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Constipation: Beyond The Old Paradigms

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Beyond the Old Paradigms

a, b
Peter L. Lu, MD, MS *, Hayat M. Mousa, MD

 Pediatrics  Children  Fecal incontinence  Encopresis  Defecation disorder
 Antegrade continence enema  Sacral nerve stimulation  Sacral neuromodulation

 Although most children with constipation respond to conventional treatment, symptoms
persist in a minority. Recent advancements offer promise in the management of these
 Identifying a rectal evacuation disorder or colonic motility disorder by performing anorec-
tal and colonic manometry testing can guide subsequent management.
 Novel pharmacologic treatments used in adults with constipation are beginning to be used
in children, with promising results.
 Biofeedback therapy and anal sphincter botulinum toxin injection can be considered for
children with a rectal evacuation disorder.
 Surgical management of constipation includes the use of antegrade continence enemas,
sacral nerve stimulation, colonic resection, and stoma creation.


Constipation is commonly encountered in children and can result from several medical
conditions, ranging from congenital abnormalities to metabolic disorders. However,
most children with constipation do not have any underlying medical condition causing
their constipation and therefore have functional constipation (FC).1 The Rome criteria
are the most widely used diagnostic criteria for FC, and the recently released Rome IV
criteria define FC as experiencing 2 or more of the following at least once a week over
the past month2:
1. Two or fewer bowel movements per week
2. At least 1 episode of fecal incontinence per week

Disclosures: The authors do not have any relevant disclosures.

Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, Nation-
wide Children’s Hospital, 700 Children’s Drive, Columbus, OH 43205, USA; b Division of
Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition, Department of Pediatrics, University of Califor-
nia, San Diego, Rady Children’s Hospital, 3030 Children’s Way, San Diego, CA 92123, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Gastroenterol Clin N Am - (2018) -–-
0889-8553/18/ª 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
2 Lu & Mousa

ACE Antegrade continence enema
FC Functional constipation
SNS Sacral nerve stimulation
TES Transcutaneous electrical stimulation

3. History of retentive posturing or excessive volitional stool retention

4. History of hard or painful bowel movements
5. Presence of a large fecal mass in the rectum
6. History of large-diameter stools that can obstruct the toilet
Pediatric population-based studies on constipation from around the world describe
a prevalence ranging from 0.7% to 29.6%, with a median of 12%.3 The cost associ-
ated with the care of children with constipation is substantial. Using data from 2003
to 2004, it was estimated that medical care for children with constipation accounted
for an additional $3.9 billion in medical costs per year in the United States.4 This figure
is likely now significantly higher, particularly because both the number of hospitaliza-
tions for children with constipation and the mean cost of each hospitalization in the
United States have been steadily increasing.5 However, despite how common consti-
pation is in children, understanding of the prognosis of children with FC is limited. The
studies available are few and heterogeneous, but one review found that, after 5 to
10 years of follow-up, only 56% of children had recovered and were no longer taking
laxatives. Children who were treated by a specialist had a higher success rate, but
more than a quarter continued to have symptoms requiring laxative treatment at
The North American and European societies of pediatric gastroenterology recently
put forth evidence-based recommendations on the treatment of FC. Conventional
treatment of FC includes education of the child and family, toilet training, and oral
medications, including osmotic and stimulant laxatives. If the child’s symptoms
persist, assessment of treatment adherence and adjustment of laxative treatment
may be needed.1 However, a proportion of children have symptoms despite conven-
tional treatment, and the management of this population can be challenging and varies
widely among providers and institutions.7
For these children, the treatment paradigm is evolving. This article summarizes
recent advancements in the evaluation and treatment of children with FC and dis-
cusses their clinical applications, particularly to children with continued symptoms
despite conventional treatment. Identifying the mechanisms contributing to a child’s
presentation can allow more personalized and effective management.


