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Bowel Preparation For Pediatric Colonoscopy Anak

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Bowel Preparation for Pediatric Colonoscopy: Report of

the NASPGHAN Endoscopy and Procedures Committee

Harpreet Pall, yGeorge M. Zacur, zRobert E. Kramer, §Richard A. Lirio, jjMichael Manfredi,
Manoj Shah, #Thomas C. Stephen, Neil Tucker, yyTroy E. Gibbons, zzBenjamin Sahn,
Mark McOmber, zJoel Friedlander, jjjjJ.A. Quiros, ôôDouglas S. Fishman, and zzPetar Mamula

Key Words: bowel preparation, clinical report, colonoscopy, pediatrics
Pediatric bowel preparation protocols used before colonoscopy vary greatly,
with no identified standard practice. The present clinical report reviews the (JPGN 2014;59: 409–416)
evidence for several bowel preparations in children and reports on their use

among North American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology,
olonoscopy is a routine endoscopic procedure performed in
and Nutrition members. Publications in the pediatric literature for bowel
children to assess for a variety of gastrointestinal conditions.
preparation regimens are described, including mechanisms of action, effi-
Effective bowel preparation is essential for both optimal diagnostic
cacy and ease of use, and pediatric studies. A survey distributed to pediatric
evaluation and therapeutic intervention. Numerous studies have
gastroenterology programs across the country reviews present national
evaluated safety and efficacy of different bowel preparation pro-
practice, and cleanout recommendations are provided. Finally, further areas
tocols, but no standardized regimen exists. Suboptimal preparation
for research are identified.
can occur in up to one-third of colonoscopies (1) and can be
associated with missed diagnoses, procedural risks, and increased
costs from repeated procedures. Residual fluid or stool in the colon
can impede endoscopists’ ability to view the mucosa, assess for
pathologic lesions, and, in some cases, complete the procedure.
Received May 5, 2014; accepted May 22, 2014. Bowel preparations adapted for colonoscopy evolved from
From the Section of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, St
Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the
cleansing enemas and included diet restrictions, laxatives, and
yDivision of Pediatric Gastroenterology, University of Michigan Health large-volume oral bowel lavage. These regimens were time-con-
System, Ann Arbor, the zDivision of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and suming and uncomfortable, and also caused fluid and electrolyte
Nutrition, Children’s Hospital Colorado, Aurora, the §Division of abnormalities. The early regimens were replaced with various
Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, University of laxative and polyethylene glycol (PEG) solutions. The ideal pre-
Nebraska Medical Center/Children’s Medical Center, Omaha, the paration for colonoscopy would clear the colon of fecal material
jjDivision of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Boston Chil- with no alteration of the colonic mucosa. In addition, the pre-
dren’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts, the ôDivision of Pediatric paration would not cause patient discomfort or fluid and electrolyte
Gastroenterology, Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, California, shifts and would also be inexpensive. At present, a variety of bowel
the #Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology, University of Louisville,
Louisville, Kentucky, the Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology,
preparations are used for pediatric colonoscopies; however, none of
Hepatology, and Nutrition, Broward Health Medical Center, Fort Lau- these preparations meet all of these requirements.
derdale, Florida, the yyDivision of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Bowel preparations used in children vary greatly, and uniform
Nutrition, Arkansas Children’s Hospital, Little Rock, the zzDivision standard protocols have not been generally accepted despite the
of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition, Children’s Hospital of thousands of pediatric colonoscopies performed each year in the
Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the §§Division of Gastroen- United States. Each gastroenterology program or practice generally
terology, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona, the jjjjDivision creates its own unique protocol, which may differ from others. A 2010
of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Medical University of South Carolina, article reviewed published pediatric data (2).
Charleston, and the ôôDivision of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and The purpose of the present North American Society for Pedia-
Nutrition, Texas Children’s Hospital, Houston.
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Harpreet Pall, MD, St
tric Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition (NASPGHAN)
Christopher’s Hospital for Children, Section of Gastroenterology, clinical report is to review the evidence for various pediatric bowel
Hepatology, and Nutrition, Nelson Pavilion, 3635 North Front Street, preparations and report on their use among the NASPGHAN mem-
Philadelphia, PA 19134 (e-mail: bership. The published pediatric literature for bowel preparation
This article has been developed as a Journal CME Activity by NASP- regimens before colonoscopy is described, including mechanisms
GHAN. Visit to of action, efficacy and ease of use, and pediatric studies. A survey
view instructions, documentation, and the complete necessary steps distributed to pediatric gastroenterology programs (fellows, NASP-
to receive CME credit for reading this article. GHAN Endoscopy Committee members, Endoscopy Program Direc-
Supplemental digital content is available for the present article. Direct URL tors) across the country reviews present national practice. Cleanout
citations appear in the printed text, and links to the digital files are
recommendations are provided in a table. We conclude with a
provided in the HTML text of the present article on the journal’s Web site
( discussion of areas for further research.
The authors report no conflicts of interest. MECHANISMS OF ACTION, EFFICACY,
Copyright # 2014 by European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology,
Hepatology, and Nutrition and North American Society for Pediatric AND SAFETY
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition Laxatives are substances that accelerate defecation (Table 1).
DOI: 10.1097/MPG.0000000000000447 They have an impact on the transfer of water and electrolytes in the

