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Упражнения за самостоятелна работа

I. Напишете формите на глаголите за трето лице (he, she, it)

s es ies


dance, try, brush, open, fix, put, likem kiss, dry, do, copy, catch, wash, fly, sit,
play, go, teach, pass, begin, say, finish, think, have, fit, make

II. Поставете глаголите в скобите в сегашно просто време

1. I ….. (play) football with my friends on Saturdays

2. Tina ……..(walk) to school every day.
3. We …… (go) to bed at 11 o'clock every night.
4. Penguins ……… (live) in the Atarctic.
5. Bob …….. (study) maths at university.
6. Jo and Peter ….. (visit) their grandparents every week.
7. Sally ……. (speak) Spanish.
8. Mike ……. (do) his homework every afternoon.
9. Susan ………. (wash) her hair twice a week.
10. Water ……..(boil) at 100° centigrades.

III. Поставете глаголите в скобите в сегашно просто време

This restaurant is called "Paris". Twelve people 1) ….. (work) here. Julia Simson is the
owner. She 2) ….. (go) to the restaurant at five o'clock in the afternoon. The waiters 3)
……. (arrive) at half past five. They 4) …… (set) the tables and 5) ….. (tidy) the kitchen.
The chef, Pierre Rousseau, 6) ..... (come) at six o'clock. He 7) .... (prepare) the food for
the evening. The restaurant 8) ... (open) at seven o'clock. Many people 9) ... (eat)
here because the food is very good. The restaurant 10) .... (close) at one o'clock in the
mornong, and at half past one Julia, the chef and the waiters 11) .... (go) home.

IV. Поставете наречията за честота на правилното място

1. I drink a glass of milk in the morning. (always)

2. Kate goes to bed late at night. (never)
3. My mother watches TV. (rarely)
4. You can see clouds in the sky. (sometimes)
5. Ben eats in a restaruant. (hardly ever)
6. Joanne doesn't get up early. (usually)
7. They are late for school. (often)

V. Направете изреченията отрицателни.

1.Jane drinks a glass of milk in the morning.

2. Kate goes to bed late at night.
3. My brother plays computer games.
4. We study in the same school.
5. Ben eats out three times a week.
6. Joanne gets up early.
7. They are late for school every morning.

VI. А сега въпросителни

1.Jane drinks a glass of milk in the morning.

2. Kate goes to bed lat at night.
3. My brother plays computer games.
4. We study in the same school.
5. Ben eats out three times a week.

6. Joanne gets up early.
7. They are late for school every morning.

VII. Направете изреченията въпросителни и отрицателни.

1. Simon likes tea.

2. We often play basketball on Saturdays.
3. Bill drives to work every day.
4. Our dog likes biscuits.
5. They live in France.
6. Samantha works in a supermarket.
7. Paul and Mary often go to the gym.
8. David always gets up at 8 o'clock.
9. Miss Jones teaches maths.

VIII. Match the questions with the answers.

1. What's your job?
2. Do you take the bus to work every day?
3. What do you do in the evening?
4. Do you enjoy your job?
5. Do you like comedies and romantic films?
6. How often do you go to the theatre?
7. Do your parents live near you?
8. Do you live in a house or a flat?
9. Where do you keep your clothes?
10.What time do you start work?

a I usually go out.
b I am a nurse.
c Some of them.
d No, they don't.
e At half past seven.
f In my wardrobe
g About once a month.
h In a flat.
i No, I usually walk to work.
j Yes, I do.

IX. Поставете am/is/are или do/does

1. ______________ you cold?

2. ______________ Amelia speak Spanish?
3. ______________ Julia at home?
4. ______________ you want a biscuit?
5. ______________ she from Italy?
6. ______________ David drink coffee?
7. ______________ you have any money?
8. ______________ it warm outside?
9. ______________ you hungry?
10. ______________ she in the garden?
11. ______________ the cat under the bed?
12. ______________ you like horses?
13. ______________ she want to go to the gym?
14. ______________ John on the train?
15. ______________ they live in Poland?
16. ______________ you worried about the exam?
17. ______________ it rain much in Scotland?
18. ______________ they at the cinema just now?
19. ______________ we need to hurry?
20. ______________ he usually work late?