The diagnosis of FC is a clinical one made using the Rome criteria. However, further
evaluation may still be needed after establishing the diagnosis of FC, particularly for
children with refractory symptoms. The symptoms associated with FC can result
from several underlying mechanisms. If a child’s symptoms do not respond to conven-
tional treatment, testing may be able to identify contributing factors for that individual
patient, allowing a better understanding of the child’s constipation and potentially
guiding subsequent treatment.1 This evaluation should begin by ensuring that a thor-
ough history and physical examination have been completed.
Although this article discusses several diagnostic tests, it is important to remember
that most children with FC do not need any of them. The primary role of a thorough
Constipation 3

history and physical examination is to exclude an underlying organic disorder, but the
history may also guide the provider’s management.1 For example, a report of pro-
longed straining to pass soft stool could increase suspicion for pelvic floor dyssyner-
gia. The history should also include an assessment of the impact of a child’s
symptoms on daily functioning and quality of life. For older children with daily retentive
fecal incontinence who are wearing diapers and have withdrawn from school, the
treatment plan would be more aggressive and include a plan to return to school.
For those who continue to have symptoms despite optimal conventional treatment,
diagnostic testing may be able to identify a responsible mechanism that would guide
subsequent treatment. In a broad sense, evaluation would aim to identify whether the
child’s constipation is secondary to a rectal evacuation disorder, a colonic motility dis-
order, or potentially both concurrently.
Evaluation for a Rectal Evacuation Disorder
Anorectal manometry
Anorectal manometry testing involves assessment of the neuromuscular function of
the anus and rectum by using a manometric catheter placed through the anal canal
and into the rectum. Anorectal manometry is the most commonly performed gastroin-
testinal motility test in children and has become more widely available over time. The
North American societies for neurogastroenterology and motility and pediatric gastro-
enterology recently published a consensus document on anorectal and colonic
manometry testing.8
The catheters used for anorectal manometry have evolved with time, from standard
water-perfused catheters to solid-state high-resolution catheters to three-dimensional
high-definition catheters that allow dynamic imaging of the anal canal (Fig. 1). Most of
the experience with anorectal manometry testing in children thus far has been using
water-perfused and solid-state catheters, and the utility of three-dimensional cathe-
ters in pediatrics, although promising, is still unclear.9 For cooperative children, ano-
rectal manometry testing involves measurement of resting anal pressure and the
length of the anal canal, evaluation of squeeze and bear-down (or push) mechanisms,
and evaluation of rectal sensation and for a rectoanal inhibitory reflex with progressive

Fig. 1. Anorectal manometry performed using a three-dimensional high-definition catheter

allows dynamic recreation of the anal canal.
4 Lu & Mousa

rectal balloon inflation. Balloon expulsion testing can be informative as well.8 A para-
doxic increase in external anal sphincter pressure during the bear-down maneuver
can be suggestive of an increase in anal pressure during attempts to defecate and pel-
vic floor dyssynergia.10
For younger or uncooperative children, anorectal manometry testing can be attemp-
ted under sedation. It is important to recognize that, even for older children, the test
can be associated with significant anxiety in both the children and parents.11 Sedation
limits the test to assessment of resting anal pressure and evaluation for a rectoanal
inhibitory reflex, and anesthetic agents such as propofol can decrease the ability to
measure a useful resting anal pressure.12 The primary utility in performing an anorectal
manometry test under sedation is in evaluating for Hirschsprung disease or anal
sphincter achalasia, which should be suspected if the rectoanal inhibitory reflux is

Defecography is a radiologic test used to assess the pelvic floor during the act of defe-
cation and can be useful in identifying pelvic floor dyssynergia and also structural ab-
normalities such as rectocele or rectal prolapse. Experience with defecography in
children is limited, but the test is safe and generally well tolerated in children older
than 4 to 5 years of age.13,14 A small study of children with defecation disorders eval-
uated by fluoroscopic defecography reported that results directly influenced subse-
quent treatment in 67% of the cohort.13 However, defecography involves radiation
exposure and experience in adults has raised concerns regarding interobserver bias
and variable methodology among centers.15