JPGN  Volume 59, Number 3, September 2014 409

Copyright 2014 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pall et al JPGN  Volume 59, Number 3, September 2014

small and large intestine. They soften hardened feces and stimulate Pashankar et al in 2004 (3) included 46 children given PEG-3350
defecation. According to their mode of action, they are divided into 1.5 g  kg1  day1 for 4 days. The results from this study were
osmotic and stimulant laxatives (Table 1). excellent. Another prospective study in 149 children older than
Osmotic agents that have been used in bowel preparation 2 years reported using PEG-3350 at doses of 1.5 g  kg1  day1 up
include magnesium citrate, sodium phosphate, PEG-3350 (a to 100 g/day in 2 to 3 divided doses for 4 days resulted in adequate
specific PEG product), and PEG with electrolytes (PEG-ELS). colonic preparation in 89% of patients (12). The disadvantage of
Stimulant laxatives include bisacodyl and senna. the 4-day protocol is that it required 4 days of preparation before the
Because of the success of PEG-3350 as a treatment for procedure, affecting compliance and resulting in lost days from
constipation, protocols have used this for colonoscopy preparations. school and/or work. As a result, several recent prospective
PEG-3350 is safe and effective for bowel preparation in children studies have focused on a shorter duration of PEG-3350 preparation
and has become the most popular bowel preparation. (4,13–15).
Clinically insignificant electrolyte changes have been In 2011, Jibaly et al prospectively examined a 2-day cleanout
reported with PEG-3350 (3). A study of 2-day colonoscopy pre- with PEG-3350 at an average dose of 1.9 g  kg1  day1, given
paration in children with PEG-3350 and bisacodyl reported during 2 consecutive days in 30 children (13), and found that the
adverse events included nausea (19%), abdominal pain (11%), majority of the parents and children were ‘‘very satisfied’’ or
and occasional vomiting (4%), all rated as mild (4). These adverse ‘‘satisfied’’ with the ease of the bowel preparation. The preparation
events were also similar to those in a prior study evaluating a 4-day efficacy was evaluated and graded by the principal investigator and
bowel regimen by the same authors (3). by an independent pediatric gastroenterologist. The data for none of
One of the risks of oral sodium phosphate regimens includes the children were cancelled because of inadequate visualization,
acute phosphate nephropathy with acute and/or chronic tubular and in 90% of the children, minimal to no washing was required.
injury. Citing the risk of renal disease, dehydration, abnormal The majority of patients in that study (23/30), however, also
motility, and acute colitis (5), the Food and Drug Administration received bisacodyl and/or an enema because they were considered
recommended the avoidance of oral sodium phosphate preparations to be incompletely prepared before the endoscopy. Abbas et al, in a
in patients younger than age 18 years. A ‘‘black box’’ warning is prospective study, found 238 g of PEG-3350 (roughly equivalent to
now in place on phosphate-based bowel preparation products 1 bottle or 14 capfuls) mixed with 1.9 L of Gatorade taken during a
available by prescription and over the counter. few hours had a completion rate of 93.5% (15). The cecum was
reached in all 46 patients in the present study. The terminal ileum
PEDIATRIC STUDIES was intubated 84% of the time.
A few studies in the literature address bowel preparation A retrospective study using 238 to 255 g of PEG-3350 in
before colonoscopy in the pediatric population (Table 2). Only a 1.9 L of sports drink during 2 hours in the afternoon the day before
small number of these were prospective randomized studies. The the colonoscopy in 272 children (median age 13.7 years, range
duration, dosing, and combination of agents were typical indepen- 1.08–17.92 years) showed effective cleansing in 93% of patients,
dent variables. The efficacy, tolerance, and adverse effects were the regardless of age, history of constipation, or indication for the
usual measured outcomes. Unlike adult studies with a validated procedure (16). These patients ate regular breakfast and lunch on
colon cleanliness index used for outcome assessment (Ottawa the day before the test and took only clear liquids up to 3 hours
bowel preparation scale), however, pediatric studies did not have before the scheduled procedure.
a common efficacy measure. Overall, in assessing these studies, PEG (with or without
As mentioned, PEG-3350–based bowel preparation proto- electrolytes) mixed with a juice or sports drink for bowel pre-
cols are the most popular in children. The first prospective study by paration before colonoscopy proved to be fairly effective and

