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The Effects of the Use of an ICT-Based Reading

Intervention on Students' Achievement in Grade Two

Item Type text; Electronic Dissertation

Authors Schneider-Richardson, Deborah Anne

Publisher The University of Arizona.

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is made possible by the University Libraries, University of Arizona.
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Copyright © Deborah Schneider 2015

A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of the


In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Degree of



In the Graduate College




As members of the Dissertation Committee, we certify that we have read the dissertation

prepared by Deborah Schneider, titled The Effects of the Use of an ICT-Based Reading

Intervention on Students' Achievement in Grade Two and recommend that it be accepted

as fulfilling the dissertation requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy.

_______________________________________________________Date: 13 April 2015

Nancy Mather

_______________________________________________________Date: 13 April 2015

Shirin Antia

_______________________________________________________Date: 13 April 2015

Carl Liaupsin

Final approval and acceptance of this dissertation is contingent upon the candidate’s

submission of the final copies of the dissertation to the Graduate College.

I hereby certify that I have read this dissertation prepared under my direction and

recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the dissertation requirement.

_______________________________________________________Date: 13 April 2015

Dissertation Director: Nancy Mather


This dissertation has been submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

an advanced degree at the University of Arizona and is deposited in the University

Library to be made available to borrowers under rules of the Library.

Brief quotations from this dissertation are allowable without special permission,

provided that an accurate acknowledgment of the source is made. Requests for

permission for extended quotation from or reproduction of this manuscript in whole or in

part may be granted by the copyright holder.

SIGNED: _______________________________________________Date: 13 April 2015

Deborah Schneider


I wish to acknowledge the kind and constant efforts of my singularly brilliant committee

chair, Dr. Nancy Mather, without whose support, encouragement, and mentorship (plus

no small amount of door opening) none of this would have been possible.

I also extend my sincere gratitude to the other members of my committee. Prof. Dr.

Shirin Antia's earned authority, warmth, wisdom, and intelligence are unmatched and

provide an ideal model to her students. Prof. Dr. Carl Liaupsin, who leads by quiet

example, taught me that simplest is often best: My manuscripts will not be judge by their

weight, but by their quality.

My most sincere thanks go to Prof. Dr. Debora Levine and Dr. Lesli Doan, who shared

with me their wealth of statistical knowledge and helped me to build a bit of my own.

I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary efforts of my astute, unselfish, and

talented fellow students, and Alex Chambers, Retina Bauschatz, and Merdyth Bauer.

I wish also to recognize my husband, Dr. Tobias Schneider, who regularly juggled two

toddlers and ten time zones to ensure that I had the time and ability to complete this

endeavor. Merci mille fois, mon amour. Je t'aime plus que la vie elle-meme.

Finally, I wish to dedicate this dissertation to my mother, Anne Richardson, whose quick

mind and unslakable thirst for knowledge have served always as my inspiration. Had she

been granted a small fraction of the opportunity I have been so fortunate to enjoy, I know

there would now be a veritable alphabet of letters trailing her name. Thanks, Mom.



LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................12

LIST OF FIGURES...........................................................................................................14


CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION................................................................................16

Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................19

Nature of the Study................................................................................................19

Conceptual Framework..............................................................................20

Objectives of the Present Study.................................................................20

Importance of the Present Study................................................................22

Research Question.................................................................................................22

Statement of Hypotheses............................................................................22




Definitions of Terms..............................................................................................26

CHAPTER TWO: REVIEW OF LITERATURE..............................................................30

Proposed Advantages of ICT-Based Reading Interventions.....................31

Multimodal Instruction..................................................................31

Formative Feedback.......................................................................32


Mastery Learning...........................................................................34

Research Related to ICT-Based Reading Interventions.............................35

Considerations Related to Research Design..............................................38

Content and Design of ICT-Based Reading Instruction............................40

Research-Based Developmental Models.......................................42

Presentation and Delivery of Content............................................44

ICT-Based Reading Interventions: A Critical Synthesis of the Literature............49


Prior Research............................................................................................51


Research Questions....................................................................................57


Inclusion Criteria.......................................................................................58

Selection Process.......................................................................................62


Rating Procedure........................................................................................64


Articles Meeting Selection Criteria...........................................................65

Evaluation for Essential Quality Indicators...............................................67

Description of Participants.............................................................67

Implementation of the Intervention and Description of the

Comparison Condition(s)...................................................69

Outcome Measures.........................................................................71

Data Analysis.................................................................................72

Studies that Did Not Meet Quality Standards............................................75

Studies that Met Quality Standards............................................................76


Summary of Findings.................................................................................80

Implications for Future Research...............................................................81

Implications for Practice............................................................................82


CHAPTER THREE: METHOD........................................................................................84

Overview of Research Questions and Design............................................84

Participants and Settings............................................................................85


Participants Demographics............................................................85

Assignment to Groups....................................................................86

Intervention Settings......................................................................87


MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach..................................................87

MVRC Overview...............................................................87


Dependent Variable Measures.......................................................90

WJ IV ACH........................................................................91


Rationale for Measure Selection........................................93

Fidelity Measures...........................................................................93

Product Usage Logs...........................................................93

Behavioral Observations....................................................94

Intervention Procedure...............................................................................94

Routine Classroom Instruction......................................................94

Intervention Instruction..................................................................97

Comparison Instruction..................................................................97

Teacher Training............................................................................97

Assessment Procedure...............................................................................98

Procedures to Ensure Accuracy of Administration.......................98

Procedures to Ensure Accuracy of Scoring...................................98

Administration of Dependent Variable Measures..........................99

Administration of Measures of Fidelity of Administration...........99

Operational Definitions of Variables.......................................................100

Independent Variable...................................................................100

Dependent Variables....................................................................100

Demographic Variables...............................................................100

Data Analysis...........................................................................................101


Test Procedure.............................................................................103

Confirmatory Measures...............................................................104

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS........................................................................................105

Data Screening and Cleaning...................................................................105

Measurement of Data...................................................................105

Missing Data................................................................................105

Data Screening.............................................................................106

Identification of Covariates..........................................................112

Data Analysis...........................................................................................112

Test Procedure.............................................................................112

Tests of Equality of Variance and Covariance............................113

Multivariate Tests........................................................................114

Univariate Tests...........................................................................115

Additional Post-Hoc Tests...........................................................117

Fidelity of Implementation......................................................................122

Product Usage Logs.....................................................................122

Behavioral Observations..............................................................122

CHAPTER FIVE: RESEARCH REPORT......................................................................124

The Effects of the Use of an ICT-Based Reading Intervention on Students’

Achievement in Grade Two..........................................................................125

Teacher Preparation and Professional Development...........................126


Research Question...............................................................................131


Participants and Settings..........................................................................131


Participants Demographics..........................................................132

Assignment to Groups..................................................................133

Intervention Settings....................................................................133


MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach................................................134


Dependent Variable Measures.....................................................134

Rationale for Measure Selection......................................135

Fidelity Measures.........................................................................136

Product Usage Logs.........................................................136

Behavioral Observations..................................................136

Intervention Procedure.............................................................................137

Routine Classroom Instruction....................................................137

Intervention Instruction................................................................137

Comparison Instruction................................................................138

Teacher Training..........................................................................138

Assessment Procedure.............................................................................139

Procedures to Ensure Accuracy of Administration.....................139

Procedures to Ensure Accuracy of Scoring.................................139

Administration of Dependent Variable Measures........................139

Data Analysis...........................................................................................140

Measurement of Data...................................................................140

Missing Data................................................................................140

Identification of Covariates..........................................................141

Test Procedure.........................................................................................141

Tests of Equality of Variance and Covariance............................142

Multivariate Tests........................................................................142

Univariate Tests...........................................................................143

Additional Post-Hoc Tests...........................................................145

Fidelity of Implementation......................................................................147

Product Usage Logs.....................................................................147

Planned Activity Check...............................................................147



Conclusions and Implications for Future Research.................................150


RESEARCH (AMEER).......................................................................................153



APPENDIX C: PLANNED ACTIVITY CHECK...........................................................171




Table 1. Overview of Studies.............................................................................................66

Table 2. Study Quality.......................................................................................................75

Table 3. Tests of Reading Achievement............................................................................92

Table 4. Descriptive Statistics by Condition for Each Dependent Variable and Interval-

Level Covariate....................................................................................................108

Table 5. Shapiro-Wilk Test of Normality........................................................................109

Table 6. Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Analysis.............................................110

Table 7. Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices.................................................113

Table 8. Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances....................................................113

Table 9. Multivariate Tests..............................................................................................114

Table 10. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects..................................................................116

Table 11. Pairwise Comparisons for Univariate Tests.....................................................117

Table 12. Between-Subjects Effects for Real Word Reading..........................................118

Table 13. Pairwise Comparisons for Real Word Reading...............................................118

Table 14. Between-Subjects Effects for Real Word Spelling..........................................119

Table 15. Pairwise Comparisons for Real Word Spelling...............................................119

Table 16. Between-Subjects Effects for Non-Word Reading..........................................120

Table 17. Pairwise Comparisons for Non-Word Reading...............................................120

Table 18. Between-Subjects Effects for Non-Word Spelling..........................................121

Table 19. Pairwise Comparisons for Non-Word Spelling...............................................121

Table 20. Between-Subjects Effects for Reading Fluency..............................................122

Table 21. Pairwise Comparisons for Reading Fluency....................................................122

Table 22. Student Engagement Behavior per the Planned Activity Check.....................123

Table 23. Tests of Reading Achievement........................................................................135

Table 24. Multivariate Tests............................................................................................143

Table 25. Tests of Between-Subjects Effects..................................................................144

Table 26. Pairwise Comparisons for Univariate Tests....................................................145

Table 27. Pairwise Comparisons for Post-Hoc ANCOVAs............................................146

Table 28. Between-Subjects Effects for Post-Hoc ANCOVAs.......................................147

Table 29. Student Engagement Behavior per the Planned Activity Check.....................148



Figure 1. MVRC Lesson Sequence and Assessment Checkpoints...............................90

Figure 2. RAPS 360 Full Diagnostic Assessment Paths.............................................159

Figure 3. Example RAPS360 Vocabulary Assessment Item......................................160

Figure 4. Example MVRC Phonemic Awareness Mastery Activity...........................161

Figure 5. Example MVRC Phonics Mastery Activity.................................................163

Figure 6. Example MVRC Grammar Activity............................................................164

Figure 7. Example MVRC Punctuation Activity........................................................165

Figure 8. Example MVRC Vocabulary Activity.........................................................166

Figure 9. Example MVRC Eye Tracking Activity......................................................168

Figure 10. Example MVRC Reading Comprehension Activity..................................169

Figure 11. Example MVRC Reading Fluency Activity..............................................170


A quasi-experimental research design was used to evaluate the efficacy of

MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach (MVRC), an ICT-based reading intervention, in

addition to regular daily language instruction provided by a classroom teacher. After

attrition, participants included 170 students enrolled in eight second-grade classrooms

(four classrooms in each school) in two public elementary schools in the southwestern

United States. Examiners obtained reading achievement data for each participating

student. Pre- and post-test measures included tests of the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of

Achievement (WJ IV ACH), as well as the Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency

(TOSWRF-2). A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to

determine whether there were significant mean differences in (a) non-word reading, (b)

real word reading, (c) non-word spelling, (d) real word spelling, and/or (e) reading

fluency post-test achievement scores favoring students assigned to use the MVRC online

reading intervention, once the effects of differences in pre-test achievement scores and

relevant demographic variables had been accounted for. Analyses revealed a significant

main effect (λ = .668, F [5, 161] = 16.014, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .332) of the

intervention on achievement scores of participants assigned to the treatment condition, a

result which was confirmed across three of the study’s dependent variables: real word

spelling (F[1, 165] = 16.341, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .090), non-word spelling (F[1,

165] = 29.212, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .150), and reading fluency (F[1, 165] = 58.348,

p < .001, multivariate η2 = .261).

KEY WORDS: achievement, computer, Internet, intervention, language arts,

quasi-experimental, reading, software


Literacy and its component skills, the ability to read with fluency and

comprehension and write fluently and coherently, are essential to educational attainment

across domains: they “[bridge] the gap between learning to read and reading to learn”

(Duke, Bennett-Armistead, & Roberts, 2003, p. 226) and provide the key that opens the

door to a world of textually-based knowledge. The American system of education,

however, has not yet achieved its potential in ensuring that as many Americans as

possible enjoy the benefits of literacy. The findings of the National Assessment of Adult

Literacy revealed that 43% of adults in the United States scored at basic or below basic

levels in prose literacy, or the ability to understand, summarize, make simple inferences,

determine cause and effect, and recognize an author’s purpose when presented with texts

of moderate density (Kutner, Greenberg, Jin, Boyle, Hsu, & Dunleavy, 2007). Results of

the National Assessment of Educational Progress (Grigg, Daane, Jin, & Campbell, 2003)

painted an even bleaker picture of American youth. As of 2002, over two-thirds of

fourth-grade students scored at basic or below-basic levels of grade-level literacy (Grigg

et al., 2003). Research suggests that once children have reached this point in their

education, when the focus of instruction has shifted from learning to read to reading to

learn (Duke et al., 2003), they are at increased risk for academic failure (Felton & Pepper,

1995; Juel, 1988), often struggling to acquire the content knowledge necessary for

academic success.

Reading failure poses a serious threat to a child’s future educational, professional,

and social success. This conclusion is well supported in the literature. Kennely and

Monrad (2007) identified a statistically significant correlation between low reading

scores and school dropout, and researchers have consistently found that youngsters with

reading-related difficulties are disproportionally represented in the juvenile detention

system (Rutherford, Bullis, Anderson, & Griller-Clark, 2002; Shelley-Tremblay,

O’Brien, & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, 2007), placing them at increased risk for future

criminal behavior and social dysfunction.

The vast majority of children at risk for illiteracy can be taught to read with fluency

and comprehension, provided they receive developmentally appropriate instruction in the

sound-symbol correspondences of spoken and written language (Ehri, Nunes, Willows,

Schuster, Yaghoub-Zadeh, & Shanahan, 2001; Snow, Griffin, & Burns, 2005). In

particular, sequential instruction in code-based skills, including explicit, systematic

phonics has been shown to positively affect the reading and writing abilities of students

with reading-related challenges (Ehri et al., 2001; Hatcher, Hulme, & Snowling, 2004;

Torgerson, Brooks, & Hall, 2006).

Systematic reading instruction using information and communication technologies

(ICT) has been enthusiastically trumpeted as a means by which to promote reading

achievement (Savage et al., 2013), and such instruction often requires little or no direct

intervention on the part of the classroom teacher (Bishop & Edwards Santoro, 2006).

ICT-based instructional programs have been widely adopted in classroom contexts,

“generally with an underlying expectation that student learning can improve … through

supportive skill instruction with practice” (Cassady & Smith, 2005, p. 362). This

sentiment was mirrored in the National Reading Panel’s (NPR) report of 2000, which

characterized ICT-based reading instruction as a potentially promising development,

allowing students greater opportunity to “interact instructionally with text” than typically

offered by conventional instruction alone (Ch. 6, p. 8).

Some key potential advantages of beginning reading instruction using information

and computer technologies are (a) explicit, systematic instruction in the sound-symbol

correspondences of spoken and written language (Camilli et al., 2003; Ehri et al., 2001;

Torgerson et al., 2006), (b) multimodal instruction to promote recall and retention (Low

& Sweller, 2005; Moreno & Mayer, 2007), (c) formative feedback to guide learning and

activate prior knowledge (Narciss, 2013), (d) interactivity to promote attention and

engagement (Sims, 2000, 2003), and (e) opportunities for mastery learning to enhance

achievement (Guskey, 2007, 2012). The question of whether or not ICT-based reading

interventions have actually leveraged the potential advantages of the medium, however,

remains unresolved, with the authors of large-scale evaluations of software concluding

that ICT-based beginning reading programs generally have provided inconsistent and

unsystematic instruction (Edwards Santoro & Bishop, 2010; Grant et al., 2012).

Furthermore, ICT-based reading instruction remains poorly theorized (Savage et al.,

2013) and inadequately researched (Blok, Oostdam, Otter & Overmaat, 2002; Kulik,

2003; Slavin, Lake, Chambers, Cheung, & Davis, 2009; Torgerson & Zhu, 2003),

particularly with regard to studies involving participants aged eight years and younger

(Lankshear & Knobel, 2003). In the present study a quantitative, quasi-experimental

research design is employed to evaluate the efficacy of the MindPlay Virtual Reading

Coach (MVRC), a sequential, code-focused online reading intervention, when used to

supplement regular reading instruction provided by a classroom teacher.

Statement of the Problem

With some notable exceptions (e.g., Macaruso, Hook, & McCabe, 2006;

McMurray, 2013; Savage et al., 2013; Savage, Abrami, Hipps, & Deault, 2009; Savage,

Erten, Abrami, Hipps, Comaskey, & van Lierop, 2010), relatively little high quality

experimental or quasi-experimental research has been published examining the effects of

ICT-based reading interventions on beginning reading achievement (Blok et al., 2002;

Kulik, 2003; Slavin et al., 2009; Torgerson & Zhu, 2003). Prominent voices in the field

have suggested that teachers and education authorities remain wary of adopting any ICT-

based reading program until it has a consistent base of high quality evidentiary support

(Slavin et al., 2009; Torgerson, 2007; Torgerson & Zhu, 2003).1 Through the present

study, the author wishes to fill a gap in the existing ICT-based beginning reading

intervention literature, while addressing issues of research design and intervention quality

that have been inadequately explored in previous intervention research.

Nature of the Study

In the present study, the author relates the results of quantitative research designed

to evaluate the efficacy of MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach (MVRC), a sequential, code-

focused online reading intervention, when used to supplement regular reading instruction

provided by a classroom teacher. The study employed a quasi-experimental design with

multivariate data analyses and statistical controls for differences in pre-test achievement

scores and relevant demographic variables.

Among the recommendations of Torgerson (2007) and Torgerson and Zhu (2003) was the conduct of
randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Owing to the small sample size in the present study, it was not

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework for the present study is based on five research-supported

premises. First, failure to develop strong reading skills in early elementary school has

pervasive impacts on student achievement in every aspect of education, and those

impacts tend to intensify as children progress through school (Felton & Pepper, 1995;

Juel, 1988). Second, the vast majority of children can be taught to read with fluency and

comprehension when provided high quality, research supported interventions designed to

meet individual needs (Ehri et al., 2001; Hatcher, Hulme, & Snowling, 2004; Torgerson

et al., 2006). Third, systematic instruction in code-based skills has been shown to

positively affect the reading ability of both typically developing students and those with

reading-related challenges (Ehri et al., 2001; Snow et al., 2005). Fourth, sequential ICT-

based reading interventions of sufficient duration and intensity can and do improve

beginning reading achievement (Macaruso et al., 2006; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al.,

2010; Savage et al., 2013), even among students with reading-related challenges

(McMurray, 2013). Fifth, ICT-based reading interventions whose content and delivery

are consistent with theoretically informed models of reading development and

instructional design are likely to be of greatest benefit to students (Savage et al., 2013).

Objectives of the Present Study

The primary objective of the author of the present study was to contribute to the

research base in ICT-based beginning reading interventions by reporting the results of

quasi-experimental research designed to evaluate the efficacy of MindPlay Virtual

Reading Coach (MVRC) (MindPlay Educational Software for Reading, 2015), an ICT-

based reading intervention, when used to supplement regular language instruction

provided by a classroom teacher. MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach offers highly

individualized and developmentally sequenced instruction in phonics, fluency,

comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar consistent with the recommendations of the

NRP (2000). The MVRC software provides multisensory learning, engaging students

visually and auditorily, in order to strengthen associations between learned content (Kast,

Meyer, Vögeli, Gross, & Jäncke, 2007) and reduce memory demands on individual

cognitive systems (Low & Sweller, 2005). Immediate formative feedback is provided to

students while they interact with program content, rather than simple corrective feedback,

as formative feedback has been shown to increase retention and decrease demands on

cognitive processing (Moreno, 2004). Furthermore, MVRC requires mastery (typically

to 90%) of initial concepts and skills before new concepts and skills are introduced,

ensuring that students do not have gaps in foundational knowledge and promoting

sustained retention of learned content (Guskey, 2010).

The secondary objective of the author was to ensure the conformity of the present

study with the highest standards for design, analyses, and reporting in educational

research. Therefore, the author elected to align the present study with the indicators for

high quality experimental and quasi-experimental research identified by Gersten et al.

(2005) and published by the Council for Exceptional Children. The present study, as

designed, meets all of the relevant2 essential quality indicators and five of the desirable

quality indicators, thus satisfying the criteria for high quality research.

One essential quality indicator was not relevant to the present study, as it applied only to studies involving
populations presenting with disabilities or learning difficulties.

Importance of the Present Study

A critical issue of national significance is ensuring that all students have optimal

opportunities to develop the reading skills necessary to succeed in school and in life. The

present study employs high quality design and data analytic techniques, and an

intervention grounded in evidence-based theory and best practices for the promotion of

literacy development among beginning readers. It will yield important findings regarding

the efficacy of MVRC’s highly interactive, individualized, and developmentally-

sequenced mastery model of instruction, and it will contribute to the knowledge base

regarding ICT-based beginning reading interventions and the systematic instruction of

phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar. Furthermore, it will provide

educators and administrators with information critical to the selection of effective ICT-

based reading interventions for use in the classroom.

Research Question

In the present study, the following research question was addressed: Are there

significant mean differences in (a) non-word reading, (b) real word reading, (c) non-word

spelling, (d) real word spelling, and/or (e) reading fluency post-test achievement scores of

students assigned to use the MVRC online reading intervention in addition to regular

classroom reading instruction and those of students from a business-as-usual comparison

condition, once the effects of differences in pre-test achievement scores and relevant

demographic variables have been accounted for?

Statement of Hypotheses

The author of the present study has identified the following alternative hypothesis

(HA) related to the overall effects of the intervention: Statistically significant main effects

of the intervention favoring the treatment group will be detected in overall reading and

spelling achievement. The author has identified the following alternative hypotheses

(HA) related to the effects of the intervention on individual dependent variables:

• Statistically significant effects of the intervention favoring the treatment

group will be detected in non-word reading.

• Statistically significant effects of the intervention favoring the treatment

group will be detected in real word reading.

• Statistically significant effects of the intervention favoring the treatment

group will be detected in non-word spelling.

• Statistically significant effects of the intervention favoring the treatment

group will be detected in real word spelling.

• Statistically significant effects of the intervention favoring the treatment

group will be detected in reading fluency.


Participants included 209 students enrolled in eight, second grade classrooms in

two public elementary schools in the southwestern United States. Of those, 107 were

assigned to the treatment condition, and 102 were assigned to a business-as-usual

comparison condition. Owing to attrition and illness, 39 participants had incomplete data

sets following post-testing. Ultimately, the treatment condition comprised 89 complete

cases, and the comparison condition comprised 81, representing 170 complete cases, or

81.34% of original cases. While overall data loss was below 20%, data loss did not

impact each condition equally, as the treatment group retained 83.12% of original cases,

while the comparison group retained 79.41% of original cases, producing a differential

attrition rate of 3.71%.


Participating students assigned to the treatment group received MVRC online

reading instruction in addition to a scripted program of reading and language arts

instruction in the classroom setting. Participants assigned to the treatment group used the

software for 30 minutes each day, Monday through Thursday, for a total of two hours per

week throughout the regular school year (mid-September through mid-April), with the

exception of holidays, school functions, and mandatory state testing days. Participating

students assigned to the business-as-usual comparison condition received the same

scripted program of reading and language arts instruction but did not receive the MVRC

intervention. During the time allotted for the MVRC intervention, students assigned to

the business-as-usual comparison condition received additional language arts instruction

from their classroom teachers consistent with the scripted curriculum and routine

classroom practice. Examiners obtained reading achievement data from each

participating student. Pre- and post-test measures included the Test of Silent Word

Reading Fluency, Second Edition (TOSWRF-2; Mather, Hammill, Allen & Roberts,

2014) and four tests of the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement, Fourth Edition (WJ

IVACH; Schrank, Mather, & McGrew, 2014).


The author of the present study wishes to acknowledge several important

limitations. Chief among these is the lack of equivalence across demographic factors

between the treatment and comparison groups. While the author employed statistical

controls to correct for the differences, further research with random assignment to groups

or a non-post-hoc matched design should be performed. Also absent was observational

or documentary data related to teachers’ instructional practices. Because the number of

participating classrooms was modest, this information would have been helpful in

detecting potential confounds. Finally, outcome measures included only narrowly

focused tasks of reading fluency, word spelling, and word reading. Each of these tasks

measured aspects of decoding or encoding, but none assessed the synthesis of these skills

in either reading comprehension or sentence or passage writing. Further research should

include broader measures, in particular measures of reading comprehension. While

decoding ability is essential to fluent reading, the ultimate goal of reading is the

comprehension of connected text.

Definitions of Terms

To facilitate reading of the present study, definitions of relevant terms follow:

Alphabetic language: a written language in which the symbols used in writing

correspond to the sounds of spoken words

Alphabetic Principle: understanding of the systematic and predictable relationships

between the sounds of speech and the letters of written words in an alphabetic language

Blend: a combination of two or more letters used to represent closely but distinctly

articulated consonant phonemes within the same syllable

Code-focused: instruction emphasizing the sound-symbol relationships of spoken

and written language (See phonics.)

