and change own form. Press the right
trackball button: the reference point has been deleted.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode. The marker will assume the form of the free
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the WPT Info button to display the
corresponding table.
The Danger Areas table is intended for displaying data on hazardous zones on this route leg, which special
attention should be paid to. The table is filled automatically.
For editing the table, position the cursor on the Comments element cell; double click the left trackball button
to activate the cell and enter the danger area name.
Press the <Enter> key. Use the same procedure to enter or edit all the danger areas for the route leg in
The Reporting Points table is intended for entering data on the route leg point which certain reports should be
sent from. The table is filled in automatically during the data collection (see Data Collection paragraph).
To edit the table, position the cursor on the Reporting Points element cell; double click the left trackball button
to activate the cell.
Enter the reporting point name.
Press the <Enter> key. Use the same procedure to enter all the reporting points for the route leg in question.
The Charts table is intended for handling electronic and paper charts, and the nautical books used on the route.
The tables Electronic charts and Paper charts are filled in automatically during the performance of the data
collection procedure (see under Data Collection).
The table in the Electronic charts group is filled with electronic charts crossed by the route. Entered here are all
the charts of the ship collection.
l Updated to – Date and ID of a media which was used for the latest updating of TX-97 or SENC chart collection;
l Chart format.
The table in the Paper charts group is intended for display of information on the paper charts used on the route
(for more detailed information on handling the paper charts see Chapter 5, section Handling of Paper Charts).
l position the cursor on Name element cell; double click the left
trackball button to activate the cell;
l position the cursor on Date of issue element cell. Double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell. By trackball rolling, enter the date of chart issue and
press the right trackball button;
l position the cursor on Last update element cell. Double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell. By trackball rolling, enter the date of chart last update
date and press the right trackball button;
The table in the Nautical publications group is intended for the display of information on the nautical books,
ADP and ports used on the route (for more detailed information on handling the ADP see Chapter 10, section
General and about the ports information see Chapter 11.)
The table is filled in automatically (ADP and ports only) and can be edited manually:
l position the cursor on Date of issue element cell. Double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell. By trackball rolling, enter the date of nautical
publication issue and press the right trackball button;
l position the cursor on Last update element cell. Double click the left trackball
button to activate the cell. By trackball rolling, enter the date of nautical
publication last update date and press the right trackball button;
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
Load the route intended for the joint use with the SPOS utility (see Chapter 3, Route Loading and Unloading
In the Ribbon switch to Route Editor tab. Press Request button in SPOS Route group.
Check the Import route radio button. Press the Browse button and select a new route created in the Navi-
Planner 4000 in the folder SPOS_route_exchange of the Navi-Planner 4000 root directory (C:\Transas\SPOS_
route_exchange). Press the OK button.
Specify the ETD (UTC) from the first waypoint, average ship’s speed during the voyage and time period
between intermediate waypoints.
Open Route page. Select the required route from the fall-off list in the Select & Calculate Routes group.
Proceed with voyage parameters calculation by pressing the respective buttons in accordance with selected
calculation method:
l the program calculates the route on the base of waypoints created in the Navi-Planner 4000 as a Great
Circle sailing for all the route legs taking the weather conditions into account;
l the program calculates the route on the base of waypoints created in the Navi-Planner 4000 as a Rhumb
Line sailing for all the route legs taking the weather conditions into account;
l the program calculates the route on the base of waypoints created in the Navi-Planner 4000 as a
combination of Great Circle and Rhumb Line sailing as was set in the Navi-Planner 4000 Route table taking
the weather conditions into account;
l the program calculates the optimum route taking the weather conditions into account. The optimum
route will include the waypoints created in the Navi-Planner 4000 as well as intermediate waypoints
created by the SPOS program as set in the Input page. For details see SPOS Manual & Reference Guide .
Results of calculation are available for displaying by selection the appropriate route in the field Calculated
routes. These results contain the following parameters: ETA to the last waypoint (UTC), route distance,
average ship’s speed during the voyage, and maximum values of wind force and wave’s height.
Open the page Voyage”. Press the button Create voyage plan.
In the opened window, select the required route from the fall-off list. Press the Next > button.
Enter initial bunker information and press the Next > button.
Select the speed order, type comments and press the Finish button.
The voyage summary will be displayed in the opened window. The voyage will be automatically saved into
the SPOS_route_exchange folder of Navi-Planner 4000.
In the Ribbon switch to Route Editor tab. Press Receive button in SPOS Route group.
To import a route processed by using the SPOS utility, press the Receive button. The message contains
information about route extension by SPOS weather data will be displayed:
Press OK button.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Weather button to display the
corresponding table.
The Wind direction, Wind speed and Wind height columns of Weather table have been extended by weather
received from SPOS program.
The route imported from the SPOS program will contain the route time schedule with forecasted weather
conditions taken into account.
Note: The routes calculated in the SPOS program by pressing the Great Circle, Rhumb line and Composite buttons
will contain original waypoints created in them Navi-Planner 4000 application only; their names and coordinates
will not be changed. Routes calculated by pressing the Optimum button, will contain the above-mentioned
waypoints plus intermediate waypoints created by the SPOS program during calculation. These waypoints will be
named “Spos xx”.
Handling of Checklist
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
Load the necessary route (see Chapter 3, Route Loading and Unloading section).
In the Ribbon switch to Checklist Tools tab. Press New button in Checklist Tools group.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Waypoints and Checklist buttons
to display the corresponding table.
In the Waypoints table select the waypoint to which the check list activity is about to be corresponded.
Position the cursor on Activity element cell; double click the left trackball button to activate the cell.
Enter the name of action which should be checked and press <Enter> button.
Position the cursor on Time element cell. Double click the left trackball button to activate the cell. Set the
desired time period when a check list activity is about to be appeared and checked respectively.
Select the necessary template or previously saved route from the drop-down list.
As a template is added to the checklist created for some WPT, the following warning will be displayed:
When route is saved with the new checklist, the following warning will be displayed:
If an already existing checklist is loaded, and some changes have been made in it, the Save button is
To save the changes you have made, press the Save button.
The time of the check is determined by the parameters set in the Time and Moment columns during the
checklist formation (see the previous paragraph). It should be noted that if the ship is proceeding along the
route, the ship’s current speed (SOG) is used for determining the ETA, and ETD for WPT“0” from the loaded
schedule if it is staying in a port.
The table shows the Checklist items which are required to be checked. The operator then has three options:
to postpone the check, to make check and approve the checklist item, and to reject the check. To carry out
any of these actions, check checkboxes next to the checklist items which this operation will be applicable to.
To put off the check, select the time interval from the drop-down list to the left of the Snooze button.
Press the Snooze button. Selected items will disappear from the table and will re-appear in it after the end of
the selected time interval, the Checklist display will automatically open up again.
To approve the selected checklist items press the Ack button.
To reject the check of the selected checklist items, press the Dismis button.
Attention! For recording the check list activities in the Ship LogBook, the Ship LogBook option should be
licensed. To enable the recording of these actions in the Ship LogBook, perform them on the WS’s from which the
events can be entered in the Ship LogBook (see document Multi-Functional Display (v.2.01.330). Functional
Description , Chapter 6, section Ship Logbook, paragraphs Ship Logbook Fomation Principles).
The Comment tab specifies the relevant checklist item and its status.To view the Ship LogBook page which the
checklist is displayed on, press the View button in Checklist display.
The Status column specifies the status for each checklist item:
l Not Checked/ Not Done – the check has been rejected by the operated and has not been carried out.
Load the route, which should be converted to Excel format (see Chapter 3, Route Loading and Unloading
In the Ribbon switch to Route Editor tab. Press the Export button in Import/Export group.
Press Export to format button and from the drop-down list select the necessary format.
Browse the folder where the route file will be saved and press Export button.
Press OK button.
It is possible to export route to the following formats:
l ENSI (*.xml);
Route Importing
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Route task.
In the Ribbon switch to Route Editor tab. Press the Import button in Import/Export group.
Browse the folder where the route is stored and select it.
l ENSI (*.xml)
In the Ribbon switch to Print and Report tab. Press the Noon Report button in Print group.
On the appeared window fill the fields that are allowed to do so.
Press Print preview button to print preview the created noon report.
Browse the folder where the noon report will be saved and press Save button. Noon report will be saved in
PDF format.
Load the necessary route (see Chapter 3, Route Loading and Unloading section).
Press the Transas button and select Print item from the drop-down menu.
In the right-hand part of the menu Passage plan checklist is selected by default. If necessary select Tanker
template (special custom template). From the drop-down list select page layout.
Check checkboxes next to the voyage plan tables which should be printed out.
In the right-hand part of the menu select Print Preview item and press the left trackball button.
The Print Preview window will display a printed version of the Voyage Plan.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Quick Access Toolbar button.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Print and Report tab and press the Preview
button in Print group.
For the preview of the Voyage Plan pages, use the following buttons:
Attention! Check that the printer is connected to the computer on which the Navi-Planner 4000 is installed.
In the right-hand part of the menu select Print item and press the left trackball button.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Print and Report tab and press the Print button
in Print group.
Press the Send to Shore button in the top right corner of the Plan Preview window. The Voyage Plan will be
sent ashore.
In the Vessels menu select the necessary ship and press the right trackball button.
The Select Voyage Plan window will be open. Select the necessary Voyage Plan from this ship and press the OK
The selected Voyage Plan in the *.pdf format will be downloaded and saved in the folder specified in the
sure browser settings.
