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Homeroom Guidance Module: Developing Self Awareness Developing Self Awareness Developing Self Awareness

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Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Grade School
PAASCU Level III Accredited
School Year 2020 – 2021



Ateneo de Zamboanga University

Grade School
PAASCU Level III Accredited
This Learning Pocket is a property of ADZU – Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction & distribution of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
School Year 2020 - 2021
Name: ______________________________ Date: _______________
Grade & Section: ______________________ Learning Module No.: ____________

Topic: Self-awareness
Linked Concept / Peace Integration: Inner Quarter: FIRST
Formation Outcomes: Competence ( I can )
Compassion ( I care)
Learning Materials: Pen, pencil and


Hello kid! Welcome to this new

school year 2020-2021!
I am Teacher Mika, your school counselor. I will
be with you in your school-at-home setup which
is a new learning adventure for all students this
year. I know you will be missing school and your
friends, but for now let us adjust to this new
normal environment.
We, your formators, will try to connect with you
through the homeroom guidance activities that
your class moderator will be giving you to do at
home so that we can continue to guide and help
you in this challenging time

Let’s EXPLORE more about this

module, are you ready?
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What is this about?
This homeroom module is about developing your self-awareness that leads
to self-understanding and acceptance by becoming aware of your thoughts,
feelings, behavior and atttidues.

Learning competencies (what will I learn?)

In this module, you will learn how to be mindful of yourself using the
technique of Mindful hands, and how to be aware of your wants, needs,
hopes and dreams in life.

In this module, you are expected to:

a. learn how to boost self-awareness by using the technique of
Mindful hands;
b. be aware of your feelings, the things you want in life and know the
reason why you wanted them;
c. acknowledge your skills and talents, develop self-appreciation and
d. practice the value of being appreciative of people who helped you
become the person you are now.


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Self-awareness is defined as the quality or trait that involves awareness of one’s
own thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and attitudes.

You know yourself better than anyone else. It’s about accepting who you are and
what you are going through these days, your hopes of learning, growing and
improving yourself. Self-awareness doesn’t develop all at once. It happens over
time. The process begins when you start being able to recognize and name your
emotions, strengths and challenges.

Now that you already know about what

this module is all about, please prepare
yourself as we will start our day with a


Dear Lord/ Allah, the Almighty, we give you

thanks and praise for the gift of life. Thank
you for the many ways in which you provide
for all of us and for your protection and
presence in our lives. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds now on what we are about
to do. Inspire and enlighten us so that we can
learn new things today. Guide us by your
light so that we may see more about the
beauty of the world around us and feel your
unending love for us. We ask all this in Your
Holy Name. Amen

Remember, you can always ask for help

from your parents or guardians! Let us
now begin with our Mindfulness Breathing
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Mindfulness Breathing Exercise

Choose one hand, (left

or right) then hold it out
like a star
Pretend your pointing
finger (other hand) is a
special pencil
Trace you fingers up
and down
Inhale as you go up
Exhale as you go down.
Do this Breathing
Good job! Now, how did you feel
Exercise Five (5) times. after doing the breathing
exercise? Encircle your feelings
1. 2. 3.

You did a great job at doing the

Mindfulness Breathing Exercise. Hope you
feel relaxed now!


How are you feeling today?

Instructions: Encircle your feelings and complete the sentence by

writing your feelings and the reason why.

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What made you feel that way?

What might help you feel better?

If you are ready, let’s proceed now to our first activity!

This is very fun and exciting!

Talents and skills are mental strengths that are useful to

a pursuit, art, profession, activity or task. These include
innate abilities that come naturally to an individual and
abilities that have resulted from learning, development
This Learning Pocket is a property of ADZU – Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction & distribution of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
and disciplined practice.
Choose your talents and skills that you have developed through practice over time by
checking the box.

Singing Acting Sports

Dancing Playing instruments Others: _______________

Painting Cooking

Drawing Art

Swimming Baking

How can you improve these talents and skills? Check the box of your answer/s.

By practicing more (ex. Dancing)

By joining groups/clubs

By watching videos to learn and develop them.

By finding out the required techniques

By taking pieces of advice from the trainers/coaches.

Now that you discovered your talents and skills, we’ll

proceed now to Activity 2. Let us find out what do you
hope to be someday. You can write or draw it!


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Good job, because you have ideas what activity
you like to do someday. That’s a good sign of
being self-aware because you know what you


Are you grateful of your talents and

skills? Who are the persons you want to
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thank for helping you develop your 8

talents and skills?

Write their names on the blank and opposite to it, write how they inspired/help yo

1.________________ _____________________

2.___________________ ________________________


3.___________________ _________________________


Good job! You did well on answering! You did well on writing
their names and how they helped you develop your talents and


As an Atenean, how will you use your talent and skills

to help other people who are in need?


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Good job! You did well on answering!

Before we end our awareness activity, please let me

know how you felt about the activities today.

Write here!
I felt _____________ because ___________________________________________


Encircle the THUMBS UP if you agree, and ENCIRCLE

THUMBS DOWN if you disagree with the statements on the box.

I learned learn about self-awareness today

I appreciated my istalents
This Learning Pocket a property and skills.
of ADZU – Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction & distribution of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.

The mindfulness exercise helped me to be calm. 10

The mindfulness exercise helped me to be calm.

I can use what I learned today in my everyday


The COVID-19 caused us a lot of danger and troubles. We are limited to do the things we used to
do, we cannot go anywhere anymore because of the situation, but we’ll just have to cooperate
with the Government and experts, we’ll just listen to them and always remember to pray for
them! We are all in this together! If you need someone to talk to, you can message me or
contact me at 09062578220, or if you have concerns and clarifications you can like or visit or
Facebook page, ADZU GS GUIDANCE and Counselling Office. Thank you for being cooperative
as always! God bless you!

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one for today! You did a wonderful job today. See you in our next
Keep it up!!


Langham, R.Y (2019) Child Counselling, Journal. Retrieved from:


Retrieved from:

American School Counselor Association. (n.d.). Student-to-School-Counselor Ratio 2010–2011.

Retrieved from
This Learning Pocket is a property of ADZU – Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction & distribution of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.
This Learning Pocket is a property of ADZU – Grade School. Unauthorized reproduction & distribution of this material is STRICTLY prohibited.

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