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Metabolism Reset Diet - FAQ

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METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S


Q: Why am I missing emails?
Email servers. Some servers are set to eliminate emails with certain words (like “fat”
“free” or “sale.”) They usually put them into your junk or ‘other’ folder...but sometimes
you have to search high and low for them. And even then you can’t always find them.
To ensure you receive all the emails so you can do your challenge, be sure to follow
these instructions:

Add these addresses to your known senders (or contacts) list:

**Because email servers have strong spam filters in place, you may not get your emails
even when you follow these steps **

Dr. C sends you an email EVERY DAY before and during the 7 Day Challenge. And
every FEW days if you are part of the remaining 21 Days of the program. If you haven’t
received it, then your email server sent it to another place. Because most mobile apps
don’t have a feature to allow you to search your other folders. To find the missing
emails, you will have an easier time finding it from your computer instead of your mobile

Q: What do I do if I need help during the challenge?

You can ask in the ​Facebook Group
Or you can Email support -


Q: Will I heal as quickly using only ½ serving of protein (Daily Reset) for my
No, you still need a full serving of the protein and resistant starch the shake provides.
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S
Q: I'm wondering if I can do this whole program except still keep my coffee for
now...I know it needs to go but I am just not ready. Would there be some value in
the baby steps of me doing everything but that, and then weaning off caffeine in a
month? I have so many commitments till then that I cannot fathom surviving the
withdrawal. Anyhoo, still excited and here goes!

Many find that it does not work for them if they still ingest caffeine. You can choose a
Friday as your first day to eliminate it and do not make expectations for the weekend.
Most find that by early the next week they feel more alert and energized than they did
when they were using stimulants.

Q: What is the basic meal plan?

Breakfast​ = Shake; 20+g protein, Resistant Starch (RS), healthy fat
Lunch​ = Shake; 20+g protein, Resistant Starch (RS), healthy fat
Dinner​ = Lean & green (Your plate should have mostly colorful veggies)
Use ONE of EACH of these 4 categories:
1. "Nutrient Rich" Dinner Veggies (should be 1/2 - 3/4 of your plate)
2. 4-6 oz of protein (your goal is 30 grams of protein)
3. 3/4 cup -OR- 1 cup of Resistant Starch (depending on which ONE of the RS
choices you choose from the guidelines).
4. Healthy fats (usually 2 tsp or less)
Snacks​ = Unlimited veggies. Have anytime, anywhere. Raw, cooked, blended as a
juice, soups, etc. And you can add unlimited veggies to meals (many overlap with the
nutrient rich veggies.)

Q: How long would a shake be good for if made in advance and kept refrigerated?
24 hours. Some shakes even turn into pudding when refrigerated. Great for those days
you want to “eat” your breakfast or lunch.

Q: What do we do if we get tired of eating meat for dinner for the protein. Not a
vegetarian but…
Choose seafood, poultry, or vegetarian options for protein.

Q: I’m feeling gassy and bloated. What can help?

You can add 1/8 tsp ground ginger or 1/4 tsp ground cardamom to the shakes. Your gas
and bloating usually isn’t an issue after the first week.
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S
Q: Since starting MRD it seems as if Resistant Starch may be causing some of my
symptoms, especially gas and bloating. Should I continue? Also will Resistant
Starch contribute to yeast overgrowth?

RS is the key to so many digestive issues. It IS a change for most people. And because
it's a change in the AMOUNT and the TYPE of fiber you usually consume you may have
short-term digestive issues. When you stop the RS (especially before 4 weeks) you
aren't giving your body enough time to adapt to the new range of bacterial diversity
you've never had before. If you have been low carb or paleo prior to this, that could be
what is causing bloating for the first part of the 4 week detox.

Q: What should I do about muscle pain and cramping?

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Of the few that experience this, they find this goes away
within a week or so.

Q: What can I do about constipation?

Make sure you are drinking a lot of water. If you have been on a paleo or low carb diet
prior to this you will really want to make sure you are getting the full serving sizes of
Resistant Starch each day. If you are doing both of these, you may also want to take
some magnesium.

Q: Looking through the recipes and food list recommendations I see A LOT of
nuts, seeds and beans. I have Hashimoto's and have gone through elimination
diets in the past and 3 foods that increase my thyroid antibodies without question
are nuts, seeds and beans. These 3 food categories are used for so many things
including healthy fats and fiber. Since discovering these sensitivities I have had a
very hard time developing a new way of eating that satisfies, nourishes and
makes me feel well. Any suggestions on how to have a satisfying and healthy
diet without these foods.
Use the Reset Shake as a source of resistant starch. After the second week start
adding back in 1 tsp of cooked lentils per day for the final two weeks. Work with a doctor
who understands how to reverse food intolerances such as an ​Integrative Health doctor
or your doctor if they can help with this.