Main purposes with the PAYS service is to simplify process of using TADS (SENC/ENC) chart data onboard,
give the navigator access to the actual charts for pre-planning and provide a cost effective chart solution.
Traditionally the navigator have to selects and purchase charts intended (needed) prior to each voyage and
place a chart order at Transas via the chart server or a local sales office. This method is called “Pre-licensing”.
With the Pre-licensing method the user must purchase and have license for a chart to be able to view the
chart data other than just the chart frame even for just planning.
With Transas PAYS service the vessel will have license and access to view and pre-plan in all charts without
additional cost. The vessel will only be charged for charts actual used for navigation, i.e. charts that have
been under the vessel and been displayed or generated navigational alarms.
The process of chart selection, ordering, receiving and installing are time-consuming and requires additional
education for the user. There is also the safety aspect for the vessel to always have all charts available in his
ECDIS. Chart may be required urgently caused by a changed port of call, alternate route planning or weather
Part of the PAYS service is a secure “Online” connection of vessels ECDIS to Transas Chart server via Internet.
This is done through “Transas Firewall and Antivirus Protection” device (TFAP/Transas Gateway).
The TFAP/Transas Gateway is a DNV Type Approved solution that allows connection of ECDIS via LAN to ships
Ethernet and SAT comm. system.
A huge benefit with the TFAP/Transas Gateway and the secure online Internet connection is that Transas can
provide Remote support on ECDIS. After request to and approval of the Captain, Transas service and support
engineer can give the crew support and if needed demonstrations on ECDIS online and in real time.
Chart corrections and updates for TADS, including NTM’s with the AIO service are supplied “online” to the
vessels ECDIS. The normal and most effective way to manage and receive chart corrections and NTM’s is to
order them based on route for the actual voyage.
There are still a few countries that do not allow PAYS service for their ENC’s.
These are at present China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malacca Straits and Singapore and Thailand.
Charts for these countries must still be pre-licensed/purchased in the normal way.
This is done with the chart ordering and management system in Navi-Planner 4000. The procedure to Pre-
license is easy and convenient for the navigation and normally done based on the route and waypoints
intended to be used. The chart management application will always help and support the navigator to have
the most cost-effective chart selection.
Short summary, to make TADS chart usage more simple, save time and cost as well as provide tools and data
for efficient voyage planning and management, Transas PAYS service will provide possibility for the vessel to
have license and install all available TADS charts (SENC/ENC) in Transas ECDIS.
The user will be able to see all of the charts for free during route planning and will be charged only for the
charts that have been “under the vessel” and loaded for route monitoring or alarms in ECDIS during the
actual voyage.
For the few countries that still do not allow PAYS, TADS Charts have to be Pre-licensed.
TADS Chart corrections and AIO’s are supplied online. Vessels normally only order and receive corrections
charts needed for the actual voyage.
1. Transas MNS 32(with the latest patch installed) and MNS 33.
Actually installed charts collection can be reduced to vessels actual sailing area for the vessel (e.g.
Northern Europe etc.).
3. Navi-Planner 4000 software installed on minimum one of the Workstations of the ECDIS connected to and
connected to TFAP/Transas Gateway.
4. TFAP/Transas Gateway connected to MFD and Internet via LAN to provide ECDIS and PAYS system online
access to Transas Chart Server.
The following diagram shows general system configuration of the bridge equipment and connection to
Transas Chart Server.
Handling PAYS
For the PAYS to operate, a license for this service should be bought. The PAYS is turned on during the
installation by installing the PAYS Support server (see Chapter 1, section Installation of Navi-Planner 4000). No
additional settings are required.
For the PAYS to operate, a license for this service should be bought. The PAYS is turned on during the
installation by installing the PAYS Support server (see Chapter 1, section Installation of Navi-Planner 4000). No
additional settings are required.
After Navi-Planner 4000 start, the PAYS server and Online (Offline) lamps, showing the PAYS server and
connection status, are displayed in the top part of the screen.
The green Online lamp indicates that the Navi-Planner 4000 is connected to the Transas Chart Server, whereas
the red Offline lamp indicates that the Navi-Planner 4000 is not connected to the Transas Chart Server.
In the standard mode, PAYS reports are sent and the PAYS report confirmations are received automatically
via the Internet. If there is no Internet, they can be e-mailed.
To do this, press the Charts button in the Task Selection Area to switch to the Charts task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Orders History button to display the
corresponding table.
The unsent PAYS reports will have the “Created” or “Failed” status.
Click the unsent PAYS reports and press the right trackball button.
Enter the e-mail address in Email input box, which Transas chart server will be sending PAYS-reports
confirmation. Specify the path to the external device where the PAYS-report will be saved and press OK
Send PAYS-reports by e-mail to address
After the receipt of the PAYS report confirmation press Charts button in the Task Selection Area to
switch to Charts task.
In the Ribbon switch to Install tab. Press Browse button in Scan group.
Specify the path to the folder in which the PAYS report confirmation is stored.
Press Go button.
In the Source scan completed window which will open up press Install selected items button.
The PAYS report’s status in the Orders History table will change to “Received”, in the Chart Server Message
column the actual price will be specified.
To do this, press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up.
Switch to Route page.
After the receipt of the PAYS report confirmation, the PAYS report’s status in the Orders History table will
change to “Received”.
Chart Selection
Selecting Collection
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Charts task.
Select the chart collection which you will be working with. To do this, in the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000
screen press the following buttons:
l Installed Charts – to work with the already installed ship collection charts;
l Chart Catalogue – to work with various catalogues which are used for ordering new charts,
licenses, updates, etc.;
After the collection has been selected, the list of charts it contains is displayed in the form of a table in the
bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, whereas the Chart Panel shows outlines of charts included in
the collection.
Outlines of selected charts are shown in the red coloured dashed line.
If some number of charts has already been selected and it is necessary to cancel their selection, press the
Deselect All button in the Chart Selection group.
Chart selection/deselection is synchronised on the Chart Panel and in the tables in the bottom part of the
Navi-Planner 4000 screen.
In the Selection by area window check the checkboxes to the left of necessary geographic region.
Press Select button. All charts that are in or crossed by geographic regions will be selected.
The graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel. By keeping the left trackball button depressed, set the
sailing area on the Chart Display Area, which charts are required to be installed for.
Press left trackball button. Outlines of charts, which fall within the set area, are shown in the red coloured
dashed line.
If some number of charts has already been selected and it is necessary to cancel several charts selection by
cursor, press the Deselect button in the Chart Selection group.
The graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel. Keeping the left trackball button depressed, set the sailing
area on the Chart Display Area, which the charts selection should be cancelled for. Press left trackball button.
Outlines of charts, which fall within the set area, are shown in the black coloured line.
Chart selection/deselection on the Chart Panel and in the tables in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000
screen is synchronised.
Open the Installed charts table by pressing the button in the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000
In table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, select the necessary charts by keeping <Ctrl> key
depressed. To select several charts in a row, specify the first and the last chart keeping <Shift> key depressed.
The selected charts will be displayed against the coloured background. After the chart selection, it is
necessary to check a checkbox next to the name of any selected chart; checkboxes for other selected charts
will be checked automatically. Chart selection is completed.
Chart selection in the table and on the Chart Panel is synchronised.
For chart selection from chart catalog see section Data Ordering.
Data Ordering
Press the Charts button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Charts task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Chart Catalogue button to display the
corresponding table.
Press Current catalogue button in the top right corner of the table and select the necessary catalog from the
drop-down list.
In the left part of this table, the chart catalog is present in the form of a “tree”. Press description radio button
in Show item by row to display chart names with descriptions.
l Filtered – number of active format charts selected with a filter from the installed catalogue (chart
boundaries are shown in Chart Display Area);
l Licensed (to be installed) – number of charts, licensed but not yet installed;
l Licensed (deleted) – number of installed charts which are not available in the installed catalogue (deleted
from the collection);
l Licensed (replaced) – number of installed charts which are not available in the installed catalogue, but
there is an adequate replacement for them.
In the right part of the table is displayed the following information about selected charts:
If you want prompt search the chart in the loaded Catalog, type the number or the first characters of a chart
in the input field, and press Find button.
If it is necessary to use the filter for obtaining information and selecting charts press the following buttons in
Filters group:
l Show all – to display all the charts from the selected catalogue folder;
l Show coverage area – to display areas covered with SENC chart data (valid for ENC/SENC charts only);
l Usage (Nav. Purpose) – to display charts with the certain navigational purpose:
o Overview – is for overview charts with scales ranging from 1:1,500,001 or smaller;
o General – is for general charts with scales ranging from 1:600,001 - 1:1,500,000;
o Coastal – is for coastal charts with scales ranging from 1:150,001 - 1:600,000;
o Approach – is for approach charts with scales ranging from 1:50,001 - 1:150,000;
o Harbour – is for harbour charts with scales ranging from 1:25,000 – 1:50,000;
o Berthing – is for berthing charts with scales ranging from 1:24,999 or larger.
In addition to the settings already made, if it is necessary to select charts according to the dates, check the
following checkboxes in Date filter group:
l Changes after – to display charts issued for the first time and charts whose new editions have appeared, or
which have been updated after the specified date;
l Withdrawn after – to display the charts removed from the collection after the specified date.
Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on necessary point of the chart and press the left trackball
In the drop-down list all available charts under this place will be displayed.
