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DIT Mnemonics (Complete) Flashcards

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DIT Mnemonics

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Multiple Choice Flashcards

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D Drugs

N Neoplasm
A Atopic disease - allergy, asthma, eczema
USMLE Step 1 Flashca…
A Addison disease - primary adrenal Memorang (/premium/7/)

insufficiency 15,000
FREE Trial
DNAAACP (Causes of eosinophilia)
A AIN - acute interstitial nephritis

C Collagen vascular disease - systemic

lupus and Churg-Strauss vasculitis

P Parasites - Ascaris (Loeffler eosinophilic


B Brain (/premium/9/)

R RBCs USMLE Step 2 CK Flas…

I Intestine (/premium/9/)
BRICK L (Organs which don't require
insulin for glucose uptake) 8,000+
FREE Trial
C Cornea

K Kidney

L Liver


Netter's Anatomy Fla…

G Gallstones FREE

E Ethanol

T Trauma

S Steroids

M Mumps
GET SMASHED (Causes of Acute
Pancreatitis) A Autoimmune
S Scorpion sting
DAT Flashcards for th…
H Hypercalcemia/Hypertriglyceridemia Memorang

D Drugs

M Methanol

u Uremia

D Diabetic Ketoacidosis

P Paraldehyde/Phenformin
MUDPILES (Anion Gap Acidosis)
I INH (/premium/31/)

USMLE Biochemistry …
L Lactic acidosis McGraw Hill
E Ethylene glycol
1,100 Trial
S Salicylates

F Foamy (PAS-positive) macrophages

C Cardiac symptoms
Foamy whipped cream in a CAN Surgical Tech
(Whipple's Disease) CST Review
A Arthralgias
Powered by Memo rang

N Neurological symptoms

B Bronchospasm

F Flushing Lange Q&A Surgical T…

BFDR (Carcinoid Syndrome) McGraw Hill
D Diarrhea (/premium/33/)
R Right-sided heart disease/murmur

T Thiamine (vit. B1) to make TPP

L Lipoic acid
"Tender Loving Care For Noone"
(Cofactors Required for Pyruvate C CoA (comes from vit. B5) Ps ychiat ry
Dehydrogenase) Powered by Memo rang
F FAD (comes from vit. B2)

N NAD (comes from vit. B3, Niacin)

M Malnutrition
Lange Q&A Psychiatr…
McGraw Hill
E Edema
MEAL [Kwashiorkor (protein (/premium/34/)
malnutrition)] A Anemia FREE
800+ Questions
Trial (/premium/34/)

L Liver (fatty)
P Phenylalanine

V Valine

T Threonine

T Tryptophan

I Isoleucine
"Private (PVT) TIM HALL" (Essential
Amino Acids) M Methionine

H Histidine

A Arginine

L Leucine

L Lysine

answer Arginine and Lysine (found in NLS,

Basic amino acids
have extra ammonia), histidine

P Phenytoin
PEA (zero order drugs) ---> " A pea is
round, shaped like the '0' in 'zero- E Ethanol
A Aspirin

Y Yolk sac

YLSB ("Young Liver Synthesizes L Liver

Blood") (Sites of Fetal site of
hematopoiesis in order) S Spleen

B Bone marrow

H HbC disease

A Asplenia
HALT (HALT, said the hunter to his
TARGET) L Liver disease

T Thalassemia

L Lead Lines on gingivae/epiphyses of long

bones on x-ray

E Encephalopathy & Erythrocyte basophilic

LEAD (Lead Poisoning stipling
A Abdominal colic & sideroblastic anemia

D Drops - wrist & foot drops; Rx:

Dimercaprol & EDTA, Succimer

N Neurological symptoms

F Fever
Nasty Fever Torched His Kidneys
(Symptoms of Thrombotic T Thrombocytopenia
Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP))
H Hemolysis

K Kidney Failure
S Sepsis (gram-negative)

T Trauma

STOP Making Thrombi Causes of O Obstetric complications

Disseminated Intravascular
Coagulation (DIC) P Pancreatitis

M Malignancy

T Transfusion

H Hypercalcemia

R Renal insufficiency
CRAB (Multiple Myeloma)
A Anemia

B Bone lytic lesions/Back pain

G Giardia

E Entomoeba

T Trichomonas
(Metronidazole Use) G Gardnerella vaginalis

A Anerobes (Bacteroides, C. difficile)

M Metronidazole

E Etoposide
Eradicate Ball Cancer (Testicular B Bleomycin
Cancer Drugs)
C Cisplatin


B BPG (2,3-BPG)
C-BEAT (Right shift of Oxygen- E Exercise
hemoglobin dissociation curve)
A Acid/Altitude

