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Mandatory Disclosure

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1. Name of the Institution : Thapar Institute of Engineering &


Address including Telephone, Thapar Technology Campus

Mobile, Email Bhadson Road,
Patiala – 147 004 (Punjab)
Telephone : 0175-2393001
Mobile : 8288008120, 8288008121
Email :,

2. Name and Address of the Trust : Thapar Education Trust

Address including Telephone, Thapar Technology Campus

Mobile, Email Bhadson Road,
Patiala – 147 004 (Punjab)
Telephone : 0175-2393021
Mobile : 8288008120, 8288008121
Email :

3. Name and address of the : Prof. Prakash Gopalan

Thapar Institute of Engineering &
Thapar Technology Campus
Bhadson Road,
Patiala – 147 004 (Punjab)
Telephone : 0175-2393001
Email :

4. Name of the Affiliating : Not applicable as Thapar Institute of

University Engineering & Technology is a Deemed
to be University.

5. Governance :

 Members of the Board and : Details are placed at Annexure-I

their brief background

 Members of the Academic : The constitution of Senate is enclosed

Advisory body at Annexure-II
 Frequency of the Board : The meetings of the Statutory Bodies
meetings and Academic are held frequently as per following :
Advisory Body  Board of Governors : 4 times in a
 Senate : 3 to 4 times in a year

 Organizational chart and :

The internal coordination is carried out effectively through the proceedings of various bodies
such as Board of Governors, the main executive body of the University, Finance Committee,
Staff Affairs Committee through the progress reported by the Director on quarterly basis.
Within the Institute, the Director monitors the complete coordination through the
proceedings of Planning and Monitoring Board, Senate and Building and Works committee
through the meetings held on regular basis. Besides, the coordination is also monitored
through the Management Review Committee/IQAC meetings held once a semester. The
powers and functions of various bodies are well enunciated in the Rules which help the
statutory bodies to exercise effective monitoring of the entire functioning of the Institute.
The officers of the University have also been vested with extensive powers and functions as
elaborated in the Rules of the Institute to closely monitor the internal coordination.

All the key decisions are taken by the statutory committees as prescribed by the regulatory
bodies. The functions of each of these bodies are briefly described below:

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors is the principal executive body of the Institute, and is responsible
for direction and control of the affairs of the University. It exercises the powers of the
University not otherwise provided in the Memorandum of Association and Rules &
Regulations. It creates, keeps in abeyance or abolishes any post or cadres; lays down the
qualifications, experience and emoluments; defines duties and conditions of service of staff;
appoints academic, administrative and technical staff; regulates and enforces discipline
amongst employees; adopts the Annual Report and Annual Accounts; approves the Budget
Estimate and Development Plans; manages & regulates the finances, accounts,
investments, property and all other administrative affairs; fixes admission fee, scholarships,
prizes, emoluments etc; and oversees all other matters related to the University.

Planning & Monitoring Board

The Planning & Monitoring Board has been constituted for preparing development plans of
the University, monitoring the implementation of approved plans of the University and
schemes sanctioned by U.G.C. and other agencies, and for considering all those matters
which have been referred to it by the Board of Governors.


The Senate is the principal academic body of the University and exercises general
supervision over the academic work, promotes research activities, maintains proper
standards of examination, frames and revises curricula and syllabi of courses, makes
proposals for institution of research, specialized studies, libraries, laboratories etc. and all
other academic matters related to the University.

Finance Committee
The Finance Committee has been constituted for preparing the Budget estimates and Annual
Accounts of the University. The Finance Committee has fixed the limits of total recurring and
non-recurring expenditures based on the income and resources of the University.

Staff Affairs Committee

The Staff Affairs Committee has been constituted to review the staff structure, suggestions
regarding revision of cadre, creation of new posts, minimum qualification and experience of
staff including promotion cases, recruitment policies, procedure for recruitment and all other
matters related to the staff of the University.

Building & Works Committee

This committee looks after all major construction works under the direction of the Board,
and minor works within the grant placed at the disposal of the University. It is responsible
for the enlistment of suitable contractors and acceptance of tenders and preparation of
estimates of cost of buildings and other works i.e. capital, minor repair or maintenance.

