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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety


By Jonathan Otto

Contributions from Nancy Gable and the rest of the Health Secret Team
Cover design by Brittany Escobar

Copyright 2018 by Jonathan Otto and Health Secret LLC. All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the United States Copyright Act of 1976, no part
of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior written
permission of the author. The Author and Publisher have strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this book. While all attempts
have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Author and Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary
interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books,
like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of results. Readers cautioned to rely on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act
accordingly. This book is an educational guide that provides general health information. The materials are “as is” and without warranties of any kind either
express or implied. The book’s content is not a substitute for direct, personal, professional medical care and diagnosis. None of the protocols (including
products and services) mentioned in the book should be performed or otherwise used without clearance from your physician or health care provider. The
information contained within is not intended to provide specific physical or mental health advice, or any other advice whatsoever, for any individual or
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medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, or treatment to you or any other individual, and is not intended as a substitute for medical or professional
care or treatment.

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety


Depression and anxiety disorders are different, but According to Dr. Daniel Binus, founder of Beautiful
people with depression often experience symptoms Minds Medical, in recent years, there’s been an
similar to those of an anxiety disorder, such as explosion of mental illness in our society and
nervousness, irritability, and problems sleeping and culture. Studies were done among young people
concentrating. But each disorder has its own causes around World War II to assess how many mental
and its own emotional and behavioral symptoms. health problems people had. Recent follow up
studies found that there’s been a 500% increase,
meaning five times more diagnosable mental health
problems among young people of high school and
college age today.
That should raise a red flag that what we’re doing is
incorrect—the diagnosis, the treatment, the whole
experience as a patient.
Every year about a quarter of the United States
adult population deals with diagnosable mental
health problems. Approximately 20% are on
some kind of psychiatric medication, mostly
antidepressant medication. But in recent years,
Medications can have profound and life-altering side there have also been a lot of antipsychotics, which,
effects, and yet many people are told medications of course, come with big risks associated, so mental
are the only option for these conditions. But health in America is not getting any better.
in the research we want to share with you, you Anxiety and depression have long been
will see that there are alternatives and that associated with older patients who suffer from
chronic depression and anxiety can actually be neurodegenerative diseases due to the onset of
totally reversed, often without these potentially cognitive deterioration. Statistically, the rise in
harmful medications. teen mental illnesses has been shocking to many,
Many people have been able to reverse their but another group that was rarely associated with
depression and anxiety with the tools that we will depression and anxiety was middle-aged adults, 45
be sharing with you in this report. In addition, we to 64. Yet, in recent years, this group has become
should also take time to realize that we really need increasingly more likely to suffer from depression
to understand what is going on in the minds of and anxiety than any other group. That means,
those suffering from these conditions. What is their no matter our age, we are all susceptible to
experience? They need our understanding and care these conditions.
in order to be able to reach out and seek help. It Too often we are told that mental illness is simply
is important that we, as a society, take the time to a hormonal imbalance and we are just genetically
better comprehend mental illness and the struggles predisposed toward a particular mental health
that go on in the minds of many Americans. problem. However, science is discovering that, while

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

genetics certainly plays a role in all this, we are not A common sign of depression is continually
doomed by our genetics. The environment we live ruminating on past events. A depressed person
in and the choices we make can alter our genetic may feel as though they don’t connect with those in
expression. This is called epigenetics. So don’t fall the present because they’re still living in the past.
for the lie that you were born with an imbalance and They feel different or distant from all those around
you may have to be on medication for life because them and often feel like no one can understand. So
of your depression, anxiety, or other mental illness. even when loved ones do express care for them,
they hold back from sharing their deep struggles.
These statistics may seem staggering, but there is This causes further isolation, which amplifies the
hope. Many people have been able to reverse their feelings that no one can ever understand or really
depression and anxiety with the tools that we will care for them. Someone with depression, may feel
be sharing with you in this report. However, we like they’re stuck in a whirlpool that is sucking them
should also take time to realize that we really need down. Every once in awhile, they are able to get to
to understand what is going on in the minds of the surface and get just enough air to stay alive, but
those suffering from these conditions. What is their they’re still in a constant struggle to not be sucked
experience? They need our understanding and care down to the bottom.
in order to be able to reach out and seek help. It
is important that we, as a society, take the time to
better comprehend mental illness and the struggles
that go on in the minds of many Americans.


