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Concurpia Thanksgiving Activities

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A Cornucopia

of Thanksgiving Activities
Table of Contents

Make an Apple Turkey 1

Edible, Personalized Cornucopia 2–3

of Appreciation

Tissue Box Thanksgiving Turkey 4

Family Tree Nametags 5

Write a Thanksgiving Proclamation 6–7

The Meaning of Thanksgiving: 8

A Hat Full of Thankful

Corn Kernal Necklace 9

Do Some Cranberry Sauce Science 10

Make An Apple Turkey
This is a great craft to keep kids engaged in the spirit of
Thanksgiving. All you need are a few apples, some toothpicks,
marshmallows and raisins and you're all set! When they’re
done, the kids will have made a fabulous table decoration
everyone can enjoy.

What You Need: What You Do:

• Large, red apple 1. Place the apple on a flat surface and remove the stem as close
• Large and mini-sized to the apple as possible.
marshmallows (one large, 2. Carefully poke a toothpick into the apple on the outer rim
at least 20 small) behind where the stem was.
• Toothpicks (seven per
3. Keep placing the toothpicks in this fashion until you have six of
apple should be enough, them fanning out behind the stem to represent the tail feathers
but have extras on hand (three clustered on one side and three on the other).
in case they break!)
4. Once the toothpicks are in place, slide a raisin onto the first one,
• Raisins (15–30)
then a mini marshmallow, then another raisin, in a pattern.
• Candy corn (one) Repeat on all six toothpicks. Be sure the pattern ends with the
• Scissors mini marshmallow at the top so the tip of the toothpick is no
longer exposed. This is a great opportunity to practice patterns.
5. Now, on to the face of the turkey! Place another toothpick in
front of the six toothpicks on the opposite side of the stem.
Gently press the large marshmallow onto the toothpick.
6. Using scissors, snip tiny slits into the spots where the eyes will
go. Press a raisin into each eye hole. (Parents may want to help
the kids with the scissors, since you'll want to make a very small
7. Using the pointy end of the candy corn, poke it into where the
nose goes and you’ve got your turkey!
Make a whole family of turkeys, or one for each guest to take home.

Edible, Personalized
Cornucopia of Appreciation
A cornucopia is a traditional symbol of plenty, often overflowing
with flowers, fruits, and husks of corn. Each of us, too, is also
overflowing with our own “cornucopia” of gifts, strengths, and
In this extra-special Thanksgiving project, you will create
personalized cornucopia place settings for your guests. These are
just as delicious as they are heartwarming.
Note: these cornucopias use sugar cones, as well as fresh berries,
nuts, and chocolate — but feel free to adapt them to your own
preferences, or even personalize them for each guest. This project
What You Need: also adapts well to other holidays and celebrations.
• List of guests What You Do:
• DIY Sugar Cone Wrapper Wrappers:
printable template (provided
1. Working from your guest list, think of a quality that each
on the next page) person has in abundance. Intelligence? Humor? Kindness?
• Printer and paper Cute cats? Jot down for each.
• Non-toxic pens 2. Cut out the DIY Sugar Cone Wrapper template provided on
• Non-toxic adhesive the next page.

3. Using non-toxic pens, write the name of each guest on one
of the templates, surrounded by the “cornucopia” of traits
• Sugar cones (one per guest; unique to each guest. Feel free to embellish with stickers,
have extra on hand in case ribbons, or other non-toxic decorations.
some break during assembly)
4. Carefully glue or tape the wrapper shut. Make sure the
• Fruits, nuts (such as your adhesive is fully dry before undertaking the next step.
favorite trail mix!), and other
small food items for filling Assembly:
the cones. Note: Be sure to
1. Carefully place a sugar cone in each wrapper.
take into account any of your
guests’ allergies or dietary 2. Position the cone on each plate. Arrange your chosen fillings
(such as fruit and nuts) inside the cone, so that it looks like
it is overflowing with nature’s bounty.
• Small plates
3. Repeat until you have created a cornucopia for each guest.
4. Place one at each table setting.