The Organization Chart is as under :

 Nature and extent of : The Institute has made arrangements
involvement of faculty and to take feedback from the Students,
students in academic affairs industry and faculty academic and
/ improvements improvement in all aspects as per the
following :
 Feedback from the students at the
end of every semester on various
aspects of the course taught to
 Feedback collected from the
industry during the campus
 Feedback from students after they
spend six months in industry for
their project semester.
 Feedback from the six months
project semester of the students, on
the quality of students and their
usefulness to the industry.
 Involvement of faculty in various
Statutory Bodies.
The information thus collected is
summarized, and analyzed and the
results of the analysis are used as a
feedback to further improve the

 Mechanism / Norms and : The Institute has a hierarchy of

procedure for democratic / leadership to ensure organization’s
good governance management system development,
implementation and continuous
improvement. The Institute has
established various academic and
administrative bodies which are
decision making bodies for all the
Institute activities. The leadership is
provided by the Director who is an
eminent academician to guide the
Institute ably assisted by Deputy
Director, Deans, Registrar and Heads of
academic Units. The officials of the
Institute interact with stakeholders
through interaction with Students,
Alumni, Parents, Industry, Employees,
Media periodically and takes their
feedback. The scope includes the
following for all the
programmes/services offered by the

 Student Feedback on : Student response survey form is filled

Institutional Governance / by the students for every course twice
Faculty performance during each semester. This facility is
available to students’ online using e-
mode. The aspects related to
Governance and faculty is covered in
this form.

 Grievance Redressal : The Institute has the following

Mechanism for faculty, staff committees for the grievance of
and students students and staff of the University :

(i) Students Consultative Committee
To obtain the students feedback,
TIET has a Students Consultative
Committee (SCC) comprising of
ex-officio faculty representatives
and over 100 student
representatives from across the
various disciplines. SCC’s
objective is to assist the
administration in preparing and
implementing students’ welfare
plans. SCC meets at least twice a
(ii) Student Counseling Cell
Student counseling helps the
students in solving their specific
problems related to academics,
personal, psychological etc. so
that they are able to achieve
academic excellence, develop an
integrated personality during
their stay on the campus. The
Counseling services cover all
undergraduate and postgraduate
students, with particular
emphasis on improving academic
performance of academically
deficient students. Counselling
cell is headed by Chief Student
Counselor who is assisted by one
student counselor from each
department/school. For general
counseling, students can
approach Chief Student
Counsellor or any member of
counselling team with their
problems. Professional
Counselors are also engaged
from time to time on need basis.
(iii) OMBUDSMAN has been appointed
to redress the grievances of the


(i) Through Staff Affairs Committee

Staff Affairs Committee has been
constituted by the Board of
Governors to review the staff
structure, suggestions regarding
revision of cadre, creation of new
posts, minimum qualification and
experience of staff including
promotion cases, recruitment
policies, procedure for
recruitment and all other matters
related to the staff of the
Institute. There are three faculty
representatives are the member
of the SAC to directly discuss the
“Staff Feelings” with the
Chairman, Board of Governors.
(ii) Policy to prevent Sexual
Thapar Institute of Engineering &
Technology University is
committed to creating and
maintaining a community in
which students, teachers and
non-teaching staff can work
together in an environment free
of violence, harassment,
exploitation, intimidation and
stress. This includes all forms of
gender violence, sexual
harassment and discrimination on
the basis of sex/gender or
amongst the same sex members.
Every member of the University
should be aware that while the
University is committed to the
right to freedom of expression
and association, it strongly
support gender equality and
opposes any form of gender
discrimination and violence.
All the complaints in this regard
shall be made to the committee
duly constituted by the Thapar
Institute of Engineering &
Technology University, Patiala.

(iii) Through Grievance Redressal

A Grievance Redressal Committee has
been constituted by the Board of
Governors to address grievances of the
faculty and staff of the Institute. Any
employee of the Institute could address
his grievance in writing to the Chairman
of the Committee.

