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Risk Assessment - Backfilling and Compaction

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RISK ASSESSMENT AND ANALYSIS/‫تقييم وتحليل المخاطر‬

SEVERITY / CONSEQUENCE (Impact/Hazard Effect) (Where an event has more than one ' Loss Type ', choose the ' Consequence' with the highest rating)
Loss Type Additional "Loss Types" may exist for an
event: Identify & rate accordingly (1) Insignificant (2) Minor (3) Moderate (4) Major (5) Catastrophic
Single Fatality or Loss of Quality of Life / Irreversible impact
(S/H) Harm to People (Safety/Health) First Aid Case/Exposure to Minor Health Risk Medical Treatment Case/Exposure to Major Health Risk Loss Time Injury / Reversible Impact on Health Multiple Fatalities / Impact on health Ultimately Fatal
on Health
Material Environment harm (RST) Serious environmental harm
(EI) Environmental Impact Minimal environment harm incident with workplace Material Environment harm (RST) Major environmental incident (RLT) Major environmental harm – Incident Irreversible
incident (RMT)
(BI/MD) Business Interruption / Material / Fire
No disruption to operation / 1000 SR to Less than 10k SR Brief Disruption to Operation / 10k SR to Less Than 100k SR Partial Shutdown/100k SR to Less than 1M SR Partial Loss of Operation/1M SR to Less than10M SR Substantial or Total Loss of Operation / 10M SR and more
Damage & Other Consequential Losses
LIKELIHOOD Examples (Consider Near-Hits as well as actual events) RISK RATING / PROFILE
The unwanted event has occurred frequently : Occurs in order of (1) or more per year & is likely to
(5) ALMOST CERTAIN reoccur within 1 year
5 (L) 10 (M) 15 (H) 20 (Ex) 25 (Ex)
The unwanted event has occurred infrequently : Occurs in order of less than once per year & is
(4) LIKELY likely to reoccur within 5 yrs.
4 (L) 8 (M) 12 (H) 16 (Ex) 20 (Ex)
(3) POSSIBLE The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or could happen within 10 years. 3 (L) 6 (L) 9 (M) 12 (H) 15 (H)
(2) UNLIKELY The unwanted event has occurred in the business at some time: or could happen within 20 years. 2 (L) 4 (L) 6 (L) 8 (M) 10 (M)
The unwanted event has never known to occur in the business or it is highly unlikely to occur within
(1) RARE 20 years.
1 (L) 2 (L) 3 (L) 4 (L) 5 (L)
Stop operation and review controls - Eliminate, Proactively manage & implement specific Actively manage & monitor – Additional Risk acceptable – Monitor & manage as
Project Name : Downtown TABUK GUIDELINES FOR RISK MATRIX avoid risk & implement high priority action plans controls/action plans-Review after 7 days controls is advised & review after 30 days appropriate with frequent review

Contract No. : RISK RATING 16 To 25 12 To 15 8 To 10 1 To 6

RA Number:‫رقم تقييم المخاطر‬ RISK LEVEL (Ex) - Extreme (H) - High (M) - Medium (L) - Low
RA TEAM (NAMES):‫اسماء فريق التقييم‬ DESIGNATION SIGNATURES WORKPLACE / TASK / ACTIVITY / PROCESS NAME:‫المعدة‬/‫العملية‬/ ‫المهمة‬/ ‫الموقع‬ DEPARMENT / AREA :

1. Ahmed Rabah Project Manager DATE: 28/08/2023

2. Hafiz Abdullah Ashraf HSE Manager NEXT REVIEW DATE / 27/08/2024
HAZARD IDENTIFICATION/‫تحديد المخاطر‬ CONTROL/‫وسائل التحكم‬ ASSESSMENT RISK REDUCTION ACTION PLAN/‫خطة العمل لتقييم المخاطر‬
‫تقييم المخاطر‬
Risk Issue



Risk Ranking
‫الرقم المتسلسل‬


(Possible Incident) (What can go wrong) (Improve Existing Controls/ Implement Follow up By Whom (Name) & By