Q: When I work the evening shift I eat dinner at 3:30-4:00 pm. But then am hungry
when I get home at 10:30 pm. How do I adjust my eating schedule?
Add unlimited foods as needed after work.
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S
Q: I work the night shift. Can I still do the MRD and if so how do I time my shakes
and meals?
Yes and here are some strategies to use. On the days you work, the goal is to simulate
a normal day’s schedule as much as possible. For example, Say you work from 10pm
to 6am. When you finish work at 6am, you want to treat your next few hours as your
evening. Have your solid meal at this time. You need to allow for several hours to wind
down from your work day so you can get some sleep. In our example you could sleep
from 10 am to 6 pm. Have your breakfast shake during your first waking hour. Time
your lunch shake to be equidistant between your breakfast and dinner. For example if
you have your first meal at 7 pm and your last meal at 7 am, have your lunch shake
near 2 am. And remember to have unlimited foods as needed for snacks if needed.

If you work three nights per week or fewer, keep a

normal schedule on your days off. If you work
four or more nights, use the modified night
schedule above even on your days off.

Q: I have Hashimoto’s and can’t do

nightshades, etc. What can I eat?
You can do the program while substituting other
vegetables for nightshades. Also please read ​this
blog​ and reconsider whether or not avoiding
nightshades is in your best interest.

Q: Is it recommended to continue on the two

shakes, unlimited veggies, and an MRD dinner
for food AFTER the challenge ends​?
No. It’s best to continue on 1 shake in AM and
follow the program in the Metabolism Reset Diet
book for post reset maintenance ideas. Take at least 2 weeks off before starting again.

Q: How is the best way to start re-introducing some of the excluded foods, I
would really like to try some eggs?
It is best to personally work with a doctor who knows how to reverse food intolerances.
The ​Integrative Health doctors​ can help with this.

Q: During the challenge, can I flip breakfast and dinner? So I can have a shake
for lunch and dinner, and eat a meal at breakfast instead of a shake?
No, it will not work as well due to the circadian rhythms of cortisol production.
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S

Q: Is it ok to have protein as a snack if veggies aren't

cutting it? For example, in the afternoons I get really
hungry and sometimes the veggies just can't get me
full. Is it ok to have plain chicken or protein of some
type to help with those hunger pangs?
No, the program will not work otherwise. Try cooking the
veggies using the Unlimited Recipes cookbook because
most people find cooked veggies are more savory and
filling than raw vegetables. The favorites are the Spaghetti
Squash recipe, Carrot Fries, Ratatouille (shown), & Soups.

Q: Would a cold red potato be an acceptable snack?

How about protein?
No, stick to unlimited food list (veggies) for snacks.

Q: What else can I drink besides water? Seltzer

Unsweetened carbonated water, Hint Water, and naturally caffeine-free herbal teas are
fine. Because this is a detox, most people WILL want to drink more water so they can
help flush out the toxins.

Q: Would it mess everything up if I have a glass of wine or a bite of cake? It’s my

birthday during the challenge​.
It might or it might not. Which present would you rather get for your birthday, wine and
cake or a healthy metabolism?

Q: Why are eggs, dairy, etc. not allowed on the reset?

N/A to the metabolism program. They are allowed in specific types and quantifies as
protein options for those who are not sensitive to them.

Q: Is there a difference between yellow and green bananas and why we should (or
shouldn’t) eat them?
You would have bananas with your shakes if you are building your own because you
don’t have Dr. C’s Daily Reset Shake - which already has your RS built in.
To build your own shake, use:
½ green banana (WITHOUT the peel), OR ½ yellow banana (organic, WITH the peel).
*If you are having the banana WITH the peel, that will count as your fruit, do not add
additional fruit to your shakes.
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S

Q: I’m feeling hungry what am I doing wrong?

You might not be eating enough​, or you might not be eating enough of the right
foods. ​You might also not be drinking enough water​. In regards to food, make sure
you are getting 20+grams of protein + good sources of resistant starch for your
breakfast & lunch shakes. And make sure you are eating often enough. Aim for eating
every 4-5 hours. For many this looks like:
Breakfast: 7am
Snack (unlimited veggies): 10am
Lunch: 12pm
Snack (unlimited veggies): 3pm
Dinner: 6pm
If you are hungry between meals, snack on the unlimited foods anytime. Cooked
veggies can be more satisfying than raw veggies. And be sure to consume healthy fats
at dinner. Follow the guidelines.