T Temperature

P Psoriasis/Psoriatic arthritis

A Ankylosing Spondylitis
PAIR (HLA B27 associated diseases)
I Inflammatory bowel disease

R Reiter's syndrome
G Granulomas

A ACE enzyme increase


u Uveitis (eye)

E Erythema nodosum (tibial)

A GRUELING Disease (Sarcoid
associations) L Lymphadenopathy (hilar, bilateral)

I Idiopathic

N Not TB

G Gamma globulinemia

D Vitamin D increase

P Papillary adenocarcinoma of the thyroid

S Serous cystadenocarcinoma of ovary

PSMM (Psammoma bodies)
M Mesothelioma

M Meningioma

S S. aureus

S Serratia

P Pseudomonas
SSPACE (You need SSPACE for your
CATs ---> Catalase-positive organisms) A Actinomyces

C Candida

E E. coli

J Joints (Migratory Polyarthritis)

❤ - Pancarditis (endo/peri/myocarditis)
J ❤ NES ("JONES" Criteria for N Nodules
Rheumatic fever)
E Erythema Marginatum

S Syndenham chorea/St. Vitus dance

N Nocardia

P Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Nagging Pests Must Breathe
(Obligate aerobes) M Mycobacterium tuberculosis

B Bacillus

H Haemophilus influenzae

H H. Pylori

E E. coli
HHEELPSS --> (Ampicillin, Amoxicillin
L Listeria monocytogenes
[Aminopenicillins] are Penicillinase-
sensitive penicillins that can be used P Proteus mirabilis
for these organisms)
S Salmonella

S Shigella

E Enterococci
N Nephrotoxicity

O Ototoxicity
NOT (Vancomycin Toxicity)
T Thrombophlebitis

also Red Man Syndrome

R Rifampin

I Isoniazid
RIPE (Drug cocktail for TB treatment)
P Pyrazinamide

E Ethambutol

V Viruses (mono, hepatitis)

D Drugs
VDRL (Causes of VDRL false
positives) R Rheumatic fever

L Lupus and leprosy

L Lyme Disease

H Herpes Zoster

My Lovely Bell Had An STD A AIDs

(Diseases's which may have Bell's
Palsy as a complication) S Sarcoidosis

T Tumors

D Diabetes

S Sulfonamides

H Hydralazine

SHIPP (Drug-induced lupus) I Isoniazid

P Procainamide

P Phenytoin

S Sulfonamides

SAT for Photo (Photosensitivity) A Amiodarone

T Tetracycline

H Hydralazine

Hypertensive Moms Love Nifedipine M Methyldopa

(Hypertensive drugs used in
pregnancy) L Labetalol

N Nifedipine

M Morphine

O Oxygen
MONA (Treatment of Myocardial
Infarction) N Nitrates

A Aspirin
B Brachioradialis

E Extensors of wrist and fingers

BEST (Radial Nerve Innervation)
S Supinator

T Triceps

I Immunoglobulins (anti-dsDNA, anti-Sm,


M Malar rash

D Discoid rash

A Antinuclear antibody

M Mucositis (oropharyngeal ulcers)

I'M DAMN SHARP (Systemic Lupus
Erythematosus Symptoms) N Neurologic disorders

S Serositis (Pleuritis, pericarditis)

H Hematologic disorders

A Arthritis

R Renal disorders

P Photosensitivity

M Metastasis

G Glioblastoma Multiforme
MGM Studios (Adult Brain Tumors)
M Meningioma

S Schwannoma

D Distractibility

I Irresponsibility

G Grandiosity

DIG FAST (Symptoms of Mania) F Flight of Ideas

A Activity and Agitation

S Sleep (decreased need)

T Talkativeness

S Sex

A Age

D Depression

P Previous attempts

E Ethanol
SAD PERSONS (Risk factors for
Suicide) R Rational thinking lost

S Sickness

O Organized plan

N No social support

S Stated future intent

P Pulmonary Hypoplasia

O Oligohydramnios

T Twisted Skin (Wrinkled skin)

POTTER (Potter's Syndrome)
T Twisted face (Facial deformities)

E Extremities (Limb defects)

R Renal agenesis

W Wilms tumor

A Aniridia (Iris is congenitally absent)

WAGR syndrome (Wilm's tumor
symptoms) G Genitourinary malformations

R Retardation (Mental/motor)

P Pneumonia (especially in cystic fibrosis


S Sepsis

PSEUDO (Pseudomonas E External otitis (otitis externa)


D Drug use-associated endocarditis

O Osteomyelitis

30 30S

A Aminoglycosides

T Tetracyclines

50 50S
Buy AT 30, CCELL at 50 (Antibiotic Site C Chloramphenicol
of action)
C Clindamycin

E Erythromycin (Macrolides)

