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8/18/2019 R12 Release Notes

R12 Release Notes 1

R12 T24 Release Notes 5
Important Information 5
Upgrade and Conversion Services 5
New Products 5
System Component Requirements 5
Database Requirements 7
Disk Space Requirements 8
Data Changes 8
Upgrade Summary 8
Important 9
 Additional new products 9
Upgrading Br owser / ARC-IB 9
Before Upgrading 9
 After Upgrading   9
Overview   9
Conversion Routines 10
 Authorise Standard Selections 10
 Authorising / Modifying new and changed records 10
Record Authorisation 10
Batch Record Authorisation 10
Batch records HELD 10
Batch record LIVE 10
Sequence of authorisation 10
REPGEN recompile 11
css Sheets   11
Post Release - Mandatory Product Installation 11
 Application/Module Specific 12
 Additional Technical Release Notes 12
Integration Studio (EE) Release Notes 13
New Features   13
Release Highlights 14
Component Updates   14
IF Overview 15
IF Artifacts   15
IF –Plugin for Eclipse 15
System Component Requirements 16
Product Code: IF 16
Further Reference Mater ials 17

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Integration Studio (NET) Release Notes 19

New Features 19
Release Highlights 21
Component Updates 21
IF Overview 22
IF Artifacts 22
IF –Plugin for.NET 22
System Component Requirements 23
Product Code: IF 23
Further Reference Materials 24
TOCF(EE) Release Notes 25
Release Highlights   25
Secure document download/upload 25
SSL encyrypted JEE inbound connections 26
Enhanced high availability for JEE inbound connections 26
Enhanced T24 resource adapter inbound listener 26
Release Number Standardisation 27
Component Updates   27
System Requirements 27
TAFC jbase_ agent 27
JEE compliant Application Server 27
Java JRE library 27
Disk Space Requirements   28
Upgrading TOCF(EE)   29
TWS(EE)-Release_Notes 33
New Features   33
Component Service: 33
WS-Security (SI-100859) 33
Strong Data typing (SI-135815) 34
Support for PW (SI-199927) 34
JMSTimeout configuration (Defect – 82758): 34
System Component Requirements 35
Product Code: WS 35
TWS Java(EE) Eclipse plug-in (TWS-PLUGIN) 36
Third party libraries distributed with TWS-WAR 37
Further Reference Mater ials 38
Release Highlights   39
Component Updates 39
TWS Overview   40
TWS Artifacts 40

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R12 T24 Release Notes

Important Information
This section outlines actions that must be made BEFORE installing a T24  Server release. If you
are upgrading by two or more releases, then read and understand all the release information
details for each release before starting the installation.
R10 T24 Release Notes
R11 T24 Release Notes
The  T24  Technical Highlights documentation should also be referenced. This will highlight any
changes of a technical nature that may impact local development.
R10 Technical Highlights
R11 Technical Highlights
R12 Technical Highlights
Please read this entire document before commencing on any of the steps in the upgrade.
Upgrade and Conversion Services

From R09 RUN.CONVERSION.PGMS is no longer allowed, you must now use the TSA.SER-
The following changes have been done from R10
l  Upgr ades and installation of a new product should use the TSA.SERVICE  process

tionality.packs and patches have been replaced with the new customer updates func-
Please refer to the  T24 Updates User Guide  for more details.

New Products
From R12 two new products have been released. RS (Retail Sweeping) and PO (Corporate Pool-
ing). Any customers upgrading from a previous release will need to obtain these product codes
from their account manager before starting the upgrade process to enable them to continue using
this functionality

System Component Requirements

The following table shows the minimum components and release numbers which are designed to
run with  T24 .
T24 Component Release Platform
 ARC IB R12.000 I.E. 7, Firefox 2, Apple Safari, Google
Chrome, Opera version 5.0
Browser R12.000 I.E. 7, Firefox 2
Toolbox R12.000   Windows 2000, XP and VISTA

