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HSE Risk Assessment: Piling Work

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HSE Risk Assessment

Revision: 00 Date: 2019/06/18 Page:1 of 14

Ref. N°:SA04C2-T-BAU-AAG-10060 / Revision -02 Participants Name Job Title Signature

M Abdul Saboor Project Manager

Mudassar Iqbal QA/QC Manager

concerned and its Piling Work
Zahid Khsalil Site HSE Manager

Mohammad Waqas HSE Officer

Required level of  Minimum (at start

 Permanent  Other:
Supervision: and end of task)
Risk Rating (RR) guideline:

IMPORTANT NOTE: By signing this document, it is acknowledged by each

person involved in this risk assessment that all reasonable attempts have been
made as a first priority to identify any potential to eliminate all the significant
hazards listed, e.g. by preventing working at height or entering into a confined
Likelihood (L): Probability of the undesired event to happen (shall consider the frequency and duration Severity (S): Importance of harm, damage or impact caused by the event.
of exposure and the potential for the undesired event to happen).
Definition Severity Definition
Negligible the occurrence is extremely unlikely to happen and has never happened Minor None or very limited consequences on people (e.g. first aid injury), property (e.g. scratch on equipment painting)
(1) according to our knowledge (1) or the environment (e.g. small quantity of biodegradable waste dispersed)
Low the occurrence is unlikely to happen in the foreseeable future but has Moderate Injury requiring medical treatment without lost work days, reversible environmental negative impact or property
(2) already been experienced (2) damage / business interruption below 50 k€ of cost involved
Moderate the occurrence is predictable to happen in the mid-term High Lost Time Injuries, with full recovery, or reversible environmental negative impact or property damage/business
(3) (3) interruption below 200 k€ of cost involved
High the occurrence is predictable to happen in the short term Major Severe Accident as per Abener General Electric criteria.
(4) (4)
Definite the occurrence is certain and immediate. Catastrophic Potential for several fatalities (or other type of severe accident)
(5) (5)

Approved by

Risk assessment reference number: SA04C2-T-BAU-AAG-10063

HSE Risk Assessment
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Competent Discipline Engineer M Abdul Saboor (Project Manager) EHS Representative (Name, Zahid Khalil ( Site HSE Manager)
(Name, Signature and Date) Signature and Date)

Activity Hazard Risk and affected Existing Control Measures (L) (S) (RR) Additional Control Measures (L) (S) (RR) Check
Step Persons
Survey  Heat  Heat Stress  Isolate working area with 2 3 6  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
L H M L H L Manager
setup  Survey and Personal barricades,  Trainings Supervisor
equipment falls injury due to  Ensure area of work is clear of all  Supervision
 Eye injury slip/trip/fall debris  As per KSA municipality HSE
Personal Injury  Survey  Foreman to inspect working area requirements
due to working equipment falls before allowing survey team on
near roads due to wind or site
hit by transport  Legs of tripod to be securely
 Eye injury bedded into ground and mercury
(sand/dust) accuracy to be checked.
 No activity during wind or sand
 No vehicles allowed within area
 No lone working
 Provision and use of appropriate
PPE esp. eye protection
 Suitable training & Supervision
 Adequate traffic management
Plant and  Inadequate  Personal injury  3rd party certified / Tested 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 2 3 6 Project/
H H H L H M Manager
Machinery Inspections,  Property equipment, All Plant and  Trainings Supervisor
(General) Testing and damage Machinery shall be inspected by  Supervision
Maintenance of  Traffic DF prior to start work.  As per KSA municipality HSE
Plant/Equipment Incidents  Regular maintenance of requirements
. equipment and recorded.
 Fall from.  If equipment is unsafe to use,
 Trapping. take out of work.
 Pressurized Air  No passenger allowed to ride on
and Hydraulic equipment.
Hoses-Bursting.  Follow speed limits and
 Exposed Moving banksmen signals.
parts.  Keep away from moving
 Use of spanners equipment, Designated
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and wrenches. pedestrian access, Men /

