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Disney Cruise Marketing Report

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Marketing Report

Disney Cruises

A: Marketing concepts

I feel at the present moment and past times inclusive, Disney Cruises have
embraced the marketing concepts with both hands and really shown how beneficial
and profitable it can be to a business if a successful marketing strategy covering all
concepts can thrive.

By effectively communicating their business in an effective manner which promotes

products and services at the right place and time to drive customer satisfaction, the
company profits from this expinentionally whilst building a customer base they will
retain, in turn, building the reputation and increasing customer satiasfactory word of
mouth. With effective marketing, the chances of a high return of customer feedback
is very likely meaning Disney can anticipate the customers needs and wants for the
future whilst also using past feedback surverys to provide customers the needs and
wants at the present time. With Disneys huge customer base as a global brand,
treating customers fairly and with respect is essential to guarantee any visitor is
comfortable and safe being themselves when enjoying a Disney Cruise experience.

B Anticipated the customer’s needs and wants/Customer Satisfaction and

Treating Customers Fairly

I believe Disney Cruises have anticipated the customers needs and wants from the
initial planning stages of a cruise release. Disney currently have four cruise liners
( Wonder, Magic, Dream and Fantasy), all with the customer at heart. With different
destinations for select durations eg. Disney Wonder travel to Alaska, Hawaii, Pacific
Coast, Bahamas, Caribbean and Panama Canal, with a choice of three to seven
nights stay. Disney Magic cruises to the Bahamas, Bermuda, Canada, Caribbean
and Europe with a choice of three to eleven nights. Disney Dream cruises to the
Bahamas with three to seven night choice of stay and Disney Fantasy cruises to the
Caribbean with a choice of four to nine nights stay. Not only is there such vast choice
of liners and destinations, there has been an announcment of three new liners
joining the fleet in 2021, 2022 and 2023 with the first new release and fifth liner to
join the fleet being called Disney Wish. With Disney's current liners the needs and
wants are hugely reflected by the choices on board, capacity and amenities available
to the customers who board. For a more intimate experience it is advised to cruise
the Magic or the Wonder as there is a maximum capactiy of 2,700 passangers while
the Dream and Fantasy are at a maximum capacity with 4,000 passangers on board
and an noticably larger liner to explore. With all this in mind the passanger numbers
are exclusive of the over 1000 cruise workers and much loved characters from
Disney blockbusters over the decades who are also aboard to make the customer
experience the best as can be. The difference of the liners are not just specific to
passanger capacity, there are advised differences for individual wants and needs.
Disney's smaller capacity liners have longer buffet hours for the foodies and larger
pools to accomodate the water babies who book up and the larger liners have much
larger cabin space for those who find comfort in space in their living quarters. All
liners have onboard theatres for everyone to enjoy the much loved movies that may
have prompted the visit to Disney Cruise.

The customers aboard all liners are treated with fairness and respect and this is
reflected in the variety of onboard activites. Where the expectation of Disney Cruises
is to provide children with a lasting experience, this is implemented across all ages
by designing age friendly areas, kids clubs, teen clubs, adult areas and activites for
all the family. With kids club activities including Oceaners club and labratory to a
tweens lounge called Edge, an exclusive space for teens called Vibe and a large
variety of adult activites such as spa experiences, bars and lounges, all ages are
spoiled for choice when aboard a Disney liner. Starting with the Oceaners club and
labratory, this club are specific to kids of three to eleven years of age. Youth centres
both differenciating in activites they offer with the club offering magical themed lands
and rooms such as Andys from from Toy Story to the Star Wars Millenium Falcon
cockpit and many more to choose from, these rooms and lands provide interactive
games and character meetings to keep the kids busy happy throughout the whole
cruise. Oceaners Labratory provides experiments in the kitchen with a real chef,
mixing recipes just like Ratatouille to making cupcakes to creating hand drawn art
and Disney animators then turn art into animation via the animation studio. Both
clubs provide arts and crafts, stimulating young minds in the most colourful way
possible. The Edge lounge and activity centre for tweens only to watch movies, play
games, enjoy arts and crafts and meet new friends with other cruisers of the same
age. Disney Dream and Fantasy have matching layouts, themes and amenities such
as imulinated dance floor for dance parties, karaoke machines and seperate rooms
for console gaming. Disney Magic and Wonder provide matching layouts, themes
and amenities thoughout with tables for arts and crafts, video gaming stations and
dance floor for parties and games. Vibe club is exclusively for the teenagers aboard
with age range of 14-17. Providing chilled out space to listen to music, watch TV,
meet new people and play group games with age reletave cruisers. Like Edge, the
Disney Dream and Fantasy have a different experience to the other two liners.
Dream and Fantasy both have a multiple area for teens with the look and feel of a
hip urban night spot. Spaces include outdoor deck space, high tech media room,
stage area for talent shows, karaoke contest and dance competitions with a deck
station for aspiring DJ's and built in oval wall pods for game play or movies on a
personal screen. The Magic and Wonder provide a urban, loft inspired haven with
stylish industrial elements providing music, gaming and all the latest trends. With
karaoke competitions, dance parties and games to promote group interaction also.
Although the Disney brand would give the inital assumption of a product and service
for the younger generations, this is not reflected when aboard a Disney Cruise.