TABLE 1. Mechanism of action, efficacy, and safety

Medication Mechanism of action Dose Ease of use/efficacy Adverse effects Comments

PEG-3350 Osmotic 1.5–4 g/kg for 1–2 days Effective in 93% (16) None Potential compliance issues (12)
Effective in 89% (12) Good tolerance and effective
cleansing; recommend
electrolyte solutions to
prevent electrolyte imbalance
PEG-ELS Osmotic 25 mL  kg1  h1 Poor tolerance because of None Not approved for children
taste, vomiting, nausea; younger than 6 mo
may need NG tube
Magnesium Osmotic 1 oz/y, maximum 10 oz Variable tolerance/efficacy " Mg Use with caution in renal failure
citrate Stimulates CCK Needs stimulants or PEG
(" secretion/motility) for effectiveness
Bisacodyl Stimulant/secretory/ 5 mg tablet Excellent/good cleaning, None Poor effectiveness when not
antiabsorptive/ 10 mg suppository 92%–93% along with used with other agents
prokinetic PEG-3350 (4)
Senna Secretory/prokinetic 15–30 mg See comment None Effective only when used with
other agents
Pico-Salax Osmotic One-fourth to 1 sachet in Well tolerated and effective " Mg Use with caution in renal failure
2 divided doses (23) (insignificant)

CCK ¼ cholecystokinin; NG ¼ nasogastric; PEG ¼ polyethylene glycol; PEG-3350 ¼ a specific polyethylene glycol product; PEG-ELS ¼ PEG with


Copyright 2014 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
TABLE 2. Pediatric colonoscopy preparation studies JPGN 

Medication Study design N Dosage Duration Additional medication Outcome Reference

PEG-ELS Prospective 12 1 L/h Good 58% Tolia et al (6)
PEG-ELS Prospective 20 40 mL  kg1  h1 Until stools clear Metoclopramide Optimal or satisfactory 90% Sondheimer et al (7)
(2.6  0.3 h)
PEG-3350 Prospective 46 1.5 g  kg1  day1 4 days 91% right colon; 95% left colon Pashankar et al (3)
PEG-3350 Prospective 169 1.5 g  kg1  day1 4 days 89% adequate to good Safder et al (12)
PEG-3350 Prospective 30 1.9 g  kg1  day1 2 days 100% Jibaly et al (13)
PEG-3350 Prospective 111 2 g  kg1  day1 2 days 5 mg bisacodyl 2 days 92% right colon; 93% left colon Phatak et al (4)
PEG-3350 Prospective 40 1.5 g  kg1  day1 4 days 57.5% Elitsur et al (14)
randomized trial (maximum 100 g/day)
38 2 g  kg1  day1 2 days 5 mg/day bisacodyl 2 days 73.6%
(maximum 136 g/day)
PEG-3350 þ sports drink Retrospective 272 238 or 255 g þ 1.9 L 2h 93% Adamiak et al (16)
sports drink
PEG-3350 þ sports drink Prospective 46 238 g þ 1.9 L Gatorade Few hours 100% cecum; 84% TI Abbas et al (15)
PEG-ELS versus Na Prospective 34 4 L/1.7 m2 40% Gremse et al (8)
Volume 59, Number 3, September 2014