Select the necessary charts by checking the checkboxes to the left of the charts names.
Position the free cursor outside the drop-down list and press the left trackball. Acquisition marker will appear
again and you can select the charts under other position. To exit from chart selection mode press the right
trackball button.
Choose Select All row from the context menu. The necessary charts will be selected. To cancel the selection of
these charts, choose Deselect All row.
To select charts, open folders or chart folios containing charts. Check the checkboxes next to the names of
charts, which should be selected.
Press Open button. The chart list will be loaded, and charts from the list will be automatically selected.
In Chart selection corridor of Selection Options group set the width of the corridor along the route for the chart
selection (5 miles are set by default).
In the Ribbon switch to Install tab or Order tab if Chart Catalogue select. Press Select button in Chart Selection
Select the necessary route from the drop-down list. The route will be automatically loaded in Route task (see
Chapter 3, Route Loading and Unloading section).
All charts along the route taking into account XTD will be selected.
Chart selection on the Chart Panel and in the tables in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen is
From the drop-down menu select the Selected chats status item.
The selected chats report will be created. The report depends on the date set in Date filter group on Chart
Catalogue page in Settings window (see paragraph Using Filter for Obtaining Information and Selecting Charts).
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check
the Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program
Press Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick, which contains the orders.
Press Ok button.
Attention! When selecting charts, it is necessary to use a more recent catalogue than that available on the
CD which charts were installed from.
In the Ribbon switch to Order tab. Press License button in Request for data group.
Warning! To cut expenses, it is worthwhile to order chart permits only, provided the charts themselves are
available on the WF CD.
Check the Receive Up-to-date charts from server checkbox if you do not have a necessary WF CD, and then in
addition the licenses the server will send the chart themselves.
Press Next >> button. The program will optimise the order by deleting charts already available and will display
a message with optimisation results.
From the Currency drop-down list, select the currency to be calculated: the Rate box will display the USD rate
of the selected currency (EURO for ENC). The currency rate can be corrected. To do this, position the cursor in
the Rate box and enter the necessary currency rate. The Total request cost line will display the tentative cost
of charts.
Press Next >> button.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check the
Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program installed.
Press Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick, which contains the orders.
Press Ok button.
Attention! Updating cannot be ordered unless there is Professional Maintenance Service option in the
license. When selecting chart, it is necessary to use a catalogue more recent than that available on the CD which
charts were installed from.
In the Ribbon switch to Order tab. Press Updates button in Request for data group.
Selection only checkbox is checked by default. If it is necessary to order updating subscription for all installed
charts, check All installed charts check box.
Send once checkbox is checked by default. If it is necessary to order weekly update subscription, check Send
weekly checkbox. Specify the number of weeks during which the updating should be delivered (not more
than the number of weeks until the end of the year).
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check
the Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program
Press Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick, which contains the orders.
Press Ok button.
In the Ribbon switch to Order tab. Press Full License button in Request for data group.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check
the Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick, which contains the orders.
Press Ok button.
Attention! When selecting charts, it is necessary to use a more recent catalogue than that available on the
CD which charts were installed from.
In the Ribbon switch to the Order tab. Press the Data Set button in the Request for Data group.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check
the Send request checkbox: in this case, the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program
Press the Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press the Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the orders.
Select the necessary action and press the Install selected items button.
Attention! A request for the AVSC data can made when the "non-Transas ECDIS" option is licensed.
Navi-Planner 4000 implements a capability to order data supplied by UKHO - Admiralty Vector Chart Service
(AVCS). The user saves the received data in external media and can subsequently use it in non-Transas ECDISes.
By ordering an AVCS Data Set the user receives chart data only. When updates are ordered on the TADS(see
paragraph Forming and Saving Updating Order) AVCS updates and AVSC permits are sent automatically. When
charts and licences are ordered on the TADS (see paragraph Forming and Saving Licenses and Charts Order)
AVSC permits are sent automatically.
Load necessary catalog and select charts, which AVCS Data Set should be ordered for (see previous paragraphs).
Attention! When selecting charts, it is necessary to use a more recent catalogue than that available on the
CD which charts were installed from.
In the Ribbon switch to Order tab. Press Data Set button in Request for Data group.
AVCS checkbox is checked by default, it means that the request will be made for the full and latest set of
selected charts and their updates.
If it is known which week the AVCS data is updated to, check the Latest week loaded checkbox and enter the
week number in the input box. This will reduce significantly the amount of transferred data.
Press Next >> button.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check
the Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program
Press Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick, which contains the orders.
Press Ok button.
After the receipt of data, the following window will appear:
Select the necessary action and press the Install selected items button.
Specify the path to the external device where the AVCS Data set will be saved.
Press OK button.
Use the procedure for saving the necessary data as described above for the AVCS Data set.
Data will be saved to the AVCS Data folder. AVCS permits will be saved in this folder in separate subfolders:
Attention!A request for the ice charts can made when the "Ice charts" option is licensed. The ice charts
cannot be ordered without access to the Internet.
Navi-Planner 4000 implements a capability to order ice charts supplied by the Arctic and Antarctic Research
Institute (AARI).
In the Ribbon switch to Order tab. Press Updates button in Request for Data group.
In the Request updates for group check the All installed charts checkbox.
After the Navi-Planner has connected to the AARI server, a list of ice charts available for downloading will be
Select the necessary ice charts by checking checkboxes next to their names.
The Send request checkbox is checked by default: in this case the request will be sent automatically.
Press Finish button.
After the receipt of data, the following window will appear:
Select the necessary action and press the Install selected items button.
If information files which have the *.txt format are selected, the Save to browser window opens up. Specify
the path to the external folder where the information files will be saved.
Press OK button.
*.txt Information files will be saved to external media, after this the ice charts will be installed.
Information files are opened on the external media by means of the Windows Notepad and contain
information text.
Orders Traffic
Take off the memory stick and send a file from the folder, which contains the orders (this will be a file with
*.cdf extension) as an attachment to No special subject or text is necessary.
Then delete the *.cdf file from the memory stick to prevent mixing up with other orders (files which will be
saved by Navi-Planner 4000 in the future).
When you receive an e-mail from, save attachment(s) (these will be *.cdf files) to
memory stick. Then insert the memory stick into the computer with the Navi-Planner 4000.
If an order was sent by using the Send request tool, it is not necessary to do anything. A reply sent by the
Transas Chart Server will be processed by Navi-Planner 4000 automatically, and you can install the received
data afterwards.
Perform the installation of received data as described in Installing All Data paragraph.
l Request – name of the order which includes its number, date, order formation time and the type of
ordered data;
l Issue date – order formation date;
l Complete date – order reception date;
l Status – order status;
l Chart Server message – service messages on the Chart Server order processing.
Old requests may have the following status specified in the table column with the same name:
l Not sent – the order was formed but has not been sent, and has been stored in an external storage;
l In progress – the order has been sent;
l Confirmed – the order has been received by the chart server and is being processed;
l Refused – the order cannot be processed by the chart server and is, therefore, rejected;
l Received – an answer containing the requested data has been received.
Depending on situation, service messages from the Chart Server may have the following form:
Case Message
Chart ordering: If ordered charts are already All ordered items have been already sold to the customer or
sold, Chart Server [CS] informs about it; requested items are not found
Charts ordering: If there is no autoapproval, CS Your chart order has been received by the Transas Chart Server.
informs that the order has been received and The chart licenses will be sent upon approval of the order by
awaiting for approval; Transas distributor
Chart ordering: If subscription expired, CS Requested charts were not updated because they are expired or
informs about it; not licensed
Updates requesting: If there are no updates, CS l Requested charts were not updated because they are expired
sends the refusal reply; or not licensed;
Position the cursor on the order, which you wish to view, and press the left trackball button.
The table in the right part will display chart folios and charts included in the order.
If the installation was interrupted during the receipt of an order (see the previous paragraph), select this
request in the table.
In the Ribbon switch to Order tab. Press Install button in Old Orders group to install the received data (for
orders with “Received” status only).
There is a capability to view data contained in these orders. If an old request is selected with the cursor, the
names of the chart folios and charts contained in it are displayed to the left of the table; a press on Select
button in Old Orders group selects them.
When the AVCS data is ordered, the request will be saved to the Orders History table under an appropriate
To save the received data, re-select this request in the table and press the Install button in the Old Orders
group on the Ribbon.
After this, fulfill the data saving procedure described above in the Forming and Saving AVCS Data Set paragraph.
Data Management
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Charts task.
Pre-installation Operations
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up. Switch to
General page.
This is why the following operations will be performed during the chart installation:
l Use catalogue for install – file with chart catalogue (CATALOG.031) will be used during the chart
l Use catalogue for update – file with chart catalogue (CATALOG.031) will be used during the chart updating;
l Confirm deleting update – to confirm automatically the deleting updating when handling S-57 format charts;
l Auto accept update – to install the successive updating automatically, without prompt for accepting
previous updating for S-57 format charts.
Specify the path to the source, which contains the data and press Go button.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Install tab and press Browse button in Scan group.
For fast CD/DVD scanning (where the data is most frequently stored) press CD drive button in Scan group.
This window displays all the possible operations accessible from the scanned source.
Press the Install selected items button. The data will be installed, and an operation log will be formed.
Note: If the Show charts list only button is pressed, the External Storage table will display a list of charts contained
in the scanned storage for the selection and installation in the manual mode.
After the installation, data is automatically synchronized with the MFD. Synchronization process is displayed
in the top right corner of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen.