Comprehension: the ability to read a text and understand its meaning

Computer-aided instruction (CAI): instruction delivered or supplemented by the

use of computers, tablets, or laptops

Computer-adaptive: instruction or testing delivered by a computer that adapts to

the performance or actions of the user

Consolidated alphabetic phase: the stage of alphabet learning in which children

have knowledge of complex phoneme-grapheme relationships, common orthographic

patterns, and morphological units

Decoding: the ability to use sound-symbol relationships, knowledge of spelling

patterns, and knowledge of whole words to read words

Diphthong: a sound created by the articulation of two vowel phonemes in a single


Digraph: a combination of two letters representing a single phoneme

Encoding: the ability to use sound-symbol relationships, knowledge of spelling

patterns, and knowledge of whole words to spell words

Explicit instruction: instruction in which content and concepts are presented in a

clear and unambiguous manner

Fluency: the rate, accuracy, and prosody of reading

Full alphabetic phase: the stage of alphabet learning in which children have

complete knowledge of common phoneme-grapheme relationships

Graphemes: the symbols with which the sounds of spoken language are

represented in written language

Hyperlink: a virtual link from one file or document to another

Hypermedia: typically Internet media; non-linear media including hyperlinks

Information and computer technologies (ICT): multimedia technologies, including

computer software and hypermedia

Initial sound: a sound falling at the beginning of a word or syllable

Interactivity: the way in which content is driven by and adaptive to user activity

Literacy: the ability to read with fluency and comprehension

Medial sound: a sound falling in the middle of a word or syllable

Monophthong: a sound created by the articulation of one vowel phoneme in a

single syllable

Morphological unit (morpheme): the smallest grammatically meaningful unit of


Non-word: a nonsense or made-up word, typically presented to determine

knowledge of phonetic encoding or decoding

Orthography: the conventional spelling system of written language

Partial alphabetic phase: the stage of alphabet learning in which children have

incomplete knowledge of phoneme-grapheme relationships

Phoneme: the smallest perceptually distinct unit of sound in spoken language

Phonemic awareness: the ability to identify and manipulate individual phonemes

in spoken language

Phonemic segmentation: segmenting a spoken or written word by phonemes

Phonics: an instructional approach that emphasizes phoneme-grapheme

Phonological awareness: the ability to identify and manipulate the sounds of

spoken language

Pre-alphabetic phase: the stage of alphabet learning in which children lack

knowledge of phoneme-grapheme relationships

Reading failure: failure to acquire basic reading and spelling skills by grade three

Scaffolded instruction: instruction and instructional supports that are decreased as

the learner develops knowledge or skill

Sequential reading instruction: reading instruction that progresses systematically

through increasingly difficult blocks of content

Supplementary reading instruction: reading instruction designed to supplement

routine classroom instruction

Syllable: a unit of pronunciation containing one vowel sound (i.e., monophthong,

diphthong, or triphthong), with or without surrounding consonant sounds

Syllabification: the segmentation of a spoken or written word by syllables

Systematicity: the degree to which instruction comprises cycles that progress

hierarchically through increasingly difficult blocks of content

Terminal sound: a sound falling at the end of a word or syllable

Triphthong: a sound created by the articulation of three vowel phonemes in a single



This chapter has two main sections: a review of literature and a critical synthesis

of experimental and quasi-experimental research. In the first section, the author presents

a brief review of literature related to the design and delivery of ICT-based beginning

reading interventions. Proposed advantages of ICT-based models of instructional

delivery are discussed, as are models for the acquisition and development of phonetic and

alphabetic skills. Theoretically informed taxonomies for the evaluation of ICT-based

reading interventions are presented, as well as critiques of existing software packages.

This review is followed by a critical synthesis of experimental and quasi-experimental

research related to ICT-based beginning reading interventions.

The term information and computer technologies (ICT) is used to refer to

multimedia technologies, including computer software and online hypermedia. In the

present study, the author focuses on a specific form of instructional ICT, sequential

reading interventions, or computer-delivered reading instruction that “progress[es]

hierarchically through increasingly difficult blocks of content” (Bishop & Edwards

Santoro, 2006, p. 62). Such interventions may be used to supplement reading instruction

delivered by a teacher, or they may be used to provide targeted practice or tutorial to

students in need of remediation. Well-designed ICT-based reading interventions have

been shown to promote reading achievement in typically developing beginning readers

(Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010; Savage et al., 2013), low performers (Cassady

& Smith, 2005; Macaruso et al., 2006), and those with learning difficulties (McMurray,


Proposed Advantages of ICT-Based Reading Interventions

Among the proposed advantages of ICT-based beginning reading interventions are

(a) multimodal instruction using purposefully linked visual and auditory content, (b)

formative feedback to guide learning and activate prior knowledge, (c) interactivity to

promote engagement and meaningful learning, and (d) opportunities for mastery learning

to promote retention and achievement. An overview of each of these concepts and

relevant research follows.

Multimodal instruction. Multimodal instruction is characterized by the

presentation of content in more than one sensory mode. The term is used to refer to

instruction that incorporates various sensory modalities (e.g., visual, auditory, tactile), but

for the purpose of the present study it will refer only to visual and auditory modalities,

consistent with research in cognitive psychology (Clark & Paivio, 1991; Fadel, 2008).

The multimodal (i.e., visual and auditory; Clark & Paivio, 1991) instruction provided by

computer-based media can serve to significantly improve students’ learning (Fadel,

2008). It is hypothesized that instruction using both visual and auditory modalities

reduces cognitive load by splitting processing tasks between visual and auditory

processing mechanisms (Clark & Paivio, 1991; Low & Sweller, 2005). When visual and

auditory information are purposefully and cohesively linked in instruction, demands on

cognitive processing are reduced, and retention is improved (Moreno & Mayer, 2007).

Research performed by Thompson and Paivio (1994) illustrates this phenomenon. In

three separate trials, the authors found that recall was significantly better for picture-

sound pairs than for single modality items, leading the authors to conclude that linking

visual and auditory stimuli had an additive effect on memory.

Multimodal instruction can also serve to clarify content: if a learner does not

understand a concept when presented in one modality (e.g., text [visual]), an additional

representation of that concept in another modality (e.g., speech [auditory]) might improve

comprehension (Sankey, Birch, & Gardiner, 2012). Furthermore, the presentation of

instructional content using multiple modalities accommodates individual perceptual

preferences, thus increasing satisfaction with learning and instruction (Sankey, Birch, &

Gardiner, 2012). Multi-modal ICT-based instruction has shown promise in improving

reading ability, even among students with dyslexia. As an example, Kast, Meyer, Vögeli,

Gross, and Jäncke (2007) provided three months of training using a computer-based

program designed to “use a multitude of meaningful visual-auditory associations in order

to build up the memory strength of graphemes and phonemes” (p. 357) to Swiss children

with developmental dyslexia, as well as typically developing peers. At post-test both

participants with developmental dyslexia and typically developing participants

experienced significant gains in writing skills with comparison to matched controls;

however, gains were largest for participants with developmental dyslexia.

Formative feedback. Formative feedback constitutes information that is provided

in response to learner inputs or interactions that is designed to modify the learner’s

knowledge or behavior and improve learning (Shute, 2008). The major aim of formative

feedback is to increase the knowledge and skill of the learner by directing and facilitating

instructional interactions (Shute, 2008). Computer-based instruction can provide

immediate feedback that goes beyond simple correction to provide strategically useful

information designed to guide learning, correct misconceptions, and build on existing

knowledge (Narciss, 2013). It is hypothesized that formative feedback reduces cognitive

load by activating existing knowledge and directing learners to effective strategies, thus

minimizing the amount of cognitive processing directed to ineffective problem solving

strategies or misconceptions (Moreno, 2004). Evidence indicates that formative feedback

can improve task motivation (Narciss, 2004), retention (Moreno, 2004), and achievement

(Moreno, 2004; Narciss, 2004). Formative feedback is especially beneficial for novice or

struggling learners, who are more likely to become cognitively overwhelmed during

learning (Shute, 2008). As an example, Mioduser, Tur-Kaspa and Leitner (2001) found

that Israeli preschool students deemed at risk for learning disabilities who received an

ICT-based reading intervention that delivered detailed, individualized formative feedback

significantly outperformed matched peers assigned to a conventional teacher-delivered

intervention, as well as those assigned to a no-treatment control condition. Significant

differences in achievement favoring the ICT-based reading intervention were detected in

measures of phonological awareness, word recognition, and letter naming skills.

Interactivity. Despite its near ubiquity in the educational literature, interactivity is

a loosely defined term (Rose, 1999) that can be used to characterize both conventional

and computer-based models of instruction. For the purpose of the present study,

however, interactivity will refer simply “to those functions and/or operations made

available to the learner to enable them to work with content material presented in a

computer-based environment” (Sims, 2000, p. 46). A commonly cited advantage of

interactivity is increased engagement: interactive instruction works to focus attention and

minimize boredom because the learner must stay alert and on-task in order to interact

effectively with the software (Sims, 2003). Furthermore, interactive instruction is

responsive to learner inputs, improving instructional efficiency by adapting to individual

needs and strengths (Sims, 2003). Interactive instruction can be particularly beneficial to

novice and struggling learners (Sims, 2003). As an example, Segers and Verhoeven

(2005) reported the results of highly interactive computer-based pre-reading intervention

provided to Dutch students in their second year of kindergarten. Treatment group

students used game-based reading software designed to teach rhyming, oral

segmentation, and oral blending. While the intervention was provided, on average, only

15 minutes per week during the intervention period, treatment group students enjoyed

significant improvements in grapheme knowledge and aspects of phonological awareness

immediately following the intervention and upon follow-up testing in the first grade.

Likewise, the authors of a Finnish study of a computer-assisted remedial reading

intervention offered to grade one students (N = 166) found statistically significant gains

in reading achievement among students who completed a total of only five hours of

highly interactive ICT-based reading instruction in phonemic awareness, phoneme-

grapheme correspondences, reading skills, and fluency (Saine, Lerkkanen, Ahonen,

Tolvanen, & Lyytinen, 2011).

Mastery learning. Mastery learning constitutes an approach to instruction in

which students are required to demonstrate mastery of initial instructional content to a set

criterion before more challenging content is presented (Guskey, 2012). Mastery learning

is a form of systematic learning, as it presents content in a structured manner (Crews,

2003). Although mastery instruction has demonstrated advantages, including improved

achievement and attitudes toward learning (Guskey, 2007), it can be difficult to fully

implement in the classroom setting, as it requires a high degree of individualization to be

used successfully (Crews, 2003). Well designed computer-based instructional models,

however, are able to deliver highly individualized learning that adapts to students needs

(Mooij, 2007), providing opportunities for mastery of foundational concepts and

preventing gaps in knowledge likely to undermine future achievement (Guskey, 2007).

The benefits of mastery learning appear to be greatest for struggling learners; however, a

large body of research demonstrates positive effects on the achievement of students

across grades and across content (Kulik, Kulik, & Bangert-Drowns, 1990). An example

of the beneficial effects of mastery learning is provided by Vaughn, Serido, and Wilhelm

(2006).3 Vaughn et al. (2006) reported the results of a randomized controlled trial (N =

524; participants in grades 1-4) of a sequential ICT-based reading intervention designed

using a mastery model of instruction. Treatment group students received two-to-three

hours of instruction of ICT-based reading instruction each week, while students assigned

to the comparison group received supplementary literacy activities consistent with routine

classroom instruction. The authors employed a pre-post design and performed analyses

both on post-test scores and gain scores. While statistically significant differences in

vocabulary, comprehension, and overall reading ability favoring students assigned to the

treatment condition were detected, gains were greatest among English language learners

(ELLs) and students designated struggling readers. Measures of effect size were not

provided; however, the percentage of treatment group students reading below grade level

fell by nearly half from pre-test to post test (from 64.7% to 33.1%).

Research Related to ICT-Based Reading Interventions

The question of whether or not the majority of ICT-based beginning reading

interventions actually leverage the potential advantages of the medium remains

This study (Vaughn et al., 2006) was not included in the formal synthesis that follows this review of
literature, as it was not subjected to peer review.

unresolved (Edwards Santoro & Bishop, 2010; Grant et al., 2012), and ICT-based reading

instruction remains poorly theorized and inadequately researched (Savage et al., 2013),

particularly concerning studies involving participants aged eight years and younger

(Lankshear & Knobel, 2003). This dearth of quality research is exemplified by the

results of recent syntheses of ICT-based reading intervention literature. In a meta-

analysis of over forty studies designed to evaluate the efficacy of ICT-based reading

interventions in promoting early literacy achievement, Blok et al. (2002) found only three

studies (Barker and Torgersen [1995] and two sub-studies contained in Foster, Erickson,

Foster, Brinkman, and Torgesen [1994]) investigating a sequential, code-based English-

language reading intervention. While the authors (Barker & Torgesen, 1995; Foster et

al., 1994) documented statistically significant effects of their respective interventions

favoring participants in the treatment group, the software used (iterations of DaisyQuest)

is now obsolete. All of the other studies included in the meta-analysis performed by Blok

et al. (2002) were either conducted in a language other than English or involved

narrowly-focused computer-assisted interventions, such as the visual and auditory

presentation of text, speech feedback, or virtual flashcards. Though Blok et al. (2002)

reported a modest corrected overall effect size estimate of +0.19 across studies, they

cautioned that this result should be interpreted with care, as many of the studies evaluated

were poorly designed, and several compared the effects of multiple software applications,

rather than comparing ICT-based interventions to non-computer mediated approaches.

The caution urged by Blok et al. (2002) appears well founded in the light of the

results of other syntheses, whose authors applied more stringent inclusion criteria (e.g.,

requiring experimental designs or matched quasi-experimental designs with both pre- and

post-test measures). In a 2003 synthesis of the randomized controlled trial (RCT)

literature in the field, Torgerson and Zhu identified a dozen studies meeting inclusion

criteria. Of those, only one (Mitchell & Fox, 2001) included a sequential, code-based

ICT-based reading intervention delivered to participants in the early primary grades, and

the authors of that study reported no statistically significant effect of the intervention.4

These results were paralleled by a synthesis of literature commissioned by the National

Science Foundation and performed by Kulik in 2003. While the author (Kulik, 2003)

identified nine studies of computer-based reading interventions meeting inclusion criteria,

only three of those showed statistically significant positive effects favoring treatment

group participants, and all three were published in the early 1990s and evaluated the

effects of now obsolete software packages.

In a more recent synthesis, Slavin, Lake, Chambers, Cheung, and Davis (2009)

identified nineteen studies of computer-assisted reading programs meeting selection

criteria; however, only eight were peer-reviewed studies including a now extant

sequential ICT-based reading intervention delivered to students in kindergarten through

grade three. Of those eight, four were embedded in a larger study commissioned by the

Institute of Education Sciences (IES; Campuzano, Dynarski, Agodini, Rall, &

Pendeleton, 2009). Of the four interventions evaluated by Campuzano et al. (2009), none

were found to have statistically significant positive effects on participants’ reading

achievement. Unlike Campuzano et al. (2009), the authors of three of the four remaining

studies reviewed by Slavin et al. (2009) reported statistically significant positive effects

While Mitchell and Fox (2001) found no significant differences favoring the ICT-based reading
intervention group when compared to comparable teacher-delivered intervention group, they did find
significant differences favoring the ICT-based reading intervention group when compared to a no-treatment

of their respective interventions, with effect sizes ranging from +0.17 to +1.05. While

otherwise well-designed, the quasi-experimental study in which significant differences

were not found favoring the treatment group in measures of word reading (Paterson,

Jacobs Henry, O'Quin, Ceprano, & Blue, 2003), lacked a pre-test measure for that

construct, putting its findings concerning reading achievement into question. Notably,

both of the still extant software packages for which the authors provided statistically

significant evidentiary support, Waterford Early Learning Program (Cassady & Smith,

2005; Tracey & Young, 2005) and Lexia Learning Systems software (Macaruso, Hook,

& McCabe, (2006), involved a strong emphasis on systematic phonics instruction and the

sequential presentation of code-based skills.

Considerations Related to Research Design

One explanation for differences in outcomes among ICT-based reading intervention

studies might be variables associated with the design and execution of the research. In

their 2002 synthesis, Blok et al. noted that design-related variables accounted for the

majority of variance across the studies they evaluated and observed that many of the

studies they reviewed suffered from serious methodological weaknesses. Even in

research involving ICT-based reading interventions purported by their publishers to be of

the highest quality (e.g., Waterford Early Learning Program), findings have been

inconsistent, with the conclusions of large-scale, government-funded research (e.g.,

Campuzano et al., 2009) contradicting the findings of smaller studies (e.g., Cassady &

Smith, 2005; Tracey and Young, 2007).

While RCT designs have been hailed as the gold standard for educational research

(Slavin et al., 2011; Torgerson & Zhu, 2003; Torgerson, 2007), an RCT design is not a

guarantee of methodological strength. As an example, the large-scale RCT performed by

Campuzano et al. (2009),5 which included a tepid evaluation of the Waterford Early

Learning Program, had several methodological weaknesses, including a lack of direct

experimental control over product use, inconsistent evaluation methods and instruments,

unavailability of fidelity data, and an absence of measures closely aligned to the study’s

interventions. While the largely favorable research on the same product conducted by

Cassady and Smith (2005) and Tracey and Young (2007) was by no means perfect,

suffering from flaws in data collection and design,6 it is nevertheless difficult to

characterize the research performed by Campuzano et al. (2009) as methodologically


The preponderance of studies with methodological weaknesses aside, examples of

high quality design also exist in the ICT intervention literature. In their generally

positive evaluations of Lexia Reading software, Macaruso et al. (2006) and McMurray

(2013) employed validated instruments that were well-aligned to their respective

interventions. Similarly, both Macaruso et al. (2006) and McMurray (2013) provided and

analyzed data related to fidelity of implementation on the relationship between the

duration of program usage and students’ achievement. The findings of Macaruso et al.

(2006) and McMurray (2013) were mirrored by those of several carefully designed and

executed studies evaluating the efficacy of ABRACADABRA, a code-focused sequential

online reading program explicitly grounded in developmental models and theory derived

This study (Campuzano et al., 2009) contained data from the second cohort of a larger study performed by
Dynarski et al. (2009).
In the case of Cassady and Smith (2005), the authors failed to take into account possible cumulative
effects of a teacher professional development intervention being offered simultaneously, and in the case of
Tracey and Young (2007), the authors found modest statistically significant between groups at pre-test,
which they failed to account for in their analyses.

from contemporary reading research (Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010; Savage et

al., 2013).

Content and Design of ICT-Based Reading Instruction

Factors related to research design constitute an important consideration when

evaluating the evidence base supporting a given ICT-based reading intervention.

Nevertheless, the quality of content and the appropriateness of instructional design

remain the primary factors underpinning an intervention’s efficacy or lack thereof. As to

the issue of content, the findings of the National Reading Panel (NRP; 2000) identified

five key elements of literacy instruction for which there was substantial evidentiary

support: (1) phonemic awareness,7 a subtype of phonological awareness, or

understanding of the sound system of spoken language; (2) phonics, knowledge of the

correspondence between speech sounds and the orthographic (spelling) patterns in written

language; (3) fluency, the speed and accuracy of reading; (4) vocabulary, knowledge of

the body of words used in a particular language; and (5) comprehension, the ability to

understand the message and meaning of written text. Of these five elements, two are

particularly essential to beginning reading instruction: phonemic awareness and phonics.

Understanding of the sound system of spoken language (phonological awareness)

and how speech sounds (phonemes) are denoted in written text form the foundation for

both decoding (reading) and encoding (spelling) in alphabetic languages (Ehri, 1998;

National Reading Panel, 2000). Both phonological awareness, the umbrella skill under

which phonemic awareness is found (Badian, 2001; Pufpaff, 2009), and phonics (Adams,

While phonemic awareness and phonological awareness are sometimes used interchangeably,
phonological awareness denotes the understanding of the sound system of spoken language more
generally; phonemic awareness refers to the ability to detect and manipulate the smallest perceptually
distinct units of sound (e.g., the ability to discriminate between /p/ and /b/ in the words pat and bat) in a
spoken language (Pufpaff, 2009).

1990; Camilli et al., 2003; Ehri et al., 2001; Torgerson et al., 2006) comprise a complex

set of skills, the importance of which to future reading achievement is difficult to

overstate. The National Early Literacy Panel (NELP; 2008), in a comprehensive review

of high quality research in early literacy, found that phonological awareness and

knowledge of the alphabetic principle (the systematic, predictable relationships between

speech sounds [phonemes] and written letters [graphemes]) were the two best predictors

of early reading achievement.

A convergence of evidence demonstrates the importance of systematic, explicit

instruction in the sound-symbol correspondences of spoken and written language to

reading achievement. In a synthesis of 38 experimental and quasi-experimental studies

designed to evaluate the efficacy of systematic phonics interventions, Ehri et al. (2001)

concluded that explicit instruction in “[s]ystematic phonics helped children learn better

than all forms of control instruction” (p. 393), and that it was effective not only in

providing beginning reading instruction, but also in preventing and remediating reading

difficulties. These findings were largely mirrored in a replication (of the study performed

by Ehri et al. [2001]) conducted by Camilli et al. (2003) two years later. While Camilli et

al. (2003) found that even non-systematic phonics instruction benefited learners, the

authors noted that “the advantage of systematic phonics instruction over some phonics

instruction [was] significant.” Similarly, in a 2006 meta-analysis of the RCT intervention

literature, Torgerson et al. found that “[s]ystematic phonics instruction within a broad

literacy curriculum…[had a] statistically significant positive effect on reading accuracy”

(p. 8), which extended both to typically developing learners and those at risk for reading


For code-based skills to be taught effectively, however, they must be introduced in

a developmentally appropriate manner. The general trajectory of the acquisition of

phonological and alphabetic skills has been well defined in the literature, yet there

remains a “need for progression within ICT activities that reflects these qualitative

changes in development” (Savage et al., 2013, p. 312). A brief overview of two research-

based models for the development of phonological and alphabetic skills follows.

Research-based developmental models. In a 2009 synthesis of the literature

evaluating the development of phonological sensitivity, Pufpaff laid out a developmental

sequence for the acquisition of phonological skills derived from an extensive review of

research in early literacy. These skills progress from the detection and production of

rhymes, to the segmentation of sentences by words, to the syllabification of compound

words (e.g., <cow‧boy>), and then the syllabification of multisyllabic words (e.g.,

<mi‧tten>). After these phonological skills have been acquired, development progresses

to a subset of phonological awareness characterized as phonemic awareness, or the

ability to isolate and manipulate individual speech sounds. The developmental sequence

of phonemic awareness skills progresses from blending of sounds (e.g., /k/ /æ/ /t/ to cat),

to sound-to-word matching (e.g., Does cat end with the /t/ sound?), to word-to-word

matching (e.g., Does cat begin with the same sound as cap?), to phoneme isolation (e.g.,

What is the beginning sound in cat?), to phoneme segmentation (e.g., Say cat one sound

at a time.), to phoneme deletion (e.g., Say cat without the /t/ sound.), to phoneme

substitution (e.g., Say cat with the /p/ sound instead of the /t/ sound.), and finally to

phoneme reversal (e.g., Say cat backwards, so the beginning sound is at the end and the

ending sound is at the beginning [i.e., tack]). It is important to note, however, that there

is individual variation in the acquisition and development of phonological skills, and the

research suggests that children do not develop skills in a rigid sequence, but in often

overlapping stages (Invernizzi & Tortorelli, 2013); therefore, individual skills need not be

taught in a lockstep fashion, but in a responsive manner that is adaptive to the needs of

the individual learner.

In an alphabetic language, another major instructional consideration is the

introduction of the symbol system of the language, a modified Latin alphabet, in the case

of English. Phonological awareness develops in tandem with alphabet knowledge, and

children use insights derived from their knowledge of the alphabet to identify the sounds

in spoken and written words (Invernizzi & Tortorelli, 2013). In her seminal work on the

acquisition of word learning, Ehri (2005) proposed a four-phase model of the

development of alphabetic skills based on her own research and that of others in the field.

In the first of the four phases, the pre-alphabetic phase, learners have not yet begun to

form cognitive connections between letters and the sounds that represent them. By the

second phase, characterized as partial alphabetic, however, children have begun to form

connections between phonemes and graphemes. Knowledge of letter names, as an

example, may be used to infer letter sounds (e.g., T begins with the /t/ sound, or the initial

sound in its letter name). Invernizzi and Tortorelli (2013) noted that in this phase, letters

whose initial sounds correspond to the phonemes they most typically produce (e.g., B,

/b/; D, /d/; K, /k/) should be taught first, followed by letters whose terminal sounds

correspond to the phonemes they most typically produce (e.g., F, /f/; M, /m/; N, /n/), and

finally, letters whose names do not provide consistent phonetic cues (e.g., C, W).

Likewise, letters whose graphical representations are easily distinguished should be

taught before letters whose graphical representations are easily confused, and letter

sounds that occur most frequently should be taught before those that occur least

frequently (Invernizzi & Tortorelli, 2013).

As children’s facility with simple phoneme-grapheme relationships improves, they

develop from partial alphabetic to full alphabetic knowledge, or the ability to recognize

and segment all common sounds within a one-syllable word (Ehri, 2005). This phase is

characterized by knowledge of all major phoneme-grapheme relationships, including

vowels and digraphs (i.e., a pair of characters used to write a single phoneme [e.g., ch]).

Full alphabetic knowledge can then be built upon to develop facility with more complex,

chunked units of written text, including blends (two consonant phonemes articulated in

close succession within the same syllable [e.g., st]), onsets (the initial phonological unit

in a syllable) and rimes (the terminal phonological unit of a syllable, including the vowel

and any consonants that follow it), morphological units (grammatically meaningful units

of language [e.g., -ing]), and other common orthographic patterns, until a learner has

achieved consolidated alphabetic knowledge. Consolidated alphabetic knowledge

reduces demands on memory (i.e., phonological units are chunked, rather than

individually decoded, and many whole words are represented in memory) and forms the

basis for fluent and accurate reading, as well as improved reading comprehension and

acquisition of novel vocabulary (Ehri, 2005).

Presentation and delivery of content. While Ehri’s (2005) model provides a

research-supported outline of the acquisition and development of decoding ability,

reading instruction must nevertheless be presented and delivered in a manner responsive

to individual needs (Invernizzi & Tortorelli, 2013). The presentation and delivery of

content are therefore matters of particular concern when instruction is provided by

computer software, which responds to student interactions based upon programmed

algorithms that lack the benefit of human insight or experience.

Drawing on theoretical models of reading skills development and input from

experts in the field, Grant et al. (2012) created a developmentally sequenced taxonomy of

reading skills with which to evaluate ICT-based preschool and early primary reading

software. The taxonomy was unusual in its comprehensiveness, covering skills and sub-

skills related to (a) concepts about print, (b) alphabetic knowledge, (c) phonological

awareness, (d) phoneme-grapheme relationships, (e) phonics, (f) syntactic awareness, (g)

decoding, (h) fluency, and (i) comprehension. Using their novel taxonomy, Grant et al.

(2012) evaluated commercially available software packages designed to teach beginning

reading skills. Of those, only five included instruction in synthetic phonics, and none

included instruction in phonemic segmentation. The authors reported that among the

interventions evaluated, “the presentation of skills was by no means systematic or

consistent across the software levels or in congruence with the reading taxonomy

expectations,” and “fewer skills than expected were being taught through the software

programs” (Grant et al., 2012, p. 333). Typical weaknesses in the software included a

lack of developmentally appropriate and sequential presentation of instruction, an

absence of scaffolded learning or computer-adaptivity in response to student

performance, insufficient feedback in response to errors, and inconsistency in the quality

of instruction from skill to skill (Grant et al., 2012).