L Lincomycin

L Linezolid

V Vibrio cholerae

A Acne

C Chlamydia

u Ureaplasma urealyticum
VACUuM THe BedRoom (Uses of M Mycoplasma pneumoniae
T Tularemia

H H. pylori

B Borrelia burgdorferi

R Rickettsia
C Clarithromycin - embryotoxic

S Sulfonamides - kernicterus

A Aminoglycosides - Ototoxicity

F Fluoroquinolones - Cartilage damage

Countless SAFe Moms Take Really M Metronidazole - Mutagenesis

Good Care (Teratogenic Antibiotics)
T Tetracyclines - Discolored teeth, bone
growth inhibition

R Ribavirin - Teratogenic

G Griseofulvin - Teratogenic

C Chloramphenicol - Gray baby

H Hirsutism (relative increase androgens)

H Hot flashes

HHAVOC (Symptoms of Menopause) A Atrophy of the vagina

O Osteoporosis

C Coronary artery disease

H Hyperplasia/HTN

O Obesity
HONDA (Risk factors for Endometrial N Nulliparity
D Diabetes

A Anovulatory state

S Serous

M Mucinous
My Med Students Consistently Beat
Exams (Ovarian Epithelial Cell E Endometrioid
C Clear cell

B Brenner

H Hemolysis
HELLP Syndrome (Abnormal variant EL Elevated Liver enzymes
of pre-eclampsia)
LP Low Platelets

A Angelman

M Mood (Happy) and inappropriate


MAMA and POP (Gene Imprinting) A Ataxia

P Prader-Willi

O Overeating/Obesity

P Paternal gene deletion

PURR Purine synthesis

cats PURR until they GAG and COugh gag Glycine, Aspartate, Glutamine
on Fur balls (Things needed for Purine
Synthesis Cough CO2

Fur Folic acid (Tetrahydrofolate)

P Pneumonias (Atypical ---> Mycoplasma,

Chlamydophila, Legionella)

PUS (Macrolide Efficacy) u URI's (Strep pyogenes, haemophilus


S STI's (Chlamydia, Gonnorhae)

A DNA polymerase alpha will, 1) make own

primer, 2) Build Okazaki fragments on
lagging strand

D DNA polymerase delta will build leading

lAgging, leaDing, Base excision repair,
MMitrochondrial DNA (Eukaryotic strand
DNA polymerases)
B DNA polymerase beta will do base
excision repair

G DNA polymerase gaMMa (Mitochondrial

DNA replication)

S Sulfasalazine

P Probenecid

F Furosemide (Loops)
Sulfa Pills Frequently Cause Terrible
Acute/Allergy Symptoms (Drugs with C Celecoxib
sulfa allergy risk)
T Thiazides/TMP-SMX

A Acetazolamide

S Sulfonylureas

C,T Cytarabine is a pyramidine analog that

inhibits DNA polymerase (C and T)

8urki14 answer Burkitt (8:14) translocation

C Colon

S Stomach
Cancer Sometimes Penetrates Benign P Pancreas
Liver (Liver Metastasis)
B Breast

L Lung
L Lung cancer

B Breast cancer
Lots of Bad Stuff Kill Glia (Brain S Skin (melanoma)
K Kidney (RCC)

G GI tract

P Prostate

R Renal cell cancer

Permanently Relocated Tumors Like T Thyroid
Bones (Bone metastasis)
L Lung

B Breast

P Pheocytochromocytoma

R Renal Cell Carcinoma

Potentially Really High Hematocrit
H Hepatocellular Carcinoma

H Hemangioblastoma

E Enterobius
EAT (Ingestion is the route of A Ascaris
Infection for these organisms)
T Trichinella

S Strongyloides
SANd (Soil is route of infection for A Anclyostoma
these organisms)
N Necator

Blastomycoses: B Broad-based budding

S Spironolactone

D Digoxin
Some Drugs Cause Awesome C Cimetidine
Knockers (Gynecomastia)
A Alcohol (chronic)

K Ketoconazole

S Spironolactone


A Alcohol (chronic)

STACKED (Gynecomastia) C Cimetidine

K Ketoconazole

E Estrogens

D Digoxin
C Carbamazepine

L Lamotrigine

A Allopurinol

P Phenytoin
CLAPPERS (Drugs causing Stevens- P Phenobarbital
Johnson Syndrome)
P Penicillin

E Ethosuximide

R RASH (for the rash)

S Sulfa drugs

C Ciprofloxacin

R Ritonavir

A Amiodarone

C Cimetidine

K Ketoconazole

A Acute Alcohol
CRACK AMIGOS (P450 Inhibitors)
M Macrolides (erythromycin,

I Isoniazid

G Grapefruit Juice

O Omeprazole

S Sulfonamides

G Griseofulvin

P Phenytoin

B Barbiturates
Guiness Coronas PBR'S induce Chronic
Alcoholism R Rifampin

S St John's Wort

C Chronic Alcoholism

M Melanocytes

A Aorticopulmonary Septum

G Ganglia (autonomic, dorsal root, enteric)