DIY Sugar Cone Wrapper Template

Tissue Box Thanksgiving Turkey
Make this turkey craft with your child to get into the
Thanksgiving spirit! Using a few household items, such as
an old tissue box, a toilet tissue tube, and construction
paper, your child will make an adorable turkey that can
serve as a special Thanksgiving decoration or a cute
centerpiece for the dinner table.

What You Need: What You Do:

• Cube-shaped tissue box 1. Cover a tissue box and a toilet tissue tube with brown
• Toilet tissue tube construction paper and tape or glue into place.
• Construction paper 2. Cut out the hole in the tissue box where tissues normally
• Small square of felt pop out.
• Tape 3. Turn the box, so the opening is on top. Tape the tube onto
• Glue one side of the box with the tube extending above the top
edge of the box for the turkey's neck and head.
• Scissors
• Craft knife (adults only!) 4. Cut out the eyes, and a wattle from construction paper. Fold
the square of felt in half for the beak. Glue all the features
• Craft sticks
into place.
• Craft feathers
5. Cut out tail feathers from colored construction paper and
tape each feather onto a craft stick.
6. Away from your child, use a craft knife to cut slits into the
side of the box, opposite the head. Then, with your child's
help, place the craft stick feathers into the slits to form a
colorful tail.
7. Glue some craft feathers onto the body of the tissue box.
Put your creation on the table and you've got a great
centerpiece for Thanksgiving!

Family Tree Nametags
If Thanksgiving in your family involves lots of relatives your
kids may only see a few times a year, this fun and easy project
is a great way to help your child learn who’s who, practice their
handwriting and get a little Thanksgiving crafting done. Leafy
name tags are simple to make, and displaying them in a festive
family tree is a guaranteed crowd pleaser.

What You Do:

1. Start by making a list of your holiday attendees, including
yourself and your child! Help your child cut out a piece of
What You Need: cardstock for each family member that will be at your
Thanksgiving celebration. The name tags should be about 3"x4"
• Cardstock, in any color(s) in size.
you like
2. Let your child copy the name of each guest onto one of the
• Fine-point marker
cardstock name tags. Help your child place a small amount of
• Pin backs glue onto the back of each name tag, then press the pin back
• Silk autumn leaves firmly in place. Let the name tags dry.
• Glue or rubber cement 3. Meanwhile, you and your child can go through the silk leaves
• Long ribbons for hanging and choose the ones you want to use. Depending on the size
of the leaves and your name tag, you may want to put one leaf
• Double-sided tape
or a few leaves on each tag. Arrange the leaves on the tag
until you and your child achieve a look you like—just be sure
the person’s name stays visible—and glue the leaves in place
on the name tag. Set the name tags aside again to dry.
4. While your name tags are drying, choose a patch of wall to
create your tree. Use your ribbons to create the shape of a
tree with branches. Tape the ribbons to the wall with your
child's help. Once your tree is done, pin the name tags to the
ribbons, putting your immediate family's names on the trunk
of the tree and filling in the branches with the rest of the
family members' names. You can even organize the names by
maternal and paternal sides. Make a game of it by asking your
child where she thinks each name tag should go. If you have
friends coming to dinner, you can create a special Friends
branch. Make your tree bigger if need be.
When your guests arrive, they'll be very impressed. Make sure to
thank your young decorator too. It is Thanksgiving, after all!

