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Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited: Annual Report

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Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited


Corporate Philosophy 02
Corporate Profile 04
Business & Products 06
Notice of the 23rd AGM 08
Chairperson’s Message 09
Directors’ Report 11
Five Years’ Statistics 19
Key Performance Indicators 20
Certificate from CEO & CFO 21
Certificate of Corporate Governance Compliance 22
Certificate on Corporate Governance Compliance Report 23
Audit Committee Report 30
Auditors’ Report 31
Statement of Financial Position 33
Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income 34
Statement of Changes in Equity 35
Statement of Cash Flows 36
Notes to the Financial Statements
Attendance Slip and Proxy Form 59
Corporate Philosophy

Our relentless    
endeavor is towards  




and services. *RDOV

02 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

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ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 03

Corporate Profile

 : Suite # 4/3, City Heart, 67 Naya Paltan  
Dhaka - 1000, Bangladesh Year of Incorporation : 24th October 1995
Ph. +880-2-49349881-4, 9341373, 48317216
Commercial Operation : 30th March 1998
Fax: +880-2-48317184
Product Line : Yarn Dyeing Services, Sewing Thread
Web: Authorized Capital : Tk. 200,000,000
Paid-up Capital : Tk. 178,678,000
Number of Shareholders : 4,252 (As on 30th June, 2018)
  : Karnapara, Savar, Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh
Phone +880-2-7745007, 7746095, 7745009 Stock Exchange Listings : Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited
Chittagong Stock Exchange Limited
Fax: +880-2-7748614, 7746095
E-mail: Member of Association : Bangladesh Association of Publicly Listed Companies
Bangladesh Textile Mills Association
Trade Body Membership : Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Number of Employees : 258


Name of the company Type of business
Anlima Textile Limited : 100% export oriented knitting, dyeing, finishing and
garments manufacturing composite unit.
Allied Enterprise (Pvt) Ltd. : Developer of commercial buildings and complexes.
Anlima Buildtech Limited : Developer of residential apartments.
Precision Energy Limited : Power Generation.
Anlima Energy Limited : Power Generation (Under implementation).

04 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Mr. Ahmad Ullah (Indipendent Director) Chairman
2 Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque Member
3 Mrs. Aniqa Haque Member
4 Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar (CFO) Member


Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque Chairperson
2 Mr. Mahmudul Hoque Managing Director
3 Mrs. Aniqa Haque Director
4 Mr. Alwi M Haque Director
5 Mr. Ahmad Ullah Independent Director

Management Team
Sl. No. Name Designation
1 Mr. Mahmudul Hoque Managing Director
2 Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar Chief Financial Officer
3 Mr. A.S.M. Jubaer Vice President (Production)
4 Mr. Md. Nurrul Islam Vice President (Maintenance)
5 Mr. Mizanur Rahman Chowdhury First Asstt. Vice President (Marketing)
6 Mr. M. Jahangir Alam Company Secretary

M/S Ahmed Zaker & Co. Chartered Accountants

M. Jahangir Alam

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 05

Company’s Business & Products

Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited (AYDL) was The specification of the company’s products are:
incorporated in 1995 as a private limited
company, and set up a yarn dyeing plant Yarn Dyeing Service Sewing Thread
equipped with latest state-of-the-art UISO/AATCC/BSTI Standard. UEnglish Count (NE) - 20’s/2, 20’s/3, 40’s/2, 40’s/3,
technology from Europe. It got listed in Dhaka UEnvironment-friendly echo-soft dyes and 50’s/2, 60’s/2, 60’s/3.
and Chittagong stock exchanges through IPO chemicals. UHigh tenacity staple fiber of 1.1 D for knot-free yarn.
in 1997. The company provides international
UMoisture Content: Cotton 6-7%, PC 4%, CVC 5%, UAccurate length wound on plastic cone with
quality cotton, polyester and filament yarn
Polyester 0.5-0.7%. air-tight poly-packing.
dyeing services and enjoys reputation as one
of the best yarn dyeing houses in the country UProcess-weight loss: Cotton - white 5%, colored UTipping-thread that endures enzyme/ hot wash and
catering to the higher value export market 3%, TC/CVC - white 4%, colored 2%, Polyester 1%. hypo-chloride/per-oxide bleaching.
need. Currently AYDL is capable of dyeing all
types of yarn for country’s export oriented
knitting and weaving industry and supplying
polyester sewing thread to export oriented
garments factories.

The company’s product line consists of:
UYarn Dyeing Service – for various types of
cotton and blended yarn used by woven
and knit textile factories.
USewing Thread – for use by garments
industries under the brand name “AN

06 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

The company’s products offer unrivaled quality coupled with production economy that
makes the company an ultimate choice for textile and garments manufacturers. The key
quality features are:
U Azo-free: Azo compound in textile materials are seriously harmful to human health and
Anlima’s products are Azo-free ensuring total safety against that health-hazard. The
products are Oeko Tex Standard 100 certified.

U Knot-Free: Knots are detrimental to knitting/sewing speed and productivity. Anlima’s

thread/yarn are knot-less that ensures higher productivity.

U Color-Fastness: Anlima’s thread/yarn are color-fast that ensures washing, light, rubbing,
bleaching and perspiration fastness. Being absolutely bleach-proof, it prevents all
Azo-free chances of color-bleeding or fading of fabrics.

U Color-Matching: We offer perfect color matching with computerized facility and offer
DTM (Dye to Match) service within 72 hours.

U Needle-Saving: Anlima’s products are immaculately processed saving it from becoming
hard or sticky and thus avoiding the extra cost in time and needle-breakage during

Bleach-Proof U Yarn-Saving: Weight-loss during dyeing in Anlima is only 1-2% that is 4-5% less than
other competitors resulting in substantial yarn saving.

U Gliding Efficiency: Anlima’s superior and sophisticated lubricating winder ensures

better gliding efficiency and lower friction contributing to higher productivity.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 07

Notice of the 23rd
Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the shareholders of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited will be held on Thursday the December 20, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at the
Factory premises, Karnapara, Savar, Dhaka-1340 to transact the following business:

1. To confirm minutes of the 22nd Annual General Meeting held on 20th December, 2017.
2. To receive, consider and adopt the Profit and Loss Accounts of the Company for the year ended 30th June, 2018 and the Balance Sheet as at that date together with the Reports
of the Directors and the Auditors thereon.
3. To appoint/elect Directors in accordance with the provisions of the Articles of Association of the Company.
4. To appoint Independent Director in accordance with the provisions of the Corporate Governance Code of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission.
5. To approve cash dividend for all Shareholders only (Excluding Board of Directors) @ Tk 1.00 per share (10%) as recommended by the Board.
6. To appoint External Auditors for the year 2018-19 and fix their remuneration.
7. To appoint Auditor for Corporate Governance Compliance audit.
8. To transact any other business of the company, with permission of the Chair.

By order of the Board

Date: October 25, 2018 M. Jahangir Alam

Company Secretary
(a) The Record Date shall be November 20, 2018. The shareholders whose name shall appear in the share register of the company or in the depository register on that date will be entitled to dividend and
attend the AGM.
(b) A member entitled to attend and vote at the annual general meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote on his/her behalf. The proxy form, duly stamped, must be deposited at the registered
office of the company not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the meeting.
(c) Members are requested to notify change of address, if any, to the Company Secretary, Suite # 4/3, City Heart, 67 Naya Paltan, Dhaka-1000.
(d) For the sake of convenience shareholders are requested to submit their queries on the Directors’ Report and Accounts for the year 2017-18, if any, at the Head Office of the company at least one day
before the day of the General Meeting.

Admission to the meeting room will be strictly as per note (a) and (b) above on production of attendance slip sent with the Annual Report.

08 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Chairperson’s Message

My Dear Shareholders,
Welcome to the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Company. On behalf of
the board, I express our sincere thanks for your confidence and trust on the
management of the company. It is my privilege to place before you the Annual
Report of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited for the year 2017-18.

Global Economy
According to World Economic Outlook by IMF, the global
economic growth will be 3.9% for the year 2018 and 2019.
However this growth will be uneven as projections have
been revised down for Argentina, Brazil and India, while the
outlook for some oil exporters has strengthened in recent

According to different sources, the US economy grew by

2.3% in 2017 from 1.6% in 2016. IMF expects that the same
momentum will continue and the largest economy of the
world will grow by 2.9% in 2018 and 2.7% in 2019.
Substantial fiscal stimulus together with a robust private
demand will lift output further and lower the
unemployment rate at record levels, creating additional
inflationary pressures. Imports are set to pick up with
stronger domestic demand, increasing the US current
account deficit and widening global imbalances.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 09

Growth in the euro economy is projected to slow gradually from 2.4 percent in 2017 to Future Prospects
2.2 percent in 2018 and to 1.9 percent in 2019. The growth forecast for Japan has been
The outlook is expected to worsen slightly for advanced economies while it remains broadly
marked down to 1.0 percent for 2018 following a contraction in the first quarter, owing
unchanged in emerging markets and developing economies. The prospect of Bangladesh is
to weak private consumption and investment. The economy is expected to strengthen
expected to be good due to political stability and massive infrastructure development
over the remainder of the year and into 2019, aided by stronger private consumption,
activities being carried out. The global Textile importers are also building their confidence on
external demand and investment.
Bangladesh with improvements in the social and environmental compliances.
Emerging market and developing economies have experienced powerful crosswinds in
recent months due to rising oil prices, higher yields in the United States, dollar Company Performance
appreciation, trade tensions and geopolitical conflict. The outlook for regions and The overall performance remains more or less consistent with the previous year. As we know,
individual economies thus varies depending on how these global forces interact with the sales of the company mostly depend upon the woven and knit textiles export scenario of
domestic idiosyncratic factors. Financial conditions remain generally supportive of the country. Changes in product mix from yarn dyed fabrics to other diversified non yarn
growth, though there has been differentiation across countries based on economic dyed fabrics in RMG export orders has reduced demand for our products in the recent years.
fundamentals and political uncertainty. With the updraft on oil exporters from higher As a result, the company’s sales did not improve as per our expectation. Hopefully with the
oil prices largely offset by the combined drag on other economies from the forces gradual improvement of the Bangladesh’s RMG sector the company will do better in the
described above, the group’s overall 2018 and 2019 growth forecasts remain future.
unchanged at around 5.0%.
Emerging and Developing Asia is expected to maintain its robust performance,
growing at 6.5 percent in 2018–19. Growth in China is projected to moderate from 6.9 I am confident that with your support and confidence the company would be able to grow
percent in 2017 to 6.6 percent in 2018 and 6.4 percent in 2019. However, India’s growth and create value for all stake holders. Our utmost endeavors are always there for restoration
rate is expected to rise from 6.7 percent in 2017 to 7.3 percent in 2018 and 7.5 percent of better performance. I, on behalf of the Board, convey my sincere appreciation to our
in 2019. valued shareholders, regulators, suppliers, financing partners and all other stakeholders for
their continued support. Our employees also deserve appreciation for their hard work and
Bangladesh Economy1 dedication to propel the Company towards betterment.

Currently, Bangladesh is one of the better performing economies in the world. The GDP May Allah help us to greater success in the coming years, “Ameen”.
growth was above 6% for previous decade and it made considerable progress in
employment generation, agricultural production and export earnings despite some
negative factors. Insufficient infrastructure, inadequate energy supply, and inefficient
financial intermediation combined with high cost of doing business remained the key
obstacles hindering the realization of Bangladesh’s vast economic potential. The
economic progress has helped to achieve socio-economic stability as the country’s Hubbun Nahar Hoque
extreme poverty has been reduced to 12.8% from 17.6% in the last couple of years. The Chairperson
economy grew by 7.28% and 7.65% in 2016-17 and 2017-18 respectively. The projection
for 2018-19 is 7.8%.
Bangladesh Economic Survey, Ministry of Finance, 2018.

10 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders

Dear Shareholders,
We welcome you to the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the Company. It is our
privilege to place before you the Directors’ Report together with the Audited
Financial Statements of the Company for the year ended June 30, 2018 along
with the auditors’ report thereon. This report has been prepared in compliance
with section 184 of the Companies Act 1994 and Bangladesh Securities and
Exchange Commission Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/207/Admin/80
dated 3 June 2018.

Industry Outlook
The Bangladesh textile industry is growing although it is yet to avail the full
benefit of growth as buyers are continuing their pressure for lower price,
shorter lead time and better quality. Some countries from East Asia are
growing rapidly and gaining share in world apparel market.

