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I. Demographic data
Patient name: KENETH S. DAUTIN, JR
Sex: male
Age: 7 months
Birthdate: June 3, 2019
Mother’s name: Liza Sabusap
Age: 22
Father’s Name: Keneth Dautin
Age: 34
Address : Bgry. Lupig, Sta. Rita
Nationality: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic

II. History of Present Illness

According to the patient’s mother, baby Keneth is a happy and healthy child, he doesn’t have
tantrums, is not hard to feed and is exclusively breastfed. The problem started as persistent cough
and having difficulty breathing wherein baby’s nose would flare up and he would start crying. Three
days upon admission the client continued to experience persistent cough, colds and fever. Upon
assessment client’s vital signs are: Temp. 37.0 °C, RR: 45 cpm and HR: 148 bpm. upon auscultation
of the clients breathing, crackles was heard.

III. Past medical history

Client was born on June 3, 2019 via NSVD as a healthy baby boy with down syndrome at a
rural health unit in Sta. Rita, Samar. He has received complete immunization at birth BCG, Hepatitis
B and vitamin K immunization, he also received DTP, POV and Measles vaccine. No allergies to
food, medicines and chemicals, no known history of surgeries.

IV. Family history

Patient’s parents are both alive with 2 children, the client has a congenital disease of Down
Syndrome and is the second of the siblings, the first was a baby girl, now two years old had no
congenital disease. They have no inheritable diseases or congenital anomalies on both mother and
father’s side of the family.

V. Psychosocial history
The infant is exclusively breastfed on demand. According to thee parents the infant loves to play
with his sister and their form of bonding would be watching Choochoo TV on youtube with their
fathers phone. He smiles and laughs when his name is called, he sleeps at 7 pm in the night and wakes
up a few times. He sleeps about 2-3 hours in the day after breast feeding. The parent describes the
clients sleep as quiet and sound, but coughs a few times. They do not have any difficulty feeding him,
there is no separation anxiety nor do they experience tantrums, he is physically active. The family
goes to mass regularly ever Sunday.

VI. Growth and Development

Patient is a 7 month infant in the sensorimotor stage based on Piaget’s stages of intellectual
development. He is in the trust versus mistrust psychosocial development the family ensures an
adequate environment, full of support from his parents nurturing and loving him so he develops basic

According to the mother the patient is currently experiencing persistent cough and colds
for almost 3 weeks. Upon admission last January 20,2020. Mother’s rating on client’s health
condition as 10 being the highest/ healthiest condition and 1 being the lowest/poorest health
Mother rated the client’s rate her health condition 8 out of 10 “Para ha amon tak asawa healthy
man it amon baby, ngna na ibanan naman ito na iya phlem, kay han una nakadi ito ha may
atubangan yana aadi nala kuno ha lower back niya yakan han doctor. Yana na ibanan naman an
iya sakin kun ig kumpara han amon pag abot nga nag kukuri gud hiya pag hinga, yana mas
mamingaw na it iya katurog ngan danay danay nala na ubo.” As verbalized by the father.
Client is exclusively breastfed and is fed on demand. Th parents are well informed that
infants should continue to be breastfed until two years of age to ensure proper nutrition,
strengthening the immune system and its protection against allergies. The infant feed about 10-12
times a day.
Client urinates about 2-3 full diapers a day. He does not have any difficulty in defecating, the
stool looks solid and sticky and ha. She defecates twice a day.
The client loves to watch and listen to nursery rhymes with his 2-year-old sister on
youtube particularly choochoo TV. The using of cellphones is limited to only 30 minutes by their
father. He also likes to play and mimic his sister at home.
Client takes naps about 2-3 times a day for 2 hours at maximum, the infant sleeps at 7 pm
and wakes up at 4 am. Before sleeping his parents let him watch nursery rhymes until he falls
asleep. He only wakes up once at 12 am when he needs to take his medicines.
The infant has no difficulty in hearing, he responds appropriately and smiles when called,
no seeing problems are noted. He is fond of mimicking his sister when they are playing, he rarely
experiencing tantrums unless he is feeling hot, and is not easily bothered by separation anxiety.
Client’s parents describes him as playful, friendly, cheerful and happily healthy, “kalasan
hiyaa danay, dre man hiya nag tutuok kun uugay hin iba na tawo bisan dre niya kilala, gin
mumulayan man gehap niya danay it iya mga mulayan, pero gud man, hadlok hiya hit masirom.”
As verbalized by the father
The family has ensured an environment full of love and support for both their infants.
The father works as a farmer and the mother stays home to cook, clean and take care of their
children. They make sure they get a lot of time to play and sleep.
Patient is not sexually active.
According to the mother, “bagat dre man hiya madalit mag tuok , siguro dre hiya madali
masakitan kay kun gin tuturukan hin vaccine mamingaw la, dida la na kukunot it na wong
kun na tanggal na an tusok.” as verbalized. He doesn’t have tantrums and usually only
cries when hungry.
The family is Roman Catholic Filipinos, living in brgy. Lupig, Sta. Rita, Samar. They go
to mass every Sunday together