Write a
Thanksgiving Proclamation
George Washington declared November 26, 1789 as a day of
public thanksgiving and prayer with his National Thanksgiving
Proclamation, but he was not the first to issue one. In fact,
Thanksgiving proclamations date all the way back to 1723!
Now it is your child’s turn to write a Thanksgiving Proclamation
of their own. It may be the newest in a long line of proclamation
—but with a little tea or coffee magic, it will look like just like one
of the early originals. Not only is this project a meaningful way to
embrace the spirit of the holiday, it’s also a chance to practice
gratitude and thankfulness for the things we experience through-
out the year.
What You Need:
• Regular white paper
• Weakly brewed tea or What You Do:
coffee “Age” the Paper: (1 to 2 days in advance)
• Shallow pan for soaking 1. Prepare for the process by putting on some old clothes and
the paper finding a workspace that can get messy. Remember that tea
• Calligraphy pen or and coffee stain fabric and other materials!
special marker
2. Pour your brewed tea or coffee into the shallow pan. Crumple
• Matches or a lighter the paper well, then carefully immerse it so that it is soaked
(optional) through. Keep in mind that the longer you soak it, the darker
• Candle (optional) it will be—but if you soak it too long it will fall apart!
3. Remove the paper from the liquid and lay it flat or hang it
with clothespins to dry. This may take a day or two, or longer
in more humid climates.
4. When the paper is dry, you can also create a “burned-edge”
look by carefully singeing the edges with the tip of a flame.
(Note: this should be done only by an adult in an area free
from flammables.) Continued on next page.

Write a
Thanksgiving Proclamation
What You Do (Continued):
Write Your List:
1. Help your child make a detailed list of what they are thankful
for. Encourage them to consider things big and small, such as a
warm and cozy house to live in, parents, siblings, friends, books,
plenty to eat, snow (or rain, or sun) to play in, toys, and so on.
2. Review this list together.
3. Have your child write down what they are thankful for using a
calligraphy pen (in keeping with the historic theme) or any
marker they choose.
George Washington. 4. Have your child sign the proclamation to make it official, noting
Source: Library of Congress the location and date underneath.
5. You can also add an official seal to your child's proclamation
under the signature by melting a bit of candle wax and letting it
drip onto the paper, then etching your child's initials into it as it
cools and hardens. (Note: this should only be done by an adult,
away from flammable materials.)

Did You Know?

A Brief History of Thanksgiving Proclamations
The first national Thanksgiving proclamations were issued by the
Continental Congress between 1777 and 1784, and were official
religious statements of gratitude for blessings received. In the
midst of the Revolutionary War, Congress released a proclamation
calling for a special day reserved for giving thanks.
The first presidential Thanksgiving proclamation was made by
George Washington in 1789. During the Civil War, President
Abraham Lincoln focused his 1863 proclamation on giving thanks
for victorious battles and the overall preservation of order and
Abraham Lincoln.
harmony. Lincoln's proclamation set the official day of
Source: Library of Congress Thanksgiving as the last Thursday in November, which we still
observe today.

The Meaning of Thanksgiving:
A Hat Full of Thankful
The meaning of Thanksgiving can sometimes get lost among the
fun of food and family! Here's a fun way to include thanks in your
Thanksgiving. Even the youngest children can participate with
this easy project, which we've dubbed "A Hat Full of Thankful!"

What You Do:

1. Think of the hat as a thought-collector of sorts.
2. Place it upside-down on a table in the entryway of your home
and surround it with a stack of index cards and a cluster of
pens or pencils
3. Ask each guest to write down at least one thing for which
What You Need: they're thankful. At some point during dinner, pass it around
• A structured hat, one that the table and have each person reach in for a card and read
it aloud.
holds its shape (or follow
the steps below to make
For the hat:
your own!)
• Index cards or note paper
1. Set aside the 8" x 20" piece of felt, and ask your child to trace
the paper plate onto the smaller piece of felt. Have your child
• Pens or pencils cut out the circle he's traced.
For the hat: 2. Have your child fold the circle in half and carefully cut out the
• Paper plate (dinner sized) inside of the circle by cutting a smaller circle out of the larger
one, leaving a 2-inch “frame” of black felt all the way around.
• Two pieces of black felt (one
that is about 8" x 20", and 3. Trace the shape of the felt "doughnut" onto the plate, and cut
another that is at least as the traced circle out of the plate.
large as the paper plate) 4. Glue the black felt piece onto the paper plate's brim.
• 2½" x 2" strip of yellow felt 5. Glue the 8" x 20" piece of felt to the inside of the opening in
• Scissors the felt brim, standing vertically so it looks like a top hat.
• Glue or rubber cement 6. Use the smaller black circle cut out of the brim to make the top
of the hat. Glue the small circle on top of the hat to cover the
opening. Let the glue dry.
7. Have your child apply the white strip of felt to the crown of the
hat with glue.
8. Cut out a buckle from the yellow felt—a large square with
a smaller square cut out of it—and ask your child to glue it
securely to the front of the hat on the white strip. Now you've
got a pilgrim hat!

