1. What is an oscillator?
2. What type of feedback does a feedback oscillator require?
3. What is the purpose of the feedback circuit?
4. Name the types of oscillators.
5. What are the conditions required for a circuit to oscillate?
6. Define positive feedback.
7. What is the voltage gain condition for oscillator start-up?
8. There are two feedback loops in the Wien-bridge. What is the purpose of each?
9. A certain lead-lag circuit has R1=R2 and C1=C2. An input voltage of 5V rms is applied. The input
frequency equals the resonant frequency of the circuit. What is the rms output voltage?
10. Why is the phase shift through the RC feedback circuit in a phase-shift oscillator 180 o?
11. What is the basic difference between the Colpitts and the Hartley oscillators?
12. What is the advantage of a FET amplifier in a Colpitts or Hartley oscillator?
13. How can you distinguish a Colpitts oscillator from a Clapp oscillator?
14. What is a VCO, and basically, what does it do?
15. Upon what principle does a relaxation oscillator operate?
16. Name the five basic elements in a 555 timer IC.
17. When the 555 timer is configured as an astable multivibrator, how is the duty cycle determined?
18. What are the major type of oscillators?
19. What is an RC oscillator?
20. What is an LC oscillator?
21. What is a crystal oscillator?
22. What is the frequency stability of oscillators?
23. What is the figure of merit of an oscillator?
24. What is a phase-shift oscillator?
25. What is a Wien bridge oscillator?
26. What is a quadrature oscillator?
27. What is a Colpitts oscillators?
28. What is a Hartley oscillator?
29. What is a crystal oscillator?
30. What is an active-filter tuned oscillator?
31. What is a Phase lock loop (PLL)?
32. What is a Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO)?
33. How does a sinusoidal oscillator produce an output signal without an input signal?
34. Which oscillator is used for many applications in the range of 5 HZ to 1 MHz? why is the output
sinusoidal rather than clipped?
35. What type of oscillator are used most often for the range of 1 to 500 MHz?
36. To produce oscillations of a precise and reliable frequency, what kind of oscillator is used most
37. The 555 timer is used extensively in general applications as a timer. What is the difference
between the circuit construction of a monostable and astable multivibrator?
38. Draw a simple block diagram of a PLL and explain the basic idea of how it remains locked on to
the incoming frequency.
39. What does pulse-width modulation mean? What does pulse-position modulation mean?
Illustrate your explanation by sketching the waveforms.
40. Assume that you are building a three-stage amplifier. When you test it you discover that it is
producing an output signal with no input signal. Explain how this is possible. What are some of
the things you can do to eliminate the unwanted signal?
41. How does an oscillator start if there is no input signal?