Workplace/ Activity/ Process/ Controls
Hazards Existing Controls
Item #

Equipment/ materials (Accident/ Ill health to person, fire or new controls) When (Date)
‫ المواد‬/ ‫المعدات‬/‫موقع العمل ظمهمة العمل‬ ‫االخطار‬ ‫وسائل التحكم المتوفرة‬ (Yes / No)/‫هل تم‬
property loss) ‫التحكم والسيطرة االضافية‬ ‫التاري خ‬/‫المهمة المعنية بالتنفيذ‬ ‫ال‬/‫التنفيذ نعم‬
/‫ المخاطر المحتملة‬/
• Permit to Work shall be obtained as a pre- • Permit Receiver shall be trained and
requisite to perform work authorized by the Manager to receive a
• Accident resulting serious injury or death to • Work shall not be started until duly approved Permit to Work
Permit to Work is available at site and that Safety 4 4 16 ●Permit Receiver shall be responsible to 4 1 4
Toolbox meeting was conducted oversee for the safety of all workers under
his Permit to Work
• Work shall not proceed without the presence of
• Unathorized work to be performed within ● A safe work practice shall be implemented to • All workers attending the toolbox meeting
a defined location and boundary reduce the possibilities of accident / incident shall sign on the attendance sheet attached
●Permit Receiver and Permit Issuer shall to the specific Permit to Work
• Significant property and appurtenances visit together at the site to ensure that workplace
hazards are adequately identified and mitigating
4 3 12 4 1 4
measure shall be established

● Permit to Work shall be displayed at the worksite ● All workers shall attend the toolbox
● Permit Receiver shall not leave the area for the meeting on a daily basis conducted by the
1 Obtain Permit to Work • Loss of production whole duration of work 4 3 12 Supervising Engineer, Foreman and Permit 4 1 4
• Uncontrolled personnel entering a Receiver
restricted location
●Permit Receiver shall account all workers under
• Significant cost due to damages his Permit to Work before the start of work 4 3 12 4 1 4

● Manager, Supervisor, Foreman and all workers ●

shall adhere to all requirements set forth in the ●
• Unidentified hazards with unplanned Permit to Work, Risk Assessment, Method
• Governmental violation Statement, Job Safety Procedure and other 3 3 9 3 1 3
safety mitigating measures
relevant safety practices and standards

1 of Rev. 2 (21 - August - 2019) Project Business Unit

● Site Manager, Supervising Engineer, Foreman ●
shall designate a Permit Receiver competent ●
• Inadequate coordination and area control enough to take responsibility in securing the
• Environmental complaint 3 3 9 3 1 3
protocol Permit to Work

• All workers / personnel and visitors must attend • Re-orientation for all workers / personnel
the required safety induction before allowing to and visitors after 1 year and returning from
• Slip and trip that can cause sprain and strain work on the site vacation.
• All workers / personnel and visitors must sign 3 3 9 3 1 3
the attendance records and acceptance for new
employee on the job orientation

• Workers shall be issuedwith appropriate PPE’s • Periodical replacements of PPE’s and

• Unfamiliar to the construction site such as safety shoes (BS 1970 or ANSI Z 41.1), comply with its recommended lifetime.
safety helmet (BS EN 397 or ANSI Z 89.1), safety • Observed proper storing and disposal of
• Getting injured from protruding object 4 3 12 4 1 4
glasses (BS 2092 or ANSI Z 87.1), ear plugs (ANSI used PPE’s.
S3.19), protective clothing or equivalent for all, etc.

• Provision of pedestrian access, signage and ●

• Struck-by, hit into or injured by moving building / structure identification ●
4 3 12 4 1 4
vehicle / equipment • Awareness / training for all operator and driver

• Housekeeping shall be done before, during and • Site management plan shall be prepared
• Poor housekeeping in the workplace / after the job indicating all the location of personnel and
Unorganized materials and access equipment access, parking areas, offices,
• Property damage to equipment or materials • Designate location for unloading of personnel materials storage area, disposal area,
4 3 12 4 1 4
and materials be stored only on a designated hazardous waste disposal and storage area,
storage area rest shelter, evacuation area and etc.

• Designate a dedicated personnel who is familiar • Designated access shall be free from any
with the site management plan to guide all obstruction
• Struck with sharp and hard object • Accident resulting injury to personnel personnel and equipment in loading and 4 3 12 4 1 4
unloading of materials and equipment

• All material location and storage shall be • Designate material disposal area
• Area congestion • Vehicular accident barricaded and provided with adequate signage 4 3 12 4 1 4

• Designate parking area • Site management plan shall be prepared,

• Vehicular accident
• Designate location for unloading of materials approved and implemented to avoid
4 3 12 4 1 4
property damage and personnel accident