INTEGUMENTARY: Hair, nails and color: Rashes and bruising are absent, the color of the
skin is pinkish and even throughout the body. Nails are convex and
uniform in shape and color. Temperature upon assessment was 37.0°C,
good skin turgor is noted.

HEAD & NECK: Vellus hair is present, neck is not swollen and full range of motion,
trachea is in midline, no masses palpates no tenderness, no lumps,
Normocephalic head. Flat facial features, short neck.

EARS: External auditory canals are clean, small ears that seem to fold a bit at
the top. No hearing problems. No erythema

EYES: Pupils equally round and reactive to light, no swelling, no noted

discharge or redness, conjunctiva are pinkish. eyes that slant upward
and shaped like almonds.

MOUTH&NOSE: (NOSE)pink mucosa, no blood or discharge is visible, normal midline

septum, flattened nose (MOUTH) moist mucous membranes, no
blood vis visible, no lesions, no clef palette or clef lip, protruding
tongue, gaping mouth present.

THORAX&LUNGS: Rounded chest, free of lesions, rashes, tenderness, lumps and scars.
Respiratory rate is within normal range of 45 cpm. Lungs upon
auscultation, low pitched coarse crackles are heard as evidenced by
excessive fluid or sections these are heard at the lower left back of the
client, and also experiences dyspnea minimally. No smoke exposure

CARDIOVASCULAR: No history of congenital anomalies, no heart murmurs, no cyanosis,

no chest pain, no orthopnea.

GASTROINTESTINAL:   No nausea or vomiting, no diarrhea or constipation, no pain, no

heartburn, no anorexia, no dysphagia, no hematochezia, no melena,
no flatulence and no jaundice noted

GENITOURINARY:   No dysmenorrhea, no dyspareunia, no dysuria, no urinary frequency,

no hematuria, no urinary incontinence, no urgency, no flank pain, no
urinary flow changes, no hesitancy

MUSCULOSKELETAL: No pain upon movement, no restriction of movement, full range of

motion, A lack of muscle tone (hypotonia), Short fingers, A wide gap
between the first and second toes, noted crease across the palm, called
a transverse palmar crease

NEUROLOGICAL:   No Weakness, No Numbness, No Paresthesia, No Loss of

Consciousness, No Coordination Changes, No Recent Falls.