Depression is predicted to be the number one cause
of disability through 2030. It is a global epidemic
and a public health crisis. But what is depression?
Believe it or not, there is no measure of depression,
like there is with diabetes or high blood pressure.
There is a list of symptoms, but it cannot be
measured. A psychologist, psychotherapist or
psychiatrist makes a diagnosis with a patient by
getting a list of symptoms and signs the patient Alternatively, someone who is constantly focusing
is experiencing. on the future and trying to determine the outcome
may be diagnosed with anxiety. Because their minds
Depression symptoms include feelings of guilt,
have limited information, they tend to fill in the
desperation, sadness, worthlessness, poor
gaps based on their experiences from the past. If
concentration, brain fog, poor memory, changes
they’ve had failures or bad experiences, like trauma
in appetite and sleep patterns, inability to
or abuse, their mind will fill in those gaps with that
experience pleasure, lack of energy, fatigue, and
information, and if those gaps get filled in with
motor retardation.

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

ideas of failure or bad experiences, then it creates of the other factors to trigger the expression of
an overwhelming fight or flight reflex. Cortisol kicks the genomes that results in the disease. Without
in, and the feeling of anxiety rushes over them. If a triggering factor, the genomes can lie dormant
this fight or flight reaction escalates too much, it can and the inherited genetic potential for a disease
develop into a full-blown panic attack, and they feel may never develop.
they are going to die and there is no way out.
Some of the symptoms include shortness of breath,
heart palpitations, weakness in legs, stomach upset, 1. Mental/mind/emotional stressors include
nervous stomach, nausea, dizziness, chest pain, Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s), physical
headaches, fear of impending doom, feeling like and emotional traumas such as abuse, brain
they’re going crazy, and sleep problems. injury or infection, life-threatening experiences,
There are over 100 anxiety symptoms and signs and multiple life stressors such as death, divorce,
for anxiety, anxiety attacks (panic attacks), and serious disease, accident, etc.2
other anxiety disorders, including Generalized
2. Dietary food choices can cause inflammation,
Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Anxiety Disorder
a weakened immune system, food sensitivities,
(SAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Post-
allergies, microbiome imbalances, hormone
Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and phobias.1
imbalances, and nutrient deficiencies from lack
In the physical world, when there is a threat to our of nutrients and/or inability to absorb nutrients.3
safety, such as being chased by a dog for example,
there is something real, something physical, to react 3. Environmental stressors may include heavy
to. We may fight or take flight. But when a threat metal toxicity, mold, parasites, and Lyme
is triggered by thoughts in the mind, where can we
2 Qureshi et al. Greater prevalence and incidence of dementia in older
go? How can we fight? The fear is there, but we veterans with PTSD. J Am Geriatr Soc 2010; 58: 1627-1633., https://
can’t quite pinpoint where it is coming from. And
if we don’t understand what is happening, it can be 3

very difficult to diffuse the situation.


Known factors that cause and contribute to
depression and anxiety include mental/mind/
emotional stressors, leaky gut or intestinal
permeability, environmental stressors, and genetics.
While genetics may make an individual more prone
to these diseases, it generally takes one or more


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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

disease and its coinfections. These can cause a THE PROS AND CONS OF
weakened immune system, inflammation, and
even nutrient deficiencies.1 ANTIDEPRESSANTS AND SSRIS
Medications have their place, but they never heal
4. Leaky gut or intestinal permeability is a illness. While they may sometimes be needed,
condition in which the junctions in the gut are ideally their use will only be for the short term
open bigger than they should be, letting things because they only help to suppress symptoms, but
into areas where they shouldn’t be. And when then the brain actually pushes back.
things get in that shouldn’t be there, like big,
undenatured proteins or any type of pathogen, The goal should be to help people discover what
the body starts attacking it. Then the underlying issues are that are triggering their
autoimmunity and neurodegeneration mental illness so they can address those and
starts getting triggered because actually get well instead of just masking symptoms
the body can’t tell the difference through medication management. Then they truly
between the large foreign particles become free instead of feeling like they’re chained
and the normal particles of the to medication for the rest of their life. Medication
body. So then the body attacks its is just a tool that should be used only as a bridge to
own particles, such as in specific helping people address those underlying issues and
organs like the thyroid, adrenals, then get well instead of just saying, “Well, this is the
joints, nerves, and even the brain.2 rest of your life on medication.”
When someone is on these medications long-
term, it’s very difficult for them to get off. In
1 addition, they start missing out on the joy of life,
2 https:// and say things like, “You know, I’m not really even
functionalhealthminute. in touch with who I am anymore or my feelings.
how-a-leaky- I’m not depressed, but I’m also not happy. I’m not
brain-raises-your- really fulfilled.”