C: Marketing research

Marketing research within Disney is vital for ensuring the company itself is doing the
right thing for the customers by listening to feedback provided and using this
information to impove the overall service of the brand whilst also using this
information to approach new marketing strategies to gain a better insight into all their
products and services they they are offering or plan to offer to boost sales profits.
Research obtained filter through two sources, primary research such as interviews,
focus groups, surveys, trials and observations, whilst secondary research is obtained
through textbooks, encyclopedias, news and jounal articles, statistical and data
analysis, published academic papers, government documents, statics databases and
history database records. I will be focusing on two methods from both primary and
secondary research methodsand explaining the advantages and disadvantages for
these methods to the Disney brand and Marketing department within Disney.
For primary marketing research I have chosen the interview and questionaire
methods as I feel these are very strong methods to interact with customers to Disney
Cruises and will recieve the most accurate and up to date information.

Interviews for marketing research can vary from face to face, online and telephone.
Disney Cruises main marketing interactions are via their online website as they class
this is their physical centre of the firms marketing interactions. Serving as a hub for
customers to engage with Disney employees directly to give and recieve feedback
and feel their word is heard. With Disney seminars and conferences being held this
gives the opportunity to interview existing customers to Disney Cruises and discuss
the expectations of a Disney Cruise to new customers. Disney's other face to face
marketing interactions can be instore when visiting, giving the employees an
opportunity to promote Disney Cruises and all they have to offer. Extended face to
face marketing research can relate to adverts with social media adverts to prime time
advert slots on Disney, ABC and ESPN which is also part of the Disney Portfolio.

There are many advantages for obtaining information via these means as these are
direct contact with Disney's target audience who are more appropriate for the
specific research which is being carried out and information provided is gathered as
it is being recieved meaning no waiting about for information to be processed.With
contact interviews there is greater control of the interview and research is obtained
and complex questions can be issued providing quality reasoning which gives the
responder an opporutnity to answer questions with advantageous opinions and

An interview research method does not come without its disadvantages though.
Following this means of customer contact can provide costly from high staff numbers
for holding seminars and conferences to allow for a wider audience reach in a
targeted time to research supplies and materials required ie. contact centres, offices
with supples such as computers and telephones. The cost also inclusive in the time
involved to conduct studies as it can be very time consuming from certain
information may require a study conducted over months at a time. In an interview
based method as the company themselves may be asking the questions they
interviewer may asked biased and leading questions which may prompt a different
response to the origional thought of the responder or it may be subjective question
not covering all angles of a specific area, possibly just the area which a positive
response may be generated from.