PSYCHIATRIC:   No Personality Changes, No Delusions, No Violence/Abuse Hx., No

Eating Concerns
Azithromycin blocks Treatment of lower respiratory Contraindicated with  severe stomach pain, Assessment
transpeptidation by infections: Acute bacterial hypersensitivity to diarrhea that is watery or
AZYTHROMYCIN binding to50s ribosomal exacerbations of COPD due to azithromycin, erythromycin, bloody;  History: Hypersensitivity to azithromycin,
-200 mg /5mL OD subunit of susceptible Hemophilus influenzae, Moraxella or any macrolide antibiotic  fast or pounding erythromycin, or any macrolide antibiotic;
PO for 5 days organisms and disrupting catarrhalis, Streptococcus heartbeats, fluttering in gonorrhea or syphilis, pseudomembranous
RNA-dependent protein pneumoniae; community-acquired your chest, shortness of colitis, hepatic or renal impairment, lactation
Use cautiously with
synthesis at the chain pneumonia due to S. pneumoniae, H. breath, and sudden  Physical: Site of infection; skin color,
gonorrhea or syphilis, pseudo
elongation step dizziness (like you might lesions; orientation, GI output, bowel sounds,
membranous colitis, hepatic
pass out); or liver evaluation; culture and sensitivity tests of
or renal impairment, lactation
 liver problems - nausea, infection, urinalysis, LFTs, renal function tests
upper stomach pain, Interventions
itching, tired feeling, loss  Culture site of infection before therapy.
of appetite, dark urine,  Administer on an empty stomach 1 hr before
clay-colored stools, or 2–3 hr after meals. Food affects the
jaundice (yellowing of the absorption of this drug.
skin or eyes).  Prepare Zmax by adding 60 mL water to
bottle, shake well.
 Counsel patients being treated for STDs
about appropriate precautions and additional
Teaching points
 Take the full course prescribed. Do not take
with antacids. Tablets and oral suspension can
be taken with or without food.
 Prepare Zmax by adding 60 milliliters (1/4
cup) water to bottle, shake well, drink all at
 You may experience these side effects:
Stomach cramping, discomfort, diarrhea;
fatigue, headache (medication may help);
additional infections in the mouth or vagina
(consult with health care provider for treatment).
 Report severe or watery diarrhea, severe
nausea or vomiting, rash or itching, mouth sores,
vaginal sores
It relaxes the smooth  Quick relief of  Hypersensitivity to  CNS:  Check and verify with doctor’s order and Kardex.
SALBUTAMOL muscles of the bronchioles bronchospasm induced salbutamol Restlessness,  Observe rights in medication administration such
-Neb q 15 mins. 3 doses allowing maximum passage through both exercise and  Tachyarrhythmias apprehension, anxiety, as giving the right drug to the right patient
- Neb + ipratropium q 6 hrs of air. It decreases physiological alterations. and tachycardia fear, CNS stimulation, using the right route and at the right time.
-1 Neb q 4 hrs intracellular calcium which  To control and caused by digitalis vertigo, headache,  Monitor ECG, serum electrolytes and thyroid
- Neb + ipratropium Now will relax the smooth prevent reversible intoxication weakness, tremors, function test results.
then q 4 hrs muscles of the lungs by airway obstruction  Patients with drowsiness  Administer accurately because adverse reactions
-Rapid Neb Salbutamol mobilizing kinase through caused by bronchial degenerative heart  CV: Cardiac and tolerance might occur.
activation of cyclic-3’5’- asthma, chronic diseases arrhythmias,  Raise side rails up because client might be restless
adenosine monophosphate obstructive pulmonary  Use cautiously with palpitations, and drowsy because of this drug.
(cAMP) diseases such as patients who have tachycardia  Keep room well-lit and see to it that client has a
emphysema and chronic diabetes as this can  Dermatologic: person with him closely in case of vertigo.
bronchitis as well as aggravate diabetes Sweating, pallor,  Assess pulse for rhythm.
other obstructive and ketoacidosis flushing  Provide oral care or let patient gurgle after
pulmonary diseases.  Use cautiously in  GI: Nausea, inhalation to get rid of the unpleasant
 Inhalation: elderly because they vomiting, heartburn, aftertaste of the inhalation.
treatment of acute are more sensitive to unusual or bad taste in  Auscultate lungs for presence of adventitious
attacks of bronchospasm CNS effects the mouth breath sounds that may signal pulmonary
 Unlabeled use:  Respiratory: edema, airway resistance or bronchospasm.
Adjunct in treating Respiratory difficulties,  Inspect client’s nail bed and oral mucosa for pallor.
moderate to severe pulmonary edema,   Place client in position of comfort to facilitate
hyperkalemia in dialysis coughing, optimum rest and sleep.
patients; seems to lower bronchospasm,
potassium paradoxical airway
concentrations when resistance with
inhaled by patients on repeated, excessive use
hemodialysis of inhalation