After the ending of the disk scanning the table will display a list of charts contained in the scanned storage.
Select the charts, which will be installed (see section Charts Selection).
In the Ribbon switch to Install tab. Press Install button in Chart Selection group.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Installed Charts button to display the
corresponding table.
l Orange – for charts whose license will expire in less than 30 days;
Deleting Charts
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Installed Charts button to display the
corresponding table.
Select the charts, which will be installed (see section Charts Selection).
In the Ribbon switch to Install tab. Press Uninstall button in Chart Selection group.
Press the Transas button and choose the S57/SENC item from the drop-down menu.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Install tab and press ENC Permits button in
License group.
To install permits from external carrier, check Install from file checkbox.
Press OK button.
Note: To handle the situation with multiple ENC cell permits data providers (DATA SERVERS), the permits from
different data servers are stored separately, according to the identifier of the data server in SERIAL.ENC file on
ENC data CD or according to the server code in permits.txt file (if exists). If no identification of the data
provider is found (i.e. no CD is loaded and there is no data server code in permit.txt), the CA identifies last
loaded data provider. If there wasn’t any data provider loaded before, then IHO S-63 Scheme Administrator is set
by default (data server code is PM) as origin of cell permits.
Press OK button to confirm the installation of chart permits. The permit installation log will be displayed.
To delete previously installed cell permits from certain data server, press Remove permits button.
In this case, all permits from the data server will be deleted or substituted with new permits.
To install permits manually, check Manual permits entry checkbox. Enter the number of the permit
corresponding to the dongle.
Press OK button.
Viewing Certificates
Attention! Before viewing the certificates it is recommended to send a request for Full License and install the
In the Ribbon switch to Install tab. Press Create report button in Reports group.
In the Certificates window which will open up select the necessary certificate:
To switch presentations of different display types in Display Category group, press the following buttons:
If Custom button is pressed, all the checkboxes for turning on the display of necessary additional information
classes will be checked by default:
l All depth contours – to turn on the display of all the depth contours;
l Cables, pipelines – to turn on the display of submerged cables and pipelines;
l Isolated dangers – to turn on the display of isolated dangers with depths over them larger than the safety
l Seabed – to turn on the display of ground characteristics;
l Names – to turn on the display of names;
l Buoys names – to turn on the display of buoys names;
l Other information – to turn on the display of other information.
l Spot soundings to – to turn on the display of depth values smaller than the setting made in the relevant
window (if the setting is “0”, all the soundings are displayed);
Uncheck the appropriate checkboxes to turn off the display of unnecessary information classes.
A similar result of switching presentations of different display types can be obtained by using the button in
the toolbar of the Chart Panel.
l Base Display;
l Standard Display;
To activate updating acceptance procedure for ENC format charts, press the buttons in Corrections group:
l Accept – to activate updating acceptance procedure for selected ENC (before the acceptance correction
highlighting symbols are displayed);
l Accept All – to activate updating for all the ENC format charts (before the activation of chart updating all
the modified symbols will be accentuated, after all the corrections have been accepted, the contours of
altered symbols will disappear).
Warning! By default, Auto accept update button in Installation Options group of General page is turning on,
and in this case updating will be accepted automatically. It is not advisable to deactivate these functions.
For the adjustment of ENC format chart display, use the following controls of ENC Options group:
l From Areas drop-down list, select the style of area type object boundary display (Plain and Symbolised);
l From Points drop-down list, select the style of the point type object display (Paper chart and Simplified).
Check the following checkboxes for turning on the display of necessary additional information classes:
l Four shades – to turn on the colour highlighting of the set depth areas;
l Shallow pattern – to turn on the display of hatching in the presentation of areas with depths smaller than
the safety contour on ENC format charts;
l Use SCAMIN – to turn on the display of an object on inadmissible scales to it (generalisation method
l Full light lines – to switch the lengths of lines delimiting the light visibility sectors;
l Highlight Info – to turn on the display of highlighting for objects with “Inform” attribute;
l Show correction – to turn on colour highlighting for the objects which have undergone some modification
in the process of the latest accepted correction;
l M-quality objects – to turn on the display of accuracy symbols for the ship positioning and sounding
during seabed contour survey on ENC format charts;
l National names – to turn on the display of national names;
l Non-Active objects – to turn on the display of temporary objects regardless of their effective time;
l Question mark – to turn on the display of objects which are not specified in S-52 standard;
l Shallow danger – to turn on the display of isolated danger objects which are located in the unsafe waters.
Note: AIO charts are installed in much the same way as ENC.
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Charts task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Installed Charts button to display the
corresponding table.
The AIO button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel is pressed by default.
Use the Info function (see below section Obtaining Information on Vector Chart and Chart Objects).
On the Info panel select the General Chart Information notation in GB80001: S57Ed3_AIO Chart section by
positioning the cursor on it, and press the left trackball button. The page with information on the AIO chart
will open up.
To switch off AIO layer depress the AIO button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel.
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen press the button to AIO chart.
The table which will open up shows the NTM (Notices To Mariners) included in the AIO chart.
To print NTM table select several rows of the table or the whole table and press Print button in the right part
of the page.
The Navi-Planner 4000 capabilities can be used for reading and printing out the current NTM.
Type the number or the first characters of NTM in the input field, and press Find button.
The necessary NTM will be highlighted in the table. The ENC charts affected column lists the chart which the
NTM in question refers to.
Double click on this NTM: the Chart Panel will display the area which this NTM is applicable to.
Press Yes button in the Reference column.
Select the *.txt file and press the left trackball button.
Read the NTM. If it is necessary to print out the NTM, press the Print button. To close the Text viewer
window, press the Close button.
Navi-Planner 4000 implements a capability to show separately different object classes and polygon
attributes. To do this press the AIO Layer Control button.
By default, the display of all the object classes and polygon attributes is turned on.
The table below shows ways of displaying object classes on the Chart Panel.
There is also a capability to display AIO geometric polygons with or without a fill and with text/boundaries
turned on or off. The table below provides examples of polygon attributes display with the checkboxes
Pattern fill
AIO Bounding
If the display of all attributes is turned on, the polygon looks as follows:
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Charts task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen press the button to select the paper charts
The table which will open up will show the world chart collection provided by the TGT (Thomas Gun
Technologies) e-Data Services.
The Navi-Planner 4000 capabilities can be used for familiarizing with the current NTM (Notices To Mariners) for
each chart, and also for printing out the tracing for an NTM and insert. To do this, click on the necessary chart.
The right hand table will display a list of NTM’s for the selected chart. Click on the necessary NTM and press
the Yes button.
Attention! For the updates to be printed out, the Adobe Acrobat Reader software is required to be installed
on the PC.
To print out tracing and inserts, select the appropriate item from the drop-down menu.
Print out the necessary information by using the Adobe Acrobat Reader facilities.
To order new charts, nautical publications, updates and other materials use the TGT e-Data Service software.
To this end, press the Transas button and select TGT e-Data Service item from the drop-down menu.
Attention! While you are working with the TGT e-Data Service software, Navi-Planner 4000 is unavailable.
Press Ok button.
Press OK button.
The TGT e-Data Service software window will open up. For the description of this program see Help/Contents.
Press Yes button to confirm exit from the program. The program will be closed.
After the end of the program’s operation, Navi-Planner 4000 becomes available.
Note: After the purchase of the TGT Charts, by default paper chart updates are sent every week to the e-mail
address specified at the time of buying.
Insert the CD/DVD or memory stick with TADS media to the PC.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen press the button to select the paper charts
Press the Transas button and choose the Select Installation Source item from the drop-down menu.
Specify the path to the TGT folder found on the inserted TADS media. Press Go button.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Switch to Install tab and press the Browse button in Scan
Press Ok button.
Attention! The Paper Charts collection is not available unless this option is additionally licensed.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen press the button to select the paper charts
In the Ribbon switch to Order tab. Press Updates button in Request for data group.
In the Updates Request window select the charts which the updates should be ordered for. To select all the
charts which updates are available for, check the Select/Deselect all checkbox.
There may also be a situation whereby no charts are specified in the Updates Request window because all the
paper charts are up-to-date, in this case it looks as follows:
In this case the updates request can also be created. Press Next >> button.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check the
Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program installed.
Press the Finish button.
Another way is to enter the e-mail address in the Email input box to which Transas Chart Server will be
sending the answer.
Press the Save to Disk radio button.
Note:In this window, the receiver’s address cannot be specified because the ordered updates are sent to the e-
mail address specified at the time when the TGT Charts were bought.
Specify the path to the source which contains the paper charts update data (Browse the folder on the
memory stick).
Press OK button.
Press Ok button.
Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on point of the chart which information is required to be
obtained on.
Press the left trackball button. Info panel will display (under the chart name) the list of pages with available
information on the objects which fall within the acquisition marker outline.
Select General Chart Information notation by positioning the cursor on it, and press the left trackball button.
The page with information on the vector chart will open up.
Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the object which information is required to be
obtained on.
Press the left trackball button. Info panel will display (under the chart name) the list of pages with available
information on the objects, which fall within the acquisition marker outline.
Select the necessary notation by positioning the cursor on the name and press the left trackball button: Info
panel will open a page with information on the selected objects:
The Onboard Data Server is intended for maintaining automatically the up-to-date status of the ship charts
Attention! The Onboard Data Server is designed for work with TADS SENC format charts only.
