University Avenue, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City: Philippine Women's College of Davao
University Avenue, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City: Philippine Women's College of Davao
University Avenue, Juna Subdivision, Matina, Davao City: Philippine Women's College of Davao
In Partial Fulfillment
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
Startzell, Liezl S.
Student Teacher
Agnes Mascarinas for the continuous support of guiding me in my Student Teaching, for her
patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. Her guidance helped me in all
the time of throughout the entire journey of my Student Teaching. I could not have imagined
Besides my advisor, I would like to thank the rest of my subject teacher especially
my cooperating teacher Ms. April Rose Basuel, for her encouragement, insightful
comments.My sincere thanks also goes to the Grade 5 Determination, for listening my lesson
sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had
in the last four years. Also I thank my friends in Philippine Women’s College of Davao,
Special mention to Jenny Pado.I am grateful to everybody that help me throughout this
journey. Last but not the least, I would like to thank my family: my parents Manuel Sanchez
and Lilibeth Sanchez , for giving birth to me at the first place and supporting me emotionally
To Our Almighty God for the knowledge strength and wisdom. His guidance leads me to
To my parents who provided me their emotional, financial support Love, moral values, and
I would also dedicate this portfolio to my husband who helped me through thick and thin.
Through the process. For good and bad times, you were there for me.
Finally, I dedicate this portfolio to the people who’ve helped me through crucial times. Most
especially to my family. It wouldn’t be possible without the help of my family it’s the reason
Practice teaching is one of the highlights and the most exciting parts of a Teaching
course as the student – teacher will be experiencing life as a teacher Whether it’ll be in
private or public setting. It is the chance to experience the life of Actual teaching
Teaching made us aware on the situations that we have to go through and how to
professional growth and teaching achievements. It is designed to Show teacher’s talents and
A portfolio is a document in which the student teacher reveals, relates and Describes
In the next pages of this portfolio, all of my works during my teaching Experience in
The In-Campus Teaching Experiences
promotion of peace.
To Educate
personality, training for home and family life, preparing for vocation or profession and
To Contribute
enhancement of the spiritual, social and economic life in the country and the world at large.
To Lead
Through pioneering in the field of gender education in the opening of new avenues
understanding, while conserving the wisdom and ideals of the ages and integrating the
Chapter 2 – About the School
In 1919, the visionary couple Dean Conrado Benitez and Francisca Tirona Benitez
founded in Manila the Philippine Women’s College (now the Philippine Women’s
University). In time, their vision of women’s education would transcend the boundaries of
Manila and reach south of the archipelago. PWC alumnae from Mindanao saw the need to
spread and promote the educational objectives of their Alma Mater among the young people
of Mindanao. This idea became a reality when the PWU Board of Trustees approved the plan
to put up the Philippine Women’s College of Davao (PWC), which eventually opened its
Chapter 3- Flexible Online Teaching Diary
March 3,2021
nervous in my first day but the rest of the week it was fulfilling day. My cooperating
teacher is Mrs April Rose Basuel She is a English teacher and have an advisory class
teaching and learning arena in which new practices and new relationships can make
education, instructors must be trained not only to use technology but also to shift the
ways in which they organize and deliver material. Making this shift can increase the
potential for learners to take charge of their own learning process and facilitate the
biggest challenge will be trying to become flexible with my schedule and trying to make my
class effective and fun way of learning. My ultimate goal is to change the lives of people.
Studying to be a teacher is hard. All of the classes that are required, all of the practicums, and
all of the time spent just to become a teacher is stressful, but the thought of being able to help
just one person changes everything. It takes one person to be a light in someone’s life. It
takes one person to be a helping hand. It takes one person to change an unmotivated, broken
March 4,2021
combination of styles, online educators should design activities that include multiple modes
of learning. Teaching models should also be adapted to the new learning environments.
Instructional materials are essential tools in learning every subject in the school curriculum.
