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Cisco TrustSec Feature Guide

Cisco TrustSec Feature Guide | © 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Cisco TrustSec Feature Guide
reSourCeS 26

Intr oduction Plan Configur e Tr oubleshoot Resour ces Contents

Configuring ......................................................... 12
Contents Conf iguring Cisco Dev ices to Integrate with Cisco TrustSec..................12

Registering Cisco Dev ices with Cisco ISE ..........................................13

Introduction .......................................................... 5 Conf iguring Cisco TrustSec Credentials on the Dev ice.........................14

About Cisco TrustSec ...................................................................... 5 Conf iguring RADIUS Attributes on ISE ..............................................15

Audience ........................................................................................ 5 Conf iguring RADIUS Serv er on the Dev ice.........................................15

Cisco TrustSec Overview........................................ 6 Conf iguring Env ironment Data on ISE ...............................................16

Cisco TrustSec Dev ice Enrollment ..................................................... 7 Creating a Security Group on Cisco ISE ............................................17

PAC Ov erv iew ................................................................................ 8 Creating an SGACL Ma pping on ISE .................................................18

PAC Ov erv iew ................................................................................ 8 Downloa ding the SGACL Policy on to the Dev ice ................................18

Security Access Group Ov erv iew ....................................................... 9 Troubleshooting................................................... 20

Security Group Policy Enforcement ..........................................9
Technical Support Information ............................... 24
Security Group Ta g Overview ..................................................10

License ........................................................................................ 11

Cisco TrustSec Feature Guide | © 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Cisco TrustSec Feature Guide


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Introduction configure it on Cisco devices supported in Cisco IOS XE Release Denali