I Iris Stroma
MAGIC COPS (Neural Crest C Chormaffin cells
C Cranial nerves

O Odontoblasts/Ossicles

P Parafollicular (C) cells

S Scleare
P Proline
PAL (Nuclear Localization Signals A Arginine
Positively charged)
L Lysine

Type 1 Strong (Bone, Skin, Tendon, dentin,

fascia, cornea, late wound repair)

Type 2 Slippery (Cartilage (including

hyaline), vitreous body, nucleus pulposus)
Strong, Slippery, Stretchy BM (Four
types of Collagen) Type 3 Stretchy (Reticulin—skin, blood
vessels, uterus, fetal tissue, granulation

Type 4 BM (Basement membrane, basal

lamina, lens)

S Skin (Type 1)

C Cartilage (Type II)

SCAB (Four types of Collagen)
A Arteries (Type III)

B Basement membrane (Type IV)

answer Can't see (eye problems), Can't pee

Alport Syndrome Three Symptoms
(kidney disease), Can't hear high C (deafness)
First-Cartilage M's (Meckel's cartilage:
Mandible, Mandibular ligament (Malleus +

First-Muscle M's and T's Muscles of

Mastication (Masseter, medial pterygoid,
lateral pterygoid, temporalis), Myleohyoid,
Tensor Tympani, Tensor veli palatini, Ant 2/3
of Tounge

First-Nerve M's and T's Mandibular and

Maxillary branches of Trigeminal

Second-Cartilage S's Stapes, Styloid

process, Stylohyoid ligament, LeSSer horn of
the hyoid

Second-Nerve S's CN Seven

Second-Muscle S's Muscles of FaSial

Pharyngeal arch derivatives expression, Stapedius, Stylohyoid, note
pharyngocutaneous fistula is a possible
abnormality here

Third-Muscle Pharyngeal is the association


Third-Nerve Pharyngeal is the association -

--> Glossopharyngeal nerve

Four and six Cartilage Cricoid, Thyroid, and

cartilages of Larynx (Remember cricothyroid
and larynx as association)

Four and six Muscles Four ---> Cricothyroid

muscle, pharyngeal muscles (muscles for
swallowing); Six ---> Rest of laryngeal muscles

Four and six nerve Four --> Superior

laryngeal nerve; Six ---> Recurrent laryngeal
1 There are 4 medial/midline structures,
beginning with M ---> 1) Motor pathway
(corticospinal tract) 2) Medial Lemnisicus 3)
Medial Longitudinal Fasiculus 4) Motor
cranial nerve nuclei (CN 3,4,6.12)

2 There are 4 side (lateral) structures,

beginning with S ---> 1) Spinocerebellar tract

Rule of Fours 2) Spinothalamic tract 3) Sensory nucleus of

CN V and 4) Sympathetic pathway

3 4 cranial nerves originate in the pons, 4

orginate below the pons, 4 originate above
the pons (2 in midbrain)

4 The 4 motor crainial nerve in the midline

are those that divide equally into 12 (except
CN 1 and 2)

Wet Wacky Wobbly (Normal Pressure answer Urinary Incontinence, Dementia,

Hydrocephalus) Gait Disturbance

answer Oligodendroglioma has fried egg


A Astrocytoma
Animal kingdom, Magic kingdom, M Medulloblastoma
Epcot (Childhood Brain Tumors)

P Pilocytic astrocytoma

M Medulloblastoma
Prepubescent Minds Eaten with
Cancer E Epyndoma

C Craniopharyngoma

D Diarrhea

u Urination

M Miosis

B Bronchospasm

DUMBBELSS (Cholinergic excess) B Bradycardia

E Excitation of skeletal muscle/CNS

L Lacrimation

S Salivation

S Sweating

G Galantamine
Grandma Doesn't Remember D Donepezil
(Alzheimer's Drugs)
R Rivastigmine
Hot as a hare Hyperprexia (Really high
temperature, due to lack of sweat GLAND
activity from parasympathetic blocking)
Sweating = symp glans = para

Red as a Beet Flushing

Hot as a hare, Red as a beet, blind as a
bat, dry as a bone, mad as a hatter, Blind as a Bat Cycloplegia, mydriasis
bloated as a toad (anti-muscarinics)
Dry as a Bone Lack of salivation

Mad as a Hatter Delirium

Bloated as a toad Urinary retention,


O Oxybutynin

T Tolterodine
On The Darn Toilet Seat (Anti-
cholinergics for Urge type urinary D Darifenacin
T Trospium