These results were paralleled by those of a review of software performed by

Edwards Santoro and Bishop (2010). In 2006, Bishop and Edwards Santoro created a

framework for evaluating beginning reading software that took into consideration both

content and delivery, providing research-supported criteria for evaluating three distinct

aspects of interface design and four distinct aspects of instructional design, as well as the

comprehensiveness of phonological and alphabetic content. Concerning interface design,

the model proposed by Bishop and Edwards Santoro (2006) focused on the quality of (a)

aesthetics, the way texts, graphics, animations, and sounds are designed to enhance user

experience; (b) operational support, the way the program provides direct and indirect

support to users, allowing them to use the program with minimal help from teachers or

other adults; and (c) interactions, the way in which content is driven by and adaptive to

user activity. As to instructional design, Bishop and Edwards Santoro (2006) identified8

(a) systematicity, the degree to which instruction comprises “cycles that progress

hierarchically through increasingly difficult blocks of content” (p. 62); (b) instructional

support, the appropriateness and timeliness of the provision of content to enhance

learning; (c) assessment, the degree to which user performance is tracked, evaluated, and

used to inform and adapt goals and content; and (d) motivation, the degree to which the

program is relevant, stimulating, appropriately challenging, and rewarding, as key factors

in high quality design.9

Using their framework, Edwards Santoro and Bishop (2010) evaluated 21

commercially-available reading software packages, concluding “… as a whole, [their]

reviewed sample did not meet research-based criteria for interface, instructional design,

Category names have been altered slightly (e.g., Systematic to Systematicity) to preserve grammatical
Because the model proposed by Bishop and Edwards Santoro (2006) focused exclusively on beginning
reading interventions for at-risk readers, criteria for evaluating program content were limited, including
only (a) phonological skills, including phonemic manipulation and segmentation, and (b) alphabetic skills,
including phoneme-grapheme relationships and decoding. For a more comprehensive taxonomy of reading
skills as they apply to ICT-based reading interventions, see Grant et al. (2012).

and beginning reading content …” (p. 114). Among their findings was a negative

correlation between quality of interface design and quality of content, as well as a lack of

developmentally appropriate instruction and structured feedback. Only three of the 21

programs Edwards Santoro and Bishop reviewed offered any degree of explicit

instruction in code-based skills, and none “scored above ‘neutral’ for the effective

practice activities indicator, ‘The program uses informative and instantaneous feedback

messages to support content learning’” (2010, p. 112), suggesting considerable room for

improvement among ICT-based beginning reading programs.

Though the results of the reviews of software performed by Grant et al. (2012) and

Edwards Santoro and Bishop (2010) paint an unflattering picture of ICT-based beginning

reading interventions generally, neither Grant et al. (2012) nor Edwards Santoro and

Bishop (2010) evaluated all of the interventions commonly used in the public schools.

Examples of widely used programs that were not included in either review are

HeadSprout, iReady, MVRC, Plato Focus, and Waterford Early Learning Program. It

should also be noted that both Grant et al. (2012) and Edwards Santoro and Bishop

(2010) found considerable variation in quality among the programs they reviewed, and

their appraisals of ICT-beginning reading software were not universally negative. Grant

et al. (2012), for example, praised several programs for providing students with

systematic and explicit instruction in developmentally appropriate content, scaffolded

learning, multiple opportunities for practice, and identified achievement goals. Similarly,

Edwards Santoro and Bishop (2010) identified a modest number of programs providing

both high quality content and instructional design, noting that the best among them

“[supplied] adequate opportunities for learners to practice new skills, [presented] the

same requirements in embedded activities as presented in the instructional sequence,

[required] mastery of skills before moving onto new skills, and [moved] systematically

through the word-reading skill hierarchy” (p. 115).

While reviews of software of the types performed by Grant et al. (2012) and

Edwards Santoro and Bishop (2010) serve to identify software consistent with

theoretically informed models for the content and design of beginning reading

instruction, it is intervention research that provides the best evidence of an intervention’s

efficacy. In the subsequent section, the author presents a critical synthesis of the

experimental and quasi-experimental research on information and computer technology-

based interventions designed to promote literacy achievement among students in

kindergarten through grade three. The purpose of this synthesis was to determine

whether sufficient evidence existed to support any information and computer technology-

based intervention as a promising practice to promote improved reading achievement

among students in the early primary grades.

ICT-Based Reading Interventions: A Critical Synthesis of the Literature

In the information age, strong reading skills are key to unlocking opportunities for

educational and professional advancement (Eisenberg, Lowe, & Spitzer, 2004). As the

economy moves further from a model based on the manufacture of physical goods toward

a model based on the production and dissemination of knowledge-based goods (World

Bank, 2004), it is critical that all students have optimal opportunities to develop the

reading skills necessary to succeed. Unfortunately, the American system of education

has not yet achieved its potential in ensuring that as many Americans as possible enjoy

the benefits of literacy. According to the National Assessment of Adult Literacy

(NAAL), a representative measure of the English language literacy skills of American

adults sponsored by the National Center for Education Statistics, ninety-three million

adults in the United States scored at basic or below basic levels in prose literacy, or the

ability to read and comprehend continuous texts, at the time of sampling in 2003 (Kutner,

Greenberg, Jin, Boyle, Hsu, & Dunleavy, 2007). This group comprised over forty

percent of the total adult population in the United States -- four in ten Americans who

were unable to understand, summarize, make simple inferences, determine cause and

effect, or recognize an author’s purpose when presented with texts of moderate density

(Kutner, Greenberg, Jin, Boyle, Hsu, & Dunleavy, 2007).

While the negative impacts of illiteracy are perhaps most severe for older youth and

young adults (Kennelly & Monrad, 2007; Rutherford, Bullis, Anderson, & Griller-Clark,

2002; Shelley-Tremblay, O’Brien, & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, 2007), the roots of

illiteracy are found early in childhood (McCardle, Scarborough, & Catts, 2001). Children

who struggle in the beginning stages of reading development are likely to face increasing

obstacles to the development of literacy and its component skills as they grow older

(Spira, Bracken, & Fischel, 2005). Those who have not mastered basic reading skills by

grade three, when the focus of instruction usually shifts from learning to read to reading

to learn (Duke, Bennett-Armistead, & Roberts, 2003), are beset by academic problems

that tend to intensify in the later grades. Because they lack the ability to read fluently and

with comprehension, such students often fail to gain conceptual knowledge from written

texts and consequently fall further behind their literate peers with each passing year

(Felton & Pepper, 1995; Juel, 1988; Stanovich, 1986).

Code-based reading instruction using information and communication technologies

(ICT) has been widely advanced as a means by which to promote reading achievement

(Savage et al., 2013). However, little has been done to “tie computer-mediated reading

instruction to contemporary theoretical models of reading acquisition and to coherent

pedagogical models for technology” (Savage et al., 2013, p. 310), and the field remains

under-researched, especially with regard to interventions delivered to children in the early

primary grades (Lankshear & Knobel, 2003). There is also a lack of evaluative research

examining the evidence base supporting the use of ICT-based beginning reading

programs. A handful of systematic reviews have been performed, but none has focused

exclusively on sequential ICT-based reading instruction in the early primary grades. In

the present synthesis, the author presents an up-to-date evaluative synthesis of the

literature in sequential ICT-based reading instruction in the early primary grades. The

primary objective of the author is to identify high quality ICT-based beginning reading

interventions that can be used at scale in typical school settings. The secondary objective

of the author is to determine which features, if any, are common to high quality ICT-

based programs of beginning reading instruction.


The purpose of this synthesis is threefold: (a) to build upon previous research by

including articles that have been published in the past several years; (b) to narrow the

scope of the research by selecting for inclusion only those studies focusing on sequential,

primary reading instruction that can be used at scale, as opposed to interventions of

limited utility in typical educational settings; and (c) to increase the level of scrutiny to

which the articles are subjected by evaluating them using the Anchored Matrix for

Evaluating Experimental Research (AMEER), a novel instrument for the assessment of

experimental and quasi-experimental research based on the quality indicators identified

by Gersten et al. (2005).

Prior Research

In a large-scale meta-analysis of computer-assisted reading instruction published

between 1990 and 2002, Blok, Oostdam, Otter and Overmaat (2002) identified a total of

42 studies meeting inclusion criteria. Of those, only two (Barker & Torgesen, 1995;

Foster, Erickson, Foster, Brinkman, and Torgesen, 1994) involved a sequential, code-

focused English-language reading intervention, and that intervention (DaisyQuest) is now

obsolete. While Blok et al. (2002) calculated a modest overall effect size of +0.19 across

the studies they analyzed, they cautioned that many of the studies were poorly designed,

and design-related variables, such as the time of pretesting and the language of

instruction, accounted for the majority of variance. In another meta-analysis, Soe, Koki,

and Chang (2000) found 17 studies performed between 1982 and 1999 that met their

broad inclusion criteria, but only two of those included participants in the early primary

grades, and none included a sequential ICT-based reading intervention offering

systematic instruction in code-based skills. Furthermore, the mean effect size across the

studies analyzed was negligible (+0.13). Kulik (2003), in a comprehensive synthesis

financed by the National Science Foundation, found a total of nine controlled studies of

reading software programs; however, only three of those showed significant effects of

their respective interventions, and the median effect of the “nine studies was to raise

students reading scores by 0.06 standard deviations, a trivial increment” (p. v). Similarly,

Torgerson and Zhu (2003) identified very few (12) ICT-based intervention studies

meeting inclusion criteria. Of those studies, only one included a condition in which

sequential, code-focused instruction was provided (as opposed to virtual storybooks or

narrowly-focused fluency or comprehension activities), and its authors (Mitchell & Fox,

2001) reported that the intervention (iterations of DaisyQuest) was not superior to

comparable teacher-delivered instruction.10

In a more recent synthesis of research involving reading interventions delivered to

struggling readers in kindergarten through fifth grade, Slavin, Lake, Davis, and Madden

(2011) found a total of 14 qualifying studies examining ICT-based reading interventions;

however, only five of those studies had been published within the prior decade, and all

nine of the others investigated now obsolete software programs. Of the more recently

published studies, only two focused on students in the early primary grades (i.e.,

kindergarten through grade three), and the authors of only one of those (Macaruso, Hook,

& McCabe, 2006) reported positive effects of the intervention.11 In another recent

It is worth noting that Mitchell and Fox (2001) found significant differences favoring the ICT-based
reading intervention group when compared to a no-treatment control.
The study failing to report positive effects was the large-scale RCT performed by Campuzano, Dynarski,
Agodini, and Rall (2009), which is discussed in greater depth in the subsequent paragraph.

synthesis of the reading intervention literature, Slavin, Lake, Chambers, Cheung, and

Davis (2009) found 19 ICT-based beginning reading intervention studies meeting

selection criteria; however, six are now well over fifteen years old, and three were not

peer reviewed. Of the remaining ten, four were embedded in a larger study

commissioned by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES; Campuzano, Dynarski,

Agodini, & Rall, 2009). The study included both a first grade and a fourth grade cohort,

subsets of each of which were subjected to one of four different reading interventions.

While the study was a large randomized controlled trial (RCT), it had important

methodological limitations: None of the four software programs studied by Campuzano

et al. (2009) were evaluated individually until the second year of the project because “in

the first year, the study operated under the guideline that individual product effects would

not be reported” (p. 37); however, “classroom observations were not conducted [by

Campuzano et al. (2009)] in the second year” (p. 37), and implementation data were not

reported, making it virtually impossible to evaluate the circumstances of programs’ use or

examine their relative merits.

Unlike Campuzano et al. (2009), the authors of five of the six remaining studies

reviewed by Slavin et al. (2009) reported positive effects of their respective interventions,

with effect sizes ranging from +0.17 to +0.71. Notably, all five were published after

2000. Two focused on web-delivered multimedia lessons embedded in teachers’ regular

whole-class instruction (Chambers et al., 2006; Chambers et al., 2008), rather than

individual ICT-based reading instruction; however, three others (Cassady & Smith, 2005;

Macaruso et al., 2006; Tracey & Young, 2007) involved code-based primary reading

instruction delivered to students using personal computers.12

Similarly, the authors of a few studies published within the past ten years have

reported positive effects of narrowly focused multimedia language arts interventions. As

an example, Englert, Zhao, Collings, and Romig (2005) examined the effects of an online

cloze procedure on participants’ acquisition of sight words compared to those of an

identical paper-and-pencil procedure. The authors detected a statistically significant

positive effect of the intervention on sight-word recognition; however, the number of

participants was small (N = 31), and the study did not have a true control in either of its

phases. In another more robustly designed study, Chambers et al. (2011) found

statistically significant positive effects of computer-facilitated small group tutoring

among struggling readers in grade one, but not among students in grade two. Two other

studies of the same intervention also documented promising results. In a study by

Chambers et al. (2008a), low achieving first graders who participated in the computer-

facilitated small group tutoring at desired levels outperformed participants in a

comparison group on three of four measures of reading achievement. Similarly, first

graders who received ICT-based small group tutoring and other technological

enhancements to their reading curriculum outperformed control group participants on five

measures of reading achievement (Chambers et al., 2008b). The intervention upon which

both studies focused, however, was as a targeted program in code-focused oral and

written language skills, allowing a single trained tutor to work with several students at

The study whose authors (Paterson, Jacobs Henry, O'Quin, Ceprano, & Blue, 2003) did not report
significant effects of the intervention was a mixed-methods quasi-experimental design that lacked a pre-test
measure of decoding. Therefore, any statistical inferences derived from reported post-test decoding scores
are of limited validity.

once. Chambers et al. explained “[r]ather than replacing the tutor, the program was

designed to increase program fidelity by assisting tutors and students in each of the three

phases of tutoring -- planning, instruction, and assessment” (2008b). It contained a

number of components requiring direct monitoring and instructional intervention from a

trained tutor, and it was designed to be used within the context of a larger teacher-

delivered scripted reading curriculum, limiting its value to teachers in schools that have

not adopted the scripted curriculum.13

The authors of several recent studies have also found statistically significant

positive effects of sequential ICT-based reading interventions on very young children’s

acquisition of phonological skills and phonemic awareness.14 In a matched quasi-

experimental study of the effects of a sequential ICT-based reading intervention (Lexia

Reading) on pre-literacy skills among kindergarten students, Macaruso and Walker

(2008) found statistically significant differences in phonological awareness skills

favoring the treatment group, particularly among students with the lowest pretest scores.

In results of a 2011 follow-up study using the same intervention, Macaruso and Rodman

reported that preschoolers in both treatment and control classes showed improvements in

pre-reading achievement, but preschoolers in the treatment group experienced larger

gains than those in the control group, particularly in measures of phonological awareness,

in which the differences achieved statistical significance. Similarly, Mitchell and Fox

(2001) found that struggling kindergarten and first-grade students who received five

It should be noted that the curriculum, Success for All, in which the tutoring program was embedded has
significant evidentiary support. (See Slavin & Madden [2012] for a good overview of the program and its
evidentiary base.) Therefore, this observation is not intended to diminish the program or its utility in any
While generally well-designed, these studies were not eligible for inclusion in the present synthesis due
to a lack of measures of decoding administered pre- and post-test, or other disqualifying design-related

hours of training on an ICT-based reading intervention (DaisyQuest) providing

instruction and practice in rhyme identification, phonological segmentation, and

phonological blending performed significantly better on measures of phonological

awareness than did students assigned to non-instructional computer activities; however,

they did not outperform students whose teachers delivered comparable instruction.


While the results of previous syntheses of research in ICT-based reading

instruction have been mixed, their findings point to improvements in the quality of

reading instructional software over time. Of the syntheses of literature in which the

authors examined only studies published ten or more years ago, the authors determined

that the evidence in support of ICT-based reading instruction was unpromising (Blok et

al. 2002), negligible (Kulik et al., 2003; Soe et al., 2000), or insufficient (Torgerson &

Zhu, 2003). The authors of a more recent synthesis (Slavin et al., 2009), however, found

several studies whose authors reported positive effects of ICT-based reading

interventions delivered to students in the early primary grades. The results of this

synthesis are paralleled by those of a handful of narrowly-focused multimedia

intervention studies (Chambers et al., 2008a; Chambers et al., 2008b; Chambers et al.,

2011), as well as research on ICT-based reading interventions delivered to preschool and

kindergarten students (Macaruso & Walker 2008; Macaruso & Rodman, 2011), whose

authors reported statistically significant positive effects of their respective interventions.

Notably, the authors of the most recent syntheses of ICT-based reading

intervention literature (Slavin et al., 2011; Slavin et al., 2009) did not formally evaluate

the quality of the research that they examined. While their selection criteria excluded

designs without a control or comparison condition, as well as designs whose measures or

procedures were likely to be biased or lack validity, some of the studies that Slavin et al.

(2009) reviewed for their synthesis (e.g., those embedded in the larger study performed

by Campuzano et al., 2009) had clear methodological limitations. According to the

guidelines suggested by Gersten et al. (2005) and published by the Council for

Exceptional Children, the careful evaluation of study quality is essential to determining

whether or not a practice or intervention can be considered research-supported.

Previous syntheses provided valuable overviews of the research in the area of

ICT-based reading interventions, but none were designed to critically evaluate the state of

the evidence in support of individual interventions using an established framework (e.g.,

the guidelines suggested by the What Works Clearinghouse [What Works Clearinghouse,

2008], CONSORT [Shultz, Altman, & Moher, 2010] or the Council for Exceptional

Children [Gersten et al., 2005]). Furthermore, the majority of these syntheses (Blok et

al., 2002, Kulik et al., 2003; Soe et al., 2000; Torgerson & Zhu, D., 2003) are now over a

decade old. Given the rapid pace of innovation in the field and the positive trajectory of

the findings of ICT-based reading intervention research, an up-to-date, evaluative

synthesis is warranted.

Research Questions

In support of this purpose, the author sought to answer the following research


(1) Is there sufficient evidence to designate any ICT-based program of beginning

reading instruction as a research-supported practice?

(2) What features, if any, are common to high quality ICT-based programs of

beginning reading instruction?


Inclusion Criteria

To be included in this synthesis, articles must have satisfied the following criteria:

(1) Publication Criteria

i. Published in a nationally-circulated academic journal

ii. Published in English

iii. Published between 01 January 2000 and 01 December 2014

(2) Design Criteria

i. Conducted using an experimental or quasi-experimental design with

random assignment or statistical adjustment for pre-test differences

between groups (e.g., analysis of covariance or repeated measures)

ii. Included at least one control or comparison condition whose participants

did not receive any ICT-based reading intervention

iii. If quasi-experimental or a randomized controlled trial with fewer than 30

units at the level of randomization, included both pre- and post-test data

for all key measures, with at least one standardized measure of decoding

iv. If a randomized controlled trial with at least 30 units at the level of

randomization, included post-test data for all key measures for all

participants, with at least one standardized measure of decoding

v. Included inferential statistical analyses of data (e.g., analysis of variance,

multivariate analysis of variance)

(3) Participant Criteria

i. A minimum of 30 participants across conditions, to ensure adequate

sample size for statistical inference

ii. Participants in academic kindergarten settings through grade three; studies

with participants in other grades qualify, provided they include separate

analyses for participants in academic kindergarten settings through grade


iii. Participants in general education classes, regardless of disability status

(not to include foreign language, language learning, language immersion,

or self-contained special education classes)

iv. Studies where participants self-selected into interventions (e.g., voluntary

after-school programs) or were selected by others based on some criterion

(e.g., disability status) were excluded, unless assignment to groups was

performed after selection. Likewise, studies in which participants were

selected or excluded based on levels of use of an existing intervention

were excluded (e.g., Macaruso & Rodman, 2011), as factors associated

with differential use might also impact study outcomes.

(4) Intervention Criteria

i. Commercially available or distributed through a government, educational,

or research institution

ii. Designed to be delivered individually to students via personal computer,

laptop, or tablet (not to include synchronous or asynchronous remote


iii. Designed to deliver English-language reading instruction

iv. Designed to deliver sequential reading instruction, as opposed to

narrowly-focused programs primarily intended to supplement existing

curricula (e.g., programs including only assessments, videos, flashcards,

spoken text, or virtual books)

v. Designed, at least in part, to teach code-based reading skills (phonics), as

opposed to interventions exclusively focused on fluency, comprehension,

vocabulary, phonemic awareness, or oral language

vi. Replicable in realistic school settings (i.e., Programs that could not be

used without extensive, direct instructional assistance from a teacher or

tutor were excluded.)

A decision was made to examine only articles published in nationally-circulated,

refereed academic journals because such articles had been subjected to peer review and

were therefore likely to be of higher quality than articles published in non-refereed

outlets. While this decision surely introduced a degree of publication bias into the

analysis, the author felt that the peer review process was a necessary check on the

potential for experimenter bias inherent in a field rife with commercially commissioned

and independently published research. Owing to the rapid pace of change in instructional

technology, the author chose to examine only articles published since January 01, 2000.

This decision was bolstered by a comparison of the results of older syntheses (Blok et al.,

2002, Kulik et al., 2003; Soe et al., 2000), whose authors found few, if any, studies

demonstrating positive effects of ICT-based reading interventions delivered to students in

the early elementary grades, to those of a more recent synthesis (Slavin et al., 2009),

whose authors found several.

The author chose to include only articles relating the results of experimental or

quasi-experimental research with a control, comparison, or baseline condition. While this

criterion falls short of the gold standard of randomized controlled trials suggested by the

What Works Clearinghouse (Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy, 2006), it is a more

realistic standard for research in elementary education, where true randomized

assignment to groups is often difficult, if not unethical or impossible (Odom et al., 2005).

The author excluded studies that included only students in language learning settings, as

such studies’ results were likely to be impacted by the participants’ linguistic status. The

authors included only studies involving an English language reading intervention because

orthographic depth varies from language to language, and the depth of a language’s

orthography has been shown to impact the ease and speed with which children acquire

literacy (Brunswick, McDougall, & de Mornay Davies, 2010).

As the early mastery of basic reading skills is essential to later school success

(Spira, Bracken, & Fischel, 2005), a decision was made to examine only studies

including interventions administered to participants in kindergarten through grade three.

Likewise, the author chose to evaluate only interventions that included sequential

instruction in code-based skills, as systematic, code-based reading instruction has proven

highly effective in promoting reading achievement among students in the early

elementary grades (National Reading Panel, 2000). The author also elected to include

studies whose interventions are currently accessible to educators, either commercially or

through other distribution channels, and would not require a degree of personnel

commitment likely to create barriers to implementation in realistic school settings (i.e.,

programs that could not be used without extensive, direct instructional assistance from a

teacher or tutor).

Because the aim of the author was to identify ICT-based reading interventions

that could be used in school settings with minimal direct intervention on the part of

classroom teachers, certain of the interventions included in previous syntheses did not

qualify for analysis in the present study. Furthermore, the author also chose to exclude

the four studies embedded in the IES-commissioned research performed by Campuzano

et al. (2009). This research performed by Campuzano et al. (2009) had several important

methodological limitations, including a lack of direct experimental control over product

use, inconsistent evaluation methods and instruments, unavailability of fidelity data, and

the absence of measures closely aligned to the study’s interventions.

Selection Process

Articles meeting selection criteria were identified through an online database

search process and reference chasing. Preliminary searches were conducted using the

Education Resources Information Center (ERIC; EBSCO Industries, 2014), Academic

Search Complete (EBSCO Publishing, 2014), and PsychArticles (American

Psychological Association, 2014). Search terms included reading AND *experiment

AND computer; reading AND *experiment AND Internet; reading AND *experiment

AND online; reading AND *experiment AND software; reading AND intervention AND

computer; reading AND intervention AND Internet; reading AND intervention AND

online; and reading AND intervention AND software. Search results were narrowed by

grade level, design, and publication type. Following database searches, the author

reviewed the abstracts of the articles referenced in the reviews of literature and meta-

analyses examined for this synthesis, as well as articles referenced in studies selected via

online search. Articles whose abstracts were consistent with selection criteria were added

to a virtual clipboard. They were then subjected to further examination and, if

appropriate, review. This process yielded a total of seven articles consistent with

selection criteria. An overview of each of these articles is presented in Table 1.


To examine selected research, the author employed the quality indicators identified

by Gersten et al. (2005) and published by the Council for Exceptional Children.

Gersten’s model was chosen because it was designed with the particular constraints and

demands of education research in mind. It has been widely adopted in the field and has

been cited in numerous other syntheses (e.g., Browder, Wakeman, Spooner, Ahlgrim-

Delzell, & Algozzine, 2006; Chard, Ketterlin-Geller, Baker, Doabler, & Apichatabutra,

2009; Justice, Mashburn, Hamre, & Pianta, 2008).

In their 2005 article, Gersten and co-authors outlined a total of 19 quality

indicators, 11 of which they deemed to be essential to research and eight of which they

deemed desirable. According to Gersten et al. (2005), for a quasi-experimental or

experimental study to be considered of acceptable quality, it must meet all but one of the

essential quality indicators and at least one of the desirable quality indicators. For a

quasi-experimental or experimental study to be considered high quality, it must meet all

but one of the essential quality indicators and at least four of the desirable quality

indicators. For a practice to be considered promising, there must be at least four

acceptable quality studies, or two high quality studies, that support the practice.

While Gersten et al. (2005) identified essential and desirable quality indicators for

experimental and quasi-experimental research, they did not provide an instrument with

anchored intervals by which to assess research for the presence or absence of quality

indicators. For the purpose of this synthesis, therefore, a rubric with anchored intervals

was created. This rubric, characterized as the Anchored Matrix for Evaluating

Experimental Research (AMEER) as far as possible, mirrored the language used by

Gersten et al. in Quality Indicators for Group Experimental and Quasi-Experimental

Research in Special Education (2005). The rubric was designed such that articles could

be assessed for the degree to which they demonstrated the presence of both essential and

desirable quality indicators. For each of the essential quality indicators, an anchored

scale was created, with values ranging from 0 to 3. A value of 0 corresponds to the

absence of the specified quality indicator, whereas a value of 3 corresponds to article

content that exceeds the specified quality indicator. Article content that meets but does

not exceed a specified quality indicator corresponds to a value of 2, and article content

that approaches but does not meet a specified quality indicator corresponds to a value of

1. A scale without an intermediate point was chosen to eliminate the possibility of a no-

choice choice. The AMEER is presented in Appendix A.

Rating Procedure

The author carefully evaluated each of the articles included in this synthesis using

the rubric presented in Appendix A. After rating, the results of each study’s evaluation

were reviewed to determine whether the study could be considered of acceptable or high

quality per the guidelines established by Gersten et al. (2005). Studies achieving a score

of two or higher for any criterion were considered to have met the specified quality

indicator. Studies meeting at least 10 of the essential quality indicators and at least four

of the desirable quality indicators were deemed of high quality; studies meeting at least

10 of the essential quality indicators and at least one of the desirable quality indicators

were deemed of acceptable quality; and studies meeting fewer than ten of the essential

quality indicators, or studies meeting at least ten of the essential quality indicators but

none of the desirable quality indicators were deemed not to have met the quality

indicators for acceptable or high quality research. In cases in which a particular quality

indicator was inapplicable to a study (e.g., information confirming disability status for

research in which individuals with disabilities did not participate), it was excluded from

analysis, and scales were adjusted accordingly.