phosphate þ fluids randomized trial 45 mL/1.7 m2/dose 2 95%

PEG-ELS versus Na Prospective 29 20 mL  kg1  h1 73% da Silva et al (9)
phosphate randomized trial 22.5–45 mL 2 doses 71%
PEG-ELS versus Prospective 98 15 mL/kg po/NG 88% Shaoul and Haloon (18)
bisacodyl randomized trial Na phosphate enemas 2 95%
PEG-ELS versus Na Prospective 89 100 mL/y of age/h—up 77% Turner et al (23)
picosulfate randomized trial to 1 L or total 4 L
with magnesium 2 times
oxide þ citric acid 80%
PEG-3350 versus Prospective 30 1.5 g/kg divided bid 2 days 88% Terry et al (19)
senna randomized trial 2 days 29%
PEG-ELS versus Prospective 20 mL/kg (maximum 1 L) 83% Dahshan et al (1)
magnesium citrate randomized trial 2.5–6 oz Senna 70%
versus bisacodyl 5–10 mg 2 days Na phosphate enema 21%
Bisacodyl Prospective 30 2 doses 2 days Na phosphate enema 100% Abubakar et al (10)
Magnesium citrate Prospective 62 Bisacodyl pr and po 90% El-Baba et al (21)
versus Na phosphate randomized trial 2 times 73%
Senna versus Prospective 140 Prepackaged 10–20 mg Twice Na phosphate enema 2 No difference between senna Trautwein et al (20)
magnesium citrate randomized trial 8 oz water þ packet Na phosphate enema 2 and magnesium citrate; no
difference between full and
clear liquid diet, no difference
between 1 or 2 enemas
Na phosphate versus Prospective 48 2 doses 70% Sabri et al (11)
magnesium citrate randomized trial 3 days Na phosphate enema 68%
Sodium picosulfate Prospective 63 Twice 100% Pinfield and Stringer (17)
versus bisacodyl randomized trial 2 days Na phosphate enema (0.5–1) 71%
Sodium picosulfate þ Retrospective 68 Both groups received 97% Jimenez-Rivera et al (22)
magnesium oxide þ bisacodyl or castor
citric acid versus oil (if <6 y old)
magnesium citrate 2 doses 93%
Bowel Preparation for Pediatric Colonoscopy

NG ¼ nasogastric tube; PEG-3350 ¼ a specific polyethylene glycol product; PEG-ELS ¼ PEG with electrolytes; TI ¼ terminal ileum.

Copyright 2014 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pall et al JPGN  Volume 59, Number 3, September 2014

tolerable in the pediatric population in conjunction with a clear Web-based application designed to support data capture for
liquid diet. The duration of that diet and the need for stimulant research studies, providing an intuitive interface for validated data
adjunctive therapy, however, seemed to vary not only between the entry, audit trails for tracking data manipulation and export pro-
studies but also within them. The addition of 5 mg of bisacodyl to cedures, automated export procedures for seamless data downloads
2 g/kg of PEG-3350, each given for 2 days before the colonoscopy, to common statistical packages, and procedures for importing data
also proved to be effective, as noted by Phatak et al in 2011 (4). This from external sources.
study noted 95% compliance with this regimen. In terms of efficacy, The survey consisted of multiple-choice and open-ended
the right and left colon were rated as excellent or good in 92% and questions and was divided into 3 parts. The first section of the survey
93% of children, respectively. asked participants to select therapy type (monotherapy vs dual
In 1999, Pinfield and Stringer showed poor success with the therapy vs other), product classes (osmotic laxative vs stimulant
regimen of oral bisacodyl and sodium phosphate enemas (17). In laxative), and specific medication with dosage, frequency, and
2007, however, Shaoul and Haloon showed that when combined duration before colonoscopy for specific age and weight groups.
with dietary restrictions, this combination can be effective and Participants were asked to select the regimen they use most often in
superior to PEG alone (18). Although the difference was not their daily practice. Because of the variation in practices, the most
statistically significant, it was at least comparable. common regimen in terms of product, dose, frequency, and duration
In a direct comparison between PEG-3350 and senna, was reported. When choices were selected an equal number of times,
PEG-3350 was found to be more effective in a study of 30 children. both or all choices were reported. Participants were also asked what
Terry et al compared PEG-3350 dosed at 1.5 g/kg divided twice per additional therapy is used with laxatives, and what additional instruc-
day for 2 days and senna 15 mL (26.4 mg sennosides) for children 6 to tions are given to patients as part of their regimens. Additional therapy
12 years of age or 30 mL (52.8 mg sennosides) for patients 12 to included dietary changes and when changes are initiated before
21 years of age, given during 2 days (19). This was done while being procedure, and rectal therapy and product, dose, frequency, and
on either a clear or a full liquid diet for 1 to 2 days. A total of 88% of duration used. For certain rectal therapies, participants were asked
patients given PEG-3350 were rated as having a good cleanout versus
only 29% of patients given only the senna cleanout. Both regimens
were reportedly well tolerated.
TABLE 3. Survey results for 2- to 5-year-old patients (10–20 kg)
Magnesium citrate alone or in combination with a stimulant
and/or enemas also proved to be fairly effective, but was less Monotherapy (N ¼ 26)
tolerated in the pediatric population. Trautwein et al reported no Most common product PEG-3350
significant difference between senna and magnesium citrate (20). Most common regimen
The combination of magnesium citrate and senna actually fared Age-based
poorly against PEG-ELS (70%–83%) in a study done by Dahshan Dose 4 capfuls in 32 oz of fluids
et al (1). El-Baba et al reported that magnesium citrate given orally Frequency Drink throughout the day
with bisacodyl rectally provided a better cleanout compared with Duration One day before colonoscopy
sodium phosphate enemas alone (21). Weight-based
More recently, in July 2012, the Food and Drug Adminis- Dose 1.5 g  kg1  day1 in 8 oz of fluids
tration approved Prepopik (Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Parsippany, for every capful
NJ) in adults. This preparation had been available and in use only in Frequency Drink throughout the day
Canada, sold as Pico-Salax. Jimenez-Rivera et al in 2009 found this Duration One day before colonoscopy
preparation to have good outcomes in 97% of the patients who Dual therapy (N ¼ 16)
received it during 2 days, in conjunction with a 2-day clear liquid Most common products PEG-3350 and senna
diet (22). In 1999, Pinfield and Stringer also found that sodium Most common regimen
picosulfate had favorable results in contrast to a preparation with PEG-3350
bisacodyl and sodium phosphate enema (17). Turner et al found that Dose 1 capful or 1.5 g  kg1  day1 in
Pico-Salax yielded a slightly superior cleanout compared with 8 oz of fluids for every capful
PEG-ELS (23). Frequency Twice per day or drink throughout
the day
SURVEY OF PRESENT NATIONAL PRACTICE Duration Daily for 4 days before colonoscopy
Methods Dose 4.3–4.4 or 8.6–8.8 mg
The primary aim of the survey was to identify different bowel Frequency Once
preparation regimens from a broad spectrum of practitioners to gain Duration One day before colonoscopy
understanding of which medications are being used and how they Additional therapy (N ¼ 41)
are prescribed. The secondary aims of the survey were to inquire No additional therapy (N ¼ 3)
about specific practices of bowel preparation and regimens for Dietary changes (N ¼ 40)
different endoscopic procedures. The survey was distributed to Most common change ‘‘Clear liquids only’’ 1 day before
pediatric gastroenterology programs in academic, community, colonoscopy
and private practice settings across North America. To maximize Rectal therapy (N ¼ 11)
the variation of regimens, we specifically invited pediatric gastro- Most common product Pediatric bisacodyl
enterologists who were identified through NASPGHAN as directors Dose 5 mg/suppository
of endoscopy or contacts for their respective institutions or groups, Frequency Two suppositories/day
with a goal of acquiring 35 or more completed surveys. Duration One day before colonoscopy
The survey was created and distributed electronically, and Rectal therapy day of procedure? Before and on same day of
data were collected and managed using Research Electronic procedure
Data Capture tools hosted at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center (24). Research Electronic Data Capture is a secure, PEG-3350 ¼ a specific polyethylene glycol product.


