Module 1 - Lesson 2 Application
Module 1 - Lesson 2 Application
Module 1 - Lesson 2 Application
Learner Worksheet2
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BanaAlabedwasjustthree-years-oldwhenthewarstartedinSyria.Shewasliving in
Aleppo with her family when bombs started to drop around her. She says the
worst moment for her is remembering when her best friend Yasmin died after an
air attack in theirneighbourhood.
"TheywerediggingandtheyheldabodyanditwasYasmin.Shewaslikesleeping, but
she wasn't. She wasdead."
In 2016, the city of Aleppo came under siege. The roads in and out were blocked
cutting off food and supplies. The family had stockpiled some rice and macaroni
and ate that every day as the bombs continued to fall around them.
It was during this siege that Bana, with the help of her mom Fatemah, started
sending messages out, on social media.
"Today my school bombed, my home bombed, my friend died, and my mom and
me decided to tweeting," says Alabed.
1| P a g e
“I am very afraid I will die tonight. This bombs will kill me now”. – Bana #Aleppo
1:00 AM – Oct 3, 2016
Alabed’s posts helped bring a seemingly intractable civil war into the perspective
of a child’s eyes view. It was December of 2016 when Alabed was able to leave
Aleppo during a ceasefire. She remembers the moment when they finally got to
eat something other than rice and macaroni.
Now Alabed lives in Turkey with her mom, dad and two younger brothers. She’s
back at school and wants to be a teacher. She still misses Syria and hopes to be
able to go home one day.
Meanwhile,hermomFatemahmarvelsathowbraveandstrongherdaughterwas during
1. How is war depicted in the eyes of a child as shown in the town of Aleppo,
2. How are the interplay of Globalization through technology and the horrors
of war depicted in the case? How vital was thiscorrelation?
3. How did Globalization, through social media awakened and moved people
from around the world to the harsh conditions of the people inSyria?
4. ConsiderthewarinMarawi,ifyouweretrappedinthemidstofthewarand armed
with mobile phone with a battery almost dying out, give at least 3 tweets or
FB posts that you would like to tell the world at the moment and explain
your reasons foreach.
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Learner Activity Worksheets once you reach the prescribed Learning Checkpoint. If you
have Internet connectivity, you may answer directly on the online version of this
worksheet through the University VirtualEnvironment.
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