In other words, a medication for anxiety, such as

Xanax or Valium, helps to decrease the amount
of neuronal activity in the brain, so that slows
everything down. It makes the person feel calmer.
But then in time, the brain pushes back and actually
upregulates the amount of excitability in the brain
to counterbalance that. Soon, if the underlying
issue is not being dealt with, there will be just as
much anxiety, but now the person has become
tolerant of and dependent on the medication, and
as the symptoms continue to worsen, they also
have the side effects of the medication. The result

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

is that anxiety medications can create long-term refractory psychotic symptoms. They get worse and
chronic anxiety. worse over time.
Benzodiazepines like Xanax and Valium also affect Another problem with antipsychotics is that it
the frontal lobe of the brain, so the most dangerous blocks the release and stimulation of dopamine
side effects may be impulsiveness and poor decision into the frontal lobes, and that can cause problems
making. This means the person affected may make with cognition. They can start having difficulty with
decisions that they normally wouldn’t make. They thinking clearly, being motivated, getting things
may make poor driving decisions, for example, and done, with attention. Some researchers have started
get in a car accident, or they may make very poor calling that tardive dementia.
relationship decisions.
Antidepressant medications can create long-term
chronic refractory depression. They will generally
decrease the reuptake of serotonin so there’s more
serotonin in the synaptic cleft between the nerve
cells. What that means is that the nerve cells are
being exposed to more serotonin, and so they
will actually start down regulating their serotonin
receptors. Over time, the brain actually loses some
of that sensitivity to serotonin, and people will start
becoming less responsive to the medications.
Sometimes some of those serotonin nerve cells
will start dying off, and people will no longer be
responsive to the medication. They get more and
more depressed, and then the medication has to be
switched or increased in dosage. They start getting In addition, both antidepressants and antipsychotics
to the point where they are refractory to treatment. cause problems with mental processing, with
Instead of getting better, the disease actually gets memory, and starts impairing frontal lobe function,
worse over time. which is important for logic, self-control, and
A major side effect of antidepressants like Prozac moral reasoning. And they make the person
and others is that they can increase suicidal apathetic, meaning they don’t really care about
thoughts and sometimes actions. Some people that things anymore.
have started these medications actually did things to These medications are not benign, and we have to
harm themselves or other people, too. be very careful in understanding that they’re potent
Antipsychotic medications make the brain super drugs. If they’re not used correctly, they can do
sensitive to dopamine, which means they’ll tend more harm than good.
to have more chronic episodes of psychosis. Then There are cases where people have done things
they start to develop movement disorders, like that are completely out of character for them
tardive dyskinesia, and people can actually develop

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

because their brain was altered with medication or prescribed today? Was there a conspiracy by
because they lose that fear of the consequences pharmaceutical companies to spread propaganda
of doing something very violent to somebody or to convince the public that there was a chemical
even to themselves. imbalance in the brain that had a drug as its
natural solution, in order to sell more drugs?
When a violent act occurs in a household or Did that happen?
public place, and medications are considered,
benzodiazepines are of greatest concern. They have History shows that in the 1950s, clinically, people
the biggest effect on the frontal lobe, especially stumbled upon the fact that some of the drugs
when combined with alcohol. It’s a very lethal they were using for other purposes, such as for
combination in a lot of ways. nausea, also had the effect of decreasing psychotic
symptoms in some patients. Since these drugs
helped block dopamine, they concluded that too
much dopamine was why people became psychotic.
So they started creating dopamine blocking
drugs, and Thorazine came on the market. Soon
different medications, like Elavil and some other
antidepressants, came on the market with the idea
that with the right balance of norepinephrine and
dopamine, depression and anxiety would get better.
When that didn’t work as well as they wanted, then
serotonin regulation was considered, and Prozac
came on the scene, resulting in a Prozac revolution.
All of these drugs were part of what was called the
monoamine hypothesis. Monoamines are those
And now with the opioid epidemic, the combination chemical messengers in the brain that nerve cells
of opiates with benzodiazepines can often be very send to each to other to communicate. Researchers
lethal, even putting people to sleep at night. They’ll thought that getting the right balance of those
just fall asleep and never wake up. in the brain would help improve people’s mood
states or decrease their psychotic symptoms. We
So now you can understand how these medications, have since learned that the brain is much more
even though they might help the symptoms complex than that.
short-term, in the long-term can actually
cause more harm. As a result of these medication developments,
the psychosocial approach in mental health care
began to change to a more medical or medication
HISTORY OF MENTAL approach. And this was a wonderful opportunity for
HEALTH MEDICATIONS the pharmaceutical industry to say, “Yes, now we
finally have drugs to actually treat mental illness.”
If the use of these medications can potentially
cause so much harm, why are they so prevalently