Copyright 2014 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 59, Number 3, September 2014 Bowel Preparation for Pediatric Colonoscopy

to report whether they used rectal therapies before or on the day of the of 89% of physicians reported being satisfied with their present
colonoscopy. The second section inquired about location of bowel preparation regimen. A total of 80% of physicians reported using
preparation (inpatient vs outpatient), administration of bowel prep- PEG-3350 as part of the preparation for each age group.
aration for admitted patients, general bowel preparation for specific
procedures (flexible sigmoidoscopy and video capsule endoscopy), 2- to 5-Year-Old Patients
and bowel preparation failure and adverse events. The last section
investigated physician characteristics and inquired about preparation For 2- to 5-year-old patients (approximately 10–20 kg)
satisfaction. (Table 3), 59% of physicians used monotherapy for bowel pre-
paration before colonoscopy. The most common product for mono-
Results therapy was PEG-3350. In this age group, 36% of physicians used
dual therapy for bowel preparation before colonoscopy. The most
Participants commonly used dual therapy with an osmotic laxative and a
Readers should refer to supplementary Table A (http:// stimulant laxative was PEG-3350 and senna. In addition to laxative for detailed survey results. In brief, of therapy for bowel preparation, 93% used either dietary changes or
the 78 invited physicians, 44 participants responded to the survey rectal therapy, and the most common change was implementing a
(56.4% response rate). The majority of responders (89%) were strict clear liquid diet 1 day before the colonoscopy.
physicians from a university or academic institution; however, the
size of practice or division was evenly distributed. When asked to
report the approximate number of colonoscopies performed at their 6- to 11-Year-Old Patients
institution or practice in 1 year, 41% and 39% of physicians reported For 6- to 11-year-old patients (approximately 20–40 kg)
that 100 to 499 and 500 to 999 were performed, respectively. A total (Table 4), 43% of physicians used monotherapy for bowel pre-
paration before colonoscopy. Of those using monotherapy, 89%
TABLE 4. Survey results for 6- to 11-year-old patients (20–40 kg)