S Solifenacin

Cutsies GQ and Phosplipase C, Protein

Kinase C, Ca2++

H H1

Cutsies HAVe 1 M&M A α1

V V1

M M1

M M3

M M2

MAD 2s for Gi A α2

D D2

Camp QISS answer Order for Adrenergic receptors

I Interventricular septal defect (VSD)

H Hypertrophy of the right ventricle

IHOP (Tetralogy of Falot)
O Overriding aorta

P Pulmonic stenosis

answer Increases systemic vascular

resistance (Increases afterload) and forces
right to left cyanotic shunt to become left to
What does squatting do and why does
it help with tetralogy of falot? right

Note Boot shaped heart in INFANT (adult

think RVH from other causes)
PumpKIN (Na/K pump) answer Pump will put K back in

NAVEL (Order for femoral structures) answer Lateral to medial

answer Penicillamine is antidote for

Copper Pennies
copper toxicity

some Na+ Channel Blockers (I)

block Beta-blockers (except sotolol) (II)

Some Block Potassium Channels
Potassium K+ channell blockers (III)

Channels Ca2+ channel blockers (IV)

D Disopyramide

Double quarter pounder (1A) Q Quinidine

P Procainamide

M Mexeletine

Mayo, Lettuce, Tomato (IB) L Lidocaine

T Tocainide

F Flecainide
Fries, Please (IC)
P Propafenone

No Bad Boy Keeps Clean answer Antiarrthymic classes

S Supraspinatus

I Infraspinatus

SItS (Rotator Cuff Muscles) T Teres minor (lowe case to remind that
it's minor)

S Subscapularis

answer Lateral meniscus is more common.

Unhappy triad, L before M but triad classically is medial meniscus, MCL,
and ACL

Sjogren Syndrome "Can't see, can't answer Dry eyes (xerophthalmia), dry
spit, can't climb up shit" mouth (xerostomia), arthritis

D Desmosomes

A Acantholysis
DAMN is a vulgar word (Pemphigus
Vulgaris) M Mouth

N Nikolsky sign (+)

Williams syndrome (Will Ferrell in Elf) answer Elfin Facies

C Cognitive Decline

C Caudate atrophy

C Chorea

CCCCCCC (Huntington Disease) C CAG repeats

C Chromosome Cuatro (4)

C Cuarenta (40 years)

C ↓aCh

O Ocular albinism

F Fabry disease

W Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome

G G6PD deficiency
Oblivious Female Will Giver Her Boys H Hunter syndrome
Her x-Linked Disorders
B Bruton agammaglobulinemia

H Hemophilia A and B

L Lesch-Nyhan syndrome

D Duchenne muscular dystrophy

Krabbe Galaxy (Crab nebula) answer Galactocerbosidase

(crying voice) Oh My Gauche, he's such answer Glucocerbosidase and crying voice
a bro (also think gluts day for bros) indicates crumpled tissue paper pathology

answer Fabry disease is X linked and

Gay guy saying "my Fabrite activity is accumulated substance is Ceramide and
Ceramics. We made a galaXy"
alpha-galactosidase A is a deficient enzyme

"X marks the spot", says the Hunter answer Hunter's disease is X-linked, no
who sees clearly corneal clouding

E E. Coli (some strains)

S Streptococcus pneumoniae

P Pseudomonas aeruginosa

Even Some Pretty Nasty Killers Have N Neisseria mengingitidis

Shiny Bodies (Encapsulated
organisms) K Klebsiella pneumoniae

H Haemophilus influenzae type B

S Salmonella typhi

B Group B Streptococcus
S Streptococcus pneumoniae
SHiN (High-Yield Encapsulated H Haemophilus Influenzae
N Neisseria Meningitidis

SNOUT vs SPIN (Sensitivity vs answer = SeNsitivity rules OUT; SPIN =

Specificity) SPecificty rules IN

answer Pygmalion effect → Researcher’s

Research is such an arrogant PYG
(PYG-malion) he let’s his opinions belief in efficacy of Tx changes the outcome
influence the study (Bias Mnemonic) of the treatment

When we are being laughed at (Ha-Ha- answer Hawthorne effect → Group being
Ha-Hawthorne) and scrutinized by studied changes its behavior owing to the
others, our behavior changes (Bias
Mneumonic) knowledge of being studied

The P in Positive has one (I) vertical answer Alpha error (Type I) → false
line, so corresponds to type I Positive error

The N in negative has two (II) vertical answer Beta error (Type II) → false
lines, so corresponds to type II Negative error

