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400 KV PPLP-Insulated Oil-Filled Cables For Power Grid

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The key takeaways are that a 400 kV underground transmission line was installed in Singapore using PPLP-insulated oil-filled cables in reinforced concrete trenches, and it has been operating satisfactorily since completion.

Polypropylene laminated paper (PPLP) insulation was used for the cable as it can reduce the dielectric loss and insulation thickness compared to conventional Kraft paper.

A reinforced concrete pipe was installed under the highway using the pipe jacking method, and PVC pipes containing the cables were installed inside and spaces were filled with cement grout.

U.D.C. [621.315.221.713.027.84 : 669.71 : 678.742.3] : 621.315.


400 kV PPLP-Insulated Oil-Filled Cables for PowerGrid,

Masato Tsuruga* ABSTRACT: The first 400 kV underground transmission line was commissioned between the
Naohisa Numata* Ayer Rajah Substation and the Labrador Substation as a part of the 400 kV transmission
network in Singapore. The transmission line consists of three circuits of 400 kV single core
Hideaki Nagano**
2000 mm2 polypropylene laminated paper (PPLP) insulated aluminum sheathed oil-filled
cable laid in reinforced concrete trenches. Hitachi Cable, Ltd. was awarded a contract by
PowerGrid Ltd. in January 1995 for supply and installation of one circuit. The cable and
accessories were subject to type approval tests prior to shipment for verification of their
electrical performance. Strict quality control was introduced to both manufacturing and
construction work. The project was successfully completed and the cable system was handed
over to the client in April, 1998.

PowerGrid Ltd. is developing a new 400 kV transmission
network to deliver electric power from the western end of the
island to downtown Singapore, as shown in Fig. 1. Hitachi
Cable, Ltd. was awarded the contract in conjunction with a
Japanese cable manufacturer for construction of 400 kV Ayer Rajah
400kV Transmission
underground cable system to be installed between the Ayer Line
Rajah Substation and the Labrador Substation in the
transmission network. The awarded transmission line consists Tuas Power
of one circuit of 400 kV oil-filled cables and its route length is Station Labrador
approximately 4 km. The required transmission capacity for the
circuit is 1000 MVA. The design of the power cable is 2000 Fig. 1−New 400 kV transmission line
Hitachi Cable, Ltd. was awarded the contract for one circuit of the
mm 2 six-segmental copper conductor, PPLP-insulated,
400 kV transmission line between Ayer Rajah Substation and
aluminum sheathed and MDPE jacketed oil-filled cable. PPLP, Labrador Substation.
which can reduce the dielectric loss and insulation thickness in
comparison with conventional Kraft paper, was adopted for the design, the cable and its accessories, type approval tests and
cable insulation. The power cable and its accessories were installation work of the cable system.
subjected to type approval tests generally in accordance with
IEC 141-1. The entire length of the power cables and auxiliary
cables was installed in a reinforced concrete trough providing 〔2〕SYSTEM DESIGN
protection against external damage. The schematic diagram of the 400 kV oil-filled cable
This paper describes the main features of the system system is shown in Fig. 2. The 4 km long cable route is divided


2 8 9

11 10
1 3 4

14 15
12 13

1 400 kV PPLP-insulated oil-filled cable 2 SF6 gas immersed type sealing end 3 Insulated joint
4 Straight joint 5 Oil stop joint 6 Overground oil reservoir
7 Underground oil reservoir 8 Pressure gauge panel (3 way) 9 Pressure gauge panel (6 way)
10 Oil feeding pipe 11 Insulating connector 12 Link box for earthing
13 Link box for cross bonding 14 Bonding lead 15 Concentric bonding lead

Fig. 2−Schematic diagram of 400 kV oil-filled cable system

* Hitaka Works, Hitachi Cable, Ltd. The cable route is divided into nine spans and the cable sheaths are
** Tokyo Power Cable Construction Center, Hitachi Cable, Ltd. cross bonded through the entire route.