About Cisco TrustSec Audience
Cisco TrustSec is a system that provides security for Cisco TrustSec- This user guide is for networking professionals and experienced network
enabled network devices at each routing hop. In this system, each administrators who are responsible for configuring Cisco TrustSec feature
network device works to authenticate and authorize its neighbor on Cisco Devices.
devices and applies some level of security (group tagging, role-based
access control lists (ACLs), encryption, and so on) to traffic between
the devices.
 Cisco TrustSec is embedded technology in your existing Cisco
switches and routers. Cisco TrustSec can simplify provisioning and
management of network access, make security operations more
efficient, and help to enforce segmentation policy consistently,
anywhere in the network. The centralized policy management
platform for TrustSec is the Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE).
 Cisco TrustSec uses secure RADIUS to prescribe a process of
authentication, authorization, session association, encryption,
and traffic filtering. Secure RADIUS uses automatic Protected
Access Credential (PAC) provisioning as a low overhead method
to send PAC metadata and control information to clients. PAC
provisioning is used with Extensible Authentication Protocol-
Flexible Authentication through Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST) to
establish a Transport Layer Security (TLS) tunnel in which client
credentials are verified.
 This document describes Cisco TrustSec and how to
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Cisco TrustSec Overview establishing a domain of trusted devices. Communication on the links
With enterprises transitioning to borderless networks, the between devices in the Cisco TrustSec cloud is secured with a combination
technology that connects people and organizations, and the security of encryption, message integrity checks, and data-path replay protection
requirements for protecting data and networks have evolved mechanism. Cisco TrustSec also uses the device and user identity
significantly. End points are increasingly nomadic and users often information acquired during authentication to classify the packets as they
employ a variety of end points (for example, laptops, smart phones, enter a network.
tablets and so on), which means that a combination of user
This packet classification is maintained by tagging packets on the ingress
attributes plus end-point attributes provide the key characteristics
interface to the Cisco TrustSec network so that they can be correctly
that enforcement devices such as switches and routers with
identified for the purpose of applying security and other policy criteria
firewalls can reliably use to make access control decisions.
along the data path. The Tag, also called Security Group Tag (SGT), allows
As a result, the availability and propagation of end point attributes the network to enforce the access control policy by enabling the endpoint
or client identity attributes have become important requirements to device to act upon the SGT value to filter the traffic.
enable security across the customer networks—at the access,
For more information about Cisco TrustSec, see
distribution, and core layers of the network, and in the data center.
Cisco TrustSec provides access control that builds upon an existing
identity-aware infrastructure to ensure data confidentiality between
network devices and integrate security access services on one
platform. With Cisco TrustSec, enforcement devices use a
combination of user attributes and end-point attributes to make
role-based and identity-based access control decisions. The
availability and propagation of this information enables security
across networks at the access, distribution, and core layers of the
The Cisco TrustSec security architecture builds secure networks by
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Cisco TrustSec Device Enrollment and a server. Shared secrets are used to verify that RADIUS messages are
 Any device that participates in the Cisco TrustSec network sent by a RADIUS-enabled device that is configured with the same shared
requires it to be authenticated and trusted. New devices that secret. Shared secrets also verify that the RADIUS message has not been
connect to the network use an enrollment process to obtain modified in transit (message integrity). The message integrity is checked
Cisco TrustSec authentication credentials and receive general by including the Message Authenticator attribute in the RADIUS messages.
information about the TrustSec environment to facilitate the This attribute is a Hash-based Message Authentication Code-Message
authentication process. Device enrollment can happen either Digest 5 (HMAC-MD5) of the entire radius message using the shared secret
directly with an Authentication Server (AS) provided the device as the key. The shared secret is also used to encrypt some RADIUS
has Layer 3 connectivity to the AS or through a peer attributes, such as User-Password and Tunnel-Password.
Authenticator (AT) device, such as a switch or router that
facilitates enrollment with an AS. EAP-FAST
 Access switches or routers are the authentication points in typical
branch access scenarios and have direct connectivity to the AS. EAP-FAST is a publicly accessible IEEE 802.1X extensible authentication
They authenticate endpoints through EAP-FAST for dynamic PAC protocol type that is used to support customers who cannot enforce a
provisioning or RADIUS and EAP exchange. When endpoints are strong password policy. EAP-FAST is used for the following reasons:
successfully authenticated, they receive user-specific AAA  Digital certificates are not required.
attributes that include the SGT, which in turn is relayed to a  A variety of database types for usernames and passwords are
switch using SGT Exchange Protocol (SXP). The switch initiates supported.
EAP-FAST Phase 0 exchange with the available AS and obtains a  Password expiration and change are supported.
PAC. This is accomplished by a local PAC-provisioning driver,  EAP-FAST is flexible, easy to deploy and manage.
which acts as a pass-through authenticator to the supplicant EAP-
FAST engine running on the switch. Note: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) users cannot be
automatically PAC provisioned and must be manually provisioned.
Secure RADIUS EAP-FAST comprises of three basic phases, but only Phase 0 is supported.
The RADIUS protocol requires a secret to be shared between a client Phase 0 initially distributes the PAC to the client device.
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Phase 0 or auto-provisioning (also called in-band provisioning) certificates.

component of EAP-FAST permits the secure distribution of the user
 Creating a PAC consists of the following steps:
PAC to each device. Phase 0 in EAP-FAST permits a PAC to be
distributed to the device during an encrypted session after the 1. Server A-ID maintains a local key (master key) that i s only known by
device credentials are authenticated. the server.
After a successful PAC distribution, the server issues an 2. When a client, which is referred to in this context as an initiator
authentication failure to the access point and the device is identity (I-ID), requests a PAC from the server, the server generates a
disassociated from the network. Then the device reinitiates an EAP- randomly unique PAC key and PAC-Opaque field for this client.
FAST authentication with the network using the newly provisioned 3. The PAC-Opaque field contains the randomly generated PAC key along
PAC and device credentials. with other information such as an I-ID and key lifetime.
4. PAC Key, I-ID, and Lifetime in the PAC-Opaque field are encrypted with
the master key.