From a marketing aspect questionaires are very benficial to Disney Cruises as there
are many ways to issue questionaires out to customers existing and new. Before
boarding a Disney Cruise a health questionaire is issued to each customer provding
details from basic health requirements through to more serious illnesses which may
require care when onboard. This allows the crew from each department be aware of
each individuals needs ie. passanger has seafood allergy meaning food must be
prepared away from seafood to allergies to certain medications if a passanger falls ill
and requires medication. On board Disney Cruises there is a regular guest
comments cards which can be found around the ship and in guest rooms. These
questionaires are provided to ensure thoughout the stay aboard the liner the
customer is recieving the best of service and allows the staff to continously improve
the service at a great turnover rate and respond to issues aboard allowing
passangers to leave the liner with the best experience. Upon returning from a Disney
Cruise there is an on land trip survey to complete which may be provided via post or
email covering all aspects of the experience giving space for comments to give
feedback which can be acted upon the return of the survey. A great addition to the
Disney Cruise questionaires is the restart questionaire asking questions relating to
the restart of the service once the current COVID pandemic comes to an end and the
liners can restart. Questions such as changes to length of cruise, on board credit to
prevent cancellation of current bookings, number of people on board reduced for
safety and comfort and testing for the virus when boarding the ship for the
reassurance of a virus free cruise.

From a marketing aspect questionaires are very advantageous as they are a written
set of questions or points system which can be used over and over again without
adjustment allowing sustainability and longlivety of an individual document ie. a
questionaire on overall service. Questionaires offer a specific set of questions which
can cover many different areas of services and products meaning it is very likely the
responses will be returned with answers specific to these issues. Questionaires
obtain the origional first opinion of the responder giving the advantage of origional
untampered data to work from. Another great advantage is questionaires are issued
at point of contact prompting the passanger to repond sooner rather than later.
Whilst questionaires are very advantageous they comes with a few disadvantages
such as responses may not be taken seriously or even rejected meaning if there is a
specific response from a questionaire that requires research Disney may require a
large number of responses from passangers and this can lengthen the research time
as it may take a number of months to collate the relevant data. Questionaire answers
may be returned may not be answered truthly meaning answers used for data may
be incorrect altering the outcome of a specific study. The biggest disadvantage from
questionaires are the length of time it may take for a passanger to return a
questionaire meaning the study for the specific questionaire is completed or the
information the passanger has provided is less accurate as their memory of the
information requested may not be as memorable at this time.

For secondary marketing research I have decided to choose news articles and
statistical and data analysis and I will look to explain how Disney use this
informaiton. These methods of secondary research are very benefical to Disney
Cruises as the news articles provide a secondary approach to the business and an
external opinon of the Disney Brand and Cruises. Statistical and data analysis via a
secondary method is also very advantageous as this provides Disney with a record
outwith the company to allow for comparisons on expectations to what was actually

News articles are very beneficial to marketing researchers as they are very cost
efficient to access with the possibility of this research means to be free. Cost
research can be purchasing newspapers and magazines to find the relevant
information though these means can be sourced for free with a little work put in. Free
ways to source informaiton may be singin gup for a local library and sourcing this
information online which can be printed (for a cost) or request free copies to be sent
to home from the web company the informaiton is sourced from. With a research tool
as vast as the internet, information can be sourced on a much larger scale than what
may be possible for any company to do without such a large cost being occured.

The advantages of using news articles for Disney Cruises is the information found is
at a very low cost and provided by a member of the public allowing for an external
opinon of the brand which holds strong when it comes to dealing with the public.
News articles does come with many disadvantages such as the information aquired
is outdated possibly deeming the information inaccurate, though this information may
still be used and it is not reflecting the business at present. As all news articles are
public opinion these could be manipulated, the nature of the article may be biased
and only providing information which may speak little or greatly based on the own
opinion rather than the overall review, giving further incorrect information and
accuracy. Another disadvantage is competitors also have access to this research
method meaning two companies may end up marketing the same information
deeming them unorgional.

The second secondary research method I wish to discuss is the statistical and data
analysis which is hugely beneficial and advantageous to Disney Cruises as the
accuracy of the information is rarely incorrect allowing transparency when using this
information for research. As this information is already gathered it means it is easy to
collate. Statistical and data analysis information can be very vast and very detailed
giving clarity to a secondary researcher just how difficult it can be to conduct primary
research. Secondary research gives more time for indepth analysis of all information
collated as time is saved on conducting interviews, collating information and planning
focus groups and trials.