Short-acting synthetic steroid Replacement therapy Hypersensitivity to  Hypersensitivity or anaphylactoid  History: Infections; kidney disease;
with both glucocorticoid and in adrenocortical glucocorticoids, reactions; aggravation or masking of liver disease, hypothyroidism;
HYDROCORTISON mineralocorticoid properties that insufficiency; to reduce idiopathic infections; malaise, weight gain, obesity; ulcerative colitis with impending
affect nearly all systems of the thrombocytopenic perforation; diverticulitis; recent GI
E serum calcium in urogenital urinary frequency and
body.  purpura, psychoses, surgery; active or latent peptic ulcer;
hypercalcemia, to acute urgency, enuresis increased or decreased inflammatory bowel disease;
-30g IVTT q 6 hrs suppress undesirable glomerulonephritis, motility and number of sperm.  hypertension, CHF; thromboembolitic
(glucocorticoid) action: Stabilizes inflammatory or viral or bacterial  Sodium and fluid retention. tendencies, thrombophlebitis,
leukocyte lysosomal membranes; immune responses, to diseases of skin, Potassium and calcium depletion. Muscle osteoporosis, seizure disorders,
inhibits phagocytosis and release produce temporary infections not controlled wasting, weakness, osteoporosis. GI metastatic carcinoma, diabetes mellitus;
of allergic substances; suppresses remission in by antibiotics, active or disturbances and bleeding. Increased lactation. Retention enemas, intrarectal
fibroblast formation and collagen latent amebiasis, appetite and delayed wound healing. foam: Systemic fungal infections;
nonadrenal disease,
deposition; reduces capillary hypercorticism Bruising, striae, hirsutism, acne, recent intestinal surgery, extensive
and to block ACTH (Cushing's syndrome), flushing. Raised intracranial pressure, fistulas. Topical dermatologic
dilation and permeability; and
production in smallpox vaccination or headache, depression, psychosis, administration: Fungal, tubercular,
increases responsiveness of
cardiovascular system to diagnostic tests. Use as other immunologic menstrual irregularities. Hyperglycaemia, herpes simplex skin infections;
circulating catecholamines. antiinflammatory or procedures. Topical glycosuria, DM, obesity, moon-face, vaccinia, varicella; ear application
immunosuppressive steroids contraindicated buffalo hump. Suppression of pituitary- when eardrum is perforated
agent largely replaced in presence of varicella, adrenocortical system. Growth  Physical: Systemic administration:
vaccinia, on surfaces retardation in childn (prolonged therapy). Weight, T; reflexes, affect, bilateral
action: Modifies immune by synthetic
with compromised Increased susceptibility for infection. grip strength, ophthalmologic
response to various stimuli; glucocorticoids that circulation, and in Topical use: Dermal atrophy, local examination; BP, P, auscultation,
reduces antibody titers; and have minimal children <2 y. Safe use irritation, folliculitis, hypertrichosis. peripheral perfusion, discoloration, pain
suppresses cell-mediated
mineralocorticoid during pregnancy Inhaled corticosteroids: May cause or prominence of superficial vessels; R,
hypersensitivity reactions
activity. (category C) or lactation hoarseness, candidiasis of mouth and adventitious sounds, chest x-ray; upper
is not established. throat. Topical application to the eye: GI x-ray (history or symptoms of peptic
Can produce corneal ulcers, raised IOP ulcer), liver palpation; CBC, serum
and reduced visual function. Intralesional electrolytes, 2-hr postprandial blood
injection: Local hypopigmentation of glucose, urinalysis, thyroid function
deeply pigmented skin. Intra-articular tests, serum cholesterol. Topical,
injection: Joint damage, fibrosis dermatologic preparations: Affected
especially in load bearing joints area, integrity of skin