Machine separation and use of
well-trained / experienced

Machinery  Blind spots while  Personnel  Well trained and 3rd Party 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 2 3 6 Project/
H H H H M Manager
Movement slewing and Injuries. certified Operators,  Trainings L Supervisor
reversing.  Property  Beacons and Alarms to be fitted  Supervision
 Hitting Damage. in equipment.  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Crushing  Fractures.  Well trained banksmen. requirements
 Run over  Environmental  Keep clear of swing area of
persons Machinery.
 Rolling over on  Ensure no person are nearby
uneven ground. before moving.
 Overturning.  All personnel to wear high-viz
 Oil spills vests
 Excavated  Level and Firm ground.
Materials  Plant in efficient working order
 Contact with and in good repair condition.
Ground Water  Minimize the number of workers.
 Proper and Continuous mentoring
of the workers by Safety Officer.
 Reduce Workers exposure to
 The 3rd Party Certificates shall be
made available in the machinery
for reference.
 Regular maintenance of
 Trained Operatives, drip trays,
Spill Kits,
 Bunded Areas for the storage of
Oils etc.
 Regular disposal of contaminated
soil / Water by approved party.
 Proper PPE (Rubber hand Gloves
and Boots)
Concrete  Spillage on ground  Personal injury 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
 Eye, skin contact H Low Manager
Work due to slip  Selection and use of  Trainings Supervisor
 irritation Risk
 Effected the Appropriate PPE ( body / hands  Supervision
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 Hazardous environment /face /eyes / ears)  As per KSA municipality HSE

chemicals  Helpers  Eye wash station available. requirements
 Vibration  operators  First Aid supplies available
 Noise
 Trained first aiders should at
 Washing facilities will be
provided with hot water,
showers, soap & paper towels
 Limit exposure time / regular
 Job rotation should be
Training & Supervision
STARRT briefings & Tool box talks
Fall protection / fall arrest systems
Good housekeeping practices
Monitor noise levels and enforce
PPE use above 85dB
Structural sign off for all false work
and formwork before any concrete

Use of  Moving parts  Personal injury  All concrete pumps to be 3rd party 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
concrete  Plant failure inspected H  Trainings Low Manager
due to slip Supervisor
pumps  All vehicles to comply with legislation in Risk
 Hazardous  Effected the  Supervision 58
respect of registration and testing
chemicals environment  All equipment is to be inspected by a  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Fire requirements
 Helpers competent person prior to use.
 Wastage  Operator has Valid license / certification
 operators
 Exclusion zone created around working
concrete pump
 Noise levels assessed and PPE
provided as required

Refuelling  Contact with  Environmental  Use fuel nozzles that 2 3 6  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
L H M L H T Manager
Chemicals, Damage. automatically shut-off the flow of  Trainings Supervisor
 Fire,  Property fuel when tank is full.  Supervision
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 Spillage on Damage.  Keep a spill kit near fuel and oil  As per KSA municipality HSE
ground,  Personal injury storage areas and refuelling requirements
 Drip trays in place for all static
 Environmental protective
measures such as plastic
sheeting in place for any mobile
plant fuelling
 Store oil away from watercourses
or surface water drains.
 No mixed storage.
 Selection and use of appropriate
 Plant to catch any nuisance leaks
and drips that may occur.
 Routine servicing only permitted
in designated areas.
Plastic Lining to avoid spillage on
Hazardous  Hazardous  Fire,  Spill kits and eye wash kits to be 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
H H H L H T Manager
Materials substances  Explosion available with personnel trained in  Trainings Supervisor
Handling.  Flammable  Inhalation use.  Supervision
chemicals  Contact with  Adequate fire precautions  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Spillages Chemicals available requirements
 Soil  Trained fire marshals / fire
Contamination extinguisher operatives available
 MSDS’s available at work
locations, to include HSE / Env. /
Clinic / PMV / Stores
 Suitable bunded storage facilities
or drip trays available for all
hazardous chemicals
 All workers fully briefed as to
requirements of COSHH
 Use, storage & disposal in line
with COSHH assessment
 No mixed storage of hazardous
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 Adequate signage
 Training & supervision. Selection
and use of appropriate PPE, as
per COSHH assessment.
Excavation  Trench Collapse  Personal Injury  Slope or step faces 2 3 6  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
L H M L H T Manager
s  Persons falling  Engulfment  Excavation permit in place  Trainings Supervisor
into excavations  Property  Provision of utility services  Supervision
 Material or plant damage buried drawings on site  As per KSA municipality HSE
falling into services  All excavations will have suitable requirements
excavations fixed barriers at least 1.5m from
leading edges
 Provision of adequate signage
 Creation of safe pedestrian
access routes away from
 Safe access and egress shall be
provided for all excavations and
access bridges over the trenches
should be provided.
 Excavation daily inspection
checklist to be completed by
competent person
 Training & Supervision
 Regular TB Talks ref: excavation
 All excavated spoil to be placed at
least 1.5m from leading edges
 Creation of vehicle access routes
away from excavations
 No lone working in excavations