• Struck by moving equipment and vehicle • Establish equipment access and shall be free ●
Site mobilization / selection of
• Accident resulting Injury to personnel 4 3 12 4 1 4
equipment, operator and driver as from any obstruction ●
per the approved Method of • Property damage of adjacent structure or • Designate spotter and flagman to guide all ●
Statement equipment and personnel movement
4 3 12 ●
4 1 4
• Equipment operator and assist worker shall be ●
• Hearing loss provided with earplugs ●
• Earplugs or earmuff shall be worn properly to 4 3 12 4 1 4
effectively reduce the noise to permissible level
• Exposure to excessive noise

• As a PME requirement, there shall only be less ●

• Miscommunication than 5 engine driven equipment to operate 3 3 9 ● 3 1 3
simultaneously at the project site
• All heavy equipment shall be inspected by the • All heavy equipment operator and driver
authorized operator on a daily basis to ensure that shall be oriented with the proper use on how
equipment is in good working condition before to fill out the daily inspection checklist
using to the site • Lease equipment and operator must be
• Heavy equipment shall not be used if found any from establish company
• Dilapidated equipment
defects or damage that might affect its safe • Pre-selection of equipment and operator
• Damage or defective condition of
• Property damage, fatality or injuries during operation should establish
equipment 4 4 16 4 1 4
the operation of the equipment. • Repair of heavy equipment shall not be done on
the site. It must be brought to the designated
work shop and only certified mechanic shall make
repair of the equipment
• Select and mobilize only good condition

2 of Rev. 2 (21 - August - 2019) Project Business Unit

• Implementation of Log-in and Log-out from the ●
security post. • ●
• Unauthorized entry of the equipment to
• Failure of equipment may lead to accident or All operator and driver must sign the drivers’
the site. 4 3 12 4 1 4
injuries pledge
• Recording and registry for all equipment,
operator and driver shall be made.
• Equipment certification and registration must be ●
secured and available ●
• Operator and driver must have certification and
• Major accident, serious injuries, fatality,
• Incompetent equipment operator or driver • Equipment / vehicle insurance • All 4 4 16 4 1 4
property damage for unauthorized operation
heavy equipment and its driver/operator shall
hold a valid third party certification authorizing
them on the specified equipment to operate

• Operator and driver shall carry out daily • Competency registry for all operator and
equipment inspection prior to work driver
• Operator must be ensuring the equipment are • Documentation of daily toolbox meeting
suitable for the task • Re-training schedule / plan for the flagman
• Failure of equipment may lead to accident or • Ensure the competency of the operator and • Defensive driving course from accredited
injuries driver company
4 3 12 4 1 4
• Struck-by or hit moving vehicle • Provide trained flagman with reflective vest • Registry / records of equipment
along with Red and Green flags. maintenance
• Complete barricade must be provided, and the
• Equipment (skid loader, wheel loader,
flagman shall position outside the barricade.
dump trucks)
• Fastened of seat belt

• Safe use of equipment must be discussed during • Verification for all equipment checklist by
daily toolbox meeting by the foreman or supervisor the safety personnel or foreman in-charge
• Reverse audible alarm must be working properly
• Collision by sudden operation of equipment
• Periodical maintenance program for all 4 3 12 4 1 4
may cause serious injury or damage to property
equipment and vehicle.

• Instruct all new personnel to report to the safety • Active participation / coordination from all
department or administration department. foreman / supervisor / engineers
• Close coordination between the management • Issuance of severe disciplinary actions
itself. • Recognition / award system
• Replacement of equipment or operator by
• Major accident, serious injuries, fatality, • Report all unfamiliar worker / personnel at site
surprise without coordination and 4 4 16 4 1 4
property damage for unauthorized operation • Authority to stop the work if found without valid
license / certificate
• Issuance of disciplinary action

• Orientation to the operator and driver regarding • No flagman, no movement of the

the site condition equipment
• Provide trained flagman with reflective vest • Foreman / supervisor must ensure the
along with Red and Green flags. competency of the operator / driver
• Remind the operator and driver to follow the • Refer to the Method of Statement
• Equipment toppled and damage to property
signal of the flagman
while moving
• Access must be properly compacted and even
• Positioning of equipment near to the edge • Injuries to the operator or driver
• Workers are advised / instruct to move away 4 3 12 4 1 4
of the excavation • Injuries to other personnel involved to the
from the equipment.
• Equipment shall position more than 1.5m from
the edge of excavation
• Fastened of seat belt
• Compliance with the work permit system and
requirement stated therein

• Workers shall use appropriate and good • Ensure monthly inspection for all hand
condition hand tools tools
• Defective hand tool shall not be use and must be • Certified first aider must be available
taken out of the project • Provision of first aid kit
• Defective, damaged and improvised hand • Personal injury (laceration, etc.) due to
• Use appropriate hand gloves 4 3 12 4 1 4
tools contact with sharp edge, tools and materials
• Avoid damaged tools and machine
• Supervisor and foreman must ensure the tools
Soil backfilling using dump truck and materials are free from damage
and skid load • No modification of tools and machine

