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3.0 Causes (Muhammad Alfitri Bin Azman) : Iosrn Malay

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0 Causes (muhammad alfitri bin azman)

There has been less research on the causes of homosexuality, lesbian, gay, bisexual
and transgender orientation in the society and how this could be overcome by those who
practice it.1 Under this heading, we will be discussing main causes to what makes LGBT
occurred. We must take onto account these are not the only main causes but rather the reason
we pick these reasons is that based from our point of view.

3.1 Influences from the Internet

3.1.1 Introduction

In this progressive era, Internet can much be said as one of the important necessities
in our daily life. Although it is important, internet can become a double edge sword having its
own pros and cons. Furthermore, regarding health and lifestyle issue, internet seems tend to
be one root of the main problem for the health and lifestyle issue. Therefore, in this LGBT
issue, Internet had greatly becoming a medium that influencing others changing their usual
norm towards LGBT new norm.

3.1.2 Internet as a medium

From the Internet, we can easily access any kind of things such as videos, movies,
information, data and making friends online. This function had been used wrongly among
these people where they used it to download videos and movies that support LGBT. This
makes people attracts towards this sexual orientation without even knowing it. It gets worsen
when they will get addicted to this kind of stuff and started to feel wanting to try it on their
own being ignorant about their rights and wrong taught by their religion. Based on the data
collected, an informant stated that “I like to watch pornography videos …Given that
nowadays, it is easier to access just need to type at Google…What do you want? All kind of
it can be found … All lesbian, gay, straight and many more…”. 2 These data shown that how
internet is being used not to forget they watch it for satisfying their uncontrollable wild lust.

In addition, social media and applications also become medium that makes the LGBT
spreading around the world. Most people around the world have an account and simply
connected to or keeping in touch with people around the world via social media such as
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc. Another informant from the same research made, saying

“At Google Play Store, there is one applications specially known for the gay people…Erm,
the application is called as Hornet… just need to sign in and then we can find our members in
there…For sure all of them are gay due to this applications are for us, gay people…”. 3 This
makes an easier attempt for this LGBT group influencing other people who interested to be
part of them. In addition, by using those applications, their mindset is that they belong here
and this only the place where the society can accept them equally regardless of their religion
beliefs and norm. That is why we can see that Internet being a huge turnaround for our

3.1.3 Comment from Islamic Organization in Malaysia

On 29 October, Mohd Izwan Md Yusof from Malaysian Islamic Development

Department (Jakim) give a few statements on the issue of LGBT. He claimed that Internet
being the main causes for the arises of LGBT group. “Youths now can easily access to the
internet, social media and mobile applications on LGBT, they are watching videos they are
not supposed to watch about LGBT,” said Mohd Izwan. The social and community director
said parents must be more vigilant and monitor their children’s online activities always
especially when their children are alone in their rooms.4

Based on Mr. Mohd Izwan claims, it cannot be denied that LGBT arises due to
Internet widely usage. In addition, many studies have shown that the transgender population,
consisting mostly of sex workers, is at about 30,000 in the year of 2018 compared to 10,000
in 1988.5 This kind of increasement happened due to the facts Internet is not limited by its
resources. People must use Internet smartly however they do not because of lacking in
religious teachings, influences by their idols, surroundings etc. As a result, they easily
attracted by the propaganda or action by those LGBT features on the Internet. Addiction by
only watching and satisfying their lusts tend makes them involved in LGBT and becoming
part of them. Internet has its own security setting features just like in Youtube where they ask
about your age and gives warning before viewing certain material that may not suitable for
your age but it does not enough prevent the people to get their hands on LGBT material. That
is why Internet being the main causes for LGBT occurrence in world.

Same with 4
3.2 Liberalism

3.2.1 Introduction

Apparently, most of the oddly changes in our world caused by liberalism. What it is
mean by liberalism? José Ortega y Gasset defining liberalism as it is well to record this today
– is the supreme form of generosity; it is the right by which the majority concedes to
minorities and hence it is the noblest cry that has ever resounded on this planet. 6 Liberalism
also can be said it is across and within scholarly discourses it is construed in manifold and
contradictory ways as an embattled vanguard project and constitutive of modernity itself, a
fine grained normative political philosophy and a hegemonic mode of governmentality, the
justificatory ideology of unrestrained capitalism and the richest ideological resource for its

3.2.2 Liberalism as catalyst

Before began, it is undeniable fact that Islam is the religion of Federation in Malaysia
although we live in multi-racial and multi-religious nation. In addition, we got laws in both
Syariah and not to forget our Common Laws where these laws constitute and provided the
provision on unnatural sexual orientation. For example, Penal Code where in section 377
provision against the practice of unnatural sexual relationship among human beings. This law
prohibits unnatural and anal sex and it has been invoked in certain cases in the nation. Being
the above case, it seems that our country would be free from LGBT orientation. However,
some people just openly campaigning about LGBT issue emphasising on practicing it will be
one of their human rights.