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Desktop (VB6) 1.7.437 Windows 2000, XP and VISTA 2.0 Build 1 Windows 7
Temenos Application Frame- R12.000 Operating systems
work C Version TAFC - Windows Server 2008 64-bit
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 5
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 6
- AIX v5.3
- AIX v6.1
- AIX v7.1
- Solaris 10 SPARC
- Solaris 10 x86-64
- Solaris 11 SPARC
- Solaris 11 x86-64
- HP-UX Itanium2 11.31 V3
Oracle Direct Connect R12.000 Minimum recommended 11gR2
DB2 Direct Connect R12.000 Minimum DB2 v 9.7 Fix Pack 4
MSSQL Direct Connect R12.000 Minimum and Recommended SQL
Server 2008 R2
TWS (EE) R12.000   Required:
(developer tool) com.temenos.tws.plugin-R12.x.x.x-{pro-
duction date & time}.jar 
Temenos dependencies
- T24 ‘WS’ product R12
Supported Eclipse IDEs (with JDK 1.6)
- 3.5 (Galileo)
- 3.6 (Helios)
- 3.7 (Indigo)
TWS (.net) R12.000 Temenos dependencies
(developer tool) - T24 ‘WS’ product R12
.NET Framework
- .NET Framework 4.0 (CLR
v4.0.30319) or higher is required
Supported IDEs for .net
- Visual Studio 2010
TWS-WAR R12.000 Supported application servers: - JBoss
(deployed web service 4.2.3GA, 5.1.0GA - WebSphere 7 -

Integration Studio(EE) R12.000 WebLogic 10.3 and 11g

Required: com.tem-
{production date & time}.jar 

Temenos dependencies
- T24 ‘IF’ product R12
Supported IDEs on java(with JDK 1.6)
- Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)
- Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)

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- Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)

Integration Studio(.net) R12.000 .NET Framework
- .NET Framework 4.0 (CLR
v4.0.30319) or higher is required
Temenos dependencies
- T24 ‘IF’ product R12
Supported IDEs on .net
- Visual Studio 2010
Temenos Open Connectivity R12.000 Supported Application servers:
Framework TOCF (EE) - JBoss 4.2.3GA, 5.1.0GA
- WebSphere 7
- WebLogic 10.3 and 11g
Temenos Open Connectivity R12 000 .NET Framework
Framework TOCF .NET .NET Framework 4.0 (CLR v4.0.30319)
TOCF(.NET) or higher is required
T24 Monitor R12.000 Temenos dependencies:
Supported application servers:
- JBoss 4.2.3GA, 5.1.0GA
- WebSphere 7
- WebLogic 10.3 and 11g
CBE Adapter R12.000 Temenos dependencies:
- T24 ‘BM’ product R12
Supported application servers:
- JBoss 4.2.3GA, 5.1.0GA
- WebSphere 7
- WebLogic 10.3 and 11g
Temenos BizTalk Custom R12.000 .NET Framework
 Adapter  .NET Framework 4.0 (CLR v4.0.30319)
or higher is required
- WCF LOB Adapter SDK 2010
- BizTalk Server 2010 (optional)
Temenos dependencies
- T24 ‘IF’ product R12
- T24 ‘WS’ product R12

Database Requirements
The database to be upgraded must be at the stage just before a close of business is set to run.
Ensure all message queues have been cleared and phantoms and services are stopped. The sys-
tem must be in a fully recoverable state. No one should be signed on except the person upgrad-
Once the upgrade process is finished a complete backup or checkpoint should be taken to ensure

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Disk Space Requirements

When you upgrade a  T24  database, the size of the database will increase, especially if you are
installing new products. Please ensure you have sufficient disk space available.

Data Changes
 A few applications may still contain field numbers e.g. USER  and others may be stored in
USER.EXTERNAL.FIELD.Please review these applications before beginning the upgrade to
determine if any corrections to field numbers are required.
Do not make changes until the conversions have been run.
It is important that there are no unauthorised STANDARD.SELECTION  records before you take
the release and you do not authorise any released STANDARD.SELECTION  records before you
run the conversions.