3 of Rev. 2 (21 - August - 2019) Project Business Unit

Soil backfilling using dump truck
and skid load
• Good planning and position of lighting system. • Corrective action if the lighting survey
• Initiate in conducting lighting survey deviate from the requirement
• Accident to personnel • Issuance of clear safety glass
• Damage to property • All workers shall wear clear safety glass at all
• Struck with nearby structure or personnel • Personal injury cause by other worker / times 4 3 12 4 1 4
equipment as the vision impairment • There shall be no activity allowed beyond 6:00 in
the evening that hinders the visual capability of
the workers

• Provide sufficient illumination to the work place • Monitoring and maintenance of the
by installing HV lamp on the area lighting system
• Insufficient lights / poorly illuminated • Slip, trip and fall • Lighting shall be installed on all locations that 3 3 9 • Ensure sufficient stocks of lighting fixture / 3 1 3
could provide adequate illumination to the activity accessories

• Personnel and equipment access shall be free • Manual handling training

from any obstruction
• Materials should be stored in the designated
• Personal injury due to slips and trip hazards
• Access and egress (uneven, loose, blocked area
from the materials and surface area 4 3 12 4 1 4
by materials, etc.) • Materials and tools should be store away from
• Foot strain and sprain
exposed edge
• Ensure that access is leveled and compacted

• All workers shall be provided and wear safety • Supervisor and Foreman shall ensure that
glass at all times all workers are adequate provided with right
• NIOSH approved dust mask shall be provided to PPE for the hazard being exposed
• Eyes, Skin and Respiratory irritation
all personnel exposed to dust 4 3 12 • Safety Officer shall ensure that adequate 4 1 4
• Ill health to personnel
• All operator and workers shall be provided with stock is available at the site to issue workers
• Exposure to dust and other airborne
dust mask and wear it properly as necessary
particles through inhalation and skin
• Gradually backfill the soil to minimize airborne • Educate the worker / staff about the dust
dust related hazards
• Accident resulting injury to personnel
• Spray water to control the dust 4 3 12 4 1 4
• Visual impairment

• Approved emergency plan and procedure must • Trained the security guard for emergency
available and posted cases
• Emergency contact numbers must be available • Issuance of whistle to the safety personnel
and posted
• The risk of fatality / major injuries once
• Site "assembly point" must be clearly visible,
getting stocked and not move during
identified and isolated
emergency cases. 4 4 16 4 1 4
• No emergency plan during emergency • Appointed and trained fire coordinator must be
cases (fire, gas release, explosion, tsunami, available
flood, medical case, earthquake, etc.) or • Standby / emergency vehicle must be provided
unfamiliar to the jobsite and available at all times.
• Provide and install alarm system in strategic
• Initiate emergency evacuation plan and fire drill • Coordinate or call the local authorities for
• Misleading or getting lost at site can lead to
every 6 months. uncontrolled scenario.
injuries 4 3 12 4 1 4
• Facilitate and attend the safety induction / • Initiate daily toolbox meeting
• Running can cause stain and sprain
• Only competent and skillful operator shall • Retraining for flagman and operator
operate the roller compactor • Records and monitoring for equipment
• Allowing periodical rest of the operator certificate and operator’s license
• Ensuring the operator cabin in good condition • Availability of equipment spare parts
• Expose to continuous vibration and sound
• Provide trained flagman to assist the operator
• Struck-by the moving equipment
and wearing reflective vest
• Equipment toppled due to miscalculation by
• Certificate and license for both equipment and 4 3 12 4 1 4
the operator
• Property damage during the operation
• Daily inspection by the operator prior to work
• Incompetent equipment operator and logging the results.
• Issuance and wearing of ear plugs
• Fastened of seat belt

• Mechanical failure of the equipment that

• Check the equipment on a daily basis using the • Records keeping of equipment
leads to the accident
prescribe checklist and refrain using the maintenance and scheduling
• Continuous operation that leads to over
equipment for any defects found
fatigue and stress 4 3 12 4 1 4
• Check and ensure that seat spring are working
• Overheating of the equipment during
properly to absorb the vibration