Articles Meeting Selection Criteria

Following a careful search using the selection procedures outlined in the Method

section of this article, a total of seven articles meeting selection criteria were identified.

Three of those were accounted for in the syntheses performed by Slavin et al. (2009) and

Slavin et al. (2011). The other four were either not included in the syntheses performed

by Slavin et al. (2009) and Slavin et al. (2011) or published in 2011 or thereafter.

Overviews of each of the seven studies are presented in Table 1.

Table 1

Overview of Studies
Study Design N Intervention Grade Measures Duration
Cassady & Quasi- 93 Waterford 1 Terra Nova An average of
Smith experimental Early Reading 30 hours over
(2005) Learning (CBT/ one semester
Program McGraw-
Hill, 1997)
Macaruso Quasi- 179 Lexia 1 GMRT 64 sessions of
et al. Experimental Learning unspecified
(2006) duration
McMurray Quasi- 106 Lexia 6-7 GRT II Twenty weeks
(2013) experimental Learning years of unspecified
old duration
Savage et Experimental 144 ABRA 1 GRADE; An average
al. (2009) CTOPP, of 13 hours
tests of the over 12 weeks
Savage et Quasi- 60 ABRA 1 GRADE; An average of
al. (2010) experimental CTOPP, 16 hours over
tests of the 13 weeks
Savage et Experimental 1,067 ABRA K-2 GRADE; Approximately
al. (2013) CTOPP, 20 hours
Tracey & Quasi- 265 Waterford K TERA-2 Two semesters
Young experimental Early (half of of sessions of
(2007) Learning participants) unspecified
Program duration

Note. Abbreviations, in order of appearance, are as follows: GMRT to the Gates-

MacGinitie Reading Tests (MacGinitie, Kamons, & Kowalski, 2000); GRMT to the
Group Reading Test, Second Edition, (Nelson, 1998); GRADE to the Group
Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation (Williams, 2001); CTOPP to the
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing (Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte,
1999), WJ III ACH to the Woodcock–Johnson III: Tests of Achievement
(Woodcock, McGrew, & Mather, 2001); DIBELS to the Dynamic Indicators of
Basic Early Literacy Skills (University of Oregon Center on Teaching and Learning,
2009); and TERA-2 to the Test of Early Reading Ability, Second Edition (Reid,
Hresko, Hammil,1989).

Evaluation for Essential Quality Indicators

In the following section, a brief overview of the essential quality indicators

identified by Gersten et al. (2005) is provided, along with a discussion of the degree to

which each of the articles satisfy those criteria. Gersten et al. (2005) organized their

essential quality indicators into four categories: description of participants,

implementation of the intervention and description of the comparison condition(s),

outcome measures, and data analysis. Those same categories are used to organize the

following section.

Description of participants. Because student populations are often

heterogeneous over a variety of demographic factors, it is essential for researchers to

describe the participants in detail sufficient to aware readers of demographic variables

that might impact generalization or replication. This is particularly important in the case

of research that involves students with learning or functional disabilities, students from

minority linguistic backgrounds, and students of minoritized ethnic or racial

backgrounds. Also of importance are robust procedures designed to ensure the

comparability of participants across conditions, as well as procedures to ensure that

intervention providers and examiners are comparable across conditions. Such rigor is

essential to minimizing confounds, experimenter effects, and bias.

Description of participants and intervention providers was generally strong across

studies. Of the seven articles reviewed for this synthesis, six (Cassady & Smith, 2005;

Macaruso et al., 2006; McMurray, 2013; Savage et al., 2013; Savage, Abrami, Hipps, &

Deault, 2009; Savage, Erten, Abrami, Hipps, Comaskey, & van Lierop, 2010) met all of

the quality indicators for the description of participants with a score of adequate or

ample. In no case did the authors exclusively focus on students with learning or

functional disabilities; however, McMurray (2013) selected as participants only students’

whose pretest scores on standardized measures were indicative of poor reading

achievement or dyslexia. Similarly, in two of the studies (Cassady et al., 2005; Macaruso

et al., 2006), the authors focused at least some of their analyses on students performing at

the bottom of the distribution. In the case of Macaruso et al. (2006), the data from

students identified at risk based on Title I status were analyzed separately,15 and Cassady

and Smith provided separate analyses by quartile. In each of the cases where the authors

examined the data by quartile or risk status (Cassady & Smith, 2005; Macaruso et al.,

2006), a rationale was provided and procedures were clearly delineated.

In the research performed by Cassady and Smith (2005), Macaruso et al. (2006),

Savage et al. (2009), Savage et al. (2010), and Savage et al. (2013) relevant demographic

data were reported, and comparisons were performed to ensure that no significant

differences were present among or between groups. McMurray’s design prioritized

students with the most significant deficits for assignment to the treatment group;

nevertheless, analyses revealed no significant differences between groups in eleven

baseline variables. Modest significant differences between groups were detected only in

one measure (of two) of a single variable, picture vocabulary. To account for this

difference, the author performed regression analyses to determine the proportion of the

variance in outcomes for which it was responsible. In the research performed by Tracey

and Young (2007), however, significant pretest differences favoring the nonintervention

group were found on the Test of Early Reading Ability, Second Edition (TERA-2;
It should be noted that Macaruso et al. (2006) excluded data derived from students with documented
learning disabilities, owing to the students’ uneven distribution across groups.

Wheeler, 1999), but these differences were not addressed or controlled for in subsequent

data analyses.

Because each of the studies reviewed for this synthesis included interventions

delivered primarily by computer, with little active participation from teachers or other

interventionists, the impact of interventionists on participant performance was likely

modest. Therefore, the author of the present study chose to eliminate this criterion from

her analyses. Nevertheless, the authors of all but one of the studies reviewed for this

synthesis (McMurray, 2013) provided information documenting teacher preparation and

training to implement their respective interventions, and the authors of all of the studies

documented the qualifications of examiners.

Implementation of the intervention and description of the comparison

condition(s). As with student populations, there is considerable variability among

educational interventions and curricula, as well as the conditions and contexts in which

they are implemented. It is therefore essential that interventions be described with

replicable precision, as are features of the learning environments and contexts in which

those interventions take place. Also of importance are measures designed to assess

fidelity of implementation and efforts to determine whether the nature of instruction or

services provided to control participants might introduce confounds into study data or

analyses. If relevant details of the intervention and control conditions are omitted from

the research report, the ability of researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to

generalize from the research is compromised.

Documentation of the implementation of the intervention and description of the

comparison condition was an area of weakness across the majority of studies. Only one

of the studies (Savage et al., 2013) analyzed for this synthesis satisfied all of the quality

indicators for the implementation of the intervention and description of the comparison

condition(s) identified by Gersten et al. (2005). The authors of all of the studies (Cassady

& Smith, 2005; Macaruso et al., 2006; McMurray, 2013; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et

al., 2010, Savage et al., 2013, Tracey & Young, 2007) described their respective

interventions in sufficient detail; however, the majority of the studies’ authors (Cassady

& Smith, 2005; Macaruso et al., 2006; McMurray, 2013; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et

al., 2010, Tracey & Young, 2007) failed to adequately document the nature of services

provided to participants in the comparison condition. All of the authors described to

some degree the nature of typical classroom reading instruction across conditions, but

only one (Savage et al., 2013) observed and specifically documented the instruction

provided to control group participants.

The authors of all of the studies (Cassady & Smith, 2005; Macaruso et al., 2006;

McMurray, 2013; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010, Savage et al., 2013, Tracey &

Young, 2007) provided at least some documentation of the duration and intensity of their

respective interventions. Both Macaruso et al. (2006) and McMurray (2013) implied that

the reading software was used unevenly across participants. McMurray (2013)

specifically addressed and evaluated the proportion of variance in participant

achievement attributable to this factor; however, she did not provide documentation of

the mean use of the intervention or the range in intervention use, only stating that it was

used for 20 weeks between pre- and post-testing. Macaruso et al. (2006), by contrast,

provided detailed usage data, including mean use of the intervention and the range in

intervention use. Furthermore, the authors (Macaruso et al., 2006) performed analyses to

determine the relationship between gain scores and number of skill units completed by

Title I students in the treatment group.16

Outcome measures. Multiple high-quality measures, including both instruments

well aligned to the intervention and instruments sufficient to demonstrate that

generalizable skills have been taught, are essential to high quality research. Measures

with established validity and reliability are preferable to those of uncertain reliability and

validity, and multiple measures are necessary to ensure that sufficient data exist to

support the researchers’ conclusions concerning intervention effects. Also of importance

is information concerning the timing and frequency of the administration of measures.

For randomized controlled trials that provide sufficient evidence of comparability of

groups, post-test only designs may be adequate. For quasi-experimental designs, at

minimum, pre- and post-test measures must be performed within a temporal proximity

sufficiently close to the intervention to demonstrate that any significant differences are

likely attributable to the intervention.

Studies varied as to the quality of outcome measures. Four of the seven articles

(Macaruso et al., 2006; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010; Savage et al., 2013)

satisfied all the criteria for outcome measures outlined by Gersten et al. (2005). In the

case of Savage et al. (2009), Savage et al. (2010), and Savage et al. (2013), the authors

used several nationally normed measures of reading achievement, to provide a good

balance between broad and narrow measures of reading achievement. While Macaruso et

al. (2006) and McMurray (2013) both used only a single instrument to measure reading

achievement, each was nationally normed and well aligned to its respective intervention.
It is worth noting that this analysis might be misleading, as McMurray (2013) reported that the lowest
performers in her sample sometimes became stuck within a particular skill unit, despite high levels of
program usage.

In the case of Macaruso et al. (2006), individual test data were reported, giving measures

of both word decoding and knowledge of phoneme-grapheme correspondences. Cassady

and Smith (2005), however, used only state standardized testing data to measure reading

achievement; no measures closely aligned to the intervention were performed. The

analyses performed by Tracey and Young (2007) were unusual in that only half of

participants were given a nationally normed measure of reading achievement. The other

half were given a test of auditory processing and a test of reading abilities created by the

publisher of the intervention. While the standardized test (TERA-2; Wheeler, 1999)

offered to half the participants contained both broad and narrow measures, only

composite scores were reported.

All of the studies (Cassady & Smith, 2005; Macaruso et al., 2006; McMurray,

2013; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010, Savage et al., 2013, Tracey & Young,

2007) employed pre-post designs; in only one study (Savage et al., 2009), however, did

the authors perform follow-up testing to capture any enduring effects of the intervention.

While follow-up testing is desirable, it is not essential to high quality research per the

quality criteria outlined by Gersten et al. (2005).

Data analysis. The quality of data analysis is key to accurately identifying any

effects of an intervention, as well as their significance and magnitude. It is therefore

essential that analyses be carefully linked to research question(s) and that the unit of

analysis is consistent with the unit of group assignment. Research must demonstrate that

the assumptions of statistical tests have been met or otherwise addressed. Furthermore,

researchers should report not only inferential statistics but also measures of statistical

power and the magnitude of effects. These data are important to determining not only the

statistical significance of any treatment effects, but also their practical significance.

The quality of data analysis varied considerably from study to study. Three of the

studies (Cassady & Smith, 2005; McMurray, 2013; Tracey & Young, 2007) failed to

satisfy at least one of the quality indicators for data analysis outlined by Gersten et al.

(2005). The authors of the other four articles (Macaruso et al., 2006; Savage et al., 2009;

Savage et al., 2010; Savage et al., 2013) performed sound analyses and provided

measures of effect size for all key findings. In the case of Savage et al. (2010) and

Macaruso et al. (2006), univariate analyses of covariance were performed on post-test

data using pre-test scores as covariates. Macaruso (2006) provided inferential analyses

only for composite scores,17 while Savage et al. (2010) evaluated group differences on

several tests of reading achievement, applying Bonferroni’s correction for multiple

comparisons. Savage et al. (2009) used a similar procedure, following which adjusted

scores were used for planned comparisons across the three groups. As for Savage et al.

(2013), achievement test data were analyzed using hierarchical linear modeling (HLM)

appropriate to the study’s nested design.

While McMurray (2013) employed sound data analysis (univariate analysis of

variance on gains for a single measure with post-hoc regression analyses to determine the

proportion of variance in reading scores accounted for by various factors), effect sizes

were not reported. In the case of Cassady and Smith (2005), effect sizes were provided

for key measures; however, the authors failed to account for an important potential

confound in their research design. Rather than a traditional randomized controlled trial or

matched quasi-experimental design, the authors elected to perform a longitudinal cohort

Macaruso et al. (2006) also provided descriptive statistics for test performance.

analysis, evaluating the relative achievement of two consecutive cohorts of first-grade

students. The first cohort of students did not receive any ICT-based reading intervention,

but the second was subjected to an ICT-based reading intervention as a supplement to

regular classroom instruction. At the same time, participating teachers were involved in

an ongoing professional development program specifically targeted at improving reading

instruction. As such, it is impossible to determine with confidence whether or not any

benefits accrued to the second cohort were a result of the ICT-based reading intervention,

or a function of improved instruction delivered by teachers. As for the research

performed by Tracey and Young (2007), significant differences were found between

groups on pre-test achievement scores; however, those differences were not controlled for

in the univariate analysis of variance on gains, and measures of effect size were not

reported. Results of evaluations for the presence of the quality indicators identified by

Gersten et al. (2005) are presented in Table 2.

Table 2

Study Quality
Outcome Data Total High
Study Participants Conditions
Measures Analysis Score Quality
Cassady and 2/2 2/3 1/2 2/3 7/10 Yes
Smith (2005)
Macaruso et 2/2 2/3 2/2 3/3 9/10 Yes
al. (2006)
McMurray 2/2 1/3 1/2 2/3 7/10 No
Savage et al. 1/1 2/3 2/2 3/3 8/9 Yes
Savage et al. 1/1 2/3 2/2 3/3 8/9 Yes
Savage et al. 1/1 3/3 2/2 3/3 9/9 Yes
Tracey and 0/1 2/3 1/2 1/3 4/9 No

Studies that Did Not Meet Quality Standards

Three studies analyzed for this synthesis (Cassady & Smith, 2005; McMurray,

2013; Tracy & Young, 2007) did not meet the standards for high or acceptable quality

research outlined by Gersten et al. (2005). While Cassady and Smith (2005), Tracey and

Young (2007), and McMurray (2013) reported statistically significant positive effects of

their respective interventions, elements in their research design, analysis, or reporting

precluded a designation of acceptable or high quality. Nevertheless, the research

performed by Cassady and Smith (2005) is notable in an important regard: Cassady and

Smith (2005), like Macaruso et al. (2006), found that the lowest performing participants

at pre-test showed the greatest gains at post-tests. In none of the ABRACADABRA

intervention studies analyzed for this synthesis (Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010;

Savage et al., 2013) were student gains evaluated by quartile or disability status;

however, such analyses might have yielded valuable findings concerning factors affecting

differential response.

The study performed by McMurray (2013) approaches the standards for high

quality research outlined by Gersten et al. Were a more detailed follow-up report

published by the author (McMurray, 2013), the cumulative weight of the studies

performed by McMurray (2013) and Macaruso (2006) might be sufficient to designate

Lexia a promising practice per the guidelines established by Gersten et al. (2005).

Studies that Met Quality Standards

Four of the seven studies (Macaruso et al., 2006; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et

al., 2010; Savage et al., 2013) analyzed for this synthesis met the criteria for high quality

research identified by Gersten et al. (2005). Notably, all but one (Macaruso et al., 2006)

of the high quality studies were conducted by the same research team and involved the

same ICT-based reading software. Though three of the high quality studies (Macaruso et

al., 2006; Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010) failed to satisfy one of the essential

criteria, they satisfied a large number of the desirable criteria and thus met the standards

for high quality research (Gersten et al., 2005), minor weaknesses notwithstanding. It is

worth noting that in the study that satisfied all of the quality criteria (Savage et al., 2013),

the authors explicitly stated their intention to perform high quality research and

referenced the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) (Shultz, Altman,

& Moher, 2010) standards as the framework for their study design, analyses, and


In one high quality study (Macaruso et al., 2006), instruction using Lexia Phonics

Based Reading and Lexia Reading SOS (Strategies for Older Students) software was

provided to treatment group participants. Both programs offered intensive, computer

adaptive, and sequential instruction in code-based skills. The authors (Macaruso et al.,

2006) employed a quasi-experimental design involving 179 first-grade students enrolled

in five schools in an urban school district. While the authors failed to find statistically

significant differences favoring the treatment group after one school year, they did detect

statistically significant differences in both measures of phoneme-grapheme

correspondences and measures of word reading favoring students eligible for Title I

services. In fact, at post-test, the achievement of Title I students assigned to the treatment

group was comparable to that of students not eligible for Title I services.

In three other high quality studies (Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010;

Savage et al., 2013) ABRACADABRA, a free, interactive web-based literacy program

distributed by Canada’s Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance (CSLP) (n.d.

a) was provided to participants in the treatment condition. While the intervention was the

same across three of the high quality studies (Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010;

Savage et al., 2013), the designs employed by the authors varied somewhat from study to

study. In the oldest of the studies (Savage et al., 2009), the authors compared student

achievement across three different conditions: two treatment conditions involving

different aspects of the ABRACADABRA web-based instructional software and one

control condition involving teacher-delivered balanced literacy instruction. In both

treatment conditions, participating students completed ABRACADABRA activities for

word analysis, text comprehension, and fluency; however, the participants in one

treatment condition completed phoneme-based synthetic phonics activities using

ABRACADABRA, while participants in the other treatment condition completed rime-

based analytic phonics activities using ABRACADABRA (Savage et al., 2009). Students

in both treatment conditions experienced significant gains relative to students in the

control condition in word blending, elision, word attack, and reading comprehension at

the immediate posttest (Savage et al., 2009). At the delayed posttest, students in the

analytic phonics treatment condition experienced significant gains relative to the control

condition in word blending, elision, rapid object naming, word attack, and reading

comprehension, while students in the synthetic phonics treatment condition experienced

significant gains relative to the control condition in word blending, elision, and reading

fluency (Savage et al., 2009).

In the ABRACADABRA intervention study performed by Savage et al. in 2010,

the authors compared gains in student achievement across three ABRACADABRA

treatment conditions and one business-as-usual control condition. Treatment conditions

were identified based on participating teachers’ self-reported stage of technology use and

integration: entry, in which teachers resisted or failed to integrate instructional

technology purposefully into classroom instruction; adoption, in which teachers applied

instructional technology purposefully and systematically, but did little to integrate that

technology into other forms of instruction; and adaptation, in which teachers used

instructional technology systemically and purposefully, while adapting and integrating

other classroom instruction to support the skills learned through the use of instructional

technology (Savage et al., 2010). Though the trial was short in duration and involved

only a small number of participants (N = 60), the authors nevertheless found statistically

significant positive effects of the intervention across measures (Savage et al., 2010).

Notably, however, these effects were present only for participants in the adoption and

adaptation conditions. Participants whose teachers were in the entry condition

underperformed those in the control condition, suggesting that teachers’ comfort and

facility with instructional technologies may be an important factor mediating student

achievement outcomes.

In the most recent study performed by Savage et al. (2013), the authors conducted

a carefully designed, large-scale (N = 1,067) randomized controlled trial of the

ABRACADABRA intervention in 74 kindergarten and grade one classrooms across

eastern Canada. At post-test, participants assigned to the ABRACADABRA intervention

treatment condition demonstrated significant gains in phonological blending ability,

letter-sound knowledge, and phoneme segmentation fluency relative to controls (Savage

et al., 2013). Among participants whose teachers implemented the ABRACADABRA

intervention with a high degree of fidelity, significant gains were detected in

phonological blending, phoneme segmentation fluency, sight word reading, and letter-

sound knowledge (Savage et al., 2013).

Across the interventions performed by the ABRACADABRA research team, the

CPSL reports weighted effect sizes of +0.396 for alphabetic knowledge, +0.187 for

reading fluency, and +0.340 for reading comprehension (Centre for the Study of Learning

and Performance, n.d. b). These are non-trivial effects, suggesting that the

ABRACADABRA intervention and similar ICT-based reading interventions have the

potential to markedly improve student achievement in reading and related skills.

Furthermore, the studies performed by the ABRACADABRA research team (Savage et

al., 2009; Savage et al., 2010; Savage et al., 2013) satisfy the criteria for the identification

of a promising educational practice suggested by Gersten et al. (2005). It is therefore

concluded that the ABRACADABRA web-based reading intervention is a promising,

research-supported practice.


Summary of Findings

The author of this synthesis sought to answer the following research questions: (a)

Is there sufficient evidence to designate any ICT-based program of reading instruction as

a research-supported practice? and (b) What features, if any, are common to high quality

ICT-based programs of reading instructional interventions?

According to Gersten et al. (2005), for a practice to be considered promising,

there must be at least four acceptable quality studies, or two high quality studies, that

support the practice. The results of the author’s analyses suggest that while there is an

overall dearth of high quality research in ICT-based beginning reading instruction,

sufficient evidence exists to designate the ABRACADABRA web-based reading

intervention a promising research supported practice for the promotion of reading

achievement among students in the early primary grades.

As for the features of the ABRACADABRA intervention, according to CSLP

(n.d. a), ABRACADABRA is not designed to be used as a stand-alone product, but as a

supplement to classroom instruction for approximately 15 minutes each school day. It

provides resources in five different areas: instruction, professional development,

communication, assessment, and parent tools (Centre for the Study of Learning and

Performance, n.d. a). The instruction component offers analytic and synthetic phonics,

word-level practice, letter-sound recognition, word segmenting, modeled reading and

expression, sentence writing, and story sequencing, among other activities. Teachers are

charged with selecting developmentally appropriate starting points for their students;

however, instruction builds sequentially based on student performance (Centre for the

Study of Learning and Performance, n.d. a). The professional development component of

the ABRACADABRA software includes lesson plans, video clips, and animated

demonstrations to assist teachers in understanding and integrating ABRACADABRA

into their own classroom instruction (Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance,

n.d. a). Teachers can also share their questions, anecdotes, remarks and lesson plans

using the communication component of the ABRACADABRA software (Centre for the

Study of Learning and Performance, n.d. a). ABRACADABRA’s assessment component

provides teachers with activity statistics and error reports to facilitate planning and

remediation (Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance, n.d. a). Finally, the

parent component of the ABRACADABRA software provides instructional videos,

resources for using the ABRACADABRA’s instruction component at home, printable

activities, and information to help parents engage their children in reading (Centre for the

Study of Learning and Performance, n.d. a).

Implications for Future Research

While the results of this synthesis point to a promising practice in the area of ICT-

based reading interventions, the base of high quality research in the field nevertheless

remains thin. Consistent with previous syntheses of ICT-based reading intervention

research, the author found very few studies meeting selection criteria. Clearly, therefore,

further research is warranted. High-quality intervention studies, including replication

research, should be performed to evaluate the ICT-based reading interventions most

commonly used in American and Commonwealth public schools. This research should

be geared not only toward product evaluation, but also to the identification of optimal

instructional practices. Particular attention should be paid to the duration and intensity of

instruction, level of instructional integration, and level of support provided to teachers

and students. Furthermore, researchers should endeavor to identify factors affecting

differential levels of responsiveness among students and differential levels of

instructional integration and treatment fidelity among teachers. Finally, research should

be performed in accordance with an established framework for high quality research and

reporting (e.g., the guidelines suggested by the What Works Clearinghouse [What Works

Clearinghouse, 2008], CONSORT [Shultz et al., 2010] or the Council for Exceptional

Children [Gersten et al., 2005]).

Implications for Practice

The results of this synthesis provide only modest implications for practice. At

this time, the ABRACADABRA web-based reading intervention is available free of

charge to teachers in Canada (Centre for the Study of Learning and Performance, n.d. a);

however, the author of this synthesis was able to find no comparably-researched program

of instruction available to teachers elsewhere in the Commonwealth or in the United

States. Notable in the design of the ABRACADABRA web-based reading intervention is

the degree of coordination between software-based instructional activities, classroom

instruction, and at-home learning and reinforcement. Also notable is the fact that the

ABRACADABRA web-based reading intervention contains systematic, developmentally

appropriate instruction in phonics and other code-based skills, for which there is strong

evidentiary support in other research contexts.


This synthesis has several limitations. The search procedures employed by the

author were by no means exhaustive, and articles meeting selection criteria may have

been overlooked. Furthermore, the selection criteria used by the author were narrow in

scope, and only articles published in refereed journals were considered for inclusion.

Therefore, unpublished works, such as dissertations and articles in submission, were

excluded from analysis. Moreover, the research evaluated for this synthesis was rated by

only the author, so inter-rater reliability data are therefore unavailable.

It should also be noted that for the purpose of this synthesis, qualitative designs and

mixed-methods or quasi-experimental designs that did not include both pre- and post-test

measures of decoding, as well as controls for differences between, groups were excluded.

Nevertheless, many of these studies offer important insights about not only the efficacy

of interventions, but also their usability, acceptability, and social validity. Furthermore,

they often serve to elucidate the conditions and contingencies most likely to promote a

program’s success.


In this chapter, the method by which the present study was conducted is

discussed. The composition of the sample and methods for controlling for differences

between groups are outlined and explained. The content and delivery of the intervention

are described in detail, and representative screen shots are provided. The conduct of

study measures and the qualification of examiners are described. Instruments are

discussed, including the validity, reliability, and suitability to the present study. Finally,

the research design and approach to data analysis are detailed and defended.

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether there were significant

mean differences in (a) non-word reading, (b) real word reading, (c) non-word spelling,

(d) real word spelling, and/or (e) reading fluency post-test achievement scores of students

assigned to use the MVRC online reading intervention in addition to regular classroom

reading instruction and those of students from a business-as-usual comparison condition,

once the effects of differences in pre-test achievement scores and relevant demographic

variables had been accounted for.

The present research was conducted using a quantitative, quasi-experimental

experimental design with multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) as the

primary means of data analysis. All data collection activities were supervised and

coordinated by a third-year doctoral student in special education. The resulting data set

was analyzed after having undergone de-identification, including the removal of all

individually identifying data from case records.

Participants and Settings

Participants. Participants included 209 students enrolled in eight, second grade

classrooms in two public elementary schools in the southwestern United States. Of those,

107 were assigned to the treatment condition, and 102 were assigned to a business-as-

usual comparison condition. Owing to attrition and illness, 39 participants had

incomplete data sets following post-testing. Ultimately, the treatment condition

comprised 89 complete cases, and the comparison condition comprised 81, representing

170 complete cases, or 81.34% of original cases. While overall data loss was below

20%, data loss did not impact each condition equally, as the treatment group retained

83.12% of original cases, while the comparison group retained 79.41% of original cases,

producing a differential attrition rate of 3.71%.