X. Попълнете празните места

1 А: Where …. (be) Jack?
B: At school.
2. A: …………….. (you come) here very often?
B: Yes, every evening.
3. A: I ………. (play) tennis in the summer.
B: eally? So do I!
4. We …. (leave) the house at 6:30 every morning.
B: That's very early.
5. A: Sam ….. (not/know) anything about the party.
B: I know. It's a surprise.

XI. Поставете глаголите на празните места

1. The actir Colin Farrell is Irish but he ….. In Ireland; he …. In Hollywood. (not work, work)
2. Film star Alicia Silverstone …….meat; she's a vegetarian. (not eat)
3. Phil Collins is a famous musician but he …... painting and acting. (prefer)

4. The actor Russell Crowe also ….. and ……. the guitar in an Australian band (sing, play)
5. Nicole Kidman ….. fruit but she ….. strawberries. (love, not eat)
6. Catherine Zeta-Jones …. chocolate or sweets. (not like)
7. Antonio Banderas ……….. from Spain but he …….. films in Europe these days. (come, not

8. Businessman Bill Gates is a very rich man but he ….. his children a lot of money. (not give)

XII. Поставете глаголите в сегашно просто време.

1. Tom …….. (catch) the bus to school at about 9 o'clock.
2. It often ………….. (rain) at this time of the year.
3. I ……………………. (not/drive) to work. I go by bus.
4. She usually …………………… (have) lunch at about 1 o'clock.
5. He ……………… (not/earn) much money in his job.
6. This problem …………….. (not happen) very often.
7. Trains to Oxfrd ……… (leave) every hour in the morning.
8. My mother ……………… (fly) to the USA regularly.
9. You …………….. (not/do) your work carefully enough.
10. We ………… (not/listen) to the radio very often.
11. He often ……………..(arrive) at work late.
12. They ………………. (go) to a lot of concerts.

XIII. Попълнете въпросите

1. А: ________________ a computer?
B: Yes, Alan uses a computer.
2. A: __________________ in an office?
B: No, Carol works in a factory.
3. A: Where _________________ your games?
B: We play our games in the local park.
4. A: When ____________________?
B: The shops close at 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

5. A: __________________ abroad on holiday every year?
B: Yes, we go abroad every year.
6. A: ______________ a lot of coffee every day?
B: Yes, I drink about ten cups of coffee every day.
7. A: What kinds of car _____________________ ?
B: He drives an old German car.
9. A: When _______________________________?
B: The lessons finish at 4.30 every day.

XIV. Попълнете диалога с глаголи в сегашно просто време. Изпозлвайте положителна,

отрицателна и въпросителна форма

1. A: ____________ (you watch) TV every evening?

B:No, we ________________ TV every evening.
2. A: ______ (Anna/ take) the bus to work?
B: Yes, she _______________ the bus to work at 7 o'clock every morning.
3. A: What time do you have dinner ?
B: We usually ______________ dinner at about 8 o'clock n the evening.
4. A: Where _____ (Alison/teach)?
B: She ___________ at the university.
5. A: ____________ (you/come) here very often?
B: No, I ___________ here very often.
6. A: When _____________ (the post/arrive) in the morning?
B: The post ____________ at 8 o'clock in the morning.
7. A: ________ (you/play) any sports?
B: No, I __________ any sports. I don't like sport.
8. A: ________ (she/go) to the office at weekend?
B: No, ____________ to work at weekends.
9.Where _________ (you/park) your car every evening?
B: I _______ park my car in the street outside my apartment.

XV. Преведете на английски:

1. Пия кафето си с мляко.
2. Той жиее в къща.
3. В колко часа ставаш?
4. Тя има брат и сестра.
5. Те нямат домашен любимец.

6. Често ли работиш до късно?
7. Аз винаги гледам новините вечер.
8. Майка ми готви обяд всеки ден.
9. Баща ми пътува до работа с влак.
10. Тя преподава испански.
11. Родителите ми боядисват кухнята всяка година
12. Тя работи в градината два пъти в седмицата.