For the Onboard Data Server operation, it is necessary to create a backup copy of the base TADS disk which is
issued every three months. After this, once a week when the updates become available on the coastal Chart
Server, the Onboard Data Server automatically establishes a link with it and notifies the Nav Officer that there
are new updates. Upon his approval, it downloads the updates.
Note: For the Chart Delivery Server steady operation good Inet connection is required.
If the connection is broken in the course of downloading, after its recovery the process is resumed, the data
already downloaded taken into account.
After the updates have been downloaded, Navi-Planner 4000 offers to install it. After the Nav Officer’s
approval updates are installed.
Check Create backup of chart media. Needed for Onboard Data Server checkbox and press Install selected items
button. Back up copy will be created.
If some storage is re-scanned in the course of the backup copying, the following message will appear:
Press the Yes button to continue creating the backup copy; in doing this, it is necessary to check that the disk
is in the drive, and the memory stick is connected. Press the No button to stop the operation.
The hint advises the availability and size of updates. Press this button.
The button will change its form, and the downloading of updates will begin. The hint shows the size of the
downloaded updates.
If the downloading process is interrupted for some reasons (e.g., absence of the Inet), the button will change
its appearance.
The hint displays information on the downloaded updates size. To resume the downloading when the
connection is recovered, press this button (or the downloading will be resumed automatically in an hour).
After all the updates have been downloaded, the button will change its form to . Position the cursor on
this button.
Attention! If the navigator currently rejects the updates installation, the button will be displayed until the
downloaded updates are installed.
In the Source scan completed window all the checkboxes are checked by default, and it is impossible to
uncheck them.
Press the button. In the Sounce scan completed window all the necessary checkboxes are checked by default,
and it is impossible to uncheck them.
The charts and all the updates will be installed, and an operation log will be provided.
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel to turn on the maps display on the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
The map under the “NEWMAPXX*” name will be loaded. The name of the loaded map is shown above the
Note: Next to the map name there is a “*” symbol which means that the map is edited but not saved. The
unsaved maps are not synchronized with other WS’s.
It is then necessary to plot on the map the map objects which may be of the following types:
l Symbol;
l Line;
l Text;
l Depth;
l Shapes.
Press the button with the name of current symbol library. From the drop-down list, select the symbol library:
Select the map object symbol type from the table and press the left trackball button.
Set the display time (“Temporary”) attribute. To do this, check the Start checkbox. Use the trackball to set the
start date and time of the map object display and press the right trackball button.
Press the “Apply” button to confirm the changes you have made.
Check the End checkbox and set the map object display end date and time.
Set the map object colour (“Object colour” attribute). Select it from the Color palette.
Enter the required text (“Text” attribute) in Text input field (information will be displayed on the map):
Enter the required information (“Object information” attribute) in Info field (information will not be displayed
unless Info function is used):
Set the required depth value (“Object depth” attribute) in Depth field:
Files are attached (“Attached file” attribute) after the plotting of the map object.
To cancel all the attributes for each new object, check Clear for new object checkbox.
Warning! Point type objects cannot be displayed on scales smaller than 1:600,000. When smaller scales are
set, these categories will not be available.
To plot a map object on the chart, press the Add object button.
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display Add
Symbol information window with cursor coordinates.
Press the left trackball button: the point type object will be set in the specified coordinates.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode.
In the Ribbon press Find object button in Objects group.
Information on the plotted map object will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Plotting Lines
In the Ribbon press button with arrow in Objects group.
Select the type of line type map object from the table.
Set the map object colour (the “Object colour” attribute), the map object display time (the “Temporary”
attribute), the map object text (the “Text” attribute), the necessary information (the “Object information”
attribute), the “Danger to navigation” attribute and the required depth value (the “Object depth” attribute)
(see Plotting Symbol Type Objects item of this paragraph).
Files are attached (the “Attached file” attribute) after the plotting of the map object.
To plot a map object on the chart, press the Add object button.
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display Add
Line information window with cursor coordinates.
To set lines and areas, after the plotting of the initial point, move the cursor to the next point and press the
left button again. Repeat the procedure until you set the required number of point.
After the input of the last point of the line or area, press the right trackball button: the cursor will change its
form, and the object will be set in the specified coordinates:
Information on the plotted map object will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Set the map object colour (the “Object colour” attribute), the map object display time (the “Temporary ”
attribute), required information (the “Object information” attribute), the “Danger to navigation” attribute
and the required depth value (the “Object depth” attribute) (see Plotting Symbol Type Objects item of this
Files are attached (the “Attached file” attribute) after the plotting of a map object.
To plot a map object on the chart, press the Add object button.
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display Add
Text information window with cursor coordinates.
Press the left trackball button: the text type map object will be set in the specified coordinates.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode.
In the Ribbon press Find object button in Objects group.
Information on the plotted map object will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Set the map object colour (the “Object colour” attribute), the map object display time (the “Temporary”
attribute), map object text (the “Text” attribute), required information (the “Object information” attribute),
the “Danger to navigation” attribute and the required depth value (the “Object depth” attribute) (see Plotting
Symbol Type Objects item of this paragraph).
Files are attached (the “Attached file” attribute) after the plotting of a map object. Files are attached (the
“Attached file” attribute) after the plotting of the map object.
To plot a map object on the chart, press the Add object button.
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display Add
Depth information window with cursor coordinates.
Press the left trackball button: the depth type map object will be set in the specified coordinates.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode.
In the Ribbon press Find object button in Objects group.
Information on the plotted map object will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Plotting Shapes
In the Ribbon press button with arrow in Objects group.
Select from the table the type of the line (Line) delineating the shape and of the shape infill (Fill):
Set the map object colour (“Object colour” attribute), the map object display time (“Temporary” attribute),
map object text (the “Text” attribute), required information (the “Object information” attribute), the “Danger
to navigation” attribute and the required depth value (the “Object depth” attribute) (see Plotting Symbol Type
Objects item of this paragraph).
Files are attached (the “Attached file” attribute) after the plotting of the map object.
Press the button in the top left corner to select the form of a shape to be plotted:
Select the necessary shape from the list. Press the same button again.
Depending on the selected shape, plot the shape type map object making additional settings as required:
l Ellipse:
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will
display Add Ellipse information window with cursor coordinates.
Position the cursor in the central point and press the left trackball button.
The Add Ellipse information window will assume the following form:
After this, by moving the cursor set the necessary length of the major axis and press the left trackball
button again.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode. The cursor will assume the shape of the
ECDIS task free cursor.
l Rectangle:
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will
display Add Rectangle information window with cursor coordinates.
Position the cursor in the initial point and press the left trackball button.
To set the rectangle shape, after the plotting of the initial point, move the cursor so as to construct a
rectangle of the necessary form and press the left button again.
After the input of the last point of the rectangle shape, press the right trackball button: the cursor will
change its form and the object will be set in the specified coordinates:
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode. The cursor will assume the shape of the
ECDIS task free cursor.
l Sector:
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will
display Add Sector information window with cursor coordinates.
Position the cursor in the central point of the sector and press the left trackball button.
The Add Ellipse information window will assume the following form:
After this, by moving the cursor set the necessary radius and press the left trackball button again.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode. The cursor will assume the shape of the
ECDIS task free cursor.
l Polygon:
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will
display Add Polygon information window with cursor coordinates.
Position the cursor in the initial point of the polygon shape and press the left trackball button.
To set the polygon shape, after the plotting of the initial point, move the cursor to the next point and
press the left button again. Repeat the procedure until you set the required number of point.
After the input of the last point of the polygon shape, press the right trackball button: the cursor will
change its form and the object will be set in the specified coordinates, the first and the last point of the
plotted polygon connected automatically:
Press the right trackball button to exit from the editing mode. The cursor will assume the shape of the
ECDIS task free cursor.
l Circle:
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will
display Add Circle information window with cursor coordinates.
Position the cursor in the central point and press the left trackball button.
After this, move the cursor to the necessary radius and press the left trackball button again.
Information on the plotted map object will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Position the acquisition marker which will appear, on the object and press the left trackball button.
On the Navi-Planner 4000 screen a table with lists of all the files available for attaching will open up (to view
the contents of the selected file, press the View button on the appropriate panel). The list of files available for
attaching is formed based on the files taken by the Browse button.
To form the list of files available for attaching press Browse button and select the file is about to be put in the list.
Once the file is browsed press Import button. Press Cancel or button.
Note: The file will appear in the Available files group in a while.
To attach a file (group of files) to the map object, select it in Available files group and press Attach >> button.
The file (group of files) will move to Attached files group. Press Apply button to confirm the changes you have
To detach a file (group of files), select the necessary files in Attached files group and press << Detach button.
The file (group of files) will move to Available files group. Press Apply button to confirm the changes you have
The procedure of creating and plotting a map object is completed.
Press Transas button and select Save as item from the drop-down menu.
In the right-hand part of the menu, enter the map name and comments on the created map as required.
To turn on/off the display of map objects categories on the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the following
Objects buttons in Show group:
l Symbols;
l Text;
l Depth;
l Circles;
l Lines;
l Rectangles;
l Polygons;
l Sectors;
l Ellipses.
To turn on/off the display of map objects attributes on the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the following
Attributes buttons in Show group:
l “Text” attribute;
l “Depth” attribute.