Hep A+B+C

Hooray HIV

S Salmonella

S Shigella

S Syphilis

Hep, Hep, Hep, Hooray, the M Measles

SSSMMART Chick is Gone (Reportable
Diseases) M Mumps


R Rubella


C Chickenpox

G Gonorrhea

1 year 3 blocks
Blocks (age in years times 3) 2 years 6 blocks
(Developmental milestones)
3 years 9 blocks

answer 6-Mercaptopurine inhibits PRPP

“I am going to Merc the PRPP”

answer Freidreich ataxia → Clumsiness

When they fall they are like (can remember this from “ataxia” → Due to
answer Reiters syndrome (Reactive
Can’t see, can’t pee, can’t climb a tree

answer Heteoplasmy is presence of both

HeteroPLASMy (Can associate with normal and mutated mitochondrial DNA,
mitochondrial DNA because it is
circular like a PLASMid) resulting in variable expression in
mitochondrial inherited disease

C Citrobacter

K Klebsiella

MaConKEE'S Positive Organisms E E. Coli

E Enterobacter

S Serratia

Silver hat Silver Stain

Charcoal Buffered Charcoal Yeast Extract

French Legionaire (Legionnaire's)
Iron Dagger Requires Iron

No Sissy Requires Cysteine

K Kawasaki

C Coxsackie A
You drive Kawasaki CARS with your
hands and feet R Rocky Mountain spotted fever

S Secondary Syphilis

Rickettsial Triad answer Headache, Fever, Rash

Elastin (Largest Amino acid answer Glycine (like in collagen alpha

concentrations) helix) and proline

answer Hyperkalemia (Potassium levels

Peaked T waves
mirror the T waves)

ATTEN Attenuated Virus Vaccines

P Polio Vaccine (sabin)

V Varicella
Live! ATTENntion! Please Vaccinate Y Yellow Fever
Young Infants with MMR Regularly
I Intranasal Influenza


R Rotavirus
S Small Pox

Y Yellow Fever
Live! One night only! See small yellow
chickens get vaccinated with Sabin’s C Chickenpox
and MMR!”
S Sabin's


C Collagen Vascular Disease (PAN,


A Atopic diseases (allergies, asthma,

Churg-Strauss, allergic bronchopulmonary

N Neoplasm
CANADA-P (Eosinophilia)
A Adrenal insufficiency (Addison disease)

D Drugs (NSAIDs, penicillins,


A Acute Interstitial Nephritis

P Parasites (Strongyloides, Ascaris --->

Loeffler eosinophillic pneumonitis)

P Peripheral Neuropathy

H Hirsutisim

G Gingival Hyperplasia

Phenytoin Has Given MDs Frustration M Megaloblastic anemia

D Drug-induced lupus


F Fetal hydantoin syndrome

A Allopurinol

P Phenytoin

P Phenobarbital

L Lamotrigine
Steve Jobs made APPLE PCs (Drugs
that cause SJS) E Ethosuximide

P Penicillin

C Carbamazepine

S Sulfonamide

B Bromocriptine (Ergot so it will cause

peripheral vasoconstriction, which will raise
blood pressure) [also pramipexole, ropinirol]
BALSA (Parkinson's Drugs) A Amantadine


S Selegiline, rasagiline
A A-band (Dark has letter A)
dARrk Band, lIght band
I I-band (Light has letter I)

A Adrenal glands

D Duodenum (2nd-4th parts)

u Ureters

C Colon (Ascending and Descending, not

A DUCK PEAR (Retroperitoneal
structures) K Kidneys

P Pancreas (everything but the tail)

E Esophagus

A Aorta (and IVC)

R Rectum

A Adhesions (Surgical adhesions from

previous surgeries)

ABCs (Small bowel obstruction) B Hernia (second most common cause)

C Cancer (tumors ---> most commonly

metastatic colorectal cancer)

D Duodenal atresia

Don't Have A Clue (Intestinal H Hirschsprung disease

Abnormalities Associated with Down
Syndrome) A Annular Pancreas

C Celiac disease

answer AST (↑AST>ALT in Alcoholic

A Scotch and Tonic (Alcoholic hepatitis Ratio of 2:1 or greater), remember
viral roughly equally high ALT and AST

D Dissection (Aortic)

u Unstable angina
"If you're DUMPT, you're heart M Myocardial Infarction
P Pulmonary embolism

T Tension pneumothorax

L Loffler syndrome

E Endocardial fibroelastosis
LEASH to restrict dog (Restrictive A Amyloidosis
S Sarcoidosis

H Hemochromatosis

Wet Ber1ber1 cause Thiamine (b1 (ONE)) deficiency

H Haemophilus

B Bartonella

B Brucella
BBC (big b c) HACEK (Culture-negative A Actinobacillus
C Cardiobacterium

E Eikenella

K Kingella

C Conjunctivitis (Non-exudative painless)