HITACHI CABLE REVIEW No.18 (October 1999) 9

into nine spans giving a mean delivery length of about 450
meters. Each end of the cable line is terminated by an SF6 gas
immersed type sealing end, which is connected directly to an
SF6 gas insulated switchgear. The cable system has three major
cross bond sections and three cables are transposed at each
joint bay. The cable route is divided into two oil feeding
sections by oil stop joints at the intermediate point of the cable
route. Each oil feeding section is equipped with independent oil
feeding system at both ends. All the joints are enclosed in fiber
glass protection boxes and the space between the joint and the
protection box is filled with bituminous compound to maintain
the full insulation system. Fig. 3−Appearance of
400 kV PPLP-
insulated oil-
Polypropylene laminated
Table 1 shows the required electrical ratings for the power paper (PPLP) is utilized
cable and its accessories that are normally required for 500 kV for the cable insulation.
system given that lightning impulse withstand voltage and
switching impulse withstand voltage are 1550 kV and 1175 kV
respectively. Therefore, the cable and accessories are designed pressure after the polypropylene is swelled by the insulating
to have the same electrical characteristics as 500 kV grade. oil.
The thickness of a corrugated seamless aluminum sheath is
3.0 mm and meets the large short circuit current rating of 80
kA for 1 second. Finally either a medium density polyethylene
500 kV insulation level was required for the cable system.
(MDPE) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC) jacket is extruded with an
Items Particulars orange color strip for identification purposes. An MDPE jacket
System voltage 400 kV is applied in direct buried sections and a PVC jacket applied to
Rated voltage between phases 420 kV the last sections terminating at a substation as a fire retardant.
Lightning Impulse withstand voltage level 1550 kV peak Biodegradable synthetic insulating oil, namely, straight chain
Switching impulse withstand voltage level 1175 kV peak type dodecylebenzene, is adopted to avoid environmental
Transmission capacity per circuit 1000 MVA pollution in case of an emergency oil leak. Overall diameter of
Short circuit current rating 80 kA for 1 s the completed cable is 142 mm and unit weight is 37 kg/m.
System frequency 50 Hz
(2) Accessories
A.C. withstand test voltage 415 kV for 15 min.
Compact-type joints are employed for this project. In
D.C. withstand test voltage 713 kV for 15 min.
particular, our oil stop joint of special construction provides
small dimensions and short jointing time. Construction of the
(1) Cable stop joint is basically the same from 66 kV to 500 kV grade
The appearance of the 400 kV PPLP-insulated oil-filled and has been proven its excellent performance by successful
cable is shown in Fig. 3. A six-segmental copper conductor long term actual operation. Dimensions and construction of the
having 2000 mm2 cross sectional area was selected to meet the oil stop joint for this project are shown in Fig. 4. The main
required transmission capacity of 1000 MVA. The cable internal insulation of the joint consists of an epoxy stop unit
insulation is composed of Kraft / PPLP /Kraft layers and the with a shield electrode and an epoxy bell mouth on a stress
thickness of each layer is 0.5 mm / 20.5 mm / 4.0 mm relief cone made by pre-shaped oil impregnated paper at each
respectively from the conductor side. By utilizing PPLP as the side. The equalized diameter conductor ferrule is applied to the
cable insulation, both dielectric loss and insulation thickness straight joint to reduce its dimensions.
can be reduced when compared with conventional oil-filled
cables. The Kraft layer covering the conductor is applied to
improve lightning impulse withstand voltage and over the
PPLP layer for thermal protection from the heat of wiping at The cable system requires the highest system stability and
jointing work. Total insulation thickness is 25 mm. The cable reliability responsible for carrying a large electric power
insulation prohibits any contaminants, especially in the case of capacity. Type approval tests are required for the power cable,
PPLP-insulation, as its required dielectric loss angle is very straight joint, oil stop joint and SF6 gas immersed type sealing
small. Sensors are equipped on a paper slit machine to detect end to confirm their electrical characteristics. The type
harmful foreign materials and contaminated marks. approval test was carried out generally in accordance with
PPLP tapes are lapped over the conductor at a lower IEC141-1. Main items and their criteria of the type approval
tension than kraft paper tapes to provide suitable radial tests are shown in Table 2. The type approval tests include 20

10 HITACHI CABLE REVIEW No.18 (October 1999)

; ;;;;;;;;

;;;; ; ;; ;
; ; ;
;; ;
; ;
5 3

5 4 8 9 1 7 6 2

; ; ; ;;;

;;; ;

; ;
; φ430
Fig. 4−Dimension and

1 Joint casing
4 Oil impregnated paper
2 Insulating flange
5 Connector
3 Earthing terminal
6 Epoxy bell mouth
construction of oil
stop joint
Epoxy stop unit type oil
stop joint was applied as
7 Ferrule 8 Epoxy stop unit 9 Shield electrode

TABLE 2 MAIN ITEMS AND CRITERIA OF TYPE the oil stop joint simulating the actual installation.
APPROVAL TESTS All the tests were successfully completed. The measured
400 kV oil-filled cable and accessories were subjected to type values of dielectric loss angle were stable before, during and
approval tests generally in accordance with IEC141-1. after loading cycle test and did not show any progressive
Item Test criteria
Bending test 4m Dia. × 3 cycles
High voltage time test AC 520 kV/24h 〔5〕INSTALLATION
Lightning impulse test ±1550 kV/10 shots
Switching impulse test ±1175 kV/10 shots
The power cables and auxiliary cables were installed in a
AC voltage test AC 415 kV/15 min. reinforced concrete trench to protect them against external
Maximum dielectric loss angle damage. A typical cross section of reinforced concrete trench is
0.1% at 121 kV, 242 kV and 323 kV shown in Fig. 6. The buried depth of the cables below ground
Dielectric loss angle test 0.12% at 402 kV
Maximum dielectric loss angle difference
0. 025% between 242 kV and 402 kV Ground level
Dielectric loss angle/ Max. 0.1% at ambient temperature, 40˚C,
temperature test 60˚C and 85˚C
Loading cycle: 20 cycles (8 h on/16 h off)
Conductor temperature: 95∼100˚C
Reinforced concrete cover