Use of  Working  Personal Injury

 All excavator operators to hold 3 3 9  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
M H M L H T Manager
Excavators excavator  Property valid license / certification  Trainings Supervisor
 Excavator failure damage.  All excavators to be 3rd party  Supervision
/ loss  Traffic inspected  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Plant falling into accidents  All operators familiarized with the requirements
excavations Safe Working Procedure for
 Trench collapse Excavators.
 Prior to mobilizing all excavators
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to be inspected by Workshop
 Operator to carry out daily
operator checklist prior to use.
 All excavators shall deploy
outriggers if fitted
 Visibility blind spots to be
minimized by mirrors.
 Flashing beacon fitted.
 Windows, lights, Mirrors to be
cleaned regularly.
 The cab floor to be kept clean and
free from any obstacles which
may affect the safe operation of
the Machine.
 Ground workers to wear Hi
Visibility Vests, safety boots and
helmets at all times.
 Exclusion zone to be created
around working excavators
 All excavators to be included in
Planned Preventative
Maintenance schedule
 All excavators to have Fire
extinguisher in cab

Gas  Fire and  Burns  Hot work Permits 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 2 3 6 Project/
H H H L H M Manager
Cutting and explosion  Electric shock Pre use tool Inspections  Trainings Supervisor
Welding  Thermal  Arc Eye  All hot works conducted by  Supervision
Radiation  Heat Disorders suitably trained and competent  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Ultra-violet  Respiratory persons. requirements
radiation problems  Proper identification and storage
 Gases and  Systemic of acetylene and oxygen tanks.
fumes, poisoning from All cutting / welding sets to be
 Compressed fumes fitted with flash back arrestors
Gases (Release  Remove all combustible materials
of high pressure) from areas of hot works.
 Provision of Fire extinguishers.
 Provision of suitable ventilation as
required (dilution / forced)
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 Pre-start briefings / Tool box

talks. Availability of First Aiders.
 Suitable Additional PPE (Welding
shield, Mask, Gloves, Apron and
 Atmospheric testing as required
 No hot works in confined space
 Availability of First Aiders. Fire
watch for 30 mins post hot work
 Job Rotation.

Manual  Heavy loads  Back Pain,  Consider 2-person lift 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
H H H L H T Manager
Handling  Uneven loads  Muscular Pain.  No stacking above shoulder level.  Trainings Supervisor
 Poor  Hand Injuries.  Selection of materials based on  Supervision
Techniques. weight e.g. 25kg bags not 50kg if  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Pinch Points possible. requirements
 All staff HSE inducted
 STARRT briefings / Tool Box
Talks ref: manual handling.
 Mechanical aids to be used where
 Job rotation for lifting tasks
 Regular breaks.
 Selection and use of appropriate
Working at  Fall of men /  Personnel  Temporary works structural 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks L 3 6 Project/
H H H 2 H M Manager
Height materials from Injuries, design as required  Trainings Supervisor
height.  Property  Competent supervision  Supervision
 Structure damage  Only essential personnel and  As per KSA municipality HSE
Collapse. equipment to be allowed on to requirements
raised working platforms.
 Lanyard system for hand tools
where possible
 Use double rail fixed barriers and
toe boards on leading edges.
 Adequate signage and exclusion
zones around temporary
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 Provision of suitable access to

working platforms.
 Availability of First Aiders. prestart
briefings / Tool box talks.
 Competent Supervision.
 Suitable PPE.
 Use of suitable load rated steel
life lines in absence of fixed guard
Night  Insufficient  Traffic  Appropriate lighting provisions 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 2 3 6 Project/
H H H L H M Manager
Works Lighting collisions  Task specific lighting to be  Trainings Supervisor
 Stress  Property provided.  Supervision
 Fatigue damage  Nominated person responsible  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Personal Injury per shift to ensure that all lighting requirements
is compliant
 Light Towers erected on firm /
level ground
 An electrician will be available for
maintenance work.
 Safety cover. First Aiders
 Emergency contact numbers
 Tower lights to be set up so the
light beam shines downwards to
avoid any nuisance to other
stakeholders, members of the
 Lights to have welded
restrictors to ensure the
light beam is downwards
New  Inexperience of  Increased risk  HSE Induction training prior to 3 3 9  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
M H L H T Manager
Employees New Employees of unsafe mobilization  Trainings Supervisor
Working activities  Specific HSE Training in site rules  Supervision
 Potential poor- and procedures.  As per KSA municipality HSE
quality works  Included in project HSE training requirements
 Personal Injury programs
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 Property  Close supervision / use of buddy

damage system
 Pre-planning of tasks assigned
based on experience required
 Issued with and trained in the use
of appropriate PPE
 Issued with helmet identification
to indicate new employee
 Pre-Work briefings / Tool box
Chipping  Object in  Wear safety glasses & face 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks Project
Concrete Operator / Helper H H H  Trainings 1 3 3 manag
eye(s) shield, keep others away from L H T
work  Supervision er
 Dust chipping operations.
As per KSA municipality HSE Supervi
 Foot injury  Wear particulate dust mask sor
also Wear long sleeve shirt.
 Noise
Wash Skin as often as
 Electrocution necessary.
 Falling/Flying  Wear safety shoes to avoid any
Debris foot injury.
 Vibratory  Wear ear protection if noise is
Fatigue > 85 dBs
 Loss of  Check electrical hand tools and
Control Over extension cords for damage.
Tool Replace or repair as needed to
avoid any mishaps
 Keep others away from
chipping activities with
 Operator should take small
breaks to avoid any The drill
operator should make sure
that he sets his feet properly
before beginning to drill or chip
 Fatigue