 Semisynthetic derivative  Primarily for  CNS: Neurotoxicity: drowsiness,  Baseline tests: Before initial dose,
AMIKACIN of kanamycin with broad short-term treatment  History of unsteady gait, weakness, clumsiness, C&S; renal function and
range of antimicrobial of serious infections hypersensitivity or paresthesias, tremors, convulsions, vestibulocochlear nerve function
activity that includes many of respiratory tract, toxic reaction with peripheral neuritis. (and at regular intervals during
-90 mg OD IVTT 4pm
strains resistant to other bones, joints, skin, an aminoglycoside  Special Senses: Auditory– therapy; closely monitor in the older
aminoglycosides. and soft tissue, CNS antibiotic. ototoxicity, high-frequency hearing loss, adult, patients with documented ear
 Pharmacologic (including  Safety during complete hearing loss (occasionally problems, renal impairment, or
properties are essentially the meningitis), pregnancy permanent); tinnitus; ringing or buzzing during high dose or prolonged
same as those of peritonitis burns, (category C), in ears; therapy).
gentamicin. recurrent urinary tract lactation, neonates  Vestibular: dizziness, ataxia.  Monitor peak and trough
 Appears to inhibit infections (UTIs). and infants, or use  GI: Nausea, vomiting, amikacin blood levels: Draw blood 1
protein synthesis in  Unlabeled period exceeding hepatotoxicity. h after IM or immediately after
bacterial cell and is usually Uses: Intrathecal or 14 years old is not  Metabolic: Hypokalemia, completion of IV infusion; draw
bactericidal. intraventricular established. hypomagnesemia. trough levels immediately before the
administration, in  Skin: Skin rash, urticaria, pruritus, next IM or IV dose.
conjunction with IM redness.  Lab tests: Periodic serum
or IV dosage.  Urogenital: Oliguria, urinary creatinine and BUN, complete
frequency, hematuria, tubular necrosis, urinalysis. With treatment over 10 d,
azotemia. daily tests of renal function, weekly
 Other: Superinfections. audiograms, and vestibular tests are
strongly advised.
 Monitor serum creatinine or
creatinine clearance (generally
preferred) more often, in the presence
of impaired renal function, in
neonates, and in the older adult; note
that prolonged high trough (>8
mg/mL) or peak (>30–35 mg/mL)
levels are associated with toxicity.
 Monitor S&S of ototoxicity
(primarily involves the cochlear
(auditory) branch; high-frequency
deafness usually appears first and can
be detected only by audiometer);
indicators of declining renal function;
respiratory tract infections and other
symptoms indicative of
superinfections and notify physician
should they occur.
 Monitor for and report auditory
symptoms (tinnitus, roaring noises,
sensation of fullness in ears, hearing
loss) and vestibular disturbances
(dizziness or vertigo, nystagmus,
 Monitor & report any changes in
I&O, oliguria, hematuria, or cloudy
urine. Keeping patient well hydrated
reduces risk of nephrotoxicity;
consult physician regarding optimum
fluid intake.


Subjective: Ineffective airway After an 8 hours of 1. Assess airway for patency. 1. Maintaining patent airway is After an 8 hours of nursing
According to the always the first priority in infants
father “gin kukurian
clearance related to retained nursing intervention the intervention the client was able to:
because they are mouth breathers
hiya oag hihinga danay mucus secretions evidenced client will:
ta pos may phlegm pa by crackles heard at the 2. Abnormal breath sounds can be -have a reduced congestion of
iyo hiya nga na bibilin
dida ha may lower tracheobronchial tree upon -have a reduced 2. Auscultate lungs for heard as fluid and mucus airway with reduced sound of
back niya ha left” auscultation congestion of airway presence of normal or accumulate. This may indicate crackles
“bisan na ngangaturog adventitious breath sounds. ineffective airway clearance.
with reduced sound of
na kami ha gabi
crackles 3. Coughing is a mechanism for
-demonstrate signs of better
nakakamata ito hiya na
gin iinubo, pati kami Rationale: 3. Note cough for efficacy and clearing secretions. An breathing
nakaka mata” “Yana it -be able to demonstrate productivity. ineffective cough compromises
iya plema na iban
Because of the retained
signs of better breathing airway clearance and prevents -observe reduced coughing and
ibanan naman kaysa mucus secretions (phlegm) mucus from being expelled.
han amon pag abot in the lumen of the trachea dyspnea
Respiratory muscle fatigue, thick
dinhi nag rabe an iya
and bronchus, the air way -will observe reduced and tenacious secretions are
pag inubo”
coughing and dyspnea possible causes of ineffective - (parents of the client) will
narrows and results in
Objective: cough identify and avoid specific
patient having difficulty
-Crackles were heard
breathing - (parents of the 4. Ensures that infant have a ready
factors that inhibit effective
upon auscultation
specifically in the left client) will identify 4. Have O2 face mask ready supply of supplemental oxygen airway clearance.
lower back portion of when experiencing tachycardia
the lungs and avoid specific nearby for emergency use
-Irregular breathing when infant is experiencing
pattern factors that inhibit tachycardia
-VS as follows effective airway 5. Sitting position helps in
Temp: 37.0°C producing effective coughing and
RR: 45 clearance. 5. Assist client into sitting also promotes lung expansion and
position often when mobilizing secretions
HR: 148 coughing


