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From the characteristics of human Development from a life - span

perspective, state two characteristics and their implications to child

care, education and parenting.

● Development is lifelong - The life-span perspective implies that

development continues even after we die. In child-care, a child is mostly

curious during his or her childhood, and this curiosity is maintained until the

child's education begins. Education leads to development in children as

they grow, even until they become parents. Development occurs

throughout a person's life.

● Development is plastic - This life-span perspective characteristic implies

that change occurs during development. Children in child care go

through dramatic changes, which includes their needs. Those

requirements must be met for a child's welfare. Learning in education

entails being exposed to change. Development occurs regardless of how

small the change is, so changes occur regardless of age. That being said,

education should not be discriminatory. Development in parenting refers

to any deliberate effort to assist parents in becoming more effective

caregivers for their children. As the child grows, one's parenting style

should evolve to meet the needs of the child.

2. " Growth is an evidence of life " What does this imply to a person's

development? Physical growth occurs as a person grows from infant to

adult, allowing the child to experience changes in the body and

relationship with the environment. Learning to crawl as the limbs and

muscles lengthen and strengthen. The worldview that can be reached

and touched changes as well. That line of sight ascending from the floor.
That is gaining knowledge of one's physical surroundings. With that comes

the development of the thinking mind, which collects and attempts to

make sense of the physical as well as input from family and others in the

environment. It is stated what one can and cannot do. Others sharing

their experiences, whether known or unknown, shape perceptions in and

of self experiences. As these changes occur, one's perspectives on life

and the world expand. A shaping and reshaping of one's perceived

position in the world. The expression "to live and learn" comes to mind.

Physical growth slows with age, but growth in and of experiences to the

heart and mind continues.

3. If your approach to human development is traditional, are the

characteristics of human development from a life - span perspective

acceptable ? Yes, because human development from a life span

perspective entails the exploration of biological, cognitive, and

psychosocial changes and constancy that occur throughout life and help

us grow. This will serve as a guide in achieving progressive growth.

4. Interpret this quotation in relation to human development, " Man is an

unfinished project. He is always in the process of becoming " We have not

remained the same since our birth; rather, we have changed and

continue to change. This fact supports the notion that we are an

unfinished project that is constantly evolving. In other words, because we

are an unfinished project, every day is an opportunity to complete

ourselves and achieve our full potential. We have already demonstrated

this every time we get out of bed and go to work, school, or whatever else

we do. The things we do on a daily basis are part of the process that we,
like an unfinished project, must go through in order to become who we

want to be.

5. Heredity exerts a greater influence on human development than the

environment , agree or disagree ?Agree, a person's genetic background

has a significant impact on their personality. Some personality traits can

be passed down from generation to generation. Thus, twin studies show

that a person's personality is influenced more by heredity than by

environmental factors.

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