 Establishment of Anti : The constitution of Anti Ragging

Ragging Committee Committees and Squads are attached at

 Establishment of Online : The online Grievance Redressal

Grievance Redressal Mechanism has been established
Mechanism through OMBUDSMAN at email ID :

 Establishment of Grievance : The present constitution of Students

Redressal Committee in the Consultative Committee is placed at
Institution and appointment Annexure-IV .
of OMBUDSMAN by the Prof. S.K. Kaushik, Retd. Professor, IIT
University Roorkee has been appointed as
OMBUDSMAN of the Institute to redress
the grievances of the students.

 Establishment of Internal : The constitution of Internal Complaint

Complaint Committee (ICC) Committee is attached at Annexure-V.

 Establishment of Committee : The “Equal Opportunity Centre” for the

for SC / ST redressal of the grievances of the
marginalized / disadvantaged sections
under the Chairmanship of Dean of
Student Affairs has been constituted.

 Internal Quality Assurance : The constitution of IQAC is attached at

Cell Annexure-VI.

6. Programmes :
 Name of the Programmes :
approved by AICTE (2019-

S. Name of the Course Intake

No 2019-2020
1. Biotechnology 60
2. Chemical Engineering 60
3. Civil Engineering 120
4. Computer Engineering 750
5. Electrical Engineering 180
6. Electronics & Communication Engineering 210
7. Electronics & Computer Engineering 180
8. Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering 100
9. Mechanical Engineering 225
10. Mechanical Engineering (Production) 60
11. Mechatronics 60
12. Computer Science & Engineering 180
13. Computer Science & Business Systems 60
14. Biomedical Engineering 60

Masters in Computer Applications
15. MCA 30

Masters in Engineering
16. CAD/CAM Engineering 30
17. Structural Engineering 30
18. Electronics & Comm. Engineering 30
19. Production Engineering 18
20. Software Engineering 30
21. Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering 18
22. Computer Science & Engineering 60
23. Power Systems 30
24. Thermal Engineering 30
25. Infrastructure Engineering 30
Masters in Technology
26. Environmental Science & Tech. 18
27. VLSI Design 30
28. Chemical Engineering 18
29. Biotechnology 18
S. Name of the Course Intake
No 2019-2020
M.Sc. Programmes
30. M.Sc. Biotechnology 40
31. M.Sc. Physics 40
32. M.Sc. Chemistry 40
33. M.Sc. Mathematics 20
34. M.Sc. Mathematics & Computing 20
35. M.Sc. Bio-Chemistry 40
36. M.Sc. Environmental Sciences 40
Master in Arts
37. Psychology 20
Post Graduate Diploma

38. Post Graduate Diploma (Professional) in Clinical and Counseling Psychology 20

39. Ph.D. Programmes (All Engineering & Management Streams) --

L. M. Thapar School of Management (Off Campus Centre), Village Behra, Tehsil Derabassi :

S. Name of the Course Intake

No 2019-2020
40. MBA 200
41. Computer Science & Engineering 120

 Name of the Programmes :  UG – Computer Engineering

Accredited by NBA  UG – Electrical Engineering
 UG – Chemical Engineering
 UG – Mechanical Engineering
 UG – Civil Engineering
 UG – Electronics & Communication Engg
 Status of Accreditation of :
 Total Number of Courses : 6
 No. of courses for which : 1
applied for accreditation
 Status of Accreditation : Accredited

 For each programme the following details are to be given

Name of the Programme : Biotechnology – UG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
50 50 60
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 344 179
2017 536 160
2018 481 118
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 82000
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 2.80 9.00 4.49
Salary 2017 2.80 4.00 3.40

Name of the Programme : Chemical Engineering – UG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
90 60 60
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 142 72
2017 104 58
2018 94 35
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 82000
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 9.00 4.76
Salary 2017 3.00 10.00 5.14
2018 3.00 15.00 6.99
Name of the Programme : Civil Engineering – UG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
120 130 165
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 148 68
2017 121 50
2018 114 37
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 82000
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 2.28 5.50 3.69
Salary 2017 2.20 7.00 4.28
2018 3.00 10.75 5.41

Name of the Programme : Computer Engineering – UG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
425 570 750
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 226 156
2017 197 126
2018 171 105
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 100200
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 38.00 8.62
Salary 2017 3.00 29.50 8.09
2018 3.25 33.00 10.04