R Rash

A Adenopathy

CRASH (Kawasaki Disease) S Strawberry Tounge

H Hands and Feet (Desquemation on

hands and fingers)

Note Higher risk for coronary aneurysms

L Listeria

A Atypicals (Mycoplasma, Chlamydia)

Cephalosporins are LAME against
M MRSA (except 5th gen Ceftaroline)

E Enterococci

T Toxoplasmosis

O parvOvirus B19 (other)

TORCHeS (Congenitally Acquired R Rubella

Infections from mother who has
primary infection) C CMV


S Syphilis

D Depressed mood

I Interest (Diminished)

G Guilt

S Sleep distrubance
DIG CAPES (Major Depressive
Disorder Diagnosis, for at least 2 C Concentration (impaired)
weeks, 5 out of 9)
A Appetitie Changes

P Psychomotor agitation/retardation

E Energy loss (fatigue)

S Suicidal Ideation

C Cardiotoxicity

C CNS toxicity
C's of Tricyclic Antidepressants
Overdose (Tryptiline) C anti-Cholinergic symptoms (confusion,
mydriasis, dry mouth, urinary retention,
C Cut back

A Annoyance
CAGE (alcohol screening)
G Guilt

E Eye-opener

S Snuffles

S Saber Shins (anterior bowing of tibia)

Three S's and and an F (Congenital
Syphilis) S Saddle Nose Deformity (flattening of
nasal bridge)

F Frontal bossing

I Isoleucine

L Leucine

I Love Vermont maple syrup from V Valine

maple trees with B1ranches (Blocked
degradation of Branched amino acids B1 Branched chain Alpha ketoacid
in Maple Syrup Urine Disease)
dehydrogenase (BCKDC is a thiamine
diphosphate (ThDP)-dependent enzyme.
ThDP is a derivative of thiamine (vitamin B1)

10 Factor X

7 Factor VII

9 Factor IX
DisSCo started in 1(0)972 (Vitamin K
Dependent Factors/Proteins) 2 Factor II

S Protein S

C Protein C

If 1 in first digit Hypertension

Rule for Steroid Endocrine Diseases
If 1 in second digit Masculinization

B Buffalo hump

A Amenorrhea

M Moon facies

C Crazy

u Ulcers (Peptic ulcers)

S Skin changes (acne and easy bruising)

BAM, CUSHINGOID (Cushing's H Hypertension
Syndrome from Steroid use)
I Infection

N Necrosis of femoral head

G Glaucoma

O Osteoporosis

I Immunosuppression

D Diabetes
answer 90% benign, 90% unilateral, 90%
Rule of 90's for Pheochromocytoma adrenal medulla, 90% do not calcify, 90%

Ch Chvostek sign---> Tap facial nerve and

Tap Cheek (Hypocalcemia)
get contraction of facial muscles

Tighten BP cuff on arm T Trousseau sign ---> Wrist and MP joints

(Hypocalcemia) flex from the tightening of the BP Cuff

T Thalassemia

H Hemoglobin C disease

THAL (Target cells) A Asplenia (also Howell-Jowel Bodies, one

per cell)

L Liver disease

S Sulfonamides

P Primaquine

N Nitrofurantoin
Spleen Purges Nasty Inclusions From
Damaged Cells (G6PD deficiency) I Isoniazid
(Heinz bodies (many possible per cell))
and bite cells F Fava beans

D Dapsone

C Chloroquine

F Fever

A Anemia

FAT RN (Pentad for TTP) T Thrombocytopenia

R Renal failure

N Neurological Symptoms

H Hemolysis

u Uremia

N Neurological Symptoms
HUNT for the Toilet Paper (TTP
symptoms) T Thrombocytopenia

F Fever

Toilet paper TTP

Cataracts, Toupee (early balding in answer Myotonic type 1 muscular

men), gonadal atrophy dystrophy (CTG repeats)
P Prominent occiput

R Rocker-bottom feet

I Intellectual disability
PRINCE Edward (Edwards Syndrome
Symptoms) N Nondisjunction

C Clenched fists (with overlapping fingers)

E low-set Ears

A α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase

T Transketolase
ATP (Thiamine cofactor for these
enzyme) P Pyruvate dehydrogenase

Note Also for branched-chain ketoacid


Fad and Fmn(Cofactors derived from answer riboFlavin

B2, also B2 = 2 ATP)

answer Cheilosis (inflamation of lips,

2 C's of B2 scaling, and fissures at mouth corners) and
Corneal vascularization

Nad derived from Niacin answer B3 (N for nad and niacin)

3 D's of B3 (Pellagra), also B3 = 3 ATP answer Dermatitis, dementia, diarrhea

Avidin in egg whites avidly binds answer Raw egg white ingestion causes B7
biotin deficiency