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

Then the National Institute of Mental Health Because of this dynamic, medical facilities are
started funneling all of their resources away from known to take advantage of their upper hand. In
exploring more holistic approaches for truly treating fact, according to the Business Insider article, “it
mental health to finding drugs to cure mental is estimated that hospitals overcharge Americans
health disorders. That may have been driven largely by about 10 billion dollars every year.” Can you
by trying to make profits on treating people’s imagine if any other industry attempted this?
mental illness.
Medical billing advocates are well aware of this,
Unfortunately, that did two things. One, it didn’t and one woman estimates “that over 90 percent of
solve the underlying issue with mental disorders, the medical bills that she has audited contain ‘gross
and two, it kept researchers from continuing to find overcharges.’” With people racking up large medical
things that would actually be effective. bills worth tens of thousands of dollars in just a few
days, many Americans can find themselves going
This may have set back mental health care at least
40 years from where it should have been by now
because a lot of valuable time has been lost that
could have been spent really looking for things to
address the underlying causes of mental illness
instead of just masking symptoms, which is all that
medications really do.

According to an article published by Business
Insider, the facts about the exorbitant pricing in the
healthcare industry are incredibly alarming. For
example, medical bills are the underlying cause
of over 60 percent of personal bankruptcies in
America. The sad reality behind this fact is that
these bills are not even close to what actual costs
should be. Because our lives and well-being are
often at stake when we visit a medical facility, we from financially stable to suddenly being in severe
feel we don’t have the power to question these debt almost overnight. Even among those who are
prices. The supply-and-demand dynamic works insured, the same problems persist.
differently because there isn’t really anywhere else
to go as far as most Americans are concerned. Also, Considering what we’ve learned about high stress
when your quality of life is at stake, it’s easy to feel contributing to chronic illness, we have to wonder
that you are willing to pay whatever it takes to get if the stress from medical bills might even be a
well. It’s almost as if you have no choice. causative factor in chronic illness at times. We
can clearly see the medical industry is not in the
business of patient protection and wellbeing.

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So, the question is, how did it get like this? Why is could be insured and at the same rate, no matter
the medical industry more concerned with profit your age, physical condition, or need. However, as
than with the patients’ wellbeing? the insurance industry shifted to a for-profit model,
they imposed guidelines on who could be insured
The real shift in this industry actually came from based on the factors we now know today. This was
the insurance companies, which have facilitated the intentional so they could make a profit off of healthy
ability of the medical industry to charge exorbitant individuals who really didn’t need the insurance.
prices. Health insurance originally began as a non- However, this left many who were sick with no
profit industry, often run by religious organizations, means of paying their medical bills because they
which were truly concerned with aiding the patients couldn’t be insured, or, if they could get insurance,
with the cost of sudden and unexpected medical they had to pay high premiums.
expenses. However, after World War II, when
the National War Labor Board put a freeze on With insurance companies footing a large part of
salaries, many companies were finding that they the bills, and medical technologies advancing and
couldn’t attract enough employees, so they began costs increasing, the industry began to be less about
offering health insurance in order to draw more patients and more about shareholders. Hospitals
workers. This strategy was effective, and over time, also realized that they could increase their prices in
employees began to expect health insurance from order to keep up with the profits of the insurance
their employers. companies. And so the medical industry machine
was created. In fact, many people today go into
The number of Americans with health insurance the medical field because they are looking to earn
exploded from 10% to 60% during the 1940s and a high, stable income. It doesn’t mean there aren’t
‘50s. With the high demand for insurance, business- people there who want to help others, but the high
minded investors began to see the potential for incomes are very motivating.
profit. Originally, in the non-profit model, everyone
To further the greed in this industry, we also have
the pharmaceutical companies that have stepped
in and offer financial incentives for their drugs to
be sold. In fact, in an article published by Stanford
Medicine, it discussed how a particular hospital
held the patent on Remicade, a medication used for
Crohn’s disease, and the hospital stood to benefit
if it could have its doctors prescribe it to enough
patients. Thus, the hospital itself and all the staff
working there had a financial incentive to prescribe
this drug to as many patients as possible. It’s easy to
see the conflict of interest here and how this could
easily and quickly corrupt the values of medical
professionals working in this debauched system.