They allow the students to interact with words, symbols and ideas in ways that develop their
abilities in reading, listening, solving, viewing, thinking, speaking, writing, using media and
Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase student
nearly as difficult as it can seem at first. The Internet has many resources for teachers, most
of them free, that can significantly increase the contents of your teaching toolbox.
Instructional materials provide the core information that students will experience, learn, and
Therefore, such materials must be carefully planned, selected, organized, refined, and
used in a course for the maximum effect. The planning and selection of instructional
materials should take into consideration both the breadth and depth of content so that student
learning is optimized.
March 5,2021
It is not an exaggeration to say that a great teacher can change a student’s life. There
are an endless amount of great teacher stories that attest to the benefits of a strong
Online classes aren’t a great substitute for in-person class. Lagging Wi-Fi means
missing out on big part of discussion when the internet freezes, and the atmosphere and
learning environment is not the same as sitting in a classroom with teachers and classmates.
One of many I noticed they’re student are not provided with the high bandwidth or the strong
internet connection that online courses require, and thus fail to catch up with their virtual
class. Their weak connections make it hard to follow the online class and their learning
For an online student, a reliable internet connection is key. I think for the teachers
have to set time limit in order the student to get back in class as this time of the academic we
need to adjust both teachers and student. I have seen some teachers that is continuing her
lesson even she/he notices that one or two of her student disappear in virtual class. I think we
need to remind ourselves to be more patient in these hard times. Remember what it is like to
learn something new and different from what these students used to for the first time. Give
students time to process information and answer questions. Realize that learning can be hard
work, even for the most motivated students. Rather than blaming students when things don't
go right, consider ways you could change your approach to reach them more effectively. Be
If you want to be a great educator, you must connect with your pupils and reach them
on multiple levels, because the best teachers are committed to their students’ well-being both
inside and outside the classroom. By forging strong relationships, educators are able to affect
virtually every aspect of their students’ lives, teaching them the important life lessons that
will help them succeed beyond term papers and standardized tests. It is not always easy to
Teacher is nice and very soft spoken, and leads the students fell asleep. Teacher is
very nice. He let his student lay down as long as they were listening. I think this kind of
teaching approach is okay at least it is not abuse by the anyone in the meeting. We need to
take a moment to think back and think about what could be going on in this student’s life,” he
said. “It’s so important to be observant, attentive, empathetic and always have a positive
March 15-19,2021
Teacher Lore use a new quiz online platform and the grade two student we’re very happy
with the output and enjoyed the new faces of online quizzes. First time to experience that the
PLDT WiFi shuts down and more than half of the student disappear in the class. I was
worried that maybe I was the only one that experience such bad internet connection. Thank g
it’s I’m not missing a class because all of us is cut off by internet provider. Now, this kind of
problem in online world that we just can’t control it and we just have to adapt our situations
for the meantime. For us long as we are safe and that should be our number one priority in
time of pandemic.
One student complain that he can’t answer the quiz because he’s only using his
phone. I feel bad for him but the subject teacher were nice to give him time to answer and
he can passed it on next meeting. As my views I think the teacher did the right thing as she
knows that this is the type of situation wherein nobody’s in control. We must be empathetic
this time as everyone is trying their best to just survived this time.
technologies. When I observed Ms. Basuel’s 5th grade English class, I was impressed on how
she’s involved and gave her best to work and teach on a new normal situation.
At the time, her class was doing their review for the next week examination. The day I
observed, was the first day that students had to answer question and will be given points.