Export earnings from Knitwear and Woven sectors were US$ 15.18 billion
and US$ 15.43 billion respectively in 2017-18. The export growth of
Knitting and Woven RMG were 10.4% and 7.2% respectively. Achievement
of target for Knit and Woven garments were 99.41% and 97.57%
respectively. Bangladesh government has set export target of US$ 32.69
billion for the apparel sector for next year with a projected growth rate of
6.79%. If the present socio-political stability continues the textile sector is
expected to achieve this growth despite many challenges. The company
management therefore expects better performance in the year 2018-19.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 11

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders (Contd..)
Product-wise Performance
Risk and Concerns
Our garments and textile industry is vulnerable to global and 2017-18 2016-17
domestic adversities and threats. International trade tensions, concern Particulars
Yarn Sewing Yarn Sewing
over BREXIT, working hazards of local textile industry and political Dyeing Thread Total Dyeing Thread Total
unrest have contributed to business risks. As a deemed exporter the
company is dependent upon direct export orders of the sector. The KG
country’s exporters being accustomed to such risks have learned how
Production 733,878 205,797 939,675 837,019 167,253 1004,272
to cope with the situation and have proven their worth so far. So, the
Board of Directors assures its shareholders that the company has a Sales 720,430 198,621 919,051 832,195 167,154 999,349
competent risk management process to ensure that the system of
internal control is sound in design and has been effectively Sales Revenue (000 Tk.) 104,027 79,007 183,034 115,863 65,558 181,422
implemented and monitored. The audit committee supports the Revenue (Tk. per kg) 144 398 199 139 392 182
board in monitoring activities of management and deals with risk Cost of Goods Sold: (000’ Tk.)
management issues also. Being one of the pioneers of the sector the
Raw Materials 35,097 26,656 61,753 35,948 20,341 56,289
company is confident to minimize the risks and optimize the benefits.
Packing Material 5,000 3,797 8,797 6,151 3,480 9,631
Performance of the company Manufacturing Expenses 37,334 28,354 65,688 42,525 24,061 66,586
The company produces as per orders of the clients. In yarn dyeing Depreciation 9,926 7,538 17,464 11,975 6,776 18,751
segment the customers provide the yarn and the company provides Cost of Goods Manufactured 87,357 66,345 153,702 96,599 54,658 151,257
the dyeing service. In case of sewing thread the company imports gray
Finished Stock adjustment (968) (2,573) (3,541) (1,069) (911) (1,980)
polyester yarn and sells the dyed yarn in its own brand name, “AN
Thread”. WIP Stock adjustment - 292 292 - (229) (229)
Cost of Goods Sold 86,389 64,064 150,453 95,530 53,518 149,048
Total revenue earnings of both products during the year was Tk 183 Cost of Goods Sold Per Kg (Tk.) 120 323 164 114 320 148
million against Tk 181 million of the previous year. The cost of goods
Gross Profit 17,638 14,943 32,581 20,333 12,040 32,373
sold was Tk 150 million against Tk 149 million of previous year. Net
profit after tax was Tk 9.85 million, which is 1.62% lower than that of Gross Profit Per Kg (Tk.) 24 75 35 24 72 32
2016-17. Administrative Expenses 9,170 6,965 16,135 9,992 5,653 15,645
Marketing Expenses 1,399 1,062 2,461 1,377 779 2,156
The management has taken aggressive marketing plan by increasing
Financing Cost 1,031 783 1,814 1,406 796 2,202
manpower. It is expected that the sales would increase considerably
and the profitability would also improve accordingly. WPPF & Income Tax 1,318 1001 2,319 1505 851 2,356
Net Profit After Tax 4,720 5,132 9,852 6,053 3,961 10,014

12 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders (Contd..)
Product wise Performance Remuneration of Directors
Due to drop of order production during the year has declined by 6.43%. Product wise, Directors including the Independent Director were paid remuneration during the year
production of yarn dyeing declined by 12.32% and that of sewing thread increased by for the service rendered by them. The details may be seen from Note 29 of the Audited
23.05%. Accordingly the total sales volume has declined by 8.04%. For yarn dyeing the Accounts enclosed with this report.
decline in sales volume is 13.43% and in sewing thread the sales volume has increased
by 18.83%. Due to reduction in sales volume the yarn dyeing sales revenue has declined Accounting Policies
by 10.22%. The sewing thread sales revenue has increased by 20.51% due to increase in
Appropriate accounting policies have been applied consistently in preparation of
volume. Reduction in yarn dyeing sales was offset by increase in sewing thread sales.
these financial statements and the accounting estimates are based on reasonable and
The cost of goods sold for all products during the year remained almost the same (82%
prudent judgments.
of revenue) as previous year. The costs for sewing thread was 81% as compared to 82%
of previous year and that of yarn dyeing were almost same in both the years. In view of
higher sales revenue the profit from sewing thread is better than previous year. Preparation of the financial statements
The Financial Statements were prepared in accordance with the applicable
International Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting
Extra-Ordinary Gain or Loss
Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh
As per IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements, no item of income and expenses are (ICAB).
to be presented as extra-ordinary gain or loss in the financial statement. There was no
extra-ordinary gain or loss in the financial statements under report, during the year Significant variance between quarterly and annual financial statements
ended June 30, 2018.
Due to operational issues and seasonal impacts the company experienced some
fluctuations in the third quarter of the year. However the company recovered in the
Related Party Transactions
fourth quarter and as a result of that no significant variances were observed between
Disclosure of all related party transactions, including basis for such transaction during the Annual results.
the financial year has been provided in Note No 28 of this Annual Report.
Internal Control System
Initial Public Offering (IPO), Repeat Public Offering (RPO), Rights Share Offer
The Board has ultimate responsibility for establishing an effective system of internal
The company had no Initial Public Offering (IPO) during the financial year 2017-18. control. It is designed to manage rather than eliminate the risk of failure to achieve the
There is no plan of Repeat Public Offering (RPO), Rights Share Offer in the near future. business objectives and to provide reasonable but not absolute assurance that assets
are safeguarded against unauthorized use or material loss and those transactions are
Utilization of proceeds from public issues, rights issues properly authorized and recorded. The ultimate owner of the internal control system is
The company had no Initial Public Offering (IPO) or Repeat Public Offering (RPO) or the Board of Directors as it ensures that the importance of internal controls is
Rights issues during the financial year 2017-18. understood across the Company.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 13

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders (Contd..)
Protection of Minority Shareholders
The board took necessary care to protect the rights of minority shareholders through Pattern of Shareholding as on June 30, 2018
dealing fairly and by not taking any decision or action benefitting only the controlling
shareholders. Name of Shareholders Status No. of Share Percentage
Significant doubt upon the ability to continue as a going concern
The company has adequate resources to continue its operation without interruptions thus a) Other Related Parties:
adopted going concern basis for preparation of financial statements. Parent Company/Subsidiary/ - Nil -
Associated Companies
b) Directors, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, Company Secretary,
The Board of Directors have recommended 10% Cash Dividend i.e; Tk. 1.00 per share for the Head of Internal Audit and Compliance and their spouses and minor children:
year 2017-18 for all shareholders except Board of Directors. In view of insufficient profit and
considering shareholders interest, the sponsor directors have volunteered not to take any Mr. Mahmudul Hoque Managing Director 5,040,900 28.21%
dividend. The proposal would be placed for approval in the Annual General Meeting. Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque Chairperson 2,665,000 14.91%
Interim dividend Mrs. Aniqa Haque Director 360,000 2.01%

No interim dividend was declared by the Board of Directors during the year 2017-18. Mr. Alwi M Haque Director 360,000 2.01%
Mr. Mr. Ahmad Ullah Independent Director Nil -
Number of Board meetings held during the year Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar Chief Financial Officer Nil -
During the year ended 30th June 2018, a total of five Board Meetings were held. The Mr. M. Jahangir Alam Company Secretary Nil -
attendance of the members in the meeting are as follows:
Mr. Mohammad Arif Hossain Head of Internal Audit Nil -

No. of Attending c) Executives:

Name of the Members Position Meetings the Board Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar Chief Financial Officer Nil -
Held Meetings
Mr. A.S.M. Jubaer Vice President (Production) Nil -
Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque Chairperson 05 05
Mr. Mr. Mohd. Nurun Nabi AVP (A & F ) Nil -
Mr. Mahmudul Hoque Managing Director 05 05
Mr. Zahadul Islam FAVP (Commercial) Nil -
Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar Chief Financial Officer 05 05
Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Chow. FAVP (Marketing) Nil -
Mrs. Aniqa Haque Director 05 04
Mr. Alwi M Haque Director 05 03 d) Voting Interest:
Mr. Ahmad Ullah Independent Director 05 05 Shareholders holding 10% or more Nil Nil -
Mr. M. Jahangir Alam Company Secretary 05 05 voting interest in the company

14 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders (Contd..)
Retirement and Re-election Anlima Energy Limited, Anlima Petroleum Limited, Allied Enterprise (Pvt.) Limited and
Anlima Buildtech (Pvt.) Limited.
Mrs. Aniqa Haque, Director of the Company retires by rotation as per Article 127 and 128 of
the Articles of Association of the Company. She being eligible, offers herself for re-election as
Director of the Company. iii. Mrs. Aniqa Haque, Director
Mrs. Aniqa Haque hails from a respectable Muslim family. She is LL.M Masters in
Appointment of Independent Director International Commercial Law and Graduate Diploma holder in Law. She completed
Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) from Cardiff University, United Kingdom. Prior
As per BSEC Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/207/Admin/80 dated June 03, 2018
to this she graduated in Master of Arts in Economics from the University of St. Andrews,
Mr. Ahmad Ullah, Independent Director has completed his tenure. The Board of Directors as
Scotland, UK. In legal practice front, she has considerable experience in Apex Court
per the said notification has recommended for appointing Mr. Md. Khurshed Hossain as
Chambers, Cardiff and Circuit Court judges in Myrthr Tydfil, Wales, UK.
Independent Director. His appointment would be considered in next AGM. The Board
believes that his experience and knowledge would provide effective and constructive In the corporate management arena, Mrs. Aniqa works for operations, business
contribution to the Board. development, sales, client acquisition and other areas in foreign companies in UK in
addition to her exposure in Anlima group companies. She has also excellent
Profile of Directors & CFO knowledge of supporting the group company’s strategic management programs.

i. Mr. Mahmudul Hoque, Director iv. Mr. Alwi M Haque, Director

Mr. Mahmudul Hoque was born in a respectable Muslim family of Chittagong. He
Mr. Alwi M Haque was born in a respectable Muslim family in Dhaka. He has completed
obtained Bachelor of Commerce Degree from Chittagong University. He is a born
IB Diploma in UWC Atlantic College, Wales, UK. He qualified in IBDE examinations with
businessman as he started his business since early days of his career. Over the past thirty
Edexcel High Achievers Award. He is a young man with friendly disposition. He has
five years of his business career he gained significant experience in import and export
keen interest in business affairs and is planning to build his career accordingly.
trade, power plant, real estate and textile sector. Apart from Managing Director of the
Currently he is studying Graduation in computer science in McGill University, Canada.
company, Mr. Hoque is also the Managing Director of Anlima Textile Limited, Precision
Energy Limited, Anlima Energy Limited, Anlima Petroleum Limited, Allied Enterprise (Pvt.) Mr. Haque is a community worker and did lot of community works for the under
Limited and Anlima Buildtech (Pvt.) Limited. He is also one of the sponsors Directors of privileged. He involved himself in advising and motivating the children for attending
Jamuna Bank Limited and International Holdings Ltd. He is very widely travelled person the school for education, building awareness about cleanliness, health and hygiene
and visited most countries of the world. He is involved in different social development and other community affairs.
works through a host of social organizations.
v. Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar, Chief Financial Officer
ii. Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque, Director Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar is associated with the Company since 1997. He is an MBA
Mrs. Hoque was born in a respectable Muslim family of Sylhet. She obtained Bachelor from Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka and a Fellow (FCMA) of
Degree from a renowned University in Dhaka. Over the past years of her business career the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh. He is also a
she gained significant experience in import and export trade, real estate and textile Certified Management Consultant (CMC) from Australia. Mr. Mazumdar has vast
sector. Mrs. Hoque is also associated with social welfare activities by patronizing different knowledge and experience in Management Information System (MIS)/ERP, Finance
clubs and social organizations. Mrs. Hoque is the Chairperson of Anlima Yarn Dyeing and Accounts, Marketing and Product Costing area. Prior to his joining in the company
Limited. She is also the Director of Anlima Textile Limited, Precision Energy Limited, he served in BJMC, Ministry of Finance and Beximco Group in various fields of

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 15

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders (Contd..)
corporate management. He also served in various national committees some of which Corporate Governance Compliance Report
are: Bangladesh Bank’s Committee for Selection of Country Credit Rating Agency,
As per Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/
Privatization Committee of Ministry of Industry, and Pharmaceutical Pricing Committee
2006-158/207/Admin/80 dated 03 June 2018, the Certificate on Compliance of Corporate
of Drug Administration.
Governance Code and Directors’ Report on Compliance of Corporate Governance Code
are placed in Annexure-B and Annexure-C respectively.
vi. Mr. Md. Khurshed Hossain, Independent Director
Mr. Md. Khurshed Hossain was born in a respectable Muslim family of Dhaka. He is an External Auditors
MBA in International Trade and Commerce from New Port University, USA. Prior to this he The existing auditors Ahmed Zaker & Co, Chartered Accountants, 45 Bijoynagar, Saiham
completed M.Com in Marketing and completed L.L.B from University of Dhaka. He also Sky View Tower (2nd Floor), Dhaka-1000, who were appointed as auditors of the
passed Banking Diploma from the Bangladesh Institute of Bankers. He is vastly company in the 22nd annual general meeting, carried out the audit for the year ended
experienced professional banker with specialized knowledge in commercial, investment 30th June, 2018 satisfactorily. The auditors carried out audit of the company for three
and development banking. As a career banker he has experience in managing foreign consecutive years. They are not eligible for re-appointment as per the Bangladesh
exchange, money market, industrial and trade finance, securities trading and portfolio Securities and Exchange Commission’s Notification No. SEC/CMRRCD/2009-193/174/
management. In his long glorious career he successfully served as a Deputy Managing Admin/61 dated July 8, 2015. The company received proposal from Fames & R, Chartered
Director in Sonali Bank Limited and also served as a General Manager in Investment Accountants, House # 424 (4th Floor), Road # 30, Mohakhali DOHS, Dhaka-1206, which
Corporation of Bangladesh and in Agrani Bank Limited. He also acted as project director was placed in the board meeting. The Board of Directors recommended Fames & R,
in various fields, like Project of Enhancement of Corporate Governance and Capacity of ICB Chartered Accountants, House # 424 (4th Floor), Road # 30, Mohakhali DOHS,
(Government of Bangladesh & Asian Development Bank project), Chairman, Board of Dhaka-1206 for appointment as auditors of the company for the year 2018-19. The matter
Directors, ICB Asset Management Company Limited and Member, Investment is placed for the approval of the honorable shareholders in the AGM.
Corporation of Bangladesh Shariah Board.
Audit Committee
Mr. Khurshed Hossain performed as nominated director in various institutions, such as:
Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited, Navana CNG Limited, Hakanni Pulp and Paper Mills The audit committee performed as a sub-committee of the board in order to assist the
Limited, Azadi Printers Limited (Chittagong), Orion Infrastructures Limited, Zago board of directors in ensuring and fulfilling of its responsibilities. Audit Committee held
Corporation Limited and Aroma Tea Limited. Mr. Hossain was also Field Research Officer four (04) meetings in the financial year 2017-18. The following persons continued as
at C.V. Star Centre for Applied Economics, New York University, USA. Some of his Research member of the Audit Committee. The name of the audit committee members along with
Paper and articles were published in various National and International journals. These their attendance in the meeting are as bellow:
are: Privatization and Liberalization in Developing Countries, Comilla Khadi Shilper
Committee Members Status Meeting Attended
Otit-o-Bartoman, Livestock Marketing in Bangladesh and Prospects of Garments Industry in
Bangladesh etc. Mr. Ahmad Ullah (Independent Director) Chairman 4
Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque (Director) Member 4
Declaration by the CEO and CFO Mrs. Aniqa Haque (Director) Member 3
Declaration of CEO and CFO has been provided in Annexure-A Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar (CFO) Member 4
Mr. M. Jahangir Alam (Company Secretary) Member 4
The details of the activities of the Audit Committee have been provided in Annexure-D