Dato’ Hj. Shahlan Hj. Ismail, the Chairman of PIBG in Putrajaya speaking at a
workshop for counsellors on the issue of LGBT in Malaysia saying that liberalism is at the
centre of the encroachment of LGBT in Malaysia. In his submission, he posits that liberalism
emphasizes three important things and these are firstly, it sees “individual freedom as
supreme”; secondly, it “emphasizes personal rights and equality of opportunity”; and lastly,
view “struggle for freedom of behaviour, ownership, expression and religion” as very
important.8 Our country had made policies to curb with liberalism however this unnatural
sexual orientation still happening. In addition, our country there are now clubs and
organizations that represent and protect the rights of the LGBT community and this has
Bell 2014
resulted in a situation in which schools and the public spaces are daily being invaded by
LGBTs. One of such LGBT organization known as Seksualiti Merdeka (Sexual Independent)
now organizes annual events to highlight the fight for recognition by the LGBT community
in Malaysia.9 This make our society in danger due to LGBTs community fighting their human
rights. People will be influenced by them because their liberalism itself towards sexual
orientation, rights of a human and not to forget the western ideas to give freedom to mankind.
This makes people attracted where their mindset being brainwashed by these LGBTs society
easily. It is because they propagate in a way that their group is all about equality and freedom
unlike who are being religious who stuck with their teachings having restrictions all over.

3.2.3 Higher ups whose liberalists supporting LGBT

One of leading activists that supported LGBT orientation in Malaysia is Siti Kasim, a
liberalist. A Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Mujahid Yusof Rawa had been hit
out by Siti Kasim over the removal of two portraits featuring lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender (LGBT) activists from an exhibition to showcase Malaysian patriotism. Siti
Kasim who also a lawyer, whose portrait is also part of the exhibition, told Free Malaysia
Today, it was sad that pictures of Malaysians representing all groups had been “selectively
removed” due to religious morality, adding that Mujahid did not have his priorities right. 10 In
addition, she added that Mujahid’s action also example of an action by an Islamic extremists.
This action took by Mujahid itself will lead to economical issue such as issue in prioritising
Islam before others said Siti Kasim.

Other leading activists that supporting LGBT orientation is Numan Afifi, an openly
gay Muslim man and prominent advocate had travelled to Geneva read out a statement from a
coalition of LGBT groups to the Council for its Universal Periodic Review of Malaysia. "I
will keep speaking out because this is about our lives in this country”, he said pertaining the
discrimination against LGBT community.11 In addition, he hopes that LGBT community will
be accepted as one of Malaysian’s community as well. He openly will campaign their rights
in Malaysia believing its their rights and freedom to do so.

3.3 Religious and Spiritual identities in Life


3.3.1 Introduction

Guidance for a good life is religion. Therefore, most people being blessed having a
religion. Regardless of any religion, oneself must follow pillars of their religion in order to
attain happiness and rightly guided. Unlike LGBT orientation, although they revealed that
they practiced equality and total freedom but nonetheless it is not what they said so. Given an
example, continuation of humankind, if equality and total freedom given, birth rate of human
will be zero due to sexual intercourses happened among the same sex. That is why religion
existed as a guidance for mankind.

3.3.2 Religious or Spiritual abuse, Create LGBT population.

Basically, being lack in religious matters tend to lead us to involve in immoral

behaviour. That is nothing but the truth on the statement mentioned earlier. However, abusive
religious or spiritual guidance confirming the increasement of LGBT individuals. A noted
researcher, Ward had identified for us several kinds of spiritual or religious abuse which are
leadership representing God, spiritual bullying and acceptance via performance. 12 Firstly,
leadership representing god which means a leader speaks literal word from deity. In addition,
tenets of a religion also being considered the words of deities. LGBT individuals may feel
that because their religion or their leaders speak rightfully about homosexuality preferring it
is from the word of god or His Messenger which are totally contradict with the real teachings.