Each student was responsible and active. But, not all student has a strong and reliable internet
connections and for that they were not able to get points but just be in the class doing
I also liked the idea that they were graded on their participation in the class, it just will
give student the excitement and trying their best to answer and because it made each student
learn better. Overall, the one-hour online class we’re successful. For me, the whole aim of
learning and teaching was to get students so motivated, enthused and interested that they
thirsted for yet more knowledge. I believed, that the learners need to be given the opportunity
to explore, discover and engage in this new normal because it’s not even easy for us adult
how much more on this kids. The teachers should also have considered and acknowledged
that because there is so much variability amongst students, a learning experience that might
be powerful for most students, will not necessarily be effective for all learners. Teachers need
April 12-16,2021
are very close and the waiting game is killing me, I want it to be like right now I’ll be
teaching them. Effective online instruction depends on learning experiences that are
styles or a combination of styles, online educators should design activities that include
multiple modes of learning. Teaching models should also be adapted to the new learning
Since this online learning of 2020-2021 supended typical school schedules and
leverage key lessons and insights gained during this time to build a new normal that better
supports student well-being, equity, and engagement with learning for all students during the
April 19-23,2021
April 20,2021 is my first online teaching demonstration and it was a little scary as I
don’t know how I will make my class an student centered. Little did I know the grade 5
Determination is very patience and participative in my class even it’s my first time to teach
them. And I would like to thank ma’am April for being helpful especially as she only gives
me a topic that I am very familiar with and it helps a lot with my teaching strategies. Online
classes aren’t a great substitute for in-person class. Lagging wife means missing out on big
part of discussion when the internet freezes, and the atmosphere and learning environment is
not the same as sitting in a classroom with teachers and classmates. One of many I noticed
they’re student are not provided with the high bandwidth or the strong internet connection
that online courses require, and thus fail to catch up with their virtual class. Their weak
connections make it hard to follow the online class and their learning experience becomes
I feel very overwhelmed as the online observes ion near the end and my portfolio is a
little bit messy and it needs a lot of attention. Procrastinating is my enemy right now, but I try
really hard to focus and be reminded that this be over and the brighter future awaits.
Students have difficulty understanding due to the topic that is very complicated, But
they we’re able to comprehend at the end of the lesson. Last meeting for the school
year ….Yeyyyyy Ma’am Fely has a live timer on her slide and makes the lesson more
interesting and fun. My CT and my fellow ST we’re wondering because the meeting room
have no students, we we’re confused of where and what happen to the students, after
5minutes we found out that the last teacher exceed her time for 10minutes without
notice. It's difficult to set standards in the midst of a pandemic. Before this all began, we had
deadlines, and they were either met or they weren't. When the pandemic began, for some
high school teachers and college professors, sticking to deadlines was still a hard and fast
rule. But other teachers offered some leniency to students, knowing everyone was having a
difficult time. This system worked reasonably well for those students who felt unmotivated
due to COVID-19. However, just like everything else, getting back on track will require
May 3-7,2021
This is our last week of observation I feel a little sad I kind of miss the students as we
already knew each other for a while now. I will surely treasure this experience and the
memories as well as the time spent in this new normal of teaching, It was amazing and my
privileged to experience such different teaching methods and the learning are unforgettable.
Chapter 4- Flexible Online Teaching Evaluation
Online Teaching Evaluation from self
As a student and future educator I find Online class a very difficult path for both teacher
and the students. But what we can do is adapt and try and try to survive this pandemic and
always be grateful that being healthy is way to blessed. Let us not forget that. Online learning
is an educational process which takes place over the Internet as a form of distance education.
Distance education became ubiquitous as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020.
Because of these circumstances, online teaching and learning had an indispensable role in
early childhood education programs, even though debates continue on whether or not it is
Technology (ICT). A teaching practicum provides student teachers with authentic and hands-
student teachers with opportunities to apply their knowledge about children’s development as
effective early childhood teachers including dealing with various challenges which influence
in course accreditation of early childhood teacher education programs. None of this is meant
to undermine the value of mental health and taking care of ourselves. This is not to condemn
those relaxing and enjoying themselves over the summer. It’s simply to say that it's time to
buck up for what is coming. While this major challenge has come upon us, the world hasn’t
stopped turning. The educations we’re privileged enough to receive and the important work
we’re doing, whether it be at a job or in raising our voices for what we believe in, never lost
importance. Now that we've had our time to settle in and process the situation, it's time to
learn to push ourselves in this "new normal" environment. We need to take care of our health,
now more than ever, but not at the cost of all productivity—and not at the cost of our goals
and aspirations.