16 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders (Contd..)
Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) Financial Reporting framework declaration
The Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC) performs as a sub-committee of The directors being responsible for governance of the company, the preparation and
the board in order to assist the board of directors in ensuring and fulfilling its presentation of financial statements, confirm to the best of their knowledge that:
responsibilities. Being non-executives and independent all members of the committee
Q The entire business operation is being conducted in accordance with the laws,
have no conflicts of interest. The committee is entitled to provide recommendation of
remuneration and other facilities of the Directors and top level executives. They also rules, regulations, agreements, guidelines and standards governed in the
recommend their appointment and removal. The following persons continued as the country;
members of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee (NRC): Q All the judgments and decisions taken by management are reasonable and
Name of the Committee Members Status Meeting Attended
Mr. Ahmad Ullah (Independent Director) Chairman 1 Q Accurate accounting policies have been systematically followed in formulating
the financial statements and accounting estimates were reasonable;
Mrs. Aniqa Haque Member 1
Q The financial statements present rationally the company’s state of affairs, the
Mr. Alwi M Haque Member 1
result of its operations, cash flow and changes in equity with the Companies Act,
1994 and Securities and Exchange Rules, 1987;
The committee oversees proper implementation of all Human Resource policies and
also recommend the Board to ensure the compensation policy. The committee Q The system of internal Control is sound in design and has been effectively
recommended the Board to appoint Mr. Md. Khurshed Hossain, former Deputy implemented and monitored;
Managing Director of Sonali Bank Limited as an Independent Director in the meeting.
Q The CEO and CFO have certified to the Board that they have reviewed the
The matter is placed for the approval of the honorable shareholders in the AGM.
financial statements and affirm that these statements do not contain any
materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that
might be misleading;
Q There is no momentous suspicion about the ability of the company to continue
as a going concern;
Q Proper books of accounts of the Company have been maintained according to
the law;
Q The Financial Statement were prepared in accordance with the applicable
International Accounting Standards (IASs) and International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRSs) as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
Bangladesh (ICAB).
Q No transaction has been entered into by the company which are fraudulent,
illegal, or in violation of the company’s code of conduct.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 17

Directors' Report
to the Shareholders (Contd..)
Other Regulatory Disclosures Website of the Company
 The key operating and financial data for the last five years have been disclosed The company has an official website linked with the website of the stock exchange and
in Director’s Report; it is functional from the date of listing. All detailed disclosures of the company are
available on it. The web address is:
 The Company is aware of its various risks and concerns, mainly from the policy
and regulatory fronts, and is prepared to meet those by systematic control. 22nd Annual General Meeting
Different type of risk management has been disclosed in Note 2.29 of financial
statements; The 22nd Annual General Meeting (AGM) of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited was held on
Wednesday the December 20, 2017 at 10:30 a.m. at the factory premises, Karnapara,
 No significant mutation has occurred between quarterly and final results of the Savar, Dhaka-1340. The meeting started with recitation from the holy Quran. After
company during 2017-18; recitation the Chairperson requested the Managing Director to conduct the meeting. A
total of 123 shareholders attended the meeting. Mr. Mahmudul Hoque, Managing
 All significant detachment from the previous year in operating results of the
Director and Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar, Chief Financial Officer of the company
company has been highlighted and reasons thereof have been explained;
presided over the meeting. Other directors of the company, Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque,
 As per IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, no items of income and Mrs. Aniqa Haque, and Mr. Ahmad Ullah (Independent Director) were also present in the
expense are to be presented as ‘extraordinary gain or losses in the financial meeting.
statements. As such no extraordinary gain or loss has been recognized in the
financial statements; Acknowledgment
 All transactions with related parties have been made on a commercial basis and The Board of Directors believe that, with your support and confidence the company has
the basis was the principle of “Arms Length Transaction”. Details of related party necessary strengths and resources to continue with the progress. We acknowledge that
and transactions have been disclosed in Note 28 of Notes to the Financial our workforce is working hard with dedication to achieve improvement in performance
Statements; so that the company can continue to make contribution to the society through foreign
exchange earnings and generation of employment. We are committed to give seamless
 During the year, the Company has paid Board meeting attendance fees to the effort to achieve our objectives. We got enormous support from Bangladesh Securities
directors. The remuneration of Directors has been mentioned in Note 29 of & Exchange Commission, Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited, Chittagong Stock Exchange
Notes to the Financial Statements. Limited, National Board of Revenue, RJSCF, CDBL, Income Tax, Customs and other
government bodies, bankers and other stake holders. We are grateful for their guidance
Appointment of Auditor for Audit of Corporate Governance Code and co-operation.
As per Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission Notification No.
SEC/CMRRCD/ 2006-158/207/Admin/80 dated 03 June 2018 the company received On behalf of the Board of Directors
proposal from M/S. Rahman Kashem & Co., Chartered Accountants, City Heart (3rd Flor),
67 Naya Paltan, Dhaka-1000, as the Corporate Governance Auditor, which was placed in
the board meeting. The Board of Directors recommended M/S. Rahman Kashem & Co.,
Chartered Accountants, for appointment for audit on compliance of conditions of Hubbun Nahar Hoque Mahmudul Hoque
Corporate Governance Code of BSEC for the year 2018-19. The matter is placed for the Chairperson Managing Director
approval of the honorable shareholders in the AGM.

18 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

5 Years' Statistics
Financial Position: 2017-18 2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14
Authorized Capital 000'Tk 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 200,000
Paid up Share Capital 000'Tk 178,678 178,678 178,678 178,678 178,678
Reserves and Surplus 000'Tk 8,465 8,465 10,965 10,965 10,965
Shareholders' Equity 000'Tk 197,557 197,146 201,146 216,231 215,058
Total Assets 000'Tk 426,214 439,496 455,785 436,907 456,869
Fixed Assets - Cost 000'Tk 639,627 639,206 639,206 635,387 635,292
Fixed Assets - Carrying Value 000'Tk 289,448 306,633 325,558 341,858 362,979
Net Working Capital 000'Tk (59,960) (76,660) (90,908) (108,114) (127,368)
Net profit after tax 000'Tk 9,852 10,014 19,997 19,537 18,634

Results of Operation:
Revenue from Sales 000'Tk. 183,034 181,422 217,313 228,740 229,870
Gross Profit Margin % 17.80 17.84 20.60 19.76 20.98
Operating Profit % 7.64 8.03 12.65 12.39 14.37
Net Profit after Tax % 5.38 5.52 9.20 8.54 8.11
Earnings per Share Tk. 0.55 0.56 1.12 1.09 1.04
*Dividend per Share Tk. 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Key Financial Ratios:

Current Ratio Times 0.69:1 0.63:1 0.59:1 0.46:1 0.42:1
Inventory Turnover Times 2.96 3.18 4.29 4.34 3.24
Receivable Turnover Days 171.30 133.29 137.76 77.45 76.80
Debt Equity Ratio % 76:24 76:24 72:28 78:22 81:19
Return on Investment % 2.31 2.28 4.39 4.47 4.08
Net Assets Value per Share Tk. 11.06 11.03 11.26 11.14 12.04
Market Value of Share (as on 30th June) Tk. 33.20 31.80 28.30 22.40 23.20
Dividend Yield % 3.01 3.14 3.53 4.46 4.31
Price Book Value Ratio Times 0.33 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.52

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 19

Key Performance Indicators
Professional Strength

Total Assets (’000’Tk.)


Shareholders' Equity
IT Professionl 3% 500,000
MSc 6% 400,000
Master in Commerce 14%





MBAs and BBAs 8%





FCMA 1% 200,000
BSc Engineers 9% 100,000
Textile Technologists 9%
Diploma in Textile 28%
Graduate 22% 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18


Turnover (’000’Tk.)
Net Asset Value
per Share (Tk.)

Market Price of 229,870
Share (Tk.) 228,740
33.20 217,313
12 28.30 31.80 181,422 183,034
23.20 22.40
6 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Earnings per Share (Tk.)

1.50 60,000
Net Profit (’000’Tk.)

1.25 50,000 48,219

45,203 44,773
1.00 40,000
Gross Profit &

32,373 32,581
0.75 30,000
18,634 19,537 19,997
0.50 20,000
Gross Profit



10,014 9,852


0.25 10,000
00 0 Net Profit
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

20 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited
Declaration by CEO and CFO Annexure-A

October 25, 2018

The Board of Directors

Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited

Subject: Declaration on Financial Statements for the year ended on June 30, 2018.

Dear Sir(s),
Pursuant to the condition No. 1(5)(xxvi) imposed vide the Commission’s Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/207/Admin/80 dated 03 June 2018, under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange
Ordinance, 1969, we do hereby declare that:
(1) The Financial Statements of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited for the year ended on June 30, 2018 have been prepared in compliance with International Accounting Standards (IAS) or International Financial
Reporting Standards (IFRS), as applicable in the Bangladesh and any departure there from has been adequately disclosed;
(2) The estimates and judgments related to the financial statements were made on a prudent and reasonable basis, in order for the financial statements to reveal a true and fair view;
(3) The form and substance of transactions and the Company’s state of affairs have been reasonably and fairly presented in its financial statements;
(4) To ensure above, the Company has taken proper and adequate care in installing a system of internal control and maintenance of accounting records;
(5) Our internal auditors have conducted periodic audits to provide reasonable assurance that the established policies and procedures of the Company were consistently followed; and
(6) The management’s use of the going concern basis of accounting in preparing the financial statements is appropriate and there exists no material uncertainty related to events or conditions that may
cast significant doubt on the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern.

In this regard, we also certify that:

(i) We have reviewed the financial statements for the year ended on June 30, 2018 and that to the best of our knowledge and belief:
(a) these statements do not contain any materially untrue statement or omit any material fact or contain statements that might be misleading;
(b) these statements collectively present true and fair view of the Company’s affairs and are in compliance with existing accounting standards and applicable laws.
(ii) There are, to the best of knowledge and belief, no transactions entered into by the Company during the year which are fraudulent, illegal or in violation of the code of conduct for the company’s Board
of Directors or its members.

Sincerely yours,

Mahmudul Hoque M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar

Chief Executive Officer Chief Financial Officer

Date: October 25, 2018

Dhaka, Bangladesh

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 21


Report to the Shareholders of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited on

Compliance of Corporate Governance Code

We have examined the compliance status to the Corporate Governance Code by Anlima
Yarn Dyeing Limited for the year ended on June 30, 2018. This Code relates to the
Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/207/Admin/80 dated 03 June 2018 of the
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission.

Such compliance with the Corporate Governance Code is the responsibility of the
Company. Our examination was limited to the procedures and implementation thereof as
adopted by the Management in ensuring compliance to the conditions of the Corporate
Governance Code.

This is a scrutiny and verification and an independent audit on compliance of the

conditions of the Corporate Governance Code as well as the provisions of relevant
Bangladesh Secretarial Standards (BSS) as adopted by Institute of Chartered Secretaries of
Bangladesh (ICSB) in so far as those standards are not inconsistent with any condition of
this Corporate Governance Code.

We state that we have obtained all the information and explanations, which we have
required, and after due scrutiny and verification thereof, we report that, in our opinion:
(a) The Company has complied with the conditions of the Corporate Governance Code as
stipulated in the above mentioned Corporate Governance Code issued by the
(b) The Company has complied with the provisions of the relevant Bangladesh
Secretarial Standards (BSS) as adopted by the Institute of Chartered Secretaries of
Bangladesh (ICSB) as required by this code;
(c) Proper books and records complied have been kept by the company as required
under the Companies Act, 1994, the securities laws and other relevant laws; and
(d) The Governance of the company is satisfactory.

Place: Dhaka, Bangladesh M/S.