Statistical and data analysis although is very useful and accurate does not come
without its disadvantages. When researching on a secondary basis, the information
published is historic and rarely up to date unless the researcher is aware of when the
new information is published. Along with historic information, what is gathered may
not be specifically designed for the intended purpose of the research which is
required and collated, may be still be used though not relevant. Secondary
information can be difficult to trace back to the origional source also to check the
accuracy or to ask any follow up questions unlike primary research which has an
origional source for further contact.

D: Marketing Mix

When it comes to marketing withing Disney and not just Disney Cruises, the four P's
to marketing can be applied and be very useful to the business and brand when
marketing their products and services throughout the globe. The four P's are product,
place, price and promotion with each of the P's being advantageous to marketing in
its own way.


I strongly believe there are more individuals in the world who have heard of Disney in
one way or another than have not and the main source of this contact to Disney can
be from the many, many products Disney have. From big screen movies, televised
channels, streaming services, parks, hotels, retail, games and publishing, the Disney
brand has a strong foothold in a lot of what makes life today enjoyable, fun and
sociable. Disney Cruise specific the products which is readily available for
passangers to any of the four liners is vast. Shops available range from souvineer
and gift shops, sweet shops, jewelers, photography shops to luxuary boutiques like
Tiffany and Co and Bvlgari to the Disney Vista art gallery showcasing some
legendary Disney artist and collectables featuring many of the favoured and much
loved Disney characters over the years. Outwith the shops on offer there are the
everlasting memory purchases from photographs aboard with Disney characters
which can be accessed via the kiosks in the Shutters area to being one of the first
aboard the ships by signing up for the Castaway Cay 5k, a 5k run around Disneys
private island at no extra cost whilst recieving a participation medal before even
setting off to sea.


Due to Disney being a global sensation, it is no suprise the places in which a Disney
Cruise line can be purchased from is extensive. There can be a personal approach
to purchasing a Disney Cruise by visiting a travel agents such as Barrhead Travel,
Tui and Virgin stores to not only request a brochure to look at the multiple options on
offer when booking a cruise but also to discuss with an exerpeinced agent who may
be able to provide a more emotional response to certain aspects of booking as they
themselves may have experienced a Disney Cruise first hand or have booked or
recieved feedback from a passanger previously aboard one of the liners. Like many,
with busy lifestyles, the opportunity to take time to go to a travel agents is not
available, the internet is the next best thing when booking and to many a more
preferable option as the internet is always readily available. With Disney direct
booking on DisneyCruise to Virgin Holidays and third party travel agents online such
as Magicbreaks and Couptravel, there is no shortage in finding a respected agent to
book with. Along with these means to book an unforgettable experience on a Disney
Cruise there is always the option to contact Disney directly via one of the many
contact centres available seven days a week to emailing their dedicated cruise email
for further information.


When it comes to booking a Disney Cruise, the pricing can vary hugely and the
advice of Disney themselves is not to book online and to contact a Disney expert to
create a package to suit the individuals needs and wants to allow for a more magical
experience inclusive of all the wants and needs anticipated. Due to the package
being tailored to meet the needs of the passanger wishing to embark on a Disney
Cruise the price is normally in a luxuary range as it is offering everything and more
than likely more though with tailoring I am sure the experts at Disney can bring the
pricing down to a more basic, yet not budget amount to guarantee a cost effective
and comfortable experience. The greatest thing when booking a Disney Cruise is
what is already included in the price, meaning if cost is an issue there are many
things already included in just booking to board. From full board dining in three
restraunts on board and unlimited snacks, soft drinks, teas, coffees and ice cream
every day there will not be a shortage of food options on even a basic budget.
Activites are of no shortage either with kids and teen clubs, Disney musicals to a
westend calibre, themed deck parties with fireworks at sea, first run on Disney films
and of course a first class Disney service to each passanger aboard. With eleven
categorys of rooms to choose from (exlcusive of Category R Royal Suite) the
bandings of price begin at the choice of room needed or the room wanted when
booking. Although categorised (cabins, suites and stateroms),rooms differ on space
and views available they are of a luxurious content meaning confort will always be
guaranteed. After it is established which room is preferable, cost of travel to liners
embarkation port and the additions of cost activites can be then added and
calculated to finalise a price which offers all requested.