Chapter 6- Actual Flexible Online Experiences
It was very strange feeling that you will be teaching these kids online and that you are
facing only your laptop. I find it hard to believe that this is our new normal now for both
teacher and student. But despite all this chaos and trying times we Filipinos strive to do good
and adapt to the situation. The kids at grade 5- Determination are very pleased to teach and that
Online learning is an educational process which takes place over the Internet. It is a form
of distance education to provide learning experiences for students, both children and adults, to
access education from remote locations or who, for various reasons, cannot attend a school,
vocational college, or university. Online learning experiences through distance education can be
either asynchronous or synchronous. Asynchronous learning occurs when students can choose
their own time for participation in learning through different media tools such as e-mail or
discussion boards. Students can log-into communicate and complete activities at times of their
own choosing and learn at their own pace. In contrast, synchronous learning activities occur
Appendix C – Certificate of Compliance
Appendix D – Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan II
Lesson Plan III
Appendix E – Table of Specification and Test Questionnaire
Table of Specification
Preposition/Phrase 40 18 14 8 40
Comprehension 10 4 4 2 10
Adverbs 20 5 3 2 20
Kinds of Adverbs 20 9 7 4 20
Appendix F – Sample Class Record
Appendix G – Sample Quizzes
Appendix H – Certificates of Seminars and Training Attended
The path to wholeness and health, by practicing yoga and art making has been well
documented. Since 1948, the World Health Organization has claimed that health “is a state
of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity”. (Iyengar (1995) refines this definition of health as “the perfect state of
equilibrium, harmony, and concord with the physical, physiological, moral, intellectual and
spiritual sheaths of man. Health, which is never static is not only an end in itself, but also
becomes a process of gaining a sense of well-being at any given moment. To meet these
standards of health and well-being, as well as reversing the stages of illness, Mehta (2002)
suggests the use of therapy, a remedy or rehabilitation of the total individual, including
mind, body and spirit. Furthermore, Franklin (1998) explains that art and yoga as therapeutic
entities are a natural fit, for they are both reflections of the self as the whole person is
addressed in its entirety. As a result, the benefits of obtaining and maintaining optimal health
through both disciplines have led them to be accepted by the medical community, giving
way to yoga therapy (e.g. Kraftsow, 20ll; Mehta, 2001) and art therapy, Kraftsow (2010)
acknowledge that the ancient tradition of yogic therapeutic intervention, has stood the test of
time from its roots in Vedic teaching and science to the recent adaptation and use of yoga
techniques and practices to restore and maintain health and healing at all levels. Therapy as
“the process of empowering individuals to progress toward improved health and well-being
As the country continues to confront different issues brought about by the corona
addressing the challenges in the basic education for the school year 2020-2021 through its
As the COVID-19 pandemic drags into its second year, there is hope on the horizon, in the
form of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines which promise disease elimination and a return to pre-
pandemic normalcy. In this study we critically examine the basis for that hope, using an
and effectiveness in bringing an end to this unprecedented public health crisis. Our findings
suggest that vaccines that do not prevent infection will allow extensive endemic SARS-CoV-
Life is about making choices. Life does not just “happen”. We are free to choose
what we want to do but we cannot choose the consequences of our actions. Each situation is
According to the speaker, study habit is the habitual practices one uses to help them study
and learn. Good study habits can help students achieve and maintain good grades. Each
student has different styles of studying. Because it also depends on the learning styles of
each individual. One person may study a week before the examination and get high marks.