Name of the Programme : Electrical Engineering – UG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
150 150 180
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 148 87
2017 135 49
2018 106 36
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 82000
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 9.00 5.21
Salary 2017 3.00 7.95 4.71
2018 3.00 15.00 5.89

Name of the Programme : Electronics & Communications Engineering

– UG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
165 165 210
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 171 122
2017 156 104
2018 126 65
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 94100
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 15.20 6.34
Salary 2017 3.00 16.80 5.56
2018 3.25 20.35 8.03

Name of the Programme : Electronics & Computer Engineering – UG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
120 180 180
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 166 137
2017 135 49
2018 124 77
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 94100
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three ---
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average

Name of the Programme : Electronics Instrumentation & Control

Engineering – UG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
100 100 100
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 129 59
2017 99 51
2018 106 38
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 82000
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 10.31 5.60
Salary 2017 3.00 22.00 6.09
2018 3.00 12.04 5.98

Name of the Programme : Mechanical Engineering – UG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
150 160 225
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 169 130
2017 176 97
2018 135 37
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 100200
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 9.00 5.38
Salary 2017 2.50 10.00 5.32
2018 3.00 15.00 5.82

Name of the Programme : Mechanical Engineering (Production) – UG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
60 30 60
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 129 57
2017 97 48
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 82000
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016
Salary 2017
Name of the Programme : Mechatronics – UG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 0
Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : Year Cut Off Rank
during last three years Marks
2016 143 85
2017 107 70
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 82000
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.28 7.18 5.07
Salary 2017 3.00 6.50 4.77
2018 3.00 8.50 5.35

Name of the Programme : Computer Science & Engineering (Off

Campus Centre) – UG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018

Duration : 4 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : ---
during last three years
Fee (Tuition Fee) : 100200
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three --
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average

Name of the Programme : CAD/CAM Engineering – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : --
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.50 5.40 4.25
Salary 2017 3.00 4.80 3.98
2018 3.50 3.50 3.50
Name of the Programme : Structural Engineering – PG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : ---
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 42200
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.60 5.61 4.77
Salary 2017 3.00 5.50 4.68
2018 4.80 9.00 4.90

Name of the Programme : Electronics & Communication Engineering –

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : --
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.50 6.00 4.55
Salary 2017 2.40 6.00 4.03
2018 4.20 5.20 4.70

Name of the Programme : Production Engineering – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 18
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : ---
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.50 5.40 4.09
Salary 2017 3.00 7.00 4.43
Name of the Programme : Software Engineering – PG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : -------
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 8.00 4.74
Salary 2017 2.50 7.20 4.61
2018 3.50 9.50 5.65

Name of the Programme : Electronics Instrumentation & Control

Engineering – PG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : ---
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 6.00 4.14
Salary 2017 2.40 4.50 3.63

Name of the Programme : Computer Science & Engineering – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 60 60
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : --
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 8.50 5.10
Salary 2017 2.50 11.69 5.04
2018 3.50 9.50 5.97
Name of the Programme : Power Systems – PG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : ---
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 4.80 3.82
Salary 2017 3.00 7.00 4.86
2018 7.40 7.40 7.40

Name of the Programme : Thermal Engineering – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission : --
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.50 5.40 4.06
Salary 2017 3.00 4.08 4.18
2018 7.50 7.50 7.50

Name of the Programme : Infrastructure Engineering – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
18 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission :
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 42200
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 4.20 4.80 4.50
Salary 2017 3.00 3.00 3.00
2018 5.50 5.50 5.50
Name of the Programme : Environmental Science and Technology –
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 0 18
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission :
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 4.20 4.20 4.20
Salary 2017

Name of the Programme : VLSI Design – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 30 30
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission :
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 44550
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 5.61 3.81
Salary 2017 3.50 5.00 4.08
2018 3.50 12.00 7.75

Name of the Programme : Chemical Engineering – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
30 0 0
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission :
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 42200
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 0 0 0
Salary 2017 3.50 3.50 3.50
2018 0 0 0
Name of the Programme : Biotechnology – PG
Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
18 30 18
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission :
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 42200
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 2.90 3.35 3.31
Salary 2017 2.90 5.61 4.26
2018 3.00 6.00 4.50