/S Rahman Kashem & CoCo.
Date: October 30, 2018 Chartered Accountants

22 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Corporate Governance
Compliance Report Annexure-C

Status of compliance of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited with the conditions imposed by the Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission’s Notification No. BSEC/CMRRC-
D/2006-158/207/Admin/80 dated 03 June 2018 issued under section 2CC of the Securities and Exchange Ordinance, 1969 is presented below:
(Report under Condition No. 9)
Condition Compliance Status (Put √ in Remarks
No. Title the appropriate column) (if any)
Complied Not Complied
1 Board of Directors:
1(1) Board size (Board members should not be less than 5 and more than 20). √
1(2) Independent Directors:
1(2)(a) Independent Directors should be at least 1/5th of the total number of directors of the company. √
1(2)(b)(i) Does not hold any share or holds less than 1% shares of the total paid-up shares in the company. √
1(2)(b)(ii) Not connected with any sponsor/director/shareholders who holds 1% or more shares of the total paid-up shares on the basis of
family relationship. √
1(2)(b)(iii) Has not been an executive of the company in immediately preceding 2 (two) financial years. √
1(2)(b)(iv) Does not have any relationship, whether pecuniary or otherwise, with the company or its subsidiary/ associated companies. √
1(2)(b)(v) Not a member or TREC (Trading Right Entitlement Certificate) holder, director or officer of any stock exchange. √
1(2)(b)(vi) Not a shareholder, director expecting independent director or officer or any member or TREC holder of stock exchange or an
intermediary of the capital market. √
1(2)(b)(vii) Not a partner or an executive or was not involved with the audit activities in the preceding 3 (three) years of the company’s statutory audit firm. √
1(2)(b)(viii) Not be an independent director in more than 5 (five) listed companies. √
1(2)(b)(ix) Has not been convicted by a court of competent jurisdiction as a defaulter in any loan to a bank or a NBFI. √
1(2)(b)(x) Not been convicted for a criminal offence involving moral turpitude. √
1(2)(c) Independent Director would be appointed by the Board and approved by the share holders in the AGM. √
1(2)(d) The post cannot remain vacant for more than 90 (ninety) days. √
1(2)(e) Tenure of office of an independent director shall be for a period of 3 (three) years, which may be extended for1 (one) tenure only. √
1(3) Qualification of Independent Director:
1(3)(a) Should be knowledgeable individual with integrity to ensure compliance with financial, regulatory and corporate law and make
meaningful contribution to business. √
1(3)(b)(i) Business Leader who is or was a promoter or director of an unlisted company having minimum paid-up capital of TK. 100.00 N/A
million or any listed company or of any national or international chamber of commerce or business association.
N/A - Not Applicable

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 23

Annexure-C (Contd..)

Condition Compliance Status (Put √ in Remarks

No. Title the appropriate column) (if any)
Complied Not Complied
1(3)(b)(ii) Higher position in an unlisted company having minimum paid-up capital of TK. 100.00 million or of a listed company. √
1(3)(b)(iii) Former Official not below 5th Grade of the national pay scale with having at least educational background of bachelor degree in
Economics or Commerce or Business or Law. √
1(3)(b)(iv) University Teacher with educational background in Economics or Commerce or Business Studies or Law. N/A
1(3)(b)(v) An advocate practicing at least in the High Court Division or Supreme Court or a Chartered Accountant or Cost and Management
Accountant or Chartered Financial Analyst or Chartered Certified Accountant or Certified Public Accountant or Chartered
Management Accountant or Chartered Secretary or equivalent qualification. N/A
1(3)(c) At least 10 (ten) years of experience in any field mentioned in clause (b). √
1(3)(d) Special cases for relaxation of qualification of Independent Directors. N/A
1(4) Duality of Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Managing Director or Chief Executive Officer:
1(4)(a) The positions of the Chairperson of the Board and the MD and/or CEO would be filled by different individuals. √
1(4)(b) The MD and/or CEO of a listed company would not hold the same position in another listed company. √
1(4)(c) The Chairperson of the Board would be elected from among the non-executive directors of the company. √
1(4)(d) The Board shall clearly define roles and responsibilities of the Chairperson and the MD and/or CEO. √
1(4)(e) In the absence of Chairperson one of the remaining non executive directors would be selected as the Chairperson for the particular board meeting. N/A
1(5) The Directors’ Report to Shareholders:
1(5)(i) Industry outlook and possible future developments in the industry. √
1(5)(ii) Segment–wise or product wise performance. √
1(5)(iii) Risks and concerns. √
1(5)(iv) Discussion on Cost of Goods sold, Gross Profit Margin and Net Profit Margin. √
1(5)(v) Discussion on continuity of any extra-Ordinary Gain or Loss. √
1(5)(vi) Basis for related party transactions. √
1(5)(vii) Utilization of proceeds raised through public issues, rights issues and or any other instruments. N/A
1(5)(viii) Explanation if the financial results deteriorated after the company goes for IPO, RPO, Rights Offer, Direct Listing etc. N/A
1(5)(ix) Explanation about significant variance occurs between Quarterly Financial Performance, Annual Financial statements. N/A
1(5)(x) Remuneration to directors including Independent Directors. √
1(5)(xi) The financial statements present fairly its state of affairs, result of its operations, cash flows and changes in equity. √
1(5)(xii) Maintenance of proper books of Accounts. √
1(5)(xiii) Appropriate Accounting Policies and estimates have been applied. √
1(5)(xiv) Followed IAS/BAS/IFRS and BFRS in preparation of Financial statements. √
N/A - Not Applicable

24 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Annexure-C (Contd..)

Condition Compliance Status (Put √ in Remarks

No. Title the appropriate column) (if any)
Complied Not Complied
1(5)(xv) Internal Control System has been effectively implemented and monitored. √
1(5)(xvi) Minority Shareholders have been protected. √
1(5)(xvii) Ability to continue as a going concern. √
1(5)(xviii) An explanation that significant deviations from the last year’s operating results of the issuer company shall be highlighted and he
reasons thereof shall be disclosed. N/A
1(5)(xix) Summary of key operating and financial data of at least preceding 5 (Five) year. √
1(5)(xx) Reasons for not declared dividend. N/A
1(5)(xxi) Declaration of no bonus share or stock dividend as interim dividend. √
1(5)(xxii) Number of Board meetings held during the year and attendance by the Directors. √
1(5)(xxiii) Pattern of Shareholding (Along with name wise details):
1(5)(xxiii)(a) Parent/Subsidiary/Associate companies and other related parties. √
1(5)(xxiii)(b) Directors, CEO, CS, CFO, HIA and their spouses and minor children. √
1(5)(xxiii)(c) Executives. √
1(5)(xxiii)(d) 10% or more voting interest. √
1(5)(xxiv) Appointment /reappointment of Directors:
1(5)(xxiv)(a) Resume of the Directors. √
1(5)(xxiv)(b) Expertise in specific functional areas. √
1(5)(xxiv)(c) Name of companies in which the person also holds the directorship and membership of committees of the board. √
1(5)(xxv) Management’s discussion on company’s position:
1(5)(xxv)(a) Accounting policies and estimation for preparation of financial statements. √
1(5)(xxv)(b) Clear description if any changes in accounting policies and estimation and its effects. N/A
1(5)(xxv)(c) Comparative analysis with immediate preceding 5 (five) years. √
1(5)(xxv)(d) Comparison with the peer industry scenario. √
1(5)(xxv)(e) Brief explanation of the financial and economic scenario of the country and the globe. √
1(5)(xxv)(f ) Risk and concerns and mitigation plan. √
1(5)(xxv)(g) Future plan or projection or forecast for company’s operation, performance and financial position. √
1(5)(xxvi) Declaration or certification by the CEO and CFO to the Board. √
1(5)(xxvii) Disclosing the report and as well as certificate as per Annexure-A & B. √
1(6) Meeting of the Board of Directors. √
1(7) Code of Conduct for the Chairperson, other Board members and CEO. √
1(7)(a) Code of conduct based on recommendation of the NRC. √
N/A - Not Applicable

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 25

Annexure-C (Contd..)

Condition Compliance Status (Put √ in Remarks

No. Title the appropriate column) (if any)
Complied Not Complied
1(7)(b) Posting code of conduct on the website determined by the NRC. √
2 Governance of Board of Directors of Subsidiary Company:
2(a) Compositions of the Board of Directors to be similar to holding company. N/A
2(b) At least 1 (one) independent director to subsidiary company. N/A
2(c) Submission of minutes to the holding company. N/A
2(d) Review of minutes of subsidiary company by the holding company. N/A
2(e) Review of Financial Statement by the holding company. N/A
3 Appointment of MD or CEO, CFO, Head of Internal Audit and Compliance & CS:
3(1)(a) Appointment of MD or CEO, CS, CFO and a Head of Internal Audit and Compliance. √
3(1)(b) Positions of MD or CEO, CS, CFO and a Head of Internal Audit and Compliance are filled by the different individuals. √
3(1)(c) MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC don’t hold any executive position in other company at the same time. √
3(1)(d) Defining roles and responsibilities and duties of CFO, HIAC & CS. √
3(1)(e) Rules of removing MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC. √
3(2) MD or CEO, CS, CFO and HIAC shall attend the meeting of the Board. √
3(3) Duties of MD or CEO and CFO:
3(3)(a)(i) Reviewed the materially untrue statement or omit any material fact of the financial statement. √
3(3)(a)(ii) Reviewed about compliance of the accounting standards. √
3(3)(b) Reviewed about fraudulent, illegal or violation of the companies’ code of conduct. √
3(3)(c) Disclosed the certificate of the MD or CEO and CFO in the Annual Report. √
4 Board of Director’s Committee:
4(i) Audit Committee. √
4(ii) Nomination and Remuneration Committee. √
5 Audit committee:
5(1)(a) Audit Committee as the sub-committee of the Board of Directors. √
5(1)(b) Assistance of the Audit Committee to Board of Directors. √
5(1)(c) Responsibility of the Audit Committee to the Board of Directors. √
5(2) Constitution of the Audit Committee:
5(2)(a) Audit Committee should be composed of at least 3 (Three) members. √
5(2)(b) Members of the audit committee would be appointed by the Board of Directors. √
5(2)c) Qualified members in audit committee. √
5(2)(d) Term and conditions of service of audit committee members. √
N/A - Not Applicable

26 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Annexure-C (Contd..)

Condition Compliance Status (Put √ in Remarks

No. Title the appropriate column) (if any)
Complied Not Complied
5(2)(e) Secretary of the audit committee. √
5(2)(f ) Quorum of the audit committee. √
5(3) Chairperson of the Audit Committee:
5(3)(a) The Chairperson would be selected by the Board of Directors. √
5(3)(b) In absence of chairperson one of themselves will be selected as the chairperson for that particular meeting. N/A
5(3)(c) Chairman of the audit committee present in the AGM. √
5(4) Meeting of the Audit Committee:
5(4)(a) Audit committee should conduct at least 4 (four) meetings in a financial year. √
5(4)(b) Quorum of the meeting of the audit committee shall be constituted in presence of two-third (2/3) of the members of audit committee. √
5(5) Role of Audit Committee:
5(5)(a) Oversee the financial reporting process. √
5(5)(b) Monitor choice of the accounting policy and principals. √
5(5)(c) Monitor Internal Control Risk Management Process. √
5(5)(d) Oversee hiring and performance of external auditors. √
5(5)(e) Hold meeting with the external or statutory auditors for review of the annual financial statements before submission to the board
for approval or adoption. √
5(5)(f ) Review the annual financial statements with the management before submission to the board for approval. √
5(5)(g) Review the Quarterly and Half Yearly financial statements before submission to the board for approval. √
5(5)(h) Review the adequacy of internal audit function. √
5(5)(i) Review the management’s discussion and analysis before disclosing in the Annual Report. √
5(5)(j) Review statement of significant related party transactions. √
5(5)(k) Review Management letters /Letter of internal control weakness issued by statutory auditors. N/A
5(5)(l) Oversee the determination of audit fees. √
5(5)(m) Disclosure about the uses/applications of funds raised by IPO/RPO/Right issue. N/A
5(6) Reporting of the Audit Committee:
5(6)(a) Reporting to the Board of Directors. √
5(6)(a)(i) Activities of audit committee shall be reported to the Board of Directors. √
5(6)(a)(ii)(a) Conflicts of interests. N/A
5(6)(a)(ii)(b) Suspected or presumed fraud of irregularity or material defect in the internal control system. N/A
5(6)(a)(ii)(c) Infringement of laws, rules and regulations. N/A
N/A - Not Applicable

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 27

Annexure-C (Contd..)

Condition Compliance Status (Put √ in Remarks

No. Title the appropriate column) (if any)
Complied Not Complied
5(6)(a)(ii)(d) Any other matter disclosed to the Board of Directors. N/A
5(6)(b) Reporting to the Authorities. N/A
5(7) Reporting to the Shareholders and General Investors. √
6 Responsibility of Nomination and Remuneration Committee to the Board of Directors:
6(1)(a) Nomination and Remuneration Committee as sub-committee of the Board. √
6(1)(b) The NRC assists the Board in formulation of the nomination criteria or policy. √
6(1)(c) NRC Recommendation to the board. √
6(2) Constitution of the NRC:
6(2)(a) Committee size with at least 3 (three) members. √
6(2)(b) Non-executive directors would be the members of the committee. √
6(2)(c) Committee members would be nominated and appointed by the Board. √
6(2)(d) Board would be authorized to remove and appoint the committee members. √
6(2)(e) Any vacancy in the committee should be filled within 180 (One Hundred and Eighty) days by the Board. N/A
6(2)(f ) External expert or member can be included in the committee by the Chairperson if necessary. N/A
6(2)(g) Company secretary shall act as the secretary of the committee. √
6(2)(h) Quorum of NRC meeting shall not constitute without attendance of an independent director. √
6(2)(i) Fees or remuneration is not applicable for any member of NRC. √
6(3) Chairperson of the NRC:
6(3)(a) Selection of the chairperson of the committee by the Board. √
6(3)(b) In absence of chairperson one of themselves will be selected as the chairperson for that particular meeting. N/A
6(3)(c) Presence of the chairman in the AGM. N/A
6(4) Meeting of the NRC:
NRC was
6(4)(a) At least one meeting in a financial year. constituted on
Sep. 10, 2018
6(4)(b) Convening any emergency meeting if necessary. N/A
6(4)(c) Constitution of the quorum of the of the meeting in presence of either 2 (two) or 2/3 (two-third) of the members. √
6(4)(d) Recording the proceedings of each meeting in the minutes. √
6(5) Role of the NRC:
6(5)(a) Independence and responsibility or accountability of NRC. √
6(5)(b) NRC shall oversee, among others, various matters and make report with recommendation to the Board. √
6(5)(b)(i)(a) Overseeing the level and composition of remuneration and reporting with recommendation to the Board. √
N/A - Not Applicable

28 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Annexure-C (Contd..)