Evaluation for a Colonic Motility Disorder

Colonic transit testing
Measurement of colonic transit time can be helpful in the evaluation of children with
refractory FC. The most commonly used method of colonic transit testing is by using
radiopaque markers. After ingestion, the position of these markers in the colon is eval-
uated by abdominal radiographs (Fig. 2). Although inexpensive and simple to perform,
test protocols and interpretative methods vary among institutions.16,17 One of the
more commonly used methods involves ingestion of a capsule containing a set num-
ber of markers on 3 consecutive days. This ingestion is followed by an abdominal
radiograph on the fourth day and in some cases another radiograph on the seventh
day. Using skeletal landmarks to divide the colon into segments, both segmental
and total colonic transit time can be calculated and compared with normative data.16
Colonic scintigraphy involves measuring the transit of an ingested radioisotope
through the colon. One study in children showed that colonic scintigraphy was well
tolerated and showed fair agreement with colonic manometry in differentiating be-
tween normal transit, delay in the distal colon, and colonic inertia.18 Wireless pH-
motility capsule testing has been used to measure colonic transit time in adults, and
measurements correlate well with results of radiopaque marker testing.19 Wireless
pH-motility capsule testing has been shown to be safe and well tolerated in children,
but its use for measurement of colonic transit time in children remains untested.20
Normal colonic transit and prompt evacuation of radiopaque markers or radioisotope
in a child with frequent fecal incontinence should raise concern for nonretentive fecal
incontinence.1 Prompt transit to the rectum with retention of markers or radioisotope
may suggest a rectal evacuation disorder. Slow colonic transit in a child with refractory
FC benefits from assessment of segmental colonic function by colonic manometry
evaluation when available.
Constipation 5

Fig. 2. An abdominal radiograph taken several days after ingestion of radiopaque markers
shows retention of markers in the rectosigmoid and descending colon.

Colonic manometry
Colonic manometry testing involves assessment of colonic motor activity by using a
manometry catheter placed in the lumen of the colon. Similar to the catheters used
for anorectal manometry, the catheters used for colonic manometry have also evolved
from primarily water-perfused catheters to solid-state high-resolution catheters.21
Catheter placement is generally performed under general anesthesia during colonos-
copy or with fluoroscopic guidance. Some centers use an endoscopic clip to attach
the distal tip of the catheter to the colonic mucosa to reduce migration during the
study (Fig. 3).8 There is evidence that recent anesthesia can affect subsequent colonic
manometry results, although the length of time needed for this effect to cease is
Once the catheter is in place and time has been given for recovery after anesthesia,
the colonic manometry test begins. Although testing protocols vary among providers
and institutions, testing generally begins with assessment of colonic activity while fast-
ing. This assessment is followed by a meal and assessment for a gastrocolic
response, characterized by a physiologic increase in colonic contractions and tone af-
ter a meal. Series of high-amplitude propagating contractions can occur in all phases
of the study but can be seen as part of the gastrocolic response. In some cases (ie,
when high-amplitude propagating contractions are absent or limited after the meal),
6 Lu & Mousa

Fig. 3. (A) Abdominal radiograph taken after colonoscopy with colonic manometry catheter
placement shows the catheter coursing through the colon. An endoscopic clip attached to
the catheter is visible in the proximal colon. (B) The distal tip of the manometry catheter
is visible extending down from the top of the image. A black suture has been tied to the
tip of the catheter and an endoscopic clip is being placed to secure the catheter to the
colonic mucosa. (Courtesy of Neetu Bali, MD, Columbus, OH.)

this is followed by provocative testing to assess the colonic response to drug chal-
lenge, most commonly by evaluating for high-amplitude propagating contractions af-
ter administration of bisacodyl (Fig. 4).8
For children with refractory FC, colonic manometry testing can identify a colonic
motility disorder. Although there is growing evidence that colonic motor patterns
observed during manometry testing other than high-amplitude propagating contrac-
tions are likely to be clinically meaningful, the presence of these contractions remains
the most recognizable and clinically significant portion of the test.24,25 Absence of
high-amplitude propagating contractions throughout the colon suggests colonic
inertia. Propagation that terminates prematurely (ie, before reaching the distal sigmoid
colon) suggests segmental colonic dysmotility. By correlating manometry results with
an abdominal radiograph taken after catheter placement, providers can estimate the
length of dysmotile colon, which can be helpful if surgical resection is needed.8,26
Normal colonic manometry is associated with an improved response to antegrade
continence enema (ACE) treatment.27–30
However, the utility of colonic manometry is not limited to the measurement of
colonic contractile activity alone. Clinical observation of the patient during the study
can be revealing as well. Children with FC who deny the urge to defecate often
show that they do sense high-amplitude propagating contractions through nonverbal
communication such as grimacing or posturing. Children may also show evidence of
volitional stool retention. For these children, it may be helpful for them to recognize
that the sensation they felt at the time of propagating contractions should prompt
them to have a bowel movement.31