Another person may study the night before the examination and still gets a high score. It's
totally depending on how each individual learns. The speaker tackled the seven study habits
that can be very effective to everyone if we try to follow them. The book opens with an
explanation of how many individuals who have achieved a high degree of outward success
still find themselves struggling with an inner need for developing personal effectiveness and
growing healthy relationships with other people. Covey believes the way we see the world is
entirely based on our own perceptions. In order to change a given situation, we must change
ourselves, and in order to change ourselves, we must be able to change our perceptions. In
studying over 200 years of literature on the concept of "success," Covey identified a very
important change in the way that humans have defined success over time.
During the corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, prolonged school closures
may result in a reversal of educational gains, limiting children’s educational and vocational
opportunities as well as their social and emotional interactions and development. The longer
a student stays out of school, the higher the risk of dropping out. Additionally, students who
are out of school and particularly girls are at increased risk of vulnerabilities (e.g. subject to
greater rates of violence and exploitation, child marriage and teenage pregnancy).
I think the head of higher education should really think carefully as this will be the
changing lives of everybody. And I am hoping that this plan of DEPED will be truly a
All this time, teachers had always faced challenges. But the biggest yet so far was the
challenge of corona virus who had affected everyone, most especially our school system.
Teachers and students had to adapt to the new normal through virtual learning. Teachers now
face the new normal with double effort and double worked. Felina Espique had shown a
marvelous and awesome strategy for future teachers like me to use on how to make our
classes colorful, fun, and effective. Her topic was very attention-getter. It was interesting in a
way that aside from the informative content, she had shown it in a contemporary way that
we, as future teachers would surely use in the near future. Kudos to Dr. Felina for being such
a great speaker. We sure did learn a lot from her. Under such shaky circumstances, retaining
a sense of normality for learners and their teachers has been crucial. Given this
unprecedented closure of learning institutions, one of the most pressing tasks facing
educators is to ensure that students’ learning is uninterrupted. Making sure that learning
never stops is imperative Yet, focusing on the never-stopping part alone, as if it does not
affect everything else about the purpose and the value of schooling, is rather narrow and
might give the debate an air of deceptive simplicity. We also need to make sure that learning
—quality learning—actually happens. The task is all the more urgent and complicated as
education itself is already going through its own massive crisis—the global learning crisis—
The situation of crisis produced by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic poses
major challenges to societies all over the world. While efforts to contain the virus are vital to
protect global health, these same efforts are exposing children and adolescents to an
increased risk of family violence. Various criminological theories explain the causes of this
new danger. The social isolation required by the measures taken in the different countries,
the impact on jobs, the economic instability, high levels of tension and fear of the virus, and
new forms of relationships have all increased levels of stress in the most vulnerable families
and, therefore, the risk of violence. In addition, mandatory lockdowns imposed to curb the
spread of the disease have trapped children in their homes, isolating them from the people
and the resources that could help them. In general, the restrictive measures imposed in many
countries have not been accompanied by an analysis of the access to the resources needed to
reduce this risk. It is necessary to take urgent measures to intervene in these high-risk
contexts so that children and adolescents can develop and prosper in a society which is likely
to undergo profound changes, but in which the defense of their rights and protection must
This comprehensive plan focuses upon strengthening protective factors for student
mental health such as developing student life skills and resilience, fostering connectedness
and belonging, and promoting help-seeking behaviors. It also involves leveraging and
creating opportunities to notice when a student might be struggling and ensuring mental
health policies and treatment services are comprehensive and well understood. Last, it
includes making sure that procedures for handling a crisis are in place and that campus
suicide. Now that more students have been engaged remotely -- and will continue to be
throughout any summer courses and perhaps even well into the fall at various institutions --
period. We recommend that colleges and universities work to: Support the development of
life skills. We have all needed to adapt to new circumstances in our daily lives because of
the COVID-19 outbreak. That includes everything from commerce to our careers, but we can
still support teens and young adults in managing friendships and relationships, problem
solving, decision making, and identifying and managing emotions in this new paradigm.