Condition Compliance Status (Put √ in Remarks

No. Title the appropriate column) (if any)
Complied Not Complied
6(5)(b)(i)(b) Overseeing the relationship between remuneration to performance. √
6(5)(b)(i)(c) Balance of remuneration of directors and top level executives. √
6(5)(b)(ii) Devising a policy on Board’s diversity. √
6(5)(b)(iii) Identifying the qualified persons and recommend them to the Board about the appointment and removal as directors and top
level executives. √
6(5)(b)(iv) Formulating the criteria for evaluation of performance of independent directors and the Board. √
6(5)(b)(v) Identifying the needs for employees and determine their selection, transfer, replacement and promotion criteria. √
6(5)(b)(vi) Developing, recommendation and reviewing annually human resources and training policies. √
6(5)(c) Disclosing the nomination and remuneration policy and the evaluation criteria and activities of NRC in annual report by the company. √
7 External/Statutory Auditors:
7(1)(i) Appraisal or valuation services or fairness opinions. √
7(1)(ii) Financial Information Systems design and implementation. √
7(1)(iii) Book-Keeping or other service related to the accounting and financial statements. √
7(1)(iv) Broker-dealer services. √
7(1)(v) Actuarial Services. √
7(1)(vi) Internal Audit Services. √
7(1)(vii) Services that the audit committee determines. √
7(1)(viii) Audit or certification services. √
7(1)(ix) Service that creates conflict of interest. √
7(2) Audit firm could not hold any share of the company they audit. √
7(3) Presence of representative of the auditors in the AGM. √
8 Maintaining a website by the company:
8(1) An official website linked with the website of stock exchange. √
8(2) Keeping the website functional from the date of listing. √
8(3) Detailed disclosures on the company’s website. √
9 Reporting and compliance of Corporate Governance:
9(1) Obtain certificate regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance Guidelines. √
To be placed
9(2) Appointment of certificate provider regarding compliance of conditions of Corporate Governance Code. √ in 23rd AGM
9(3) Annexure attached in the Director’s Report. √
N/A - Not Applicable

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 29

Audit Committee Report
For the ended year 2017-18 Annexure-D

The Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited has an Audit Committee that supports the Board in O Approved the audit plan for 2017-18, monitored progress and recommended
ensuring and fulfilling its oversight responsibilities as Sub Committee of the Board, effective revisions when it was required.
reconstituted as per BSEC’s Notification No. BSEC/CMRRCD/2006-158/207/Admin/80 O Reviewed the process of appointment and remuneration of external auditors,
dated 03 June 2018 required as per Corporate Governance Guidelines of Bangladesh Fames & R, Chartered Accountants, House # 424 (4th Floor), Road # 30, Mohakhali
Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC). The audit Committee consists of the DOHS, Dhaka-1206 for the year 2018-19 and made recommendation to the
following persons: Board for approval.
Mr. Ahmad Ullah (Independent Director) - Chairman O Ensured that the preparation, presentation and submission of financial
Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque - Member statements had been made in accordance with the prevailing laws, standards
Mrs. Aniqa Haque - Member and regulations.
O Ensured establishment of adequate internal controls and compliance with laws
Mr. M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar (CFO) - Member
and regulations.
Mr. M. Jahangir Alam - Company Secretary
O The committee also reviewed the internal policies, standards, plan and
Prime Objectives of the Audit Committee: procedures and where appropriate, reported the findings on the following:
Q Review and recommend to the Board to approve the quarterly, half yearly and i. Conflicts of interests;
annual financial statements prepared for statutory purpose. ii. Suspected or presumed fraud or irregularity or material defect in the
Q Review ethical standard and procedures to ensure compliance with regulatory internal control system;
and financial reporting requirements. iii. Suspected infringement of laws, including securities related laws, rules and
Q Monitor and oversee choice of accounting policies and principles, Internal Control regulations; and
Risk management process, auditing matter, hiring and performance of external iv. Any other matters which were required to be disclosed to the Board of
auditors and the financial reporting process. Directors immediately.
Q Review and consider the report of internal auditors and statutory auditors’
observations on internal control. The Committee found adequate arrangements to present a true and fair view of the
financial status of the company and did not find any material deviation, discrepancies or
Activities carried out during the year: any adverse finding/observation in the areas of reporting.

During the year under review, the Committee members met four times and decided to The Audit Committee expressed their sincere thanks to the members of the Board and
carry out the following key functions for continuous improvement: Management for their support in carrying out its duties and responsibilities effectively.
O Enhanced good practices in financial reporting and risk management.
O Reviewed the quarterly, half yearly and annual financial statements of the
company and recommended to the Board for consideration.
Ahmad Ullah (Independent Director)
Observed the status of implementation of audit action plans and provided
Chairman, Audit Committee
guidance to ensure timely completion of action plans.

30 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED


ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 31

Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Opinion
Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of In our opinion, the financial statements give a true and
these financial statements in accordance with International Financial fair view of the financial position of Anlima Yarn Dyeing
Reporting Standards, Companies Act 1994, The Securities and Exchange Limited as of June 30, 2018 and of its financial
Auditors’ Report Commission’s Rules 1987 & other applicable rules & regulations. This performance for the year then ended in accordance
responsibility includes designing, implementing and maintaining with International Financial Reporting Standards, The
To the shareholders internal control relevant to the preparation and fair presentation of
financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether
Securities and Exchange Commission’s rules 1987 and
comply with the Companies Act 1994 and other
of Anlima Yarn due to fraud or error selecting and applying appropriate accounting
policies; and making accounting estimates that are reasonable in the
applicable laws and regulations.

Dyeing Ltd. circumstances. We also report that

a) we have obtained all the information and
Auditor’s Responsibility
explanations which to the best of our knowledge
We have audited the Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements and belief were necessary for the purpose of our
based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with audit and made due verification thereof;
accompanying financial International Standards on Auditing, those standards require that we
b) in our opinion proper books of account as required
comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to
statements of Anlima Yarn by law have been kept by the company so far as it
obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free
appeared from our examination of those books;
Dyeing Limited, which comprise from material misstatement.
c) the company’s Statement of Financial Position,
the Statement of Financial An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive
position as at June 30, 2018 along about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The Income, Statement of Changes in Equity and
procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the Statement of Cash flows dealt with the report are in
with Statement of Profit or Loss & assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial agreement with the books of accounts;
Other Comprehensive Income, statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk d) the expenditure incurred and payments made were
assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the for the purposes of the company’s business for the
Statement of Changes in Equity entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in year.
order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the
and Statement of Cash Flows for circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the
the year then ended, and a effectiveness of the entity’s internal control. An audit also includes
evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the
summary of significant reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well Place: Dhaka Ahmed
Ah d Z Zaker
k & Co.
accounting policies and other as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. Dated: 25 October, 2018 Chartered Accountants
explanatory notes. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and
appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion.

32 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Statement of Financial Position
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited As on June 30, 2018
Notes Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Non-Current Assets 290,593,260 307,777,963
Property, Plant and Equipment 3.00 289,448,446 306,633,149
Security Deposits 4.00 1,144,814 1,144,814
Current Assets 135,620,971 131,717,871
Inventories 5.00 45,932,052 55,756,027
Sundry Receivables 6.00 87,095,999 67,171,045
Advance to employees & other 7.00 977,403 4,402,529
Cash and Cash Equivalents 8.00 1,615,517 4,388,270
TOTAL ASSETS 426,214,231 439,495,833
Shareholders' Equity 197,556,987 197,146,391
Issued Share Capital 9.00 178,678,000 178,678,000
General Reserve 10.00 8,162,461 8,162,461
Dividend Equalization Reserve 11.00 302,178 302,178
Retained Earnings 12.00 10,414,348 10,003,752
Non-Current Liabilities 33,075,794 33,972,056
Deferred Tax Liability 13.00 33,075,794 33,972,056
Current Liabilities 195,581,450 208,377,387
Short Term Loan 14.00 150,421,247 150,471,318
Sundry Creditors 15.00 5,313,532 6,869,003
Other Liabilities 16.00 12,209,895 27,225,212
Liabilities for Expenses 17.00 7,346,976 8,028,998
WPPF 18.00 1,168,602 589,045
Provision for Current Tax 19.00 11,019,105 9,581,142
Dividend Payable 20.00 8,102,093 5,612,668
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 426,214,231 439,495,833
Net Asset Value per share 27.01 11.06 11.03
The accompanying policies & explanatory notes 1-30 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Hubbun Nahar Hoque Mahmudul Hoque M. Abul Kalam Mazumd

Mazumdar Aniqa Haque M Jahangir
M. J h i Alam
Chairperson Managing Director Chief Financial Officer tor
Director Com
Company Secretary

Signed as per our separate report of same date.

Place: Dhaka Ahmed Zaker & Co
Date: 25 October, 2018 Chartered Accountants
ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 33
Statement of Profit or Loss &
Other Comprehensive Income
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited For the year ended June 30, 2018
Notes Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017

NET SALES REVENUE 21.00 183,033,671 181,421,784

Cost of Goods Sold 22.00 (150,453,165) (149,048,535)
GROSS PROFIT 32,580,506 32,373,249

Administrative Expenses 23.00 (16,135,226) (15,645,100)
Selling & Distribution Expenses 24.00 (2,461,245) (2,156,235)
Operating Profit 13,984,035 14,571,914

Financial Expenses 25.00 (1,813,304) (2,201,993)

Profit Before Contribution to WPPF 12,170,731 12,369,921

Contribution to WPPF (579,559) (589,044)

PROFIT BEFORE TAX 11,591,172 11,780,877
Tax Expenses:
Current Tax 19.00 (2,634,938) (2,443,898)
Deferred Tax 13.00 896,262 676,767
Net profit after tax for the year 9,852,496 10,013,745

Other comprehensive income - -

Total Comprehensive Income 9,852,496 10,013,745

Basic Earnings Per Share 26.01 0.55 0.56

The accompanying policies & explanatory notes 1-30 form an integral part of these Financial Statements.

Hubbun Nahar Hoque Mahmudul Hoque Mazumd

M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar Aniqa Haque M. Jahangir
M J h i Alam
Chairperson Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Director Company Secretary

Signed as per our separate report of same date.

Place: Dhaka Ahmed Zaker & Co
Date: 25 October, 2018 Chartered Accountants
34 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED
Statement of Changes in Equity
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited For the year ended June 30, 2018
Amount in Taka
Share Capital General Dividend Retained Total Equity
Reserve Equalization Earnings
Balance as on July 01, 2017 178,678,000 8,162,461 302,178 10,003,752 197,146,391
Net Profit for the year - - - 9,852,496 9,852,496
Dividend Paid/ Declared during the year - - - (9,441,900) (9,441,900)
Balance as on June 30, 2018 178,678,000 8,162,461 302,178 10,414,348 197,556,987

For the year ended June 30, 2017

Amount in Taka
Share Capital General Dividend Retained Total Equity
Reserve Equalization Earnings
Balance as on July 01, 2016 178,678,000 8,162,461 2,802,178 11,503,607 201,146,246
Net Profit for the year - - - 10,013,745 10,013,745
Dividend Equalization Reserve transfer to RE (2,500,000) 2,500,000 -
Dividend Paid/ Declared during the year - - - (14,013,600) (14,013,600)
Balance as on June 30, 2017 178,678,000 8,162,461 302,178 10,003,752 197,146,391

Hubbun Nahar Hoque Mahmudul Hoque M. Abul Kalam Mazumdar

Mazumd Aniqa Haque M. Jahangir
M J h i Alam
Chairperson Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Director Company Secretary

Signed as per our separate report of same date.

Place: Dhaka Ahmed Zaker & Co
Date: 25 October, 2018 Chartered Accountants
ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 35
Statement of Cash Flows
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited For the year ended 30 June, 2018
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Cash Flow from Operating Activities:
Cash Collection from Customers & other 163,108,718 197,410,838
Cash Paid to Suppliers & Employees (137,892,002) (171,771,710)
Cash Generated from Operations 25,216,716 25,639,128
Financial Expenses (19,369,307) (19,418,352)
Income Tax Paid (1,196,975) (1,968,480)
Net Cash Generated from Operating activities 4,650,434 4,252,296

Cash Flow from Investing Activities:

Acquisition of Plant, Machinery, Furniture and Equipment (420,640) -

Net Cash( Used)/ generated in Investing Activities (420,640) -

Cash Flow from Financing Activities:

Short Term Loan Received /(Repayment) (50,071) 4,786,087
Payment of Dividend (6,952,476) (11,514,611)
Net Cash flow/(used) in Financing Activities (7,002,547) (6,728,524)

Net Increase/(Decrease) in Cash & Cash Equivalent (2,772,753) (2,476,228)

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalent - -
Cash & Cash Equivalent at the beginning of year 4,388,270 6,864,498
Cash & Cash Equivalent at the closing of year 1,615,517 4,388,270

Net Operating Cash Flow per Share 0.26 0.24

Hubbun Nahar Hoque Mahmudul Hoque M. Abul Kalam Mazumd

Mazumdar Aniqa Haque M. Jahangir
M J h i Alam
Chairperson Managing Director Chief Financial Officer Director Company Secretary

Signed as per our separate report of same date.