Instructions on the transfer of the release from distribution medium and the actual upgrade proc-
ess are included in the  T24 Installation User Guide.
Upgrade Summary

l   Check that the TEMP.RELEASE is pointing to the correct upgrade path. For example;
001 D
002 /T24/R12_component/temp.release

and login with a new session
You are now ready to follow any pre-release procedures described below :
l   Respond to the Model Bank question appropriately. If your system is a model bank imple-
mentation then you should respond Y, otherwise N. If in doubt contact your account man-
l   Provide a USER id as requested.
Once these are complete you are then ready to sign on to  T24  to initiate the upgrade service.
l   Start the TSA.SERVICE records, TSM & T24.UPGRADE. For multi-company setup the T24-
.UPGRADE id will be prefixed with a company mnemonic.
l   Run the service agents until the upgrade is completed.
l   Authorise any CONVERSION.PGMS records.
l   Initiate the service RUN.CONVERSION (TSM must also be running still)
l   Once completed run any specific conversion services specified in the release notes (later in
this document).
l   Recompile any local code (New inserts provided by the release and or TAFC upgrades
require this)
l   Repgens
Once this has finished the record review and authorisation process can commence.

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Additional new products
The installation of a new product must not be done at the same time as a system upgrade.
The preferred procedure is to complete the upgrade first and only then change the SPF  and COM-
PANY  records to include the new product. A new procedure is to update the BATCH   record
BNK/T24.UPGRADE  and populate the new products to be installed in the DATA field.
Please reference the  T24 Updates User Guide  for more details.

Upgrading Browser / ARC-IB

If upgrading from a previous version of T24 Browser or ARC-IB the following steps should
be taken :-

Before Upgrading

1. Make a back-up of any altered files. For example :-

l  channels.xml
l  browserParameters.xml
l  custom.js
l  Any customised skin
After Upgrading

1. After the extract of the new WAR file stop the web server.
2. Re-instate the changes to the backed-up files to the released versions.

4. Restart the browser’s
Clear your web server.
cache of any old JavaScript files and images. To do this perform the fol-
lowing :-
Internet Explorer 

Tools>Internet Options>Browsing History>Delete>Temporary Internet

Files>Delete Files


Tools>Clear Private Data>Clear Private Data Now

This section outlines the conversion and other related routines to be run for this release. Read
through the whole chapter thoroughly before starting the conversion process: you may be required
to get information or data prior to starting the conversions.
Data, except where this document specifically states, must not be input, amended, or authorised
until all the conversion routines have been successfully completed.

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Conversion Routines
Follow the instructions in the System Administration Guide. All  CONVERSION.PGMS  records
must be authorised first. The conversion routines should be run using the service  RUN.CO-

Do not authorise any STANDARD.SELECTION  records before running.

Authorise Standard Selections
 Authorise all  STANDARD.SELECTION  records for the release.

Authorising / Modifying new and changed records

Record Authorisation

If you have fully complied with the actions detailed in the pre-release information and release
notes, you can now authorise all the unauthorised records in all companies. Check the impact of 
changes as you authorise each record to prevent any overwriting of local modifications.

Batch Record Authorisation

 All  BATCH  records must be reviewed. You may have local differences from the released records.
Batch records HELD

Some  BATCH  records may be in HLD status. These records contain information in the data fields
that has been modified. You must review these records to ensure that your local data spec-
ifications are not being overwritten.
Batch record LIVE

 After initial installation, when running the next COB, the batch record  TXN.JOURNAL.SORT   must
have the value held in FREQUENCY set to “Daily”. Subsequent to this the record needs to be
amended to set the FREQUENCY to “Ad-hoc” to reduce the processing overhead.
Should users wish to continue to utilise the existing TRANS.JOURNAL2  report they may do so by
reinstating the report in the BATCH EB.PRINT , this will, however, have an impact in the per-
formance of COB processing.

Sequence of authorisation

 Authorise these records in the following applications first because of later dependencies:
l   ENQUIRY (any % records)

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l   EB.API 






Some  TSA.SERVICE  records may be HLD as they need a user name entered.

REPGEN recompile

Use  REPGEN.SOURCE  to recompile all REPGENs or use RUN.REPGENS at the TAFC prompt
as described in the user guide.

css Sheets

General.css in the following path, ..\deploy\ARCIB.war\plaf\style\ has been modified with default
class definition with comments for different classes and its attributes

Post Release - Mandatory Product Installation

Existing customers
desired, to continueeither utilise
with this accountmust
customers sweeping or new
 add the cash-pooling
RS and POin T24, or have
products the optionafter 
immediately to if 
the R12 upgrade. Instructions for adding new products are found in the T24 Upgrade user doc-
umentation. Customers must also run a post product conversion for RS manually, by verifying the

