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Perez Vs Dela Cruz

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On January 8, 1968, in a private conference held at the Office of the petitioner Perez, with the seven city

councilors and the vice-mayor of Naga present, the latter presiding thereat, the matter of selecting the
secretary of the municipal board of the said city as well as the chairmen of the various standing
committees of the said board came up for discussion. At the indication by the four Nacionalista Party
councilors (the herein private, respondents Reynaldo P. Borja, Roberto R. Ruelo, Carlos G. del Castillo
and Felicisimo G. de Asis) of their desire to vote for a particular person as secretary of the board and to
hold the chairmanship of the committee on markets for one of them, vice-mayor Perez expressed her
intention to vote, in the deliberation on such matters, to create a tie vote and thereafter to exercise her
power as presiding officer to break such deadlock.  

    The respondents claimed that they are entitled to the relief of restraining the vice-mayor from voting on
legislative matters and acts and proceedings of the municipal board, because such proposed actuations,
unless restrained, would engender an anomalous situation which could cause great and irreparable
damage work injustice, and transgress upon the rights, privileges and prerogatives of the said respondents,
as well as confuse the proceedings and complicate public records to the detriment of public service. They,
therefore, prayed for the issuance of a writ of preliminary injunction against the vice-mayor.lawphi1.ñet

  On January 22, 1968 Perez filed a motion to dismiss and/or dissolve the writ of preliminary injunction,
assailing the jurisdiction of the court over the subject-matter of the action or the nature of the suit, and
alleging that complaint stated no cause of action. She further assailed the issuance of the writ as undue
interference in matters purely legislative in character, at the same time that she denied the existence of a
threatened invasion of the rights of the four councilors; she finally prayed for the immediate dissolution
of the writ of prohibitory injunction.

  On February 1, 1968 the respondent judge issued an order denying the motion to dismiss the petition and
requiring the vice-mayor to answer within three days from receipt of his order, thereby maintaining the
injunction. As the respondent judge had intimated to Perez that he would not reconsider his order, Perez
did not move to reconsider. Instead she filed on February 15, 1968 a petition for certiorari and
prohibition with preliminary injunction with the Court of Appeals, docketed thereat as G.R. 40789-R,
naming the trial judge and the four councilors as respondents. On February 20, 1968 the appellate court
issued, thru its Second Division, a restraining order enjoining the enforcement of the writ of prohibitory
injunction issued by the respondent court on January 22, 1968.

  On March 5, 1968, taking the cue from the issuance of the said restraining order against the four
respondents councilors, Perez and the Liberal councilors in the Naga municipal board (with the four
respondents councilors walking out of the session hall) passed an amendment to the Rules of Procedure of
the Naga municipal board granting the chairman thereof the right to vote as a member, and as presiding
officer the right to vote again in case of a tie vote.

  On July 12, 1968 the Court of Appeals rendered a decision dismissing Perez' petition for certiorari and
dissolving the restraining order issued by it, on the ground that the said appellate court had no jurisdiction
to entertain the same, there being no factual issues involved in the main case.

  On September 3, 1968 Perez filed the present petition for certiorari and prohibition. We gave due
course, and issued a writ of preliminary injunction, upon the posting of a bond of P200, on September 11,

  As matters now stand, the enforcement of the writ of prohibitory injunction by the respondent judge in
civil case 6504 has been stayed; consequently, Perez has been allowed to sit in the municipal board both
as a constituent member and as presiding officer thereof.
  The two issues dividing the parties are:

(1) Is the vice-mayor of Naga city, besides being the presiding officer of the municipal board,
also a member thereof? Corollary thereto, can she vote twice: to create a deadlock and then to
break it?