Treatment of children with FC begins with education of the child and family, toilet
training, and oral medications, including traditional osmotic and stimulant laxatives.
As discussed earlier, conventional treatment is sufficient for most children with FC.1
Treatment options for children with symptoms refractory to optimal conventional
Constipation 7

Fig. 4. (A) A normal high-resolution colonic manometry tracing shows 2 series of high-
amplitude propagating contractions that terminate near the anal canal, presumably in
the area of the rectum. (B) An abnormal colonic manometry tracing shows multiple series
of high-amplitude propagating contractions that terminate prematurely, approximately
halfway through the studied colon.

treatment have traditionally been limited, but recent advancements offer promise.
Several novel pharmacologic treatments have emerged for adults with constipation
and constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome that are beginning to be
used in the pediatric population. For children with FC and an identified rectal evacu-
ation disorder and/or colonic motility disorder, nonpharmacologic treatment options
8 Lu & Mousa

beyond conventional treatment can be chosen based on the mechanisms contributing

to the child’s presentation.

Novel Pharmacologic Treatments

Traditional pharmacologic treatment of children with FC generally begins with use of
osmotic laxatives such as polyethylene glycol, followed by use of stimulant laxatives
or lubricants if symptoms persist.17 Evidence-based recommendations on laxative
treatment of children with FC have been published (Table 1).1 However, newer phar-
macologic treatments have been used successfully in adults with constipation and
constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. Experience with these medica-
tions remains limited in children with FC but is growing with time.
Lubiprostone is a prostaglandin E1 derivative that promotes intestinal fluid secretion
by acting on the type 2 chloride channel, softening stool and promoting intestinal
motility in response to luminal distention.17 Lubiprostone is approved in the United
States for treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation in adults and irritable bowel

Table 1
Dosing recommendations for commonly used oral and rectal laxatives

Medication Dosing Recommendations

Osmotic Laxatives
Lactulose 1–2 g/kg, once or twice per day
PEG 3350 Maintenance: 0.2–0.8 g/kg/d
Fecal disimpaction: 1–1.5 g/kg/d (up to 6 consecutive days)
Milk of magnesia 2–5 y: 0.4–1.2 g/d, once or divided
6–11 y: 1.2–2.4 g/d, once or divided
12–18 y: 2.4–4.8 g/d, once or divided
Stool Softeners
Mineral oil 1–18 y: 1–3 mL/kg/d, once or divided, maximum 90 mL/d
Stimulant Laxatives
Bisacodyl 3–10 y: 5 mg/d
>10 y: 5–10 mg/d
Senna 2–6 y: 2.5–5 mg once or twice per day
6–12 y: 7.5–10 mg/d
>12 y: 15–20 mg/d
Rectal Laxatives/Enemas
Bisacodyl 2–10 y: 5 mg once per day
>10 y: 5–10 mg once per day
Sodium docusate <6 y: 60 mL
>6 y: 120 mL
Sodium phosphate 1–18 y: 2.5 mL/kg, maximum 133 mL/dose
Sodium chloride Neonate <1 kg: 5 mL
Neonate >1 kg: 10 mL
>1 y: 6 mL/kg once or twice per day
2–11 y: 30–60 mL once per day
>11 y: 60–150 mL once per day
Mineral oil 2–11 y: 30–60 mL once per day
>11 y: 60–150 mL once per day

Adapted from Tabbers MM, DiLorenzo C, Berger MY, et al. Evaluation and treatment of functional
constipation in infants and children: evidence-based recommendations from ESPGHAN and NASP-
GHAN. J Ped Gastro Nutrit 2014;58(2):269; with permission.
Constipation 9

syndrome with constipation in adult women.32 Several randomized controlled studies