Customers should obtain the product installation license for RS and PO by contacting their 
 Account Managers

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Application/Module Specific

Click here to read the technical notes

Additional Technical Release Notes

Please read the following Technical Release Notes
Integration Studio (EE)-Release_Notes

Integration Studio (.net)-Release_Notes




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Integration Studio (EE) Release Notes

New Features
Using the Integration Studio, the Exit Point ( i.e. the event to be trapped) and the flow , i.e. the
schema of the message to emitted, can be defined.
Eclipse IDE:

Release R12
Integration Framework : Integration Studio (EE) Release Notes

Product:Integration Studio (EE)

Version: R12
Type:General Availability

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This section outlines new features in Integration Framework

Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of the new Integration Framework components
Component Updates

IF is a new product in R12 and hence component update is not applicable.

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IF Overview
Integration Framework enables T24 to send out notifications to an external system .
The event and the schema of the notification to be emitted, can be designed using Design time
tooling know as the Integration Studio. This tooling is available in both java and .net, as plugins to
popular IDEs.
Event messages, once generated are stored in a ‘store and forward’ table, and can be pushed out
into JEE application servers using a T24 Service available as part of the Integration Framework.

IF Artifacts
IF –Plugin for Eclipse

Integration Studio Plug-in provides an Eclipse plug-in environment for defining the exit point and
the flow catalog.

com.temenos.integration.plugin.jar – for Eclipse

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System Component Requirements

The following components are required to support Integration Framework
T24 Component Release Platform

IF R12 T24 Release : R12
T24 Product code: IF

com.temenos.integration.plugin.jar –
for Eclipse
IF Java – PLUGIN Supported Eclipse IDEs (with JDK
(developer tool - Eclipse) 1.6)
l  Eclipse 3.5 (Galileo)
l  Eclipse 3.6 (Helios)
l   Eclipse 3.7 (Indigo)
Supported application servers:
l   JBoss 4.2.3GA, 5.1.0GA
(Event Delivery – J2EE application R12
l   WebSphere 7
l   WebLogic 10.3 and 11g

Product Code: IF
Ensure the “IF” product is installed.
To obtain a product licence code, contact

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Further Reference Materials

The Integration Studio (EE) User Guide provides instructions on how to install and configure of 
the software.

The Integration Framework – Event Delivery User Guide provides instructions on how to deliver 
the events to a JMS Queue

This event and the flow will be published into T24 and stored into the respective tables:


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Integration Studio (NET) Release Notes

New Features
Using the Integration Studio, the Exit Point ( i.e. the event to be trapped) and the flow , i.e. the
schema of the message to emitted, can be defined.


This event and the flow will be published into T24 and stored into the respective tables:


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Release R12
Integration Framework : Integration Studio(.net) Release Notes

Product:Integration Studio
Version: R12
Type:General Availability

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This section outlines new features in Integration Framework

Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of the new Integration Framework components
Component Updates

IF is a new product in R12 and hence component update is not applicable.

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IF Overview
Integration Framework enables T24 to send out notifications to an external system .
The event and the schema of the notification to be emitted, can be designed using Design time
tooling know as the Integration Studio. This tooling is available in both java and .net, as plugins to
popular IDEs.
Event messages, once generated are stored in a ‘store and forward’ table, and can be pushed out
into JEE application servers using a T24 Service available as part of the Integration Framework.

IF Artifacts
IF –Plugin for.NET

Integration Studio Plug-in provides a Visual Studio .NET Plug-in for defining the exit point and the
flow catalog.

Integration Installation Kit - for Visual Studio

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System Component Requirements

The following components are required to support Integration Framework
T24 Component Release Platform

IF R12 T24 Release : R12
T24 Product code: IF

Integration Installation Kit
  R12 Visual Studio 2010, .NET Frame-
(developer tool – Visual Studio)
work 4.0

BizTalk Adapter R12 WCF LOB Adapter SDK 2010

BizTalk Server 2010 (optional)

Product Code: IF
Ensure the “IF” product is installed.
To obtain a product licence code, contact and l&

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Further Reference Materials

The Integration Studio (.NET) User Guide provides instructions on how to install and configure of 
the software.

The T24 BizTalk Custom Adapter User Guide provides instructions on how to expose messages
emitted by the Integration Framework.