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

THE BEST APPROACH IS A their progression. Then the changes that we drive
in the body and the brain will lead to substantial
HOLISTIC APPROACH increases in quality of life and longevity.
It is because of this high-profit model that we need
Not only can anxiety and depression affect us
the natural healthcare industry. Most natural
mentally, but it can lead to other chronic illnesses
healthcare providers are not collecting from any
as well. Both depression and anxiety lead to
insurances or pharmaceutical companies. They are
prolonged cortisol exposure. Cortisol is our stress
not part of this distorted system, and therefore,
hormone that causes that fight or flight reflex that
they are working for the benefit of the patient.
They truly want to help patients in ways that are
synchronistic with their body’s natural ability to
heal itself. Rather than simply making a quick
buck on a patient who is brainwashed by media to
believe they need prescription drugs, these doctors
are seeking to find the true causes of disease and
help prevent them. The Western medical system
really has no drive to prevent the diseases that are
taking over America.
The nice thing about the human brain is that it can
change, and when we find out the causes of the
problems, they’re actually much more simply solved
than we might think. As we use a comprehensive
approach, the brain can become as effective as it
was meant to be.
As the old sayings go, “A stitch in time saves nine” we talked about earlier. Considering that prolonged
or “The best defense is a good offense.” And so it is cortisol exposure can lead to chronic illnesses this
with our brain and nerve health. is alarming. So, the thought that “everything bad
While there are some factors that we cannot/could always happens to me” might end up being a self-
not control—childhood abuse, deaths, accidents, fulfilling prophecy, in the sense that chronic negative
etc.—the sooner we begin a lifestyle that reduces thoughts can lead to chronic physical ailments.
the factors that cause illness and increase the In a study published in Biological Psychiatry in
factors that cause health, the more likely we’ll be 2004, it was found that the elevated cortisol levels
able to turn around any illnesses we may already (referred to as Cushing’s syndrome) caused by
have, including depression and anxiety, or at least depression was associated with nervous system
prevent or slow their advancement. illnesses, cognitive impairment, hippocampal
We should not look at chronic physical and mental atrophy, and weight gain. Other possible
illnesses as diseases to be treated, but instead, associations were bone loss, hypertension, diabetes,
should determine how to stop or delay indefinitely and peptic ulcers.

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

Another study on the role of stress in chronic CHAPTER 2: NUTRITION AND DIET
illness, published in the Journal of Medicine in
1994, strongly suggested that elevated stress Many people in the United States see the experience
disorders, called uncoping stress disorder, was of eating to be a pleasurable experience. They feel
the underlying cause of chronic illnesses such as that to have to restrict their diet or leave things
Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus out that they enjoy would be depriving them of a
and rheumatoid arthritis. This information was full and happy life. The thought of having to limit
also backed by another study which connected that enjoyment of eating the foods they love feels
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), depression, and Th1 extreme and severe. It’s like a punishment. It’s this
autoimmune diseases. mentality that stops many Americans from finding
the benefits of enjoying a truly full and happy life.
Because stress can be mitigated through lifestyle
changes, people may finally gain some control over Perhaps you’ve tried vegetarian alternatives
these devastating, and feared, illnesses. and thought they were just terrible. Perhaps
you’ve tried to cut things out of your diet and felt
This information may seem overwhelming at first, miserable. But the thing that few people realize
but it’s good to take a step back and think of it in the is that it is possible to have the full benefits of a
context of understanding the connection between healthy diet and still have delicious food. In fact,
the systems in your body. When you know that when people really commit to it, they find that
your body works as a whole system, just like the they actually enjoy varieties of foods that they had
engine of a car, you can see why, when one part of never even tried before. They find that not only do
the system is failing to work efficiently, it will affect they enjoy their food, but they feel and experience
other parts of the system as well. amazing benefits from healthier foods that they had
never imagined.