If you are not hungry for snacks 2x day, then just have 1 in the afternoon, or none at all.

Q: Started back on the reset multivitamin pack. I
know you take the first pack in the morning.
When do you take the second pack? I thought I
read in the evening but wouldn’t that interfere
with sleep?
Take one pack twice daily with food. There are no
ingredients that will cause insomnia.

Q: I take thyroid supplements/fish oil/magnesium etc as per my functional doc,

and wondering if taking them alongside the reset packs and shakes is ok? Can
one have too much of a supplement?
Take thyroid medications 30-60 minutes before any other pills with water only.
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S
Q: I have been sick with the flu and barely eating. (Not good, I know) Do I
continue taking the supplements even though I am barely eating?

During an acute illness, you may need to adjust your food and supplement intake per
your stomach’s tolerance. Work directly with your doctor if you need further guidance.

Q: Wondering... when I’m having a
below average energy day, should I
still do my 30 minute/4 mile walk? Or
how much activity?

Because the Metabolism Reset Diet is a

low fuel detox, you can put yourself into
an adrenal burnout state if you overdo
physical activity during the 4 week detox.
You goal is to do no more than 5,000
steps. 10,000 steps if your job requires
you to be more active. You can get an
inexpensive pedometer ($5-10) for accurate tracking. Gentle walks, stretches, and
yoga are fine as long as you are not exceeding 10,000 steps per day.

After you have completed the detox you can resume your normal physical activities.

Q: Hi, I know we are supposed to be limiting our exercise but I normally reach
around 13,000 steps a day just going to work and getting my children from
school. Is this going to be a problem? Thanks

If that is your normal activity, then be sure to limit any additional activity.

Q: I want to do some sort of exercise. What can I do?

Once you have hit the 2nd week of the 4 week liver detox, follow the exercise protocol
in the book. Alternate days between the micro-workouts, and the interval workouts.
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S


Q: I am doing so much better. I have only one
area still remaining to conquer. I’m having
trouble falling asleep, staying asleep (I keep
waking at 3:00am), and then waking up on time.

Try adding 1 scoop of reset shake to 4-6 ounces of

water and drinking it at bedtime.

Q: Along with the adrenal fatigue symptoms I

experience a severe lack of libido, or pretty much nonexistent libido really. I'm
assuming this is connected to having adrenal fatigue/dysfunction. This has been
an issue for years. Any solutions?

Please work with a doctor who is versed in hormone changes that can cause a low
libido such as low thyroid and low testosterone. The ​Integrative Health ​doctors can help
with this concern.

Q: I have less energy after doing 2 shakes a day. What am I doing wrong?

Be sure to get enough rest and sleep. Also, consider testing for environmental toxins.
Those who have higher levels of lead or mercury often feel more fatigued while
detoxing. The ​Integrative Health doctor​s can help with this.

Q: Having trouble sleeping due to hunger. What can I do?

Try adding 1 scoop of reset shake to 4-6 ounces of water and drinking it at bedtime.

Q: Will this wonderful challenge Facebook group be up and will it be supported?
Yes. It is up and running now. There are links in your emails
METABOLISM RESET DIET - Frequently Asked Question​S
Q: Everyone else is losing weight on the
challenge. Why did I not lose weight?

For your next reset please weigh and

measure your meals; do limit your exercise,
and do not use anything besides unlimited
foods for snacks. Also, consider evaluating
your thyroid function. You can take a ​thyroid
quiz HERE

Additionally, make sure you are honestly

evaluating all of the areas you are measuring
like mood, energy, cravings, sleep quality, etc. When you are doing a detox you usually
see improvements in multiple areas. Your weight is only one of the areas you are

Q: How come I can do the same routine everyday and wake up 2-4 pounds lighter
(or heavier) some mornings?

Usually menstrual changes or salt sensitivity. Focus on your results at the end of the
full 4 weeks.

Q: How long can you continue the challenge after the 7 days is over? After the 28
days is over?

Take 2 weeks off, then safe to resume. Ideally you will only need to reset once a year
to maintain your results, and your health, long-term.

Q: I have been experiencing gas, bloating, headaches and even muscle aches and
pains since I started the MRD. Why?

You WILL get detox symptoms (like headaches) whenever you are eliminating
something toxic from your system. Any good cleanse or detox will help you clear these
toxins. The more you have, the more you’ll feel it. Thankfully, for most it’s only for a
few days. Magnesium may help for muscle pain. For those who are even more reliant
on caffeine, the detox portion could take a little longer.

Remember:​ You are surrounded by a supportive community of thousands of people

who have been through it. So you can do it. We are here for you!

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