Subjective: Delayed growth and In a few days of nursing 1. Provide adequate 1. Assess the child’ ability to In a few days of nursing intervention
According to the intervention and parent swallow, Provide proper and parent care:
development related to nutrition
mother, “hi baby information of the
keneth para ha amon, impaired ability to importance of exclusive
healthy hiya kay 1. Parents was able to assist the
mahilig hiya makig achieve developmental 1. Parents will assist the breastfeeding until 2 years child in performing simple motor
mulay ha iya ate, dre tasks. of age
child in performing skills like grasping small objects
awdunon, dre ma
sakiton,perme la na simple motor skills like 2. Provide adequate and lifting arms and legs
2. Ensure proper ventilation to
ngisi tapos bisan man grasping small objects ventilation minimized infants’
hiyya mayda hini na and lifting arms and discomfort
sakit na Down legs 2. Client has stablished a method of
Syndrome, mas gin
lolove lugod namon 3. Providing security is a major communication between primary
3. Ensure safety and
hiiya ngan gin priority for children with health care provider and family
tututukan hit amon comfort congenital diseases.
2. Establish a method of
attention kay hiya la communication 3. Client was able to demonstrate
iton sugad ha amon 4. Encourage parents to have the
asya sugad gud hiya ka between primary health decreased irritability, discomfort,
care provider and child’s hearing anxiety and stress.
importnte ha amon”
4. Frequent and vision checked
Objective: consultations are a regularly.
-VS as follows
Temp: 37.0°C 5. Educate the parents about
3. Client will demonstrate Down syndrome and the
RR: 45
decreased irritability, 5. Assess understanding care of a child with the
HR: 148 discomfort, anxiety and of Down syndrome disease.
6. The family caregiver needs
6. Provide emotional support during these trying
times; they need strong
support and
support and guidance from
motivation the time the child is born.


Subjective: Readiness for enhanced After 8 hours of nursing 1.Assess extent of knowledge 1. Knowing the extent of knowledge After 8 hours of nursing
According to the family processes related to intervention the parents of parents regarding how can prepare health care provider intervention the parents were be
father: “ha amon na care of an infant with would be able to: they plan to take care of the on which points need able to:
duha tak asawa congenital disorder. infant improvement
waray ha amon linya
1. Express opinions and 1. Express opinions and beliefs
nag ka may ada hini beliefs how to care for 2.Health teaching on how to 2. Client teaching can help avoid how to care for the infant
na pareho hit iya
Readiness of behavior for care the infant carry infants, advantages of accidents and unintended harm on
sakit, hiya pala ito it 2. Demonstrate enhance
pinaka siyahan” , of the infant with a congenital breastfeeding, ensuring that the baby and protect his health.
2. Demonstrate enhance knowledge and handling of
“tiakng nak=mon disorder can ensure a well a lot of patience is needed to
knowledge and the infant.
paka sabot nga may environment full of support assist child to reach
handling of the infant.
down syndrome and love for the infant to grow developmental milestones 3. Establish an effective method
hiya, nag google
in. 3. Establish an effective of communication within the
kami hin kun ano ini method of 3.Teach parent to pay family so parents can better
hiya na sakit ngan
communication within attention to the infant when address needs of the infant
hin kun paano mag 3. Infants born of congenital
the family so parents
alaga kun mayda ka he is addressing something diseases require more attention of
can better address needs
anak na sugad” parents
of the infant 4. Parents have verbalized
4.Have the parents explain understanding and
Objective: 4. Parents will verbalize their additional management of infant with
-VS as follows understanding and understanding and 4. Assessment of parents’ readiness special needs
Temp: 37.0°C management of infant knowledge gained and how and learning can ensure that the
RR: 45 with special needs they can apply it in their infant can live in an environment
HR: 148 home full of love and care
Time / Date Focus D A R
February 10, 2020 Ineffective airway D>
9:37 AM clearance
1 Semester, S.Y. 2019-2020

February 11, 2020

Mikaella Saldaña
Clinical Group I

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