have shown the efficacy and safety of lubiprostone in adults with constipation.33–35 In
a multicenter, open-label study of children with FC, lubiprostone led to a significant
increase in bowel movement frequency and was generally well tolerated, with nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea as the most common adverse events.32 A randomized
controlled trial in children is underway.17
Linaclotide is a peptide agonist of the intestinal guanylate cyclase-C receptor,
promoting intestinal fluid secretion. Linaclotide not only softens stool and promotes
intestinal motility but also reduces visceral sensitivity in animal models. Linaclotide
is approved in the United States for treatment of chronic intestinal constipation and
irritable bowel syndrome with constipation in adults.36 Randomized controlled
studies in adults have shown significant improvement in bowel movement fre-
quency and abdominal pain. Treatment was generally well tolerated, with diarrhea
as the most common adverse event.36–38 No studies have yet been completed in
Prucalopride is a highly selective 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 4 serotonergic
agent that increases acetylcholine release and subsequently increases intestinal
motility, particularly in the lower gastrointestinal tract.39 Multiple randomized
controlled studies in adults with chronic idiopathic constipation have shown significant
improvement in bowel movement frequency.40–42 In an initial open-label study of chil-
dren with FC, prucalopride led to improvements in bowel movement frequency, fecal
incontinence, and stool consistency. Prucalopride was generally well tolerated in chil-
dren.43 However, a multicenter, randomized controlled study did not find any differ-
ence in clinical response or perceived benefit compared with placebo.44

Treatment of a Rectal Evacuation Disorder

Biofeedback therapy
The purpose of biofeedback therapy is to restore a normal pattern of defecation using
visual and verbal feedback techniques. For children with pelvic floor dyssynergia, this
involves training children to relax the external anal sphincter while increasing abdom-
inal pressure during attempts to defecate. Visual feedback is provided either by
placing an anorectal manometry catheter to show abdominal and anal pressures or
by applying surface electromyography leads externally. The duration of biofeedback
therapy (ie, number of training sessions required) varies depending on the child’s
response. Although the North American and European societies for neurogastroenter-
ology and motility recommend biofeedback therapy for adults with pelvic floor dyssy-
nergia based on high-quality evidence, the efficacy of biofeedback therapy in children
for the same indication is less clear and routine treatment with biofeedback therapy
was not recommended.45
Studies of children with FC treated with biofeedback therapy have shown variable
results. Although some studies have found clinical improvement in as many as 90%
of children with FC treated with biofeedback therapy, several controlled studies
have not found any significant long-term improvement compared with conventional
treatment.1,45–47 Two large randomized controlled studies did not find biofeedback
therapy to be helpful compared with conventional treatment (education, toilet training,
and laxatives) or in addition to conventional treatment.48,49 However, a recent ran-
domized controlled study evaluating the addition of biofeedback therapy to conven-
tional treatment did show a significant advantage in symptomatic improvement and
ability to discontinue laxative treatment.46 Studies have not shown an association be-
tween improvement and normalization of defecation dynamics based on anorectal
10 Lu & Mousa

The role that biofeedback therapy plays in the management of children with FC
therefore remains unclear. For children with a rectal evacuation disorder and persis-
tent symptoms despite optimal conventional treatment, biofeedback therapy is an op-
tion that can be considered, particularly given its lack of adverse effects. However,
biofeedback therapy is only feasible in older, cooperative children, and the training
is labor intensive and requires practitioners with specialized training.45

Anal sphincter botulinum toxin injection

Injection of botulinum toxin into the anal sphincter has been used for children with
impaired rectal evacuation secondary to Hirschsprung disease, anal sphincter acha-
lasia, or anal fissure, generally with good response.50–55 Injection is performed under
sedation, often by dividing the administered toxin into the 4 quadrants of the internal
anal sphincter. Injection is typically well tolerated, with transient fecal incontinence,
rectal pain, and pelvic muscle paresis as potential side effects.52,54
Evidence of the efficacy of anal sphincter botulinum toxin injection for children with
FC and a normal rectoanal inhibitory reflex remains limited. A randomized study of
children with refractory FC found that improvement after anal sphincter botulinum
toxin was comparable with internal anal sphincter myectomy. Children who had low
anal resting pressures were excluded, but the cohort included children with normal
and increased resting pressures.56 In a cohort study that included children who had
a high-threshold rectoanal inhibitory reflex, investigators reported symptomatic
improvement after injection.57 In a recent survey of pediatric gastroenterologists
and surgeons, more than half of respondents reported that they would use anal
sphincter botulinum toxin injection to treat a child with refractory FC who had an intact
rectoanal inhibitory reflex and an increased resting anal pressure, suggesting that the
use of botulinum toxin injection for treatment of FC may be more common than the
literature suggests.7 Further studies are needed to clarify the role of anal sphincter
botulinum toxin injection in the treatment of children with FC and a rectal evacuation