Place: Dhaka Ahmed Zaker & Co
Date: 25 October, 2018 Chartered Accountants
36 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED
Notes to the
For the year ended on June 30, 2018

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 37

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
1.0 Material information of the entity: 2.3 Statement on Compliance of International Accounting Standards
1.1 Legal Status of the Company The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the
The Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited (hereinafter referred to as ‘the applicable International Accounting Standard (IASs) and International
company’), a member of Anlima Group, was incorporated in Financial Reporting Standard (IFRSs) adopted by the Institute of
Bangladesh as a private limited company on October 24, 1995. It Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB).
went for public issue of shares in 1997 and commenced commercial
operation on March 30, 1998. The shares of the company are listed 2.4 Going Concern
both in the Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges of Bangladesh. A company is required to make assessment at the end of each year to
assess its capability to continue as going concern. Management of the
1.2 Registered office of the company company makes such assessment each year. The company has adequate
The registered office of the company is located at Suite # 4/3, City resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future and has
Heart, 67, Naya Paltan, Dhaka – 1000 and the factory is located at wide coverage of its liabilities. For this reason, the Directors continue to
Karnapara, Savar. adopt the going concern assumption while preparing the financial
1.3 Nature of Business Activities
2.5 Accrual Basis
The company owns and operates a 100% export oriented yarn and
sewing thread dyeing facility. It produces sewing threads and The financial statements have been prepared, except cash flow
provides dyeing services to different knitting, weaving, sweater and information, using the accrual basis of accounting.
garments factories. The company employed 258 employees as of
June 30, 2018. 2.6 Reporting Period
The Financial year of the company covers a period of 12 months from 01
2.0 Basis of Preparation and Significant Accounting Policies July 2017 to June 30, 2018.
2.1 Basis of Measurement of Elements of Financial Position
2.7 Revenue
The financial statements have been prepared on the Historical Cost
convention basis and therefore, do not take into consideration the As per IAS 18, Revenue is recognized only when it is probable that the
effect of inflation. The accounting policies, unless otherwise stated, economic benefit of such transaction has been derived. Revenue
have been consistently applied by the Company and are consistent represents the invoice value of goods supplied to customers during the
with that of the previous year. year. Revenue from sale of goods is recognized in the Statement of Profit
or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income when the significant risks and
2.2 Statement on Compliance with Local Laws rewards of ownership have been transferred to the buyer. Revenue
represents invoiced value of yarn dyeing services and sewing thread sales,
The financial statements have been prepared in compliance with which are recognized when delivery invoices were made.
the requirements of the Companies Act, 1994, The Securities and
Exchange Rules, 1987 and other relevant local laws as applicable. IFRS 15 has replaced IAS 18 and effective for annual reporting for periods
beginning on or after January 01, 2018 with early adoption permitted.

38 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
IFRS 15: Revenue from Contracts with Customers, establishes a Subsequent Costs
comprehensive framework for determining whether, how much and The cost of replacing part of an item of property, plant and
when revenue is recognized. It supersedes existing recognition equipments is recognized in the carrying amount of an item if it is
guidelines, including IAS 18: Revenue, IAS 11: Construction Contracts probable that the future economic benefits embodied within the part
and IFRS 13: Customer Loyalty Programs. The company is assessing the will flow to the company and its cost can be measured reliably. The
potential impact of IFRS 15 on its financial statements. costs of the day-to-day servicing of property, plant and equipment are
recognized in the statement of comprehensive income as “Repair &
2.8 Cash and Cash Equivalent and Statement of Cash Flows Maintenance” when it is incurred.
Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash in-hand and in current
account that are readily convertible to a known amount of cash, and Depreciation on Fixed Assets
that are not subject to significant risk of change in value. Depreciation is provided to amortize the cost or valuation of the
The Statement of Cash Flows is prepared using the Direct Method as assets after commissioning, over the period of their expected useful
stipulated in International Accounting Standards (IAS) No. 7 lives, in accordance with the provisions of IAS 16: Property, Plant and
“Statement of Cash Flows” Equipment. Depreciation on addition of fixed asset begins when it is
available for use. Depreciation of an asset ceases at the earlier of the
2.9 Inventories date that the asset is classified as held for sale. Depreciation is charged
on all fixed assets except land and land developments on Reducing
Inventories comprises of Raw materials, Work-in-Process and Finished
Balance Method. Rates of depreciation are noted below:
goods. Raw materials have been valued at the lower of cost and net
realizable value in compliance with the requirement of IAS 2 Particular of Assets Rate of
“Inventories”. The cost is calculated on weighted average method. Depreciation
Work-in-Process has been valued at prime cost basis as required by Factory Building and Civil Construction 2.50%
IAS-2 with proportionate addition of Factory Overheads. Finished Plant and Machinery 6.67%
goods have been valued at cost of material and other production Electrical Installation 20.00%
overhead attributable to bringing the goods to the stage of sale under Furniture and Fixture 20.00%
the convention of IAS-2. Office Equipment 20.00%
Vehicle 20.00%
2.10 Property, Plant and Equipment
The gain or loss on disposal or retirement of assets is included in
Initial Recognition and measurement statement of profit or loss & other comprehensive income when the
Property, plant and equipment are capitalized at cost of acquisition item is disposed off/derecognized.
and subsequently stated at cost or valuation less accumulated
depreciation in compliance with the requirements of IAS 16: Property, 2.11 Impairment of Assets
Plant and Equipment. The cost of acquisition of an asset comprises its
All assets, except inventory, arising from construction contracts and
purchase price and any directly attributable cost of bringing the assets
financial assets is assessed at the end of each reporting period to
to its working condition for its intended use inclusive of inward freight,
determine whether there is any indication that an asset may be
duties, non-refundable taxes and un-allocated expenditures etc.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 39

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
impaired. If any such indication exists the company assesses the 2.13 Borrowing Cost
recoverable amount. Borrowing costs are interest and other costs that an entity incurs in
If, and only if, the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying connection with the borrowing of fund and are recognized as an
amount, the carrying amount of the asset is reduced to its recoverable expense in the year in which it incurs.
amount. The reduction is an impairment loss.
An impairment loss is recognized immediately in statement of profit or 2.14 Risk and uncertainty for use of estimates (Provisions)
loss & other comprehensive Income, unless the asset is carried at The preparation of Financial Statements in conformity with
revalued amount in accordance with another standard. Any International Accounting Standards requires management to make
impairment loss of a revalued asset is treated as a revaluation decrease. estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of
No such assets have been impaired during the year under audit and for revenue and expenses, assets and liabilities and disclosure
this reason no provision has been made for impairment of assets. requirements for contingent assets and liabilities during and the date
of the financial statements. Due to inherent uncertainty involved in
2.12 Foreign Currency Transactions making estimates, actual result reported could differ from those
Foreign currency transactions are recorded, on initial recognition in the estimates.
functional currency at the spot exchange rate ruling at the transaction In accordance with the guidelines in IAS – 37: “Provisions, Contingent
date. Liabilities and Contingent Assets”, provisions are recognized in the
following situations: -
At the end of each reporting period, in compliance with the provision s 7HENTHECOmpany has an obligation as a result of past events;
of IAS 21: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates are
determined as under: s When it is probable that an outflow of resources embodying
economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; and
(a) Foreign currency monetary items are translated using the closing rate.
s 2ELIABLEESTIMate can be made of the amount of the operation.
(b) Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historical costs
in a foreign currency are translated using the exchange rate at the 2.15 Accruals & Deferrals
date of the transaction.
Deferrals and accruals have been made as per the guidance in IAS 1:
(c) Non-monetary item that are measured at fair value in a foreign Presentation of Financial Statements. In order to meet their objectives,
currency is translated using the exchange rate at the date when Financial Statements, except for cash flow statement and related
the fair value is determined. information, are prepared on accrual basis of accounting. Under the
basis, the effects of transactions and other events are recognized when
Exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items or they occur (and not when cash or its equivalent is received or paid) and
on translating monetary Items at rate different from those at which they are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the
they were translated on initial recognition during the period or in Financial Statements of the years to which they relate.
previous financial statements is recognized in profit or loss in the
period in which they arise. There was no foreign currency balance as on Other Payables are not interest bearing and are stated at their nominal
balance sheet date. value.

40 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
2.16 Advances, Deposits and Prepayments 2.20 Related Party Disclosures
Advances are initially measured at cost. After initial The information as required by IAS 24: “Related party Disclosures” has been
recognition advances are carried at cost less deductions or disclosed separately in notes -28 to the financial statements.
adjustments. Deposits are measured at payment value.
Prepayments are initially measured at cost. After initial 2.21 Corporate Tax
recognition prepayments are carried at cost less charges to
the statement of comprehensive income. (a) Current Tax:
2.17 General Reserve Provision for current income tax has been made 15%, as prescribed in the SRO
193-Law/Income Tax/2015, dated: 01 July 2015, on the profit made by the
The amount represents reserve created during the tax holiday company making some adjustment as per ITO 1984 and in compliance with
period from 1998 to 2003 IAS-12: Income Tax. Current tax is recognized in statement of profit or loss &
other comprehensive income except to the extent that it relates to business
2.18 Financial Instruments
combination or item recognized directly in equity.
Non-derivative financial instruments comprise accounts and
other receivables, cash and cash equivalents, borrowings and (b) Deferred Tax
other payables and are shown at transaction cost.
Deferred tax liabilities are the amount of income taxes payable in future years in
Initial recognition respect of taxable temporary differences. Deferred tax assets are the amount of
income taxes recoverable in future years in respect of deductible temporary
An entity recognizes a financial assets or liabilities in its differences. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for the future tax
statement of financial position when, and only when, the consequences of timing differences arising between the carrying values of assets,
entity becomes a party to the contractual provision of the liabilities, income and expenditure and their respective tax bases. Deferred tax
instrument and subsequently recognized at their Amortized assets and liabilities are measured using tax rates and tax laws that have been
Cost. enacted or subsequently enacted at the reporting date. The impact on the
Bills receivable are recognized at cost or net realizable value account of changes in the deferred tax assets and liabilities for the year ended
from the ordinary course of sales in the market whichever is June 30, 2018 has been recognized in the statement of profit or loss & other
lower. Bills receivables from foreign currency transactions are comprehensive income as per IAS-12: Income Taxes.
recognized into Bangladeshi Taka using exchange rates
prevailing on the closing date of the accounts in accordance 2.22 Contingent Assets and Liabilities
with IAS-21: “The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange A contingent asset is disclosed when it is a possible asset that arises from the
Rates”. past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or
non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the
2.19 Segment Reporting
control of the entity. A contingent liability is disclosed when it is a possible
As the Company operates in a single industry segment, so no obligation that arises from the past events and whose existence will be
segment reporting is applicable for the Company as per IFRS 8: confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain
”Operating Segments”. future events not wholly within the control of the entity. The company has no

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 41

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
contingent assets or liabilities which require disclosure under IAS: 37. A 2.24 Re-arrangement of figures:
contingent assets is disclosed as per IAS 37, where an inflow of or The company has not re-arranged any figure in previous year's financial
economic benefits is probable. A contingent liability is disclosed unless statements.
the possibility of an outflow of resources embodying economic
benefits is remote. 2.25 Application of International Accounting Standards (IASs &
2.23 Earnings per Share
The Financial Statements have been prepared in compliance with
The company calculates Earnings Per Share (EPS) in accordance with requirement of IAS/IFRS as adopted by The Institute of Chartered
the requirement of IAS 33: Earnings per Share, which has been shown Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) and applicable in Bangladesh. The
on the face of the Statement of Comprehensive Income. following standards are applicable for the financial statements for the
period under review:
Basic earnings:
IAS- 1 Presentation of Financial Statements
This represents earnings for the period ended June 30, 2018 IAS- 2 Inventories
attributable to the ordinary shareholders. . As there was no preference IAS- 7 Statement of Cash Flows
dividend, minority interest or extra ordinary items, the net profit/loss IAS- 8 Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and
for the year has been considered as fully attributable to ordinary Errors
shareholders. IAS- 10 Events after the Reporting Period
Weighted Average Number of Ordinary Shares: IAS- 12 Income Taxes
This represent the number of ordinary shares outstanding at the IAS- 16 Property, Plant and Equipment
beginning of the year plus the number of ordinary shares issued during IAS- 18 Revenue
the year multiplied by a time-weighting factor. The time-weighting IAS- 23 Borrowing Costs
factor is the numbers of days the specific shares are outstanding as a IAS- 24 Related Party Disclosures
proportion of the total number of days in the period. IAS- 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation
IAS- 33 Earnings Per Share (EPS)
Basic earnings per share: IAS- 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement
IFRS-7 Financial Instruments: Disclosures
This has been calculated by dividing the basic earning by the weighted
IFRS-13 Fair value measurement
average number of ordinary shares outstanding for the period.
2.26 Authorization date for issuing Financial Statements
Diluted Earnings Per Share:
The financial statements were authorized for issue by Board of
Diluted EPS is calculated if there is any commitment for issuance of Directors on 25 October, 2018.
equity shares in foreseeable future, i.e., potential shares, without inflow
of resources to the Company against such issue. Dilution of EPS is not 2.27 Reporting Currency
applicable for these financial statements as there was no dilutive
The financial statements are prepared and presented in Bangladesh
potential at the reporting date.
Currency (Taka), which is the company’s functional currency.

42 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
2.28 Structure, Content and Presentation of Financial Position 2.29.2 Industry Risks
Being the general purpose financial statements, the presentation of (a) Market demand:
these financial statements is in accordance with the guidelines The products of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited are sold to international
provided by IAS 1: Presentation of Financial Statements. A complete set market. The Company’s products are inputs to the country’s textile
of financial statements comprise: exporters. Their demand for products mostly depends upon export
i) Statement of Financial Position as at June 30, 2018. orders of the textile sector. Any economic recession, changes in tastes
ii) Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income for the and fashions of the consumers, national income and other related
year ended June 30, 2018. factors may cause to decline the market demand for the products of
iii) Statement of Changes in Equity for the year ended June 30, 2018. the company.
iv) Statement of Cash Flows for the year ended June 30, 2018.
v) Notes comprising a summary of significant accounting policies Management Perception:
and other explanatory information to the Financial Statements for Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited always gives values to its customers’
the year ended June 30, 2018. satisfaction and changes in tastes and fashion. Therefore, its expert
vi) Comparative Statement of Financial Position of June 30, 2017. team promptly dedicates their creativity and research work to respond
any changes in customers’ demand and product diversifications.
2.29 Risk Exposure
2.29.1 Exchange Rate Risk (b) Competition:
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited is engaged in global trade as it procures its Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited is operating in a free market economy
raw materials from overseas markets. Therefore, fluctuations in the regime. The company might have to face stiff competition from its
related foreign currency rates may affect adversely to the company’s competitors.
liquidity and profitability and expose a threat to the stability of the
Company. Management Perception:
Bangladesh is the prime source of cheapest garments in the world,
Management Perception: earning comparative advantages for its industries over their global
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited settles its foreign transaction through US competitors. In addition, the management of Anlima Yarn Dyeing
Dollars in case of both export and import. While the value of functional Limited employs their efficiencies; expertise and discretions to
currency fluctuates, the loss or gain on currency fluctuation for export minimize the cost of its products.
automatically sets off against the loss or gain on currency fluctuation
for import. As the value of export is always greater than the value of (c) Rising of Raw Materials costs:
import, some balance is created in the foreign currency transaction. The cost of yarn and other chemicals are rising gradually and drastically
Movement in the exchange rate adversely may expose the company to round the year. It may hamper the profitability of the company to a
risks of foreign currency loss. greater extent.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 43

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Management Perception: (b) Possible slowdown in economic growth in Bangladesh:
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited is aware of the continuing market situation Our performance and growth are dependent on the sound health of
of its raw materials. The management of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited the Bangladesh economy. The economy could be adversely affected
believes that long term planning for raw material management, by various factors such as political or regulatory action, including
exploring number of global markets, job wise costing for its finished adverse changes in liberalization policies, social disturbances,
products and trustworthy relations with the suppliers and mitigate the terrorist attacks and other acts of violence or war, natural calamities,
risk of rising of materials cost. commodity and energy prices and various other factors. Any
significant change may adversely affect our business and economy
2.29.3 Risks steaming from technological changes: significantly.
Changes in technologies may reduce the cost efficiency of the company.