(2) Did the respondent judge have jurisdiction to issue the writ of prohibitory injunction against

icio member of the council with all the rights and duties of any other member," 23 but at that time, the
vice-mayor was not the presiding officer of the board. The presiding officer was the mayor who, by
express legal mandate had "no right to vote, except in case of tie." 24

  The petitioner now argues that as vice-mayor she merely stepped into the shoes of the mayor as
presiding officer of the board, and since the mayor was considered a member thereof, she too became a
member entitled to the same rights, powers and prerogatives of voting as the mayor. There is no
gainsaying the fact that prior, to the approval of Rep. Act 2259, the mayor of a municipality was a
member of the municipal council, 25 besides being the presiding officer thereof, but his right to vote could
be exercised only in "case of a tie." 26 Certainly, the vice-mayor who merely stepped into the shoes of the
mayor could have no greater power than that possessed by the mayor who could not create a tie vote and
then break it. A stream, as the aphorism goes, cannot rise higher than its source.

  Moreover, the observation made by then Sen. Dioscorro Rosales, as bill sponsor of Senate bill 2 (which
later became Rep. Act 2259), that "under the present law, the vice-mayor is a member of the municipal
council," could have no reference to the petitioner's position as vice-mayor of Naga City because when
the said remark was made, the Naga City charter, Rep. Act 305, did not even provide for the position of

V. The Petitioner Cannot Vote Twice 

    to Elect City Secretary of the Board.

  The law provides that "the city secretary shall be elected by majority vote of the elective city council or
municipal board." 27 The majority of the council elected shall constitute a quorum to do
business. 28 "Majority" means the number greater than half or more than half of any total. 29 There are
seven (7) councilors in the municipal board of Naga City. 30 Four councilors, therefore, would constitute a
majority who, voting together for a single person could elect a secretary of the municipal board.

  In the light of the manifestation made by the four respondents councilors belonging to the Nacionalista
Party of "their desire to vote for a particular person as secretary of the Board" — which the petitioner
does not traverse — and considering that there are only three other councilors left, a tie vote is out of the
question. A four-to-three (4-3) vote creates no tie and, in the light of the conclusions we have above
made, furnishes no occasion for the petitioner to vote. 31

  We hold that the four concurring votes of the four respondents councilors will carry the day for their

  There is no dispute as to the power of the municipal board to adopt its own rules of procedure. 32 To this
end, par. "g" of Rule III of the Rules of Procedure of the municipal board of Naga provides:
  (g) The Chairman cannot vote, except in case of a tie. However, a member of the Board acting
as chairman may vote as a member, and as chairman to break the tie.

  It is not here urged that the petitioner is a member of the board acting as chairman. Her claim is that she
is the presiding officer and also a member of the board. But as we said, she is not both the presiding
officer and a constituent member of the board. She cannot, therefore, vote twice — once to create a tie as
a constituent member, and, the second time around, to break such tie with another vote. 33

  By explicit statutory command, courts are given authority to determine the validity of municipal
proceedings.  It is not disputed that the present proceeding for prohibition has for its objective to prevent
the petitioner from "participating in the election of Secretary of the Board, chairmanship of different
committees and in voting in other legislative matters, proposals and proceedings, other than to break a
tie." It is our view that the petitioner, in insisting to exercise the right to vote twice in the municipal
board, acted without jurisdiction and power to do so, and may be validly prevented and restrained by a
writ of prohibition. 37In reply to the petitioner's assertion that the acts sought to be restrained are mere
"probable individual actuations" beyond the reach of a prohibitory writ, suffice it to state that prohibition
is essentially a "preventive remedy" and is "not intended to provide for a remedy for acts already
accomplished." 38 Withal, petitioner's threat of voting twice in the municipal board was not an empty or
meaningless gesture, for the record shows that on March 5, 1968, soon after the writ complained of was
lifted by the Court of Appeals through the latter's restraining order of February 20, 1968, the petitioner
proceeded to act by voting twice for the approval of an alleged amendment to the rules of procedure of
the municipal board.

  ACCORDINGLY, the present petition is hereby denied, and the preliminary injunction heretofore issued
is dissolved, at petitioner's cost.

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