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TOCF(EE) Release Notes


Release R12
Temenos Open Connectivity Framework - Enterprise Edition (TOCFEE)
Release Notes

Product:TOCF(EE) R12
Version: R12.0.0.1
Type:GA release

This section
mation outlines new
for upgrading features
clients. If you in
areTOCF Enterprise
upgrading Edition
from an R12
earlier and contains
release important
of TOCF(EE), infor-
read and understand all the release information details for each release before starting the instal-
Prior to R09, T24 used the Temenos Connector Server (TCS) to host the Temenos Open Con-
nectivity Framework (TOCF). This framework includes adapters, listeners, plugins, formatters,
connection pooling, and security. From R09, T24 can now leverage the application server fea-
tures for connection pooling, security, and deployment of the TOCF listeners, plugins, and
formatters. TOCF(EE) offers many performance, deployment and security advantages over TOCF
(TC Server), but upgrading clients will continue to be supported on the deprecated TOCF (TCS).

Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of new TOCF components and advice regarding any com-
ponents which have been replaced or deprecated. Please refer to the system requirements sec-
tion for further details.

Secure document download/upload

This release of TOCF(EE) provides enhance features to

1. JDBC connectivity to download or upload documents to databases
2. Support the enhanced image management module available in T24 Browser.
Without this enhancement users had to implement an inputstream provider class to provide the
mechanism to download files. This release also enables users to create stream providers to
upload files, i.e. write outputstream writer classes.
The TOCF(EE) plugins resource adapter contains the following default data transfer libraries:
  File data transfer – Upload/download files to the local or network mounted file system

  JDBC data transfer – Upload/download files to a JDBC enabled database



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SSL encyrypted JEE inbound connections

This release
establish SSLofencrypted
TOCF(EE) enables theThe
connections. jBCfollowing
statement and the T24
variables resource
are used onadapter
T24 to
servers to configure JEE connections:
Please refer to the TOCF(EE) user guide on enabling SSL encrypted inbound connections. The
T24 resource adapter is by default configured to not enable SSL encryption.

Enhanced high availability for JEE inbound connections

The jBC
cation CALLJEE
server statement
and therefore enables
provide application
connectivity to developers to send
other systems. messages to variables
The environment the appli-
Used to connect to the JEE application server are still supported for backwards compatibility. In
order to provide connectivity and failover to secondary servers, application developers were
required to use the JEEOpen/JEEActivate/JEEClose statements, manage connection handles
and optionally provide a retry mechanism for failover.

New environment variables

l   JEE_HOSTS=<host1>, <host2>, ...
l   JEE_PORTS=<port1>, <port2>, ...
are now available to provide the jBC CALLJEE statement with connectivity to multiple servers.
This mechanism
l   Does NOT load balance requests between multiple servers. CALLJEE establishes only one
connection to a single application server.
l   CALLJEE always attempts to first establish a connection to host 1 if available, otherwise to
host2, and so on.
l   CALLJEE does not fail-over at runtime – a JBC application needs to provide the retry mech-
anism, i.e. re-send the request in case of failure. See CALLJEE error codes for identifying
connection errors.

Enhanced T24 resource adapter inbound listener 

The inbound listener now uses the TOCF framework library (tocfframework.jar) which provides an
enhanced event pipeline based on the Netty serialization library.
Note: The Netty library - included in this TOCF(EE) release - must be made available to the appli-
cation server’s system classloader in case the application server does not already ship this
library. This is only required when enabling the inbound listener.

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Release Number Standardisation

In the past release numbers for TOCF, jBASE, T24Browser, and T24 all had different formats,
making it harder for the user to insure that compatible components were installed. From R09 all
components for T24 use a standardised component numbering starting with the product version.

From R11, the

introduced TOCF(EE)
4 digits into thecomponent has been aligned with the other technology products and
release / version.
Due to this it will be mandatory to install the new R12 versions of each component. Further details
can be seen below.