XVI Complete the book review with the present simple of the verbs in

Sepulchre is Kate Mosse's follow-up novel to her bestseller Labyrinth. It 0) takes (take)
the same idea of two stories from different times which 1) …….. (connect) with each
other. The first story takes place in the late nineteenth century. Leonie Vernier 2) .....
(live) in Paris with her mother and older brother, Anatole. Then an aunt in the south-
west of the country invites Leonie to stay with her. Leonie 3)....... (not know) her aunt
but she 4) ....... (agree) to go, with her brother. When they 5) ............ (arrive), things
6) ........... (not be) as they seem ... In the second story,
Meredith Martin is a young American university professor. Her research takes her to
Paris, where she 7) ...... (uncover) the sad story of Leonie and Anatole. 8) ....... the
novel ....... (bring) nineteenth-century France to life? Yes, I think it 9) ...... (do).
10) ............ it ................. (provide) a good successor to Labyrinth? No, I 11) ........ (not
think) so. The two stories 12) ........ (not link) as well as the stories in Labyrinth; the
second one didn't add anything, really.

XVII. Complete the questions in the present simple.

1. "……. to the radio every morning?" "I listen to it most mornings."

2. "……. in Manchester?" "No, she lives in London."
3. "What time ….. work every day?" "He usually starts at 9 o'clock."
4. "How often ….. to the theatre?" "I go about twice a month."
5. "…….TV every evening?" "They watch most evenings."
6. "….. the guitar?" "Yes, she plays the guitar and the piano."
7. "…. early?" "Yes, she always wakes up early."
8. "Where …… at weekend?" "They usually go to the countryside."

9. "Why ….. to Plovdiv every Saturday and Sunday?" "He goes there because his
parents live there."
10. "How ….. to the office?" "They usually travel to work by bus."

XVIII. Ask questions with the words in brackets.

1. She often meets this boy here. (where)

2. He usually goes to school in the morning. (when)
3. They watch sci-fi films at the weekend. (what, when)
4. We always go to the cinema on Saturday. (where, when)
5. He doesn't often read English newspapers. (what)
6. We often meet outside the supermarket. (where)
7. Betty eats in the school cafeteria once a week. (where; how often)

8. On Fridays he eats only potatoes. (what, when)

9. Betty studies with Bill three timese a week. (who with, how often)

10. It is very hot here in the summer. (when, where)

XIX. Ask questions to the words in bold

1. We often go to the seaside in July.

2. She never listens to BBC World Service.
3. He goes to the park every morning. (2)
4. George gets to class early on most days. (2)
5. She doesn't eat candy at all.
6.Ema takes a nap after lunch. (2)
7. He works in the tall building in the city centre.
8. I study in the living room every afternoon.
9. They go together to their English class.
10. She eats a dessert about once or twice a month.

XX. Complete with the present simple tense of the following verbs:

be (2), get, make, spend, enjoy, have, meet, start, finish, have to,
meet, travel, forget, like, record(2), need

I work for BBC radio 4 in London as a producer in a features department. I sometimes 1)…..
abroad to make programmes - three or four times a year. I 2)…….. work at 9.30 a.m. and I 3)

……. at 5.30 p.m. On a typical day, I 4)…… a lot of phone calls, trying to contact people and
organise interviews. I 5)..... programmes in the studio about twice a week. And of course, I
6)........ a lot of time editing. You often 7)....... several hours of tape for a thirty-minute
programme, so you 8)....... cut the material to fit the time. We 9)....... a meeting every week
to discuss regular programmes, and the whole department 10) ..... once a fortnight. Every
two or three months, there 11) ..... a meeting with the Controller of Radio 4 to discuss new
XXI. Translate into English

Всяка сутрин Джейн става в 6.30, взима си душ и отива в кухнята. Пуска телевизора и
започва си приготвя сандвич за обяд. След като си изпие кафето, тя излиза от вкъщи и
отива на атвобусната спирка. Автобусът пристига в 7.45 и Джейн пътува около час до
офис. Започва работа в 8 сутринта и приключва в 4 следобед. След работа Джейн
обикновено се среща с приятелка в парка за около час. Те пият кафе разхождайки се и
си говорят за различни неща. След това Джейн отива да пазарува и се прибира вкъщи.
Приготвя си нещо леко за вечеря и всяка сряда разговаря с родителите си по телефона.
Джейн не си ляга преди десет часа вечерта. През уикенда обикновено играе тенис с
приятели или ходи на кино.