Name of the Programme : Masters in Computer Applications – PG

Number of Seats : 2016 2017 2018
90 90 90
Duration : 2 years
Cut Off Marks / Rank of admission :
during last three years
Fee- (Tuition Fee) :2018 : 45750
Placement Facilities : Yes
Campus placement in last three Year Min Max Average
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average 2016 3.00 10.50 5.05
Salary 2017 3.00 8.00 4.37
2018 3.00 12.00 5.23

 Name and duration of programme(s) having Twinning and Collaboration

with Foreign University(s) and being run in the campus along with status
of their AICTE approval. If there is Foreign Collaboration, give the
following details :

Name of the University :

Address :
Website : All the details are placed at the
Accreditation status of the : following link :
University in its Home Country
Ranking of the University in the :
Home Country
Whether the degree offered is :
equivalent to an Indian Degree? If
yes, the name of the agency
which has approved equivalence.
If no, implications for students in
terms of pursuit of higher studies
in India and abroad and job both
within and outside the Country.
Nature of Collaboration :
Conditions of Collaboration :
Complete details of payment a :
student has to make to get full
benefit of collaboration

 For each programme Collaborated provide the following :

Please view the above link.

Programme Focus :
Number of Seats :
Admission Procedure :
Fee :
Placement Facility :
Placement Records for last three :
years with minimum salary,
maximum salary and average

7.  Branch wise list of Faculty :

 Permanent Faculty : 307
 Adjunct / Adhoc Faculty : 115
 Permanent Faculty : :
Student Ratio
 Number of Faculty employed : Left : 126
and left during the last three Employed : 124

8. Profile of Director
 Name : Prof. Prakash Gopalan
 Date of Birth : 7/4/1961
 Unique ID : 2101294
 Educational Qualifications : Ph.D. / M.Tech. / M.Sc. / B.Sc.
 Work Experience :
 Teaching 20
 Research 23
 Industry 0
 Others 0
 Area of Specialization : Material Science
 Courses taught at Diploma / :
Post Diploma / Under Material Science
Graudate / Post Graduate /
Post Graduate Diploma Level
 Research guidance : UG : 40, PG : 50, Ph.D. : 9
 Projects Carried out :
 Patents : 0
 Technology Transfer : 0
 Research Publications : 64
 No. of books published with : 0

9. Fee
 Details of fee as approved : Not Applicable
by the State Fee Committee
for the Institution
 Time schedule for payment : The details for the academic session
of fee for the entire 2019-2020 are placed at the website of
programme the Institute at the following link :
 No. of fee waivers granted :
with amount and name of
the students
 Number of scholarships : The details are placed at the website on
offered by the Institution, the Institute at following link :
duration and amount
 Criteria for fee waivers / : Please see above link.
 Estimated cost of Boarding : Please see the following link :
and Lodging in Hostels

10. Admissions:
 Number of seats sanctioned : The details are placed at Annexure-
with the year of approval VII.
 Number of students :
admitted under various
categories each year in the
last three years
 Number of applications : Not applicable
received during last two
years for admission under
Management Quota and
numbers admitted

11. Admission Procedure

 Mention the admission test : The details are placed at the website of
being following, name and the Institute at following link :
address of the Test Agency
and its URL (website) application-
 Number of seats allotted to :
different test qualified
candidate separately (AIEEE / Please view the above link.
CET (State conducted test /
University tests / CMAT /
GPAT) / Association
conducted test)
 Calendar for admission
against Vacant seats :
 Last date of request for :
 Last date of submission of :
applications All the details are available at the
 Dates for announcing final : following link :
 Release of admission list :
(main list and waiting list RTANT_DATES_AND_INFORMATION.pdf
shall be announced on the
same day)
 Date for acceptance by
the candidates (time given
shall in no case be less
than 15 days)
 Last date for closing of :
 Starting of the Academic :
 The waiting list shall be :
activated only on the
expiry of date of the main
 The policy of refund of the :
fee, in case of withdrawal
shall be clearly notified

