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Lesson 7 Plan Sum of Equal Addends

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Lesson Plan (template)

LESSON PLAN Subject: Math

Trainee: Hessa Topic or Theme: Sum of equal addends

Class: 2/5 2/6 Date & Duration: 20/10/2020

Trainee Personal Goals

I am working on: Planning for learning

I am working on: Managing learning to have time management during the lesson.

Lesson Focus

Students will be focused on add equal addends using objects.

Lesson Outcomes

Term 1

use Sum of equal addends to determine 'how many' when objects are grouped or shared equally

Links to Prior Learning

In Grade 1, use the forwards number to count using objects.

21st Century Skills

Critical thinking: because students should add.

Key vocabulary



Possible problems for learners Solutions to possible problems

The students didn’t count carefully. Teacher will explain and show for them one
example to be clear and understand using video
and pictures of objects to let them feel easy to

Resources/equipment needed

- Lap top.
- Pictures.

- Video to help students understand.

- Power point

- Activity using meeting chat

- Word Wall activity

- Online timer

-Book work

& Time
15munites Teacher & Students will: o

Video * Starting with make sure you have

your materials such as, pencil, eraser,
https://www.yo book. * Class rules.
&t=145s Hook:
Tr: oki grade 2 good morning
St: good morning miss Hessa.

Tr: Today we will learn about Sum of

Power Point equal addends.

Chat box

Tr: Her we have 6 apples. And her

we have group 1 and her group 2.
So I want to put the apples in this
two groups and I want each group
have same and equal number of
apple. How I can put this 6 apples
Ammm I will draw her 3 apples and
the second group 3 apples. Lets
check if this group equal this group.
Tr: will count first group 1,2,3 and
count second group 1,2,3 so 3+3=
Tr: will count the apples
Yess my answer is correct I equal
the groups.

Tr: lets now see the video.

St: will see the video.

Main activities
& Time
15munites Teacher & Students will:

Power point The first activity:

Tr: Lets practice together we have her
Pen 2 groups of stars and in each groups
we have 5 stars and her 5 stars so its
Online timer(30 equal because I have same numbers 5
seconds) and 5
Tr: will use pen to write
5+5= 10

Tr: We have her 6 chairs and we need

more 6 chairs to be equal so I will add
more 6 chairs to be equal.
Tr: I want to write a numbers
sentences in the chat what numbers
will be her and her and should be
equal numbers.
Tr: you have 30 seconds
Tr: check the chat
So 6 + 6 = 12
Tr: lets practice
Her we have missing numbers and
also we should to add numbers to get
the answers.
So her we have 3+3=6
And her we have 5 + what I should
write her to give me the answer 10.
And her I have 2 spaces and what
numbers should I write and give me
the answer 8? 4+4.

Tr: now we will do the word wall

matching activity.
I will send the link in the chat I want
you to join and match the pictures
with addition sentences , after you
finish and you submit the answer
Then it will appear for you the time
and score I want you to take q photo
and send to me in the chat.

& Time Plenary/Conclusion
15munites Teacher & Students will

Online timer
Tr: oki if you understand write in the
chat thumps up and if you need more
help thumps down

Tr: Book work.

Tr: tell students to open book
Tr+st: will solve the book questions.

Homework On their book

Page 149 and 150

Assessment Thumps up or dawn


☐Observation Student self- Oral questioning Peer assessment


Quiz ☐Student presentation ☐Written work and Verbal feedback




The lesson for Grade and 2-5 for 24 boys and girls, It was in the Microsoft teems online Math
classroom. The lesson was about sum of equal numbers. Besides, at the beginning of the lesson,
they will listen to the rules to make sure they have their materials such as pencil and book and I
tell them the class rules after that I told them to open the microphone and repeat the rules after
me. Then I start the lesson by presented vocabulary words which sum of equal numbers with
pictures and I explain for them using pictures and numbers.
Then, I showed them video and I stopped in each part to explain for them equal numbers. And
we were practice together, so I presented 2 groups of stars and in each groups we had 5 stars and her
5 stars so its equal because I had same numbers 5 and 5 and I used pen to wrote the answers for them.
However, I presented in the power point three cards with equal numbers of objects and its students
turn they will write a numbers sentences in the chat what numbers will be her and her and should be
equal numbers and I gave them 30 seconds for each questions then we checked the answers together.
In addition, we played word wall matching activity, I send the link in the chat students were joined and
match the pictures with addition sentences , after they finished and submitted the answers
Then it will appeared for them the time and so students took a photo and send to me in the chat.
Finally, its self assessment the students will send in the chat thumps up if they got the lesson or down if
they need help and teacher assess them.

Things I did well in the lesson plan:

Nice transition and students were participated with me in the activities and they didn’t make
screaming, and they were more involved. And I said the rules of class slowly using culturally
appropriate pictures and I let students to repeat after me to make sure they understand the rules.
And I explain for them vocabulary words in good way using pictures and numbers. And god
time managements.

Things that was wrong in lesson plan:

I need to work in my language. Also I think its better to link the lesson with even and odd
numbers so to make sure they understand the equal numbers.

Things must improve for the next lesson plan:

• In my next lesson, , I will explain for them in English and Arabic to help their parents
understand. I will provide for them even and odd numbers to make sure they understood if its
equal groups or not in equal. Also next time, I will Kahoot game to let students more engage
and involve.

Students Work

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