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While eating is enjoyable, there are many other in 2013, scientists established that the evidence
activities in life that can really bring joy and supports a strong correlation between brain
fulfillment that are missed out on because the diet inflammation and psychiatric illness. In this same
is lacking in nutrients that the body needs to run study, the connection between these conditions
optimally. So, while you may enjoy the experience and autoimmune disease was also established. This
of eating bacon or a steak, you may be missing helps us to understand that brain inflammation
out on experiences which could bring even more is a major factor in both chronic diseases and in
contentment to your life. psychiatric illness like depression and anxiety. This
is why it is so essential for us to understand how
we can reduce the inflammation in our bodies with
diet. By making some simple changes and adding
in the nutrients we are lacking, we can see a vast
improvement in our entire system. Not only that,
but our immune system will run more efficiently
overall. This helps to combat any future pathogens
or problems that may arise.

Research regarding diet and dietary intervention
with depression and anxiety indicates there’s only
one diet that has been shown to improve depression
and anxiety significantly, and it starts to do it in as
little as two weeks. That’s a plant-based diet.
It’s so easy to give in to the momentary impulse to
eat that sugary treat or that processed meal. But, if A plant-based diet is needed for several reasons.
we are able to really think more deeply about how Animal products, sugars, and refined carbs are
each bite will alter the entire course and experience very harmful for the body because they increase
of our lives, can we really eat these things without inflammation in the brain. One of the pro-
feeling that we’re actually missing out? With that inflammatory mediators for that is arachidonic
type of food, we are taking away from every single acid from animal products, which tips the balance
area of our lives that we could be enjoying. towards inflammation, and inflammation has been
very clearly linked in recent years to mental health
problems like depression. Oxidized cholesterol,
ANTI-INFLAMMATORY DIETS which occurs from eating animal products, is also
One area that is critical to understand is pro-inflammatory, so oxidized cholesterol is reduced
inflammation. While acute inflammation is an by eliminating animal products. Plants don’t
essential part of the immune system’s ability have cholesterol.
to defend the body from infection, chronic
inflammation can have dire results. In a study Animal products can actually increase aggression
published in the Journal of Neuroinflammation in people because inflammation, which is triggered
by eating animal products, will increase the activity

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

in the limbic system—the emotional part of the Depression clears up much better with an optimal
brain—and that in turn will increase the potential diet of fresh fruits and greens loaded with
for violence and loss of self control. Animal products polyphenols and antioxidants. We’ve only scratched
also have hormones, and if the balance of hormones the surface on understanding what they all do for
in the body is incorrect, that affects the brain in a big the body and the brain, but some of the most well
way, and could potentially lead to impulsivity and known ones, like resveratrol, omega 3 fatty acids,
violent acts if someone is prone to more violence. and curcumin, have been shown to have amazing
effects on the brain. But if these products are
Decreasing inflammation will decrease the isolated from their original sources—the whole
overactivity in the emotional part of the brain and foods—they often don’t have the same effect. It’s
enhance the frontal lobe, which balances the brain really the whole food that has the most optimal
so the person can think more clearly, make better effect on the body and brain.
decisions, have better self control, and not make
stupid errors and decisions.
Sugar can also increase inflammation, and it
Those who have depression and/or anxiety, also
decreases BDNF, brain derived neurotrophic
suffer from insomnia or some sort of sleep disorder.
factor. That means the ability for the brain to
They’re all connected, and dairy, grains, and meat
have neuroplasticity or change in a healthy way is
have to be cut out to reduce inflammation.
minimized by sugar. When we think about sugar,
we usually just think about sweet stuff, but even If this is where you’re at, and if you want to change,
refined carbs are a form of sugar. White flour, for take this challenge: Go on a plant-based diet for
example, and the typical snacks on the shelf of the the next one week. See what it’s like with just fruits
grocery store, when processed by the body, lead to and vegetables and nuts. Just experience it. And let
unhealthy effects, both on the body and in the brain. your body tell you what you should be doing at the
It causes the brain to not function as well and not end of the week. You could then slowly incorporate
be able to have the neuroplasticity needed to have good healthy greens back into your diet, but you’re
optimal function. probably not going to want to eat meat much more,
other than maybe some good high quality fish,
which has good fish oils with the omegas for the
brain. Meat digestion creates a great burden on the
body, and it’s very highly inflammatory. Dairy is also
not good. It causes a lot of inflammation and mucus.
You’ll find that your body will respond very well to
this lifestyle.
For the brothers and sisters in Christ or anyone
else of any religion that fasts, do this as a fast, as a
spiritual endeavor. Choosing to do this as a spiritual
endeavor can be very motivating. Give it a try.