T Thiamine pyrophosphate (B1)

L Lipoic acid
The Lovely Co-Enzymes For Nerds (Co- C CoA (B5)
Factors for Pyruvate dehydrogenase)
F FAD (B2)

N NAD+ (B3)

L Lysine
onLy pureLy ketogenic amino acids
L Leucine
C Citrate

I Isocitrate

K alpha-Ketoglutarate

Citrate Is Krebs' Starting Substrate S Succinyl CoA

For Making Oxaloacetate (Order of
Kreb's cycle enzymes) S Succinate

F Fumarate

M Malate

O Oxaloacetate

P Pyruvate carboxylase

P Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP)
Pathway Produces Fresh Glucose carboxykinase
(Order of gluconeogenesis enzymes)
F Fructose 1, 6 bisphosphatase

G Glucose-6-phosphatase

R Rotenone (Complex I)

A Antimycin A (Complex III)

Rapid Anl Causes Oozing C Cyanide and CO

(+Uncoupling) (Order of Oxidative
Phosphorylase Complex Inhibitors, no O Oligomycin
inhibitors for complex II)
uncoupling 2,4 Dinitrophenol, Asprin

Why no II Don't want to go number II

it would be A Sin if A KID died (High A sin Ni-asin (Niacin B3)

yield [missing the malate one] TCA
enzymes requiring niacin), also alpha AK Alpha ketoglutarate dehydrogenase
ketogluatarate requires B1 (TPP), B2
(FAD), B3(NAD+), CoA (B5), lipoic acid Id Isocitrate Dehydrogenase

You Suck on a lollilop, it has lots of S Succinate

Flavor" (Succinate to Fumarate Step
Required Cofactor) F riboFlavin (B2)

L Lens (Has primarily aldose reductase)

LuRKS (Cells that don't have sorbitol
dehydrogenase--> Succeptible to
R Retina
sorbitol accumulation and damage,
only have aldose reductase) Note ---> K Kidney
Liver, ovaries, and seminal vesicles
have both enzymes S Schwann Cells

met Methionine
I MET HIS VALentine, she is so sweet
(Glucogenic amino acids) (leucine and His Histidine
lysine are ketogenic)
Val Valine

His Histidine
HIS LYS (lies) ARe basic (Basic amino Lys Lysine
acids, arginine is most basic)
AR Arginine
Ordinarily Ornithine

Careless Carbamoyl Phosphate

Crappers Citrulline

are Aspartate
Ordinarily, Careless Crappers Are Also
Frivolous About Urination also Argininosuccinate

Frivolous Fumarate

About Arginine

urination Urea

answer painful Muscle cramps,

Myoglobinuria (red urine),
Mycophosphorylase deficiency (skeletal
M's of Mcardle Disease (McArdle =
Muscle) Muscle glycogen phosphorylase)

Note Blood glucose levels typically


S Sodium Valproate (VALPROIC ACID)

I Isoniazid

C Cimetidine

K Ketoconazole

F Fluconazole

A Acute alcohol abuse

SICKFACES.COM (First Aid Mneumonic
for cytochrome P450 inhibitors) C Chloramphenicol

E Erythromycin (macrolides)

S Sulfonamides (Sulfonamide antibiotics)

C Ciprofloxacin

O Omeprazole

M Metronidazole

A Anti-epileptics

Always Think When Outdoors T Theophyllne

(Important Cytochrome P450
substrates) W Warfarin


Carb Carbamezapine

Chronic alcoholics Chronic alcohol

ST St. John's Wort

Chronic alcoholics Steal Phen-Phen Phen Phenytoin

and Never Refuse Greasy Carbs (P40
inducers) Phen Phenobarbital

Nev Nevirapine

R Rifampin

GR Griseofulvin
AAA Acute Alcohol Abuse

R Ritonavir

A Amiodarone

C Cimetidine/ciprofloxacin

K Ketoconazole
S Sulfonamides

In Isoniazid (INh)

G Grapefruit juice

Q Quindine

M Macrolides (except azithromycin)

B Barbituates

S St. John's wort

C Carbamazepine

R Rifampin
BullShit CRAP GPS induces my rage! A Alcohol (chronic)
(P450 Inducers)
P Phenytoin

G Griseofulvin

P Phenobarbital

S Sulfonylureas

answer SLE is associated with HLA DR2

2,3 SLE
and DR3

M Muliple Sclerosis

H Hay Fever
Multiple Hay Pastures have DiRt P goodPasture syndrome
(Diseases associated with DR2)
Dirt DR2

also SLE

answer Rheumatoid arthritis is associated

There are 4 walls in a "rheum"
with HLA DR4

DIT Mnemonics

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