Disneys promotions are difficult to miss as they are readily available and viewed
consistently in everyday life. From magazines to televised adverts, social media
adverts and to the lover of Disney products walking down the street witha Mickey
Mouse bagpack, the brand is one of the most marketed brands of all time with its
consistency of products and services on offer. From billboard promotions, letter and
email correspondences to new and existing customers discounting cruises and
offering loyalty discounts, the promotions to first experience a cruise or return after
an enjoyable stay first time round are available all year round. From customer
promotions to promoting the Disney brand, marketing has proved time and time
again what a beneficial reach promoting can be and this can be shown by their hard
work in their charity efforts alone. With their own Walt Disney Company Foundation
charity and Disneys Worldwide Outreach charity offers generous donations reguarly
to key partners such as the well known Make A Wish Foundation who help fulfill the
wishes of crititcally ill children aged between two and a half to eighteen years old,
Toys for Tots who distribute toys to familys who cannot afford them and UNICEF
who Disney has had a relationship with since the early 1960's, both commiting to
helping children around the globe.

E: Principles of Customer Care

When it comes to customer care there are ten main principles. These principles are
put in place to cover all aspects of what makes a company a successful company.
Principles cover from anticipating the needs and wants of customers to providing
well trained staff and enhancing the reputation of Disney Cruises and I will discuss
these in further detail.

Meet and Exceed Customer Expectations

I feel I have already pressed on how well Disney Cruises meets and exceeds the
expecations of their customers though, being such a large and welknown brand,
there are always more areas to look at when it comes to providing their customers
with the best they possibly can. From the moment passangers disboard the plane to
travel to the dock to being returned on the airport shuttle to the terminal to return
home the expectations are met along with a few unexpected ideals of preference
available for those who wish to travel a Disney Cruise. From being provided
photographers on board but with the option to take own pictures on own devices,
given the option to bring own liquor on board from off the ship and finally having the
opportunity on a regular basis to meet important staff members like the Captain of
the ship and the Cruise Director themselves, Disney sure do make sure there is no
rock unturned when it comes to providing what the passanger wants.

Anticipate Customers Needs and Wants

Disney Cruises hugely anticipate the customers needs and wants and consistently
shows their attention to detail when it comes to this by following trends and providing
those characters on board possibly in their own special area, giving all on board the
chance to meet their favourite character. Questionaires providing important feedback
on where to improve is actioned at a fast pace to keep with the times and provide a
high standard of quality reguarly. Listening to the customers by providing more liners
with more destinations for more choice but also at the same time giving more people
the opportunity to enjoy a Disney Cruise when it is peak times and harder to book
the desired vacation.

Locate Products/Service in Right Place at Right Time

The products and service of Disney are always located in the right place at the right
time as they are such a huge company it is very easy to locate an opportunity to
book a Disney Cruise. Even if in the off chance an individual is having trouble looking
where to book or for relevant information, there will always be someone on hand who
would be able to point them in the right direction. When it comes to booking a Disney
Cruise the availability is vast allowing flexibility of when is preferable to book.

Provide Enough Well Trained Staff

When it comes to training staff, Disney's traning programme is extensive yet

extemely rewarding. Before a hire is made necessary requirements are to speak
English, minimum age of 21 and have relevant work experience in choosen field of
position. Trained in customer care and basic first aid training it is no suprise that they
have been awareded for their training, best service, number one cruise for families
and the worlds best number one ocean cruise line.

Establish Rapport/Relationship

Disney Cruises continue with Disney's own seven values to build, establish rapport
and relationships with their current customers. By being innovative, providing
exceptional quality, providing a valued community, storytelling like no other and
providing everyone to Disney with decency and lots of optimism this creates a
beneficial relationship across the board to guarantee their customers are regarded at
a high standard.

Secure Repeat Business

Disney Cruises maintain its relationships with their customers by providing

opportunities to return to the cruises. Using effective marketing techniques such as
contact marketing via letters and emails or with all the consistent advertising
regarding Disney themselves, it would not be long before a Disney Cruise ends that
the thoughts of returning for another great experience is a desire. Building a
relationship with Disney can be made with ease as a connection to a particular
character, toy, movie, tv show begins a relationship then it is only a matter of time
before there is a further connection with the purchase of Disney products.