Corn Kernel Necklace
Looking for a fun seasonal activity to do with your child?
Make corn kernel necklaces and help build your child's
hand-eye coordination as well as her fine motor skills. This
easy-to-make fall craft is the perfect project to do indoors
with your child on any brisk autumn day, but it's especially
fitting on Thanksgiving!

What You Need: What You Do:

• Indian corn kernels 1. Show your child how to hold the sewing needle properly to
(soaked in water avoid accidents.
2. Have her pick out particular colors of kernels that she'd like
• Embroidery floss, 24" to use in her necklace.
double thread
3. Demonstrate how to thread a kernel by placing a soaked
• Heavy duty sewing
kernel of corn flat on the surface of a table and poking the
needles threaded needle straight through.
• Thimble
4. Encourage her to thread as many kernels as she'd like,
• Towel making sure to leave at least an inch of thread on each end
of the necklace.
5. When she finishes threading her kernels, help her tie the
end of the necklace in a knot.
6. She's now ready to celebrate the fall season with her
colorful kernel necklace.
Note: Some of the corn may begin to sprout, and this can be
the perfect opportunity to grow some corn indoors, which
could eventually be transplanted to your garden in the spring.
Then, you and your child can harvest your own Indian corn
next fall!

Do Some Cranberry Sauce Science
It’s food. It’s tradition. And guess what: cranberry sauce is also
science! This year on Thanksgiving, we invite you and your child
to try the simple recipe below. You’ll explore the effects of pectin,
a complex carbohydrate that is found in the skins and cores of
many kinds of fruit. Take just a few cups of cranberries, add
sugar, water, and heat, and watch what happens. When you’re all
done, make sure you eat some, too. We think it’s truly delicious!

What You Do:

1. First, wash and pick over your cranberries.
2. Mix the sugar and water in your saucepan, and bring the
What You Need: mixture to a boil. Cook over medium heat until the sugar has
completely melted, and the solution is clear. (Psst: this is an
• 4 cups of cranberries
example of crystalline sugar dissolving into water to form a
(approximately one
16-ounce bag)
• 2 cups sugar
3. Now add the cranberries all at once, and turn your burner
heat up to high. Invite your child to look at the mix and stir
• 1-1/2 cups water with you, while taking care that his face isn’t too close to the
• Deep saucepan mixture, which can spatter. At first, the cranberries will float
• Long handled spoon and bob. Within a few minutes, however, you’ll watch them
start to pop open and turn the whole mixture bright red.
4. Keep stirring as the mixture cooks. Quite quickly—within
5-10 minutes on most stovetops—you’ll feel the whole batch
thicken substantially. Take it off the heat, stir a little more,
and then pour it into glass jars or a pyrex storage container
which have either been run through a very hot dishwasher
or sterilized in boiling water. Let it cool…and watch it
thicken some more. Store in the fridge for up to two weeks
before serving, or just enjoy right away!

What’s Going On?

When they first made cranberry sauce, our colonial ancestors were actually taking advantage of a
natural substance called pectin, which is found in the cell walls of fruit, especially their rinds. When
high-pectin fruits (this also includes some grapes and apples, as well as cranberries) are cooked with
sugar and water and sometimes a bit of citric acid, the pectin molecules separate from the fruit cells
and reconfigure to form a stiff network of complex carbohydrates. This is the jell that we feel when we
stick a spoon into a jam pot…or a dish of cranberry jam.
Note: it is possible to “goof” with this experiment. First, make sure you follow the recipe and add the
amounts of sugar and water that are required. If the balance isn’t right, the network made by pectin
molecules may not come together properly. You can still have a tasty sauce, but it won’t be firmly jelled!


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