Soil compaction using roller

compactor, plate compactor

4 of Rev. 2 (21 - August - 2019) Project Business Unit

• Provide trained flagman to assist the driver • Defensive driving course to the driver
• Isolating or provide barricade and signage to the • Continuous orientation and training to all
water container operators
• Driver shall conduct daily inspection and record
• Serious injury to personnel
result through checklist
• Vehicle (water trucks, hose, water • Electrocution
• Maintenance of the vehicle must be done 4 3 12 4 1 4
Soil compaction using roller container, etc.) • Tripping and injuries from the uncoiled hose
4 regularly
compactor, plate compactor
• Driver to ensure that the hose is free from any
• Damage or defective hose shall be replaced
• Remove or hang all electrical cables in the area ●
• Conduct housekeeping after the work ●
• Periodical maintenance and inspection for all
• Struck-by or collision with other moving • Fire water pumps.
• Securing vehicle registration and driving license
4 3 12 4 1 4
equipment • Property damage from vehicular accident
to the driver
• Fastened of seat belt

• Ensure that seat spring that absorbs the • Records / registry of certification
vibration is in good condition • Verification of equipment daily checklist
• Less exposure to the process • Equipment spare parts availability
• Exposure to vibration produced by the • Move few meters from the workplace
• Whole body vibration syndrome 4 3 12 4 1 4
compactor • Good spreading and asphalt materials
• Equipment certification
• Periodical inspection of equipment
• Equipment maintenance
• Issuance and wearing of ear plug / defender • PPE acceptance pledge of the workers
ANSI S3.19 – 1974 or equivalent) • Good stocks and availability of PPE’s
• Hearing loss or impairment due to
• Expose to high noise (above 85dB) • Periodical replacement of PPE’s 4 3 12 4 1 4
continuous exposure
• Avoid more than 8hrs exposure to sound 85dB
above level
• Manual handling • Manual handling can lead to musculoskeletal
• Facilitate training for manual handling.
• Observe proper posture during manual lifting, 4 3 12 4 1 4
pushing, pulling, etc.
• Provide storage box for cables • • Daily inventory of the equipment •
Labeling of storage box (good items, scrap / Training / awareness regarding the
• Tools & materials etc. lying on the ground • Property damage damage items, by capacity, etc.) 4 3 12 segregation of waste 4 1 4
• Immediate disposal or sending the damage one
Housekeeping, clearing the area
to the store keeper
with all used materials, tools and
• Remove all unwanted / protruding materials / • Good housekeeping at the site
5 equipment and brought to the • Accident resulting injury to worker / Slip, trip,
• Protruding object / materials at the site object at the site 4 3 12 • Daily toolbox meeting 4 1 4
designated storage and disposal falls
• Provision of standby fire extinguisher • Records and registry for fire extinguisher
• Periodical inspection and / or color coding for • Records /
fire extinguisher registry for the quantity of waste disposed
• Uncollected / scattered rubbish • Fire • Provision of waste skip in the strategic location 4 3 12 4 1 4
at the site with marking
• Provision of color coded waste bins at the site

• Significant property and appurtenances

• Permit Receiver shall ensure that housekeeping
in done before, during and after the work
• Unsecured electrical equipment, energized
• Electrical equipment shall be properly secured,
equipment 4 3 12 4 1 4
distribution board closed and padlocked

• All waste materials generated from the work • Supervising Engineer and Foreman shall
• Undisposed waste materials •
• Governmental violation shall be disposed properly and shall not be left 3 3 9 adhere to the proper housekeeping and 3 1 3
Poor housekeeping
unattended at the worksite storage of materials at the designated
• Permit Receiver shall account all worker under location

• Accident resulting serious injury or death to his Permit to Work and ensure all have signed out ●
• Unaccounted workers on the attendance sheet and clear of the area 4 4 16 4 1 4
6 Closing of Permit to Work worker

• Site Manager shall be responsible on the ●

• Inadequate communication • Loss of production effective implementation of the Permit to Work 4 3 12 ● 4 1 4

• All materials used at the site such as chemicals, ●

• Poor storage of chemical, flammable and flammable and combustible materials shall be ●
• Environmental complaint 3 3 9 3 1 3
combustible materials and etc. stored at the designated storage at the end of
each day

5 of Rev. 2 (21 - August - 2019) Project Business Unit

• Permit Issuer shall visit the work location to • Mobile equipment shall properly parked on
• Unattended unsafe condition • Significant cost due to damages verify good housekeeping was conducted before 4 3 12 a designated equipment laydown 4 1 4
closing the Permit to Work
● 0 ● 0
● 0 ● 0
● 0 ● 0

6 of Rev. 2 (21 - August - 2019) Project Business Unit

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