Participant demographics. All participants attended schools in the same district

and within the same postal code. At the time of testing, 81.6% of students in the district

were identified as Hispanic, 12.1% as white, 4.9% as Native America, 2.7% as African

American, and 0.6% as Asian or Pacific Islander. Over nine-in-ten (93.2%) students

were eligible to receive free or reduced price school meals, and 6.2% were homeless.

District-wide, nine percent of students were classified as English language learners

(ELL), and an additional 5.3% had been reclassified as fluent English speakers.18

Additionally, 11.8% of students within the district had an individualized education

program (IEP), indicating a documented disability.19

The percentage of students in the sample who had a documented disability tracked

This reclassification process occurred when students achieved a satisfactory level of English-language
proficiency per standardized testing.
Data were derived from district publications. A reference to the source of this data has not been
included, so as to protect the identity of participating schools.

very closely with district demographics, at 12.3%. Sample demographics, however,

varied markedly from district demographics in ELL status, as 37.4% of sample group

members were classified as ELLs, and an additional 8.8% were reclassified as fluent

English speakers. Data concerning ethnicity and markers of socioeconomic status were

not made available at the individual case level in order to protect the privacy of


Assignment to groups. Because of the potential for disruption to classroom

routines, random assignment at the student level was impossible. Assignment to groups

was therefore performed at the school level. One school, including each of its two

participating classrooms, was assigned to the treatment condition, and the other school,

including each of its two participating classrooms, was assigned to the comparison

condition. The school whose third grade students (the youngest grade tested) performed

more poorly (39% pass rate in reading) relative to the other (53% pass rate in reading) on

the state standardized test of in the 2012-2013 school year was assigned to the treatment

condition, and the school that performed better (53% pass rate in reading) relative to the

other (39% pass rate in reading) on the state standardized test of reading in the 2012-2013

school year was assigned to the comparison condition.20 Group assignment was

performed in this manner in order to ensure that any demographic advantages would

favor the comparison group.

Intervention settings. During treatment, treatment group students received MVRC

online reading instruction in their schools’ computer labs during a fixed period each day,

Monday through Thursday. No other students were permitted in the lab during treatment,

Data were derived from district publications. A reference to the source of this data has not been
included, so as to protect the identity of participating schools.

and the environment was made as reasonably free of distractions as possible.

Participating students were provided with individual computers, monitors, and

headphones. Prior to the beginning of treatment, MindPlay Educational Software for

Reading personnel visited the school sites and confirmed the adequacy of the schools’

computer hardware and Internet connectivity.


Mindplay Virtual Reading Coach (MVRC). The MVRC (MindPlay Educational

Software for Reading, 2015) intervention is a multi-component reading and language arts

curriculum delivered via the Internet. It contains explicit instruction in (1) phonemic

awareness, (2) phonics, (3) fluency, (4) vocabulary, and (5) comprehension in alignment

with the recommendations of the National Reading Panel (NRP) (2000), as well as

instruction in grammar and concepts about print. It provides sequenced instruction

consistent with the models of alphabetic and phonological development proposed by Ehri

(2005) and Pufpaff (2009) and satisfies the large majority of the content criteria outlined

by Grant et al. (2012), as well as all of the instructional and interface design criteria

identified by Bishop and Edwards Santoro (2006).

MVRC overview. To access the MVRC program, participants log into an online

account, in which their interactions with the software and progress toward reaching

achievement targets are logged and retained (MindPlay Educational Software for

Reading, 2012). When students first access the program, they are immediately directed

to a diagnostic assessment, which is used for tracking and placement. The full diagnostic

assessment is repeated three times each academic year, and comprehensive progress

monitoring assessments are delivered every 14 days. All assessments are computer

adaptive: items delivered to a student increase or decrease in difficulty in response to that

student’s performance.

The first level of instruction to which students are directed is characterized as

mastery. Mastery level activities include phonemic awareness, phonics, and grammar

and meaning. Placement within mastery activities is dependent upon diagnostic

assessment scores, and content within each lesson is adaptive in response to student

performance. Instruction and remediation within the activities are delivered via video

clips featuring the student’s assigned reading coach. Reading coaches include speech and

language pathologists (SLPs) and other specially trained individuals of diverse age and

ethnicity, and scripts and other instructional content were developed with the assistances

of certified SLPs. The presentation of instructional video clips varies in response to

student performance. As an example, an advanced student who submits the response

“fone” when asked by the reading coach to type the word “phone” will see a video clip in

which the reading coach advises the student that the /f/ sound can have different

spellings. If the student again fails to spell the word correctly, a video clip in which the

reading coach reminds the student that in words of Greek origin the /f/ sound is spelled

using the digraph ph will appear.

The phonemic awareness component of MVRC contains three lesson sets of

increasing difficulty, while the phonics and grammar and meaning components contain

five lesson sets of increasing difficulty. Each lesson set contains up to 20 different

presentations of the lesson content. If, based on the results of internal assessments, a

student fails to master at least 90% of the content assigned for a lesson, the lesson will be

represented in a different format until all of the lesson’s alternative presentations are

exhausted. The MVRC intervention allocates instructional time in relation to student

performance such that skills and activities in which a student demonstrates the greatest

proficiency receive the least instructional time, while skills and activities in which a

student demonstrates the least proficiency receive the greatest instructional time.

Once a student has demonstrated 90% proficiency or better on required mastery

level activities, (s)he begins proficiency level activities, including fluency and vocabulary

lessons. Embedded within these lessons are structured spelling and comprehension

activities, in addition to lessons in the core skills associated with each lesson. The time

devoted to proficiency level activities varies in relation to the student’s performance on

mastery level activities. If a student demonstrates a high degree of proficiency in mastery

level activities, a greater proportion of instructional time is devoted to proficiency level

activities. Conversely, if a student struggles to achieve mastery level performance

objectives, less time is devoted to proficiency level activities. Figure 1, used with

permission, outlines MVRC’s lesson sequence and assessment checkpoints. Note that all

phonemic awareness activities must be successfully completed, and the student must

achieve mastery in required phonics activities, before the introduction of grammar and

meaning, fluency, and vocabulary activities. For a comprehensive description of each of

MVRC’s components, refer to Appendix B.


Figure 1. MVRC Lesson Sequence and Assessment Checkpoints


 Figure 1. MVRC lesson sequence and assessment checkpoints. Taken with
Figure 1. MVRC lesson sequence and assessment checkpoints. Taken with
permission from the MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach Resource Guide (MindPlay
Educational Software for Reading, 2012).

Dependent variable measures. Dependent variable measures included the Test

of Silent Word Reading Fluency, Second Edition (TOSWRF-2; Mather, Hammill, Allen

& Roberts, 2014) and tests of the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement, Fourth

Edition (WJ IVACH; Schrank, Mather, & McGrew, 2014). These measures were chosen

because they are considered highly valid measures of their respective constructs, and they

have high levels of test-retest reliability, reducing the likelihood of regression to the

mean. An overview of each dependent variable measure, including information

concerning the reliability and validity of instruments, is provided in the subsequent


WJ IV ACH. The WJ IV ACH (Schrank et al., 2014) is a standardized

achievement instrument that is administered in accordance with standardized

administration protocols. The WJ IV ACH (Schrank et al., 2014) contains tests designed

to measure major areas of academic achievement, including reading, writing, and

mathematics. The Woodcock-Johnson IV (WJ IV) (Schrank et al., 2014) comprises the

Tests of Cognitive Abilities (COG) and Tests of Achievement (ACH) batteries, as well as

the Tests of Oral Language. All three batteries were co-normed on a stratified random

sample of 7,416 participants ranging in age from 2 to >90 years, over 3,891 of whom

were grade school students at the time of administration (Schrank et al., 2014). Norming

and technical analyses were performed in accordance with the Standards for Educational

and Psychological Testing (American Educational Research Association, American

Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education,

2014). Mean alternate form and test-retest reliabilities across all age groups for Basic

Reading Skills, Basic Writing Skills, and Phoneme-Grapheme Knowledge ranged from

0.94 to 0.95.

TOSWRF-2. The TOSWRF-2 is a timed standardized test in which examinees

are required to place a line or slash between words that have no spaces between them. It

is a pencil-and-paper test that can be administered individually or to groups, the object of

which is to draw lines between as many word boundaries as possible within the allotted

time. The test employs a graded word list, the vocabulary and complexity of which

progressively increase in difficulty (Mather et al., 2014). The test, therefore, measures

not only sight word recognition and reading rate but also vocabulary knowledge.

The TOSWRF-2 (Mather et al., 2014) was normed on a nation-wide sample of over 2,429

participants, ranging in age from six years and three months to 24 years and 11 months.

These participants were derived from 35 states, and participant demographics closely

resembled national demographics reported in the 2011 census (Mather et al., 2014). Test

re-test and alternate form reliabilities ranged from 0.84 to 0.91 (Allen, Morey, &

Hammill, 2013). Table 3 provides an overview of the description of each dependent

variable measure performed.

Table 3

Tests of Reading Achievement

Instrument DV Description of Measure Administration

Letter-Word Real Word Reading aloud letters and real Individual

Identification Reading words from a list

Word Attack Non-Word Reading aloud nonsense words Individual

Reading from a list
Spelling Real Word Spelling of orally administered Group
Spelling real words
Spelling of Non-Word Spelling of orally administered Group
Sounds Spelling nonsense words

Test of Silent Reading Fluency Rapidly drawing lines to Group

Word Reading indicate the boundaries between
Fluency, connected real words
Second Edition
Mather et al.,
Note. DV = dependent variable. The Letter-Word Identification, Word Attack,
Spelling, and Spelling of Sounds instruments are tests of the fourth edition of the
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ IV ACH; Schrank et al., 2014).

Rationale for measure selection. The dependent variable measures selected for

this intervention were chosen both because of their high reliabilities and because they

were designed to measure code-based skills foundational to proficient reading. Tests of

real word and non-word reading and spelling were selected to ensure that the study

included measures of the identification and production of both phonetically regular and

phonetically irregular words. Identification and production of the former are indicative

of graphophonemic knowledge, while identification and production of the latter are

indicative of sight word knowledge and familiarity with the word patterns of English. A

test of reading fluency was selected both as a broad measure of decoding ability and

because reading rate and accuracy are essential to reading comprehension, and there is a

strong correlation between reading fluency and comprehension (Pikulski & Chard, 2005),

which is the ultimate goal of reading.21

Fidelity measures. To measure fidelity of implementation, both product usage

logs and behavioral observation measures were used. Two measures of fidelity of

implementation were selected to evaluate not only whether the participants were using

the intervention for the duration specified, but also whether they were actively engaged

while using the intervention. The active engagement of participants, it was reasoned,

would be a more nuanced measure of the acceptability of the intervention among

participants than would simple duration of use, thus serving as a metric for an important

facet of social validity.

Product usage logs. The frequency and duration of individual student's use of the

MVRC online reading intervention were measured using software usage logs generated

by the MVRC product. These logs included data concerning the duration of use of
Because of time constraints, comprehension measures were not conducted.

product components in minutes, the type and number of activities successfully

completed, and individual students’ progress toward achievement targets. Only active

use of the MVRC product was reported in the software usage logs, as the MVRC online

intervention automatically logs users out of the program after three minutes of inactivity.

Behavioral observations. A 10-data point planned activity check, using partial-

interval recording method, was employed to measure student engagement behavior

biweekly throughout the study. This instrument was developed by a doctoral candidate in

Special Education at the University of Arizona. Student engagement behavior was

operationalized as physical position (head up, eyes facing screen), headphone use,

keyboard use, and screen activity. To administer this measure, two observers

simultaneously scanned each classroom at two-minute intervals for 20 minutes and

documented the number of participants who appeared to be engaged, as well as the

number of participants who did not appear to be engaged, per the criteria previously

outlined. Data collected with this instrument were used to document the percentage of

treatment group participants who displayed engagement behavior at each observed

interval. Observers varied their observation schedules each week to reduce the likelihood

of participants' modifying their behavior in anticipation of observation. A copy of this

instrument is provided in Appendix C.

Intervention Procedure

Routine classroom instruction. All participants across both groups received

Success for All language arts instruction in the regular classroom setting. Over 75% of

teachers in the participating schools voted to implement the Success for All program in

their schools, and school administrators expressed a high degree of support for the

program to examiners who visited their schools.

Success for All is a comprehensive, code-based, standards-aligned reading

curriculum that includes structured lessons, cooperative group activities, and regular

assessments (Slavin & Madden, 2012). Success for All classroom activities included

intensive daily reading blocks of 90 minutes duration, as well as systematic phonics

instruction, guided practice, and ongoing formative evaluation. Success for All activities

are scripted and highly structured, so there is little variability in instruction among

classrooms implementing the program with a high degree of fidelity. A typical Success

for All lesson plan for a single day’s instructional activities exceeds ten pages and

includes detailed scripts for every teacher-student interaction. An example of a typical

phonics activity embedded in a Success for All daily lesson plan follows:

Sound words—Say each of the words below, and have the students repeat them.

turn burn curl

• Ask: What sound can you hear in those words? [/ur/.] Say each word again,

and have the students repeat each one. Stretch the /ur/ sound in each word.

Key picture—Show the key card for “ur.” Let’s look at this picture card to

learn more about our sound for the day. This is a picture of a nurse with a

purse. “Nurse with a purse.” Let’s say that phrase together. [Nurse with a

purse.] Say each word in the phrase, and ask the students to repeat it. Stretch the

/ur/ sound in each word. (Success for All Foundation, 2010)

Success for All early reading instruction is conducted in small groups of children

with comparable levels of reading achievement. These groups can include children in

grades one through three. Texts used in the early grades are decodable, or phonetically

regular, and aligned to the student’s actual level of achievement. Early primary students

also read shared stories, in which a portion of the text is decodable and intended to be

read by the students and another portion is more complex and intended to be read by the

teacher. As the student’s achievement improves, the portion of the text read by the

student increases, while the portion of the text read by the teacher decreases. Other

reading activities include partner reading, in which a student and a partner read alternate

pages of a text and then discuss what they have read.

Success for All phonics activities begin with oral language and then move into

sound-symbol correspondences. As a student's achievement increases, individual letter

sounds are contextualized in words, words in sentences, sentences in passages, and,

finally, passages in stories. A variety of highly structured metacognitive activities are

used to increase students’ retention and integration of the concepts learned, and

interactive activities are conducted to promote and reinforce the application of skills.

These activities include skits, participatory videos, and puppet shows.

Specific components of the Success for All curriculum comprise (a) FastTrack

Phonics, in which activities include guided instruction, chants, games, and puppet shows

designed to promote and reinforce knowledge of sound-symbol correspondences; (b)

Shared Stories, in which reading, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension are promoted

through partner reading and teacher-student reading; (c) Story Telling and Retelling, in

which students are taught to clarify, question, summarize, and visualize texts through

story preview, reading, review, retell, and critique activities; (d) Language Links, in

which a teacher models and guides higher order discussions involving specific reading-

related skills, such as the ability to identify story elements; and (e) Adventures in

Writing, in which students perform process-based writing, following a cycle of

prewriting, planning, drafting, checking, and polishing.

Intervention instruction. Participating students assigned to the treatment group

received MVRC online reading instruction in addition to Success for All reading and

language arts instruction. Participants assigned to the treatment group used the software

for 30 minutes each day, Monday through Thursday, for a total of two hours per week

throughout the regular school year (mid-September through mid-April), with the

exception of holidays, school functions, and mandatory state testing days. Classroom

teachers brought students to the computer lab at the assigned time and assisted with

student log in when required; however, they did not assist students in any other way.

Comparison instruction. Participating students assigned to the business-as-usual

comparison condition received Success for All reading and language arts instruction but

did not receive the MVRC intervention. In addition to regular language arts instruction,

participants in the comparison group also received two hours of supplementary reading

instruction weekly from their classroom teachers. This instruction employed materials

and instructional techniques consistent with the Success for All curriculum and routine

classroom practice.

Teacher training. Teachers of treatment group classrooms underwent training

prior to the implementation of the intervention. Training included a one-hour webinar

and a four-hour in-person seminar delivered by MindPlay personnel. The MVRC online

reading intervention requires very little participation on the part of classroom teachers, as

the content and difficulty of the intervention are adaptive in response to individual

student performance. Ultimate achievement targets are aligned with Common Core

standards; however, the content and instruction delivered to individual students are

determined solely by embedded diagnostic assessments (i.e., they cannot be modified by

teachers). Therefore, teacher training focused on the underlying pedagogical and

theoretical structure of the program, the structure and content of the embedded lessons

and activities, facilitating and supporting student access and use of the intervention, and

accessing and understanding the data contained in student and classroom reports

generated by the software. Teachers were also provided with a teacher’s guide to

accompany the program.

Assessment Procedure

Procedures to ensure accuracy of administration. Examiners included a

graduate student in special education, who had over five years of experience working

with children in schools and two years of experience administering standardized tests of

achievement and cognitive abilities, as well as several retired special educators, who had

extensive experience working with children in educational settings and administering

standardized tests of achievement and cognitive abilities. Prior to the administration of

reading achievement dependent variable measures, examiners met to review

administration. In addition, all examiners received supplemental training in the

administration of the WJ IV ACH from one of the tests’ co-authors.

Procedures to ensure accuracy of scoring. Following data collection, test

protocols were re-scored by a second examiner to ensure accuracy of scoring. While

formal data concerning scoring disagreements and agreements were not collected or

retained, examiners reported very few disagreements when rescoring protocols.

Administration of dependent variable measures. Pre-test dependent variable

data collection was performed over a one-week period during the first 30 days of the

academic year, and post-test dependent variable data collection was performed over a

one-week period during the last 30 days of the academic year. Prior to dependent

variable data collection, examiners endeavored to establish rapport with participating

students. Individual data collection was performed in quiet, low-distraction rooms in the

participants’ school; group data collection was performed in the participants’ classrooms.

Data collection was staggered over several days to avoid fatigue-related effects, and

measures were counter-balanced to avoid order effects.

The Spelling and Spelling of Sounds tests of the WJ IV ACH (Schrank et al., 2014),

as well as the TOSWRF-2 (Mather et al., 2014), were administered to participating

students in whole-class groups, whereas the Word Attack and Letter-Word Identification

tests of the WJ IV ACH were administered individually and in a manner consistent with

standardized administration protocols. Group-administered tests were administered

beginning with the first item in each assessment and ending with items likely to be well

beyond the performance of any participant. Consequently, basal (start point)

requirements were satisfied for all participants tested, and no participant failed to reach a

ceiling (end point) in their performance on any assessment.

Administration of measures of fidelity of implementation. The frequency and

duration of students’ use of the MVRC online reading intervention were measured using

software usage logs generated by the MVRC product. Only active use of the MVRC

product was reported in the software usage logs, as the MVRC intervention automatically

logged users out of the program after three minutes of inactivity.

A novel planned activity check was employed to measure student engagement

behavior, including physical position (i.e., head up, eyes facing screen), headphone use,

keyboard use, and screen activity, during treatment. Participating students assigned to

the treatment group were observed twice each month for 20 minutes throughout the

treatment period, and their engagement behaviors were recorded using the planned

activity check instrument. All behavioral observations were performed simultaneously

by two qualified examiners.

Operational Definitions of Variables

Independent variable. The study’s sole independent variable was treatment with

MVRC online reading instruction in accordance with intervention protocols. This

variable was measured at the nominal level with values of 0 (not subjected to treatment)

and 1 (subjected to treatment).

Dependent variables. To operationalize non-word reading, scores from the Word

Attack test of the WJ IV ACH (Schrank et al., 2014) were used. To operationalize real

word reading, scores from the Letter-Word Identification test of the WJ IV ACH

(Schrank et al., 2014) were used. To operationalize non-word spelling, scores from the

Spelling of Sounds test of the WJ IV ACH (Schrank et al., 2014) were used. To

operationalize real word spelling, scores from the Spelling test of the WJ IV ACH

(Schrank et al., 2014) were used. To operationalize reading fluency, scores from the

TOSWRF-2 (Mather et al., 2014) were used. All dependent variable data were reported

at the interval level.

Demographic variables. Demographic variable data, including English-language

learner (ELL) status and special education status per an individualized educational

program (IEP) were recorded and reported as nominal data.

Data Analysis

Rationale. In selecting a method of data analysis, the author considered several

strategies. The first of these was univariate analysis of variance, or ANOVA, using

participant gain scores (calculated by subtracting pre-test scores from post-test scores),

which is among the most commonly used techniques for comparing pre-test and post-test

data (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003). Univariate analyses of variance compare group means

for a single dependent variable (Tabatchnick & Fidell, 2013), and the use of gain scores,

as opposed to post-test scores alone, for example, serves as an informal means by which

to control for group differences (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003). The author rejected this

strategy for three reasons. First, there is evidence that gain scores can be an unreliable

means by which to compare group differences (Cronbach & Furby, 1970).22 Second,

preliminary univariate tests23 revealed significant differences between groups on pre-test

scores for several dependent variable measures, indicating that participant potential for

gains might differ between groups. Univariate ANOVA, however, does not control for

such differences. Finally, the author wished to avoid the inflation in error created by the

conduct of multiple univariate tests (Tabatchnick & Fidell, 2013). Owing to all these

factors, therefore, the author determined that ANOVA was inadequate to her purpose.

The second data analytic strategy considered by the author was repeated measures

ANOVA using pre- and post-test scores, which would account for the pre-test differences

between groups (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003). While repeated measures ANOVA is a

While more recent research indicates that the degree to which gain scores are unreliable varies in relation
to the strength of correlation between pre- and post-test scores (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003; Zimmerman &
Williams, 1996), the author nevertheless desired to minimize the degree of unreliability of her analyses.
Described in greater depth in subsequent sections.

popular means by which to handle data in a pre-test post-test design, research has

demonstrated that the results of such analyses are often misleadingly conservative

(Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003). Furthermore, the conduct of multiple repeated measures

ANOVAs would create the same inflation in error as the conduct of multiple ANOVAs

on gain scores. Moreover, data screening performed by the author indicated that the data

set would violate the assumption of sphericity required to perform the test.

The third data analytic strategy considered by the author was univariate analysis of

covariance, or ANCOVA. Univariate analyses of covariance compare group means

while controlling for the effects of one or more covariates (Tabatchnick & Fidell, 2013).

This statistical control increases the power and precision of analyses by reducing error

variance accounted for by the covariate(s) (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003). The choice of

ANCOVA, notably, would preclude the analysis of gain scores, as an important

covariate, pre-test achievement scores, would overlap with the dependent variable, gain

scores.24 Therefore, the use of ANCOVA would require the analysis of post-test scores

with pre-test scores as covariates. While this strategy would account for the differences

between groups, it would nevertheless leave the analyses subject to the inflation in error

created by the conduct of multiple univariate tests (Tabatchnick & Fidell, 2013).

The fourth method of data analysis considered by the author was repeated measures

MANCOVA on pre- and post-test scores with relevant demographic covariates. While

this multivariate method of data analysis would control for multiple comparisons,

preliminary analyses performed by the author indicated that the data would violate the

assumption of sphericity required to perform the test. Therefore, this method was also

Gain scores are calculated by subtracting pre-test scores from post-test scores.

The fifth and final data analytic strategy considered by the author was multivariate

analysis of covariance, or MANCOVA, on post-test scores with pre-test scores and

relevant demographic variables as covariates. Multivariate analysis of covariance can be

used to identify statistically significant differences between groups on multiple dependent

variables after the effects of relevant covariates have been removed from the analysis

(Tabatchnick & Fidell, 2013). There are several important advantages to the use of a

MANCOVA design over the use of multiple separate analyses of variance (ANOVA), or

even analyses of covariance (ANCOVA). First, as with ANCOVA, MANCOVA can be

used to control for pre-test differences between groups. This is particularly important in

quasi-experimental designs, as pre-test differences between groups can introduce

systematic bias, potentially compromising the results (Dimitrov & Rumrill, 2003).

Second, MANCOVA accounts for the intercorrelations among the dependent variables in

the analysis, leading to a more precise overall picture of change (Tabatchnick & Fidell,

2013). Finally, the use of MANCOVA allows the researcher to more accurately identify

variables that have changed in relation to treatment, substantially reducing the likelihood

of a Type I error (Tabatchnick & Fidell, 2013).

Test procedure. Owing to these factors, the author elected to perform a

multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) to detect mean differences in (a) non-

word reading, (b) real word reading, (c) non-word spelling, (d) real word spelling, and/or

(e) reading fluency post-test achievement scores of students assigned to use the MVRC

online reading intervention and those of students assigned to a business-as-usual

comparison condition (regular classroom reading instruction alone), once the effect of

differences in pre-test achievement scores (averaged across tests) and relevant

demographic variables had been accounted for.

Confirmatory measures. As a confirmatory measure, the author chose to perform

univariate analyses of covariance (ANCOVA) post-hoc to the full MANCOVA to

investigate group differences by dependent variable while controlling for pre-test

achievement scores (averaged across tests) and relevant demographic variables. The

author also elected to perform a second set of post-hoc ANCOVAs to isolate the

relationship between each dependent variable, its corresponding pre-test covariate, and

the grouping variable (condition). By controlling for pre-test achievement individually

for each dependent variable, rather than using the mean pre-test score covariate employed

in the full MANCOVA, the author sought to lend more precision to the analyses and

ensure that the specific effects of pre-test achievement on each dependent variable were

adequately accounted for.


In this chapter, the author relates the results of data analyses, including data

screening and cleaning procedures, omnibus testing, univariate testing, and post-hoc

testing for all dependent variable measures. Measures of fidelity implementation are also

reported, as are results of behavioral observations.

Data Screening and Cleaning

Measurement of data. All dependent variable and pretest covariate data collected

for this study were measured as obtained, raw scores using discrete, quantitative scales.

Obtained, raw scores for each post-test achievement measure comprised the study’s

dependent variables. A pre-test covariate was created by taking the mean of sample-

referenced z-scores across pre-tests.25 The conversion of scores was undertaken prior to

averaging to ensure that all data reflected equivalent scales of measurement. Such a

procedure was necessary because the number of items varied across tests, as did item

difficulty, underlying constructs, and scoring procedures. As an example, raw scores on

the TOSWRF-2 (Mather et al., 2014) were calculated by subtracting items incorrect from

items correct, while raw scores for all other measures were calculated by adding only

correct items.