Surgical Treatment of Functional Constipation

Antegrade continence enemas
ACE treatment involves the administration of an enema into the proximal colon
through surgical creation of an appendicostomy or cecostomy. The choice of proced-
ure is based in part on patient and surgeon preference. Although appendicostomy cre-
ation offers some cosmetic advantage with the ability to hide the site at the umbilicus
(with access obtained by cannulation), a minority of children experience stricture for-
mation. Cecostomy creation requires placement of a tube used for access.26 Compli-
cations of appendicostomy and cecostomy are common, particularly minor
complications such as pain with catheterization, skin irritation or granulomata, stomal
leakage, and stomal stenosis.58
Although several case series describing outcomes of ACE treatment have been
published over the past 2 decades, few have been prospective.58 Studies have also
been variable in both the definition of successful treatment and rate of success.59 A
review of the existing literature found that positive outcomes were reported in 82%
of children treated with ACE, but resolution of symptoms allowing appendicostomy
or cecostomy closure was reported only in 9.5%.58 A larger, prospective cohort study
that included children with both functional and organic causes of constipation re-
ported that 93% of children had a positive response, and that approximately a quarter
of children were no longer using ACE after a mean follow-up duration of 5.5 years.
Children with FC were more likely to no longer require ACE treatment.60 A recent
Constipation 11

retrospective review supports the finding that children with FC may be more likely to
discontinue ACE treatment, estimating that, after 5 years of ACE treatment, approxi-
mately a third of children have their ostomy closed.61
Colonic manometry may play a role in predicting children’s responses to ACE treat-
ment. Several studies have found that normal colonic manometry before ACE treat-
ment is associated with a better response to ACE treatment.27,28 In children with
colonic dysmotility before ACE treatment, repeat colonic manometry after ACE treat-
ment often shows improvement in colonic motility.62 A more recent retrospective re-
view of children with FC who completed colonic manometry testing before and after
ACE treatment initiation reported that the baseline manometry was not predictive of
outcome, but high-amplitude propagating contractions on repeat manometry after
ACE treatment were associated with a decreased need for ACE treatment.29

Over the last 2 decades, there has been increasing interest in the use of neurostimu-
lation for treatment of children with refractory FC as an alternative to more invasive
surgical procedures. Although pediatric experience with neurostimulation for gastro-
intestinal disorders remains limited, several modalities have shown promise and war-
rant further investigation.
Sacral nerve stimulation (SNS) is perhaps the most established form of neurostimu-
lation used in children with defecation disorders. SNS involves the delivery of low-
amplitude electrical stimulation to the sacral nerve root via an electrode placed in
the sacral foramen (Fig. 5). This electrode is connected to a pulse generator and bat-
tery that may remain external to the child during an initial temporary stimulation trial
before permanent implantation into a subcutaneous pocket in the buttock.63 The initial
reports of SNS for treatment of children with bladder dysfunction described

Fig. 5. An abdominal radiograph shows a sacral nerve stimulator lead and implanted pulse
generator and battery.
12 Lu & Mousa