Management perception:
Management Perception:
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited applies the latest technology in the yarn
process in the production. The machineries and equipment of the Bangladesh economy is booming for last few years. Consistent
company are also the latest invention in the sector which is imported industrial growth along with increased agricultural production has
from renowned manufacturers of the world. made the Per Capita Income higher than that of recent years. In
addition, favorable government policies and industry friendly policies
2.29.4 Other risk factors: by other regulatory bodies have proved to be congenial to the
economy of the country.
(a) Political Unrest:
Bangladesh is prone to serious unrest in the political condition (c) Natural calamities:
embraced by Strike, Road-Block and many other politicized barriers to Bangladesh is a country where recurrent natural calamities take place
the business. Due to these factors it would stem the cost of the product every year. It is a serious threat to the business.
Management perception:
Management Perception:
This type of situation is totally beyond the control of human being.
During the last forty one years of post-independence period, Bangladesh Though the management of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited has a very
has gone through a variety of political situations. But presently, a sound little to do with, it can and should have some precautions or measures
political atmosphere is prevailing in the country. Both the ruling and to minimize the damage of the business in such situations. The
opposition parties are committed to the betterment of the country. Last company complies with all applicable compliances and adequately
democratic national assembly election and local council polls are insured from a reputed insurance company of the country.
instances of peaceful political situation in Bangladesh.

44 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
3.00 Property, Plant & Equipment
Opening balance at cost 639,205,919 639,205,919
Add : Addition during the year 420,640 -
639,626,559 639,205,919
Add : Disposed / Sold during the year - -
Total - A 639,626,559 639,205,919
Opening balance 332,572,770 313,647,940
Charged during the year 17,605,343 18,924,830
350,178,113 332,572,770
Adjusted during the year - -
Total - B 350,178,113 332,572,770
Written Down Value (A-B) 289,448,446 306,633,149

4.00 Security Deposit

Bangladesh Telecommunications Company Ltd (BTCL) 18,500 18,500
Mobile Operators (Different Operators) 15,000 15,000
Titas Gas Transmission and Distribution Co. Ltd. 459,325 459,325
Rural Electrification Board (REB) 351,989 351,989
Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd. (CDBL) 300,000 300,000
Total 1,144,814 1,144,814

5.00 Inventories
This consists of:
Raw Materials 5.01 35,234,602 29,719,933
Finished Goods 5.02 8,645,349 5,104,303
Packing Materials 5.03 901,418 739,108
Work-in -Process 791,481 1,083,032
Spares & Stores 359,202 2,916,329
L/C in Transit - 16,193,321
Total 45,932,052 55,756,027

Item wise value and quantity of raw materials stock position are given below:

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 45

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.) Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.)
5.01 Raw Materials
Dyes 27,137 16,205,180 27,741 13,373,238
Chemicals 32,977 4,362,370 82,346 7,387,069
Grey Polyester Yarn 65,885 14,667,052 50,114 8,959,626
Total 126,000 35,234,602 160,202 29,719,933

5.02 Finished Goods

Yarn dyeing 20,330 2,228,629 6,881 1,260,998
Sewing Thread 17,831 6,416,720 10,656 3,843,305
Total 38,160 8,645,349 17,537 5,104,303


Poly Bag -ST (Kg) 650 175,585 592 150,203
Plastic Cone (PCs) 78,000 93,600 17,800 21,360
Paper Cone (PCs) 140,500 168,600 177,000 212,400
Paper Tube (PCs) 23,580 88,425 21,735 81,547
Poly Bag - YD (KG) 1,100 206,624 560 101,028
Cartoon - ST (PCs) 2,300 45,425 8,029 158,573
Textile Wax (PCs) 3,181 21,185 2,115 13,997
Plastic Bag (PCs) 3,500 101,974 - -
Total 252,811 901,418 227,831 739,108

6.00 Sundry Receivables

Opening 67,171,045 83,160,099
Add: Sales during the year 183,033,672 181,421,784
250,204,717 264,581,883
Less: Received during the year 163,108,718 197,410,838
Total 87,095,999 67,171,045

6.01 Disclosure as per Schedule-XI, Part -I, of The Companies Act, 1994
Maturity less than 6 months 87,095,999 67,171,045
Maturity more than 6 months - -
Total 87,095,999 67,171,045

Debts considered Good & Secured 87,095,999 67,171,045

Debts considered Good without security - -
Debts considered doubtful & bad - -
Debts due by directors or other officers & staffs - -
Debts due from companies under same management - -
Maximum debt due by directors or officers & staffs at any time - -

46 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017

7.00 Advance to employee and Others

Employee Loans & Advances 523,829 720,833
Prepaid Expenses 453,574 -
Receivable against raw materials - 3,681,696
Total 977,403 4,402,529
7.01 Disclosure as per Schedule-XI, Part -I, of the Companies Act, 1994
Maturity less than 6 months - -
Maturity more than 6 months 977,404 4,402,529
Total 977,404 4,402,529
Debts considered Good & Secured - -
Debts considered Good without security - -
Debts considered doubtful & bad - -
Debts due by directors or other officers & staffs 523,829 4,402,529
Debts due from companies under same management - -
Maximum debt due by directors or officers & staffs at any time - -
8.00 Cash & Cash Equivalent
Cash in Hand 972,921 76,542
Cash at Banks in Current Account : 642,596 4,311,728
Dutch Bangla Bank Ltd. -A/C No. - 101-110-25253 619,278 4,245,158
National Bank Ltd. - A/C No. 0233148219 1,685 2,835
Sonali Bank Ltd. - A/C No. 442633012934 20,258 61,209
United Commercial Bank Ltd. - A/C No. 000111000 97386 1,375 2,525
Total 1,615,517 4,388,270
9.00 Share capital
Authorized Capital:
20,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 10/- each 200,000,000 200,000,000
Issued, Subscribed & Paid-up Capital :
Ordinary Shares of Tk.10/- each fully paid-up in cash by Sponsors 84,384,000 84,384,000
Ordinary Shares of Tk.10/- each fully paid-up in cash by General public 77,262,630 81,001,030
Ordinary Shares of Tk.10/- each fully Paid-up in cash by Institution 17,031,370 13,292,970
Total 178,678,000 178,678,000

Composition of Shareholdings: No. of Shares

Sponsors 8,438,400 8,438,400
General Public 7,726,263 8,100,103
Institute 1,703,137 1,329,297
Total 17,867,800 17,867,800

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 47

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)

Distribution Schedule - Disclosures under the Listing Regulations of Stock Exchanges:

The distribution schedule showing the number of shareholders and their shareholdings in percentage has been disclosed below as per
requirement of the Listing Regulations of Dhaka and Chittagong Stock Exchanges:
No. of Shareholders % of Shareholding Number of Shares
Shareholders' range
2017-2018 2016-2017 2017-2018 2017-2018 2016-2017
1 to 500 2,828 2,776 6% 1,041,336 1,057,016
501 to 5,000 1,080 1,176 12% 2,135,428 2,336,220
5,001 to 10,000 175 189 7% 1,326,021 1,398,830
10,001 to 20,000 98 82 8% 1,410,609 1,154,447
20,001 to 30,000 32 20 4% 794,071 463,598
30,001 to 40,000 12 7 2% 405,108 247,700
40,001 to 50,000 11 4 3% 491,436 189,307
50,001 to 1,00,000 7 7 3% 472,744 413,494
1,00,001 to 10,00,000 7 11 12% 2,089,647 2,901,288
Over 10,00,000 2 2 43% 7,701,400 7,705,900
Total 4,252 4,274 100% 17,867,800 17,867,800

Performance of Anlima's Shares at Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) and Chittagong Stock Exchange (CSE) during 2017-18
Particulars DSE CSE
Code 441 225
Number of shares traded during the year 57,503,210 3,888,240
Price Movements:
Highest 42.80 44.80
Lowest 27.40 28.00
Closing Price as on June 30, 2018 33.20 32.90
Market Capitalization 593,210,960 587,850,620

Voting Rights:
The rights and privileges of the shareholders are stated in the Articles of Association of the company.

48 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
10.00 General Reserve
The amount carried forward from previous year. 8,162,461 8,162,461
Total 8,162,461 8,162,461

11.00 Dividend Equalization Reserve

Balance carried from previous year 302,178 2,802,178
Less: Dividend Equalization Reserve transfer to RE - (2,500,000)
Total 302,178 302,178

12.00 Retained Earning

Opening balance 10,003,752 11,503,607
Add: Net Profit after Tax for the year 9,852,496 10,013,745
Dividend Equalization Reserve transfer to RE - 2,500,000
19,856,248 24,017,352
Less: Dividend declared during the year (9,441,900) (14,013,600)
Total 10,414,348 10,003,752

13.00 Deferred Tax Liabilities

Deferred tax liabilities:

As at 30 June 2018 Carrying Tax base Taxable/ deductible

amount temporary difference
Property, Plant and Equipment (except land) 269,355,859 48,850,565 220,505,294
Revaluation surplus - Property, Plant and Equipment - - -
Total taxable temporary difference 269,355,859 48,850,565 220,505,294
Tax on business income 15%
Closing deferred tax liabilities/(assets)-at cost 33,075,794
Total closing deferred tax liabilities/(assets) 33,075,794
Opening deferred tax liabilities/(assets)-at cost 33,972,056
Total opening deferred tax liabilities/(assets) 33,972,056
Deferred tax expense/(income)-at cost (896,262)
Total deferred tax expense/(income) (896,262)

* During the year under consideration no revaluation was done.

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 49

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
As at 30 June 2017 Carrying Tax base Taxable/deductible
amount temporary difference
Property, Plant and Equipment (except land) 286,540,562 60,060,189 226,480,372
Revaluation surplus - Property, Plant and Equipment - - -
Total taxable temporary difference 286,540,562 60,060,189 226,480,372
Tax on business income 15%
Closing deferred tax liabilities/(assets)-at cost 33,972,056
Total closing deferred tax liabilities/(assets) 33,972,056
Opening deferred tax liabilities/(assets)-at cost 34,648,823
Total opening deferred tax liabilities/(assets) (Restated) 34,648,823
Deferred tax expense/(income)-at cost (676,767)
Total deferred tax expense/(income) (676,767)

Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
14.00 Short Term Loan
Cash Credit, Sonali Bank 150,421,247 150,471,868
Dhaka Bank - (550)
Total 150,421,247 150,471,318
* These are secured by first charge on the inventories, second charge on the fixed assets of
the company and third charge on Conifer Tower apartments (4444 sft ) of the Group’s sister
concern Anlima Buildtech Limited. The interest rate applied to the loan is 13.00% per annum.

15.00 Sundry Creditors

Sundry Creditors 2,529,441 746,036
Payable for Purchase of raw materials 2,784,091 6,122,967
Total 5,313,532 6,869,003

16.00 Other Liabilities

Anlima Textile Limited 12,209,895 27,225,212
Total 12,209,895 27,225,212

17.00 Liabilities for Expenses & Provision

Salary & Wages Payable 4,204,149 5,250,958
Office Rent Payable - 68,400
Provision for Utilities 1,338,704 1,878,803
Provision for Audit Fee 90,004 90,004
Other Accrued Expenses 640,301 391,751
Provident Fund 1,073,818 349,082
Total 7,346,976 8,028,998

50 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
18.00 WPPF
Opening Balance 589,043 2,327,133
Add: Addition during the year 579,559 589,044
1,168,602 2,916,177
Less: Paid during the year - 2,327,132
Total 1,168,602 589,045

19.00 Provision for Current Tax

Opening Balance 9,581,142 9,105,724
Add: Provision during the year Note: 19.01 2,634,938 2,443,898
12,216,080 11,549,622
Less: Tax Paid (1,196,975) (1,968,480)
Total 11,019,105 9,581,142

19.01 Provision during the year

Profit before tax 11,591,173 11,780,877
Add: Accounting Depreciation 17,605,343 18,924,830
Less: Depreciation as per tax rules (11,630,265) (14,413,051)
Taxable income for the year 17,566,251 16,292,656
Rate of Tax 15% 15%
Tax on Business 2,634,938 2,443,898
Add: Additional Provision - -
Total Provision for the year 2,634,938 2,443,898

20.00 Dividend Payable

Opening Balance 5,612,668 3,113,679
Add: Dividend declared during the year 9,441,900 14,013,600
15,054,568 17,127,279
Less: Paid During the year (6,952,476) (11,514,611)
Closing Balance 8,102,093 5,612,668

30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.) Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.)
21.00 Turnover
Yarn Dyeing Charges 720,430 104,026,808 832,195 115,863,463
Sale of Sewing Thread 198,621 79,006,863 167,154 65,558,321
Total 919,051 183,033,672 999,349 181,421,784