12. Criteria and weightages for

 Describe each criterion with : The details are placed at the website of
its respective weightages i.e. the Institute at following link :
Admission Test, marks in
qualifying examination etc. application-
 Mention the minimum level of : form.php?_ga=2.19119610.331393614.
acceptance, if any 1551959007-1963215159.1549696717
 Mention the cut-off levels of :
percentage and percentile Please see point No. 6.
score of the candidates in the
admission test for the last
three years.
 Display marks scored in Test : N.A.
etc. and in aggregate for all
candidates who were

13. List of Applicants

 List of candidate whose : The details are attached at Annexure-
applications have been VIII.
received alongwith
percentile / percentage
score for each of the
qualifying examination in
separate categories for open
seats (2018-19)

14. Results of Admission under Not Applicable.

management Seats / Vacant
 Composition of selection :
team for admission under
Management Quota with the
brief profile of members
(This information be made
available in the public
domain after the admission
process is over)

 Score of the individual :

candidate admitted arranged
in order or merit
 List of candidate who have :
been offered admission
 Waiting list of the candidate :
in order of merit to be
operative from the last date
of joining of the first list
 List of candidate who joined :
within the date, vacancy
position in each category
before operation of waiting

15. Information of Infrastructure

and other resources available
 Number of class rooms and : The details are placed at Annexure-IX.
size of each
 Number of tutorial rooms :
and size of each
 Number of Laboratories and :
size of each
 Number of Drawing Halls :
with capacity of each
 Number of Computer :
Centres with capacity of
 Central Examination facility, :
number of rooms and
capacity of each
 Hostel Facilities :
 Barrier free built : Yes
environment for disabled
and elderly persons
 Occupancy Certificate : The same is placed at Annexure-X.
 Fire and Safety Certificate :

 Number of Library books / :
Titles / Journals available Details are placed at Annexure-XI.
(Program wise)
 List of online National / :
International Journals
 E-Library facilities :

Laboratory and Workshop

 List of Major Equipment / :
facilities in each Laboratory / Details are placed at Annexure-XII.
 List of Experimental setup in
each Laboratory / Workshop
Computing Facilities
 Internet Bandwidth : Total Internet Bandwidth: 5 Gbps
 1:1 3Gbps from M/s Bharat
Sanchar Nigam Limited.
 1:1 1Gbps from M/s Reliance
Communications Ltd.
 1:n 1Gbps from NKN under
National Mission on Education
through ICT
 Number of Configuration of : Approx 1850
 Total number of systems : All
connected by LAN
 Total number of system : All
connected by WAN
 Major software packages : List of Major Application Software
available 1. Mathworks Campus Agreement:
Mathworks Licenses for the period
(One year wide Unlimited Period)
Unlimited Licenses with All
2. Microsoft Edvantage Program
i. MS-Office 2016
ii. Ms-Office 2013
iii. MS Office 2007
iv. MS Office 2000 Professional
v. MS Office 4.3
3. Campus wide ERP
4. Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 –
900 license
5. Anti-Plagiarism:
i. Turnitin Campus Subscription -1
ii. Turnitin Student subscription - 500
6. Life Size:
i. Life Size UVC Multipoint with 5 Flex
ii. Life Size UVC Clearsea with 5 Video
call ports FHD -1
7. Adobe Acrobat Professional 9.00AE
– 05
8. Web Publishing Tools
9. End Note X7 -1
10.Crystal Reports 9.0
11.Staler 4.0
12.SQL Svr Ent 2008
13.Oracle 10g
14.Oracle 9.i (30 User)
15.MS Visual Studio 2010
16.MS Visual Studio 2008
17.MS Visual Studio 6.0
18.Nash Pack 3.0
19.VC++ 2.0
20.VB 4.0
21.MS Project 4.0
22.Neural Connection
23.SPSS 20.0
List of Major Legal System software
1. Microsoft Ed-vantage Program
i. Windows 10 legalization OLP
Academic -300+300Licenses
ii. Windows 8.1 legalization OLP
Academic -300 Licenses
iii. Windows 8 legalization OLP
Academic -220 Licenses
2. Citrix Xen Server Perpetual Per
Socket License - 2
3. Win Svr Ent 2008 - 01
4. MS Window 7
5. MS – Windows Vista Business Upg
OLP NL AE – 30
6. MS – Windows Vista Business media
kit – 01
7. MS-Windows XP Professional
8. MS-Windows 2003 server
9. MS-Windows Terminal servers CAL
2003 OLP NL AE – 20
10. 50 CAL and 50 TCAL for Windows
11. Windows 2000 Advance Server
12. Windows 2000 Professional
13. Windows 98
14. Windows NT 4.0
15. Red Hat Linux 9.0
16. Sun Solaris 10
 Special purpose facilities :