Bullying is a sad, but inevitable truth that occurs in schools and places worldwide.
The use of unnecessary force to intimidate and abuse another human is not only prevalent in
our physical lives today, but also emerging as a threat online, in the form of cyber bullying.
Bullies often like to exert unnecessary force as a show of power, or for entertainment of
spectators and friends watching. A simple solution? Don’t be a bystander. If you see any
form of bullying going on, simply watching does absolutely nothing to solve the problem.
But if you are a spectator, it only encourages the bully. However, if you step in between the
bully and victim and tell the bully to back off, you and the crowd are now in the position of
power. You can even alert a trusted adult such as a teacher of the bully, as an effective
As a victim of bullying, if you can, just walk away from the bully. Doing anything to
incite the bully further would just make the situation much worse. Bullies often do what they
do for the simple attention of others. However, if any physical or emotional harm is inflicted
If you ever have the urge to be the aggressor in any form of bullying, stop yourself
immediately. Bullies are common around the world and often have the same reasons for
bullying. If you have any personal problems that you find affecting you emotionally, talk to
a trusted adult about it instead of taking it out on another person. But most importantly, don’t
be impulsive and think before you act. Doing something that could potentially hurt
someone else will often not even happen in the first place if bullies stop and take the time to
Violence against women and girls is an unacceptable violation of basic human rights.
It also is so widespread that ending it must be a global public health priority. An estimated
one in three women is beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused by an intimate partner
during her lifetime. Intimate partner violence has been shown to increase the risk of HIV
infection by around 50%, and violence (and the fear of violence) deters women and girls
from seeking services for HIV prevention, treatment, care and support. Achieving zero
tolerance for violence against women and girls is one of the main priorities for UNAIDS,
because until that happens, we will never see the end of the AIDS epidemic. Women living
with HIV who themselves have experienced violence know better than most how essential it
is to address both of these issues together. The goals of seeing the end of the AIDS epidemic,
realizing total gender equality and achieving zero tolerance for violence complement each
other, and they all demand a place in the post-2015 development agenda. This is an
opportunity to ensure that all women and girls reach their full potential, without the threat of
violence, the risk of HIV or the violation of their sexual and reproductive rights. Men play a
key role in standing up against violence, as husbands and partners, brothers and sons. No one
can tackle it alone—all must reach for shared dignity, mutual respect and a renewed
to participate in their societies and to feel that they matter to others. It is infused with values
including solidarity, reciprocity, mutual trust, belonging and empowerment, all of which
People the world over engage in volunteerism for a great variety of reasons: to help
eliminate poverty and improve basic health and education; to provide a safe water supply
and adequate sanitation; to tackle environmental issues and climate change; to combat social
exclusion and violent conflict; and to reduce the risk of disasters Prevention and mitigation
actions include reforestation, watershed management, urban planning and zoning, improved
climate patterns are increasing the vulnerability of communities, especially among the most
vulnerable.2 Volunteers have a critical role to play in creating awareness about the
sustainable management of natural resources that can prevent and mitigate the impact of
Communities have always faced disasters and volunteerism has always been present
in preparing for and coping with them. With growing focus in recent years on the
the connections with development, volunteerism needs to be fully included in the discourse.
This paper has drawn attention to the various ways people volunteer at the preparation,
organized ways with associations and organizations at local and national levels; and through
international programmers. It has also underlined that volunteer involvement helps ensure
that fundamental values of solidarity and a sense of common destiny, values that add
The COVID19-Pandemic has forced educators to transform their lessons into online
versions in a short period of time. This study compares teachers’ perception regarding their
online teaching expectations (prior to the transition to remote teaching) and experiences
The COVID-19 pandemic is first a health crisis. All over the world countries have
decided to close schools, colleges and universities. The crisis crystallizes the dilemma
policymakers are facing between closing schools and saving lives or keeping them open and
maintaining the economy. Many families around the world were impacted by the crisis:
Long distance learning is not only a massive shock to parents, but also to children’s social
life and learning. The Covid-19 crisis, both on a global scale and locally, presented all the
teachers with additional challenges and opportunities that are unknown in the professional
literature, and which forced teachers to provide an immediate response in their educational
practices in a changing reality Under these circumstances novice teachers are facing the new
reality of the Covid-19 world crisis that shocked all education systems in the world.