Monotherapy (N ¼ 16) TABLE 5. Survey results for 12-year-old to adult patients (>40 kg)
Most common product PEG-3350
Most common regimen Monotherapy (N ¼ 19)
Age-based Most common product PEG-3350
Dose 6 or 7 capfuls in 8 oz of fluids Most common regimen
for every capful Age-based
Frequency Drink throughout the day Dose Small bottle (14 capfuls) or large
Duration One day before colonoscopy bottle (29 capfuls) in 64 oz
Weight-based of fluids
Dose 1.5 g  kg1  day1 in 8 oz of fluids Frequency Drink throughout the day
for every capful Duration One day before colonoscopy
Frequency Drink throughout the day Weight-based
Duration Daily for 1 or 4 days before Dose 1.5 g  kg1  day1 in 8 oz of fluids
colonoscopy for every capful
Dual therapy (N ¼ 27) Frequency Drink throughout the day
Most common products PEG-3350 and bisacodyl Duration Daily for 4 days before colonoscopy
Most common regimen Dual therapy (N ¼ 22)
PEG-3350 Most common products PEG-3350 and bisacodyl
Dose Small bottle (14 capfuls) or Most common regimen
4 g  kg1  day1 in either 8 oz PEG-3350
of fluids for every capful or Dose Small bottle (14 capfuls) in 64 oz
32 oz of fluids or 64 oz of fluids of fluids
Frequency Drink throughout the day Frequency Drink throughout the day
Duration One day before colonoscopy Duration One day before colonoscopy
Bisacodyl Bisacodyl
Dose One tablet (5 mg) Dose Two tablets (10 mg)
Frequency Once Frequency Once
Duration One day before colonoscopy Duration One day before colonoscopy
Additional therapy (N ¼ 42) Additional therapy (N ¼ 41)
Dietary changes (N ¼ 42) Dietary changes (N ¼ 38)
Most common change ‘‘Clear liquids’’ only 1 day Most common change ‘‘Clear liquids’’ only 1 day before
before colonoscopy colonoscopy
Rectal therapy (N ¼ 9) Rectal therapy (N ¼ 10)
Most common product Adult bisacodyl Most common product Adult bisacodyl
Dose 10 mg/suppository Dose 10 mg/suppository
Frequency One suppository/day Frequency One suppository/day
Duration One day before colonoscopy Duration One day before colonoscopy
Rectal therapy day Before and on same day Rectal therapy day Before and on same day
of procedure? of procedure of procedure? of procedure

PEG-3350 ¼ a specific polyethylene glycol product. PEG-3350 ¼ a specific polyethylene glycol product. 413

Copyright 2014 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Pall et al JPGN  Volume 59, Number 3, September 2014

used an osmotic laxative for bowel preparation, whereas the other Additional Regimens and Practices, Preparation
11% used a stimulant laxative. The most common product for Failure, and Adverse Events
monotherapy was PEG-3350. In this age group, 50% of physicians
used dual therapy for bowel preparation before colonoscopy. The Readers should refer to supplementary Table B (http://links.
most commonly used dual therapy with an osmotic laxative and a for detailed survey results. Participants were
stimulant laxative was PEG-3350 and bisacodyl. Dosing of PEG- asked to describe what regimens they used for infants and children
3350 varied significantly in this regimen. In addition to laxative younger than 2 years (data not shown). The question was open-
therapy for bowel preparation, 95% of physicians used either ended, which resulted in significant variation among responders.
dietary changes or rectal therapy. Of those who used additional The majority of participants used no preparation, clear liquids only
therapy, 42 (100%) physicians used dietary changes, and 9 (21%) (including breast milk), PEG-3350, or PEG-3350 with clear liquids.
used rectal therapy. Of the 42 physicians who made dietary changes, When asked about location of bowel preparation, 54% of physicians
the most common change was implementing a strict clear liquid diet always order an outpatient bowel preparation. Physicians who
1 day before the colonoscopy. admit patients were asked about how the preparation is adminis-
tered once the patients are admitted and about continuing the
preparation overnight. For physicians who admit any or all of
12-Year-Old to Adult Patients the time, 55% place a nasogastric tube most of the time, and
50% continue the regimen overnight with close supervision. For
For 12-year-old to adult patients (>40 kg) (Table 5), 36% of flexible sigmoidoscopy, 54% of physicians use only rectal therapy,
physicians used monotherapy for bowel preparation before colono- and the most commonly used product is a Fleet (sodium phosphate)
scopy; most (94%) used an osmotic laxative, whereas 6% used a enema. For video capsule endoscopy, 45% of physicians use a
stimulant laxative. The most common product for monotherapy was laxative medication (PEG-3350 was the most commonly used
PEG-3350. In this age group, 61% of physicians used dual therapy product) and dietary changes (eg, clear liquids only, soft diet, liquid
for bowel preparation before colonoscopy. The most commonly diet) as their preparation regimen.
used dual therapy with an osmotic laxative and a stimulant laxative Participants were asked to select any and all reasons for
was PEG-3350 and bisacodyl. In addition to laxative therapy for outpatient bowel preparation failure in their experience, including
bowel preparation, 93% of physicians used either dietary changes or their experience with prolonged procedure time and/or procedure
rectal therapy, and the most common change was implementing a cancellation because of inadequate preparation. The most com-
strict clear liquid diet 1 day before the colonoscopy. monly reported reason (77%) for outpatient preparation failure was