Test voltage: 323 kV

Loading cycle test Measurement voltage of dielectric loss
angle: 121 kV, 242 kV, 323 kV, 402 kV Stabilized backfills
No breakdown and no progressive increase Reinforced concrete trench
in dielectric loss angle
Number of failed tape shall not be greater 400 kV oil-filled cable
Delamination test
than 5% of total numbers of tapes.

cycles of loading cycle test on a miniature installation in 350 350

accordance with Engineering Recommendation C47/1 and
delamination test on PPLP according to AEIC CS2-90. Fig. 6−Typical cross section of reinforced concrete trench
Three 400 kV oil-filled cables and five auxiliary cables were
Arrangement of loading cycle test is shown in Fig. 5. The cable
installed in the reinforced concrete trench.
produced by another manufacturer is connected to our cable by

Test bushing
1050kV A.C.Tr.

Oil reservoir Cable by another Standard capacitor

manufacturer SF6 gas immersed
type sealing end
Oil stop joint

Test termination Fig. 5−Arrangement of

loading cycle test
Total test circuit length : 48m High voltage Loading cycle test was
carried out in accordance
Insulated joint Current Tr.
with Engineering Recom-
mendation C47/1.

HITACHI CABLE REVIEW No.18 (October 1999) 11

level is 1500 mm. Three 400 kV oil-filled cables and five the space between them increased to compensate for the
auxiliary cables were installed in the trench and filled with increased external thermal resistance due to such deep
stabilized backfill. The trench was further backfilled after installation. After laying the power cables into the pipe, the
placement of reinforced concrete covers. The composition of interstices were filled with a sand/cement/bentonite mixture to
the stabilized backfill was selected from various kinds of trial maintain current carrying capacity.
composition of local materials having a thermal resistivity The climate at the site is tropical with high humidity and
below 1.0 K.m / W. Laying of the 400 kV oil-filled cable was showers are expected most days. In consideration of the
carried out by a combination of nose pulling and hauling climatic conditions, double working tents were used for the
machines that are arranged in suitable positions along the cable jointing works. An outer tent enveloped joint bay kept out rain
route, taking into account its heavy weight and the features of water, sand and intense sunlight. An inner dust free tent
each route. Figure 7 shows the cable laying work in progress. maintained the temperature and humidity within an acceptable
The cable route crosses a highway 55 meters wide at which range through the use of air conditioners.
open cut trenches are not permitted. To overcome this problem, Cable system was subjected to a DC high voltage test after
a reinforced concrete pipe with a 1500 mm inner diameter was completion of construction work. The applied test voltage was
installed using the pipe jacking method. The pipe jacking work 713 kV for 15 minutes in accordance with IEC 141-1. The
is shown in Fig. 8. The required number of PVC pipes for the cable system passed the DC high voltage test as well as other
cables were laid inside this concrete pipe and spaces between commissioning tests in all respects.
these were filled with ready-mixed cement grout. The pipes for
power cables were arranged in a triangular configuration and
The 400 kV PPLP-insulated oil-filled cable system was
constructed between the Ayer Rajah substation and the
Labrador substation as a part of the 400 kV transmission
network in Singapore. The power cable and accessories were
type tested and designed based on electrical characteristics for
500 kV grade insulation level in the type approval test. Cables
are protected from external damage by reinforced concrete
This cable system has been operating satisfactorily to date.

Fig. 7−Cable laying work in progress

Cable laying was carried out by a combination of nose pulling and Masato Tsuruga
hauling machines. Engineer
Power Cable Engineering Dept., Hitaka Works.
Currently engaged in design of EHV power cables
and systems.
Received B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Muroran Institute of Technology in 1990.

Naohisa Numata
Senior Engineer
Power Cable Accessories & Distribution System
Dept., Hitaka Works.
Currently engaged in design of EHV cable
Received B.E. degree in Electrical Engineering from
Ibaraki University in 1981.
Member of the IEE of Japan.

Hideaki Nagano
Senior Engineer
Tokyo Power Cable Construction Center
Currently engaged in overall management on power
cable construction projects in the Tokyo metropolitan
Graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering
Fig. 8−Pipe jacking work from Hakodate National College of Technology in
Pipe jacking method was adopted for crossing the highway. 1975.

12 HITACHI CABLE REVIEW No.18 (October 1999)

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