Secondly, spiritual bullying refers to religious leaders or religious peers who actively
bully or harass individuals pertaining sexual orientation to produce conformity. 13 It would
create the one being bullied involve in LGBT because they more attracted to the pleasure
offered by LGBTs community which are freedom and human rights. Lastly, acceptance via
performance is also type of religious and spiritual abuse that refers to a need for individuals
to perform in R/S desirable ways, due to fear of retribution by their religions. 14 In order for
LGBT individuals to be accepted by people from their religion, the need to keep aside or
denying their sexual identities. Spiritual bullying can also influence acceptance via
performance for an example a person is involved in LGBTs community. He also a member of
a religious community. However, if the religious community knew he was part of the LGBTs
community, it would create opportunity for other people to harass him. Therefore, he
attempts to hide his sexual identity for his fear of disapproval from his religious members.

Word article
3.3.3 Islamic Organization in Malaysia view

Taking view from Religious Department of Selangor (JAIS) in viewing this matter
about religious being the main causes of people got involved in LGBT orientation. Director
of JAIS, Datuk Haris Kasim stated that being lack of understanding in religious matters is the
main root of the individuals to be more tend involved in LGBT case. 15 These individuals do
not know how to determine between the right and the wrong. Since era of prophet, in Quran
mentioning about the prohibition of unethical sexual orientation stated in Surah Al-Araf verse
80 and 81:16

7:80 - َ‫سبَقَ ُكم بِ َها ِمنْ أَ َح ٍد ِّمنَ ا ْل َعالَ ِمين‬ َ ‫َولُوطًا إِ ْذ قَا َل لِقَ ْو ِم ِه أَتَأْتُونَ ا ْلفَا ِح‬
َ ‫شةَ َما‬

ْ ‫سا ِء ۚ بَ ْل أَنتُ ْم قَ ْو ٌم ُّم‬

7:81 - َ‫س ِرفُون‬ َ ‫إِنَّ ُك ْم لَتَأْتُونَ ال ِّر َجا َل‬
َ ِّ‫ش ْه َوةً ِّمن دُو ِن الن‬

Based on the ayah we can conclude that whoever being part of LGBT community, their
action is contradicting with what revealed by the Quran. Indeed, they are transgressor.
Oneself must always reflected to Quran as Quran are one of the most important revelation.
Thus, who does not follow it, can be considered as lack of religious teachings as in Quran
taught us many pertaining our life not only comprises Allah and man relationship but also
man to man relationship. That is why religious being the main reasons for the increasement of
LGBT population in world not just in Malaysia however religion also act as antidote for this
LGBT issue.

8.0 Conclusion

What we can conclude is LGBT is both nature and ideology. Somehow, LGBT is also
natural to other people where different feelings occur to several people where the attract to

News jais
Al araf quran
their own kind. LGBT is also an ideology because some people are converted to this ideology
as a result of their experience. The experience could be in form of sexual abuse or interaction
with group which advocate this sexual orientation.

In this research, we found that LGBT practices is something that could be overcome
by the practitioner if he/she is willing to overcome it. It is said so because the fact the main
root of LGBT issue comes from influences. Therefore, oneself need to overcome this on their
own with also support from others.

Religion is also a vital mechanism for controlling this sexual orientation. Since
religion is plainly against this sexual orientation, it could be used as a form of therapy for the
prevention of the practices and help the person to become more spiritual and move closer to
God. In Islam, we need to arkanul iman and arkanul islam with devotion only for Allah.
Moreover, this may be a shortcut in coping with LGBT issue as religion easily shaping up the
people and their mindset also.

In addition, the parents, society and government have vital roles to play in helping the
people who are described as LGBT. Not enough with support from religion alone, their roles
in support is a must too where their roles are mean to become influences towards the LGBT
community. Our research also found that some of the LGBT community got involved in this
issue due to their surroundings also. Therefore, religion and all the community members must
come in together as one force in order to solve this LGBT issue.

We hope that our research can be useful for others as a guide for knowing more about
this issue. Plus, we got several options in solving this issue that we found them easily to
execute. Last but not the least, we must cooperate together as an ummah regardless of
different backgrounds in order for this problematic issue which is LGBT orientation can be
solved completely.

 Ward, D. J. (2011). The lived experience of spiritual abuse. Mental Health, Religion

& Culture, 14, 899-915. doi: 10.1080/13674676.2010.536206

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