TABLE 6. Oral bowel cleansing solutions

Bowel cleansing solution Double therapy in combination

(commercial name) Dosing Flavoring strategy Adverse effects with a laxativey

PEG-ELS 25 mL  kg1  h1 Flavor packs or use Hyponatremia Bisacodyl 5–10 mg on day 1; fleet
(CoLyte, GoLYTELY) (children older than 6 mo) ‘‘sugar free’’ or saline enemas before cleanout
(recommended maximum flavoring to taste dose 100–500 mL same day of
rate 450 mL/h) (eg, Crystal Light) procedure if stool not clear

Sulfate-free PEG-ELS 25 mL  kg1  h1 Flavor packs or use Hyponatremia ; Same

(NuLYTELY, TriLYTE) (children older than 6 mo) ‘‘sugar free’’ hypokalemia ;
flavoring to taste allergy
(eg, Crystal Light)

PEG-3350 2 g  kg1  day1 In flavored sports drinks; Hyponatremia ; Bisacodyl 5 mg orally (<50 kg) or

(MiraLax, Movicol) (2-day regimen) or large amount of free hypokalemia ; 10 mg (>50 kg) on day 1; bisacodyl
4 g  kg1  day1 water not recommended allergy (rare) rectal suppository 5 mg (<50 kg) or
(1-day regimen, <50 kg); 10 mg (>50 kg) on day 1; or senna
238 g in 1.5 L of sports 15 mg (<50 kg) or 30 mg (>50 kg)
drink (1-day regimen, orally on day 1
>50 kg)
Saline laxatives (For children older Mixed with citrus Hyponatremiaz; Same
(magnesium citrate, than 6 y) 4–6 mL  kg1  drink or flavored hypermagnesemia§
milk of magnesia) day1 (1-day regimen in
single or divided doses)
Oral sodium
recommended (5)

Patients at risk for hypovolemia should be evaluated before receiving a bowel cleansing solution. Use of solutions containing high concentration of sucrose to
mix in a bowel-cleansing agent increases risk of combustible gas production when using electrocautery devices. PEG-3350 ¼ a specific polyethylene glycol
product; PEG-ELS ¼ PEG with electrolytes.

Hyponatremia and other electrolyte abnormalities associated with lower electrolyte concentrations leading to net water absorption. Higher electrolyte
containing solutions such as standard PEG-ELS solutions have lower risk of these occurrences.
Weight-based dosing for children not well established. Use with caution and consult pharmacy before using.
Higher risk of hyponatremia compared with other solutions. Food and Drug Administration approved for children older than 6 y.
Elevated serum magnesium levels in patients with impaired renal function.


Copyright 2014 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
JPGN  Volume 59, Number 3, September 2014 Bowel Preparation for Pediatric Colonoscopy

TABLE 7. NASPGHAN best practices cleanout regimens DISCUSSION

Option 1: PEG-3350, <50 kg ¼ 4 g  kg1  day Colonoscopy in children and adults requires effective bowel
1-day cleanout þ bisacodyl 5 mg cleansing for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. The safety
>50 kg ¼ 238 g in 1.5 L sports of the procedure is directly affected by the quality of the bowel

drink þ bisacodyl 10 mg preparation. The present NASPGHAN clinical report has reviewed

Option 2: PEG-3350, <50 kg ¼ 2 g  kg1  day1 the available pediatric literature and, more important, provided
2-day cleanout þ bisacodyl 5 mg comprehensive information on the present state of practice at many

