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Ultra High Voltage DC Systems

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The key takeaways are the significant financial benefits and environmental advantages of using 800kV HVDC systems for large power transmissions over long distances.

The main advantages of using 800kV HVDC systems are significantly lower total costs, losses, and space requirements compared to alternative AC technologies.

Extensive basic research was required in the development of new insulating materials, computer modeling tools, and measurement methods to handle the increased voltages safely.

Ultra High Voltage DC Systems

The use of HVDC at 800 kV,

has been found efficient,
environmentally friendly
and economically attrac-
tive for large point to point
power transmissions of
the order of 6400 MW and
more, with distances of
more than 1000 km. World-
wide there is an increasing
interest in the application
of HVDC at 800 kV.
800 kV UHVDC

UHVDC test circuit, Ludvika, Sweden

Financial benefits and built-in Financial

There are three main aspects to the financial
advantages evaluation:
Two main driving forces justify the use of 800 kV
HVDC. • Transmission system losses
• First, significantly lower total cost of investment • The investment cost for the line
and losses. • The investment cost for the converter station
• Second, this technology takes up significantly and associated AC switchgear
less space, which often is as important as the The diagram below illustrates the cost differences
evaluated capital cost. between 765 kV AC, 500 kV DC and 800 kV DC.
The example is for a 2 000 km long line to transmit
6 000 MW.

Pole bus arrester testing

Transmission of 6000 MW over 2000 km.
Total evaluated costs in MUSD


Line cost
1000 Station cost

765 kV AC 500 kV DC 800 kV DC

800 kV UHVDC

Artist view of 800 kV UHVDC switchyard

Inherent environmental advantages Low magnetic fields

Narrow tracks Contrasted with normal AC transmission lines,
With 800 kV HVDC the right of way of the po- HVDC lines have an almost negligible alter-
wer line is minimal. Where conventional means nating magnetic field. This means that HVDC
of transmission are used, two or more lines are lines, unlike AC lines, can easily satisfy the
needed and in most cases the right of way for stricter magnetic field requirements (<0.4 μT)
each one of them will be wider. The sketch be- increasingly being enforced in the western
low shows the approximate differences: countries.

Low losses Remote renewable energies can be utilized

As mentioned under “Financial” above, the line Using 800 kV HVDC it is possible to use remo-
losses for HVDC lines are significantly lower than te environmental friendly hydro power, today
those for AC lines for a practical design. located too far from the load centers for using
other transmission alternatives.

765 kV AC 500 kV DC 800 kV DC

of lines:

Right of way ~ 240 ~ 110 ~ 90


800 kV HVDC

By-pass breaker, disconnector and

RI capacitor installed at the 800 kV
UHVDC test circuit at STRI, Ludvika

Transformer bushing testing Dielectric testing of 800 kV UHVDC valve hall bushing

Basic research • Advanced computer-aided design tools for

More than twenty years have passed since the three-dimensional field calculations, primarily
voltage used for HVDC transmission was last for transformer design.
increased. The reason why it took so long time • Refined measurement methods using advanced
is that this development step required further laser technology to determine the characteristics
basic research: of insulating materials and insulation systems.
• The development of new materials for insu- • Advanced control systems that control the entire
lators in an outdoor environment. Using a installation. This calls for an extremely high
higher voltage means that there must be a calculation capacity, exploiting state-of-the art
larger air clearance between live parts and computer processors and information technology
ground. For the past 100 years, insulators to to the limit. For this, the Mach2 system developed
provide these gaps were primarily made of in-house by ABB is used.
porcelain. However, the past fifteen years There was a development project aimed at raising
have seen the development of new polymeric the voltage to 800 kV in the mid-1990s, but the basic
materials which make it possible to abandon research needed to achieve this was not finalized
porcelain, especially for silicone rubber. at the time. While the project was in progress, the
This material has been proven to possess very market lost the interest and the project was halted.
favorable properties for outdoor insulation.

800 kV UHVDC

The 800 kV project

Since the basic research
was in place, extensive
product development has
taken place over the past
two years. Most of this
development work has
been done at ABB’s facility
at Ludvika, backed by the
Corporate research labora-
tory at Västerås.