PAC Overview
 The PAC is a unique shared credential used to mutually authenticate
the client and server. It is associated with a specific client username and
a server authority identifier (A-ID). A PAC removes the need for Public
Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates.
Fig ur e 1 EA P-FA ST
 Creating a PAC consists of the following steps:
PAC Overview
5. Server A-ID maintains a local key (master key) that is only known by
 The PAC is a unique shared credential used to mutually the server.
authenticate the client and server. It is associated with a specific
client username and a server authority identifier (A-ID). A PAC 6. When a client, which is referred to in this context as an initiator
removes the need for Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and digital identity (I-ID), requests a PAC from the server, the server generates a
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randomly unique PAC key and PAC-Opaque field for this client. Security Group Access (SGA) architecture provides group based access-
control using Security Group Tags (SGTs). SGTs are used to tag user traffic
7. The PAC-Opaque field contains the randomly generated PAC key
along with other information such as an I-ID and key lifetime. with role and identity information, which is carried throughout the
network and used by devices in the network for policy control.
8. PAC Key, I-ID, and Lifetime in the PAC-Opaque field are
SGTs allow enterprises to build simple role-based access policies that are
encrypted with the master key.
topology-independent and provide operational flexibility compared to
9. A PAC-Info field that contains the A-ID is created. downloadable access control lists (ACLs). Additionally, specific resources
10. The PAC is distributed or imported to the client automatically. that are being accessed can be grouped into security groups to simplify
Note: The server does not maintain the PAC or the PAC key,
enabling the EAP-FAST server to be stateless. SGTs are unique 16-bit tags assigned to a unique role, which represents
privilege of the source user, device or entity. They are tagged at the
The figure below describes the PAC's construction. A PAC consists of ingress of a TrustSec domain and filtered at the egress of the TrustSec
the PAC-Opaque, PAC Key, and PAC-Info fields. The PAC-Info field domain via Security Group access control lists (SGACLs). Policies (Policy
contains the A-ID. ACLs) are distributed from a central policy server (Cisco Integrated
Services Engine) or can be configured locally on the TrustSec device.
Security Group Policy Enforcement
Security policy enforcement is based on security group name. An end-
point device attempts to access a resource in the data center. Compared
to traditional IP-based policies configured on firewalls, identity-based
policies are configured based on user and device identities. For example,
mktg-contractor is allowed to access mktg-servers; mktg-corp-users are
allowed to access mktg-server and corp-servers.
Fig ur e 2 PA C for Ser v er A uthor ity
The benefits of this type of deployment include:
Security Access Group Overview
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 User group and resource are defined and enforced using single  The Cisco device can use the IP-SGT mapping for policy enforcement
object (SGT) simplified policy management. across the Cisco TrustSec domain.
 User identity and resource identity are retained throughout the  Deployment simplification is possible because 802.1x authorization for
Cisco TrustSec-capable switch infrastructure. servers is mandatory.
This figure shows a deployment for security group name-based Security Group Tag Overview
policy enforcement. Security group access transforms a topology-aware network into a role-
based network, which enables end-to-end policies enforced on the basis of
role-based access control list (RBACL). Device and user credentials
acquired during authentication are used to classify packets by security
groups. Every packet entering the Cisco TrustSec cloud is tagged with a
security group tag (SGT). The tagging helps trusted intermediaries identify
the source of the packet and enforce security policies along the data path.
An SGT can indicate a privilege level across the domain when the SGT is
used to define a security group ACL.
An SGT is assigned to a device through IEEE 802.1X authentication, web
authentication, or MAC authentication bypass (MAB), which occurs with a
Fig ur e 3 Secur ity G r oup Nam e -Based Policy Enfor cem ent RADIUS vendor-specific attribute. An SGT can be assigned statically to a
particular IP address or to a switch interface. An SGT is dynamically routed
Implementing Cisco TrustSec allows you to configure security to a switch or access point after successful authentication.
policies that support server segmentation and includes the following
 A pool of servers can be assigned an SGT for simplified policy