Innovations : An exciting programme that aims to

nurture and support entrepreneurs
within and outside the campus has been
conceptualized at TIET. This is a
journey of three years involving the
following different tracks:
Startup Studio: An extra curricular
evening with eminent entrepreneurs
who will visit the campus once a month
and share their experiences and life
journey with interested students of
B.Tech II Year. These eight meetings
during the whole year would include:
interesting talks, videos, activities, role-
plays, games, experiential learning
about creating a startup with lots of fun
and participation.
Innovation & Entrepreneurship: This
regular course to be offered in third
year to equip you with fundamentals for
establishing a startup, if you ever
decide to do so. Students also
undertake a project and apply their
classroom learning (one session a
week) in the tutorials to work on
real/virtual business idea.
Startup Track: Select few students
who want to further develop their
startup idea will create an
app/prototype/working model at the
campus for six months during their
project semester. This is considered
equivalent to project semester and
evaluated in the same manner.
Students are supported with need
based skill trainings and other
competency building workshop by
industry experts & senior professionals.

Social Media Cell : Available.

Compliance of the National : Yes

Academic Depository (NAD)
applicable to PGCM / PGDM
Institutions and University

List of facilities available :

 Games and Sports facilities : The institute has several playgrounds
and well-maintained athletic track to
encourage the students to take part in
different games such as Cricket,
Hockey, Football, Basketball, Volleyball,
Lawn Tennis and Badminton. The sports
department has one Assistant Director
along with 7 coaches for cricket, lawn
tennis, badminton, volleyball, football,
swimming and yoga instructor. The
sports department organizes various
sporting events like ‘Thaparlympics’,
‘URJA’, Inter-year competitions and
inter-technology tournaments
throughout the year.

 Extra curricular activities : The details are placed at following link:

 Soft Skill Development Activities : The Institute has introduced need-based soft
skills development programs for students.
Specialists are hired to help students develop
good communication skills and also harness
other soft skills.

Teaching Learning Process :

 Curricula and syllabus for : All the details are placed on the website
each of the programmes as of the Institute at following link :
approved by the University

 Academic Calendar of the : The details are available at the

University following link :
 Academic time table with :
the name of the faculty Dr. S.S. Bhatia
members handling the Dean of Academic Affairs
 Teaching load of each :
 Internal continuous : Yes
evaluation system and place
 Student’s assessment of : Yes, through SRS.
faculty, system in place

For each Post Graduate Courses :

give the following
 Title of the Course : The details are placed at Annexure-
 Curricula and syllabi : XII.
 Laboratory facilities :
exclusive to the Post
Graduate Courses
Special Purpose :
 Software all design tools in : The Institute is using the ERP software
case that includes modules financial
 Academic Calendar and management, inventory management,
frame work human resource management,
purchase management, academic
activities etc.

16. Enrollment of students in last 3 :


17. List of Research Projects /

Consultancy Works
 Number of Projects carried : Details are placed at Annexure-XIII.
out, funding agency, grant
 Publications (if any) out of : Details are placed at Annexure-XIV.
research in last three years
out of masters projects
 Industry Linkage : Details are placed at Annexure-XV.
 MoU with Industries : Details are placed at Annexure-XVI.
(minimum 3)

18. LoA and subsequent EoA till the : Details are placed at Annexure-XVII.
current Academic Year

19. Accounted audited statement : Details are placed at Annexure-XVIII.

for the last three years

20. Best Practices adopted, if any : The Institute has many best practices
that include Foundation Program for all
faculty in pedagogical inputs to T&L, a
semester long internship for all
undergraduate and postgraduate
The processes used to evaluate and
provide feedback about performance of
the faculty can help the Institute thrive
by providing appropriate rewards and
encouragement for good performers,
and guidance about how to improve
their performance to others. A new
performance incentive scheme was
designed to reward performers and
encourage all others to improve their

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