Component Updates
From R09, a new update process was introduced that gave a client the ability to find and apply
‘upgrades’ on a component basis. This means it is now possible for changes to be isolated and
delivered with fewer fixes and for specific components.
The TOCF(EE) component is not available as a T24 Update. Updates are available for the
dependent components within T24. See the section of this document entitled System Component

System Requirements
TAFC jbase_agent

The jbase_agent is the executable process that listens for socket connection from the TAFC RA
and allows a remote client to call T24 subroutines. This is the process you will see running on the
T24 server
cation – there
Server will be pool.
connection one listener process plus one process for each connection in the Appli-
Minimum TAFC release: R12 GA.
 Artifact: $TAFC_HOME/bin/jbase_agent

JEE compliant Application Server 

The following table shows the recommended application servers designed to run TOCF(EE):
 Archive Platform
Supported application servers:
TOCF(EE) JBoss 4.2.3 and 5.1
 Archive: TOCF(EE) WebSphere 7
WebLogic 10.3 and 11g

Java JRE library

The following table shows the minimum version of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) required
to run TOCF(EE):

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 Archive Platform
 Archive: TOCF(EE)

Disk Space Requirements

Before upgrading your TOCF(EE) installation please ensure you have sufficient disk space avail-

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Transfer the archives to the target machine.

Upgrading TOCF(EE)
If you have an earlier version of TOCF(EE) installed you should
1. Save any system configuration files before proceeding with the installation of the TOCF(EE)
Pay particular attention to the following:
TOCFplugin-ra.rar – tcserver.xml
TOCFListener-ejb.jar – ejb-jar.xml
Save any other deployment descriptors or configuration files which might have been modified.
 Apply these changes to the deployment descriptors and configuration files which are located
inside the new tocfee.ear archive.
2. Uninstall the existing TOCF(EE) components
l  tocfee.ear(TOCF(EE) Enterprise Archive)
l  tocfT24ra-ra.rar (T24 Resource Adapter) or jremote-ra.rar in case of TOCF(EE) versions
prior to R10.1.1
l  T24Utility.war 
On Weblogic, if necessary remove the T24 RA client libraries from the domain’s shared library
l <weblogic home>\user_projects\domains\<domain name>\lib\jremote.jar 

Note: <weblogic home>\user_projects\domains\<domain
To uninstall enterprise components in JBoss you name>\lib\tocfT24ra.jar 
should stop the application server and
remove the artifacts from the deploy directory.

3. Install the new TOCF(EE) components:

l  tocfT24ra-ra.rar 
l  tocfee.ear 
l  T24Utility.war 
l  netty.jar (only required when enabling the inbound listener)
4. Restart the application server.

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8/18/2019 R12 Release Notes

Release R12
Temenos Open Connectivity Framework - Enterprise Edition (TOCFEE)
Release Notes

Product:TOCF(EE) R12
Version: R12.0.0.1
Type:GA release

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New Features
Component Service:
From R12 onwards TWS EE project can be created for component based service. This can be
specified in the Log on screen itself:

WS-Security (SI-100859)
TWS Java(EE) R12 supports WS-Security.
The WSS-header is used instead of the SOAP Body to pass user credentials from client. TWS
uses WSIT for its security implementation. Web Service Interoperability Technologies (WSIT) is
part of Sun Metro which implements several new web services technologies including WS-Secu-
rity, WS-Trust, WS-SecureConversation.

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Strong Data typing (SI-135815)

TWS (EE) R12 supports Strong data typing.
TWS Java EE prior to this build created webservices with WSDL which exposed generic type as
String, for all the member fields in the WSDL, without specific type and data validation.

Strong DataThis
is exposed. typing allows
allows theTWS
use datawe
types based
publish on T24,
from the T24
the types
to usethe Versiondata
standard that
type validation.

Support for PW (SI-199927)

OFSFunction class within the web service now supports additional fields for Process Workflow

JMSTimeout configuration (Defect – 82758):

It is now possible to specify the timeout for JMS, such that the JMS will timeout, if the response is
not received before the timeout period

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System Component Requirements

The following components are required to support the creation and deployment of Temenos Web
Services using the TWS Java(EE) R12 tooling and deployed web services. Further details are
supplied in the sections which follow:
T24 Component Release Platform
T24 Web Services T24 Release : R12 or later 
(WS) T24 Product code: WS

{production date & time}.jar 
TWS-PLUGIN Supported Eclipse IDEs (with JDK
(developer tool)   R12 1.6)
- 3.5 (Galileo)
- 3.6 (Helios)
- 3.7 (Indigo)
Supported application servers:
- JBoss 4.2.3GA, 5.1.0GA
(deployed web serv- R12
- WebSphere 7
- WebLogic 10.3 and 11g