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The Source-Group Tag (SGT) eXchange Protocol (SXP) is a protocol License

developed for Cisco TrustSec to propagate the IP-to-SGT mapping Cisco TrustSec SGT/SGACL requires a minimum of IP Base license.
database across network devices that do not have SGT-capable Evaluation license can be obtained from
hardware to support SGTs and security group ACLs. SXP passes IP- After obtaining the license, set the license level appropriately in the switch
SGT mapping from authentication points (such as legacy access layer as showed below:
switches) to upstream devices in the network. Device(config)# license boot level {ipbase | ipservices | lanbase}

The SXP connections are point-to-point and use TCP as the

underlying transport protocol. SXP uses the well -known TCP port
number 64999 to initiate a connection. Additionally, an SXP
connection is uniquely identified by the source and destination IP
addresses. Each SXP connection has one peer designated as SXP
speaker and the other peer as SXP listener.

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Configuring Cisco Devices to Integrate with Cisco TrustSec

 Register Cisco devices with Cisco ISE.
 Create a security group on the ISE.
 Configure the RADIUS server on the device.
 Configuring dynamic ACL on the ISE.
 Enable and set the default values for SXP.
 Add SXP connection peers for the Cisco TrustSec architecture.
 Configure a security policy.

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Registering Cisco Devices with Cisco ISE

As part of the policy acquisition phase, all the TrustSec-capable devices
receive an SGT called a Device SGT. This represents the security group
to which the device itself belongs and is exchanged with neighboring
trusted devices.
Note: It is recommended to use a single SGT value for all the Cisco
TrustSec-capable devices. A single SGT value makes it convenient to
write policies and to troubleshoot.
Login to the Cisco Integrated Services Engine (ISE) GUI and follow these

Fig ur e 4 ISE Log in Pag e

1. Navigate to Administration >> Network Resources >> Network

2. In the Network Devices page, Click Add.
3. Provide a name for the Cisco device. If required add a
description about the device.
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Step 2 Specifies the Tr ustSec ID and

4. Enter the IP address of the device. The IP subnet mask must be passwor d of the networ k
 The cts-id ar gument
specifies the Cisco Tr ustSec
device ID configur ed in ISE.
The device uses this ID when
authentic ati ng with other
Cisco Tr ustSec devices using
EAP-FAST. It has a maximum
length of 32 char acter s and
is case sensitive.
 The cts-passw ord ar gument
specifies the passwor d
configur ed for the device in
ISE. The device uses this
passwor d when
authentic ati ng with other
Cisco Tr ustSec devices using
Fig ur e 5 ISE Netw or k Dev ices Config ur ation Pag e EAP-FAST.

Step 3 Displays the device

infor mation used for Cisco
Configuring Cisco TrustSec Credentials on the Device Tr ustSec authentication.

Step 1 Enables pr ivileged EXEC mode.

 Enter your passwor d if
pr ompted.

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The following example shows the Cisco Tr ustSec cr edentials configur ation: Configuring RADIUS Server on the Device
Device# cts credentials id Device_8 password password1

Device# show cts credentials

CTS password is defined in keystore, device-id = device_8

Step 1 Enables pr ivileged EXEC mode.
This task ensures that the connectivity between device and ISE is  Enter your passwor d if
established. pr ompted.

Configuring RADIUS Attributes on ISE Step 2 Enter s global configur ation

1. Select the Authentication Settings check box. Specifies the name for the
Step 3
2. In the Authentication Settings page, enter a shared secret. RADIUS ser ver configur ation
for Pr otected Access
Cr edential (PAC) pr ovisioning
and enter s RADIUS ser ver
configur ation mode.
 The server-name ar gument
r efer s to the ISE ser ver