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Using the  Flying Operator / Helper  Double eye protection in 4 3 12  Tool Box Talk 1 3 3 Project
Grinding  Particles/ addition to mandatory PPE’s to H H H  Trainings L H T manag
machine Sparks or be worn  Supervision er
swarf causing  Operators to ensure the other Supervi
injury personnel are not in the area sor
 Untidy work  The guard must always be in
area causing place while grinding
slips, trips and  Power tools must be handled
slips with care
 Noise  Users shall ensure that hand
 Dusts from held grinders are properly
materials configured for use for a left or
 Vibration right handed person as
 Bursting of the applicable
disc due to  Handles or guards shall not be
incorrect removed from the grinder
wheel/stone  Disc RPM should be greater
being used than the grinding machine
 Spark causing  Only trained and authorised
fire personnel to check the machine
 Entanglement/ before use
contact with  Suitable ear protection should
moving wheel be worn at all the times while
using grinder.
 Dead man switch shall be in
working condition
 Combustible and flammable
material must not be stored
near grinding location, before
commencing any activity the
operator must ensure the area
is free from such material.
 Fire extinguisher must be
located close the hand
 In case of 240V power supply,
ELCB with 30 mA tripping
sensitivity shall be provided
 Grinding machine assorted
cables and distribution board
Risk assessment reference number: SA04C2-T-BAU-AAG-10063
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shall be in good condition,

inspected and color coded for
current quarter
 Dust mask should be used if
 Proper supervision should be
done at all times
 Personnel who use the grinder
should have gone through the
document training course and
Steel  Risk height Carpenters /  Material shall be arranged 3 3 9 1 3 3
that may result Helper M H L H T
and carpentry properly and access
works with serious maintained free of obstruction.
.  Protruding steel reinforcement
bars shall be capped or stored
 Slip, trip and so that their protruding ends
fall. do not face any access.
 Steel cutting and bending
 Risk of
machines shall be properly
maintained by competent
 Getting personnel.
Stressed.  All mechanical parts must be
guarded properly.
 Emergency shut off switch shall
be prominently located and
should be in working condition.
 Only competent personnel
shall be working on steel
cutting and bending machines.
 Suitable hand protection shall
be provided to all steel fixers.
 Only trained steel fixers shall
be allowed for these activities
under competent supervision.

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TBT is necessary.
 Steel reinforcement columns
shall be properly supported
against accidental fall.
 Suitable working platform shall
be provided while working
Emergency  Poor emergency  Disruption to  Project specific emergency plan 4 3 12  Tool Box Talks 1 3 3 Project/
M H H L H T Manager
Situations response project established  Trainings Supervisor
 Unforeseen  Personal  Emergency plan reviewed  Supervision
situations. injuries periodically throughout life of  As per KSA municipality HSE
 Property project requirements
damage  Emergency procedure included in
 Worsening of induction and reiterated in
an incident if briefings and Tool box talks.
dealt with  All work locations to have clear
incorrectly signage for emergency exits /
 Emergency contact details posted
on site notice boards and office
bulletin boards
 Emergency facilities on standby
(ambulance / fire engine / clinic)
 Trained First Aiders available
throughout the site
 Trained fire wardens available
throughout the site
 Fire points / first aid boxes
available throughout the site
 Scheduled emergency drills


By signing this sheet, each individual acknowledge that he received information on the risks and control measures associated to the identified activity, that he will adhere to these
control measures and that he will report any discrepancy to its content and stop the work whenever necessary.
Full Name Job Title Signature Date Full Name Job Title Signature Date

M Abdul Saboor Project manager Zahid Khalil Site HSE Manager

Risk assessment reference number: SA04C2-T-BAU-AAG-10063

HSE Risk Assessment
Revision: 00 Date: 2019/06/18 Page:14 of 14

Mudassar Iqbal QA/QC Manager Muhammad Yousuf Senior site supervisor

Mohammad Waqas HSE Officer

Risk assessment reference number: SA04C2-T-BAU-AAG-10063

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