If the system is not carefully planned and thought out, things will not change for the better
For better and worse, the Covid-19 crisis will necessarily advance a number of
instrumental responses for online education under the global shutdown of face-to-face
advance a much more aggressive move to online education that would be hardly possible in
more normal times, but that is a different story. Covid-19 has accelerated but did not begin
the move to online education. Artificial intelligence (AI) will take us even further as new
technologies not only deliver text, audio and visuals but interactively engage with student
learning processes and do so across longer periods of the learner’s development. How AI
will or might transform education, also, is another paper. Several groups have denounced the
plan, saying that opening classrooms in the middle of a still untamed pandemic is dangerous,
given the lack of health facilities in schools. Meanwhile, the Department of Health (DOH),
said that it supports face-to-face classes in low-risk areas, or areas where the pandemic is
under control. The DOH also said that health facilities in schools should be made available
in compliance with minimum health standards, which include frequent handwashing and
physical distancing.
Traditionally, learning has been assumed to take place in a classroom or face-to-face
environment where the instructor and students are physically together. But, not all students
learn the same way and therefore the traditional approach is not ideal for all students
(Young, 2002). There-fore, the notion that learning only takes place in face-to-face
environments has since been challenged and overtaken by the use of the Internet and
located (Stacey et al, 2004). The current paradigm shift in higher education, from traditional
classroom settings to distance education program delivery via the internet, has ensured that
every student is fully engaged in at least some class activities. In addition, instructors are
It is essential that universities understand how to serve their students all of their
students and to do so, the organization needs to be committed to understanding and meeting
their needs. There are too many schools now that understand that adult learners who choose
residential students.
Food in society while primarily being a local focus, where communities or nations
secured their own provision has become a global international trade. The present food
system has the potential to feed the whole of humanity and preventing hunger.
Consumers have a right to expect that the foods they purchase and consume will be
safe and of high quality. They have a right to voice their opinions about the food control
procedures, standards and activities that governments and industry use to ascertain that the
food supply has these characteristics. While consumers, governments and others play an
important part in ensuring food safety and quality, in free-market societies the ultimate
responsibility for investing the physical and managerial resources that are necessary for
implementing appropriate controls lies with the food industry - the industry that continuously
oversees the manufacture and processing of foods, from raw ingredients to finished product,
day in and day out. BSHRM is my first course that I choose in PWC.I understand on this
matter that It would be a very challenging course to handle, students and future chef as food
needs to be cook in the school laboratory. But we Filipinos always find ways, for that there
Appendix I – Screenshot of Activities during the Online Teaching Experience
I was
very pleased here
as most of the
turn on their
Yeyyy. First time to observed Grade 6 and I can tell that they are mature when it comes to
participating the classes.
Yay, Thank you Doc A for this photo op
Reflective Journal for Student Teaching
1. Do your lesson plans contain all essential elements? What are these elements? What
do you do to consider the learner’s needs and capacity, available resources and your
teaching skills?
Yes, the lesson plans I have prepared contained all the elements. It has clear objectives, timing,
sequencing, differentiation, assessment, and materials. I make sure that I teach my students
inclusively. I assessed their needs and capability to help improve my lesson plans and make it
understandable and more accessible for them to deal with the lessons. .