Fig ur e 6 ISE A uthentication Setting s Pag e

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Step 4 Configur es an IPv4 or IPv6

address {ipv4 | ipv6} addr ess for the RADIUS ser ver
ip-address auth-port port- accounting and authentication
number acct-port port-number
par ameter s. The following is example shows the RADIUS server configuration on
 ip-address —Specifies the IP the device:
addr ess of the ISE ser ver .
Device(config)# radius-server ISE-5
 auth-port—Specifies the Device(config-radius-server)# address ipv4 auth-port
UDP por t for the RADIUS 1813 acct-port 1812
authentication ser ver .
Device(config-radius-server)# pac key password 1
 acct-port—Specifies the
Device(config-radius-server)# end
UDP por t for the RADIUS
accounting ser ver . The PAC information is downloaded to the device after this
 ISE and the device configuration task is complete. Use the show cts pacs command to
communicate with each view the downloaded PAC information.
other using the
authentication and Configuring Environment Data on ISE
accounting por ts. 1. Select the Advanced TrustSec Settings check box.
Step 6 Specifies the Pr otected Access 2. In the Device Authentication Settings section, select the Use
pac key {0 | 7 | Cr edential (PAC) encr yption
Device ID for SGA Identification box.
 The PAC key or the shar ed-
3. Enter the shared secret in the Password dialog box.
key ar gument is the RADIUS 4. In the SGA Notifications and Updates section, add the
shar ed secr et configur ed on
download timer settings.
5. Select the Other SGA devices to trust this device check box.
Step 7 Exits RADIUS ser ver
end configur ation mode and
6. Click Submit.
r etur ns to pr ivileged EXEC

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Fig ur e 7 A dv anced Cisco Tr ustSec Setting s Pag e

Creating a Security Group on Cisco ISE

1. Navigate to Policy >> Policy Elements >> Results >> Security Group
Access >> Security Group ACLs
2. Click Add to create a new security group ACL.
3. Use the permit, and deny commands to create SGACLs. Create as
many ACLs as per your requirements and click Save.
Note: Only IPv4 is supported.

Fig ur e 8 Secur ity G r oup A CLs Pag e

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cts role- Assigns Secur ity Gr oup Tag (SGT)

Creating an SGACL Mapping on ISE based sgt-map ip-address sgt sgt- to an IP host or networ k
number addr ess.
1. Navigate to Policy >> Security Group Access >> Egress Policy
and select Matrix. The Egress Policy Matrix view opens up.  The sgt-number ar gument
uses the destination secur ity
2. Click Add. gr oup number cr eated in the
3. Select a source security group from the drop-down menu.
4. Select a destination security group. Exits global configur ation mode
and r etur ns to pr ivileged EXEC
5. In the Assigned Security Group ACLs drop-down menu, select mode.
the configured SGACL. Here it will be SGACL_permit.
show cts Lists the r ole-based per missions
6. In the Egress Policy page, select Destination Tree. The role-based of the configur ed SGT maps.
Destination Tree view opens up. Select the expand button next permissions

to the destination security group you selected in Step 4. All

SGACLs configured with this destination group is displayed.

Downloading the SGACL Policy on to the Device

Enables pr ivileged EXEC mode.

 Enter your passwor d if
pr ompted.

configure terminal Enter s global configur ation


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The following is sample output from the show cts role-based

permissions command:
IPv4 Role-based permissions default (monitored):
Deny IP-00
IPv4 Role-based permissions from group 10:SGT_10 to group
IPv4 Role-based permissions from group 14:SGT_14 to group
RBACL Monitor All for Dynamic Policies : FALSE
RBACL Monitor All for Configured Policies : FALSE