Product Code: WS
Ensure the “WS” product code is installed in the SYSTEM record of the T24 application SPF.
To obtain a product licence code, contact and l&
 An example SPF screenshot with the product successfully installed is shown below:

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TWS Java(EE) Eclipse plug-in (TWS-PLUGIN)

The TWS (EE) R12 plug-in should be requested from Distribution ( .
This could also be downloaded from
under the Monthly Builds and patches category.
The plug-in is named:
com.temenos.tws.plugin-R12.x.x.x-{production date & time}.jar 

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Third party libraries distributed with TWS-

The following libraries are distributed when a TWS web service is deployed:
Spring : open source application framework
Metro : open source web service stack

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Further Reference Materials

The TWS Java(EE) Configuration Guide provides instructions on how to install and configure of 
the software.

The TWS Java(EE) User Guide provides instructions on the use of the software.

Release R12
Temenos Web Services: TWS Java (EE) Release Notes

Product:TWS Java(EE)
Version: PB201108
Type:Project Build

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This section outlines new features in TWS Java(EE) R12 and contains important information for 
upgrading clients. If you are upgrading from an earlier release of TWS Java(EE), please read and
understand all the release information details for each release before starting the installation.

Release Highlights
This section provides an overview of any new TWS components or features and advice regarding
any components which have been replaced or deprecated.

Component Updates

From R09, a new update process was introduced that gave a client the ability to find and apply
‘upgrades’ on a component basis. This means it is now possible for changes to be isolated and
delivered with fewer fixes and for specific components.
The TWS Java(EE) Eclipse plug-in component is not currently available as a T24 Update.
Updates are available for the dependent components within T24. See the section of this doc-
ument entitled System Component Requirements.

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TWS(NET) Release Notes

New Features
WS-Security (SI-100859)
TWS (.NET) R12 supports WS-Security.
The WSS-header is used instead of the SOAP Body to pass user credentials from client. TWS
uses WSIT for its security implementation.

Strong Data typing (SI-135815)

TWS .NET R12 supports Strong data typing.
TWS .NET prior to this build created webservices with WSDL which exposed generic type as
String, for all the member fields in the WSDL, without specific type and data validation.
Strong Data typing allows TWS to use data types based on the T24 types within the Version that
is exposed. This allows the Web Services we publish from T24, the ability to use standard data
type validation.

Support for PW (SI-199927)

OFSFunction class within the web service now supports additional fields for Process Workflow

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Release R11
Temenos Web Services: TWS (.NET) Release Notes

Product:TWS (.NET)
Version: R12
Type:General Availability

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The Temenos Web Service Composer (TWS) .NET product facilitates the exposure of existing
T24 functionality via WCF web services.
TWS is a simple tooling developed using industry standards and technology. It is designed for 
people with web services skills who want to use TEMENOS T24.
l  Provide multiple service landscapes
l  Create web services with minimal input
l  Use Nremote driver for connectivity

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Prerequisites and System Requirements

 A working T24 installation with WS product installed and relevant release of T24 code.
Please contact Distribution for documentation regarding new WS Product.
 Also contact Licensing for new WS Product license code.
Software Requirement:
1. Visual Studio 2010
2. .NET framework 4.0
3. To deploy web services IIS 5.1 and above is required

Component Release
TWS(.NET) TWS(.NET)InstallKit_12.0.0.0.rar 
TWS WS Product

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Third party libraries distributed with TWS

Logging Configuration libraries- Microsoft Enterprise Library 4.0
Installation/Usage of the software
See the TWS (.NET) User Guide for detailed instructions on the installation/usage of the software.

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Functional/Architectural Deployment of the

See the TWS (.NET) Functional Guide for detailed instructions on the functional/architectural
deployment of the software.

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Product Code: WS
Ensure the “WS” product code is installed in the SYSTEM record of the T24 application SPF.
To obtain a product licence code, contact and l&
 An example SPF screenshot with the product successfully installed is shown below:

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Further Reference Materials

The TWS (.NET) Configuration Guide provides instructions on how to install and configure of the

The TWS (.NET) User Guide provides instructions on the use of the software. 49/49

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