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Misplaced Modifiers

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Misplaced Modifiers
This chapter will describe misplaced modifiers, which are words that, because of awkward placement,
do not describe what the author intended them to describe.


George couldn’t drive to work in his sports car with a broken leg.

The sentence makes it sound as if the car has the broken leg, not George.


With his broken leg, George couldn’t drive to work in his sports car.

The phrase “with a broken leg” has been moved so that it is closer to “George”; now it is more clear
whose leg is broken.

Misplaced modifiers are words that, because of awkward placement, do not describe what the writer
intended them to describe. A misplaced modifier can make a sentence confusing or unintentionally
funny. To avoid this, place words as close as possible to what they describe.

Activity 1

Underline the misplaced word or words in each sentence. Then rewrite the sentence, placing related
words together and thereby making the meaning clear.


1. Frozen shrimp lay in the steel pans that were thawing rapidly.

2. Frozen shrimp that were thawing rapidly lay in the steel pans.

3. The speaker discussed the problem of crowded prisons at the college.

4. At the college, the speaker discussed the problem of crowded prisons.

1. The patient talked about his childhood on the psychiatrist’s couch.


2. The crowd watched the tennis players with swiveling heads.


3. Vonnie put four hamburger patties on the counter which she was cooking for dinner.


4. Steve carefully hung the new suit that he would wear to his first job interview in the bedroom closet.


5. The novel was about a pioneer family that Annie had borrowed from her cousin.

6. The latest Denzel Washington movie has almost opened in 2,200 theaters across the country.


7. To be cooked properly, the chef advised us to place the casserole in a preheated oven.


8. The tenants left town in a dilapidated old car owing two months’ rent.


9. The plan was to construct a church on an acre of land made of brick and stone.


10. I discovered an unusual plant in the greenhouse that oozed a milky juice.


Review Test 1

Write MM for misplaced modifier or C for correct in the space provided for each sentence.

__________ 1. I nearly napped for twenty minutes during the biology lecture.

__________ 2. I napped for nearly twenty minutes during the biology lecture.

__________ 3. The spacecraft traveled nearly 142 million miles to reach Mars.

__________ 4. The spacecraft nearly traveled 142 million miles to reach Mars.

__________ 5. My grandfather prepared breakfast for his family wearing his bathrobe.

__________ 6. Wearing his bathrobe, my grandfather prepared breakfast for his family.

__________ 7. We couldn’t read the advertisement on the water tower written in tiny letters.

__________ 8. We couldn’t read the advertisement written in tiny letters on the water tower.

__________ 9. I ordered a new telephone from the mail-order catalog shaped like a cartoon character.

__________ 10. I ordered from the mail-order catalog a new telephone shaped like a cartoon character.

Review Test 2

Make the changes needed to correct the misplaced modifier in each sentence.

1. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote that rainbows are flowers that have died and gone to heaven in a


2. Because of the storm, I almost arrived two hours late for my first day on the job.



3. The youngsters ran through the rooms of their brand new house with smiling faces.



4. The photographer pointed the camera at the shy deer equipped with a special nightvision scope.



5. Treated with a new drug, the doctor was confident that his patients would recover.



33 Dangling Modifiers

This chapter will describe dangling modifiers—descriptive words that open a sentence but do not
describe what the author intended them to describe.


While reading the newspaper, my dog sat with me on the steps.

The sentence misleadingly states that the dog was reading the newspaper.


While I was reading the newspaper, my dog sat with me on the steps.

The sentence makes it clear that the subject “I” was reading the newspaper.

A modifier that opens a sentence must be followed immediately by the word it is meant to describe.
Otherwise, the modifier is said to be dangling, and the sentence takes on an unintended meaning. For
example, in the sentence

While reading the newspaper, my dog sat with me on the front steps.

the unintended meaning is that the dog was reading the newspaper. The writer should have said,

While reading the newspaper, I sat with my dog on the front steps.

The dangling modifier could also be corrected by placing the subject within the opening word group:

While I was reading the newspaper, my dog sat with me on the front steps.

The examples above show two ways to correct a dangling modifier.

Tip: In some cases, a subordinating word such as when must be added and the verb may have to be

1. Place the subject within the opening word group:

When Ed was shaving in front of the steamy mirror, he nicked his chin.

2. Place the subject right after the opening word group:

Shaving in front of the steamy mirror, Ed nicked his chin.

Activity 1

Look at the opening words in each sentence and ask who. The subject that answers the question should
be nearby in the sentence. If it is not, provide the logical subject by using either method of correction
described above.


1. While pitching his tent, a snake bit Tony on the ankle.

2. While Tony was pitching his tent, a snake bit him on the ankle.

3. Or

4. While pitching his tent, Tony was bitten on the ankle by a snake.

1. Dancing on their hind legs, the audience cheered wildly as the elephants paraded by.



2. Last seen wearing dark glasses and a blond wig, the police spokesperson said the suspect was still
being sought.



3. Applying a salve to the burn on my leg, the pain soon subsided.



4. Escorted by dozens of police motorcycles, I knew the limousine carried someone important.



5. Marching across the field, a river could be seen in the distance.


6. Packed tightly in a tiny can, Fran had difficulty removing the anchovies.



7. Practicing relaxation techniques daily, stress can be relieved.



8. Avoiding foods high in fat and calories, one’s health can be drastically improved.



9. Sitting at a sidewalk café, all sorts of interesting people passed by.



10. Though somewhat warped, Uncle Zeke played his records from the forties.



Review Test 1

Write DM for dangling modifier or C for correct in the space provided for each sentence.

__________ 1. Having considered several models, the Ford mustang was finally agreed upon.

__________ 2. Having considered several models, we finally agreed upon the Ford


__________ 3. After eating shellfish for the first time, Jim had a frightening allergic reaction.

__________ 4. After eating shellfish for the first time, Jim’s allergic reaction was frightening.

__________ 5. Boring and silly, I turned the TV show off.

__________ 6. I turned off the boring and silly TV show.

__________ 7. Munching leaves from a tall tree, the giraffe fascinated the children.

__________ 8. Munching leaves from a tall tree, the children were fascinated by the giraffe.

__________ 9. At the age of twelve, several colleges had already accepted the boy genius.

__________ 10. At the age of twelve, the boy genius had already been accepted by several colleges.
Review Test 2

Make the changes needed to correct the dangling modifier in each sentence.

1. After dieting for several months, a loss of twenty pounds was Susan’s reward.



2. Joined at the hip, a team of surgeons successfully separated the Siamese twins.



3. Flossing one’s teeth daily, dental checkups should be less worrisome.



4. While being restrained by federal marshals, the judge sentenced the kidnapper.



5. In a sentimental frame of mind, the music brought tears to Beth’s eyes.



Review Test 3

Complete the following so that a logical subject follows the opening words.


1. Looking through the door’s peephole, I couldn’t see who rang the doorbell.

1. Noticing the light turn yellow, _______________________________________

2. Being fragile, ___________________________________________________

3. While washing the car, ____________________________________________

4. Graduating at the top of her class, ____________________________________

5. Driving past the cemetery, __________________________________________

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