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CTS Layer2 Interfaces

Verify the device has connectivity to AAA server and PAC is
downloaded successfully: Interface Mode IFC-state dot1x-role peer-id IFC-cache
Device# show cts pacs
AID: A3B6D4D8353F102346786CF220FF151C -------------
PAC-Info: Gi1/0/1 MANUAL OPEN unknown unknown invalid
PAC-type = Cisco Trustsec
AID: A3B6D4D8353F102346786CF220FF151C
CTS Layer3 Interfaces
A-ID-Info: Identity Services Engine
Interface IPv4 encap IPv6 encap IPv4 policy
Credential Lifetime: 17:22:32 IST Mon Mar 14 2016
IPv6 policy
PAC-Opaque: ----------------------------------------------------------------
538898D40F633C368B053200D4C9D2422A7FEB4837EA9DBB89D1E51DA4E7B184 Summary Not implemented yet.
9BE08140AFBB194EE701A0056600CFF5B12C02DD7ECEAA3CCC8170263669C483 Use the show cts environment-data command to verify the device SGT
value and whether the Cisco TrustSec environment variables are
Refresh timer is set for 01:00:05 updated properly.
Use the show cts interface summary command to verify whether the Device# show cts environment -data
device has authenticated successfully and the Cisco TrustSec interface
state is in OPEN state. CTS Environment Data
Device# show cts interface summary ====================
Current state = COMPLETE
Global Dot1x feature is Disabled Last status = Successful
Local Device SGT:
SGT tag = 0-02:Unknown
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Server List Info: 16-00:SGT_16

Installed list: CTSServerList1-000D, 1 server(s): 17-00:SGT_17
*Server:, port 1812, A-ID 18-00:SGT_18
Status = ALIVE
auto-test = TRUE, keywrap-enable = FALSE, idle-time = 60 mins,
deadtime = 20 secs 21-00:SGT_21
Multicast Group SGT Table:
Security Group Name Table:
0001-45 : 24-00:SGT_24

0-00:Unknown 25-00:SGT_25

2-5d:SGT_2 26-00:SGT_26

3-00:SGT_3 27-00:SGT_27

4-00:SGT_4 28-00:SGT_28
Environment Data Lifetime = 3600 secs
8-00:SGT_8 Last update time = 14:02:31 IST Tue Mar 22 2016

9-00:SGT_9 Env-data expires in 0:00:52:39 (dd:hr:mm:sec)

10-16:SGT_10 Env-data refreshes in 0:00:52:39 (dd:hr:mm:sec)

11-00:SGT_11 Cache data applied = NONE

12-00:SGT_12 State Machine is running


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stale = FALSE
Use the show cts role-based permissions command to verify the
assigned role-based permissions. RBACL ACEs:

Device# show cts role-based permissions deny icmp

permit tcp

IPv4 Role-based permissions default:

default_sgacl-01 name =default_sgacl-01
Permit IP-00 IP protocol version = IPV4

IPv4 Role-based permissions from group 10:SGT_10 to group refcnt = 1

15:SGT_15: flag = 0x40000000
SGACL_3-01 stale = FALSE
IPv4 Role-based permissions from group 14:SGT_14 to group RBACL ACEs:
permit ip
RBACL Monitor All for Dynamic Policies : FALSE
name =Permit IP-00
RBACL Monitor All for Configured Policies : FALSE
IP protocol version = IPV4
Use the show cts rbacl command to verify the defined RBACLs. refcnt = 1
CTS_ED_21# show cts rbacl
flag = 0x40000000
stale = FALSE
permit ip
RBACL IP Version Supported: IPv4 & IPv6
name =multple_ace-14
name =SGACL_3-01
IP protocol version = IPV4
IP protocol version = IPV4
refcnt = 1
refcnt = 1
flag = 0x40000000
flag = 0x40000000
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stale = FALSE
permit ip

Use the show cts role-based sgt-map all command to display all the
configured SGT maps.
Device# show cts role-based sgt-map all

Active IPv4-SGT Bindings Information

IP Address SGT Source

============================================ 15 CLI

IP-SGT Active Bindings Summary

Total number of CLI bindings = 1
Total number of active bindings = 1

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Technical Support Information

For technical support, please contact Cisco Smart Services Bureau (SSB)
US and Canada: +1-877-330-9746
Europe: Austria 0800 006 206
Belgium 0800 49913
France 0805 119 745
Germany 0800 589 1725
Italy 800 085 681
Netherlands 0800 0201 276
Spain 800 600472
Switzerland 0800 840011
UK 0800 2795112
From the rest of the world, choose the appropriate phone number

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