Missing data. Owing to attrition and illness, 39 participants had incomplete data

sets following post-testing. Ultimately, the treatment condition comprised 89 complete

cases, and the comparison condition comprised 81, representing 170 complete cases, or

81.34% of original cases. Because more than 10% of the original cases were missing

The author chose to create a single pre-test achievement covariate, rather than add the pre-test
achievement scores for each dependent variable a separate covariate to the MANCOVA model. This
decision was taken to reduce the number of variables added to the MANCOVA model, thereby increasing
statistical power.

data, the authors chose to exclude cases listwise from analyses. Imputation of missing

data was considered and rejected consistent with the recommendations of Tabatchnick

and Fidell (2013), who suggested imputation only when fewer than 10% of cases were

missing data and data were missing at random.

Data screening. Prior to analysis, dependent variable data were evaluated for data

entry errors using Microsoft Excel and for normality, linearity, skewness, and kurtosis

using IBM SPSS EXPLORE. Univariate outliers with respect to the dependent variables

(defined as values more than three standard deviations above the mean for the relevant

variable) were detected using IBM SPSS FREQUENCIES, and multivariate outliers were

detected using IBM SPSS REGRESSION to calculate Mahalanobis' distances.

Careful evaluation of the data revealed no values suggestive of data entry errors;

however, a total of three cases with univariate outliers were detected. Each case had only

a single outlying variable, and all three involved values between three and four standard

deviations above the mean. In order to preserve the maximum number of cases possible,

outlying values within a case were treated as missing and replaced using the highest or

lowest non-outlying value possible (i.e., a value exactly three standard deviations above

or below the mean), consistent with the recommendations of Tabatchnick and Fidell

(2013). In addition to the univariate outliers, a single multivariate outlier was detected.

The value was not extreme, however, so the author elected to retain the case, but include

and review the Box's M statistic in the subsequent MANCOVA.

Following the transformation of outlying data, the author split the data by condition

and generated scatterplot matrices to evaluate the linearity of data. Upon visual

inspection, the author determined that the data were sufficiently linear to proceed with

further analyses. The author then generated histograms, stem-and leaf plots, and Q-Q

plots for each of the study’s dependent variables. A visual inspection of the plots and

histograms for each of the dependent variables revealed varying degrees of (most often

negative) skewness, as well as modest amount of excess kurtosis, with the exception of a

single variable highly leptokurtic distribution. This finding was reinforced by significant

values at the p < .05 level for non-word spelling for the treatment group, real-word

spelling for the comparison group, and non-word reading for the treatment group on the

Shapiro-Wilk test of normality. Table 4 provides descriptive statistics, including

measures of skewness and kurtosis for each of the study's dependent variables by

condition, and Table 5 provides the results of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality.

Table 4

Descriptive Statistics by Condition for Each Dependent Variable and Interval-Level Covariate
DV Condition Measure Statistic SE
Comparison M 42.901 1.2004
SD 10.8035
Skewness -0.255 0.267
Real Word Kurtosis -0.606 0.529
Reading Treatment M 45.944 0.8706
SD 8.2136
Skewness -0.466 0.255
Kurtosis 0.562 0.506
Comparison M 20.383 0.6654
SD 5.9887
Skewness 0.572 0.267
Real Word Kurtosis 0.162 0.529
Spelling Treatment M 23.326 0.5661
SD 5.3402
Skewness -0.136 0.255
Kurtosis 0.419 0.506
Comparison M 18.136 0.5749
SD 5.1739
Skewness -0.15 0.267
Non-Word Kurtosis -0.512 0.529
Reading Treatment M 19.629 0.4322
SD 4.077
Skewness -0.339 0.255
Kurtosis -0.279 0.506
Comparison M 14.025 0.3451
SD 3.1063
Skewness -0.229 0.267
Non-Word Kurtosis 0.341 0.529
Spelling Treatment M 16.438 0.3212
SD 3.03
Skewness -1.215 0.255
Kurtosis 2.761 0.506
Comparison M 45.593 2.2861
SD 20.5747
Skewness -0.154 0.267
Reading Kurtosis -0.337 0.529
Fluency Treatment M 63.169 2.0015
SD 18.8826
Skewness -0.581 0.255
Kurtosis 0.105 0.506
Note. DV = dependent variable; M = mean; SD = standard deviation; and SE = standard error.
Skewness refers to excess skewness.
Table 5

Shapiro-Wilk Test of Normality

DV Condition
Statistic df Sig.
Comparison .981 81 .264
Read Word Reading
Treatment .982 89 .272
Comparison .964* 81 .024
Real Word Spelling
Treatment .985 89 .415
Comparison .984 81 .433
Non-Word Reading
Treatment .969* 89 .033
Comparison .975 81 .121
Non-Word Spelling
Treatment .912** 89 <.001
Comparison .984 81 .437
Reading Fluency
Treatment .972 89 .051
Note. df = degrees of freedom; DV = dependent variable; Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

The author attempted to reduce the leptokurtosis and skewness of the relevant

distributions by performing several transformations; however none was sufficient to

normalize the data (i.e., none was sufficient to render the relevant results of the Shapiro-

Wilk test of normality non-significant). The author also considered the use of non-

parametric tests; however, no suitable non-parametric method of data analysis could be

identified. Therefore, the author elected to proceed with data screening and,

subsequently, the full MANCOVA. This decision was taken because multivariate

analyses of variance (MANOVA) and related tests (e.g., MANCOVA) are considered

robust to violations of normality if groups are of roughly comparable size, that is the size

of the largest group is no more than 1.5 times larger than the size of the smallest group

(Leech, Barrett, & Morgan, 2005).

To screen for collinearity among dependent variables, which might indicate that

two or more variables measured the same construct, the author used IBM SPSS

CORELATE to perform a Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis identifying the

relationship between each dependent variable and all others. All of the variables were

significantly correlated to all others at the p < .01 level, with correlation coefficients

ranging in strength from R^2 = .519 to R^2 = .795. Based on these results, the author

elected to perform a principal component analysis (PCA), a factor reduction procedure

(Tabatchnick & Fidell, 2013), to determine if any latent variables might explain the

strong correlations among the dependent variables. Table 6 provides the results of the

Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis performed by the author.

Table 6

Pearson’s Product-Moment Correlation Analysis

Real Word Non-Word Non-Word Reading
DV Word
Spelling Reading Spelling Fluency
Real R^2 1 .788** .725** .676** .795**
Word Sig. <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
Reading N 170 170 170 170 170
** ** **
Real R^2 .788 1 .593 .690 .736**
Word Sig. <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
Spelling N 170 170 170 170 170
** ** **
Non- R^2 .725 .593 1 .519 .606**
Word Sig. <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
Reading N 170 170 170 170 170
** ** **
Non- R^2 .676 .690 .519 1 .567**
Word Sig. <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
Spelling N 170 170 170 170 170
** ** ** **
R^2 .795 .736 .606 .567 1
Reading Sig. . <.001 <.001 <.001 <.001
Fluency N 170 170 170 170 170
** ** **
N 1 .788 .725 .676 .795**
Note. DV = dependent variable; R^2 = Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient.

** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

A PCA with Varimax (orthogonal) rotation was performed using IMB SPSS DATA

REDUCTION on dependent variable data gathered from 170 complete cases. An

examination of the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy (KMO =

.853) indicated that the data were suitable for factor analysis per the guidelines suggested

by Tabatchnick and Fidell (2013). This finding was reinforced by the extremely high

value generated by Bartlett's test of sphericity [χ2(10) = 672.814, p < .001]. Perhaps

unsurprisingly, the results of the PCA were indicative of a single latent variable, or

component, upon which the study’s five dependent variables loaded. This component,

obviously associated with participants’ overall language arts achievement, explained over

76% of the variance across the five dependent variables.

While the results of the factor analysis pointed to a single latent variable underlying

performance across the dependent variables measured, the author felt it would be

undesirable to combine all of the dependent variables into one variable representative of

achievement across measures. First, to conflate all of the variables into one would

necessarily conflate their error, rendering subsequent analyses less precise. Second, the

high degree of correlation among the dependent variables was unsurprising, as the

intercorrelations26 reported for the WJ IV ACH (Schrank et al., 2014) tests used to

measure four of five of the dependent variables ranged from R^2 = .66 to R^2 = .82, very

closely mirroring the findings of the Pearson's product moment correlation analysis.

Furthermore, the primary reason to avoid including highly correlated variables is that

high levels of correlation among dependent variables can lead to a reduction in statistical

power (Foster, Barkus, & Yavorosky, 2006); however, in situations in which multivariate

analysis is required to reduce the possibility of a Type I error, such a loss of power can be
Among norm group participants aged six to eight years.

considered an acceptable trade-off (Foster et al., 2006). Therefore, the author chose to

proceed with the full MANCOVA.

Identification of covariates. To determine whether significant differences existed

between groups on pre-test achievement scores and/or demographic variables, univariate

analyses of variance (ANOVA) were performed to compare mean scores between groups

(i.e., treatment and comparison) for each dependent variable and demographic variable.

The author elected to determine significance at the p < .10 level to ensure that any

differences between groups that might impact dependent variable measures would be

adequately accounted for in subsequent analyses. While the author understood that the

introduction of additional covariates into the model would weaken statistical power, the

author felt that a more conservative approach was warranted, given the lack of random

assignment to groups. The ANOVA analyses led to the identification of several

covariates. Significant differences favoring the treatment group were detected at the p <

.10 level in the pre-test scores for real word reading [F(1, 169) = 2.927, p = .089], and

non-word reading [F(1, 169) = 3.314, p = .070]. Significant differences were also

detected at the p < .10 level English language learner (ELL) status [F(1,169) = 11.480, p

= .001] and special education (SPED) status [F(1,169) = 3.421, p = .066]. Therefore, a

decision was taken to add pre-test achievement, ELL status, and SPED status to the

MANCOVA model as covariates.

Data Analysis27

Test procedure. A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was

performed to detect mean differences in (a) non-word reading, (b) real word reading, (c)

non-word spelling, (d) real word spelling, and/or (e) reading fluency post-test
Data analyses were performed using IBM SPSS GENERAL LINEAR MODEL unless otherwise noted.

achievement scores of students assigned to use the MVRC online reading intervention

and those of students assigned to a business-as-usual comparison condition (regular

classroom reading instruction alone), once the effect of differences in pre-test

achievement scores and relevant demographic variables had been accounted for.

Tests of equality of variance and covariance. Levene’s test for equality of error

variance was non-significant for each of the study’s dependent variables at the p < .05

level, as was Box’s test of equality of covariance matrices at the p < .05 level, indicating

that the data did not violate the assumption of homogeneity of variance. Therefore,

consistent with the recommendations of Tabatchnick and Fidell (2013), the author chose

to use Wilk’s lambda as the test statistic in subsequent multivariate analyses. The results

of Box’s test of equality of covariance matrices and Levene’s test for equality of variance

are displayed in Table 7 and Table 8, respectively.

Table 7

Box's Test of Equality of Covariance Matrices

Box's M 21.921
F 1.415
df 1 15
df 2 111466.564
Sig. .130
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; Sig. = significance.

Table 8

Levene's Test of Equality of Error Variances

DV F df1 df2 Sig.
Real Word Reading 1.364 1 168 .244
Real Word Spelling .359 1 168 .550
Non-Word Reading 3.004 1 168 .085
Non-Word Spelling .120 1 168 .730
Reading Fluency .055 1 168 .815
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; Sig. = significance.

Multivariate tests. The results of the MANCOVA analysis revealed a significant

main effect (λ = .668, F[5, 161] = 16.014, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .332) of the

intervention on the achievement scores of participants assigned to the treatment condition

relative to those assigned to the business-as-usual comparison condition, once the effects

of differences in pre-test achievement scores, special education (SPED) status, and

English language learner (ELL) status had been accounted for. The main effects of ELL

status (λ = .868, F[5, 161] = 4.903, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .132) and pre-test scores (λ

= .212, F[5, 161] = 119.487, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .788) indicated significant effects

on the combined dependent variables (DV). Special education status, however, had no

significant effect on the combined DVs. Table 9 contains the results of the multivariate

tests for the study’s independent variable and each of its covariates.

Table 9

Multivariate Tests

IV/ Hypothesis Error Partial

Test Value F Sig. Power
Covariate df df η2
Pillai's race .056 1.920 5 161 .094 .056 .639
Status .944 1.920 5 161 .094 .056 .639
Pillai's Trace .132** 4.903 5 161 <.001 .132 .979
Status .868** 4.903 5 161 <.001 .132 .979
Pillai's Trace .788** 119.478 5 161 <.001 .788 1.000
Scores .212** 119.478 5 161 <.001 .788 1.000
Pillai's Trace .332** 16.014 5 161 <.001 .332 1.000
Condition Wilks'
.668** 16.014 5 161 <.001 .332 1.000
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; IV = independent variable; Sig. =
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Univariate tests. Post-hoc ANCOVAs were performed to isolate the relationship

between each dependent variable, the combined pre-test covariate, and the grouping

variable (condition). The multivariate test results were confirmed by the post-hoc

ANCOVAs, performed using Bonferroni’s correction for multiple comparisons, across

four of the study’s five dependent variables: real word spelling (F[1, 165] = 16.341, p <

.001, multivariate η2 = .090), non-word reading (F[1, 165] = 4.368, p = .038, multivariate

η2 = .026), non-word spelling (F[1, 165] = 29.212, p = .001, multivariate η2 = .150), and

reading fluency (F[1, 165] = 58.348, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .261). Statistically

significant effects of the intervention, however, were not detected in real word reading

(F[1, 165] = 2.328, p = .129, multivariate η2 = .014).

Preliminary data analyses revealed significant differences between groups in

special education status, English language learner (ELL) status, and pre-test achievement

scores; however, tests of between-subjects effects revealed that only the pre-test score

covariate was significant at the p < .05 level for all dependent variables. Special

education status, by contrast, was significant at the p < .05 level relative to real word

reading alone, while ELL status was significant at the p < .05 level only in relationship to

non-word reading. Table 10 contains the parameter estimates for each dependent

variable relative to the independent variable and each covariate. Table 11 displays

pairwise comparisons between groups for each dependent variable.

Table 10

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

IV/Covariate DV df M^2 F Sig. Power
Real Word
1 109.027* 3.899 .050 .023 .501
Real Word
1 .570 .073 .787 <.001 .058
SPED Status 1 .158 .013 .909 <.001 .051
1 13.429 2.481 .117 .015 .347
1 6.461 .045 .831 <.001 .055
Real Word
1 55.407 1.982 .161 .012 .288
Real Word
1 .018 .002 .962 <.001 .050
ELL Status 1 75.392* 6.220 .014 .036 .698
1 1.944 .359 .550 .002 .092
1 171.255 1.205 .274 .007 .194
Real Word
1 8497.432** 303.921 <.001 .648 1.000
Real Word
1 3627.206** 466.969 <.001 .739 1.000
Pre-Test Non-Word
1 1375.069** 113.452 <.001 .407 1.000
Scores Reading
1 529.461** 97.817 <.001 .372 1.000
1 36566.981** 257.198 <.001 .609 1.000
Real Word
1 65.082 2.328 .129 .014 .329
Real Word
1 126.926** 16.341 <.001 .090 .980
Condition 1 52.940* 4.368 .038 .026 .547
1 158.118** 29.212 <.001 .150 1.000
1 8295.640** 58.348 <.001 .261 1.000
Note. df = degrees of freedom; DV = dependent variable; F = Fisher's F ratio; IV =
independent variable; M^2 = mean squared; Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Table 11

Pairwise Comparisons for Univariate Tests

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Standard Lower Upper
Condition Mean Sig.
Variable Difference Error Bound Bound
Real Word Comparison 42.901 .129 -1.297 .850 -2.976 .382
Reading Treatment 45.944 .129 1.297 .850 -.382 2.976
Real Word Comparison 20.383 <.001 -1.811** .448 -2.696 -.927
Spelling Treatment 23.326 <.001 1.811** .448 .927 2.696
Non-Word Comparison 18.136 .038 -1.170* .560 -2.275 -.065
Reading Treatment 19.629 .038 1.170* .560 .065 2.275
Non-Word Comparison 14.025 <.001 -2.022** .374 -2.760 -1.283
Spelling Treatment 16.438 <.001 2.022** .374 1.283 2.760
Reading Comparison 45.593 <.001 -14.645** 1.917 -18.430 -10.859
Fluency Treatment 63.169 <.001 14.645** 1.917 10.859 18.430
Note. Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Additional post-hoc tests. Post-hoc ANCOVAs were performed to isolate the

relationship between each dependent variable, its corresponding pre-test covariate, and

the grouping variable (condition).28 The first of these ANCOVAs was conducted to

confirm the results of the previous analyses relative to the study’s real word reading

dependent variable. The results of the ANCOVA indicated no statistically significant

differences between groups at the p < .05 level on real word reading, once the effects of

differences in pre-test achievement scores, special education status, and English language

learner (ELL) status had been accounted for. This result was consistent with that of the

previous analyses, thus confirming the author’s original finding. Also consistent with

previous univariate analyses, the dependent variable was significantly affected by the pre-

test score covariate at the p < .05 level; however, in contrast to previous univariate
It was not possible to perform Bonferroni’s correction for multiple comparisons in the initial analyses.
Because a total of five comparisons were performed, only significance values of p < .01 were treated as
truly significant.

analyses, the SPED status covariate was not significant at the p < .05 level. Table 12

contains the parameter estimates for the dependent variable relative to the independent

variable and each covariate, while Table 13 displays pairwise comparisons between

groups for the dependent variable.

Table 12

Between-Subjects Effects for Real Word Reading

IV/Covariate df M^2 F Sig. Partial η2 Power
SPED Status 1 84.106 3.406 .067 .020 .450
ELL Status 1 27.339 1.107 .294 .007 .182
1 9019.412** 365.273 <.001 .688 1.000
Condition 1 38.506 1.559 .214 .009 .237
Note. df = degrees of freedom; M^2 = mean squared; F = Fisher's F ratio; IV =
independent variable; M^2 = mean squared; Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

Table 13

Pairwise Comparisons for Real Word Reading

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Standard Lower Upper
Condition Sig.
Variable Difference Error Bound Bound
Real Word Comparison -.998 .799 .214 -2.575 .580
Reading Treatment .998 .799 .214 -.580 2.575
Note. Sig. = significance.

The second ANCOVA, examining differences between groups on real word

spelling confirmed the results of previous analyses. The ANCOVA indicated that there

were significant differences between groups at the p < .05 level in real word reading,

once the effects of differences in pre-test achievement scores, special education status,

and English language learner (ELL) status had been accounted for. Also consistent with

previous univariate analyses, only the pre-test score covariate significantly affected the

dependent variable at the p < .05 level. Table 14 displays the parameter estimates for the

dependent variable relative to the independent variable and each covariate, and Table 15

shows pairwise comparisons between groups for the dependent variable.

Table 14

Between-Subjects Effects for Real Word Spelling

IV/Covariate df M^2 F Sig. Partial η2 Power
SPED Status 1 48.601 3.762 .054 .022 .487
ELL Status 1 .258 .020 .888 <.001 .052
1 2784.994** 215.557 <.001 .565 1.000
Condition 1 240.537** 18.617 <.001 .101 .990
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; IV = independent variable; M^2 =
mean squared; Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

Table 15

Pairwise Comparisons for Real Word Spelling

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Standard Lower Upper
Condition Sig.
Variable Difference Error Bound Bound
Real Word Comparison -2.473** .573 <.001 -3.604 -1.341
Spelling Treatment 2.473** .573 <.001 1.341 3.604
Note. Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

The results of an ANCOVA examining differences between groups on non-word

reading were inconsistent with previous analyses. The ANCOVA failed to demonstrate

significant differences between groups at the p < .05 level in non-word reading, once the

effects of differences in pre-test achievement scores, special education status, and English

language learner (ELL) status had been accounted for. Table 16 displays the parameter

estimates for the dependent variable relative to the independent variable and each

covariate, and Table 17 shows pairwise comparisons between groups for the dependent


Table 16

Between-Subjects Effects for Non-Word Reading

IV/Covariate df M^2 F Sig. Partial η2 Power
SPED Status 1 11.600 .882 .349 .005 .154
ELL Status 1 26.825 2.040 .155 .012 .295
1 1196.359** 90.997 <.001 .354 1.000
Condition 1 37.548 2.856 .093 .017 .390
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; M^2 = mean squared; Sig. =
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

Table 17

Pairwise Comparisons for Non-Word Reading

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Standar Lower Upper
Condition Sig.
Variable Difference d Error Bound Bound
Non-Word Comparison -.989 .585 .093 -2.145 .166
Reading Treatment .989 .585 .093 -.166 2.145
Note. Sig. = significance.

An ANCOVA examining differences between groups on non-word spelling also

mirrored previous analyses. The results revealed significant effects of the intervention on

non-word spelling, once the effects of differences in pre-test achievement scores, special

education status, and English language learner (ELL) status had been accounted for.

While pre-test scores remained significant at the p < .05 level, ELL status and SPED

status were non-significant. Table 18 displays the parameter estimates for the dependent

variable relative to the independent variable and each covariate, and Table 19 shows

pairwise comparisons between groups for the dependent variable.

Table 18

Between-Subjects Effects for Non-Word Spelling

IV/Covariate df M^2 F Sig. Partial η2 Power
SPED Status 1 21.676 3.234 .074 .019 .432
ELL Status 1 19.943 2.976 .086 .018 .403
1 316.785** 47.269 <.001 .223 1.000
Condition 1 206.257** 30.777 <.001 .157 1.000
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; M^2 = mean squared; Sig. =
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

Table 19

Pairwise Comparisons for Non-Word Spelling

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Standar Lower Upper
Condition Sig.
Variable Difference d Error Bound Bound
Non-Word Comparison -2.296** .414 <.001 -3.112 -1.479
Spelling Treatment 2.296** .414 <.001 1.479 3.112
Note. Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

The results of the ANCOVA evaluating differences between groups on reading

fluency reflected the findings of previous analyses. The ANCOVA revealed significant

effects of the intervention on reading fluency, once the effects of differences in pre-test

achievement scores, special education status, and English language learner (ELL) status

had been accounted for. Unlike previous univariate analyses, however, the ANCOVA

revealed significant effects at the p < .05 level for all the covariates (pre-test scores, ELL

status, and SPED status), thus supporting their introduction into the model. Table 20

displays the parameter estimates for the dependent variable relative to the independent

variable and each covariate, and Table 21 shows pairwise comparisons between groups

for the dependent variable.

Table 20

Between-Subjects Effects for Reading Fluency

IV/Covariate df M^2 F Sig. Partial η2 Power
SPED Status 1 798.743* 5.857 .017 .034 .672
ELL Status 1 663.482* 4.865 .029 .028 .592
1 38039.169** 278.937 <.001 .627 1
Condition 1 9691.512** 71.067 <.001 .300 1.000
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; IV = independent variable; M^2 =
mean squared; Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Table 21

Pairwise Comparisons for Reading Fluency

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Standard Lower Upper
Condition Sig.
Variable Difference Error Bound Bound
Reading Comparison -15.720** 1.865 <.001 -19.402 -12.039
Fluency Treatment 15.720** 1.865 <.001 12.039 19.402
Note. Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

Fidelity of Implementation

Product usage logs. Product usage logs generated by the MVRC software

indicated that active participant use of the intervention exceeded 90% of the time

assigned (a mean of 44 hours of active use) among treatment group participants who

remained in the study until post-test.

Behavioral observations. Over the course of the intervention, treatment group

participants were observed 45 times while using the MVRC online intervention, or

approximately twice per week. Observers used a novel planned activity check instrument

to record behavioral observations. Data from this instrument were analyzed by dividing

the number of students displaying engagement behavior at each interval by the total

number of students observed and multiplying the dividend by 100 to determine the

percentage of students displaying engagement behavior. This information was averaged

for the entire twenty-minute observation period and then aggregated and averaged by

month. Inter-observer agreement was determined by dividing the number of agreements

between observers per interval by the total number of agreements plus disagreements and

multiplying the dividend by 10.

The results of the behavioral observations indicated that treatment group

participants displayed engagement behavior over 90% of the intervals observed while

using the MVRC online intervention. Inter-observer agreement, however, was within the

acceptable range at just under 84%. Table 22 displays the results of the planned activity


Table 22

Student Engagement Behavior per the Planned Activity Check

Percentage of Engagement
Inter-Observer Agreement
Oct-13 91.50% 84.50%
Nov-13 91% 77%
Dec-13 95% 86%
Jan-14 93% 81.50%
Feb-14 91% 85.50%
Mar-14 92% 88%
Mean 91.50% 83.67%


In this chapter, the author presents the results of a formal report documenting the

present study and its findings. The report is presented at a publishable paper. Thus,

consistent with journal conventions, the format differs from that of previous chapters.

A quasi-experimental research design was used to evaluate the efficacy of

MindPlay Virtual Reading Coach (MVRC), an ICT-based reading intervention, in

addition to regular daily language instruction provided by a classroom teacher. After

attrition, participants included 170 students enrolled in eight second-grade classrooms

(four classrooms in each school) in two public elementary schools in the southwestern

United States. Examiners obtained reading achievement data from each participating

student. Measures included tests from the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ

IV ACH), as well as the Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency (TOSWRF-2). A

multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was used to determine whether there

were significant mean differences in (a) non-word reading, (b) real word reading, (c) non-

word spelling, (d) real word spelling, and/or (e) reading fluency scores favoring students

assigned to use the MVRC online reading intervention, once the effects of differences in

pre-test achievement scores and relevant demographic variables had been accounted for.

Analyses revealed a significant main effect (λ = .668, F [5, 161] = 16.014, p < .0001,

multivariate η2 = .332) of the intervention on achievement scores of participants assigned

to the treatment condition, which was confirmed across three of the study’s independent

variables: real word spelling (F[1, 165] = 16.341, p < .0001, multivariate η2 = .090), non-

word spelling (F[1, 165] = 29.212, p < .0001, multivariate η2 = .150), and reading fluency

(F[1, 165] = 58.348, p < .0001, multivariate η2 = .261).

The Effects of the Use of an ICT-Based Reading Intervention on

Students’ Achievement in Grade Two

Literacy and its component skills, the ability to read with fluency and

comprehension and write fluently and coherently, are essential to educational attainment

across domains: they “[bridge] the gap between learning to read and reading to learn”

(Duke, Bennett-Armistead, & Roberts, 2003, p. 226) and provide the key that opens the

door to a world of textually-based knowledge. The American system of education,

however, has not yet achieved its potential in ensuring that as many Americans as

possible enjoy the benefits of literacy. The findings of the National Assessment of Adult

Literacy revealed that 43% of adults in the United States scored at basic or below basic

levels in prose literacy, or the ability to understand, summarize, make simple inferences,

determine cause and effect, and recognize an author’s purpose when presented with texts

of moderate density (Kutner, Greenberg, Jin, Boyle, Hsu, & Dunleavy, 2007). Results of

the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) painted an even bleaker picture

of American youth. As of 2013, 65% fourth-grade students scored at basic or below-

basic levels of grade-level literacy (National Center for Education Statistics, 2013).