XXII. Describe your week./Опишете вашата седмица

Напишете ми десетина изречения за вашата седмица. Снимайте и изпратете. Ще ви върна коментар
лично. Включете и отрицателни изречения.

XXIII. И последно: прочетете текста и отговорете на въпросите.
Jack is a young sailor. He lives in Engladn but he is often away with his ship.
One summer he comes back from a long voyage and finds new neighbours near his
mother's house. They have a pretty daughter and soon Jack loves her very much. He
says to her, 'My next voyage will begin in a few days' time, Gloria. I love you, and I'll
marry you when I come bcak. I'll think about you all the time, and I'll write to you
and send you a present from every port.'
Jack's first port is Freetown in Africa, and he sends Gloria a parrot from there. It
speaks five languages.
When Jack's ship arrives in Australia, there is a letter from Gloria. It says, 'Thank you
for the parrot, Jack. It tastes much better than a chicken.' 

1. Why does Jack make long voyages?

2. Where does Gloria live?
3. Why does Jack think about Gloria all the time?
4. Where does Jack send Gloria the parrot from?
5. Where does Jack get Gloria's letter about the parrot?
6. What does Gloria say about the parrot?


I. s = dances, dances, opens, likes, sits, plays, begins, stays, thinks, makes

es = brushes, fixes, kisses, catches, washes, teaches, passes, finishes

ies = tries, dries, copies, flies

II. 1. Play. 2. walks 3. go 4. live 5. studies 6. visit 7. Speaks 8. does 9. Washes 10.boils

III. 1. work 2. goes 3. arrive 4. Set 5. tidy 6. comes 7. prepares 8. opens 9. eat 10.
closes 11. go

IV. 1.I always drink … 2.Kate never goes … 3. My mother rarely watches TV 5. You can
sometimes see … (sometimes може да стои и в началото или края на изречението)
6. Ben hardly ever eats .. 7. Joanne doesn’t usually get up early. 7. They are often late
…P a g e | 11

V. 1. Jane doesn’t drink …/2. Kate doesn’t go …/3. My brother doesn’t play …/4. We
don’t study …/5. Ben doesn’t eat …/6. Joanne doesn’t get up.../7. they aren’t late

VI. 1 Does Jane drink …/ 2. Does Kate go …/ 3. Does my brother play ../ 4. Do we
study …/ 5. Does ben eat …/ 6. Does Joanne get up …/ 7. Are they late …

VII. 1. Simone doesn’t like tea. Does Simon like tea?

2. We don’t often play basketball on Saturdays. Do we often play basketball on
3. Bill doesn’t drive to work every day. Does Bill drive to work every day?
4. Our dog doesn’t like biscuits. Does our dog like biscuits?
5. They don’t live in France. Do they live in France?
6. Samantha doesn’t work in a supermarket. Does Samantha work in a supermarket?
7. Pau and Mary don’t often go to the gym. Do Paul and Mary often go to the gym?
8. David doesn’t always get up at 8. Does David always get up at 8?
9. Miss Jones doesn’t teach maths. Does Miss Jones teach maths?

VIII. 1. – b; 2 – i; 3 – a; 4 – j; 5 - c ; 6-g; 7 – d; 8 –h; 9 – f; 10 – e

IX. 1.are/ 2. does/ 3. is/ 4. do/ 5. is/ 6. does/ 7. do/ 8. is/ 9. are/ 10. is/ 11. do/
12. do/ 13. does/ 14. is/ 15. do/ 16. are/ 17. does/ 18. are/ 19. do/ 20. does

X. 1. is/ 2. do you come/ 3. play/ 4. leave/ 5. doesn’t know

XI. 1. doesn’t work; works/ 2. doesn’t eat/ 3. prefers/ 4. sings, plays/ 5. loves, doesn’t
eat/ 6. doesn’t like/ 7. comes, doesn’t make/ 8. doesn’t give

XII. 1. catches/ 2. rains/ 3. don’t drive/ 4. has/ 5. doesn’t earn/ 6. doesn’t happen/ 7.
leave/ 8. flies/ 9. don’t do/ 10. don’t listen/ 11. arrives/ 12. go

XIII. 1. does Allan use/ 2. does Carol work/ 3. where do you play/ 4. do the shops
close/ 5. do you go abroad/ 6. do you drink/ 7. does he drive/ 8. do the lessons finish

XIV. 1. A:do you watch B: don’t watch

2. A: does Anna take B: takes
3. B: have
4. A: does Alison teach B: teaches
5. A: do you come B: don’t come
6. A: does the post arrive B: arrives
7. A: do you play B: I don’t play
8. A: does she go B: she doesn’t go
9. A: do you park B: park

XV. 1. I drink my coffee with milk/ I drink my coffee white.

2. He lives in a house.
3. What time do you wake up/get up?
4. She has a brother and a sister.
6. Do you often work late?
7. I always watch the news in the evening/the evening news.
8. My mother cooks lunch every day.
9. My father travels to work by train.
10. She teaches Spanish.
11. My parents paint the kitchen every year.
12. She works in the garden twice a week.

XVI. 1. connect 2. lives 3. doesn’t know 4. agrees 5. arrive 6. are not 7. uncovers 8.
does the story bring 9. does 10. does it provide 11. don’t think 11 don’t link

XVII. 1. so you listen/ 2. does she live/ 3. does he start/ 4. do you go/ 5. do they
watch/ 6. does she play/ 7. does she wake up/ 8. do they go/ 9. does he go/travel/
10. do they travel

XVIII. 1 Where does she often meet this boy?

2. When does he usually go to school?
3. What do they watch at the weekend? When do they usually watch sci-fi films?
4. Where do we always go? When do we always go to the cinema?
5. What doesn’t he often read?
6. Where do we often meet?

7. Where does Betty eat once a week? How often does Betty eat in the school
8. What does he eat on Fridays? When does he eat only potatoes?
9. Who does Betty study with three times a week? How often does Betty study with
10. When is it very hot here? Where is it very hot in the summer?

XIX. 1. When do we often go to the seaside?

2. What does she never listen to?
3. Where does he go every morning? When does he go to the park?
4. When does George get to class early? When does George get to class on most
5. What doesn’t she eat at all?
6. What does Emma take after lunch? When does Emma take a nap?
7. Where does he work in the city centre?
8. When/How often do I study in the living room?
9. Where do they go together?
10. What does she eat once or twice a week? How often does she eat a dessert?

XX. 1. travel/ 2. start/ 3. finish/ 4. make/ 5. record/ 6. spend/ 7. record/ 8. have to/ 9.
have/ 10. meets/ 11. is/ 12. get/ 13. forgets/ 14. enjoy/ 15. like/ 16. is/ 17. need

XXI. Every morning Jane gets up at half past six, takes a shower and goes to kitchen.
She turns off the TV and makes a sandwich for lunch. After she drinks her coffee, she
leaves the house and goes to the bus stop. The bus arrives at quarter to eight and it
takes Jane about an hour to the office. She starts work at eight a.m. and finishes at
four p.m. After work Jane usually meets a friend in the park for about an hour. They
have (a) coffee walking and talk about different things. After that Jane does some
shopping and then goes home. She prepares something light for dinner and every
Wednesday she talks to her parents on the phone. Jane doesn’t go to bed
before/until ten p.m. At the weekends she usually plays tennis with friends or goes to
the cinema.

XIII. 1. Because he is a sailor and he works on a ship.

2. Gloria lives near his mother’s house.
3. Jack thinks about Gloria all the time because he loves her/is in love with her.
4. Jack sends the parrot from Freetown in Africa.
5. Jock gets Gloria’s letter in Australia.
6. Gloria says that the parrot is more delicious than a chicken.


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