>50 kg ¼ 2 g  kg1  day1 pediatric centers across the United States.
þ bisacodyl 10 mg Based on the earlier studies, it is clear that PEG-3350 works
Option 3: NG cleanout PEG-ELS: 25 mL  kg1  h1, well. PEG-ELS is also effective; however, an inpatient admission is
maximum 450 mL/hy often required for nasogastric tube administration or the volume is
Sulfate-free PEG-ELS: limited by taste. Evidence for laxative stimulants alone (or with
25 mL  kg1  h1, enemas) is inconclusive. Oral phosphate regimens are not recom-
maximum 450 mL/hy mended because of adverse effects. Magnesium citrate is effective,
Option 4: non- Magnesium citrate however less so than PEG-3350, and taste may limit its use.
PEG cleanout 4–6 mL  kg1  day1 Themes from the survey results indicate that PEG-3350 
þ bisacodyl 5–10 mg stimulant is the most common cleanout regimen (used by 80%
of responders) and there is a wide range of PEG-3350 dosing
The vast majority (>90%) of children should not need NG cleanout and regimens.
inpatient stay unless persistent vomiting or history of failed procedure It is evident that bowel preparation regimens vary signifi-
because of poor bowel preparation. Patients with significant stool burden
may benefit from modified regimen, that is, doubling duration of cleanout in
cantly. The reported results are the most common regimens in terms
option 1. NG ¼ nasogastric tube; PEG ¼ polyethylene glycol; PEG-3350 ¼ a of individually reported product, dose, frequency, and duration of
specific polyethylene glycol product; PEG-ELS ¼ PEG with electrolytes. therapy. Although greatly variable, we are able to make some

Should be administered for 4 to 6 hours. conclusions. In terms of monotherapy, for the youngest age group
Until effluent is clear or up to 4 L and then reassess. (2–5 years old), age-based dosing provides more than double the
amount of PEG-3350 that weight-based dosing provides; yet both
methods prescribe a 1-day preparation. We found similar results for
the patient could not drink any or the entire product (ie, ‘‘too much the middle age group (6–11 years old) in that age-based dosing
volume’’). A total of 29% of participants reported prolonged provides significantly more laxative than weight-based dosing for a
procedures and 20% reported cancelling and/or rescheduling pro- 1-day preparation, but some physicians using weight-based dosing
cedures. Physicians were asked to select which adverse events they prescribed the therapy during 4 days, which equals or exceeds the
experienced with outpatient bowel preparation requiring interven- age-based 1-day preparation. This phenomenon was also seen in the
tion, and 75% reported no adverse events requiring interventions. oldest age group (12-year-old to adult). More variability regarding
The most commonly reported adverse event requiring intervention, dual therapy practices (osmotic and stimulant laxative) was found in
however, was dehydration (23%). the 2 younger age groups compared with the older age group,
especially for dosing and volume of fluid for mixture.
The efficacy of PEG-3350, safety profile, and ease of use
CLEANOUT SUGGESTED REGIMENS AND (taste) are the primary reasons this was chosen as the recommen-
DOSING dation. Recommendations for the PEG-3350 1-day preparation of
Based on the survey responses, the NASPGHAN Endoscopy 4 g  kg1  day1 were derived from adult studies demonstrating
and Procedures Committee has attempted to offer practical dosing efficacy at 238 g for 1 day (25) and from the 2 pediatric studies on
suggestions and best practices recommendations (see Tables 6–8). 238/255 g PEG-3350 (15,16).
These suggestions should not be a substitute for clinical judgment, Few clinical studies in pediatrics have evaluated the use of
and, in fact, alternative dosing regimens may be entirely reasonable. the various bowel preparation regimens. Potential areas for future
Additional considerations include having the availability to manage research should include development of new pediatric-friendly
patient bowel preparation questions the night before colonoscopy. preparations, split dosing preparation in children, short- and long-
term safety including electrolyte measurements, validation of
pediatric cleanliness score (the Ottawa score is a simple and
effective score for adults), and comparison of various sports drinks
TABLE 8. Clear liquid guidelines with preparation and their safety.
Further prospective randomized trials and safety studies will
Examples of clear liquids Water
be welcomed to determine optimal use of existing regimens or even
develop better preparations.
Clear juice drinks without pulp
Ice Acknowledgments: The authors thank the Center for Clinical
Popsicles and Translational Science and Training grant support (UL1-
Clear broth RR026314) at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.
Sports drink REFERENCES
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Copyright 2014 by ESPGHAN and NASPGHAN. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
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