To turn on/off the display of map objects and its attributes on the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the
following buttons in Display options group:
l Colored – to turn on the designated colour highlighting of all the map objects (if the button is released,
objects are shown in orange);
l Attachments – to turn on the purple coloured highlighting of objects with attached files;
l Timed objects – to turn on the display of temporarily appearing objects, if the button is depressed these
objects are always visible, if it is released, they are not visible until they become effective.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel to turn on the maps display on the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Press the Transas button and select Load map item from the drop-down menu.
The right-hand part of the drop-down menu will display a list of all the maps available for loading.
In the list, select the map required to be loaded in edition mode, and press the left trackball button.
A similar result can be obtained by using the Ribbon. Press Load button in Maps Handling group.
Several maps can be loaded simultaneously in the editing mode. As a button with map name is pressed, the
map becomes active and can be edited on the screen by using the graphic editor.
The active map objects displayed in the table on the Find Object table.
To unload the map press button placed to the right of the map name in the Loaded maps group, which is
above the Ribbon:
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel to turn on the maps display on the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Load the map containing the object you are going to edit (see previous section). The screen will display
presentations of the previously plotted map objects.
Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the object (in case of text objects, the acquisition point
is the first character) and press the left trackball button.
On the Navi-Planner 4000 screen will open up the window, which displayed attributes of the selected map
If necessary, edit the map object symbol, colour (the “Object colour” attribute), the map object display time
(the “Temporary” attribute), map object text (the “Text” attribute), required information (the “Object
information” attribute), the “Danger to navigation” attribute and the required depth value (the “Object
depth” attribute) (see section Creating and Saving Maps, paragraph Creating and Plotting Map Objects, item
Plotting Symbol Type Objects).
Press the Apply button in the editing window to confirm the changes you have made.
Attributes of the line, text, depth and shape type objects are edited in much the same way. To resize line or
shape type objects, select this object as described above and press the Resize button in edition window.
The acquisition marker will appear on the first point of the selected line object.
Use the acquisition marker to select a point on the line which should be changed, and press the left trackball
button. The graphic cursor will appear.
Move the cursor to the required coordinates. Press the left trackball button. The graphic cursor will change
its form to acquisition marker. Repeat this operation for other map object boundaries until the necessary
configuration is set.
To exit from the editing mode press the right trackball button.
To attach/detach files to/from the map object, see section Creating and Saving Maps, paragraph Creating and
Plotting Map Objects, item Assigning “Attached File” Attribute .
Position the acquisition marker which will appear, on the object to be shifted (the first character of a text
object, or a point in a line, or area type object).
Press the left trackball button. Position the marker which will appear, in the new object coordinates within
the displayed Chart Panel.
Press the left trackball button: the object will move to the specified coordinates.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the mode of editing of the map object coordinates.
You can use a similar procedure to change coordinates of all the map objects by selecting the Shift All item
from the drop-down list.
Attention! In this case, all the map objects of the layer will be shifted to the same distance and in the same
direction as the object which is being edited.
Position the acquisition marker which will appear, on the object to be deleted (the first character of a text
object, or a point in a line, or area type object).
Press the left trackball button: the presentation of the object will be removed from the Chart Panel.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the map object deleting mode.
Check Deleted checkbox in Display options group to turn on the grey coloured highlighting of deleted object on
the Navi-Planner 4000 screen (see also paragraph Turning On/Off the Display of Map Objects and Their Attributes
of the previous section).
The screen will display all the previously deleted objects shown in the grey colour.
Position the acquisition marker which will appear, on the deleted object (the first character of a text object,
or a corner point of a line, or area type object).
Press the left trackball button: “Deleted object” attribute is removed, and the object is highlighted in
accordance with the previously made settings.
Press the right trackball button to exit from the deleted map object restore mode.
Merging Maps
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel to turn on the maps display on the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Load the map containing the object you are going to edit (see section Map Loading and Unloading). The screen
will display presentations of the previously plotted map objects.
The merging of maps implies that a newly created map will contain map objects from all the merged maps:
In the window which will open up, check the checkboxes next to the maps which should be merged.
In the window which will open up, check the checkboxes next to the maps which should be merged.
Press the Merge button.
If 2 maps are selected for merging, the Merge window which will open up will have the following form:
Select the name under which the merged map will be saved (under one of the source map names, or under a
new name).
If more than two maps are selected for merging, the Merge window which will open up has the following
Deleting Maps
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Select the chart name from the drop-down list, which will open up.
In the window, which will appear, press Yes button to confirm the deleting of the map. The chart will be
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel to turn on the maps display on the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
Load the map containing the object required to be found (see Map Loading and Unloading section). If the map
is loaded select it in Loaded maps group above the Ribbon to make it an active.
In the Ribbon press Find object button in Objects group.
Information on the plotted map object will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner
4000 screen.
In the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, select the required map object in the left-hand part of
the table, and press the left trackball button. Coordinates of the selected object will be displayed in the right-
hand part of the table.
A double click of the left trackball button on the selected object line or its coordinates displays this object in
the centre of the Chart Panel highlighted with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.
With the selection of line or area type objects, the right-hand part of the table displays coordinates of all the
points, which the line/area type object consists of.
A double click of the left trackball button on the coordinates of any point which the line/area type object
consists of, displays this point in the centre of the Chart Panel highlighted with a flashing circle for 10
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Press the Transas button and select Export item from the drop-down menu.
In the right-hand part of the menu window specify the path, where the map will be exported.
Select the chart, that is about to be exported.
Maps Import
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Maps button.
Press the Transas button and select Import item from the drop-down menu.
In the right-hand part of the menu window specify the path, from where the map will be imported.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Tide/Current button.
l Graphically;
l In a Tabular Form.
Select the reference point from the list by the cursor and press the left trackball button.
You can also use the keyboard: type the first letters of the reference point name.
Press <Enter> key. The selected reference point will be displayed in the centre of Chart Panel.
Graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display cursor
information window.
Position the graphic cursor which will appear, on the point within the Chart Panel.
The graphic cursor will acquire the ERBL form. Use the ERBL to set the necessary coverage zone.
Press the left trackball button to exit from the graphic cursor mode. Press Places by cursor button in Places
group. In this case, the list displays reference points belonging to selected area.
Select the necessary reference point from the drop-down list as described in the previous item.
To return to the full list of reference points, press button.
In Date field of Date and Period group select the date starting from which the tidal heights will be calculated.
Use Period input field to enter the period which tidal heights are required to be calculated for.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up. Switch to Tides
and Currents page.
In the Time group, press the appropriate button to select time which will be taken into account in the tidal
height calculations:
l UTC;
l Ship’s time (valid if Navi-Planner 4000 is being used with MFD only);
l Time zone.
Tide diagram will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up. Switch to Tides
and Currents page.
Position the cursor on the tidal curve and, by moving the cursor with the trackball, set the necessary time
value in the cursor information window.
Tide table will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up. Switch to Tides
and Currents page.
In the list, which will open up, select the necessary tidal height calculation discretion and press the left
trackball button. The table will display the tidal height table calculated with the set discretion.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Tide/Current button.
In the Ribbon switch to Visualization tab. Press Tides button in Visualization group.
A similar result can be obtained by using the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel.
The Chart Panel displays tidal heights in the reference points as of the current time.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Tide/Current button.
In the Ribbon switch to Visualization tab. Press Tidal currents button in Visualization group.
A similar result can be obtained by using the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel.
The Chart Panel displays tidal current vectors as of the current time.
The Chart Panel will display digitally the values of tidal current speed.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Tide/Current button.
In the Ribbon switch to Visualization tab. Press Surface currents button in Visualization group.
A similar result can be obtained by using the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel.
The Chart Panel displays surface currents vectors as of the current time.
The Chart Panel will display digitally the values of surface current speed.
Use of Animation
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Tide/Current button.
Press the buttons of the tidal parameters whose value change dynamics is required
to be viewed.
Check the activated Tide animation checkbox in Display Options group.
In Date and Ship time input fields of Tide animation group, which will open up, enter the required viewing start
date and time.
Use Step input field to enter the discretion of the parameter value change.
The changes are happened automatically and manually: back and forward .
On the Chart Panel, the selected parameters will change with the set discretion.
The same kind of animation can be made for the Surface currents.
In the Ribbon switch to Visualization tab. Press Surface currents button in Visualization group.
In the Ribbon switch to Play Ahead and View tab. Press Forecast selection button in Request group.
Check the checkboxes of the geographic area names or press Select/Deselect all radio button for all areas.
If it is necessary to order weather forecast along the route, select the by Route radio button. The route should
be previously loaded in the Route task (see Chapter 3, Route Loading and Unloading section). Press the button
and select the route from the drop-down list.
By default, all weather parameters which are required to be ordered are selected.
Check the ordered regions and weather parameters and press Next >> button.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Weather Server,
check the Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail
program installed.
Press Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick, which contains the weather orders.
Press Ok button.
Send the specified file with *.cdf extension as an attachment to address. No
special subject or text is necessary. Then delete the *.cdf file from the folder to prevent mixing up with
other orders (files which will be saved by Navi-Planner in the future).
If an order was sent by using the Send request tool, it is not necessary to do anything. A reply sent by the
Transas Weather Server will be processed by Navi-Planner 4000 automatically, and you can install the
received data afterwards.
When you receive an e-mail from, save attachment(s) (these will be *.cdf files) to
memory stick. Then insert the memory stick into the computer with the Navi-Planner 4000.
Press the Transas button and select Select Installation Source item from the drop-down menu.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the received weather forecast, and press
Go button.