2. How do you ensure that you’re learning activities are relevant to the topics? What
I make sure that all the learning activities I have prepared are relevant to the topics. Each
activity that I have designed for my students must be meaningful to ensure their development
and advancement through the subject. Learning activities should build on previous activities
to avoid repetition. Learning activities should enable students to engage with and develop
3. To what extent do you participate in and or cooperate with your cooperating teacher
in the planning and implementing of the classroom activities that contribute to the
I participate in planning and implementing the classroom by suggesting some learning activities to
the students. I also participate in making learning materials for the students. This will help me learn
and implement questioning and discussion techniques that promote my participation and knowledge
1. How often do you make use of available materials in teaching? What evidences would
show that these materials contribute to the attainment of your lesson’s objectives?
I utilize all the available materials in teaching. I make sure that I use it to the extent and flexible for
the students to access the lesson materials. To determine if the materials contribute to attaining the
lesson's objectives, I review all the assessments done by the students. This will measure the
effectiveness of the subjects' materials. It could be done through evaluation methods such as
2. Are your instructional materials interesting enough to arouse and sustain the interest
of the learners? What evidences would show that you have been successful in ensuring
their effectiveness?
Yes. The instructional materials I have prepared are interesting to arouse and sustain the interest of
the learners. The materials are relevant to the learners' needs and characteristics, reflect what is
happening currently, and catch the learners' eye. The materials are visually presented pleasantly. The
students actively participate in the class, and their attention was on the lesson.
Reflective Journal 3 – Actual Teaching
1. Cite evidences that would show the relevance of learning activities to lesson’s
The learning activities are relevant to the lesson’s objective. It will be shown with the assessment of
2. What verbal and non-verbal communication skills do you apply to make your
I include short talk, discussion, jokes, ideas and so forth for verbal communication. While, in
nonverbal communication, I used hand gestures, facial expression and even though we are doing
class online, I still the use eye contact. This will help the class to become more effective, to
3. To what extent are your learning outcomes achieved? How do you know? What are
the indicators?
To be able to know if the learning outcomes were achieved, I will evaluate the test and observation
done. The learning indicators could be the learning development observed in the students, their
Reflective Journal 4 – Test Preparation
1. What measures have you taken to assure yourself that your test items were clear and
First, I constructed a table of specifications so that I could determine the no. Of hours taken
on a particular subject and topic itself to assure that the test items that I will prepare and
make are clear, simple, and proportion to the no. Of hours of topic taken.
2. What problems have you encountered in preparing your test? How can you respond
to them?
I take time to construct a complete test questionnaire because I consider all factors and the
topics to be covered and included in my test. It is time-consuming to think and decide what
type of test items I should make for knowledge, process, and understanding components.
However, after the decision-making and finding the appropriate test types and objects, it is
very fulfilling.
3. Do your test items provide for a wide range of differences in ability? How?
to observe what particular learning abilities they have in common, respond to my prepared
Reflective Journal 5 – Checking, Marking and Interpretation of Test Results
It would let me know their intellectual or learning capacity and how well they understand the lesson.
2. If the test result shows that 50% of the learner’s get low marks, what does this tell
It means that I haven’t taught my students as understandable as it could be. It will be a chance
to improve my learning style, learning materials, learning approach and make it more
understandable to my students.
Reflective Journal 6 – Self-Evaluation
1. What concerns and/or major issues and/or concerns did you encounter during
The primary and minor concern I have encountered during the practice of teaching is the
unstable internet connection. Since we are doing the procedure online, we have different
stability of the internet. Some of my students cannot go with the flow of the lessons because
it was delayed. And, since they are at home, the attention span was concise. There are a lot of
distractions. So, it was a bit hard to catch and maintain all their attentions.
2. Did you find your consultation, conferences with your Cooperating Teacher, TEI
practicum supervisors and other practicum mentors important? Cite an instance where
Yes, it is essential. I was able to learn a lot from my mentors, supervisors, and cooperating
teacher. They serve as my model and information sources. They help me improve my
professional skills, strategies, interpersonal rapport, and understanding of both cognitive and
affective aspects of teaching and other professional responsibilities. This will help me as I