improvement in not only urinary symptoms but in constipation and fecal incontinence
as well.64–66 Two institutions have recently published long-term outcomes of SNS
treatment of children with severe constipation. In one study of girls with FC, significant
improvement in constipation continued after a median follow-up of 22 months. How-
ever, 56% were considered not to have had a successful response to SNS based on
bowel movement frequency.67 The authors recently described the 2-year outcomes of
a group of children treated with SNS for constipation, of which most had refractory FC.
Although bowel movement frequency did not change significantly, durable improve-
ment was seen in fecal incontinence and associated quality of life. Nearly all families
surveyed reported health-related benefit.68
The role of SNS in relation to other surgical treatment options for FC (eg, ACE or
colonic resection) remains unclear. In a study of children with continued constipation
despite ACE treatment, SNS allowed a steady decrease in ACE usage. At a median of
18 months of follow-up, 45% had not only discontinued ACE usage but had under-
gone appendicostomy or cecostomy closure. SNS can be considered for children
with FC who have persistent symptoms despite ACE treatment.69 A recent study
comparing children with FC treated with ACE or SNS showed that ACE leads to
greater improvement in bowel movement frequency and abdominal pain but SNS
may lead to greater improvement in fecal incontinence.70 This finding is consistent
with the adult experience with SNS, in which randomized controlled studies have
shown significant improvement in adults with fecal incontinence but not FC.71,72
When considering SNS treatment, it is important to recognize the likelihood of com-
plications requiring further surgery. In the largest cohort of children treated with SNS,
49% of children experienced complications requiring further surgery.73 In addition to
the 2 procedures required for SNS initiation, a proportion of children require lead revi-
sion, device removal, or device replacement, most often performed because of lead
displacement or malfunction, local pain or numbness, and local infection.67,68 Howev-
er, attempts to identify factors predictive of complications after SNS have not been
Noninvasive forms of neurostimulation for FC are therefore needed. Abdominal
transcutaneous electrical stimulation (TES) is the best-studied noninvasive modality
and involves placement of 2 surface electrodes on the anterior abdomen at the level
of the umbilicus and 2 on the lower back at the level of the upper lumbar spine. These
electrodes are used to generate 2 sinusoidal currents that cross within the abdomen
and apply interferential electrical current to the abdomen at an intensity less than the
motor threshold.75,76 Preliminary studies showed improvement in constipation, but a
recent review reported that results of a randomized controlled study did not show sig-
nificant differences in clinical response between abdominal TES and sham stimula-
tion.77 Nonetheless, given the advantages conferred by the noninvasive nature of
abdominal TES, which are particularly relevant to the pediatric population, further
investigation is needed. A recent cohort study showed that home-based abdominal
TES was feasible for children with FC and led to significant improvement in bowel
movement frequency, fecal incontinence, and abdominal pain.78

Colonic resection
For children with FC and continued severe, debilitating symptoms despite optimal
medical management, colonic resection may be beneficial. Careful evaluation and
consideration are needed before surgery, particularly because the available literature
in children remains limited and specific indications for surgery unclear. A variety of
procedures have been described, with the general aim of removing dilated, dysmotile
colon thought to be responsible for the child’s persistent symptoms.26,58 Colonic
Constipation 13

manometry, particularly in cases in which manometry shows segmental dysmotility,

may be useful to guide surgical decision making.7,26 Colonic resection can be com-
bined with creation of an appendicostomy to allow for administration of ACE postop-
eratively, which can decrease the need for oral laxatives and limit postoperative fecal
Stoma formation and bowel diversion
Temporary or permanent stoma formation and bowel diversion may be needed in
certain situations. The literature on this topic is sparse and of limited quality. Based
on small case series, almost half of children treated with stoma formation are able
to undergo delayed restoration of intestinal continuity with good outcomes.26,58 Stoma
formation, specifically by creation of an ileostomy, may be beneficial for young chil-
dren (<3 years of age) with colonic manometry testing showing diffuse colonic dysmo-
tility, particularly in those with resulting failure to thrive. In these children, evaluation for
chronic intestinal pseudo-obstruction, which almost invariably involves the small
bowel as well, is critical because a positive diagnosis has therapeutic and prognostic


Most children with constipation respond to education, toilet training, and laxatives and
do not require any testing aside from a thoughtful history and physical examination.
However, for the minority of children who continue to have symptoms despite conven-
tional treatment, advancements over the past decade promise to improve their man-
agement beyond the old paradigms. Constipation is the end result of several potential
contributing mechanisms, and diagnostic testing to identify the mechanism relevant to
the individual child can guide subsequent treatment. Manometry testing is becoming
more precise and results more meaningful. New medications will undoubtedly soon be
available for children with refractory constipation. Measurement of anorectal function
and colonic motility can inform the use of an array of nonpharmacologic treatment op-
tions, including biofeedback therapy, anal sphincter botulinum toxin injection, ACE
treatment, neurostimulation, and colonic resection.


1. Tabbers MM, DiLorenzo C, Berger MY, et al. Evaluation and treatment of func-
tional constipation in infants and children: evidence-based recommendations
from ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2014;58(2):
2. Hyams JS, Di Lorenzo C, Saps M, et al. Functional disorders: children and ado-
lescents. Gastroenterology 2016;150(6):1456–68.
3. Mugie SM, Benninga MA, Di Lorenzo C. Epidemiology of constipation in children
and adults: a systematic review. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2011;25(1):
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