* STRI is an independent
technology consulting
company and accredited
high-voltage laboratory
located in Ludvika,

UHVDC test circuit, Ludvika, Sweden

The key issues handled in the project the transformer subject to high DC voltages.
1. With up to 9 000 MW being carried on one The photos on pages 4 and 7 show the
pair of overhead lines, extreme reliability is transformer and wall bushing during test.
obviously essential. Therefore a completely 4. Design criteria for air clearance have been esta-
new station design has been developed to blished. Extensive tests were done at extre-
achieve these requirements. The converters mely high, previously unused voltages. The
must not fail more than once every twenty-five photo to the right show a discharge at over
years. Increased availability is achieved by ex- 2 million volts. These flashes are more than Valve hall clearance testing. Testing
of multiple air gap in corner. Several
tensive sectioning of both the main circuit and ten meters long. The photo is taken during flashovers superimposed in one photo.
the auxiliary systems. In addition, all control an insulation gap test in one of the high-vol-
and protection systems are duplicated, as well tage laboratories in Ludvika.
as auxiliary systems such as auxiliary power 5. The DCC 800 control and protection system
and emergency battery systems. is a futher development of the proven Mach2
2. New types of all the high-voltage devices subject system. Focus has been to satisfy the extreme
to DC have been developed and fitted with reliability demands.
newly-developed polymer insulating materials. 6. A new thyristor and thyristor valve have been
Examples of such devices are voltage dividers, developed to handle the increased voltage
bypass switches, radio interference capacitors, and current.
disconnectors and post insulators.
7. Finally, all critical devices are undergoing
3. One of the main goals of the project was to de- endurance testing in a special endurance
velop a transformer and a bushing for 800 kV. testing station built by ABB at STRI* in Lud-
The foundation for this was the basic research vika. The elevated voltage test extends over a
mentioned above. Prototype bushings were year. The purpose of the test is to verify the
produced and type-tested. For the transformer, long-term characteristics of the components
a mock-up was built to simulate the parts of used.

800 kV UHVDC

Artist view of 800 kV UHVDC switchyard

The market today and tomorrow and southern parts of the country, so the genera-
In China and India, the demand for energy is ted electricity must be transmitted 1 500 to 2 000
growing dramatically. Every year, China installs kilometers (up to 1 200 miles). Up until now, 600 kV
new power generating capacity equivalent to DC has been used for long-distance transmission
the entire installed capacity of Sweden. Major of electric power, over distances of around 1 000
expansion of available hydro power will be kilometers (about 600 miles).
needed to satisfy this demand. With the introduction of 800 kV DC it will be possible
For China, this means to further exploit large to transmit power as far as 3 000 kilometers (over
hydro resources in the West of the country. 1 850 miles) with reasonable transmission losses.
However, the power is needed in the eastern China is currently planning to build one 800 kV

Disconnector and RI capacitor

installed at the 800 kV UHVDC test
circuit at STRI, Ludvika

Dielectric testing of 800 kV

UHVDC wall bushing

800 kV UHVDC

Artist view of 800 kV UHVDC switchyard

DC line per year over the next ten years, with a Apart from China and India, investigations are
capacity of between 5 000 and 6 400 MW per line. going on to use 800 kV lines in southern parts
India plans to expand hydro power in the north- of Africa and Brazil.
eastern part of the country. As in China, the de- The conclusion is that 800 kV DC will account
mand for power is far away from the resources, for a significant part of world growth in power
so also here the power will have to be transmitted transmission capacity over at least the next ten
as far as 2 000 km (up to 1 200 miles). India is years.
currently planning to build one 800 kV DC line
every two years over the next ten years, with a
capacity of 6 000 MW per line.

Transformer prototype in test room

ABB Power Technologies AB
Grid Systems - HVDC
SE-771 80 Ludvika, Sweden
Tel: +46 240 78 20 00
Fax: +46 240 61 11 59 Pamphlet no POW-0043

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