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

Drink lots of water and limit caffeine, coffee some hungry boys some type of convenient,
especially. Cut out coffee. If you need a little caffeine microwaved meal and then she’s done. There’s
boost, get some Matcha green tea or whatever an underlying message behind the food industry
it is you like other than coffee. Coffee can cause advertisements that tells us that they are helping us
a lot of anxiousness and also messes with the by making our lives easier and more enjoyable.
neurotransmitters and serotonin.
There’s also the message that that processed food
is better tasting than any other type of option we
SUGAR & PROCESSED FOODS could choose. But is it? This profit-hungry industry
A major factor in reducing inflammation in the body has not only manipulated our minds with their
and combatting deteriorating health issues is learning commercial persuasion, but they also manipulate
to cut out processed foods. You may feel that this is a our body’s chemical reactions. Through much
major obstacle for you. It has become quick and easy research, the food industry has determined what
today to just have a to-go meal that doesn’t take long they call “the bliss point,” which is the point at
to prepare, or a snack that can satisfy our hunger. which the body reacts to a food with the most
Many factors have created this mindset in our society. pleasure before that food becomes too over-
sweetened. So they aim to get the perfect amounts
Our work-driven society tells us that working is of sugar or flavor into foods to create a euphoric
more important than taking the time to eat properly effect. By tapping into this bliss-point, a chemical
prepared meals. While some more affluent citizens reaction happens in the body which releases
may thrive on specially prepared meals, most of the neurotransmitter dopamine. This creates an
the working class of America rely on fast food, addictive behavior associated with any given food.
microwave meals, or other processed snacks to get Add to that the fact that they also engineer their
through that lunch hour as quickly as possible. food to interfere with our body’s ability to tell when
When arriving home from an exhausting work day, it’s full. By shutting down the receptors in our
we often don’t feel like preparing a meal. That’s stomachs which give the feeling of satiation, these
why processed foods seem like such a life-saver to foods are not only addictive, but you rarely feel
us. We are in over our heads and just struggling to “full” while eating them. That’s why you can down
stay afloat. It seems there is never enough time, a whole bag a chips in one sitting and still be craving
and we feel tired and want to relax. more when you are done.

This is where the food industry sees their ability These factors have contributed to many health
to take advantage of the American public and problems in America, and we, the public, are
capitalize on their stress-filled lives. The food suffering the negative effects of these major
industry uses this condition of most overworked companies exploiting us for profit. They are not
Americans, to market unhealthy foods through there to help us have an easier, more care-free
media. By creating commercials that appeal to our life as is portrayed in their commercials. They are
limbic system, the part of our brain that processes instead betting on our inability to say no to their
feeling, they manipulate our minds to feel that we addictive, mind-altering products. You can see now
need their products in order to survive. How many why we have an obesity epidemic in America. Why
commercials have we seen of the mom offering we are rampant with chronic diseases… And why
we have so many people affected by psychiatric

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

illnesses. These products are leaving us deficient called piperine that studies have shown increases
of nutrients. Though they say they are “enriched,” absorbability of the curcumin.
they were first stripped of many nutrients and
then “enriched” by putting a few back in, plus the When taking it as a supplement, it can be taken
added vitamins and nutrients are often not in a with bromelain. Bromelain is a pineapple enzyme
bioavailable form, and our bodies are not able to that helps to increase absorption of curcumin or
use them. When foods come to us naturally from turmeric. And bromelain is anti-inflammatory in
nature, they are in the perfect package—the perfect itself, so those two are really good together.
combination of vitamins and nutrients that can be As a note, there’s more Bromelain in the core of the
readily absorbed and utilized by our bodies. pineapple, which is usually thrown away, than in the
fruit itself. So when preparing pineapple, don’t throw
SPECIAL MENTION FOODS the core away. Chop it up and eat that, too. You’ll be
getting a lot of good anti-inflammatory effects just
Turmeric is one of the most powerful anti-
from the core of the pineapple.
inflammatory foods we have. It’s not commonly
used in the US, but is very commonly used in India Herbs for depression and anxiety include St. John’s
in curry and other dishes. A component of turmeric, Wort, the mints, and camomile tea, which help calm
called curcumin, makes turmeric a functional food, down and uplift the spirits.
which the Mayo Clinic defines as having “a potentially
positive effect on health beyond basic nutrition. Ginger is loaded with antioxidants and potent
Proponents of functional foods say they promote anti-inflammatory properties, and is believed to
optimal health and help reduce the risk of disease.”1 play an important role in the health of the brain.
A 2012 study found that ginger extract helped
To help your body absorb turmeric well, it is improve cognitive function and attention in
recommended to include a healthy fat and/or black middle-aged women.2
pepper when consuming it. Healthy fats, such as
raw nuts and seeds, coconut, or a coconut or nut Pumpkin Seeds are highly essential for the functioning
milk, increases absorbability because turmeric of the nervous system. They help to produce GABA,
is fat soluble. Black pepper has a component an anti-stress neurochemical in the brain, nervous
irritability and other mental conditions. Pumpkin seed
1 oil exhibits anti-inflammatory effects.3
Flaxseeds are high in those all-important omega-3 fatty
acids that are essential for brain development and
function. Flax contains alpha-linolenic (ALA), a type of
omega-3 fatty acid that boosts the cerebral cortex, an
area of the brain that processes sensory information.4