Enhance Reputation

The reputation can reguarly be enhanced by Disney Cruises and this is by holding
PR activities such as professional conferences for professional aspects of the Disney
Cruise ie. stocks and shares. Other more informal activites may be shopping centre
visits with much loved characters, effective advertising and promotion of awards
given to Disney Cruises for such things like travel options, service and value.
Sustainability is also a fantastic opportunity to build repuatation in the current climate
and showcasing they are listening by being as efficent as possible. By reducing air
pollution and being on the most advanced sewage technology they have recieved
the highest grade of environmental report in 2019. Their transparency was also
recognised in the report for following through on what they said, they were doing.

Offer Value for Money Within Each Price Strategy

DIsney Cruises offer value in every price strategy by offering a full board basis for
just booking. Along with the benefits of all meals being covered along with snacks,
drinks and ice cream the little things that are also inclusive when boarding a Disney
liner really help build the value. With onboard amenities for babies and young
children, the assurance of boarding with an item forgotten can quickly be put at ease
to all the available free clubs and amenities available definetly drive a high standard
of quality.
Aim for the Feel Good Factor

The feel good factor on a Disney Cruise is something not just beneficial to the
passangers onboard but to the staff who cruise with Disney over their many months
at sea. The uniform itself can be very rewarding from becoming a Disney character
and bringing them to life, to being in a cruise staff uniform which all have their
specific badges on their arm indicating which department the crew member is from,
the day to day living and activities required by staff can be performed in such a great
manner. Providing the opportunity to travel the world, individuals from all countries in
the world travel in the hope of passing the interview stage and be given the chance
to be part of the most enjoyable cruise in the world. Following completion of a Disney
Cruise, staff are given a full two months off as even Disney recruiters are aware of
the energy required to perform onboard. Once this vacation time is completed, there
may be an offer to rejoin the cruise for a further contract on the sea.

Motivate Staff to Aim for Excellence

The motivation for staff to aim for excellence is begins with hearing Disney alone.
Aware of the vibrant, colourful and exciting world of Disney the motivation to be the
best is already there, then comes the incentives, awards and most of all the
recognition for great service and also long service too. From weekly pay to health
care, paid holidays, retirement funding and stocks withing Disney brand, the
opportunity to earn more than what is earned is there as stocks in Disney are very
valuable. Employee recognition is a huge aspect of working at Disney with over a
hundred of such awards available and up for grabs. The most prestigious award is
the Walt Disney Legacy award where peers recognise outstanding performance and
ensure this performance is rewarded correctly.

F: Quality Customer Service

Within the Disney brand, quality customer service is vital in achieving a competitive
advantage. On Disney Cruise's the quality of customer service is second to none
with such a variety of routes and option to market the product from wearing garmets
of famous and loved characters to those famous and loved characters walking
around the ship readily available to have photos taken with the passengers allowing
for DIsney to have an intangiable product that cannot be touched. As this level of
customer service is so advanced, offering avenues of customer satisfaction that
many other cruises's cannot compete with, this gives Disney a huge advantage when
it comes to competing with competitors. Using effective marketing strategies like
welcoming cruise booklets with many inviting pictures of the cruise itself, televised
adverts giving a wonderful feel to what is expected when on board and continuous
eye catching products seen on the streets worldwide prompting the consumer to look
into what Disney services are available, there really is no other cruise liner that
provides such a high level of customer service whilst also encorperating a heavy yet
sublte marketing strategy along with it.