Press OK button.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel. The Settings window will open up. Switch to
Weather page.
In Base group check (if unchecked) checkboxes of base weather parameters required to be displayed.
Press the button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel to turn on weather layer on the Chart Panel.
In the Ribbon in Date and Ship time input fields of Play Ahead group, enter the required viewing start date and
Use Step input field to enter the discretion of the weather forecast value change.
The changes are happened automatically and manually: back and forward .
The and buttons serve for moving to the beginning or to the end of the weather forecast.
If it is necessary replay the changes of weather parameter along the route, load the necessary route (see
Chapter 3, section Route Loading and Unloading). Load the necessary schedule (see Chapter 3, section Drowing
Schedule ).
Note: The selected schedule should be at least partly coincident in dates with the replayed weather forecast.
The Chart Panel will display the own ship symbol moving along the selected route according to the selected
schedule with the changing weather parameters in the background.
Where several routes and/or schedules are loaded in the Route task, weather prediction will be made for all
the routes and their active schedules.
In the Ribbon switch to Play Ahead and View tab. Press Weather Cursor button in Options group.
With the Weather cursor toggle button, all weather elements at the trackball position can be displayed. By
moving the trackball over the chart the spot weather forecast will be seen in the window. The displayed data
are valid for the same time as set for regular weather display.
The weather window is canceled by clicking on the Weather cursor button again or when the task is changed
to another.
Weather Graphs
Warning! Weather graphs will be displayed for loaded routes and those active schedules. The schedules
should be within the weather forecast time period.
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Weather task.
In the Ribbon switch to Play Ahead and View tab. Press Weather Graph button in Options group.
The graphs will be displayed at the bottom part of the display. At the same time graphs for all the loaded
routes will be displayed in different colours.
The graphs offer the user the opportunity to look at calculated results in detail. It gives a clear picture per
element for all calculated routes.
The graphs can be used to analyse why the speed on one route is higher/lower than on other routes (e.g.
because of high waves).
The vertical axis of the graphs is set automatically based on the calculated results. The horizontal axis shows
the date/time of the routes.
Weather parameters can be changed at the top right part of the graph.
Chapter 9.
Handling of Piracy Data
This chapter describes the procedure used in the ordering and processing of piracy
data used by the Navi-Planner 4000.
Ordering Piracy Data 264
Piracy Data Display Setup 266
Obtaining Information on Piracy Data 267
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Piracy button.
In the Ribbon, the Anti-piracy Data Layer tab will open up.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check the
Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program installed.
Press the Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press the Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the piracy data orders.
Press the Transas button and choose the Select Installation Source item from the drop-down menu.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the received piracy data.
Press the Go button.
In the Time filter (in days from now) input window of the Piracy incidents group specify the number of days
counted backward from the current date (from 1 to 365) which the piracy data should be displayed for on the
Navi-Planner 4000 screen.
In the Piracy incidents group for selection of incident types which will be shown on the Chart Panel use the
following controls:
• Theft, Suspicious approach;
• Armed Robbery, Armed Assault;
• Kidnap, Hijack;
• Attempted Robbery, Boarding or Attack.
For the incident symbols to be displayed on the Chart Panel, press the button in the toolbar of the Chart
If the piracy data is available, the Chart panel will display the incident symbols:
The symbols of incidents have the following colours specified in the table depending on the incident type:
In the top right corner of the Chart Panel, there is the data which the piracy data is received for, and the
number of days set on the General page of the Settings window (see the previous paragraph).
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Piracy button.
In the Ribbon the Anti-piracy Data Layer tab will open up.
The table displays information on the incidents which occurred within the period set on the General page of
the Settings window (see the previous paragraph). The table has the following columns:
In the table incidents can be sorted by the first 4 column. To do this, press the name of the necessary
A double click of the left trackball button on the selected incident displays the symbol of this incident in the
centre of the Chart Panel highlighted with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.
Position the free cursor on the necessary incident symbol; the cursor will change its form.
Press the left trackball button: the Piracy Information data card will be displayed next to the incident symbol:
During the voyage plan creation (see Chapter 4, section Voyage plan creation, paragraph Data Collection), check
the Areas checkbox in the Data Collection group:
After the voyage plan creation, if the piracy incident symbol falls within the XTD limits, the relevant entry will
be made in the voyage plan during the printout (see Chapter 4, section Voyage plan creation, paragraph
Voyage Plan Print Preview and Printing).
Chapter 10.
Handling of Admiralty Digital
This chapter describes the procedure used in the ordering and processing of Handling
of Admiralty Digital Publication used by the Navi-Planner 4000.
General 272
Ordering Admiralty Digital Publication 272
Admiralty Digital Publication Display Setup 280
Obtaining Information on Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Volume 2 282
Obtaining Information on Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Volume 6 287
Obtaining Information on Admiralty Digital List of Lights 291
Obtaining Information on Admiralty Total Tide 297
Warning! The Admiralty Digital Publication data cannot be displayed and used unless this option is
additionally licensed.
The Admiralty Digital Publication (ADP) functionality permits the following data to be ordered and displayed
by using Navi-Planner 4000:
ADMIRALTY Digital Radio Signals Volume 2 (ADRS 2) provides a range of regularly updated and compliant,
digital positional and timekeeping references:
Admiralty Digital Radio Signals Volume 6 provides maritime radio communications information for pilot
services, vessel traffic services and port operations worldwide. More than 3000 service locations are updated
quickly and efficiently online every week.
The Admiralty Digital List of Lights provides light and fog signal information for more than 70,000 unique light
structures worldwide. Users can get weekly updates by email or access the information online as soon as it
becomes available.
The Admiralty Total Tide is the world's most comprehensive tidal prediction program, which provides fast,
accurate tidal height and tidal stream predictions. It contains tidal information for over 7,000 ports and more
than 3,000 tidal stream stations worldwide.
For this functionality to operate, the Admiralty Digital Publication software is required to be installed on the
WS. The software can be found in the appropriate TPT (Transas Planning Tools) media.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the ADP button.
In the Ribbon, the Digital Publication Layer tab will open up.
1. When buying the data check the Request for data [purchasing] checkbox.
If it is necessary to order the ADP along the route, press the By Route button. Select the route from the
drop-down list.
If it is necessary to order the ADP for some area, check the checkboxes of the geographic area names or
press the Select/Deselect all radio button for all areas. Press the Next >> button.
The window will show information on the areas which the request will be made for.
Press the Next>> button.
The program will optimise the order by deleting regions already available and will display a message with
optimisation results.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server,
check the Send request checkbox: in this case the request will be sent automatically even without a mail
program installed.
Press the Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will
be sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press the Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the ADP orders.
2. When ordering updates for the ADRS and ADLL, check the Request for updates checkbox.
Note: ADP updates are a week ahead of the current week. In the case of ADP updates the week number refers to
when the updates are valid until - i.e. the following week when the next set of updates will be published, rather
than the week in which they are released.
3. When ordering the activation key check Request or add an Activation key checkbox.
Select the WS status (Main or Backup) and press the Next>> button.
Then use the procedure detailed in item 1 for sending or saving on the memory stick.
4. When the activation key is already available check Add an Activation Key checkbox.
In the Key input window type the activation key and press the Next>> button.
Press the Transas button and choose the Select Installation Source item from the drop-down menu.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the received ADP.
Press the Go button.
The Source scan completed window which will open up, will display all the possible operations accessible from
the scanned source.
1. Upon receipt of a reply to the data purchase request, the Source scan completed window looks as follows:
2. Upon receipt of a reply to the updates for the ADRS and ADLL request, the Source scan completed window
looks as follows:
3. Upon receipt of the activation key purchase request, the Source scan completed window looks as follows:
Specify the necessary action and press the Installselected items button.
If the Save ADP Activation Key (Save ADP Key) checkbox is checked, the search window will open up, specifying
the path to the external device where the ADP Key (ADP Activation Key) will be saved.
In the Admiralty Digital Radio Signals volume 2 check the checkboxes next to the names of the objects which will
be shown on the Navi-Planner 4000 screen when the ADRS2 layer is turned on.
In the Admiralty Digital Radio Signals volume 6 check the checkboxes next to the names of the objects which will
be shown on the Navi-Planner 4000 screen when the ADRS6 layer is turned on.
In the Admiralty Digital List of Lights check the Show Lights Characteristics checkbox to display characteristics of
lights on the Navi-Planner 4000 screen when the ADLL layer it turned on.
If for the source of tide and currents data the Total Tide database is selected in the Navi-Planner 4000
Configuration (see Chapter 1, section Navi-Planner 4000 Configuration, item 3), the Digital Publication page of
the Settings window looks as follows:
Note: In this case, there is no Tides and Currents page, and settings which were made on it as described in
Chapter 7, are made on this page.
For the information on tides and currents to be displayed on the chart panel when the ATT layer is turned on,
check the following checkboxes in the View Data group:
l Show Tides;
l Show Currents;
l Velocity Vectors.
Note: For the description of work with these controls see Chapter 7, sections Display of Tidal Heights on the Chart
Panel and Obtaining Information on Tidal Currents.
For the radio station symbols to be displayed on the Chart Panel, press the ADP
button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel and select the ADRS2 layer.
The Chart panel will display the ADRS2 symbols (if these were turned on in the Settings window, see
paragraph Admiralty Digital Publication Setup):
The top right corner of the Chart Panel shows the displayed ADRS2 data status, i.e., the week which it has
been updated for.