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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

Walnuts & Almonds Therefore, every bite of food you eat or beverage
contain a number you drink will either contribute to your health or
of neuroprotective diminish your health. The choices are entirely up to
compounds, including you. The healthier your choices, the healthier your
vitamin E, folate, body and mind will become.
melatonin, omega-3 fats,
Does that mean you should always deny yourself
and antioxidants. They
that sugary cookie or that one slice of pie? Of
may support brain health,
course not. What matters most is your overall way
cognition, and memory.
of eating and living. So if you indulge yourself one
Avocados are “full of heart- day, it doesn’t mean you cheated or you failed. Just
healthy monounsaturated eat healthier the next. And if you don’t have time
fats that promote healthy to exercise one day, do a little more the next day.
blood flow in the brain, If you don’t have time to be with your friends and
along with several of family one day, spend a little more time with them
the brain’s most valued the next day. Then you can’t fail. It’s a much more
nutrients, including folate, compassionate approach because if there’s no diet
vitamin C, vitamin E, and to get on, there’s no diet to get off. Your level of
copper. The B vitamins in health becomes the result of your level of choices.
avocados relieve stress and
Another thing that often brings meaning to people
keep nerves and brain cells
when they make healthier food choices is to realize
healthy. Its high amount of potassium helps lower
that it’s not just helping you, but that what’s good
blood pressure. And the monounsaturated fats also
for you is also good for the planet. What’s personally
help support information-carrying nerves in your
sustainable is globally sustainable. More global
brain, according to research from the Federation of
warming is caused by eating livestock than all forms
American Societies of Experimental Biology.”1
of transportation combined.2

HOW TO GET STARTED So maybe you’re not ready to go completely plant-

based yet, but maybe you could choose to have one
First of all, put it out of your mind that you are going meatless meal a day because it’s going to help you
on a diet. Diets don’t work because they’re not and it’s going to help the planet.
sustainable. If you go on a diet, chances are, you’ll
go off a diet, and then you have all those feelings of Start slowly and then as you begin to do it for others,
shame and guilt and anger and humiliation, all those it brings meaning, which makes it sustainable because
toxic emotions that really are bad for you. these biological mechanisms are so dynamic. You’re
going to feel so much better when you have that one
So the best way to get started is to recognize that meal a day that’s plant based and you’ll say, “Well,
food is just food and that some foods are healthier maybe I’ll have two meals,” and then it comes out
than others, and the same goes for beverages. of your own experience and that ultimately is what
makes it sustainable.
health/blueberries-3/ 2

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Solutions for Depression & Anxiety

There are many natural ways to combat devastating depression and anxiety - and when they are used
together, the results can be astounding.
While we cannot expound on all the methods here in this Ebook, they will be covered in the cutting-edge
and informative 8-part docuseries, Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets.
Don’t be in the dark any longer.
Discover the truth about mental health in Depression, Anxiety & Dementia Secrets.
Featuring over 60 doctors, scientists, researchers and survivors of depression and anxiety, this documentary
will show you the answers you’ve been searching for.

Some of these topics and protocols include:

Nutrition and Diet Gut Repair
Exercise Supplementation & Herbal Remedies
Toxic Exposure & Detoxification Belonging & Community
Techniques Spiritual Practice & Stress Reduc-
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy tion Techniques, such as Prayer,
Meditation & Yoga

Watch the series at

© 2018, Health Secret LCC. All Rights Reserved.

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