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 51

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
22.00 Cost of Goods Sold
Raw Materials Consumed 22.01 61,753,135 56,289,062
Packing Materials Consumed 22.02 8,797,234 9,631,292
Manufacturing Overhead 22.03 65,688,101 66,586,145
Depreciation 17,464,190 18,750,921
Cost of Goods Manufactured 153,702,660 151,257,420
Add: Opening Work-In-Process 1,083,032 854,164
Less: Closing Work-In-Process 791,481 1,083,032
Cost of Production 153,994,211 151,028,551
Add: Opening Stock of Finished Goods 5,104,303 3,124,287
Cost of Goods available for Sale 159,098,514 154,152,839
Less: Closing Stock of Finished Goods 8,645,349 5,104,303
Cost of Goods Sold 150,453,165 149,048,535

22.01 Raw Material Consumed

Dyes 22.01.01 6,885,239 8,967,919
Chemicals 22.01.02 13,685,600 17,170,388
Grey Polyester Yarn 22.01.03 41,182,296 30,150,755
Total 61,753,135 56,289,062

30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.) Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.)
22.01.01 Dyes Consumed
Opening Inventory 27,741 13,373,238 22,169 15,127,504
Add: Purchase 14,318 9,717,181 25,913 7,213,653
Available for use 42,059 23,090,419 48,082 22,341,157
Less: Closing Inventory 27,137 16,205,180 27,741 13,373,238
Consumed 14,922 6,885,239 20,341 8,967,919

22.01.02 Chemicals Consumed

Opening Inventory 82,346 7,387,069 67,840 6,945,331
Add: Purchase 265,224 10,660,901 32,666 17,612,126
Available for use 347,570 18,047,970 600,506 24,557,457
Less: Closing Inventory 32,977 4,362,370 82,346 7,387,069
Consumed 314,593 13,685,600 518,160 17,170,388

52 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.) Quantity(Kg) Value(Tk.)
22.01.03 Grey Polyester Yarn Consumed
Opening Inventory 50,114 8,959,626 63,985 11,128,216
Add: Purchase 198,777 46,889,722 148,279 27,982,165
Available for use 248,891 55,849,348 212,264 39,110,381
Less: Closing Inventory 65,885 14,667,052 50,114 8,959,626
Consumed 183,005 41,182,296 162,150 30,150,755

Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017
22.02 Packing Materials Consumed
Opening Inventory 739,108 913,790
Add: Purchase 8,959,544 9,456,610
Available for use 9,698,652 10,370,400
Less: Closing Inventory 901,418 739,108
Consumed 8,797,234 9,631,292

22.03 Manufacturing Overhead

Utilities 9,063,212 7,608,514
Wages & Salaries 36,821,677 39,614,781
Fuel and Car Expenses 955,653 912,661
Insurance Premium 110,478 180,759
Factory Office Refreshment 449,307 439,874
Conveyance 93,090 39,363
Factory Stationery, Telephone & Fax 275,268 94,589
Printing & Publication 363,413 479,245
Interest on Working Capital Loan 17,556,003 17,216,359
Total 65,688,101 66,586,145

23.00 Administrative Expenses

Depreciation on Furniture & Fixture and Equipment 35,288 86,955
Utilities 236,070 219,613
Office Consumable Expenses 182,005 161,790
Fuel and Car Expenses 477,190 370,213
Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 10,057,701 9,266,771
Employer PF Contribution 1,444,918 2,011,104
Conveyance & Travelling 103,615 263,332
Office Rent, Rate & Taxes 172,650 144,000
Postage, Telephone, Mobile Bill & E-mail 597,473 507,601

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 53

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017

Audit Fee 115,000 100,000

Other Professional Fee 17,250 76,250
Donation & Subscription 53,900 127,500
Stationery & Consumables 216,035 216,722
Office expenses 232,635 384,221
Office Refreshment 184,974 191,656
License Renewal and Listing Fees 710,135 373,827
A.G.M. Expenses 1,247,787 1,086,045
Board Meeting attending fee 50,600 57,500
Total 16,135,226 15,645,100

24.00 Selling & Distribution Expenses

Depreciation on Furniture & Fixture and Equipment 105,865 86,955
Fuel Expenses 609,762 454,457
Delivery Expenses 335,494 599,500
Promotional Expenses 95,000 68,334
Salaries, Allowances & Benefits 820,210 817,087
Office Refreshment 7,330 5,375
Conveyance & Travelling 426,539 107,355
Telephone & Mobile bill 61,045 17,172
Total 2,461,245 2,156,235

25.00 Financial Expenses

Bank Charges & Commission 1,813,304 2,201,993
Total 1,813,304 2,201,993

26.00 Basic Earnings Per Share (EPS) Disclosure Under BAS 33 "Earnings Per Share" :

26.01 Basic Earnings Per Share

The Computation of EPS is given below:
Net profit for the year 9,852,497 10,013,745
Weighted average number of Shares at June 30 ( Note-26.02) 17,867,800 17,867,800
Basic EPS 0.55 0.56

26.02 Weighted average /Total existing number of shares :

Opening number of shares outstanding [considered FV Tk.10 each] 17,867,800 17,867,800
Add - Issued during the year - -
17,867,800 17,867,800

54 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)
Amount in Taka
30.06.2018 30.06.2017

26.03 Number of Outstanding shares :

Opening number of shares outstanding [considered FV Tk.10 each] 17,867,800 17,867,800
Add - Issued during the year - -
17,867,800 17,867,800

27.00 NAV per Share :

27.01 NAV per Share with revaluation :

Shareholders' Equity 197,556,988 197,146,391
Number of ordinary Shares Outstanding 17,867,800 17,867,800
Net Asset Value - NAV 11.06 11.03

27.02 Cash flows from operating activities

Statement of Cash Flows have been prepared in accordance with IAS 7 "Statement of Cash Flows"
and the cash flows from the operating activities are shown under indirect method as activities

Reconciliation of Cash Flows from operating activities

Sales Revenue 183,033,671 181,421,784
Add: Opening Sundry Receivables 67,171,045 83,160,099
Less: Closing Sundry Receivables (87,095,999) (67,171,045)
Less: Cost of Goods Sold (150,453,165) (149,048,535)
Less: Administrative Exp. (16,135,226) (15,645,100)
Less: Selling Exp. (2,461,245) (2,156,235)
Add: Depreciation 17,605,343 18,924,830
Add: Decrease/(Increase) in Inventory 9,823,974 (17,662,735)
Add: Decrease/(Increase) in Advance & Deposits 3,425,126 (3,438,691)
Add: Decrease/(Increase) Liabilities for Expenses (682,022) 1,791,997
Less: Decrease in other Liabilities (15,015,317) (24,220,843)
Add: Decrease/(Increase) Sundry Creditors (1,555,471) 4,794,375
Less: WPPF paid - (2,327,133)
Add: Interest on working capital loan 17,556,003 17,216,359
Less: Financial Expenses (19,369,307) (19,418,352)
Less: Income Tax Paid (1,196,975) (1,968,480)
4,650,434 4,252,296

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 55

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)

28.00 Related party disclosures:

The details of related party transactions during the year along with the relationship is illustrated below in accordance with IAS 24 :
Particulars Jul'17-Jun'18 Jul'16-Jun'17
Name of the party Relationship with Company Transacted
Nature of transaction amount Transacted
in BDT amount in BDT
Mrs. Hubbun Nahar Hoque Director Board meeting fee 11,500 9,200
Mr. Mahmudul Hoque Director Board meeting fee 11,500 9,200
Remuneration - 1,150,376
Mr. M Abul Kalam Mazumdar Chief Financial Officer
Board meeting fee - 9,200
Mrs. Aniqa Haque Director Board meeting fee 9,200 2,300
Mr. Alwi M Haque Director Board meeting fee 6,900 2,300
Mr. Md. Abul Bashar Director Board meeting fee - 6,900
Mr. Ahmed Ullah Independent Director Board meeting fee 11,500 9,200
M. Jahangir Alam Company Secretary Board meeting fee - 9,200
Anlima Textile Limited Sister Concern Inter Company 12,209,895 27,225,112

a) Mr. Mahmudul Hoque is the Managing Director of both Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited and Anlima Textile Limited.
b) Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited does not hold any share of Anlima Textile Limited.
c) No provisions for doubtful debts related to the amount of outstanding balances are maintained.

29.00 Disclosure of managerial remuneration:

29.01 The total amount of remuneration paid to the top five salaried Officers of the company during the year is as follows :

Name Designation Jul'17-Jun'18 Jul'16-Jun'17

Mr. Sumayel Muhammad Malik Vice President (Production) (Till Dec.'17) 846,300 1,757,700
Mr. M Abul Kalam Mazumdar Chief Financial Officer 1,155,269 1,150,376
Mr. Mohd. Nurun Nabi Asstt. Vice President (A &F) 769,150 768,150
Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman First Asstt. Vice President (IT) 769,150 768,150
Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman Chow. First Astt. Vice President (Marketing) 623,000 607,500

29.02 Aggregate amount of remuneration paid to all Officers during the accounting year is as follows :
Particulars Nature of Payment Jul'17-Jun'18 Jul'16-Jun'17
Directors Board meeting fee 50,600 57,500
Officers & Executives Salary, bonus & other allowances 19,619,344 22,002,652

56 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Notes to the Financial Statements (Contd..)

29.03 Aggregate amount of compensation other than remunaration to key management personnel:
Particulars Jul'17-Jun'18 Jul'16-Jun'17
Short-term employee benfits - -
Post-employment benefits - -
Other long-term benefits - -
Termination benefits - -
Share-based payment - -

30.00 Event After Reporting Period (Balance Sheet Date):

The board of directors has recommended cash dividend for General Shareholders only, (Excluding Directors) @ Tk. 1.00 per share
(10% cash) on paid up capital for the year ended June 30, 2018 as per approval of Board Meeting held on October 25, 2018 . The
dividend shall be paid subject to the approval of shareholders in forthcoming the Annual General Meeting (AGM).

ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED Annual Report 2017-2018 57

Property, Plant & Equipment Annexure-E
As on June 30, 2018
(Amount in Taka)
Cost Depreciation

Particulars Opening Addition Disposal Total as at Rate of Opening Charged Total as at Written Down
Balance as at during the during the 30.06. 2018 deprecia Balance as at during the 30.06. 2018 Value as at
01.07.2017 year year tion 01.07. 2017 year 30.06.2018

Land and Land Development 20,092,587 - - 20,092,587 - - - - 20,092,587

Factory Building and Civil Construction 69,262,496 - - 69,262,496 2.50% 20,425,514 1,220,925 21,646,439 47,616,057
Plant and Machinery 514,583,502 96,000 - 514,679,502 6.67% 280,714,933 15,600,777 296,315,710 218,363,792
Electrical Installation 7,094,539 273,000 - 7,367,539 20.00% 6,636,163 104,264 6,740,427 627,112
Furniture and Fixture 14,019,744 35,640 - 14,055,384 20.00% 13,240,197 158,761 13,398,957 656,427
Office Equipment 7,199,154 16,000 - 7,215,154 20.00% 6,587,425 123,546 6,710,971 504,183
Vehicle 6,953,897 - - 6,953,897 20.00% 4,968,538 397,072 5,365,610 1,588,287
Total as on Jun. 30, 2018 639,205,919 420,640 - 639,626,559 332,572,770 17,605,343 350,178,113 289,448,446

Total as on June 30, 2017 639,205,919 - - 639,205,919 - 313,647,940 18,924,830 332,572,770 306,633,149

The depreciation charges during the year has been allocated in the Statement of Profit or Loss & Other Comprehensive Income as below:

Head of Accounts Factory Plant & Electrical Furniture & Equipment Vehicle Total
Building Machinery Installation Fixture
Cost of Sales 1,220,925 15,600,777 104,264 79,380 61,773 397,072 17,464,190
Administrative - - - 19,845 15,443 - 35,288
Marketing - - - 59,535 46,330 - 105,865
Total 1,220,925 15,600,777 104,264 158,761 123,546 397,072 17,605,343

58 Annual Report 2017-2018 ANLIMA YARN DYEING LIMITED

Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited
Registered Office: Suite # 4/3, City Heart, 67 Naya Paltan, Dhaka-1000. Registered Office: Suite # 4/3, City Heart, 67 Naya Paltan, Dhaka-1000.


I/We of I hereby record my attendance at the 23rd Annual General Meeting of

the company to be held on Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 10:30 a.m.
being a member of Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited, do hereby appoint Mr./Mrs./Ms at Factory Premises, Karnapara, Savar, Dhaka-1340.
Name of the Shareholder/Proxy
as my/our proxy to attend and vote for me/us on my behalf at the 23rd Annual General Meeting of the
company to be held on Thursday, December 20, 2018 at 10:30 a.m. at Factory Premises, Karnapara, Savar,
BO/ Folio No.
As witness my hand this day of 2018.

Tk. 20/-

(Signature of the Proxy) (Signature of the Shareholder) (Signature of the Shareholder/Proxy)

Dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
BO/ Folio . . . . . . ......................................

Dated . . . . . . . . . . . ......................................
Signature Verified

Authorized Signatory
Note: Note:
A member entitled to attend and vote at the general meeting may appoint a proxy to attend and vote in his/her stead. The proxy Shareholders attending the meeting in person or by proxy are requested to complete
form, duly stamped, must be deposited at the Registered Office of the company not later than 48 hours before the time fixed for the the attendance slip and hand it over at the entrance of the meeting hall. The respected
meeting. shareholders are requested to note that entry of non-member is restricted.
design & print Orchi Logistics
Suite # 4/3, City Heart, 67 Naya Paltan
Anlima Yarn Dyeing Limited Dhaka-1000, Bangladesh
Phone: +880-2-49349881-4, 9341373, 48317216
Fax: +880-2-48317184
Web :

Scan with a QR
code reader to Karnapara, Savar, Dhaka-1340, Bangladesh

about the Phone: +880-2-7745007, 7746095, 7745009
company Fax: +880-2-7748614, 7746095

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