Research suggests that once children have reached this point in their education, when the

focus of instruction has shifted from learning to read to reading to learn (Duke et al.,

2003), they are at increased risk for academic failure (Felton & Pepper, 1995; Juel, 1988),

often struggling to acquire the content knowledge necessary for academic success.

Reading failure poses a serious threat to a child’s future educational, professional,

and social success. This conclusion is well supported in the literature. Kennely and

Monrad (2007) identified a statistically significant correlation between low reading

scores and school dropout, and researchers have consistently found that youngsters with

reading-related difficulties are disproportionally represented in the juvenile detention

system (Rutherford, Bullis, Anderson, & Griller-Clark, 2002; Shelley-Tremblay,

O’Brien, & Langhinrichsen-Rohling, 2007), placing them at increased risk for future

criminal behavior and social dysfunction.

The vast majority of children at risk for illiteracy can be taught to read with fluency

and comprehension, provided they receive developmentally appropriate instruction in the

sound-symbol correspondences of spoken and written language (Ehri, Nunes, Willows,

Schuster, Yaghoub-Zadeh, & Shanahan, 2001; Snow, Griffin, & Burns, 2005). In

particular, sequential instruction in code-based skills, including explicit, systematic

phonics has been shown to positively affect the reading and writing abilities of students

with reading-related challenges (Ehri et al., 2001; Hatcher, Hulme, & Snowling, 2004;

Torgerson, Brooks, & Hall, 2006). For these techniques to work, however, teachers

must have the knowledge and skills necessary to implement them.

Teacher Preparation and Professional Development

Despite a large body of literature showing what works, many teacher preparation

programs have failed to provide teachers with the knowledge and skills required to meet

the needs of beginning readers. In a 2006 review of course syllabi and textbooks, Walsh,

Glaser, and Dunne-Wilcox revealed that only 15% of American colleges of education

provided pre-service teachers with even minimal exposure to the science underlying

reading instruction, and a smaller percentage of reading textbooks were found to be

acceptably comprehensive in their coverage of reading instruction. Correspondingly,

Snow et al. (2005) found that a large proportion of special and general education teachers

were unprepared to provide evidence-based reading interventions to their students.

Because teacher preparation programs have failed to provide the majority of

elementary educators with the training required to effectively meet the needs of

beginning readers, efforts must be undertaken to identify and promote means to ensure

that all students nevertheless have access to high quality reading instruction. Systematic

reading instruction using information and communication technologies (ICT) has been

enthusiastically trumpeted as a means by which to promote reading achievement (Savage

et al., 2013), and such instruction often requires little or no direct intervention on the part

of the classroom teacher (Bishop & Edwards Santoro, 2006). ICT-based instructional

programs have been widely adopted in classroom contexts, “generally with an underlying

expectation that student learning can improve … through supportive skill instruction with

practice” (Cassady & Smith, 2005, p. 362). This sentiment was mirrored in the National

Reading Panel’s (NPR) report of 2000, which characterized ICT-based reading

instruction as a potentially promising development, allowing students greater opportunity

to “interact instructionally with text” than typically offered by conventional instruction

alone (Ch. 6, p. 8).

Some key potential advantages of beginning reading instruction using information

and computer technologies are (a) explicit, systematic instruction in the sound-symbol

correspondences of spoken and written language (Camilli et al., 2003; Ehri et al., 2001;

Torgerson et al., 2006), (b) multimodal instruction to promote recall and retention (Low

& Sweller, 2005; Moreno & Mayer, 2007), (c) formative feedback to guide learning and

activate prior knowledge (Narciss, 2013), (d) interactivity to promote attention and

engagement (Sims, 2000, 2003), and (e) opportunities for mastery learning to enhance

achievement (Guskey, 2007, 2012).

The question of whether or not the majority of ICT-based beginning reading

interventions actually leverage the potential advantages of the medium remains

unresolved (Edwards Santoro & Bishop, 2010; Grant et al., 2012), and ICT-based reading

instruction remains poorly theorized and inadequately researched (Savage et al., 2013),

particularly concerning studies involving participants aged eight years and younger

(Lankshear & Knobel, 2003). This dearth of quality research is exemplified by the

results of recent syntheses of ICT-based reading intervention literature. In a meta-

analysis of over forty studies designed to evaluate the efficacy of ICT-based reading

interventions in promoting early literacy achievement, Blok et al. (2002) found only three

studies (Barker and Torgersen [1995] and two sub-studies contained in Foster, Erickson,

Foster, Brinkman, and Torgesen [1994]) investigating a sequential, code-based English-

language reading intervention. While the authors (Barker & Torgesen, 1995; Foster et

al., 1994) documented statistically significant effects of their respective interventions

favoring participants in the treatment group, the software used (iterations of DaisyQuest)

is now obsolete. All of the other studies included in the meta-analysis performed by Blok

et al. (2002) were either conducted in a language other than English or involved

narrowly-focused computer-assisted interventions, such as the visual and auditory

presentation of text, speech feedback, or virtual flashcards. Though Blok et al. (2002)

reported a modest corrected overall effect size estimate of +0.19 across studies, they

cautioned that this result should be interpreted with care, as many of the studies evaluated

were poorly designed, and several compared the effects of multiple software applications,

rather than comparing ICT-based interventions to non-computer mediated approaches.

The caution urged by Blok et al. (2002) appears well founded in the light of the

results of other syntheses, whose authors applied more stringent inclusion criteria (e.g.,

requiring experimental designs or matched quasi-experimental designs with both pre- and

post-test measures). In a 2003 synthesis of the randomized controlled trial (RCT)

literature in the field, Torgerson and Zhu identified a dozen studies meeting inclusion

criteria. Of those, only one (Mitchell & Fox, 2001) included a sequential, code-based

ICT-based reading intervention delivered to participants in the early primary grades, and

the authors of that study reported no statistically significant effect of the intervention.29

These results were paralleled by a synthesis of literature commissioned by the National

Science Foundation and performed by Kulik in 2003. While the author (Kulik, 2003)

identified nine studies of computer-based reading interventions meeting inclusion criteria,

only three of those showed statistically significant positive effects favoring treatment

group participants, and all three were published in the early 1990s and evaluated the

effects of now obsolete software packages.

In a more recent synthesis, Slavin, Lake, Chambers, Cheung, and Davis (2009)

identified nineteen studies of computer-assisted reading programs meeting selection

criteria; however, only eight were peer-reviewed studies including a now extant

sequential ICT-based reading intervention delivered to students in kindergarten through

grade three. Of those eight, four were embedded in a larger study commissioned by the

Institute of Education Sciences (IES) (Campuzano, Dynarski, Agodini, Rall, &

Pendeleton, 2009). Of the four interventions evaluated by Campuzano et al. (2009), none

While Mitchell and Fox (2001) found no significant differences favoring the ICT-based reading
intervention group when compared to comparable teacher-delivered intervention group, they did find
significant differences favoring the ICT-based reading intervention group when compared to a no-treatment

were found to have statistically significant positive effects on participants’ reading

achievement. Unlike Campuzano et al. (2009), the authors of three of the four remaining

studies reviewed by Slavin et al. (2009) reported statistically significant positive effects

of their respective interventions, with effect sizes ranging from +0.17 to +1.05. While

otherwise well-designed, the quasi-experimental study in which significant differences

were not found favoring the treatment group in measures of word reading (Paterson,

Jacobs Henry, O'Quin, Ceprano, & Blue, 2003), lacked a pre-test measure for that

construct, putting its findings concerning reading achievement into question. Notably,

both of the still extant software packages for which the authors provided statistically

significant evidentiary support, Waterford Early Learning Program (Cassady & Smith,

2005; Tracey & Young, 2005) and Lexia Learning Systems software (Macaruso, Hook,

& McCabe, 2006), involved a strong emphasis on systematic phonics instruction and the

sequential presentation of code-based skills.


With some notable exceptions (e.g., Macaruso, Hook, & McCabe, 2006;

McMurray, 2013; Savage et al., 2013; Savage, Abrami, Hipps, & Deault, 2009; Savage,

Erten, Abrami, Hipps, Comaskey, & van Lierop, 2010), relatively little high quality

experimental or quasi-experimental research has been published examining the effects of

ICT-based reading interventions on beginning reading achievement (Blok et al., 2002;

Kulik, 2003; Slavin et al., 2009; Torgerson & Zhu, 2003). Prominent voices in the field

have suggested that teachers and education authorities remain wary of adopting any ICT-

based reading program until it has a consistent base of high quality evidentiary support

(Slavin et al., 2009; Torgerson, 2007; Torgerson & Zhu, 2003).30 Through the present

study, the authors wish to fill a gap in the existing ICT-based beginning reading

intervention literature, while addressing issues of research design and intervention quality

that have been inadequately explored in previous intervention research.

Research Question

In the present study, the following research question was addressed: Are there

significant mean differences in (a) non-word reading, (b) real word reading, (c) non-word

spelling, (d) real word spelling, and/or (e) reading fluency post-test achievement scores of

students assigned to use the MVRC online reading intervention in addition to regular

classroom reading instruction and those of students from a business-as-usual comparison

condition, once the effects of differences in pre-test achievement scores and relevant

demographic variables have been accounted for?


Participants and Settings

Participants. Participants included 209 students enrolled in eight, second grade

classrooms in two public elementary schools in the southwestern United States. Of those,

107 were assigned to the treatment condition, and 102 were assigned to a business-as-

usual comparison condition. Owing to attrition and illness, 39 participants had

incomplete data sets following post-testing. Ultimately, the treatment condition

comprised 89 complete cases, and the comparison condition comprised 81, representing

170 complete cases, or 81.34% of original cases. While overall data loss was below 20%,

Among the recommendations of Torgerson (2007) and Torgerson and Zhu (2003) was the conduct of
randomized controlled trials (RCTs). Owing to the small sample size in the present study, it was not
possible to perform random assignment to groups at the classroom level. Therefore, the authors elected to
statistically control for pre-test differences between groups.

data loss did not impact each condition equally, as the treatment group retained 83.12%

of original cases, while the comparison group retained 79.41% of original cases,

producing a differential attrition rate of 3.71%.

Participant demographics. All participants attended schools in the same district

and within the same postal code. At the time of testing, 81.6% of students in the district

were identified as Hispanic, 12.1% as white, 4.9% as Native America, 2.7% as African

American, and 0.6% as Asian or Pacific Islander. Over nine-in-ten (93.2%) students

were eligible to receive free or reduced price school meals, and 6.2% were homeless.

District-wide, nine percent of students were classified as English language learners

(ELL), and an additional 5.3% had been reclassified as fluent English speakers.31

Additionally, 11.8% of students within the district had an individualized education

program (IEP), indicating a documented disability.32

The percentage of students in the sample who had a documented disability tracked

very closely with district demographics, at 12.3%. Sample demographics, however,

varied markedly from district demographics in ELL status, as 37.4% of sample group

members were classified as ELLs, and an additional 8.8% were reclassified as fluent

English speakers. Data concerning ethnicity and markers of socioeconomic status were

not made available at the individual case level in order to protect the privacy of


Assignment to groups. Because of the potential for disruption to classroom

routines, random assignment at the student level was impossible. Assignment to groups

This reclassification process occurred when students achieved a satisfactory level of English-language
proficiency per standardized testing.
Data were derived from district publications. A reference to the source of this data has not been
included, so as to protect the identity of participating schools.

was therefore performed at the school level. One school, including each of its two

participating classrooms, was assigned to the treatment condition, and the other school,

including each of its two participating classrooms, was assigned to the comparison

condition. The school whose third grade students (the youngest grade tested) performed

more poorly (39% pass rate in reading) relative to the other (53% pass rate in reading) on

the state standardized test of in the 2012-2013 school year was assigned to the treatment

condition, and the school that performed better (53% pass rate in reading) relative to the

other (39% pass rate in reading) on the state standardized test of reading in the 2012-2013

school year was assigned to the comparison condition.33 Group assignment was

performed in this manner in order to ensure that any demographic advantages would

favor the comparison group.

Intervention settings. The research was conducted over the 2013-2014 school

year. During treatment, treatment group students received MVRC online reading

instruction in their schools’ computer labs during a fixed period each day, Monday

through Thursday. No other students were permitted in the lab during treatment, and the

environment was made as reasonably free of distractions as possible. Participating

students were provided with individual computers, monitors, and headphones. Prior to

the beginning of treatment, MindPlay Educational Software for Reading personnel visited

the school sites and confirmed the adequacy of the schools’ computer hardware and

Internet connectivity.


Mindplay Virtual Reading Coach (MVRC). The MVRC (MindPlay Educational

Data were derived from district publications. A reference to the source of this data has not been
included, so as to protect the identity of participating schools.

Software for Reading, 2015) intervention is a multi-component reading and language arts

curriculum delivered via the Internet. It contains explicit instruction in (1) phonemic

awareness, (2) phonics, (3) fluency, (4) vocabulary, and (5) comprehension in alignment

with the recommendations of the National Reading Panel (NRP) (2000), as well as

instruction in grammar and concepts about print. It provides sequenced instruction

consistent with the models of alphabetic and phonological development proposed by Ehri

(2005) and Pufpaff (2009), respectively, and satisfies the large majority of the content

criteria outlined by Grant et al. (2012), as well as all of the instructional and interface

design criteria identified by Bishop and Edwards Santoro (2006).


Dependent variable measures. Dependent variable measures included the Test

of Silent Word Reading Fluency, Second Edition (TOSWRF-2; Mather, Hammill, Allen

& Roberts, 2014) and tests from the Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement, Fourth

Edition (WJ IVACH; Schrank, Mather, & McGrew, 2014).34 These measures were

chosen because they are considered highly valid measures of their respective constructs,

and they have high levels of test-retest reliability, reducing the likelihood of regression to

the mean. Table 23 provides an overview of the description of each dependent variable

measure performed.

Copies of these instruments were provided to the researchers by the publishers prior to publication and
public release.

Table 23

Tests of Reading Achievement

Instrument DV Description of Measure Administration

Letter-Word Real Word Reading aloud letters and real Individual

Identification Reading words from a list

Word Attack Non-Word Reading aloud nonsense words Individual

Reading from a list
Spelling Real Word Spelling of orally administered Group
Spelling real words
Spelling of Non-Word Spelling of orally administered Group
Sounds Spelling nonsense words

Test of Silent Reading Fluency Rapidly drawing lines to Group

Word Reading indicate the boundaries between
Fluency, connected real words
Second Edition
Mather et al.,
Note. DV = dependent variable. The Letter-Word Identification, Word Attack,
Spelling, and Spelling of Sounds instruments are tests of the fourth edition of the
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement (WJ IV ACH; Schrank et al., 2014).

Rationale for dependent variable measure selection. The dependent variable

measures selected for this intervention were chosen both because of their high reliabilities

and because they were designed to measure code-based skills foundational to proficient

reading. Tests of real word and non-word reading and spelling were selected to ensure

that the study included measures of the identification and production of both phonetically

regular and phonetically irregular words. Identification and production of the former are

indicative of graphophonemic knowledge, while identification and production of the

latter are indicative of sight word knowledge and familiarity with the word patterns of

English. A test of reading fluency was selected both as a broad measure of decoding

ability and because reading rate and accuracy are essential to reading comprehension, and

there is a strong correlation between reading fluency and comprehension (Pikulski &

Chard, 2005), which is the ultimate goal of reading.

Fidelity measures. To measure fidelity of implementation, both product usage

logs and behavioral observation measures were used. Two measures of fidelity of

implementation were selected to evaluate not only whether the participants were using

the intervention for the duration specified, but also whether they were actively engaged

while using the intervention. The active engagement of participants, it was reasoned,

would be a more nuanced measure of the acceptability of the intervention among

participants than would simple duration of use, thus serving as a metric for an important

facet of social validity.

Product usage logs. The frequency and duration of individual student's use of the

MVRC online reading intervention were measured using software usage logs generated

by the MVRC product. These logs included data concerning the duration of use of

product components in minutes, the type and number of activities successfully

completed, and individual students’ progress toward achievement targets. Only active

use of the MVRC product was reported in the software usage logs, as the MVRC online

intervention automatically logs users out of the program after three minutes of inactivity.

Behavioral observations. A 10-data point planned activity check, using partial-

interval recording method, was employed to measure student engagement behavior

biweekly throughout the study. This instrument was developed by a doctoral candidate in

Special Education at the University of Arizona. Student engagement behavior was

operationalized as physical position (head up, eyes facing screen), headphone use,

keyboard use, and screen activity. To administer this measure, two observers

simultaneously scanned each classroom at two-minute intervals for 20 minutes and

documented the number of participants who appeared to be engaged, as well as the

number of participants who did not appear to be engaged, per the criteria previously

outlined. Data collected with this instrument were used to document the percentage of

treatment group participants who displayed engagement behavior at each observed

interval. Observers varied their observation schedules each week to reduce the likelihood

of participants' modifying their behavior in anticipation of observation.

Intervention Procedure

Routine classroom instruction. All participants across both groups received

Success for All language arts instruction in the classroom setting. Success for All is a

comprehensive, code-based, standards-aligned reading curriculum that includes

structured lessons, cooperative group activities, and regular assessments (Slavin &

Madden, 2012). Success for All classroom activities included intensive daily reading

blocks of 90 minutes duration, as well as systematic phonics instruction, guided practice,

and ongoing formative evaluation. Activities are scripted and highly structured, so there

was little variability in instruction among participating classrooms.

Intervention instruction. The research was conducted over the 2013-2014 school

year. Participating students assigned to the treatment group received MVRC online

reading instruction in addition to Success for All reading and language arts instruction.

Participants assigned to the treatment group used the software for 30 minutes each day,

Monday through Thursday, for a total of two hours per week throughout the regular

school year (mid-September through mid-April), with the exception of holidays, school

functions, and mandatory state testing days. Classroom teachers brought students to the

computer lab at the assigned time and assisted with student log in when required;

however, they did not assist students in any other way.

Comparison instruction. Participating students assigned to the business-as-usual

comparison condition received Success for All reading and language arts instruction but

did not receive the MVRC intervention. In addition to regular language arts instruction,

participants in the comparison group also received two hours of supplementary reading

instruction weekly from their classroom teachers. This instruction employed materials

and instructional techniques consistent with the Success for All curriculum and routine

classroom practice.

Teacher training. Teachers of the treatment group classrooms underwent training

prior to the implementation of the intervention. Training included a one-hour webinar

and a four-hour in-person seminar delivered by MindPlay personnel. The MVRC online

reading intervention requires very little participation on the part of classroom teachers, as

the content and difficulty of the intervention are adaptive in response to individual

student performance. Ultimate achievement targets are aligned with Common Core

standards; however, the content and instruction delivered to individual students are

determined solely by embedded diagnostic assessments (i.e., they cannot be modified by

teachers). Therefore, teacher training focused on the underlying pedagogical and

theoretical structure of the program, the structure and content of the embedded lessons

and activities, facilitating and supporting student access and use of the intervention, and

accessing and understanding the data contained in student and classroom reports

generated by the software. Teachers were also provided with a teacher’s guide to

accompany the program.

Assessment Procedure

Procedures to ensure accuracy of administration. Examiners included a

graduate student in special education, who had over five years of experience working

with children in schools and two years of experience administering standardized

achievement tests, as well as several retired special educators, who had extensive

experience working with children in educational settings and administering standardized

achievement tests. Prior to the administration of reading achievement dependent variable

measures, examiners met to review administration. In addition, all examiners received

supplemental training in the administration of the WJ IV ACH from one of the tests’ co-


Procedures to ensure accuracy of scoring. Following data collection, test

protocols were re-scored by a second examiner to ensure accuracy of scoring. While

formal data concerning scoring disagreements and agreements were not collected or

retained, examiners reported very few disagreements when rescoring protocols.

Administration of dependent variable measures. Pre-test dependent variable

data collection was performed over a one-week period during the first 30 days of the

academic year, and post-test dependent variable data collection was performed over a

one-week period during the last 30 days of the academic year. Prior to dependent

variable data collection, examiners endeavored to establish rapport with participating

students. Individual data collection was performed in quiet, low-distraction rooms in the

participants’ school; group data collection was performed in the participants’ classrooms.

Data collection was staggered over several days to avoid fatigue-related effects, and

measures were counter-balanced to avoid order effects.

The Spelling and Spelling of Sounds tests of the WJ IV ACH (Schrank et al., 2014),

as well as the TOSWRF-2 (Mather et al., 2014), were administered to participating

students in whole-class groups, whereas the Word Attack and Letter-Word Identification

tests of the WJ IV ACH were administered individually and in a manner consistent with

standardized administration protocols. Group-administered tests were administered

beginning with the first item in each assessment and ending with items likely to be well

beyond the performance of any participant. Consequently, basal (start point)

requirements were satisfied for all participants tested, and no participant failed to reach a

ceiling (end point) in their performance on any assessment.

Data Analysis

Measurement of data. All dependent variable and pretest covariate data collected

for this study were measured as obtained, raw scores using discrete, quantitative scales.

Obtained, raw scores for each post-test achievement measure comprised the study’s

dependent variables. A pre-test covariate was created by taking the mean of sample-

referenced z-scores across pre-tests.35 The conversion of scores was undertaken prior to

averaging to ensure that all data reflected equivalent scales of measurement. Such a

procedure was necessary because the number of items varied across tests, as did item

difficulty, underlying constructs, and scoring procedures.

Missing data. Owing to attrition and illness, 39 participants had incomplete data

sets following post-testing. Ultimately, the treatment condition comprised 89 complete

cases, and the comparison condition comprised 81, representing 170 complete cases, or

The authors chose to create a single pre-test achievement covariate, rather than add the pre-test
achievement scores for each dependent variable a separate covariate to the MANCOVA model. This
decision was taken to reduce the number of variables added to the MANCOVA model, thereby increasing
statistical power.

81.34% of original cases. Because more than 10% of the original cases were missing

data, the authors chose to exclude cases listwise from analyses. Imputation of missing

data was considered and rejected consistent with the recommendations of Tabatchnick

and Fidell (2013), who suggested imputation only when fewer than 10% of cases were

missing data and data were missing at random.

Identification of covariates. To determine whether significant differences existed

between groups on pre-test achievement scores and/or demographic variables, univariate

analyses of variance (ANOVA) were performed to compare mean scores between groups

(i.e., treatment and comparison) for each dependent variable and demographic variable.

The authors elected to determine significance at the p < .10 level to ensure that any

differences between groups that might impact dependent variable measures would be

adequately accounted for in subsequent analyses. The ANOVA analyses led to the

identification of several covariates. Significant differences favoring the treatment group

were detected at the p < .10 level in the pre-test scores for real word reading [F(1, 169) =

2.927, p = .089], and non-word reading [F(1, 169) = 3.314, p = .070]. Significant

differences were also detected at the p < .10 level English language learner (ELL) status

[F(1,169) = 11.480, p = .001] and special education (SPED) status [F(1,169) = 3.421, p =

.066]. Therefore, a decision was taken to add pre-test achievement, ELL status, and

SPED status to the MANCOVA model as covariates.

Test Procedure

A multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA) was performed to detect mean

differences in (a) non-word reading, (b) real word reading, (c) non-word spelling, (d) real

word spelling, and/or (e) reading fluency post-test achievement scores of students

assigned to use the MVRC online reading intervention and those of students assigned to a

business-as-usual comparison condition (regular classroom reading instruction alone),

once the effect of differences in pre-test achievement scores and relevant demographic

variables had been accounted for.36

Tests of equality of variance and covariance. Levene’s test for equality of error

variance was non-significant for each of the study’s dependent variables at the p < .05

level, as was Box’s test of equality of covariance matrices at the p < .01 level, indicating

that the data did not violate the assumption of homogeneity of variance. Therefore,

consistent with the recommendations of Tabatchnick and Fidell (2013), the authors chose

to use Wilk’s lambda as the test statistic in subsequent multivariate analyses.

Multivariate tests. The results of the MANCOVA analysis revealed a significant

main effect (λ = .668, F[5, 161] = 16.014, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .332) of the

intervention on the achievement scores of participants assigned to the treatment condition

relative to those assigned to the business-as-usual comparison condition, once the effects

of differences in pre-test achievement scores, special education (SPED) status, and

English language learner (ELL) status had been accounted for. The main effects of ELL

status (λ = .868, F[5, 161] = 4.903, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .132) and pre-test scores (λ

= .212, F[5, 161] = 119.487, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .788) indicated significant effects

on the combined dependent variables (DV). Special education status, however, had no

significant effect on the combined DVs. Table 24 contains the results of the multivariate

tests for the study’s independent variable and each of its covariates.

Data analyses were performed using IBM SPSS GENERAL LINEAR MODEL unless otherwise noted.

Table 24

Multivariate Tests

IV/ Hypothesis Error Partial

Test Value F Sig. Power
Covariate df df η2
Pillai's race .056 1.920 5 161 .094 .056 .639
Status .944 1.920 5 161 .094 .056 .639
Pillai's Trace .132** 4.903 5 161 <.001 .132 .979
Status .868** 4.903 5 161 <.001 .132 .979
Pillai's Trace .788** 119.478 5 161 <.001 .788 1.000
Scores .212** 119.478 5 161 <.001 .788 1.000
Pillai's Trace .332** 16.014 5 161 <.001 .332 1.000
Condition Wilks'
.668** 16.014 5 161 <.001 .332 1.000
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; IV = independent variable; Sig. =
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Univariate tests. Post-hoc ANCOVAs were performed to isolate the relationship

between each dependent variable, the combined pre-test covariate, and the grouping

variable (condition). The multivariate test results were confirmed by the post-hoc

ANCOVAs, performed using Bonferroni’s correction for multiple comparisons, across

four of the study’s five dependent variables: real word spelling (F[1, 165] = 16.341, p <

.001, multivariate η2 = .090), non-word reading (F[1, 165] = 4.368, p = .038, multivariate

η2 = .026), non-word spelling (F[1, 165] = 29.212, p = .001, multivariate η2 = .150), and

reading fluency (F[1, 165] = 58.348, p < .001, multivariate η2 = .261). Statistically

significant effects of the intervention, however, were not detected in real word reading

(F[1, 165] = 2.328, p = .129, multivariate η2 = .014). While absolute differences were

detected favoring the treatment group, the findings lacked power, and the probability of

error was unacceptably high. Table 25 displays tests of between-subjects effects, while
Table 26 displays pairwise comparisons between groups for each dependent variable.