To obtain information on the necessary radio station, position the free cursor on its symbol; the cursor will
change its form.
Press the left trackball button: the Information data card will be displayed next to the radio station symbol:
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the ADP button.
In the Ribbon the Digital Publications Layer tab will open up.
The table represents a number of tabs which provide data on the following station types:
Each tab displays information on the relevant type of stations included in the ADRS2. The tab displays a list of
all stations of the given type grouped according to the geographic areas (countries).
Double click on the country name:
The list with all the stations related to the country will be expanded. For all the stations of all the countries to
simultaneously expand or collapse, press the right trackball button:
From the drop-down list, select the Expand All Groups menu item. If it is necessary to collapse all the stations
of all the countries, select the Collapse All Groups menu item.
If you require prompt search for the station in the list, type the station name or its first characters in the
input box, and press the Find button.
If there are several items on the list that match the search criteria, the successive pressing on the Find button
will switch to the next station. In this manner, you can step through all of the stations matching your search
criteria. If you wish to move backwards through the results simply use the Prev button to do so.
To obtain information on the necessary station, select it from the table with the cursor and press the right
trackball button.
If there are several stations of different types in a single location (like in this example), the information
window will have several tabs corresponding to the station types.
A double click of the left trackball button on the selected station displays the symbol of this station in the
centre of the Chart Panel highlighted with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.
Similar results can be achieved if the cursor is used for selecting the station from the table, and the right
trackball button is pressed.
For the radio station symbols and area to be displayed on the Chart Panel, press the
ADP button in the toolbar of the Chart Panel and select the ADRS6 layer.
The Chart panel will display the ADRS6 symbols and areas (if these were turned on in the Settings window, see
paragraph Admiralty Digital Publication Setup):
With the growth of scale (up to 1:1000000), the chart panel displays names of radio stations:
The top right corner of the Chart Panel shows the displayed ADRS data status, i.e., the week which it has
been updated for.
To obtain information on the necessary radio station, position the free cursor on its symbol; the cursor will
change its form.
Press the left trackball button: the Information data card will be displayed next to the radio station symbol:
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the ADP button.
In the Ribbon the Digital Publications Layer tab will open up.
If there are several items on the list that match the search criteria, the successive pressing on the Find button
will switch to the next station. In this manner you can step through all of the stations matching your search
criteria. If you wish to move backwards through the results simply use the Prev button to do so.
To obtain information on the necessary station, select it from the table with the cursor and press the right
trackball button.
A double click of the left trackball button on the selected station displays the symbol of this station in the
centre of the Chart Panel highlighted with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.
Similar results can be achieved if the cursor is used for selecting the station from the table, and the right
trackball button is pressed.
Order and receive the Admiralty Digital List of Lights (ADLL) data as described in the paragraph Ordering
Admiralty Digital Publication above. Data is provided by the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO).
For the lights symbols to be displayed on the Chart Panel, press the ADP button in
the toolbar of the Chart Panel and select the ADLL layer.
The Chart panel will display the ADLL symbols:
If the display of lights text characteristics is enables in the Settings window (see paragraph Admiralty Digital
Publication Setup), they will look as follows:
The icons representing a light on the chart view are look different depending upon the light characteristics.
Lights belong to one of two types:
The light is fixed (on the shore, rocks or a platform of some kind);
The importance of a fixed light is indicated by the detail of the star symbol:
The icon will contain a light flare for each sequence the light contains. The flares are coloured as follows:
A sequence containing only red lights (or red + white lights) is shown using this flare;
A sequence containing only green lights (or green + white lights) is shown using this flare;
A sequence containing only yellow lights (or yellow + white lights) is shown using this flare;
A sequence containing only blue lights (or blue + white lights) is shown using this flare;
Lights with multiple colours in the same sequence are shown using this flare.
If a light has an associated fog signal then the icon has an additional part as shown here;
Sectored lights are represented on the chart by a coloured arc for each sector (the colours of an arc are
determined using the same rules as for the light flares above).
A Leading line is indicated with an extended ray in the direction of the line.
Only certain lights are displayed on the chart view on certain scales, this is dependent on the range of the
light. The minimum visible range of lights shown for the current scale is shown on the status bar.
The top right corner of the Chart Panel shows the displayed ADLL data status, i.e., the week which it was
updated for.
To obtain information on the necessary light, position the free cursor on its symbol; the cursor will change its
Press the left trackball button: the Information data card will be displayed next to the radio station symbol:
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the ADP button.
In the Ribbon the Digital Publications Layer tab will open up.
The list of lights will be displayed in the table in the bottom part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen.
The table displays information on the lights included in the ALL and contains the following columns:
Lights in the table can be sorted by each of parameters. To do this, press on the heading of the column
containing the necessary light parameter.
If you require prompt search for the light in the list, type the light name or its first characters of in the input
box, and press the Find button.
If there are several items on the list that match the search criteria, then successive pressing on the Find
button will switch to the next light. In this manner you can step through all of the lights matching your search
criteria. If you wish to move backwards through the results simply use the Prev button to do so.
To obtain information on the necessary light, use the cursor to select it from the table and press the right
trackball button.
A left double click on the selected station displays the symbol of this light in the centre of the Chart Panel
highlighted with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.
You can achieve similar results if you select the light from the table with the cursor and press the right
trackball button.
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
Note: If a database other than the Total Tide was selected for the tides and currents database, the ATT button is
not there.
The Chart panel will display the tides and currents symbols (if these were turned on in the Settings window,
see paragraph Admiralty Digital Publication Setup):
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the ADP button.
In the Ribbon switch to the Find Place tab (If a database other than the Total Tide was selected from the tides
and current database, the Find Place tab is not there).
Handling the Find Place tab is identical to the handling of the same tab described in Chapter 7, section
Obtaining Information on the Change of Tidal Heights.
The difference is in the use of animation. Check the Tide Animation checkbox in the Display Option group, the
Find Place tab will assume the following form:
Then use the procedure detailed in Chapter 7, section Use of Animation for tide animation.
Check the Surface Animation checkbox in the Display Option group, the Find Place tab will assume the following
Then use the procedure detailed in Chapter 7, section Use of Animation for surface animation.
Note: For the Surface Animation checkbox to be available, the button is required to be pressed in the toolbar
of the Chart Panel, and surface current symbols to be displayed in the select chat panel fragment.
Chapter 11.
Handling of Port Data
This chapter describes the procedure used in the ordering and processing of port
data used by the Navi-Planner 4000.
General 300
Ordering Port Data 300
Obtaining Information on Port Data 304
Attention! By default, only the Basic Port Data is available. The detailed Port Data is not available unless this
option is additionally licensed.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Port Data button.
In the Ribbon, the Port Data Layer tab will open up.
Select the route from the drop-down list. The selected route will be automatically loaded in the Route task
(see Chapter 3, section Route Loading and Unloading).
When ordering port data along the route, the width of the Chart selection corridor set on the Chart Catalogue
page of the Settings window is taken into account (see also Chapter 5, section Data Ordering, paragraph
Compiling List of Charts and Chart Folios for Order, item Selecting Charts by Route ), and it is only the ports within
this corridor which information will be displayed on.
If it is necessary to order port data in a certain part of the Chart panel, select the by cursor menu item from
the drop-down list.
The graphic cursor will appear on the Chart Panel, whereas the right bottom part of the screen will display the
Select area information window.
Position the graphic cursor in the corner of the required chart area. Press the left trackball button.
Select the required chart fragment by moving the cursor with the trackball.
Press the left trackball button to exit from the graphic cursor mode.
All the ports within the selected chart area will be displayed in the Request window:
Check the checkboxes next to the names of ports on which information should be ordered.
Press the Next >> button.
If the TFAP/Transas Gateway is installed and there is online connection with the Transas Chart Server, check
the Send request checkbox: in this case, the request will be sent automatically even without a mail program
Press the Finish button.
Another way is to use Email input box for entering the e-mail address which the Transas Chart Server will be
sending replies to.
Press Save to Disk radio button for the Email input box activation.
Press the Finish button.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the weather orders.
Press the Transas button and choose the Select Installation Source item from the drop-down menu.
Specify the path to the folder on the memory stick which contains the received port data.
Press the Go button.
The reply with the Detailed Port Data will be automatically installed.
For the port symbols to be displayed on the Chart Panel, press the button in the toolbar of the Chart
The Chart panel will display the port symbols:
To obtain information on the necessary port, position the free cursor on its symbol; the cursor will change its
Press the left trackball button: the data card will be displayed next to the port symbol (Base Port Data):
If the Detailed Port Data is available, next to the data card a window with additional information will appear:
To search for the necessary information press the <Ctrl>+<F> keyboard keys:
Use the Find search window to type the necessary word or its first characters. The searched-for words will be
highlighted in the information window.
The following conventions are used for ports in the data card:
Ports and Terminals Drydocks Cargoes Handled
Press the button in the Task Selection Area to switch to Overlays task.
In the left part of the Navi-Planner 4000 screen, press the Port Data button.
In the Ribbon, the Port Data Layer tab will open up.
If you want prompt search for the port in the list, type its name or the first characters n in the input field and
press the Find button.
A double click of the left trackball button on the selected port displays the symbol of this port in the centre of
the Chart Panel highlighted with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.
If the Detailed Port Data is available, a symbol will appear in the last column for the ports which it is
available for.
Click on this symbol. The Chart Panel will display a window with additional information: