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Edition 005

the guitar in below freezing weather. At
one point, he was making only enough
John Cabot University graduates money to buy one meal a day.
often go on to become journalists,
entrepreneurs, and tech experts - but Still, Roaman refused to give up. He
2013 communications and political continued to perform in front of more
science graduate Riccardo Vitalone, 28, audiences and save his money. Eventually,
is becoming well-known for his work in a he was able to release an album titled,
more unconventional field: folk music. Free at Last on Spotify.

After graduation, Vitalone found This album features songs which are aimed
himself stuck in a typical 9-5 desk job. to share a message of peace, love, and
He became bored and began to feel that unity through uplifting and encouraging
there was more to life than just working lyrics. One of the songs featured in this
to make money. He felt like his life was album is called, Be a Friend. The lyrics
the equivalent to running on a treadmill. in this song even inspired Vitalone to have
When his job ended, Vitalone moved to this message permanently engraved on his
London with only 300 euros, and began arm in the form of a dark green tattoo.
the process of discovering what he was The tattoo serves as a reminder that
meant to do. without the support of our community,
we are nothing, he explained.
In the music world, Vitalone goes by
Roaman. The name is a hybrid between On a recent trip from Rome, Italy to Los
his self proclaimed nomad, or roaming, Angeles, California, Vitalone was detained
lifestyle and the fact that he was born in the LAX airport and promptly sent back
RICCARDO VITALONE AKA ROAMAN IN THE LEMON TREE COURTYARD BY CRISTINA DI LEVA and raised in Rome. This singer and to Europe. The reason: customs agents
songwriter taught himself to play guitar found evidence that he had been paid to

V E GA N i n R o m e
by watching YouTube videos in 2008, perform at two concerts in the United
and decided to pursue music only after he States on a previous visit. Unfortunately,
had graduated from university. Currently, this is illegal with a tourist visa. Still,
he spends the majority of his time on the this incident did not stop Vitalone from
citizens of Rome ate this instead of the more expensive continuing to follow his dreams. He later
BY FRANCESCA DE SMET road. Vitalones journey has not been
meats, and for the gladiators it was a fat-free form of protein. explained that, Now all my energy is
easy. In fact, more often than not, trying
Roman gladiators: healthy, muscular, and powerful men. With only four ingredients, pasta e ceci is still served in many focused on getting another visa, making
to build a successful career in the music
One would think they were fuelled by piles of protein-rich traditional roman restaurants. A simple dish of timeless industry is an uphill battle. some more money and heading back to
meat, but the opposite is true. They owed their bodybuilding flavours, confirms Franco Fioravanti, owner of the 60- California.
physique to a traditional plant-based diet consisting of year old restaurant San Calisto in the Trastevere district. Between puffs of a cigarette, he reflected
ancient grains, beans and drinks made from plant ashes. on his early days as a musician. When As for Vitalones plans for the future, he
Italian food is basic, and therein lies its beauty. Recipes you find yourself in the place you are will keep singing, traveling, and spreading
Dishes like spaghetti alla carbonara or allamatriciana first come to mind contain very few ingredients, yet their impressive quality afraid to be, its not as bad as you thought. positive messages. By the end of this
when thinking of Roman cuisine. Both these pasta dishes are served turns the dishes into something extraordinary. In Roman Positive thoughts like these have helped year, his goal is to make enough money
with pork and a generous amount of grated cheese. However, theres Vitalone continue to follow this dream. to record an album in an actual studio in
restaurants, one will never have to sacrifice taste when
a plethora of naturally vegan dishes that are often overlooked and Before landing a gig at a vegan cafe in the United States. He describes the airport
make Rome a wonderful place for healthy and eco-conscious diners. choosing a vegan dish. Carciofo alla romana, steamed
London, Vitalone used to play his music incident at LAX as, a little speed bump,
artichoke in garlic broth, is a dish completed by putting the on the streets, even in the dead of winter. reassuring himself that, it will all be ok
Good vegan dishes consist of fresh, tasty vegetables. Under the vegetable in the spotlight. The same vegetable transforms Sometimes, his fingers bled from playing in the end.
bright sun and in the rich Italian soil, an immense variety of food with a different preparation: carciofo alla giudia, deep-fried
grows every single day of the year. In the winter, farmers proudly artichoke with coarse sea salt and a squeeze of lemon juice.
display their freshly harvested artichokes and in the summer, juicy
tomatoes turn the market stalls into shades of green, yellow, and red. Organic products are also gaining popularity: restaurant
Almost 3% of the Italian population class themselves as
Gecobiondo uses only local and biological products
even for the wine list. La Citt dellAltra Economia,
vegan and 10% as vegetarian, ranking the highest a supermarket in Testaccio; and near the Vatican,
in Europe. According to Lucia from the restaurant BY ADRIANA DE NOBLE his living situations were similar to the
sells products free of pesticides and additives and
Ops!, Rome offers a great variety of plant-based foods: rest of the Haitian population, but he had
focuses on plant-based cheeses, milks, and much more. Complacency is ignorance. Feeling
from risotto to gelato: theres always a vegan option. a joy and passion that I have not seen in
comfortable while the world continues
many people since. We were alike in more
Most traditional supermarkets still choose corporations around you is a blessing to many people:
Ops! is one of Romes 40 vegetarian restaurants, which ways than we were different; we liked the
over small-scale farmers, leading to less fresh products on being complacent means that you can
focus on different aspects of plant-based cuisine. The same music, we liked reading, we liked
the shelves. The Food Assembly, an award-winning French afford it. Unfortunately, even though
soccer, we both wanted to be doctors in
endless buffet of Ops! overflows with healthy dishes, in complacency is too expensive for many
organisation, has opened its first assemblies in Rome, and the future. One difference though, which
which meat and dairy are replaced with seitan, tempeh, people, that does not mean you have a civic
successfully fights for a better connection among nature, still haunts me, is that I would eventually
duty to do anything about it.
and nutmilks. Their lasagna exceeds the traditional version, farmer, and consumer. Farmers deliver their fresh produce to become a doctor, while he wouldnt:
with delicious layers of homemade pasta sheets, tomato hosts, where customers can pick up vegetables, fruit, and other I would return to the U.S., receive
I learned how complacent I was two
sauce with a mushroom ragout, and creamy soy cheese. financial aid to obtain a degree, and go to
local products. Paola Tamma, business developer at The Food summers ago when I signed up for a mission
a medical school; and he wouldnt. This
Assembly, believes this rising farmer-to-table movement is the trip to Port-au-Prince, Haiti (that my parents
boy: with my same age, intelligence and
Out of all these restaurants, Romeow has the most unique catalyst for a fresh, nutritious and well-rounded vegan diet. funded) and in that time I was unaware
capability, would not be guaranteed the
concept. The cat bistrots menu lists seasonal gourmet dishes, such how little my life was in comparison to the
same opportunities. The circumstances
as cabbage rolls filled with pumpkin and almonds, drizzled with rest of the world. This phenomena happens
within his country would not be able to
a sweet-and-sour sauce of raspberries. This colourful dish can to a lot of people, Americans in particular:
accommodate these.
be devoured while cats comfortably curl up to the diners legs. the illusion of being comparable in size and
importance as the rest of the world.
As Americans, we feel that the well-
Legumes are an important source of plant protein and Rome being of others is not our responsibility.
offers some of the best options. Beans seem to come in every When I arrived at the Port-au-Prince airport,
We are not responsible for the futures
shape and colour, either dried or fresh in their moon-shaped I was unprepared for what I saw. The poverty
of others, when we look at each other
pods. Zuppa di lenticchie, one of Romes most simple but and desperation in Haiti have does not exist
without the marks of society, without our
extremely tasty soups epitomises Romans use of legumes. where I grew up. I was taken to the compound
possessions, with what is consistent in
Dried lentils are cooked in a broth of tomatoes, garlic, and where I would stay for the next week, and
all of us as opposed to what is different,
parsley until they are tender. Cannellini beans are at their in the moments that passed, I realized how
we want to do something. When we see
best when served on a slightly toasted slice of ciabatta with miniscule I was compared to everything else.
people united as opposed to divided, that
some pepper, salt, and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. I realized that all of my priorities had very
responsibility turns into desire. When
little weight.
we take ourselves off a pedestal next to
There is also the ancient gladiator chickpea, an ugly shaped each other, being an advocate for others
predecessor of the round bean used in hummus. The poorest One of the first people I met was a boy
BY FRANCESCA DE SMET SAVOURING SEASONS becomes a passion instead of a burden.
my age named Michael. He was a local,

BY JOSEPH ARMENIO John Cabots Womens Leadership Initiative (WLI) hosted a discussion
about the gender gap in the workplace on February 24 in collaboration
BY ALICE BIDETTI with the Business Club and Student Government.

A former visiting student at JCU (who wishes to remain anonymous and Kiriko Mechanicus, President of John Cabot Universitys WLI, opened
will be called Tom for the sake of comprehension) returned home, after the discussion Far From Equal and talked about how important it is to
doing well for an entire course, only to find out he had failed the course due define ourselves as feminists. She said, People are afraid to admit that they
are feminists, or some dont know what it means. Some think that battles
to plagiarism. When he asked about the grade, Tom was told that he had
have already been fought by our mothers and grandmothers and theres no
improperly cited a source in his final paper, an error which compromised need to identify as a feminist, she said.
the course altogether. As Tom is a May 2017 expected graduate, failing
Some people say the Oscars ceremony doesnt matter, and for
a class would delay the process, potentially costing him additional time and The gender gap in Italy is tangible. Over 30% of women who work are in
the most part, theyre right. But once in awhile, its actually pretty
part-time positions because they feel they have more domestic responsibili-
noteworthy. Though it had one of the lowest ratings in recent years, thousands of dollars.
ties. In Italy, until 2007, many women had to sign the dimissioni in bianco,
it was no doubt a significant edition. But damn, paint me green and
meaning the companies could fire a woman once she became pregnant.
call me a cucumber cause that finish was insane. I havent seen an
Of the many obstacles and fears that college students are on the look out
ending like that since The Sixth Sense, when Bruce Willis was all like
for, plagiarism is the one that hides waiting for them in the dark. Like Tom, Student Government Vice-President, Katie Kehoe, was the brilliant mod-
Im dead or whatevs. Or that other movie, Se7en, when Brad Pitt
erator during the discussion with the three speakers. The first question
got the wrong delivery from FedEx. Oh yeah, spoiler alert. Basically, hundreds of other students suffer great distress and frustration because of the Kehoe asked was for the three panelists to share a mistake that they had
what Im trying to say is that it was pretty crazy. The producers of P word. Often, students fall into the trap because of honest mistake, as they made in the past when it came to equality in the workplace, and what they
La La Land must have felt a little like Derek Zoolander standing up would do differently.
dont have external tools to check the citing protocol the same tools professors
there holding some award that wasnt theirs. Fun fact, that actually
happened to me once - but enough about my middle school karate employ to check students works. Tired of this, JCU students are reacting,
Nicoletta Dentico, a board member of Banca Popolare Etica, talked about
championship. I deserved that award, Sensei, and everybody knows it! taking the problem in their own hands and coming up with initiatives to fight it. her previous job as director of Doctors Without Borders, while also trying
to mother three children. At one point, she realized her babysitter knew
A lot of people have been telling me that I should do my review Francesco Collacciani, current JCU student, developed an app more about her children than she did. She gave up her perfectly tailored
on Moonlight and I mean I probably should, considering it just called GPA Paper, to specifically help students to format errors job for her family, but regrets not trying to find a compromise.
pulled off the upset of the century. But I wont, and heres why: that will come back to bite you after youve handled in the paper.
you should watch it on your own, regardless if you want to see Papers shouldnt be obstacles, said Francesco, commenting on the disorienting Men are usually more competitive [in the workplace], said Valerie Bax-
it or not. Its an important movie about important stuff. The ter, president of the Professional Womens Association in Rome. She went
set of rules for academic writings, but as things look now, they are.
coming of age story by Barry Jenkins speaks for itself. There isnt on to explain that, Women can be more insecure, and dont apply for
too much to analyze. The film is set up in such a way that youre certain positions because they feel they are not good enough. There are so
Toms mistake was to cite a book he had accessed through a website instead many women who need help, but dont accept it.
basically just witnessing key moments in this guys life. Sorta of citing the website directly. In the academic lingo, this would translate into
like Boyhood, but a little more deliberate in what was shown. citation of indirect sources, one of the big elephants in the room when it Martina Romanelli, representative of the Young Womens Network, talked
comes to MLA guidelines. It would appear, in fact, that everyone approaches about the need for an open-minded approach to the workplace. Equality
The movie I do, however, wanna tell you about is Manchester by
this type of citation differently, from those who skip it altogether rumor should embrace and value all kinds of diversity, and take the strength of
the Sea. Did it win Best Picture? No. Was it anywhere close to
each of them, she said. One woman in a male-dominated working space
winning? Debatable, but probably no. But was it just a good, solid has it that MLA does not require you to cite indirect sources to those
will most likely adapt and become like a man but it takes many women
movie? Yeah, it was. So good, actually, that Im gonna convince who, like Toms professor, support it wholeheartedly. Referencing indirect to change the culture.
you to watch it. Now, this isnt your average film - and I mean that sources falls into the same broth as citing ones own work, or paraphrasing,
in the sense that it is for sure way sadder than anything youve
and each member of student body and faculty has a different perception As a Catholic, I also fight my battles in church every week, Nicoletta
seen in recent history. I mean, were talking The Lion King Mufasa
of what exactly constitutes plagiarism and what does not. Besides lacking Dentico said. If we can still be Catholic and feminist, I think we have
dying sad. No spoiler alert - you should have seen it already. But
much like The Lion King, it was also extremely good. Parts of the learned some resistance by now.
clear and uniform criteria for MLA citing, what complicates the life of
movie had me crying, and that almost never happens. I mean, a paper-writing student is being negated access to online checkers. Valerie Baxter reminds the audience that we should not take our freedom
I didnt even cry in The Notebook nor did I cry in Titanic. Do I
for granted. She tries to encourage people by telling them that, the road
have a soul? Am I secretly a ginger? Ill get back to you on that.
I believe students performance should be evaluated with the same is yours, and we are here to help you get there.
Manchester by the Sea was no doubt a sad movie, but it was also a tools available to them, states JCU student Anna. If professors use
very funny one. I was laughing through a lot of it. It becomes very online databases to check for plagiarism, in fact, students either have
apparent as you watch it, why it won Best Original Screenplay. Plus, poor access to or cant afford them. Grammarly, Turnitin, and many
the performance by up-and-coming actor Lucas Hedges added a other professional online systems demand a monthly subscription Come join the JCU community
whole new comedic, yet serious element to it. Plus, Casey Affleck in the Lemon Tree Courtyard
of $30 minimum. While institutions and educators might have
was just spectacular. I mean, there were some Best Supporting Actor to talk
nominees who had more lines, but every single movement he made a free access, students are denied discounts or affordable prices.
about womanhood.
seemed like it was an effort for his character. He displayed this mans
intense internal grief without saying a single word on the subject. The extremely pricy requests of these systems are what drove the
International Womens Day
creator of GPA Paper to come up with an app that is first and foremost March 8, 2017
But in the end, was it a better movie then La La Land or Moonlight? No,
becausetheyrecompletelydifferent.Noteverythings acompetition,man. student-oriented. I didnt see it as a business, I just thought it was a Guarini, 12:45 p.m.
Why cant they just be equally good for different reasons, ya filthy animal? good initiative to help students tells Francesco, who asks for 4.99
for unlimited submissions of a paper. Hes also working on discounts Refreshments will be served!
To be honest, I enjoyed most, if not all, of the Best Picture nominations this for students who submit multiple papers at once. The universitys
year. Fences, La La Land, Manchester by the Sea, and Moonlight are all still available
policy against plagiarism is fair, but they should give students
to watch here in Rome. Go to to see the listings.
some tools to prevent accidents as it has happened in the past.


BY ENRICA BARBERIS stressor disappears. Anxiety is your body reacting as if there was a the lens of my success: Chief Editor of the university newspaper and
stressor when there isnt one. Anxiety is being constantly scared, it winner of a prestigious writing contest; but, what people do not see is how
Alex feels nervous while walking to school on Monday morning is missing out on events, having to talk to yourself and calm yourself many times I cry every day, how many times I feel like a failure in what
but she doesnt know why. She talks to her friends about it over a down every second of your day, overthinking the simplest task or I do, how many times I get scared about the smallest everyday things.
study break and they try to reassure her: Its probably just stress. overcomplicating the simplest thoughts. Anxiety is a constant struggle.
When she goes home that night she struggles to fall asleep because If you dont know what anxiety feels like, I will tell you. It feels like
she keeps going over tomorrows schedule in her head. The next day Come on, its a simple: be more joyful, Why dont you ever not enough. It is a voice in your head that says: youre not good enough.
she cant get out of bed. She feels like hiding under the covers all come out? You are such a nonno/a. The stigma surrounding this Youre a bad friend. Youre not good at your job. Youre wasting time. Youre a
day so she sends an email to her professor saying she is sick. When mental disorder is the reason why many people who suffer from it waste of time. Your boyfriend doesnt love you. Youre so needy. What are you doing
she reaches out to her parents about it they say to her: Dont worry feel they have to hide it. On the surface, most people with anxiety with yourself ? Why would you say that? What if they hate it? Why cant you
honey, its normal to get stressed around midterms week. It will pass. are high-functioning and look perfectly fine. In many cases their have your shit together? Youre going to get anxious and because youre going to get
Alex is not stressed. She suffers from anxiety. achievement, busyness, perfectionism, and forced smiles hide some anxious, youre going to mess everything up. Youre a fraud. Youre letting everybody
real pain. It is extremely difficult for a high-functioning person with down. No one likes you. It feels like losing all your friends, like the world
According to a survey from the Anxiety Disorders Association of anxiety to admit to suffering from a mental illness because it is likely is crashing down around you as you are dancing alone in your room
America (ADAA), universities and colleges have seen an increase that they worked very hard their whole lives to build that facade of in a meticulously rehearsed routine of desperation. So, when someone
in students seeking services for anxiety disorders. According to the normalcy. If they finally do ask for help and are met with rejection, opens about their anxiety, dont respond Im stressed too. Listen.
National Institute of Mental Health, 75 percent of all individuals judgment, lack of understanding and empathy, it can be devastating.
with an anxiety disorder will experience symptoms before age 22. If you struggle with anxiety and you feel like you are not being taken
Yet, this disorder is still grossly misinterpreted and, for the most part, The first step needed in order to break the stigma is to talk about it. seriously, my advice to you is to trust yourself. My mantra is: conquer
surrounded by paralyzing stigma. One of the main reasons anxiety is So, here I am, loud and proud: I suffer from anxiety. Yes. As I type I am yourself, not the world. You know yourself so much more than anybody
so problematic is that, to an untrained eye, it can easily be mistaken terrified about what you are going to think of me when you read this else can. Nobody has the right to undermine your difficulties. Keep
for stress. article. I fear you may laugh, roll your eyes, and declare me to be pesante. looking for the person who listens to you and takes your feelings into
But chances are that you too suffer from anxiety and feel lonely in this account. There are others out there who feel the same way. You are not
We all experience stress. Stress is a natural physiological response to struggle, and maybe you will find relief in my coming out. Or maybe alone. Always remember that. There is professional help: I got it. Your
a perceived threat, or stressor. It is what we sometimes refer to as the you do not suffer from anxiety but you know somebody who does, feelings matter and are valid. If you feel like theres something wrong,
fight-or-flight response. Yes, stress can be challenging: things dont and maybe you will learn something from my sharing this experience. talk to a counselor and find out what is not ok. You deserve to be ok.
always go as planned, bad grades happen, and missing the bus on your
way to an important meeting is bound to raise your cortisol levels. People have an impression of me based on the pictures I post on my social And cry if you feel like it. Cry a lot. It is perfectly fine.
However, that is not anxiety. Anxiety is stress that continues after the media, where it looks like I am always having fun. They see me through

A Night of Shel Silverstein 4m2 GALLERY


drens book author, Shel Silverstein, Its really her favorite in the sixteen years of her performing If you thought the library hosted only books, youd be wrong.
fun to see him express his genius and creativity arts career because, its letting me vent out all Hidden among the bookshelves, there is a little gallery: the 4m2
without the restrictions of being PG. my anger. Gallery.
JCU Theatre Society members have been work-
ing to prepare for their next performance, A While the cast may be made up of only seven The Theatre Society is directed, produced, and The name refers to the dimensions of space behind the info desk
Night of Shel Silverstein. The show, the first of actors, the show itself features nearly thirty char- performed entirely by John Cabot University in the Aurelian Wing of the library, where this project first de-
two this semester, is a combination of the come- acters. This means the actors must master the art students, meaning they all must balance time be- veloped. The gallery was born from the ideas of Dean Merva,
dies Shels Shorts and An Adult Evening of Shel Silver- tween studies and extracurriculars wisely. These Professor Rutt, Professor Hansen, the Art History Club and the
of quick costume changes and learning multiple
stein, which are made up entirely of ten minute guys have been working their a**es off, said Library, and it quickly blossomed.
scenes and sketches. characters. The cast is small, so were pretty
close, which is super great because no one minds Theatre Society President Joey Armenio, Three
times a week for two to four hours each time. Today, the Art History Club curates the space and selects new
Unlike most university plays, this one is anything trying crazy, silly things, says Sierra Wharton,
Rehearsals include many a late night. I know it artists to display their work. Currently on display are four photo-
but censored. Scenes revolve around subjects actress and Social Media Coordinator, Thats
will all pays, Armenio later noted. graphs by Professor Schoneveld, belonging to the Memory and
such as prostitutes, dead animals, murder, and especially important for these scenes since their
Etruscan Landscape, in which the theme of nature is intertwined
traces of bestiality. If youre expecting a stage ad- content is unconventional.
Ready for an entertaining night of adult jokes? with language and memory. The photographs aim to express the
aptation of The Giving Tree or Where The Sidewalk quintessential quality of Etruscan landscapes in Lazio in black
Ends, youre in for a surprise. This is a brazen and AJ Boughner, who plays a rather grouchy wom- John Cabot University Theatre Society will pres-
and white. They were taken in analogic photography and print-
shameless adult comedy. Joel Hashop, assistant an in the one scene, describes her character as ent A Night of Shel Silverstein in the Aula
ed using coffee. Belonging to the Professor are also three pictures
director and actor, reflects on American chil- an unnecessary b**ch. She says that this role is Magna in Guarini on March 29th at 7:00 p.m. in the back of the library which capture Roman instances in
the same way Dutch artists who came to Rome in the 16 - 17th
century drew Roman landscapes. These photographs create
parallels between Rome of the past and the present, as well as
Romantic Dutch artists and contemporary photography.

The gallery received a gift by one of its former artists, starting

its permanent collection. The piece is Vanguard by Professor
Serafino Amato and it is installed on the first floor of the
Aurelian Wing. It is a black and white photograph representing
a man in working clothes bended inside a container, looking for
something. The image captures the atmosphere of a place like
a library, where students spend their time digging into books,
researching and discovering.

The 4m2 Gallery is a way to keep our library always warm and
welcoming, and to enrich our JCU environment with works by
the people who inhabit it. It is the result of the combined and
creative relationship that binds the JCU community.

If you are curious about the Gallery, its projects and artworks,
find info on the JCU website under the Library section. To get
an idea of all the other activities the Art History Club organizes,

doctors, and all other health related services on most people at JCU and literally acted as a moth- BY STEPHANIE QADIR
campus, and even organizes meditation classes. er figure during my first semester - just until I was
able to get on my feet and make friends, CS said. Studying abroad is an adventure more and more stu-
As the dean, its Mayers job to respond to stu- dents take advantage of each year. The experience it-
dents needs and plan campus life events. In A few weeks later, when Deanna found out I self boasts impressive benefits, from global intern-
other words, Mayer is a point of information was having problems with my roommates, she ships, meeting international friends, to increased job
for students and responding to students needs. immediately arranged another housing option opportunities. It is, no doubt, an eye-opening and exciting
Her office is located in the Gianicolo Residence for me. She was super adamant on the no bul- experience. However, many students who go abroad find the
and is open to students who wish to just walk lying policy. She even gave me her cell phone aspect of immersing in a new countrys culture to be difficult.
in with a quick question, as well as to students number and would occasionally send a text and
who are dealing with more serious problems. check on me. I dont think Id still be at JCU The phenomenon of culture shock is widely found through-
if it wasnt for Deannas support, CS admits. out people who go abroad, especially college students who
If you are a study abroad, a freshmen, or a JCU study abroad for a prolonged period of time. According to
housing resident you will certainly remember Mayer is in fact a mother - of four - and a true health professionals, some instances of culture shock can
the extensive amount of work on security and resource of JCU. Since she began working here in be so severe as to lead to temporary depression and anxiety.
alcohol awareness during orientation week. August of 2015, the student support group has sig- Transitioning from an American to an international universi-
DEAN OF STUDENTS - BY NADEEM RIFAI ty can be overwhelming and lead students feeling homesick.
The safety sessions, first day curfews, and the nificantly improved. The main word Mayer repeats
Have you ever felt like you needed someone to talk new after eight alcohol policy events were many times throughout the interview is support.
to? Maybe you needed a little guidance in a moment all organized by the Dean of Students office. As CS said, supporting students and helping them Youre supposed to be doing something exciting every day.
of struggle but didnt want to talk to a counselor. through their struggle may just be what she does best. People at home dont realize that Im just trying to live my
Or have you had health problems and had to These events and policies were quite successful. life here and adjust to the new culture. It takes time, said
talk to a doctor, but had no idea how to in Italy? Students get it. They follow the rules, are back by The favorite part of my job is working with students Madison Krigbaum, a Spring 2017 study abroad student.
the curfew and later are appreciative, Mayer said. and with the staff in JCU. I hope students realize how
All your questions are answered at the Dean of special staff and professors are, Mayer said, I like Akum K. Singh, a visiting sophomore from Rutgers University,
Students Office. Deanna Mayer, our Dean of CS, a JCU student, told us about her first days in dreaming with them and see what we can achieve. says JCUs programs have helped her feel comfortable in her new
Students is a star. Her office is made of a great college. I went to Deannas office during my first surroundings. Coming to Rome from New Jersey was really dif-
team: Valentina Di Blasi, Assistant Dean of semester here just to ask where a classroom was As a matter of fact, dreaming as Mayer said is the ficult at first, Singh said. But meeting other students who are
Student Life and Marta Canigiula, Coordinator located. Deanna was so nice that she walked me key to making progress. Many improvements are abroad, and also getting involved has made me feel more at home.
for Student Health Services and Wellbeing. to the building, and struck up a conversation with happening at the Deans Office. The counseling
The team collaborates with the counselors, me. She noticed that I was much younger than office is growing, and group sessions will be organized. John Cabot University has offered services to ameliorate
these concerns before they start. Study abroad students
are required to attend a mandatory 4-day orientation ses-

CULTURE BOOM: Art & Business

sion prior to the start of the semester when they first ar-
rive. The program covers academic information and areas
of abroad life including travel tips, budgeting, and guided
tours of Rome. Additionally, the school provides coun-
Vodka, they are still best friends. After traveling to for the everyday person, who wants to know more
seling and psychiatric services and organizes a variety of
Italy and France together, an idea sparked in their about famous art, but doesnt have the time to take
In romantic comedy meets cute style, Beatrice field trips around Italy, whether visiting or degree-seeking.
small Gianicolo room, which has now come to life. an art history travel course abroad (to possibly
and Allison met in an elevator at the Fiumicino Since Allison was clueless when it came to art, Be- impress a few people at their next cocktail party).
Airport, just minutes after arriving in Rome to Along with JCUs efforts to curb culture shock, becoming
atrice became her own personal art historian while more familiar with the city has proven to be a remedy. Vis-
attend the Spring 2015 semester at JCU. While the two gallivanted around Rome Always obsessed Two years later, Beatrice and Allison are based iting students list exploring the city, using public transpor-
navigating the orientation circus at the airports with new business ideas, Allison told Beatrice that in Chicago, working to bring their content from tation, and learning to speak some Italian as ways to cope
Hilton, they found out they would be sharing a room she had a gift in how she explained art. Bea- @culturequota to everyone; making art and its with the feeling of being lost in such a large and cultural city.
in Scala A of the Gianicolo Residence. The two trices focus wasnt to bore you to tears with dates fascinating history accessible. They are in the pro-
of them were an unlikely pair of friends: Beatrice and names, but rather to explain why you should cess of setting up a website, developing talks for Krigbaum hopes that soon enough, with the help of staff
studied Art History and Allison studied Business. care about what all the guidebooks suggested you university students, and working with local mu- and newfound friends, she will be able to take full advantage
to see. Subsequently, with this idea in mind, the girls seums to join their cause. To keep up with their of her time abroad while she still can. Regarding her culture
Two years later, after many nights of gelato, mi- started an Instagram account called @culturequo- adventures and maybe learn some fun facts shock, she said, Its getting better every day, little by little.
crowave popcorn, and of course, Tonys Pene alla ta. This account provides art history facts and trivia follow @culturequota on Instagram today.

ASK Ms. Cabot KURDISTAN WHAT? Erbil, with the help of social media. Since before Isis. In these years, the region was
BY GIULIA PRIMO this gathering, twenty-somethings Omer actually thriving economically and full of
Dear Ms. Cabot,
Self-care is incredibly important. If youre Nihad, Goran Pshtiwan, and Ahmed opportunities. peacocks are transforming
feeling stressed, two things that might help Kurdistan what? This is response Nauzad formed a social movement the image of Iraq and Kurdistan to
Its midterms week, I am over-
are meditation and keeping a journal. uttered from the majority of people called Mr. Erbil. This group is Iraqs first promote an optimistic view to the world.
whelmed with papers and tests. when they hear of this new fashion gentlemens fashion club, characterized
What are some good ways to re- movement in in the Middle East. by men wearing three-piece suits, tight Mr. Erbil was inspired by Pitti Uomo,
Meditation is a great way to keep your
lax, take care of myself, unwind, trousers, aviator glasses, wingtip shoes a fashion gathering in Florence,
mind centered, and journaling can help
and rest? you keep track and process how youre feel- Kurdistan is an autonomous nation and carefully trimmed beards. The three Italy, which is well known for its
ing from day to day. Netflix is a great way to completely isolated from Iraq, but is were determined to create a better life, to extravagant male participants and
Sincerely, unwind between study sessions, but I would still under its laws and not recognized improve the countrys image and develop mainstreaming modern day dandyism
recommend watching movies rather than as an independent country. This the region. Since then, four Gentlemens since the 1970s. That being said, Mr.
Overwhelmed-college-student that new TV series you heard about during isolation caused an immense amount Erbil stress that they are putting this
Gatherings have taken place, and there
midterms week. You dont want to go on of tension, which contributed to a civil style into the traditions of educated
war. The country had an overall feeling are plans for the fifth one in the making.
a Netflix binge the week of midterms; Ive and well-respected Kurdish men.
of hopelessness and opportunities
done it many a time and always regretted it. With this new globalization, Nihad
Dear Overwhelmed-college-student, were few and far between. This chaos Now that Mr. Erbil is becoming well
was patched up in 2003 when the US became frustrated that everyone dressed known and respected, the group has
Also, do not go out. Avoid alcohol during
Between midterms, papers, and extracur- ousted Saddam. Business and foreign the same way. He chose to instead buy become a catalyst for bigger changes
midterms! You may want to keep your mind
investments flourished and many jobs his clothes from local tailors instead. in our society. They now promote
ricular activities, I feel like my cortisol lev- off of exams, but theyre not going anywhere.
and companies began to flood the region. Mr. Erbil was formed during a time of womens rights and women in the
els are through the roof too! Two things to
help you stay balanced during a stressful war against Isis. Kurdish youngsters workplace. In the future, they plan to
Be responsible and stay focused on your
In February of 2016, 22 Kurdish (Iraqi) were presented with a completely arrange etiquette classes, a gentlemans
week: food and sleep. I know you feel like studies. You are a student first and foremost,
peacocks gathered together in the different situation from the one which club house, a model agency, barber,
you have no time to eat because you have and doing well should be your first priority! Iraqs Kurdistan capital, the Citadel of characterized the years after Saddam and tailor and boutique fashion line.
to study for that killer exam, but make sure
you to give your brain nutrition to function! Be well and good luck on your exams.
Youve got this!
Many people sacrifice sleep the night before
big midterms, but sleep is linked to your per-
formance on exams, and your brain needs Yours Truly,
it to process the information you read. Its Ms. Cabot
a scientific fact: getting sleep is linked to
memory recall, so dont feel guilty about
getting a good nights sleep before an exam.

Multicultural Club Doctor On Campus

Come to the 2017
Spring VIP Event!
March 16th, 6pm from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Lemon Tree Courtyard
food from all around the world, and from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.


3 entry fee until March 7,
for more information
5 afterwards,
which will be collected for dona-
tions to a charity of your choice. Going somewhere cool during Ciao John Cabot!
Spring break? Post pictures on We are not talking enough about mental health, says Darcy
I am happy to say that warm weather is on its way! We are halfway Gruttadaro, the director of advocacy and public policy at the social media and tag through the semester and spring break is just around the corner! National Alliance on Mental Illness in the US, NAMI. By refusing
@themattewnewspaper or hash- Coraggio, JCU! to talk about mental health, conversations are relegated to the
Business Club tag #jcuspringbreak. level of hearsay and rumour. This language also explicitly equates
Foosball Tournament Thank you for your support and feedback every month. In the March mental health problems with weakness, I read in the article by the
The best three will be featured issue, I decided to concentrate on three themes: internationalism, Guardian, This type of language also accomplishes something else;
March 25, in the April issue. feminism, and mental health. In these pages you will find articles it takes the problem of mental health and places it squarely upon the
about a fashion resistance group, vegan restaurants in Rome, shoulders of the sufferer, rather than seeing it as a responsibility of
Play against Professors! Student Government volunteering abroad and a any wider system.
profile on our amazing Dean
of Students, Deanna Mayer. Mental Health Workshop For this issue I would like to thank Valentina Di Blasi, who has been
Last Friday I came across my guardian angel in the writing of the Shattering Stigma article.
March 10, 9.30-12.30 an article on the Guardian Id like to thank the writers for their contributions, the Dean of
about mental health and the Students office, Counseling, our amazing advisor Elizabeth Macias
Aula Magna stigma in academia. I found Gutierrez, and Allie Folino for being my light.
myself deeply involved in the
Please email article and thought that with As always, send us comments, and please do not hesitate to stop us midterms week, and the first around campus to chat or send us an email.
Mental Health Workshop on
to sign up
Friday, March 10th, it would Yours,
be important to talk about it. Enrica Barberis
Have you ever been roofied, or do you
know of someone who has been?


In regards to the February edition of

The Matthew, there was an article
Within said article, there was a reference

MATTHEW to the Jordan Refugee Center.


The refugee center to which STAND

BROADCAST. actually donated towards is called

Nashama Alwatan. STAND organized
COMING SOON ON EVERY the donation of heaters and blankets last
SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORM winter for the center and a few orphanages.
Quinlan Davenport



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