Table 25

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

IV/Covariate DV df M^2 F Sig. Power
Real Word
1 109.027* 3.899 .050 .023 .501
Real Word
1 .570 .073 .787 <.001 .058
SPED Status 1 .158 .013 .909 <.001 .051
1 13.429 2.481 .117 .015 .347
1 6.461 .045 .831 <.001 .055
Real Word
1 55.407 1.982 .161 .012 .288
Real Word
1 .018 .002 .962 <.001 .050
ELL Status 1 75.392* 6.220 .014 .036 .698
1 1.944 .359 .550 .002 .092
1 171.255 1.205 .274 .007 .194
Real Word
1 8497.432** 303.921 <.001 .648 1.000
Real Word
1 3627.206** 466.969 <.001 .739 1.000
Pre-Test Non-Word
1 1375.069** 113.452 <.001 .407 1.000
Scores Reading
1 529.461** 97.817 <.001 .372 1.000
1 36566.981** 257.198 <.001 .609 1.000
Real Word
1 65.082 2.328 .129 .014 .329
Real Word
1 126.926** 16.341 <.001 .090 .980
Condition 1 52.940* 4.368 .038 .026 .547
1 158.118** 29.212 <.001 .150 1.000
1 8295.640** 58.348 <.001 .261 1.000
Note. df = degrees of freedom; DV = dependent variable; F = Fisher's F ratio; IV =
independent variable; M^2 = mean squared; Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Table 26

Pairwise Comparisons for Univariate Tests

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Standard Lower Upper
Condition Mean Sig.
Variable Difference Error Bound Bound
Real Word Comparison 42.901 -1.297 .850 .129 -2.976 .382
Reading Treatment 45.944 1.297 .850 .129 -.382 2.976
Real Word Comparison 20.383 -1.811** .448 <.001 -2.696 -.927
Spelling Treatment 23.326 1.811** .448 <.001 .927 2.696
Non-Word Comparison 18.136 -1.170* .560 .038 -2.275 -.065
Reading Treatment 19.629 1.170* .560 .038 .065 2.275
Non-Word Comparison 14.025 -2.022** .374 <.001 -2.760 -1.283
Spelling Treatment 16.438 2.022** .374 <.001 1.283 2.760
Reading Comparison 45.593 -14.645** 1.917 <.001 -18.430 -10.859
Fluency Treatment 63.169 14.645** 1.917 <.001 10.859 18.430
Note. Sig. = significance.
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Additional post-hoc tests. Additional post-hoc ANCOVAs were performed to

isolate the relationship between each dependent variable, its corresponding pre-test

covariate, and the grouping variable (condition). By controlling for pre-test achievement

individually for each dependent variable, rather than using the mean pre-test score

covariate employed in the full MANCOVA, the authors sought to lend more precision to

the analyses and ensure that the specific effects of pre-test achievement on each

dependent variable were adequately accounted for.

The post-hoc ANCOVAs confirmed the results of the full MANCOVA and post-

hoc univariate tests with only one exception: the results of an ANCOVA examining

differences between groups on non-word reading were inconsistent with previous

analyses. The ANCOVA failed to demonstrate significant differences between groups at

the p < .01 level (reduced from p < .05 using Bonferroni’s procedure to account for

multiple comparisons) in non-word reading, once the effects of differences in pre-test

achievement scores, special education status, and English language learner (ELL) status

had been accounted for. Because the ANCOVA analysis more precisely isolated the

relationship between the real word reading variable, its corresponding pre-test covariate,

and the grouping variable (condition) than did the univariate tests performed using the

combined pre-test achievement covariate, the authors chose to exclude non-word reading

from their report of significant findings. Table 27 and Table 28 provide Pairwise

Comparisons for Post-Hoc ANCOVAs and Between-Subjects Effects for Post-Hoc

ANCOVAs, respectively.

Table 27

Pairwise Comparisons for Post-Hoc ANCOVAs

95% Confidence
Dependent Mean Std. Lower Upper
Condition Sig.
Variable Difference Error Bound Bound
Real Word Comparison -.998 .799 .214 -2.575 .580
Reading Treatment .998 .799 .214 -.580 2.575
Real Word Comparison -2.473** .573 <.001 -3.604 -1.341
Spelling Treatment 2.473** .573 <.001 1.341 3.604
Non-Word Comparison -.989 .585 .093 -2.145 .166
Reading Treatment .989 .585 .093 -.166 2.145
Non-Word Comparison -2.296** .414 <.001 -3.112 -1.479
Spelling Treatment 2.296** .414 <.001 1.479 3.112
Reading Comparison -2.296** .414 <.001 -3.112 -1.479
Fluency Treatment 2.296** .414 <.001 1.479 3.112
Note. df = degrees of freedom; M^2 = mean squared; Sig. = significance; Std. Error =
standard error.
** Significant at the p < .01 level.

Table 28

Between-Subjects Effects for Post-Hoc ANCOVAs

Dependent Partial
df M^2 F Sig. Power
Variable η2
Real Word 1 38.506 1.559 .214 .009 .237
Real Word 1 240.537** 18.617 <.001 .101 .990
Non-Word 1 37.548 2.856 .093 .017 .390
Non-Word 1 206.257** 30.777 <.001 .157 1.000
Reading 1 9691.512** 71.067 <.001 .300 1.000
Note. df = degrees of freedom; F = Fisher's F ratio; M^2 = mean squared; Sig. =
** Significant at the p < .01 level; * significant at the p < .05 level.

Fidelity of Implementation

Product usage logs. Product usage logs generated by the MVRC software

indicated that active participant use of the intervention exceeded 90% of the time

assigned (a mean of 44 hours of active use) among treatment group participants who

remained in the study until post-test.

Planned activity check. Over the course of the intervention, treatment group

participants were observed 45 times while using the MVRC online intervention, or

approximately twice per week. Observers used a novel planned activity check instrument

to record behavioral observations. Data from this instrument were analyzed by dividing

the number of students displaying engagement behavior at each interval by the total

number of students observed and multiplying the dividend by 100 to determine the

percentage of students displaying engagement behavior. This information was averaged

for the entire twenty-minute observation period and then aggregated and averaged by

month. Inter-observer agreement was determined by dividing the number of agreements

between observers per interval by the total number of agreements plus disagreements and

multiplying the dividend by 10.

The results of the behavioral observations indicated that treatment group

participants displayed engagement behavior over 90% of the intervals observed while

using the MVRC online intervention. Inter-observer agreement, however, was within the

acceptable range at just under 84%. Table 29 displays the results of the planned activity


Table 29

Student Engagement Behavior per the Planned Activity Check

Percentage of Engagement
Inter-Observer Agreement
Oct-13 91.50% 84.50%
Nov-13 91% 77%
Dec-13 9.50% 86%
Jan-14 93% 81.50%
Feb-14 91% 85.50%
Mar-14 92% 88%
Mean 91.50% 83.67%


The results of this analysis suggest a very robust effect of the MVRC intervention

on participants’ reading fluency and spelling achievement gains. The multivariate effect

size for the intervention overall was in the large range (multivariate η2 = .332), as was the

effect size for reading fluency (multivariate η2 = .261) and non-word spelling

(multivariate η2 = .150), while real word spelling (multivariate η2 = .090) was in the

moderate range37. While significant effects of the intervention were not detected in

isolated word reading tasks (i.e., non-word reading and real word reading), non-

significant differences favoring students in the treatment group were detected. It is

possible participants in both groups had reached saturation in this aspect of decoding, as

such tasks are heavily emphasized in the Success for All curriculum, and participants in

both groups made statistically significant gains in word reading measures from pre-test to

post test. It should also be noted that unlike the Success for All curriculum, the MVRC

intervention includes formal instruction in orthographic patterns and word origins,

features that are likely responsible for the large gains in real word and non-word spelling

among treatment group participants. Furthermore, the MVRC intervention places a

strong emphasis on the development of reading fluency, with sentence reading fluency,

pause-assisted fluency, passage reading fluency, and eye tracking activities of gradually

increasing difficulty. The importance of fluency building activities to the MVRC

intervention may explain the particularly large gains in reading fluency favoring

treatment group participants. This finding is particularly significant, as fluency is a

broader measure of reading ability than simple decoding, and reading rate and accuracy

(i.e., fluency) are essential to reading comprehension (Pikulski & Chard, 2005).

The large size of effects attributable to the MVRC intervention is noteworthy in a

field where most intervention research reports modest, if any, effects of the intervention.

Notably, the MVRC web-based reading intervention contains systematic,

developmentally appropriate instruction in phonics and other code-based skills, for which

there is strong evidentiary support in other research contexts. These features, similar to

Rules of thumb for determining the magnitude of effects were derived from Rovai, Baker, and Ponton

those of the promising ABRACADABRA intervention (Savage et al., 2009; Savage et al.,

2010; Savage et al., 2013), are likely responsible for its success.


The authors of the present study wish to acknowledge several important limitations.

Chief among these is the lack of equivalence across demographic factors between the

treatment and comparison groups. While the authors employed statistical controls to

correct for the differences, further research with random assignment to groups or a non-

post-hoc matched design should be performed. Also absent was observational or

documentary data related to teachers’ instructional practices. Because the number of

participating classrooms was modest, this information would have been helpful in

detecting potential confounds. Finally, outcome measures included only narrowly

focused tasks of word reading, word spelling, and reading fluency. Each of these tasks

measured aspects of basic reading and spelling skills, but none assessed the synthesis of

these skills in either reading comprehension or sentence or passage writing. Further

research should include broader measures, in particular measures of reading

comprehension. While decoding ability is essential to fluent reading, the ultimate goal of

reading is the comprehension of connected text.

Conclusions and Implications for Future Research

The prevalence of illiteracy in the United States is indicative of systemic failure in

primary reading instruction. Despite the implementation of federal programs such as No

Child Left Behind and Race to the Top, fourth grade student reading achievement on the

NAEP improved only negligibly between 2003 (Grigg, Daane, Jin, & Campbell) and

2013 (National Center for Education Statistics). Because literacy is critical to informed

participation in the institutions and processes vital to democratic governance, systemic

change is clearly warranted. Such change, however, will require adequate time,

resources, and political will. It is therefore necessary to consider interim strategies and

interventions for the promotion of strong reading skills.

Computer adaptive online reading instruction, like that provided by the MVRC

online reading intervention, holds great promise, in that it is able to tailor instruction and

formative feedback to individual performance in a manner that would be difficult for a

classroom teacher providing large group instruction. Though computer programs lack the

insight of the experienced teacher, error analyses and responsive content presentation of

the type performed by MVRC allow for increasingly sophisticated and nuanced

interactions between students and instructional software. Computer software, no matter

how sophisticated, is unlikely ever to replace qualified teachers, but the results of the

present study suggest that it may provide a beneficial adjunct to traditional classroom


The present study points to MVRC as a potentially promising intervention;

however, the research base in ICT-based early reading interventions remains paper-thin.

High-quality intervention studies, including replication research, should be performed to

further evaluate MVRC, as well as other ICT-based reading interventions commonly used

in American public schools. This research should be geared not only toward product

evaluation, but also to the identification of optimal instructional practices. Particular

attention should be paid to the duration and intensity of instruction, level of instructional

integration, and level of support provided to teachers and students. Furthermore,

researchers should endeavor to identify factors affecting differential levels of

responsiveness among students and differential levels of instructional integration and

treatment fidelity among teachers. Finally, research should be performed in accordance

with an established framework for high quality educational research and reporting.



Rubric for Essential Quality Indicators

Criterion/Score 0 1 2 3

Quality Indicators for Describing Participants

1. Adequate No information was Inadequate Adequate Ample information

information was provided to information was information was was provided to
provided to determine/ provided to provided to determine/
determine/ confirm whether the determine/ determine/ confirm whether the
confirm whether participants confirm whether the confirm whether the participants
the participants demonstrated the participants participants demonstrated the
demonstrated the disabilities or demonstrated the demonstrated the disabilities or
disabilities or difficulties disabilities or disabilities or difficulties
difficulties addressed. difficulties difficulties addressed.
addressed. addressed. addressed.
2. Appropriate No procedures were Inadequate Adequate procedures Robust procedures
procedures were used to increase the procedures were were used to were used to
used to increase the probability that used to increase the increase the increase the
probability that participants were probability that probability that probability that
participants were comparable across participants were participants were participants were
comparable across conditions. comparable across comparable across comparable across
conditions. conditions. conditions. conditions.
3. Adequate No information Inadequate Adequate Ample information
information describing information information describing important
describing important describing important describing important characteristics of the
important characteristics of characteristics of characteristics of intervention
characteristics of intervention intervention intervention providers was
the providers was providers was providers was included, and robust
intervention included, or included, or included, and procedures were
providers was procedures to inadequate adequate procedures used to increase the
included, and increase the procedures were were used to probability that
appropriate probability that used to increase the increase the intervention
procedures to intervention probability that probability that providers were
increase providers were intervention intervention comparable across
the probability that comparable across providers were providers were conditions.
intervention conditions were not comparable across comparable across
providers were documented. conditions. conditions.
comparable across
conditions were


Criterion/Score 0 1 2 3

Quality Indicators for Implementation of the Intervention and Description of Comparison Conditions

1. The The intervention The intervention The intervention was The intervention was
intervention was was not described was inadequately adequately clearly and coherently
clearly described or specified. described or described and described and specified.
and specified. specified. specified.
2. Fidelity of Fidelity of Fidelity of Fidelity of Fidelity of
implementation implementation implementation was implementation was implementation was
was was not described inadequately adequately described clearly and coherently
described and or assessed. described or and assessed. described and assessed.
assessed.   assessed.
3. The nature of The nature of The nature of The nature of The nature of services
services provided services provided services provided in services provided in provided in comparison
in comparison in comparison comparison comparison conditions was clearly
conditions was conditions was not conditions was conditions was and coherently
described described or inadequately adequately described described and
and documented. documented. described and documented. documented.
or documented.

Criterion/Score 0 1 2 3

Quality Indicators for Outcome Measures

1. Multiple Multiple measures Multiple measures Multiple measures Multiple high quality
measures were were not used. were used but were were used, and measures were used,
used to provide an of inadequate measures were of and measures were
appropriate quality or adequate quality and carefully selected to
balance appropriateness to appropriateness to provide a balance
between measures provide a balance provide a balance between measures
closely aligned between measures between measures closely aligned with the
with the closely aligned with closely aligned with intervention and
intervention and the intervention and the intervention and measures of generalized
measures measures measures performance.
of generalized of generalized of generalized
performance. performance. performance.
2. Outcomes for No information Outcomes for Outcomes for Outcomes for capturing
capturing the was provided capturing the capturing the the intervention’s
intervention’s concerning the intervention’s intervention’s effects effects were measured
effects were timing of effects were were measured with with ample frequency
measured at measurement measured with adequate frequency and were measured at
the appropriate inadequate and were measured appropriate times.
times. frequency or at appropriate times.
measured at
inappropriate times.

Criterion/Score 0 1 2 3

Quality Indicators for Data Analysis

1. The data analysis No information The data analysis The data analysis The data analysis
techniques chosen was provided techniques chosen techniques chosen techniques chosen
were appropriate and concerning data were inappropriate or were appropriate and were highly
linked in analysis were inadequately were adequately appropriate and
an integral fashion to techniques. linked to key research linked to key linked in an integral
key research questions questions and research questions fashion to key
and hypotheses. hypotheses. and hypotheses. research
questions and

2. The unit of analysis No information The unit of analysis The unit of analysis The unit of analysis
chosen was clearly was provided chosen was chosen was chosen was clearly
linked to key research concerning the inadequately linked to adequately linked to and coherently
questions, hypotheses, unit of analysis. key research key research linked to key
and questions, hypotheses, questions, research questions,
statistical analyses. or hypotheses, and hypotheses, and
statistical analyses. statistical analyses. statistical analyses.

3. Did the research No information Effect size was not Effect size was Effect size was
report include not only was provided reported for all key reported for all key reported for all key
inferential statistics but concerning measures. measures, but the cell measures, and the
also effect size effect size. size was inadequate cell size was
calculations? to demonstrate adequate to
statistical power. demonstrate
statistical power.

Rubric for Desirable Quality Indicators

Criterion/Score 0 1 2 3

1. Data were No information Data were provided Adequate data were Data were provided
provided concerning was provided concerning attrition provided concerning concerning attrition
attrition rates. Severe concerning rates, but severe attrition rates; severe rates; severe overall
overall attrition attrition. overall attrition was overall attrition was attrition was clearly
documented and inadequately adequately explained; attrition
explained. Attrition explained; attrition explained; attrition was comparable
was comparable was not comparable was comparable across samples; and
across samples. across samples; or across samples; and overall attrition was
Overall attrition was overall attrition was overall attrition was less than 20%.
less than 30%. more than 30%. less than 30%.

2. Information was No information Inadequate Adequate Ample information

provided concerning was provided information was information was was provided
not only internal concerning provided concerning provided concerning concerning not only
consistency reliability internal internal consistency not only internal internal consistency
but also test-retest consistency reliability, test-retest consistency reliability but also
reliability and inter- reliability, test- reliability, or inter- reliability but also test-retest reliability
rater reliability (when retest reliability, or rater reliability. test-retest reliability and inter-rater
appropriate) for inter-rater and inter-rater reliability (when
outcome measures. reliability. reliability (when appropriate) for
appropriate) for outcome measures.
outcome measures.

3. Outcomes Outcomes     Outcomes capturing

capturing the capturing the the intervention's
intervention's effects intervention's effects were
were measured effects were not measured beyond an
beyond an immediate measured beyond immediate post-test.
posttest. an immediate post-

4. Evidence of the No evidence of the Inadequate evidence Adequate evidence Ample evidence of
criterion-related criterion-related of the criterion- of the criterion- the criterion-related
validity and construct validity or related validity or related validity and validity and
validity of the construct validity construct validity of construct validity of construct validity of
measures was of the measures the measures was the measures was the measures was
provided. was provided. provided. provided. provided.

Criterion/Score 0 1 2 3

5. Fidelity of Fidelity of Fidelity of Fidelity of Fidelity of

implementation was implementation implementation was implementation was implementation
described and was not described inadequately adequately described clearly described and
assessed in terms of and assessed in described or assessed and assessed in terms assessed in terms of
surface (the expected terms of surface in terms of surface of surface (the surface (the expected
intervention was (the expected (the expected expected intervention was
implemented) and intervention was intervention was intervention was implemented) and
quality (how well the implemented) and implemented) or implemented) and quality (how well
intervention was quality (how well quality (how well the quality (how well the the intervention was
implemented) the intervention intervention was intervention was implemented)
features. was implemented) implemented) implemented) features.
features. features. features.

6. Documentation of Documentation of Inadequate Adequate Ample

the nature of the nature of documentation of the documentation of the documentation of the
instruction or series instruction or nature of instruction nature of instruction nature of instruction
provided in series provided in or series provided in or series provided in or series provided in
comparison comparison comparison comparison comparison
conditions was conditions was not conditions was conditions was conditions was
provided. provided. provided. provided. provided.

7. The research The research     The research report

report included audio report did not includes audio or
or videotape excerpts include audio or videotape excerpts
that captured the videotape excerpts that captured the
nature of the that captured the nature of the
intervention. nature of the intervention

8. Results were Results were Results were Results were Results were
presented in a clear, presented in an presented in an presented in an presented in a highly
coherent fashion. unclear or inadequately clear or adequately clear and clear and coherent
incoherent fashion. coherent fashion. coherent fashion. fashion.




The major components of the MVRC intervention are diagnostic assessment,

mastery instructional activities, and proficiency instructional activities. A brief overview

of each component and its subcomponents follow.

Component Descriptions

Diagnostic assessment. All students using the MVRC intervention are subjected to

RAPS360 diagnostic assessment in reading comprehension, phoneme segmentation, word

meaning, word recognition, phonetic reading, visual tracking, passage reading fluency,

sentence reading fluency, and pause assisted fluency. Comprehension assessments

generate grade equivalency scores and text Lexile measures. Vocabulary activities are

presented orally, to ensure a pure measure of vocabulary and avoid confounds arising

from poor reading ability. These assessments are computer adaptive and can take from

five to 30 minutes, depending on a student’s performance. A student with less

proficiency in any skill will reach a ceiling more quickly than a student with a greater

degree of proficiency, thus reducing the time required for testing and the likelihood of

fatigue or frustration. Figure 2, taken with permission, details the components and

assessment paths of the RAPS360 diagnostic assessment. Figure 3, taken with

permission, features a screen shot of a vocabulary assessment item embedded within



Figure 2. RAPS 360 Full Diagnostic Assessment Paths


Figure 2. RAPS 360 full diagnostic assessment paths. Taken with permission
from MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.


Figure 3. Example RAPS360 Vocabulary Assessment Item


Figure 3. Example RAPS360 vocabulary assessment item. Taken with permission
from MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.

Phonemic awareness mastery. The phonemic awareness mastery component of

the MVRC intervention targets pre-reading and emerging reading skills. Activities focus

on the identification of individual sounds: consonants and vowels, then blends and

diphthongs, and finally syllables and whole words. Place and manner of articulation are

introduced and taught explicitly. Instructional activities include phonemic counting,

phonemic segmentation, phonemic blending, phonemic substitution, syllabic counting,

syllabic segmentation, and rhyming. Instruction is presented in response to student

performance, with activities of increasing difficulty introduced as the student masters

foundational content. Figure 4, taken with permission, is a screen shot of a phonemic

segmentation activity typical of the phonemic awareness mastery component of the

MVRC intervention. Note the video window at the center left. The individual in the

video window is a reading coach, and instruction and remediation are delivered via video

interactions with the reading coach.

Figure 4. Example MVRC Phonemic Awareness Mastery Activity


Figure 4. Example phonemic awareness mastery activity. Taken with permission
from MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.

Phonics mastery. The phonics mastery component of the MVRC intervention

includes adaptive instruction in all of the sound-symbol correspondences of standard

American English. Each phonics mastery lesson contains multiple interactive activities

linked to embedded assessments. Based upon student performance on those assessments,

MVRC introduces lessons of gradually increasing difficulty, while providing targeted

feedback and remediation designed to improve areas of weakness and reinforce areas of

strength. Vowel and consonant graphemes and digraphs are taught explicitly, as are

diphthongs, blends and syllable types. In addition to teaching phoneme-grapheme

correspondences, the place and manner of phonemic production are reinforced, in order

to further develop phonemic awareness. Orthographic patterns are taught along with

word origins and the spelling conventions associated with specific word families.

Additional instructional activities involve keyboard positioning, alternate spelling

patterns, irregular word recognition, and identification of homonyms. Figure 5, taken

with permission, features a word identification task typical of instruction within the

phonics mastery component of the MVRC intervention. In this activity, the student is

presented with a printed consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) pattern word. The reading

coach articulates three words that vary in only a single phoneme. The reading coach then

directs the student to select the video in which the articulated word matches the printed



Figure 5. Example MVRC Phonics Mastery Activity


Figure 5. Example MVRC phonics mastery activity. Taken with permission from
MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.

Grammar and meaning mastery. The grammar and meaning mastery

component of the MVRC intervention is designed to teach the patterns and underlying

order of English grammar, rather than a set of discrete rules governing English usage.

Content is introduced systematically in response to student performance on embedded

assessments. Lessons provide explicit definitions, explanations, and examples, along

with metacognitive and mnemonic strategies to increase retention. Students first sort,

identify, and manipulate parts of speech, then phrases, sentences, and passages of

increasing difficulty. Content follows in a logical sequence, such that a lesson on

conjunctions, for example, will be followed by a lesson on compound sentences. Topics

covered in the grammar and meaning mastery component of the MVRC intervention

include parts of speech, verb tense and agreement, sentence parts, clauses, sentence types,

punctuation, capitalization, and paragraph structure. Figure 6, taken with permission,

features a task typical of grammar instruction within the grammar and meaning mastery

component of the MVRC intervention, and Figure 7, taken with permission, displays a

typical punctuation activity. In the first activity, the student must select the correct

conjugation in response to a question posed by the virtual reading coach, while in the

second, the student must appropriately punctuate each sentence in response to verbal and

pictorial cues.

Figure 6. Example MVRC Grammar Activity


Figure 6. Example MVRC grammar activity. Taken with permission from
MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.


Figure 7. Example MVRC Punctuation Activity


Figure 7. Example MVRC punctuation activity. Taken with permission from
MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.

Vocabulary proficiency. The vocabulary proficiency component of the MVRC

intervention is designed both to introduce and reinforce new words and to teach strategies

to derive meaning from context and structure. Embedded assessments determine a

student’s initial level of performance, and the intervention delivers and adapts instruction

in response to ongoing performance. Vocabulary proficiency activities include

associating words and images, identifying and matching synonyms, recognizing

antonyms, matching antonyms, organizing words into lexical clusters, discriminating

words with similar meanings, using context to derive word meanings, using word origins

to derive word meanings, using word origins to derive word spellings, and using memory

strategies to recall newly acquired words. Figure 8, taken with permission, features an

advanced vocabulary proficiency activity, in which the student is asked to separate a

series of related words strung together in a word chain.

Figure 8. Example MVRC Vocabulary Activity


Figure 8. Example MVRC vocabulary activity. Taken with permission from
MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.

Fluency and comprehension proficiency. The fluency and comprehension

proficiency component of the MVRC intervention contains activities designed to promote

reading rate and accuracy, as well as understanding of written texts of gradually

increasing complexity. Text presentation varies in response to student performance, and

texts are selected from among a library of over 1,000 passages, ranging from

kindergarten to grade 12 in difficulty. Fluency and comprehension proficiency activities

include eye tracking exercises, in which the student tracks and identifies rapidly moving

symbols; high frequency word practice, in which the student is required to quickly

identify the most commonly used words of English; passage fluency, in which the student

must quickly read and comprehend passages of increasing complexity; pause-assisted

fluency, in which the student must quickly read and comprehend sentences of increasing

complexity; and comprehension, in which the student reads novel passages and makes

textual inferences and answers questions relative to passage content. Figure 9, taken with

permission, features an eye tracking activity, in which the student is asked to watch

numbers as they move across the screen while counting the number of times a particular

number appears. Figure 10, taken with permission, displays a comprehension activity, in

which the student is asked to infer characteristics of the main character based upon story

content, while Figure 11 depicts a fluency activity, in which a student must rapidly read a

text and respond to questions designed to measure comprehension.


Figure 9. Example MVRC Eye Tracking Activity


Figure 9. Example MVRC eye tracking activity. Taken with permission from
MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.


Figure 10. Example MVRC Reading Comprehension Activity


Figure 10. Example MVRC reading comprehension activity. Taken with
permission from MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.


Figure 11. Example MVRC Reading Fluency Activity


Figure 11. Example MVRC reading fluency activity. Taken with permission from
MindPlay Educational Software for Reading.





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