G: Aims and Objective of Disney Cruises's

Disney Cruises's, although part of the Disney brand, have only been around since
1995. This can seem like a long time though, with Disney corporation being around
nearly 100 years, this branch of products and services is a drop in a large ocean of
Disney overall. This however, does not stop Disney Cruises's from having excellent
aims, objective and mission statements of their own to meet their goals. Striving to
be number one, their aim is to become the global leader of family entertainment
within the cruise industry and plan on doing this by being innovative and creative
while providing a unique experience on each of their liners. The objectives gathered
to make this aim a possiblity is to ensure customers are heard and relevant changes
are made to ensure the best experience possible. Along with this, following their
SWOT analysis to ensure any weaknesses or threats will be recognised and
managed across the departments. From marketing being aware of competitors,
economic decisions being made to be more friendly to the earth and having the most
up to date trending products available for purchase to maintain and dive sales. The
mission statement within Disney Cruises's remains the same as Walt Disney's
mission statement upon founding the company all those years ago, " the mission of
the Walt DIsney Company is to be one of the world's leadin producsers and
provicers of entertainment and information. Using our portfolio of brans to
differencieate our content, services and consumer products, we seek to develop the
most creative, innovative and profitable entertaiment experiences and related
prroducts in the world." Although this may not sound to connected to Disney
Cruises's itself, the mission itself remains the same. To provide and be the worlds
leading for entertainment and information. Using the brands accumulated by Disney
the information is being provided across the world in the most creative and
innovative ways and a Disney experience alone is the entertainment even with all the
production and content available also.

H: SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis is a very important part of any business. The purpose of this
analysis is to understand the business as a whole, identifying the strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities and threats the company may face in the up and coming
year or season. These SWOT analysis's project these four areas within the business
to all staff and in most cases, available online for customers, competitors and the
likes to see what the business themselves have forecast for the future.


The strengths Disney Cruises have are substancial due to the brand reputation. With
such a high brand profile, realiability rates are through the roof which can be proven
due to the length of service Disney has been around. A large cash flow from many
avenues allows for each area of Disney Cruises to be meticulously managed for
maximum efficiency and this large cash flow allows for a high quality product to
always be on offer to its customers. Strong negociation skills from a proficient team
from company heads all the way through to the customer experience on board the
liners shows customer service from well trained staff employees is a particularly
strong area also which provides a level of service like no other.


Disney Cruises weaknesses are few and far between with one weakness a
hinderance due to the strength of the customer attraction. As the attraction rates to
Disney Cruises are sky high this leaves Disney vunerable to competitors as there
may be reguarlities in the cruises being full at peak times meaning customer's would
have to be turned away.


The opportunities for Disney Cruises seems endless. Continuous and new marketing
of products and services will turn over a very profitable amount to then befunded
back into the business for new venures like destinations and ships. As there would
be new desintations and ships, the marketing campaigns promote these new
services pushing the Disney name into the world furthermore. Advancements in
technology allows for more avenues of advertisements to be made regarding social


The threats for Disney Cruises like all liners are strongly based on the virus's on
board which can be picked up and spread to other passengers. Novovirus is the
main virus always to be found on board which is a highly contagious condition that is
responsible for gastrointestinal outbreaks. As the current coronavirus outbreak has
halted the industry this year, new measures are in place for the return of Disney
Cruises to ensure this virus does not spread and can be contained. Desintation
threats can also be an issue for Disney Cruises as there could be at any time issues
on the water or upon arrival to any port if there is possibly terrorist threats or
miscommunication between governments leaving passengers at risk of the

I: SWOT recommendations.

Recommendations to Disney cruises using the SWOT analysis would be to have the
accounting department look to find any available cash flow for additional liners to be
added to specific and recommended destinations if this is the request of the overall
customer base. In doing this it will substancially increase profits and manage
satisfaction rate for the customers who are attracted to a Disney Cruise but are
unable to travel due to the liners being full. With a liner possibly on standby purely for
peak times this can increase the satisfaction of many thousands of customers for just
one cruise.

A further recommendation would be to look at the option of attending a Disney theme

park on one of the on land days in the itinerary. An early port time with offers and
promotions to the theme park like a line pass for the rides when purchasing tickets
this will increase sales, discounted food and vouchers for the Disney Store this can
offer the customer the best of both worlds by attending a cruise and theme park in
one visit.
My final recommendation for Disney Cruises is to ensure customer safety when
embarking to any desintation that a full update on new reports or correspondence to
ensure when docking at port both customers and staff can be made fully aware of
any goings ons that may be of interest.


B Anticipated the customer’s needs and wants/Customer Satisfaction and

Treating Customers Fairly

C: Marketing Research


D: Four P's of Marketing

E: Ten Marketing Principles

G: Aims and Objectives of Disney Cruises

H: SWOT Analysis

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